Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - Sunday 11th October 2020

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WHAT’S UNDERNEATH? Captain Callum Newton

The worship hall at the Citadel presents something of an unusual view at the moment as all of the granite work on the front wall has been exposed for the first time, I believe, since the major refurbishments in 2008. In it’s own way it’s beautiful, but as one examines it up close, the imperfections become clear. The builders are working on repairing the damage and looking at methods to prevent further damage to the fabric of the building. The work is to also be carried out on the floor below (1st floor hall). It is no easy task and is a project that will not be completed in a short space of time. It, of course, is causing disruption to those of us who are still working out of the building and your prayers for everybody are appreciated in that. But I hope that we are able to bring a blessing to these people who are in our building and that their encounter with The Salvation Army will be a good one.

something of a privileged position at being able to see what lies behind the facade of the plasterboard. This is a part of the building which usually remains hidden from view. Its secrets remain contained and hidden until all the frontage is stripped away when it can be admired and also repaired.

Whilst it has provided me with a great deal more work on top of what I am already doing, I can’t help feeling I’m in ‘A Thought From the Word’

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‘Getting to Know You’ -Page 3-

Captain Emma Newton reflects on the message of Paul to the Phillipians about how to treat others. Phillipians 2:3-4 ‘… in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.’

‘What’s On’ - Page 8 -

This week we learn more about Bill Still. We really need more submissions for this feature to continue. If you are willing to contribute please do get in touch with the officers.

- Page 5 A reminder as well as an introduction to some of the great online resources that are available for you to access at the moment to aid your worship at home. Enjoy worship, reflection and praise.


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ABERDEEN CITADEL Serving God & Aberdeen For Over 140 Years 28 Castle Street Aberdeen AB11 5BG 01224 579 370


@aberdeencitadel Commanding Officers Captains Callum & Emma Newton callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk emma.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk

Part of the North Scotland Division and the United Kingdom with the Republic of Ireland Territory. Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be a Spiritfilled, radical, growing movement, with a burning desire to lead people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, actively serve the community, and fight for social justice. Divisional Commander (North Scotland): Major Gillian Jackson Territorial Commander (UKI): Commissioner Anthony Cotterill The General: General Brian Peddle

WHAT’S UNDERNEATH? CONTINUED FROM FRONT How often the same can be said of human beings; much is hidden by a facade which needs to be removed in order for the true beauty to be admired and for restoration to begin. God, thankfully, sees through the false fronts we put on and looks at the heart. If you look fine on the surface but underneath is in serious need of some repair, perhaps you need to bring yourself to the Lord in prayer. You are also welcome to be in touch with the officers or a friend within the fellowship for some support with this restoration too. Returning my thoughts to the building, I found something in the brickwork I didn’t expect. It is pictured below and it is something of a large hook and eye. I assume it was to do with the old balcony (pre-2008) and as it proved too well anchored to remove during the refurbishments it was simply sawn through and left behind the plasterboard. It is something that, had this work not been taking place, I would never have had any idea was there. But I found it fascinating. The hook tells me a few things. Firstly, something changed on the inside. We know that the building was completely remodelled and this hook predates that change. What is on the outside of the building remains largely unchanged, but inside there was a huge change. But can the same be said of the people who inhabit the building? Have we let the Lord make a real difference to us on the inside? General Gowans features in ‘Generally Speaking’ this week, he wrote for the musical ‘Take-over Bid’ the words of the song ‘A Different Man’ featuring the testimony: Outside everything’s as before, Inside there’s been a major war, And love has won, look what it’s gone and done. Transformed my interior! Another thing the hook reminds me is that even though that link was severed and was hidden away from view, the anchor in the solid wall never moved and never let go. Sometimes we do hide our faith from view. Sometimes

we try and sever the link all together. Perhaps that has been true for you in the past or present. Perhaps this has been true for some of your family and friends, people who know God but wandered away, severed the link. Take heart that like that anchor in the wall, God never desires to let go of them. The hook should be a reminder to us all of the steadfast love of God in whom we can securely place our faith and trust in these uncertain days. Early Salvation Army Officer, William James Pearson wrote (SASB 498): [I want] The faith that cannot fail, That makes salvation sure, Anchored within the heavenly veil, The faith that will endure. I want that kind of faith too. I want to be like the hook, holding on to the immovable loop. I want to know I am grasping firm to the solid rock that is Christ Jesus knowing that I will not be failed in any storm and that my salvation is sure. I learned a lot from what the builders perhaps once thought scrap metal and a nuisance which needed to be covered over. Keep your eyes open for what God may reveal to you in the ordinary everyday things too.


