Mannum Mag Issue 72 September 2012

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September 2012

Mannum, South Australia 5238

Issue Number 72

Mannum Craft Fair Huge Success – “carloads came from near and far” annum Progress Association is very pleased that the Craft Fair was a huge success again this year with attendances being up by 50%. Mayor Dave Burgess opened the Craft Fair. The event covered many crafts, including quilting/patchwork, card making, decoupage, scrapbooking, lace making, beading/jewellery, glass painting, lead lighting and local paintings. The retail outlets from various areas and local crafters selling their wares were extremely pleased with their sales. The balustrade around the basketball stadium was decorated with all locally made quilts. We must thank all the donors of those quilts. There was not one the same, nor were there any that had been up there before and they were all very beautiful. We were lucky this year to have quite a few quilts by Susan Murphy which were outstanding. Thanks to all those, who are too numerous to name, for loaning us their valuable and irreplaceable quilts. The display was a big talking point of the Craft Fair and it was communicated to us that visiting people were surprised we had so many quilters in our town. We contacted most quilting groups in South Australia and lots of carloads came from near and far and also a couple of mini buses.


Next year we will try and contact craft groups of all kinds and hopefully the same will happen. The stage was adorned with great photographs of local icons and scenes by Dave Hartley. Thanks a lot Dave. We even managed to sell one for him. The highlight of the photographs was one taken by Dave of the Truck and Ute Show which was presented to the Mannum Progress Association by the Best Truck of Show winner as his appreciation for what we have done for South Australia in this area. This is on show at the Council Offices at the moment but will move around the town during the next year. The food in the canteen was a hit and added to the profit we made. Lastly, Mannum Progress Association would like to sincerely thank all those who helped in any way to make the weekend such a success as without these people, events such as this would not be able to be held and thanks to all the Mannum and district people who came along and made it such a wonderful weekend. If you have any further ideas for our next Craft Fair, please contact Irene Lovell 8569 2541.

Mannum Green Shopping Centre Making Good Progress n behalf of my Directors, Rob, Tony and John, we are delighted to report that as of 25th July the project is still holding its time line. Our records reveal over 4,000 hours onsite have been worked and we have not lost one minute through an accident or downtime. A commendable effort by our team. We are striving to not have one accident on our site. The earthworks have been held up by saturated conditions and as soon as we are able we will be right into completion of the 250 car parking spaces. Under the car parks we are providing for 117 cubic metres (117 kL) of stormwater retention tanks which are now under construction. We will commence the left hand entry lane and right hand exit lane to our complex on 30th July. Depending on rain we look forward to completing within 4 weeks Here are a few statistics that may interest you: • The 100 tonne and 40 tonne cranes (now gone)


Contents Ageing in the Murraylands

Calendars & Dates Church Services 8 Classifieds

erected 180 tonne of steel • We have completed 98% of the concrete pours; this exceeds 1200 tonne of concrete laid on the site • The sewer mains are connected to 1300 m of sewer pipes • The 150 mm diameter fire main has been laid onto the site • The 1000 amp ETSA transformer will be connected to the complex within four weeks as planned • The air conditioning system for the supermarket is being manufactured and will be installed within 16 days • The glazing and windows will be 98% installed by the 31st of July The electrical services and main switchboard will be completed by the 14th of August. The ceiling fixers have commenced on the specialty shops and the painting subcontractor has commenced onsite. We apologise for any inconvenience to do with the civil works / road traffic. We have planned for minimal hold up durations. Bruce A Harris, Senior Project Manager For and on behalf of Urban 3

28 Food Is Life 21 Musical Miscellany 8 Letters 2 & 3 On My Bookshelf 27 Mid Murray Support Services 4 Out of this World

Irene Lovell

Community College Swimming Pool To Be Available for Public Use ouncil representatives have met with the Principal of the Mannum Community College to discuss and plan for the public use of the Mannum Community College swimming pool. It is planned for the pool to be open to the public during the summer season when forecast temperature at Murray Bridge is 28 degrees or above. Subject to this, the pool will be open week nights from 4 to 6 pm and weekends (Saturday and Sunday) from 2pm to 6pm. We are calling for expressions of interest to form a group of pool supervisors on a roster basis. See page 3 for more details. Entry price to the pool and further information will be provided in the next Mannum Mag.


