CallforEurope is a consultancy that provides for professional information and assistance on European Policies, Programmes and Public Calls. Our mission is to support transparent knowledge and easy access to all of the opportunities offered by EU Programmes.
We think that giving fresh information on such themes is a
valid lever for boosting European Union integration. Our support is intended to:
• offer technical information on how to access to and manage EU grants and projects;
• make people find new transnational partnerships throughout Europe;
• stimulate public debate on how to access to EU funds. Our ambition is to serve as a
technical resource center
We want to serve primarily those that usually work on writing applications and managing projects through European funding. Call them “Euro-drafters” or “Euro-experts”: in any case, their activity demands high specialization a
“This magazine aims to help ‘Euro-Drafters’ make the most of their funding call proposals”
Hello readers!
In the 18th of December 2022 edition, we commented various EU calls published during the current week.
Almost 100 new funding calls have been issued this week under Horizon Europe. Fundings are aimed at support research and innovation in an extensive range of topics, such as social policies, inequality issues, promotion of cultural heritage, health issues, energy and climate change policies. We will be analysing Horizon Europe new funding calls offering single synopses in the next weeks.
Furthermore, new funding calls have been issued under the Health Programme, Digital Europe Programme and Interregional cooperation programme Have a good read!
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022 Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023 DEADLINE
CALL TITLE TOPIC AMOUNT (EURO) PAGE 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Conceptual development of Automated Multi-Modal Mobility-Systems (“Moving Infrastructures”)
- page 69 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technological development of Maglev-derived Systems - page 71 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New railway station concept for green and socially inclusive smart cities
- page 74 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe DAC Migration Roadmap towards Deployment - page 72 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hyperloop Industrial Roadmap and pilots - page 73 14/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Building a community of scientific research and and enabling a network of PhD (academia teaming with industry)
- page 67 15/12/22 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
2nd Open Call - Looking for low-tech SMEs to improve their products, services, or value chains with AI!
60.000 page 50 15/12/2022 Research and Innovation Preparatory Projects Developing a system for the automated measuring of tail length and tail lesions of pigs at the slaughter line
1.500.000 page 51 15/12/2022 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
ERC Science Journalism Initiative 1.500.000 page 75 5/1/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
IMCAP-2023-INFOME 4.000.000 page 76 9/01/23 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
Open Call #2 360.000 page 77 10/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
Horizon Europe Call for pilots exploiting the DigiPrime digital platform and services.
Information Measures for the EU Cohesion policy (IMREG)
Information measures for the EU Cohesion policy for 2022 7.000.000 page 139
1.200.000 page 135 10/01/2023 Regional Development and Cooperation
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
10/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe Programme
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of algal and renewable fuels of non-biological origin
10/01/2023 Energy and Environment CEF Programme
10/01/2023 International Development and Cooperation
10/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
CEF-E-2022-CBRENEWPREPSTUDIES – CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects
Europeaid Programme Supporting more inclusive societies in the Eastern Caribbean
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
CEF-E-2022-CBRENEWPREPSTUDIES – CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects
Music Moves Europe 4.500.000 page 160 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Best international practice for scaling up sustainable biofuels
1.000.000 page 121
1,320,000 page 218
9.000.000 page 86 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficient and circular artificial photosynthesis 10.000.000 page 87 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Efficient and low-emission technologies for industrial use of combustion and gasification systems from low-value biogenic residues and wastes
10.000.000 page 88 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative components and/ or sub-systems for CSP plants and/or concentrating solar thermal installations
16.500.000 page 89 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated wind farm control 18.000.000 page 90 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Novel Thin Film (TF) technologies targeting high efficiencies
dRural Open Call for Regional Demonstrators 1.200.000 page 149
20.000.000 page 85 10/01/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Recycling end of life PV modules 20.000.000 page 91 14/01/2023 Regional Development and Cooperation IT'SANEXTRACTGOTOSHOPWINDOWTOGET
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Inland ports – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
250.000.000 18/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
Rail – studies, works or mixed 250.000.000
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Rail – studies, works or mixed 2.000.000,00
Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
Rail – studies, works or mixed 1.620.000.000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
31/01/2023 Research and Innovation Health Programme Open call for proposals for operating grants to non-governmental organisations: financial contribution to the functioning of health non-governmental bodies implementing one or more specific objectives of Regulation 2021/522
9.000.000 page 106
31/01/2023 Research and Innovation EMIL Programme Emil-1 Call 5.800.000 page 89
31/01/2023 Research and Innovation AIPlanEU Programme Open Call 2 Innovators 1.050.000 page 105
31/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Erasmus+ European UniversitiesIntensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation (Topic 1)
Erasmus+ European UniversitiesDevelopment of new deep institutional transnational cooperation (Topic 2)
38.400.000 page 170
345.000.000 page 171 31/01/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