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A Thought From the Word

OTHERS CAPTAIN EMMA NEWTON There is a quote that has been prevalent across social media this week, attributed to Pope Francis, which says: “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.”

There is a story of William Booth wanting to send a message to all his officers, but due to the price of telegrams, and the number he wanted to send, he only had enough money to send one word. He chose the word ‘others’. There has been much speculation over the years of what he meant, but it certainly fits with our Bible reading.

At the moment most of us are facing the challenge of what to do next. As our lives continue to be different, and we mark The first time I read this was shortly after having read Philippians 2. seven months of separation from Christian fellowship, there In this chapter Paul is giving the church in Philippi instructions about is a tiredness that comes from constantly living with imitating Jesus. uncertainty. The acts of service you used to do, be it Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with meeting with friends or helping at the Citadel, the groups Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, you used to attend for leisure and the relationships you if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by formed there, even going to work or to visit family in their being like-minded, having homes, have all been the same love, being one in either taken away from us, 3 spirit and of one mind. Do or adjusted to a point nothing out of selfish where they aren’t familiar “Aberdeen, I believe, is one of God’s great fields ambition or vain conceit. any more. Yet our calling, and we are fellow workers in our own patch of it. Rather, in humility value our instruction, our role in But how do we keep our bit of the field?” others above yourselves, this world is to connect 4not looking to your own with and support others. interests but each of you to I have been staggered at the interests of the others. how many people still respond to a smile through a mask; I wonder what similarities you can see between these two texts? how many people in shops smile at me when I say ‘thank you’ for pointing out the one way system or where I can find The next few verses in Philippians (vv.5-11) challenge us to be like the hand sanitiser. I am sure they don’t really want to be Jesus in our relationships with others. When it comes to thinking stood around giving out instructions, and yet they do. We about others, Jesus is always our ultimate example. However, Jesus are being encouraged to act in a manner that protects not only set us an example, but gave us a direct instruction in ourselves, but that also protects others. Whilst the message Matthew 22:37-39: being given is a health one, there is a spiritual comparison 37Jesus replied: ‘“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with here too. all your soul and with all your mind.” 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as Jesus’ instruction to love God first, with all we have and are, yourself.” is followed up by loving others as we love ourselves. As Together these different texts form a compelling argument for what I Christians I hope we strive to do the first every day. imagine most of us know innately; that we need to care for others. Sometimes the second is a struggle because people annoy Indeed, not just to care for others, but to love others; to live for others.

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY us, because it takes a lot of effort, and sometimes it is because we do not have a great view of ourselves. However, just getting on with helping others is a great way to combat these challenges! If you are feeling useless, helpless or frustrated with the lack of control you currently have, choosing to help someone restores these freedoms to us. Additionally, it makes a positive difference in the life of the other person. As Pope Francis says, ‘life is…much better when people are happy because of you’. Paul’s letter to the Philippians instructs us ‘in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.’ Paul does not contradict Jesus’ command, because of the phrase ‘in humility’; we need to know we are valuable and worthy, and yet still chose to put value on others. We need to know what our interests, our privileges are, and set them aside to help others. As The Salvation Army we have a rich history of reaching out to others, meeting their physical needs in order that they will hear the call of salvation. If you are reading this, you have some kind of relationship with The Salvation Army. Whether you are a soldier, an adherent, a friend, a supporter, a benefactor or curious about what we do, there is an expectation that we will reach out to others. The gifts we have received from God, be they physical, intellectual, practical or spiritual, are to be used for the benefit of others. As we seek to love God first, the gifts we receive enable us to support and serve others. There was another historic telegram, which General Booth wrote to two officers who were trying to save souls in the midlands. They

Song 467

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Song 644

If human hearts are often tender, And human minds can pity know, If human love is touched with splendour, And human hands compassion show,

God make my life a little light Within the world to glow; A little flame that burneth bright Wherever I may go.

Then how much more shall God our Father In love forgive, in love forgive! Then how much more shall God our Father Our wants supply, and none deny!

God make my life a little flower That giveth joy to all, Content to bloom in native bower Although the place be small.

If sometimes men can live for others, And sometimes give where gifts are spurned, If sometimes treat their foes as brothers, And love where love is not returned,

God make my life a little song That comforteth the sad, That helpeth others to be strong And makes the singer glad.

