Topos 83

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Plants and Design. Designing with plants is an obvious activity for gardeners and landscape architects. Plants as building materials for all occasions are sometimes appreciative and straightforward companions of architecture. At times, however, they may also be prima donnas that require an extreme amount of attention if they are to show off their charms or even their capacity to function. And yet, most of the time this capriciousness is not the fault of the plant but of the unfavourable circumstances in which it grows. The adverse conditions of urban environments force designers to summon up all their skills if they are to bring an idea to fruition, to accurately use plants according to their habitus and character. This is the actual theme of this issue, in which we present masterful examples of plant usage.


Plants and Design

Michael Arad, PWP Landscape Architecture 9 /11 Memori a l, Ne w York · Thorbjörn Andersson H y llie Squa re, M a lmö · TCL N at ion a l A rbore t um, C a nberr a · Talley Associates Perot Museum, Da ll a s · John McAslan + Partners Sta nisl avsk y fac tory, Moscow · Boeri Studio Vertic a l Forest, Mil a n · OJB Sunny l a nds Center a nd G a rdens, C a liforni a · Gustafson Porter Me z ya d Desert Pa rk , A bu Dh a bi · atelier le balto LuFo PARK , A achen · Noël Kingsbury T rends in Pl a nting Design · James Hitchmough, Nigel Dunnett Pl a nting st r ategy in t he Olympic Pa rk , London

Plants and Design ISBN 978-3-7667-2073-3



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