EMFAF Sustainable transport and ports in the Mediterranean 2.400.000 page 137
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
EMFAF Diversification of fisheries activities in the Atlantic area 2.000.000 page 139
EMFAF Regenerative ocean farming in the Baltic Sea Region 600.000 page 138 31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
31/01/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
EMFAF Sustainable maritime and coastal tourism in the Outermost Regions
EMFAF Harnessing preparedness and response to marine pollution in the Black Sea
EMFAF Maritime clusters as an innovative enabler for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean
1.000.000 page 140
600.000 page 141
1.000.000 page 142
EMFAF Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy 7.500.000 page 143
02/02/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANTS 595.000.000 page 108
02/02/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe NGI0 Entrust (2023-02E) 9 602 956 page 109
7/02/2023 Employment and Social development
Education, Vocational training and Culture
European Social Fund + (ESF)
Education, Vocational training and Culture
Education, Vocational training and Culture
SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01 7.300.000 page 209
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Chair
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Centres of Excellence
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Networks in other fields of Education and Training
18 633 414 page 173
18 633 414 page 174
18 633 414 page 179
Education, Vocational training and Culture
Education, Vocational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
14/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
15/02/2023 Employment and Social development
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Internal EU issues: Digital Transformation in Europe
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of Education and Training: Learning EU Initiatives
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate: Foreign policy issues: EU-AFRICA
Single Market Programme (SMP)
European Social Fund + (ESF)
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
Greening SMEs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation
18 633 414 page 177
18 633 414
18 633 414 page 177
18 633 414 page 176
18 633 414 page 177
6.000.000 page 145
ESF-2022-EURES-TMS-01 12.000.000 page 210
Capacity building of Security Operation Centres 15.000.000
Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Centres With Member States
Testing and Certification Capabilities 5.000.000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
15/02/2023 Research and Innovation Digital Europe Programme
16/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
16/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
16/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
16/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
16/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
21/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Uptake Of Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions 32.000.000
EU Cybersecurity Resilience, Coordination and Cybersecurity Ranges
Supporting The NIS Directive Implementation And National Cybersecurity Strategies
Securing 5G Strategic Digital Infrastructures And Technologies
Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 1 110.353.169 page 180
Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 2 110.353.169 page 181
Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 3 110.353.169 page 182
Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Design Measures 3.000.000 page 183
Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters 142.589.571 page 184
Creative Europe Circulation of European literary works 21.000.000 page 185
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs - cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other NCDs
Call for proposals to support the roll-out of the second cohort of the inter-speciality cancer training programme
Call for proposals to support structured dialogue at national or regional level on public procurement in the health sector - HERA
21/02/2023 Research and Innovation EU4 Health Programme (EU4H)
23/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Call for proposals on cancer and other NCDs prevention –action on health determinants
Creative Europe European Cooperation projects Small, Medium, Large Scale
60 076 809 page 186
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy works projects
CEF 2 Energy - Cross-border renewable energy studies projects
European Quantum Communication Infrastructure - The EuroQCI initiative - Works
30.000.000 page 146
30.000.000 page 147
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
Enterprise and Economic Development
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
23/02/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
28/02/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
1/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Backbone connectivity for Digital Global GatewaysWorks
Interconnection of backbone networks for cloud federations – Studies
5G coverage along transport corridors - Works 25.000.000
5G for Smart CommunitiesWorks 5.000.000
5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies 3.000.000
Preparation of works for Operational digital platforms 25.000.000
Integration of 5G with edge computing and federated cloud facilities
Erasmus+ Capacity building in the field of Vocational education and training (VET)
2.000.000 page 187
27 116 244 page 187
Creative Europe Video games and immersive content development 6.000.000 page 188
Horizon Europe EGNSS applications for Smart mobility 9.500.000 page 111
Horizon Europe Copernicus downstream applications and the European Data Economy
9.600.000 page 112
Horizon Europe Public sector as Galileo and/ or Copernicus user 5.200.000 page 113
Horizon Europe GOVSATCOM Service developments and demonstrations 9.100.000 page 114
02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
Horizon Europe Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners
Horizon Europe Large-scale Copernicus data uptake with AI and HPC 9.600.000 page 116
5.100.000 page 115 02/03/2023 Enterprise and Economic Development
07/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EIC Pathfinder Open 179.500.000 page 117
08/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 77.500.000 page 118 08/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe MSCA COFUND 2022 95.000.000 page 110
08/03/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Youth 6 923 231 page 211
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Research infrastructure services advancing frontier knowledge: co-fund pilots with pan-European RIs and/or national RIs
