Food for Healthy Body and Mind

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Food Recipes For healthy body and mind

How much and what we eat has a big influence on our health. By eating a well-balanced diet we can prevent diseases and help to maintain a healthy weight and mind.

It is important we eat a wide range of food to get all the fibre as well as nutrients our body needs. The five main food groups are: Starchy food (bread, pasta, rice and potatoes) Fruit and Vegetables Milk and other dairy foods Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans and other non-dairy sources of protein Foods high in fat and sugar

Couscous with Broccoli and Almonds Ingredients: 2 cups of Israeli couscous, 1 onion, Olive oil, Red pepper, Broccoli, Sliced almonds, Salt and Pepper

Cook 2 cups Israeli couscous as the packaging directs; drain. Saute 1 diced onion in olive oil until golden and add the red pepper. Boil the broccoli; drain; toss with the couscous and a handful each of sliced almonds. Season with salt and pepper.

Image by cookipediachef

Veggie Udon Noodles Ingredients: Pack of udon noodles, zucchini, tomatoes, avocado, veggie Broth, salt and paper

Heat up the noodles in the veggie Broth, Drain, Add sliced avocado, tomato and zucchini. Season with salt and pepper.

Image by SweetonVeg

Pumpkin Breakfast smootie Ingredients: Pumpkin puree, spoon of maple syrup, ½ banana, couple of table spoons of oats, milk – almond or soy are also great

Add all the ingredients and blend until smooth. Add more milk if needed. Pour into a glass and enjoy!!

Image by mallydally

Fish Did you know? According to an article published by Bupa, care homes provider, exercise and fish oil can protect our muscles from aging! Research suggests that omega-3 acids can reduce the risk of long-term health problems such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. READ MORE HERE

Ingredients: 2 large onions, garlic, 3 whole trouts or fillets, tomatoes. Salt and paper, olive oil, coriander

SautÊ 2 diced onion and garlic in olive oil until golden, add chopped tomatoes and coriander and simmer for 10 min. Season with salt and pepper. layer the fish with the souce and bake for 30 – 40 min in 200 Degrees.

Images by wEnDaLicious

Enjoy a quick and easy fruit salad of your choice! Fruits are the best source of sugar and can substitute artificial sweeteners we consume with chocolates or even yogurts.

Images by Francisco Antunes

Find out more about different ways you can prevent dementia and keep your brain healthy in our blog post‌

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