Aberdeen Citadel Salvation Army - Castlegate News - 6th December 2020

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GOD REVEALED Captain Callum Newton

The observant among you will note that it is Emma’s turn to write this piece this week, yet it is me. As I sit to write this piece, always the last piece for Castlegate News, it is late Thursday night and I have just returned home. This afternoon Isla took something of a tumble and although she seems to be fine on the whole, she has had some pain and the doctors have asked Emma to stay with her at the hospital overnight so they can monitor her. Hence the reason Emma is not writing this final piece. Obviously, this was quite the upset for us all, but we praise God that she seems to have come out of it fine. But as I waited for news sitting as I had to in the car park for four and a half hours due to the hospital COVID restricted entry, I thought again about the weight of responsibility that befell Mary and Joseph that first Christmas. How they had been asked to care for a baby so precious to them but also crucial for the salvation of the world. What strength they ‘A Thought From the Word’

must have gained from the Holy Spirit as they kept him safe from the people who wanted to kill him as well as the many dangers of everyday life for a new growing baby. Then I also considered the tremendous humility of an almighty, all powerful God to chose to surrender his care to the loving hands of a mere mortal. The depth of devotion to our salvation that is shown in that act is incredible. There is a long period of time missing from the Bible where Jesus was growing up. I wonder what happened in that time. I wonder how Mary & Joseph found this parental responsibility when the responsibility they had was on another level all together. Tonight I kept coming back to some favourite John Gowans words: God is hidden no more, he has spoken his mind, wrapped the gift of his love in the stuff of mankind. Now his nature is known, ‘Advent Alphabet’

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Captain Callum Newton considers the role of the star in the Christmas story. 'When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.' (Matthew 2:10)

Major Gethin Thomas continues his advent reflections based around the letters of the alphabet.

God is love undefiled and his love is revealed in the face of a child.’ ‘Christmas News’ - Page 7 -

There is lots of important news and information about the coming weeks and Christmas for you to read on page 7. Please take the time to have a good look at it.


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A Thought From the Word

THE STAR OF THE SHOW CAPTAIN CALLUM NEWTON There were some educated people whose job it was to know about stars. They lived in an area which is now in either Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or the Yemen. They were astronomers, they understood the stars, they could probably name them. I am hopeless at that. But not only could they tell you what the stars were but they believed that they all also had a meaning, they were astronomers and also astrologers. They believed that the stars and the Earth were intrinsically linked and whatever goes on up there is a reflection of something going on down here. So imagine the night that something really different happened. A star appeared that they didn't know.

anyone who knows anything about the scripture and he asks them; 'Where is it that the Messiah is supposed to be born?' 5‘In Bethlehem in Judea,’ they replied, ‘for this is what the prophet has written: 6‘“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”

The wise men were not Jews, they didn't know this, they were looking for an important king not the messiah. They were looking for a baby not God. But Herod shares with I wonder who was the first to say 'hang on, what's that?' As they stared them (Matt 2:8); 'It's Bethlehem, that's where you'll find him. up at the sky they thought they knew so well, tonight it was looking Oh and gentlemen, you are quite right that this is a very so spectacularly different. special king indeed, if you The astrologers pulled all happen to find him let me their astral thinking know where he is because I “The star of Bethlehem was responsible for together and came to a too must go and pay my leading God-less people into the presence of God conclusion. This star is in respects.' Cue the pantomime such that they fell to their knees the West and it is bad guy music. representing the birth of a and worshiped him.” But the wise men set off, king. The star is also Bethlehem bound, and then something to do with the Jews, the palace of the king of the Jews is in Jerusalem so it must be the most amazing thing happened. The star that they saw in there. However, there had been kings of Jews before, plenty, but the east was back! This time in the south in the very direction they'd never seen a sign like this so they decide to check it out. A they were heading towards Bethlehem. And (Matt 2:10) group of them go to Jerusalem, we don't know how many but we know 'When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.' or as the that they took with them three special gifts because they knew they authorised version so poetically puts it; 'When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.' The star stopped were going to encounter a special king. over a house in which they found Jesus and Mary, they fell to Somewhere along the way they seem to have lost track of the star but their knees because they knew they were in the presence of they knew where they were going; they were going to Jerusalem to God, then they gave their gifts to him. where the King lives to see the new king, nothing could be simpler. Until (Matthew 2:2) they arrive at the palace and encounter King The thing in this story that I want to highlight, is a part often Herod. 'Where is he then? This new King of the Jews, we saw His star seen as an extra when in fact it's the star. The star that was so that he'd been born so we thought we’d come and pay our respects.' special, delivering such an important message, that when Alarm bells start ringing for Herod, his entire way of life; palace, they saw it the wise men rejoiced with exceeding great joy. servants, riches, power they were all of a sudden under serious threat. The star didn't have a speaking part, but it did have a Herod knows, if the star was there, this was no upstart about to message. The message was received and understood by challenge him, it was more likely the Messiah. So (Matt. 2:4) Herod some astrologers in a different country and the message was gets together all of his religious teachers and leaders and priests, incredible. Because the star was the first thing to suggest to