12.000.000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Research infrastructure services to enable R&I addressing main challenges and EU priorities
105.000.000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Research infrastructure services advancing frontier knowledge
251.000.000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Next generation services for operational and sustainable EOSC Core Infrastructure
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New technologies and solutions for reducing the environmental and climate footprint of RIs
3000000 09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Preparation of common strategies for future development of RI technologies and services within broad RI communities
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Concept development for a research infrastructure to manage, integrate and sustain large medical cohort studies
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Consolidation of the RI landscape – Individual support for evolution and long-term sustainability of pan-European research infrastructures
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of community-based approaches for ensuring and improving the quality of scientific software and code
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EOSC Architecture and Interoperability Framework 3000000
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Research ethics for environmental and climate technologies
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Strengthening the international dimension of ESFRI and/or ERIC research infrastructures
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Planning, tracking, and assessing scientific knowledge production
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Preparatory phase of new ESFRI research infrastructure projects
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Trusted environments for sensitive data management in EOSC
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Early phase implementation of ESFRI Projects which entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Consolidation of the RI landscape – development of complementarities, synergies and/ or integration between a set of pan- European research infrastructures
Strengthen the bilateral cooperation on research infrastructures with Latin America
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Build on the science cluster approach to ensure the uptake of EOSC by research infrastructures and research communities
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022 Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Programme level collaboration between national R&I policy-makers
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe A strong European R&I Foresight Community to better inform R&I policy decisions in the European Research Area about potential futures
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of new approaches to the macroeconomic modelling of research and innovation
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Exploitation and valorisation of results relevant for the ERA Policy Agenda
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Laying the groundwork towards Europe-wide citizen science campaigns
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to reforms of research assessment in the European Research Area
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Building a virtual European Info Platform on Contemporary China
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe The future of research ethics review in the changing research environments
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation
09/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Policy support to facilitate the implementation of a zero-tolerance approach towards gender-based violence in the ERA
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support to the implementation of an EU Manifesto for STE(A)M education and research and innovation career paths to tackle gender inequalities in the ERA
Creative Europe European Festivals 10.000.000 page 189
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Integration of data life cycle, architectures and standards for complex data cycles and/ or human factors, language (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
29/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Collaboration with NSF on fundamental research on new concepts for distributed computing and swarm intelligence (CSA)
Pervasive photonics - multi-technology integration for digital infrastructure, sensors and internet of things (Photonics partnership)(RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Boosting industrial symbiosis by standardisation (CSA) 2000000
30/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
30/03/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe Audience Development and Film education 6.300.000 page 172
Creative Europe NEWS - Media Literacy 2.000.000 page 196
Employment and Social Inclusion Justice Programme Call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of advanced biofuel technologies for aviation and/or shipping
30/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of MVDC, HVDC and High-Power Transmission systems and components for a resilient grid
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Renewable Energy Valleys to increase energy security while accelerating the green transition in Europe
30/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of synthetic renewable fuel for aviation and/or shipping
4.075.000 page 199
18 000 000
40 000 000
18 000 000
16 000 000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Critical technologies for the offshore wind farm of the Future
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of novel longterm electricity storage technologies
600 000
14 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Supporting the green and digital transformation of the energy ecosystem and enhancing its resilience through the development and piloting of AI-IoT Edge-cloud and platform solutions
40 000 000 30/03/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of sustainable tidal energy farms 18 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Waste heat reutilisation from data centres 18 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe PV integration in buildings and in infrastructure 20 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Solar Systems for Industrial Process Heat and Power 12 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of DC powered data centres, buildings, industries and ports
14 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Demonstration of innovative, large-scale, seasonal heat and/or cooling storage technologies for decarbonisation and security of supply