If men will often share their gladness, If men respond when children cry, If men can feel each other's sadness, Each other's tears attempt to dry,

God make my life a little staff Whereon the weak may rest, That so what strength and health I have May serve my neighbours best.

John Gowans Listen Here: https://youtu.be/GW_ohZHufS4

Matilda Betham-Edwards Listen here: https://youtu.be/91gqrfB1ZrY


UPCOMING EVENTS Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th October Territorial Congress 2020 (Online)

WHAT’S ON... SOME ONLINE RECOMMENATIONS Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Saturday 15:00 & Sunday 09:00

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Territorial Leaders’ Message

‘Light, Life, Love’ is the inspiring theme and focus of The Salvation Army’s Territorial Congress.

“Go for it, you can depend on Him.” The Commissioner encourages us to have the faith to do what we have called to do by God in the knowledge that He is faithful to us and goes with us.

Territorial Leaders Commissioners Anthony and Gill Cotterill will lead the weekend with Chief of the Staff Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham. The meetings can be accessed on the link below.

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Available at: https://youtu.be/KwPlqsjSCro


He reflects on the words of Gen. Kitching’s song (SASB 838) which says; ‘Fear not, have faith, tis I who leads the way.’ .

Chicago & Canadian Staff Bands Concert

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning.

The Salvation Army Chicago Staff Band Thanksgiving Concert 2014 with special guests The Canadian Staff Band live from Edman Chapel in Wheaton, IL. I commend to you this concert as a great blessing and great entertainment. Jericho (Re-Visited) by Bandmaster William Himes, narrated by Major Stephen Harper, is a particular highlight about 1hr 40mins in to the concert.

Available at: https://youtu.be/WT4D9TvQOR4

Centenary Sounds - Gainsborough Gainsborough Salvation Army celebrates its 100th anniversary in 1986 with a recording of their band under the leadership of Terry Young and songsters under the leadership of Alan Barry. Enjoy a collection of various band and songster pieces that will be familiar enough for you to sing along to.

Available at: https://www.regalzonophone.com/Albu ms/Centenary-Sounds

I always enjoy the band piece ‘Consecration Hymn’ with its reminder to live our lives ‘ever, only, all for thee’ our saviour.


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CHORAL CORNER Captain Emma Newton “Just where he needs me” is song 944 in The Salvation Army Songbook, but this piece sets these familiar words to a new tune. This video includes, at the beginning, a brief interview with the composer of the new tune about his inspiration. Following on from the Bible thought earlier, this song reminds us that our current life circumstances, whilst perhaps not chosen by us, can still be used by God. That in the scenarios we find ourselves, with the people we are with, God has placed us just where he needs us. As we seek to bring joy, hope, comfort, support, care, compassion and salvation, we trust God to provide all we need! What can I say to cheer a world of sorrow? How bring back hope where men have sorely failed? Just where I am I'll speak the word of comfort, Tell how for me Christ's sacrifice availed. Just where He needs me, My Lord has placed me, Just where He needs me, there would I be! And since He found me, by love He's bound me To serve Him joyfully.

Listen here: https://youtu.be/LDvbAjaYm3g What can I do to ease life's heavy burdens? What can I do to help mankind in need? Just where I am I'll share my neighbour's hardship, Lighten his load, and prove a friend indeed. What can I do to justify my living? What can I be to make this life worthwhile? I'll be a voice to call men to the Saviour, Just where I am, and win my Father's smile.

PRAYER MATTERS Corps Prayer Diary – September 27th- October 3rd Thoughts for Prayer •

The territorial leaders and all those who are involved in preparing the Virtual Congress (24-25th October) that the Holy Spirit may speak in to their planning and God’s word be given clearly to us from them over the weekend. All the children and families associated with our Corps and its members for the October Holidays. Please pray that they will receive the rest and restoration they need, and that families will enjoy time together. Pray also for those who are worried about the consequences of school holidays on finances and childcare. Pray also for their teachers and school staff that they may receive rest as they prepare for another unusual and challenging term within the current virus regulations. Please pray for Lerwick and those who have had past associations with The Salvation Army in Shetland. Although there is currently no Salvation Army open in Shetland, there are still plans to help the community over Christmas with the Toy Appeal.