Russell Peate Chief Executive Officer, Mid Murray Council

12 Pause A While 26 Puzzle 8 Whistle Toot

5 3 7

Letters to the Editor Deadline 28 September 2012 for publication in the October issue

Support Your Local Member Dear Editor, I write to inform readers of a recent visit to Mannum by Member for Schubert, Ivan Venning. A few months ago, some criticism was levelled at Mr Venning for his involvement in a Liberal Party fundraising afternoon tea in Mannum, where attendees paid $15 to attend. Ms Linda Hunter wrote (Letters, Issue 68 May 2012) that “it was not appropriate to organise a high tea or any such event at a given price” and asked “Don’t we pay them enough for them to meet us free of charge?” In July, Mr Venning visited Mannum again and was available for nearly two hours for anyone to come and meet with him and discuss matters of concern and/or seek his assistance. The meet and greet was publicised in the Murray Valley Standard, but unfortunately could not be promoted in the Mannum Mag because the date was only selected following the publication of the June edition. It was interesting to see that the only attendees were Liberal Party members and a few active community members who have been seeking Mr Venning’s assistance with specific projects. I wanted to highlight this to readers as I think it is very easy for people to sit back and criticise the efforts of our politicians, however, when they do take such criticism on board and react positively no credit is given. Julie Metcalfe, President Mannum Branch, Liberal Party of Australia (SA Division)

Questions and Answers Dear Editor, By accepting in the opening paragraph of “By Invitation Only” (Page 10, August 2012, Issue 71) that the church “misused its authority” Vivian Garner confirms that the Man, Proud Man quote (“Turning a Blind Eye”, Letters, July, Issue 70) is neatly in context. Through a several months process this misuse continues as the literalists repeatedly ignore the request to debate the science behind, what now seem, posturing claims. If they would like to narrow the context to science alone and fairly abide by the burden of proof, then where is the case to display the truth of Genesis? For all the assurances to bring clarity and argue their position, no relevant scientific detail or pointer on interpretation has been put forward. So far, the tangential responses have revealed the unreasoned thought patterns and evasiveness essential to faith. For example, quibbling about context; diversionary musings about the inability to understand God or prove his supposed existence (attempting to shift the empirical into the abstract); the He did it too! defence (e.g. “….not only popes and priests have misused authority.”) which in no way lessens wrongdoing; presenting examples of the misuse of science in the hope it will cast doubt, and encourage a general scepticism. None is a substitute for precise evidence; by evidence alone – not disparagement – instances of misconduct by the bodies of science and religion have been exposed. For example, what is

Genesis if not the creation of the fallible men and institutions Vivian so – ambivalently – mistrusts? Extensive data from archaeology, geology, palaeontology, astronomy (along with history) reveals, in growing detail, that unholy alliance. One of the strengths of freethinking atheism is that, aware of the corrupting influence, it shuns institution; aligns with Robert Burns as he thumbs his nose at the establishment in For A’ That and A’ That, “The man of independent mind, he looks and laughs at all that.” “Philosophy (Science) is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.” (Anon.) I doubt that my specific question will be answered but if it is, genuine debate might begin. Meantime, if thoughtfulness, enquiry and discussion are a result of this exchange then it’s been worthwhile. Those spiritually inclined – insensible to Shakespeare’s irony – might instead join Vivian in gazing wistfully to the heavens. But in vain; nothing is written. “Men at some time are masters of their fates; The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” (Julius Caesar Act 1, scene 2, 135–141)

I imagine that maintaining balance is a key challenge of editorship – certainly a tricky and important one – and I think you do an exceptional job Keith. Thanks for providing the forum; thanks to the whole Mag crew. Graham Boothby

[This topic is now closed. Editor]

What is the Mission? Dear Editor, Along with my rates notice (13.8% increase in total charges) came a Mission Statement. A management idea taken from some dust riddled MBA text book which allows a cliché riddled statement to give the impression of doing something while actually doing nothing except holding meetings about what to do. Councils were started by people for people. I think the published statement has entirely ignored that fact. Surely if we must have a Mission Statement it should be “The efficient, economic and timely provision of …” the services and responsibilities listed below the published statement. Whilst rubbing shoulders with business and others may massage their egos, it is not this for which we pay the executives and councillors. It is time councils came back to basics. We still have towns with dirt roads, many places do not have footpaths or kerbing, library services are poor or non-existent and there are other services poorly provided; this, after more than one hundred years of local government. P J Weir