30 000 000 30/03/2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Clean Energy Transition Co-funded Partnership 14 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Floating PV Systems 22 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Supporting the development of a digital twin to improve management, operations and resilience of the EU Electricity System in support to REPowerEU
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support action to the SET Plan IWG on HVDC & DC Technologies
40 000 000
18 000 000 30/03/2023
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Development of CO2 transport and storage demo projects
45 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Open Pilot Line/Test Bed for hydrogen 10 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Driving Urban Transition Co-funded Partnership 15 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation Fund
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe New processes for upcoming recycling feeds (Batt4EU Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technologies for sustainable, cost-efficient and low carbon footprint downstream processing & production of battery-grade materials (Batt4EU Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-China international cooperation on data and model development for pathways to carbon neutrality: focusing on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and socio-economic implications of the transition
4 000 000
12 000 000
20 700 000
15 000 000
21 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU-China international cooperation on blue carbon 14 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modelling for local resilience - Developments in support of local adaptation assessments and plans
12 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Solar Radiation Modification: governance of research 5 500 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa 3 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Climate-related tipping points 16 000 000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Science for successful, high-integrity voluntary climate initiatives
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Further climate knowledge through advanced science and technologies for analysing Earth observation and Earth system model data
16 000 000
10 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Improved knowledge in cloud-aerosol interaction 10 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Improving the evidence base regarding the impact of sustainability and climate change education and related learning outcomes
8 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Climate impacts of a hydrogen economy 8 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Broadening the range of policy options in transition pathway analysis
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Behavioural change and governance for systemic transformations towards climate resilience
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced digital twins for battery cell production lines (Batt4EU Partnership)
Employment and Social Inclusion Justice Programme Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children: call to intermediaries (giving financial support to third-party civil society organisations)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Achieving resiliency in value networks through modelling and Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
14 000 000
24.900.000 page 214
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Circular economy in process industries: Upcycling large volumes of secondary resources (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Electrification of high temperature heating systems (Processes4Planet Partnership) (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Modelling industry transition to climate neutrality, sustainability and circularity (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
High-precision OR complex product manufacturing –potentially including the use of photonics (Made in Europe and Photonics Partnerships) (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Recycling technologies for critical raw materials from EoL products (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Technologies for processing and refining of critical raw materials (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Coordination and knowledge sharing across materials development communities (CSA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Expert network on Critical raw materials (CSA) 3.000.000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated approach for impact assessment of safe and sustainable chemicals and materials (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Computational models for the development of safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative methods for safety and sustainability assessments of chemicals and materials (RIA)
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Affordable Housing District Demonstrator (IA) 10.000.000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Earth Observation platform, products and services for raw materials (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Recyclability and resource efficiency of Rare Earth based magnets (IA)
Boosting generation and diffusion of advanced technologies in SMEs based on a supply chain model (CSA)
Employment and Social Inclusion Justice Programme Call for proposals for action grants to promote judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Circular economy solutions for the valorisation of low-quality scrap streams, materials recirculation with high recycling rate, and residue valorisation for long term goal towards zero waste (Clean Steel Partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Factory-level and value chain approaches for remanufacturing (Made in Europe Partnership) (IA)
Sustainable and efficient industrial water consumption: through energy and solute recovery (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Low carbon-dioxide emission technologies for melting iron-bearing feed materials OR smart carbon usage and improved energy & resource efficiency via process integration (Clean Steel Partnership) (IA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Foresight and technology transfer for Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership) (CSA)
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Energy efficiency breakthroughs in the process industries (Processes4Planet partnership) (RIA)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hubs for circularity for near zero emissions regions applying industrial symbiosis and cooperative approach to heavy industrialized clusters and surrounding ecosystems (Processes4Planet partnership) (IA)