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Elaine King Maureen Kerr June Lamb Brenda Ledgerwood Sandra Legge Violet Leiper Hector and Jeanette Leitch

This is the day of prayer: Let earth and Heaven draw near; Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there, Come down to meet us here. (SASB 67)


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MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still Joy Webb’s beautiful song “Share My Yoke” has become a very popular devotional song with deeply spiritual words. Matthew 11:28-30 says; ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ Ivor Bosanko has produced a wonderfully sensitive and evocative arrangement of the song in the form of a cornet solo. When I’m tired and nothing’s going right for me, When things I’ve counted on Just do not come my way, When in my mind the Thick grey folds of doubt arise, It’s then I seem to hear Him say: “Share My yoke and find that I am joined with you; Your slightest movement I shall feel and be there too! Share My yoke and come the way that I must go! In our ‘togetherness’ My peace you’ll know; The world beholding us will see it so!” When I’m perplexed And no one’s understanding me, When even safest thoughts collapse in disarray, When I’ve lost the things That always seemed so sure, It’s then I need to hear Him say:

Listen here: https://youtu.be/oYJ8KKBy8-Y When I’m alone And nothing’s getting through to me, An isolation that increases day by day, When closest friends can seem A thousand miles away, It’s then I long to hear Him say:

The above link is the piece as played by Chicago Staff Band, with the soloist Peggy Thomas.

Generally Speaking John Gowans, (1934-2012) was the 16th General of The Salvation Army from 1999 to 2002. He was born in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire to officer parents. Planning to train for the teaching profession, he did two years national service as part of the Royal Army Educational Corps in Germany. In 1954, Gowans entered the Officer Training College as part of the Soulwinners Session. Beginning in 1967 Gowans, with John Larsson, co-authored ten full-length stage musicals. After serving in various corps in the UK and a period as a DC in Manchester, Gowans was appointed Chief Secretary of the France Territory. Then he was appointed to the USA Western Territory’s Secretary for Programme. Gowans had appointments in the USA, Australia, Papua New Guinea and the UK before being elected General in 1999. His mission statement for The Salvation Army is still used today; ‘The Salvation Army exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity.


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU William James ‘Bill’ Still Which Bible figure would you like to meet, and what would you ask them? The man on the cross next to Jesus when Jesus said ‘today you will be in paradise with me’. I’d ask how he then felt, something like that could happen to all of us. What is your favourite hymn or worship song? How Great Thou Art. Particularly verse 4: When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art! What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Keep smiling and the whole world smiles with you. What hobbies or interests do you enjoy in your spare time? When did you first come to Aberdeen Salvation Army and why?

Model aircraft and stamp collecting. What is your favourite Bible verse?

I left the R.A.F. after twelve years’ service and joined the Post The ‘Love Chapter’, 1 Corinthians 13. Office in Bury St Edmunds. I got a transfer to Aberdeen Post 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it Office in Crown Street in April 1972. When we arrived, we is not proud. 5It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it received a letter of welcome from Capt. Robert Hunter at the is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does Salvation Army and all the family went along and got involved. not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. When we can travel freely again, where would you like to go? Where is your favourite place in and around Aberdeen? I would like to visit the last place we lived in Springs South Africa. Balmedie. It was my country postal round for twenty years. Also, I would like to visit Horncastle, Doreen’s home town. If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose?

Something interesting people might not know about you is…

Nelson Mandela. I’d ask how he managed all that time in prison I was born in Benoni, South Africa so I have dual nationality. before becoming the South African Prime Minister. What have you missed most during lockdown? If you could be in a film, which would it be and what character would you play? The social meetings on a Monday morning where I live and meeting people at the door on a Sunday meeting at the Citadel. The Dam Busters, I’d be one of the Lancaster Crew. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what What is your favourite food? would it be? My Sunday Roast Dinner, or a meal with the family. Which book (apart from the Bible) would you want on a desert island? A D.I.Y book so I could do some building.

Stamps so I could build up my collection. What was the first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? Ruby Murray, I’ll Come When You Call (1955).


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ANNOUNEMENTS Please contact callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk for any announcement submissions. Harrison Craig On the 1st October the Craig family were blessed with the arrival of Harrison, 2nd grandchild of Douglas and Isobel Craig to their youngest son Andrew and Hannah, currently based in Edinburgh. Andrew went through a major operation for a leg implant 16 years ago having suffered an osteosarcoma. We give thanks for his life and his first child is surely an answer to prayer. We wish to add our thanks to God and our congratulations and prayers for all of the family.


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