What Changes? Dear Editor, Kitty Schiansky (Freedom of Speech and Information, p. 9, Issue 71, August 2012) is disturbed that proposed changes to the Mag’s Constitution would gag and censor free speech. Kitty, would you please give us specific quotes and references from the Mag to support your opinion? Lyn Gross

The Mannum Roos Netball Club Committee Past and present players and supporters are cordially invited to celebrate season 2012 and also the Club’s special 30 year birthday milestone. Friday 21st September 2012 Mannum Leisure Centre Combined Juniors and Seniors Presentation Commencing 6:00pm for 6:30 pm start

Hosted by Triple M and Channel 9's, Andrew ‘Cosi’ Costello Cheese and dip platters supplied. Please BYO your own plate for supper. Drinks available to purchase from the bar.

The viewpoints and opinions of the Authors and Artists that appear in Mannum Mag do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Mannum Mag Editors, staff and/or affiliates. Mannum Mag assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this publication.

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For catering and seating purposes, it is important to RSVP your name and number attending: Theresa Woods via text Ph: 0408 858 617 by Friday 14th September

To accommodate a wide range of comments, short letters have more chance of publication. Longer letters addressing important matters will not necessarily be excluded. In general, aim for about 100 to 150 words, or less. Letters must include contact details for verification.

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Pool Supervisors Required Expression of Interest


id Murray Council is working with the Mannum Community College to ensure that the community has some access to the pool after school and on weekends during the hotter months. As such we are calling for ‘expressions of interest’ to gather a group of people to act as pool supervisors on a roster basis. Preferably you will have some pool training or supervision experience. It would be great if you had your ‘Bronze Medallion’ or similar. To undertake the role you would need to have or be prepared to get a Police Check, Senior First Aid and Child Safe Environments certificate. People with a genuine interest but without existing qualifications are still encouraged to express their interest. Training and other support will be offered to successful applicants. Remuneration will be offered in accordance with skills and experience. For more information please contact Shane Thompson at Mid Murray Council on 8569 0100, 0457 845 999 or via email To register your interest please submit a 1 page written expression of interest marked ‘Pool Supervisor’ to the attention of the CEO. Email or PO Box 28 Mannum SA 5238 by 5pm on Friday 28th September. Shane Thompson Manager, Community Development

Mannum District Hospital and Mannum Medical Centre A Brief Introduction


he Mannum and District Hospital has been operating for more than 90 years providing medical and nursing care for the Mannum Community and visitors to the area. There have been many changes since the hospital was originally built and today we can proudly say that our community is benefiting from a variety of health services established over the years, provided by an experienced and committed team. The common theme over the years has been the same and is symbolised by the basic principles that drives the local health professionals towards the same goals as ninety years ago: “to care for others, to providerelief, solace and support to people in need of health care”. Renovations and improvements were made last year to the Accident and Emergency (A and E) Department, acquiring a new X-Ray machine with our GPs accredited to utilise it. The hospital has nine acute beds and fifteen aged-care beds including a purpose built room for palliative care patients, all supported by a professional and experienced medical team of local GPs and nursing staff. The hospital through its community health services is able to provide community support with our Domiciliary Services and have on site several allied health services

(public and private) such as Psychologist, Physiotherapist, Optometrist, Postnatal Midwifery support, Cardiologist, Podiatry, Audiologist etc. Murray Bridge Community Health also provides allied health support for the inpatient. Recently, we have also commenced providing Residential Transitional Care Packages to older inpatients that require longer recovery periods following surgery or major health problems. The program is so far proving to be highly successful. The Acute hospital has also a Medical Intern providing support to the GPs and is part of a learning rural program to provide country experience to newly graduated doctors. This is a major acquisition for our hospital, as not many country hospitals have the service of a Medical Intern Our doctors and nurses are fully qualified and experienced in a variety of health areas that enables our facility to provide safe, professional care. Our A and E is open 24 hours a day with a Doctor on call for emergencies. Health Direct 1800 022 222 is available for general enquiries out of normal consulting hours with a qualified Nurse or GP answering these calls. Remember in case of an emergency; please call 000 for ambulance attendance.