20/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe Innovation Lab 5.438.131 page 197
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Thermal management and energy optimisation of high energy demand IT systems equipment in tertiary buildings
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Integrated real-time digital solutions to optimise navigation and port calls to reduce emissions from shipping (ZEWT Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Towards the implementation of the inland navigation action programme with a focus on Green and Connected Inland Waterway Transport
20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Support for the organisation of EU-US symposia in the field of Transport Research
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Interoperable solutions for positive energy districts (PEDs), including a better integration of local renewables and local excess heat sources
20 000 000
6 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Innovative solutions for cost-effective decarbonisation of buildings through energy efficiency and electrification
25 000 000
8 000 000
9 000 000
10 000 000
20 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Measuring road transport results towards 2ZERO KPIs (2ZERO Partnership)
6 000 000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022
Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Accelerating climate-neutral hydrogen-powered/electrified aviation
Demonstrations to accelerate the switch to safe use of new sustainable climate neutral fuels in waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Innovative battery management systems for next generation vehicles (2ZERO & Batt4EU Partnership)
Developing a flexible offshore supply of zero emission auxiliary power for ships moored or anchored at sea deployable before 2030 (ZEWT Partnership)
25 000 000
8 000 000
9 000 000
10 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Advanced transport emissions monitoring networks 16 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Innovative cost-efficient solutions for zero-emission buildings
Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs
Developing small, flexible, zero-emission and automated vessels to support shifting cargo from road to sustainable Waterborne Transport
Frugal zero-emission vehicles concepts for the urban passenger challenge (2ZERO Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe EU Member States/Associated countries research policy cooperation network to accelerate zero-emission road mobility (2ZERO Partnership)
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe
Competitiveness and digital transformation in aviation –advancing further capabilities, digital approach to design
Integration of renewable heat or industrial waste heat in heat-to-cold conversion systems to generate cold for industrial processes
10 000 000
15 000 000
15 000 000
1 500 000
9 000 000
15 000 000
34 000 000
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022 Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe User-centric design and operation of EV for optimized energy efficiency (2ZERO Partnership)
500 000
20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Hydrogen-powered aviation 12 000 000
Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Reducing the environmental impact from shipyards and developing a whole life strategy to measure and minimise the non-operational environmental impacts from shipping
9.000.000 20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Circular economy approaches for zero emission vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)
20/04/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Developing the next generation of power conversion technologies for sustainable alternative carbon neutral fuels in waterborne applications (ZEWT Partnership)
16.000.000 26/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe CREA-MEDIA-2023-CODEV 6.500.000 page 199
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges in Higher Education and Youth 6.266.138 page 198 27/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
26/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe NEWS: Journalism partnerships - Pluralism 5.000.000 page 200 27/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe European Film Distribution 34.000.000 page 204 27/04/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe NEWS: Journalism partnerships - Collaboratios 5.000.000 page 201 03/05/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Erasmus+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint')
62.000.000 page 203 03/05/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Erasmus+ Alliances for Education and Enterprises 62.000.000 page 202 03/05/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion European Solidarity Corps
Humanitarian Aid Volunteering 6.800.000 page 215 23/05/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe ERC ADVANCED GRANTS 597.000.000 page 127
Edition: Dec 18 - Dec 24 / 2022 Deadlines: 18 December 2022 - 17 June 2023
23/05/2023 Research and Innovation Horizon Europe CASSINI Prize for digital space applications page 128
1/06/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
8/06/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
European mini-slate development 5.500.000 page 205
Erasmus+ Partnership for ExcellenceCentres of Vocational Excellence
52.000.000 page 206
20/06/2023 Education, Vocational training and Culture
20.000.000 page 216
Creative Europe European Film sales agent 5.500.000 page 207 20/06/2023 Employment and Social Inclusion CERV Programme Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination
Public programmes that fund the specific call for proposals, according to specific policy objectives, and accompanied by specific working plans, financial regulations, etc.
Administration Administrations, Institutions and/or Agencies, committed to the implementation of the programmes and funding of coherent initiatives and projects according to the single ongoing call for projects.
Public calls for projects generally include the general and specific objectives to be achieved by the funded initiatives. Objectives are coherent with the general ones defined by the funding programmes.
Eligible Activities Projects are expected to be implemented through types of activities identified as eligible to public funding. In many cases, calls also list activitities and connected costs not eligible to public funding from a specific European programme.
Entities eligible to apply for funding can be physical or legal persons. Legal persons can include public and/or private entities. In many cases, calls require applicants to form partnerships or legal consortia, with specific conditions for lead applicans, applicants and associate entities.