CASTLEGATE NEWS -ABERDEEN CITADEL SALVATION ARMY the world that this king of the Jews wasn't for just the Jews. This king was for gentiles and foreigners too. It didn't matter that these wise men worshipped false Gods (the stars), or were from outside Israel, the star was leading them to realise that this king was going to save them too and show them who the real God and Lord of all things is. In the last chapter of the Old Testament book, Daniel was talking about the end of the world; and he also mentions wise people and stars. Daniel 12: ‘…But at that time your people – everyone whose name is found written in the book – will be delivered. 2Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.’ 1

When you look at the night sky you get a metaphor for earth. Without the sun, the once radiant sky goes dark, except for the stars, they shine. And they shine because the bit of earth we're on has it's back to the sun but they can still see it so they reflect the sun. We can see the brilliance of the sun reflected from them so they shine in the dark sky. The world can be a very dark place, and it's usually because they have their back to the Son. But, there are people in this dark place who shine in the darkness, they can see the Son and so they reflect the Son and they shine like stars. That's supposed to be us. The star of Bethlehem was responsible for leading God-less people into the presence of God such that they fell to their knees and

worshiped him. When people come face to face with the reality of Jesus Christ, we cannot help but respond with humble worship. There will come a time when we're all face to face with the reality of Christ's lordship and as Paul reminds the Philippians on that day 'at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow.' But until then folks, you are the star of the show. As Daniel said those who lead people to God will shine like stars forever. But by standing out like a star in the night sky, by reflecting the Son, you will lead people to God. I think pretty much every school I ever taught in had some form of a 'Star of the week' achievement system. If you are going to be the sort of Christian that reflects the love and mercy shown in Jesus Christ, then don't be the star of the week. Don't be the star of Christmas time. Don't be the star of the year. Be the star of your lifetime, because every day in every way God is calling his children home and you might be the guiding star he chooses to use today. So here's what I'm calling you to this Christmas. Re-evaluate your shine. Look to Jesus more and you'll reflect his goodness and light. Make sure you don't just absorb the light but that you also give it back out in order that you may lead people to Christ. And I pray that when they see you, the star, the people will rejoice with exceeding great joy and that you can share with them in the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour.

Song 124

Song 101

Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is bright Round the virgin mother and Child; Holy infant, tender and mild, Rests in heavenly peace.

As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold, As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright, So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to Thee.

Silent night! Holy night! Guiding star, lend thy light. See, the eastern wise men bring Gifts and homage to our king, Jesus Christ is here.

As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom Heaven and earth adore, So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy seat.

Silent night! Holy night! Wondrous star, lend thy light. With the angels let us sing Hallelujahs to our king, Jesus Christ is here.

Holy Jesus! every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide.