DISTRICT CHURCH SERVICES For Mannum congregations ANGLICAN 6 Adelaide Road. Ph: 8569 2385 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am BAPTIST William Street. Ph: 8569 6040 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am CATHOLIC Mau Street. Ph: 8531 1699 Mannum, Mass: 1st Sunday 9:30 am, all others 8:30 am LUTHERAN 79 Cliff Street. Ph: 8569 2863 Mannum, Sundays 9:00 am, Sunday School 9:45 am during school terms. Everyone welcome. RIVER WORD CHRISTIAN CENTRE Greening Street. Ph: 8569 1333 Mannum, Sundays 10:00 am SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 17 King George St. Ph: 9433 734 037 Mannum, Saturdays 9:30 am, Sabbath School 11:00 am UNITING Corner of Greening Street & Walker Avenue Enquiries: Phone one of the Elders. G Gobbett: 8569 1083, M Thomas: 8569 1005 R Marshall: 8569 1737, G McInerney: 8569 2076 Mannum, 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 11 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays 9 am Issue Number 72

We are fortunate to have the local Medical Clinic on site with its opening hours being Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and Saturday mornings 9:00 am to 11:30 am by appointment. This is an ideal arrangement for the local community and the hospital, improving response and attendance time. The Clinic promotes many services including Care Plan Clinics which help you manage your health and reach your health goals. A Care Plan involves your GP and clinic nurse, who, with your consent and assistance, form a written plan of management outlining your care. Anyone who has a long term medical condition that lasts longer than 6 months e.g. diabetes, asthma, heart disease, arthritis, palliative care can have a care plan. When your doctorproposes a care plan, together you will decide what your health care problems and needs are, what result you would like from the plan and what, if any, other health care and community services you need. For GP appointments, call the Mannum Medical Centre on 8569 0222. If you have questions about our Hospital, do not hesitate to contact us on 8569 0200. Edmondo Palombo, Executive Officer Director of Nursing. On behalf of the Mannum District Hospital and the Mannum Medical Clinic.

Australian Red Cross THE POWER OF HUMANITY

Cambrai familystore Main Street Cambrai Wed–Fri and Sun: 10AM–4PM Phone: 8564 5244 Puzzle ow many words of 4 or more letters can you make with these 9 letters? • Each word must include the letter in the centre, shaded box • One word includes all 9 letters Score: 16 Good, 24 Very good, 32 Excellent











Mannum Mag

Chairperson: Geoff Skein 8569 2385 Editor/Pub: Keith Baldwin 8569 7304 Web Site:

Mannum Mag

Accounts: Frank O’Flaherty 8569 4234 Sec/Treas: Bill McGhie 8569 1821

Page 3

Mid Murray Support Services

Find Your Lost Superannuation enator Anne McEwen, Senator for South Australia, announced that there is over $100 million in lost and unclaimed superannuation belonging to residents in the electorate of Barker. The latest figures from the Australian Taxation Office show there is $103,035,380.61 spread over more than 20,000 lost or inactive superannuation accounts registered in Barker. “The figures of lost and unclaimed super are staggering. “The average amount of unclaimed super accounts in SA is over $5,000 – money that should grow over time and will be well worth having in retirement,” Senator McEwen said. There are 3.6 million lost superannuation accounts across Australia. They become inactive because the owners forget about them, or the owners can no longer be found. “I suggest people use the online tool ‘SuperSeeker’ to keep track of their active accounts, as well as find any lost super that the Australian Taxation Office holds on your behalf,” the Senator added. Sup er Seeker c an help consolidate any lost super with a simple online form. Senator McEwen said that the Federal Government is also helping Australians enjoy more money in retirement, with a boost of the super to those people earning less than $37,000 by up to $500. “The Super Guarantee is increasing from 9 per cent to 12 per cent, and the upper eligible age limit is also being removed,” she said. SuperSeeker: Either visit or call 13 28 65 Fast Key Code 1 then 2


From the office of Senator Anne McEwen Labor, SA, Electorate of Barker

Keeping you up to date with happenings at Mid Murray Community Support Services and CHIPS