Geo-coverage Projects are expected to be implemented (in terms of activities, outputs, results and/ or impacts) in specific territories within or outside European Member States
Type of call Calls can be published for funding projects, tenders. Calls may also fund individual commitments (calls for interests) Max Duration (months) Funding of projects is expected
Administration EIC
EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. This topic has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application. For any chosen field, EIC Transition projects should address, in a balanced way, both technology and market/business development, possibly including iterative learning processes based on early customer or user feedback. These activities should include, subject to the level of maturity of the technology, a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6). The activities must in all cases address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment (market research, business case, prospects for growth, intellectual property protection, competitor analysis etc.) and other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready.
EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation.
A single legal entity established in a Member State or an Associated Country (‘monobeneficiary’)
organisation, including teams, individual Principle Investigators
institutions who intend to form a spinout company). Larger
(i.e. which do not qualify as SMEs) are not eligible to apply as a single legal entity;
two different Member States
EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by the EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. Proposals submitted to this EIC Transition Challenge call should focus on one or more of the following specific objectives: - advance, beyond the state-of-the-art, RNA delivery methods, including robust mRNA formulations, that would enable effective and safe delivery of mRNA into the cells; - design, develop and preclinical validate of novel miRNAs (miRNA lncRNA, tRNA or siRNAbased) therapies for complex or rare genetic diseases; develop and validate novel RNA-based diagnostics and RNA-based predictive biomarkers that would allow for early and more accurate diagnosis and for favourable or non- post-treatment prognosis, respectively
Proposals are expected to contribute to at least one of the following outcomes: novel technological solutions leading to more effective and safer RNA delivery methods applicable to a wide range of non-infectious diseases; utilisation of RNAs to molecularly classify sub-types of different solid tumours that would allow for stratification of patients leading to more effective and precise treatments in complex diseases with high-unmet medical needs; novel and sound ideas for the development and validation of RNA-based therapeutic platforms and drugs; all the projects should lead to a sufficiently mature and sound data for being ready to be up taken to the (pre-) clinical trials.
entity established in a Member State or an Associated Country (‘monobeneficiary’) if you are an SME or a research performing organisation (university, research or technology organisation, including teams, individual Principle Investigators and inventors in such institutions who intend to form a spinout company). Larger companies (i.e. which do not qualify as SMEs)
Administration EIC
EIC Transition aims at maturing both your technology and business idea thus increasing its technology and market readiness. The expected outcomes of an EIC Transition project are a) a technology that is demonstrated to be effective for its intended application and b) a business model, its initial validation and a business plan for its development to market. It is also expected that the intellectual property generated by the EIC Transition project is formally protected in an adequate way. Proposals submitted to this EIC Transition Challenge should focus on demonstrating novel digital devices and/or architectures that have a clear and quantifiable advantage with respect to one or several of the key issues mentioned above compared with existing alternatives for a class of relevant problems or applications. Proposals should focus their work on harnessing a physical, chemical, or biological process not previously explored, or they should revisit existing devices while operating them in novel modes or regimes leading to a novel approach with quantifiable and demonstrable advantages.
EIC Transition funds innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of a novel technology from the lab to the relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, formulation, models, user testing or other validation tests) as well as explorations and development of a sustainable business case and business model towards commercialisation.
A single legal entity established in a Member State or an Associated Country (‘monobeneficiary’) if you are an SME or a research performing organisation (university, research or technology organisation, including teams, individual Principle Investigators
inventors in such institutions who intend to form a spinout company). Larger companies (i.e. which do not qualify as SMEs) are not eligible to apply as a single legal entity; or a small consortium of two independent legal entities from two different Member States or Associated Countries, or a consortium of minimum three and maximum five independent legal entities.
The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
Starting Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 1 500 000 for a period of 5 years. Additional funding up to EUR 1 000 000 can be requested in the proposal to cover the following eligible costs when these are necessary to carry out the proposed work: (a) "start-up" costs for Principal Investigators moving to the EU or an Associated Country from elsewhere as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant, and/or (b) the purchase of major equipment, and/or (c) access to large facilities, and/or (d) other major experimental and field work costs, excluding personnel costs.