Joseph Mohr Listen here: https://youtu.be/0UkZ64fwYfg

In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light; Thou its light, its joy, its crown, Thou its sun which goes not down; There forever may we sing Hallelujahs to our king.

An Extra Chorus

William Dix Listen Here: https://youtu.be/37m2w9y2eQw

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A little star peep o’er the hill, The woods are quiet, the birds are still, The children clasp their hands in prayer, And the love of God is everywhere. Anon Listen here: https://bit.ly/3qmfqQC


UPCOMING EVENTS Please remain aware that all upcoming events remain subject to change or cancellation at short notice owing to the ongoing Coronavirus situation. If there is sufficient notice, changes and cancellations will be announced in ‘Castlegate News’ and on Facebook.

15th November – 11th December Christmas Toy Appeal This year we are running the Toy Appeal as in previous years, with referrals being made to the Citadel for families who need some support to give their child a gift this Christmas. Donations of new, unwrapped toys can be made at the Citadel during our current opening hours (Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9-12am) or by appointment. The cut-off for donations is the 11th December, to allow for time to quarantine the donations before they are distributed the following week.

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WHAT’S ON... SOME ONLINE RECOMMENATIONS Fortress Radio Sunday Services 11am and 6pm. Salvation Army music all through the week. “Take yourself back through a day of 'Army' activities and enjoy a day of music featuring Songster Brigades, Bands, YP Sections and much more. During the week, listen again to your favourite Army melodies including special broadcasts such as Songster Gems and Band Fest.”

Available at: https://www.fortressradio.online/listennow.html

Territorial Leaders’ Message ‘It’s true to say that, generally speaking, we don’t like the dark. Thank God that there is light for us.’

Available at: https://youtu.be/vtG5FCEu8c0

Commissioner Anthony Cotterill reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus, Light of the World in this week’s video message

Friday 25th December Christmas Day Meal There will be a meal available on Christmas Day for anyone who would usually come, but the difference this year is that it will be delivered on Christmas Day morning to their home. The meal will be cooked, but will need to be re-heated. If you or someone you know would like to receive a meal on Christmas Day, please phone the Citadel so we can get the details required to enable this to happen.

Territorial Carol Concert (Online) Everyone is welcome to celebrate Christmas at Home on The Salvation Army’s YouTube channel originally broadcast live on Wednesday but available to catch up on YouTube. This not-to-be-missed evening includes highlights from the Royal Albert Hall with Christmas music, carol singing, messages and readings from celebrities and contributions from the ISB and ISS.

Of course we cannot do this without drivers. If you drive and are willing to give some time to brighten someone’s Christmas Day morning, please phone the Citadel so we can add you to the list of available drivers.

Available at: https://youtu.be/wNLpgWdK4is

A Christmas Celebration ‘Celebration’ is a descriptive word conjuring up visions of festive thanksgiving. Linked to the word ‘Christmas’ it is all the more apt.

Please keep all of our future events in your prayers, especially in these times of fragility in forward planning.

The musicians who have recorded this album are all young salvationists to whom the message of Christ’s coming to the world is most significant. So compelling have they found it that they commit a great deal of time and energy to the proclamation of the gospel story.

Available at: https://www.regalzonophone.com/Albu ms/A-Christmas-Celebration

The North London Youth Band and East London Youth Chorus bring a message to touch your heart once again this Christmas time.


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PRAYER MATTERS A prayer for healing and protection (London Oratory – adapted) Lord Jesus Christ,

Corps Prayer Diary – December 6th – 12th

Heal those who are sick with the virus, may they regain their health and strength. Heal us from our fear, which prevents neighbours from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Be with the families of those who are sick or have lost loved ones, as they worry and grieve, be their comfort and protect them from illness and despair.

SUN 6 Peter, Yvonne Still and Family MON 7 Timothy, Louise Still and family TUES 8 Liz Strachan WED 9 Catrina Taylor and family THUR 10 Craig and Jane Taylor FRI 11 Shervin and Kate Turner SAT 12 Clark and Ruth Wallace

Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace. Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with prudence and compassion for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve.

Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray; Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there.

Thank you that you are Immanuel, God with us, by our side in the midst of this time of uncertainty and sorrow, grant us your peace. Amen.

ADVENT ALPHABET Major Gethin Thomas (Pentre) GODSEND - As a child, if I did something good for my mother which she was not expecting, she would say: ‘You are a godsend!’ She found what I did helpful and she was thankful. Through life I have become aware of the real Godsend. He is spoken of in 1 John 4:9: ‘He [God] sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.’ Lord, as people who have received life from the true Godsend, help us to do those unexpected things that others may find helpful. So help us to be a Godsend to others. Amen.

and deadly journey, and a disappointing meeting with Herod, the star that the Magi followed disappeared. Possibly any joy they felt when they started out had disappeared a long time before that. When the star reappears, so does their joy (Matthew 2:9–11). The star continued to lead them to Jesus, and when they saw him with his family they bowed down, worshipped him and gave gifts. The joy these men experienced gave them strength to continue their journey and overflowed into worshipping Jesus, in a genuine and costly way. The same can be said of the joy known by all involved in this story. Can it HAPPY - A smile is a good sign of happiness. As a young officer I be said of us this Advent time? was told by a more senior officer that a smile a day keeps the doctor away. His advice was to smile in the morning and get it KIND - ‘But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour over with! I was told as a probationary teacher not to smile at my appeared, he saved us…’ (Titus 3:4–5). This year a famous new class until Christmas! When God placed Jesus in the manger celebrity made her dying wish to those who knew her: ‘Be at Bethlehem, some say we saw the smile of God – a smile people kind’. We have seen such kindness in the face of floods, of had hoped and waited centuries for. Next Sunday in the Advent COVID-19, of financial hardship and other fears this year has calendar is called Gaudete (Joyful) Sunday. As you pray, smile brought. Titus reminds us of God’s kindness when he entered and know the loving happiness our Saviour brings. our world. Lord, help me to make a difference to someone this INCLUDED - Many know what it feels like to be left out, not included. We feel unwanted, unwelcome, unloved. But in the birth of Jesus we hear God saying to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, the wise men and also to every single one of us: ‘You are included.’ We don’t have to win, earn or deserve our place – it’s already there! This Advent, God invites us all to see that we are included and invites us to simply say ‘Yes’! Thank you, Lord, because we are all included in your all–inclusive love. Amen. JOYFUL - Following what must have been a dangerous, difficult

Advent by imitating you through being kind. Amen. LOWLY - ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (Matthew 1:23). In Hebrew Immanuel means ‘God with us’. Not God up there, but God down here, coming to us in the midst of our lives. As he was with Mary and Joseph, he is with us in our Bethlehem. ‘He [Jesus] came right down to me, to condescend to be my friend, he came right down to me’(Albert Orsborn).


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ANNOUNCEMENTS Please contact callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk for any announcement submissions. Christmas Day Meal If you or anyone you know would benefit from the delivery of a meal and the opportunity to see a smiling face on Christmas Day, then we are still adding names to the list. Contact The Citadel with the name, address, phone number and dietary requirements.

MUSIC BOX Bandmaster John Still Trevor Davis’s Carolcade and Eric Ball’s “A Carol Fantasy” are both arrangements containing well known and familiar Christmas carols/songs but are very contrasting in style. Carolcade (published in 1986) is described as an 'easy-listening' arrangement for brass band of several Christmas carols and songs including 'Good King Wenceslas', 'O little town of Bethlehem', 'Ding dong merrily on high', 'Angels from the realms of Glory' and 'We wish you a merry Christmas'. It is in the "Hooked on Classics" style which was a series of record albums first introduced in 1981 and featured the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra playing a collection of very recognizable extracts from classical music pieces played in an upbeat style over a continuous beat.

