10 Superfoods That Boost Immunity

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10 superfoods which boost immunity system

Watching what you eat is important to maintaining a healthy body benefitting from a varied diet. Not surprisingly, natural unprocessed foods yield high levels of nutrients and antioxidants that can give your immunity system a super boost to help you feel more energised, less sluggish and able to ward off nasty bugs and infections that might otherwise take advantage of a body devoid of nutrients. So if you find yourself looking for that natural immunity system boost, which foods should you fill your plate with? Here are just 10 superfoods that are full of natural goodness‌ 1. Spinach is packed with antioxidants including vitamin C and E, manganese and zinc. A relatively cheap food, spinach makes a nice accompaniment or ingredient for lunch or dinner meals.

2. Broccoli contains vitamins C and B, potassium and two naturally occurring plant chemicals that have been linked to fighting cancer (sulporaphane and indoles). Usually boiled or steamed, it’s important not to overcook broccoli or nutrients can be lost during the process. 3. Prunes are high in antioxidants, postassium and phosphorous. Popular in both sweet and savoury dishes, prunes contain lots of dietary fiber which can benefit digestion though it’s important not to eat too many due to their known laxative properties. 4. Blueberries are a popular fruit low in fat, low in calories and full of fiber. Commonly used for desserts and baking, these superberries are also packed with vitamins C and E and anthocyanins a naturally occurring pigment that gives the berries their colour and antioxidant properties. 5. Avocados contain high levels of vitamin E and an antioxidant called lutein that may help protect against eye disease such as cataracts. Although avocados are one of the fattier fruits and vegetables, almost two thirds of their fat is made up of monounsaturates that helps to lower the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol and maintain or increase the levels of ‘good’ cholesterol in the body.

6. Asparagus is a low calorie and low salt vegetable full of vitamin B, A, C, E and K as well as calcium, magnesium and zinc. Not only nutritious, asparagus is also a good source of fiber, and a supposed aphrodisiac.

7. Grapefruit are a popular breakfast fruit, though an acquired taste due to the bitterness of the fruit. High in vitamin C, grapefruit has also been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels. 8. Nuts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Whilst those roasted and covered in caramel or salt might be a nice snack, they’re not the healthiest choice. For vitamins, try almonds, packed with vitamin E or Brazil nuts which contain one of the richest sources of selenium which has been linked to lowering rates of cancer and heart disease. 9. Tomatoes are a staple of cooking, and not just because they’re tasty. High in fiber and low in fat, tomatoes are also a good source of vitamins A and C. 10. Brussel Sprouts are the staple of Christmas dinner, but they also contain loads of nutrients like vitamin C, B and E. Not everyone’s favourite vegetable they are also believed to have strong cancer fighting properties.

Chris Stillwell writes for critical illness insurance comparison site Confused.com. Chris’ favourite superfood would have to be blueberries, though he’s not so sure if it counts when they’re baked in a muffin.

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