The ERC actions are open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any EU Member State or Associated Country. Principal Investigators may be of any age and nationality and may reside in any country in the world at the time of the application. Eligible Host Institution: The Host Institution (Applicant Legal Entity) must engage and host the Principal Investigator for at least the duration of the project, as defined in the grant agreement.
The ERA Talents action aims to boost interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a centre of gravity in widening countries. Projects are expected to contribute to several of the following outcomes: Strengthened human capital base in R&I of Widening countries, with more entrepreneurial and better-trained researchers, innovators and other R&I talents; A more balanced talent circulation, both geographical and cross-sectoral; Boosted R&I capacity and R&I support capacity, as well as contribution to increased excellence of the research-performing organisation in widening countries; A more structured and impactful collaboration between academia and businesses; Increased set of research, entrepreneurial and other transferable skills and competences; Improved employability and sustainable career prospects of diverse talents within academia, industry and beyond
Cross-sectoral talent circulation and academia-business collaboration for knowledge transfer is requiring systematising and structuring efforts. Through ERA4You, as one of the ERA Policy Actions[1], the European Commission aims to support and incentivise such transformations, towards a more balanced circulation of talents, both trans-nationally and across sectors. Within this scope, ERA Talents aims to support training and mobility of researchers, innovators, and other research and innovation talents across sectors with a particular focus on widening countries. The grant covers expenses related to the ERA Talents participating organisations and individual talents hosted/seconded (administrative costs, training costs, travel and subsistence costs and salaries for seconded staff, and costs associated with dissemination & communication and transfer of knowledge). the ERA Talents scheme promotes innovative inter-sectoral collaboration in research and innovation through cross-sectoral exchange of staff, with a focus on widening countries. This call particularly encourages experimentation by diverse and heterogeneous consortia in order to develop best practices for intersectoral talent circulation at the benefit of widening countries. Grants awarded under this topic will be invited to collaborate with each other and participate in mutual learning exercises. A mandatory return phase for every cross-border secondment from a widening country has to be included in the secondment methodology, equal to the duration of the secondment, but not more than 12 months. Support, excluding salaries, for such return phase on the grant is allowed for up to 12 months after the first secondment, within the duration of the grant. A return phase is not mandatory for mobility within the same country or secondment from a non-widening to a widening country. Exchanges should mainly occur between academic and non-academic sector entities (or vice-versa) from different EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries. Same-country exchanges are also possible under the condition that they serve the specific purpose of maintaining or reinforcing regional innovation ecosystems.
Administration EIC
This EIC Accelerator Challenge identifies the following set of key strategic areas and corresponding specific objectives for which highly innovative start-ups and SMEs are invited to propose new technologies, pioneering solutions and breakthrough innovations: Components, technologies and systems for the pharmaceutical industry; Strategic healthcare technologies building on Europe’s research strengths in cell and gene therapies; Sustainable and innovative approaches, including circular approaches to critical raw materials (CRM); New applications of quantum technologies on the ground and in space building on Europe’s research strengths; Edge computing applications; Innovative applications making use of data and signals from EU space infrastructures; Development of space technologies; Critical security technologies for secure communication, data security and protection of borders; Technologies for innovative financial and payment infrastructures and services supporting the development of panEuropean payment solutions
The expected impact of this Challenge is a significant reduction of the European dependency on other regions for deep-tech innovations and services of EU key strategic interest, and consequently strengthening of European competitiveness, security and open strategic autonomy. Applications to this EIC Accelerator Challenge may request an investment component of above EUR 15 million in duly justified cases.
Single company classified as a SME and established within a Member State or an Associated Country; Single company classified as a ‘Small mid-cap’ (up to 500 employees) established in a Member State or an Associated Country; natural persons (including individual entrepreneurs) or legal entities, which are either: a. from a Member State or an Associated Country; b. intending to invest in an SME or small midcap in a Member State or an Associated Country; c. from a non-associated third country intending to establish an SME (including start-ups) or to relocate an existing SME to a Member State or an Associated Country.
validation of the system and the comparison of the outcomes to other data sources, such as visual assessments by trained assessors.
assessment of the functionality and the impact of the system (including the costs) by discussing the outcomes with relevant stakeholders.
piloting of the system in practise, in the first instance as an aid for farmers
further refine their farm management so as to prevent tail biting and avoid
Administration EIC
The EIC Accelerator supports the later stages of technology development as well as scale up. The technology component of your innovation must therefore have been tested and validated in a laboratory or other relevant environment (e.g. at least Technology Readiness Level 5/6 or higher). The EIC Accelerator looks to support companies where the EIC support will act as a catalyst to crowd in other investors necessary for the scale up of the innovation.