25 Years and Counting eptember marks 25 years since the incorporation of Mid Murray Support Services. From very humble beginnings MMSS has now developed into a ‘place for everyone’ to access information and / or services that fill the ‘gaps’ to maintain well being and build resilience. This milestone marks the growth of MMSS, which is the culmination of a lot of selfless work by many, many volunteers over a long period of time; all of whom have made a positive impact on the lives of countless members of their community. This is a celebration of a community that ‘looks out for’ and supports each other with a ‘hand up’. We are trying to source memorabilia to tell a story of the history of MMSS. If you happen to have any photos, etcetera, we would love to see them and perhaps take a copy. Drop in and see us at 71 Randell Street. Our friendly volunteers are always on hand to fill you in on the services and opportunities Mid Murray Support Services can offer. Thank You Mannum You have responded to help us stock Scrooges OP SHOP with quality second hand items and reduce the amount of unsalable items. This saves us considerable time and resources, allowing us to better direct these efforts to other areas of need. Karen and her team at Scrooges thank you for your diligence and are ready to sort arriving donations. For all enquiries regarding donating goods call Karen on 8569 1892. Living Healthy We are excited to now confirm, ‘Living HEALTHY on a Shoestring’ EXPO will be held on Sunday 21st October at Mary Anne Reserve. Bring the family


for a fun day out by the river. There is sure to be something for everyone, including plans for a ‘Cook Off’ style contest, ‘The $10 HEALTHY Family Meal Challenge’, along with other interactive attractions full of low cost ideas and solutions to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If this is something you or your group would like to be a part of, we would welcome your input. Contact Angie at MMSS. More details will be available in the October Mannum Mag. Adult Community Education Term 3 is now underway; the schedule for term 4 will be in the October Mannum Mag. An exciting new course is coming in Term 4; “Researching Family History” with Judy Johnston, who has a wealth of experience and knowledge in this field. If you are interested in attending one of our courses or if there is a learning experience not currently on offer that you would like to be involved in, please contact us to register your interest. MMSS now offers an accredited component to the learning opportunities delivered, partnering with TAFESA. Contact Angie to find out more. Age is no barrier to learning and our tutors are experienced in delivering a learning experience that suits the more mature participant. The setting is far removed from the traditional learning environment. In fact feedback received suggests the atmosphere in the ‘class’ does not even come close resembling what it felt like to be at school many years ago. Medicare Agency MMSS recently became a Medicare Agency, providing access to Medicare information and services online. We are able to post claims for you too. This

addition is valuable for those living in the Mid Murray district, in an isolated area, or do not have access to the internet. We are very pleased to now offer this service to our community. Community Garden In the previous issue of Mannum Mag, we called for expressions of interest to those in our community who would like to be part of a Steering Group to develop and manage the proposed Community Garden that will be located at the new ‘Mannum Community Centre’ (being developed at the Primary School site). Thank you to those who have already registered interest. If this is something that interests you, get in on the ‘ground level’ and help drive and shape this great opportunity for our community. Men’s Shed The response received to date of interest in the development of the Men’s Shed in Mannum (also marked to be located at the new ‘Mannum Community Centre’) has been inspiring. MMSS welcomes interest from our community in forming a Steering Group, to build a program that has enormous potential to support the men in our community. Call us and register your interest to join in with this great opportunity to create, meet new people, learn or pass on skills and knowledge, share experiences or to just have a ‘potter’ and a chat. Thought of the Month From our notice board: The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but most of all, the world needs dreamers who do! Mid Murray Support Services Contact: Phone 8569 2129. Angela Roesler, Acting Coordinator Mid Murray Support Services

Mannum District Hospital

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Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Pause A While

Murray River Barrage Construction

with Mannum Interchurch Council o you remember the story in the Bible in Matthew chapter 14, verses 22-33, where Jesus, who has just fed over five thousand people, sends His disciples by boat across to the other side of the lake, while He sends the people home? While the disciples are sailing across the lake, a storm breaks out bringing ‘heavy’ waves. It’s about 3 am when Jesus walks towards them on the water. The disciples see Him approach but do not recognize Him and, thinking that He might be a ghost, cry out in fear, but Jesus calls to them and tells them not to be afraid. Peter calls out to Jesus: “If it is really you, tell me to walk on the water and come to you.” Jesus replied, “All right, come.” Peter then climbs out of the boat and starts to walk. Then he looks around at what he is doing and realizes that this is impossible and starts to sink, because we all know that you can’t walk on water. Jesus takes Peter by the hand, lifts him up


and together they walk to the boat. As soon as they climb in, the wind drops and the waves become calm. I am sure we can all relate to this story in some way or other. I know I can. Have you been in situations where ‘the waves of life’ have been higher than you can handle, where you feel like you might ‘go under’ with all that life is throwing at you? The Bible tells us to call out to Jesus. The song says, “Put your hand in the hand of the man who calms the waters.” Jesus said “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me… and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:29). Does it work? Yes, but only if you know Jesus. Don’t know Jesus? There are many great gatherings of people in places called ‘Church’. Find one that can introduce you to Jesus and allow Him to walk through life’s journey with you. Will it take away all your problems? No, but He will calm your storms. Ps. Trevor Goodwin

Prayer Meeting for Mannum Wednesday 19th September, 7 pm, River Word Christian Centre, Greening St.