Here is a link to the ISB playing “A Carol Fantasy” https://youtu.be/RPkzRK2KW1w

Here is a link to the ISB playing Carolcade – https://youtu.be/-HB6uZRwb2g

Eric Ball’s “A Carol Fantasy” was published in 1966, in the score notes he says “The aim of this music is to reflect a meditative, even dream-like mood, in contrast to the popular festive, even 'jolly' conception of carol singing and playing. It is hoped that the fantasy will also evoke an atmosphere of worship, for the three carols included remind us not only of the Incarnation, but also of the Massacre of the Innocents and of the Cross”. Three main carols are heard: 'Away in a Manger', 'The Holly and the Ivy', 'The Coventry Carol' and part of 'The First Nowell' can also be heard. Away in a manger no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The holly and the ivy, When they are both full grown, Of all the trees that are in the wood, The holly bears the crown. The rising of the sun And the running of the deer, The playing of the merry organ, Sweet singing in the choir. The holly bears a blossom As white as lily flower; And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ To be our sweet saviour. Lullay, thou little tiny Child, By by, lullee, lullay: Lullay, thou little tiny Child, By by, lullee, lullay


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ADVENT SERVICES Corps Officers We are delighted to be able to invite you to an Advent meeting. With consideration of the Covid-19 restrictions and the work going on in the building, we are able to welcome 30 people to each meeting which will be held in the hall on the basement level. All three meetings will be identical in content, but held at different times. This way you can choose which one is most suitable for you. The meeting will also be available in written form for those of you cannot, or would rather not, come.

Face coverings must be worn for the duration of your time in the building (unless you are medically exempt), 2m social distancing must be observed and hands should be washed/sanitised on entry to the Citadel.

A one-way system will be in place. You will be asked to come in through the front door and go down the main staircase, and exit the building by the fire exit stairs in the basement. If you need to use the lift, only one household may enter the lift There is no expectation or pressure on anyone to attend; if you together. Sanitising wipes will be available at the lifts and you are considered to be in a vulnerable category in any way (with a will be asked to wipe the buttons on entry and exit. medical condition or by age), or live with someone who is, we encourage you to think carefully about whether or not you should Please do not come if you have experienced or are experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid-19, which attend. include a persistent cough, high temperature and/or loss of If you do wish to attend, you must book a seat for every member taste/smell in the week prior to the meetings. of your household for a specific meeting and at least 48 hours in advance. This can be done by texting or phoning 07436 910276. You cannot get up from your seat to go and talk to anyone, You will need to give your full name, number of seats required nor can you share a car with someone who is not part of your and a contact number. Seats will be allocated on a first-come- household. We cannot offer refreshments, nor can we allow first-served basis. Your details will be kept for 21 days as part of any informal gatherings within, or outside the building. the Test and Trace policy. You cannot swap with another These meetings will look and feel very different to any other household; if you need to change which meeting you would like Army meeting you have been to at the Citadel, but we hope that to attend you must do so using the phone number above. The it will still prove to be a meaningful worship experience. We meetings will be held as follows: are so looking forward to seeing some of you face mask-to-face • • •

Friday 18th December, 7pm Monday 21st December, 2pm Wednesday 23rd December, 11am


CHRISTMAS CARDS We realise that many of you would usually send Christmas cards If you would like to include a Christmas greeting in the 20th to each other at this time of year. We also realise that these would December edition of Castlegate News, then please send your usually be delivered by hand at the Citadel. As this will not be message to Captain Callum by 15th December. possible this year, we are hoping to offer something of a solution. We would like to include a special page in the 20th December You can send your message by email or post. edition of Castlegate News featuring Christmas greetings from readers of Castlegate News and members of the Corps Callum.newton@salvationarmy.org.uk fellowship to the Corps and readers of Castlegate News. The Citadel Hopefully being able to send a greeting in this way will act in 28 Castle Street place of being able to send cards to each other and enable Aberdeen everybody to still share the blessings of the season. AB11 5BG


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