The EIC Accelerator focuses on innovations building on scientific discovery or technological breakthroughs (‘deep tech’) and where significant funding is needed over a long timeframe before returns can be generated (‘patient capital’). Such innovations often struggle to attract financing because the risks and time period involved are too high. Funding and support from the EIC Accelerator is designed to enable such innovators to attract the full investment amounts needed for scale up in a shorter timeframe. The EIC Accelerator supports companies (principally SMEs, including startups) to scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones. The EIC Accelerator provides a unique combination of funding from EUR 0.5 to EUR 17.5 million and Business Acceleration Services
Single company classified as a SME and established within a Member State or an Associated Country; Single company classified as a ‘Small mid-cap’ (up to 500 employees) established in a Member State or an Associated Country; natural persons
individual entrepreneurs) or legal entities, which are either: a. from a Member State or an Associated Country; b. intending to invest in an SME or small midcap in a Member State or an Associated Country; c. from a non-associated third country intending to establish an SME (including start-ups) or to relocate an existing SME to a Member State
Programme Horizon Europe
Administration EIC
This EIC Accelerator Challenge aims at supporting the development and scaling up of technologies and boosting breakthrough innovations that strengthen the green transition. Breakthrough innovations for this Challenge should have the potential to create significant economic, competitiveness and employment benefits for Europe. This Challenge targets ground-breaking innovations in any field of technology that have a high potential to meet the following goals: Higher clean energy conversion and use; Energy efficiency and safety in the built environment; Zero emission mobility solutions; Climate neutrality in the land use; Water, gas and indoor air management/monitoring systems; Green digital technologies to enhance energy system integration to enable supply and demand side management and costs optimisation, real time monitoring, control, digitalised maintenance; tools to enhance digital protection of energy systems, smart grids and net zero energy communities; blockchain concepts adapted to energy performance in buildings and to power systems increased reliability; quantum computing for energy systems; digital solutions/sensors to improve efficiency
The EIC Accelerator supports companies (principally SMEs, including start-ups) to scale up high impact innovations with the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones. It provides a unique combination of funding from EUR 0.5 to EUR 17.5 million and Business Acceleration Services. Eligible Applicants
Single company classified as a SME and established within a Member State or an Associated Country; Single company classified as a ‘Small mid-cap’ (up to 500 employees) established in a Member State or an Associated Country; natural persons (including individual entrepreneurs) or legal entities, which are either: a. from a Member State or an Associated Country; b. intending to invest in an SME or small midcap in a Member State or an Associated Country; c. from a non-associated third country intending to establish an SME (including start-ups) or to relocate an existing SME to a Member State or an Associated Country.
Enable the creation of a European community of academic and research champions in institutional transformation towards inclusive gender equality. Strengthening of the inclusiveness and connectivity objectives under the new European Research Area.
Award and certification schemes implemented in different countries, in the EU and beyond, have been shown to be useful tools for advancing gender equality in academic, research and innovation organisations, with some awarding schemes effectively being used as drivers for competition in attracting students and researchers and/or as prerequisite for having access to funding.
The Prize will be awarded to up to four academic or research organisations, and contestants can apply to one among the following three prize categories:
Sustainable Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that can demonstrate a significant and sustained record of activity and a high level of achievement through the implementation of their GEP;
Newcomer Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that have recently started implementing a GEP and can demonstrate the most progress in its implementation and achieved results;
Inclusive Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that have developed the most innovative inclusive GEP addressing intersections with other social categories such as ethnicity, social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTI+) or disability.
(public or
The Prize will be awarded to up to four academic or research organisations, and contestants can apply to one among the following three prize categories:
Sustainable Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that can demonstrate a significant and sustained record of activity and a high level of achievement through the implementation of their GEP;
Newcomer Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that have recently started implementing a GEP and can demonstrate the most progress in its implementation and achieved results;
Inclusive Gender Equality Champions: Organisations that have developed the most innovative inclusive GEP addressing intersections with other social categories such as ethnicity, social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity (LGBTI+) or disability.