Dahl & Warhurst Funeral Directors LOOKING AFTER YOU, WHEN IT MEANS THE MOST Personalised Arrangements To Suit Your Needs • Burials & Cremations (Country & City) • Monumental Masons • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Priced to Suit You SERVICING: MANNUM


he 1934 construction of South Australia’s iconic Barrages at the Murray River mouth can once again be relived for all to experience thanks to Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland, Murraylands Tourism Partnership and SA Water. This partnership has seen an old reel of film documenting this moment in history converted to DVD format and donated to Meningie’s Cheese Factory Museum. The five barrage construction separates Lake Alexandrina from the Goolwa Channel and the Coorong and regulates the river for irrigation and to allow navigation for river boats (and trade at the time). Consisting of 593 independent gates and bays, the total barrier is over 7km in length. Meningie’s Cheese Factory Museum is fortunate enough to have original photographs of the construction and a diary entry detailing the events from a Meningie resident at the time, all on show for visitors to see. Unique in design at the time, the structure can withstand water pressure from two sides, and not just the usual one side. Officers of the Engineering and Water Supply Department developed the concept which was subsequently approved by the River Murray Commission (now known as the Murray Darling Basin Authority). President of the Meningie Cheese Factory, Peter Ancell is extremely pleased to add this


footage to the Museum’s collection for all visitors to see ‘It is important to preserve the history of the people of Meningie and surrounding district for the benefit of generations to come’. The Meningie Cheese Factory Museum is a popular attraction boasting unique items such as farm machinery, vehicles, a flip flop windmill and even a stripper that families used to sleep in! Located in a restored dairying company premises, this tourist attraction perfectly combines history and culinary delights with a restaurant next door that showcases the region’s fine food, wine and coffee, overlooking the beautiful views of Lake Albert. Brenton Lewis, CEO of Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland, says ‘the history of the region is important to reflect on and understand when contemplating future directions. Meningie’s Cheese Factory Museum showcases the variety of people who live or have lived in Meningie and the way they survived, it plays an important role in the community’. Come and have a wander and spend time reflecting on the past, the Meningie Cheese Factory Museum is open every day 8:00am to 5:00pm*. At only $3 per person, it is a wonderful family day out! Candace Torres Tourism Development Manager

*except Good Friday and Christmas Day

Mid Murray Homes for the Aged Inc and Mid Murray Homes for the Aged Housing Association Inc Annual General Meeting

Established since 1910

Phone Leon or Lola Warhurst


8569 1585

Relive this event at Meningie’s Cheese Factory Museum

0408 813 905 OR 0417 859 515 Dahl & Warhurst Chapel Postal Address 19 Walker Avenue 3 Myall Place Mannum Mannum

Tuesday September 25th 7:30 pm at Senior Citizens Hall, Mannum • Reports: Chairman Chief Executive Officer Financial Reports • Elections • General Business Nomination forms for the positions of Board Members are available from the office at Aminya. Nominations close at 4:00 pm on Friday September 21st 2012 Glen Cooper, Chief Executive Officer

Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 5

For Men Only!

Works, Services and Projects

Abdominal Aortic Aneurism Do you remember that article in the July edition?

annum’s response to the article was fantastic. Forty-four of us were tested on 13th and 14th August at the Mannum Medical Centre. The doctor and nurse who conducted the tests told us that Mannum was the best response they’ve ever achieved city or country. Our big country cousin downstream could only muster eleven participants; yes that’s right, eleven participants, for the largest medical centre outside of Adelaide. And one of the eleven was from Mannum so he got things moving and arranged for the Flinders Medical Centre to come here. Thank you to Mike McDowell. The outcome (44 men being tested) proved a number of things: 1. Sometimes it only needs one interested person to make a difference and to get things done


Update from Mid Murray Council

2. The power of advertising (“The Mag”) 3. The strength of our loved ones who, after reading the article, no doubt encouraged some of us cowardly men to register for the simple test. My loved one’s “encouragement” convincedme to register and attend 4. Tempting you with the man silhouette image and the words “For Men Only” drew attention to the contents of the article. A further example of an eye catching message is, “wet paint”. Human inquisitiveness all but compels us to touch the paint to see if it is indeed “wet”. Hmmm. (Personally, I’ve found that turps works best to clean paint off fingers.) In conclusion, advertising in “The Mag” gets results. Well done Mannum. Well done Mike. Bill McGhie


FRIDAY 28th SEPTEMBER PARTY CATS 50's - 60's Rock n Roll Featuring Peter Tilbrook from Masters Apprentices FREE Entry 8pm til Late

ouncil held its last meeting on Monday 13th August 2012 at which the following were discussed or determined.


• Murray Plains Cycle Trek - Council has been working with the Mid Murray LAP to develop a Cycle Trek between Mannum and Sedan. A brochure has been produced and signage will be installed. It is expected that this will be launched shortly. • Council has not received any expressions of interest to date to construct and operate a kiosk/café on the Mary Ann Reserve. • Council has endorsed a draft lease to Mid Murray Support Services for the use of the old Mannum Primary School building together with other organisations and this will be subject to public consultation. Public consultation will commence shortly and comments received will then be considered by Council. • Council has approved an application from the Walkerville All Cars Club Inc to hold Round 5 of the SA Rally Championships on the 27th October 2012 on a number of Council roads. The planned event will be centred in the town of Truro. The approval is subject to 19 conditions. • Council had almost $18m in development last year compared to $15m in 2010/2011. This included over $11 million for dwellings (86

• •

dwellings compared to 73 dwellings 2010/2011). Council has approved community grants to 11 community organisations for a variety of projects (for example – Mannum Soccer Club for purchase of materials to build a lean-to on existing shed and Palmer CFS to provide house numbers to residents within the township). Council has approved the ‘Sounds by the River’ Concert to be held on Saturday 12th January 2013 on the southern part of Mary Ann Reserve subject to a number of conditions. The Mid Murray Council hosted the Country Arts SA Board meeting in Mannum on the 21st August 2012. Council has endorsed a new Customer Service Charter, Service Standards and Guidelines in how we treat and respond to residents’ and ratepayers’ requests. Council has approved a loan for $110,000 to upgrade the Swan Reach Town Hall subject to a number of conditions including a guarantor/s to ensure security for the loan. Council had a presentation from Mannum Waters Marina Representatives who highlighted the housing developments and houseboat sales/interest. The development is progressing well. Russell Peate Chief Executive Officer Mid Murray Council

Lions Club of Ridley – Monthly Market Cambrai Hotel 1st Sunday of Month - 11am (setup) 12 - 4pm Next Market Sunday October 7th Plants, Produce, Craft, Jewellery, Clothes, Boot, Talent, Trash, Treasure and Trinket - sell and buy venue Book a site $5 or $12 Powered For bookings and enquiries contact Lion Sabrina: Lion Annie: or 8564 5008 Lion Marion: or 8570 8170

AFL GRAND FINAL Watch the Game on the Big Screen Half Time Snacks $5.50 Carlton Draught Pints

BINGO Every 2nd Thursday 1pm Upcoming Dates are 13th September 2012 27th September 2012 11th October 2012 66 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 Phone: 8569 1010 – Fax 8569 2700 Email: Page 6

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Whistle Toot PS Marion and Mannum Dock Museum

he final Rockford Steam Powered Dinner for the year was held on 25th/26th August and was fully booked with passengers enjoying the weekend despite the cool and occasionally rainy weather. A well attended cruise preparation day on Monday 27th August saw attendees get the boat ready for the Mildura trip that was starting the next day. The cabins were prepared, decks, lounge rooms and dining room swept and floors washed, and all the provisions loaded for the cruise. The boat is travelling to Mildura for the 100th birthday celebrations of the PS Melbourne. On the way the boat will stop in Loxton on Saturday 1st September for the ‘Agricultural Machinery Through the Ages’ Parade and Farmers’ Dinner and Concert.


Short 1 hour cruises are being offered as part of these celebrations. The PS Marion is scheduled to stop at Renmark, and then will travel upstream to Wentworth in the company of some other boats, including Oscar W, Industry and Amphibious, arriving on Friday 7th September. An overnight stop will allow passengers, crew and visitors to enjoy Wentworth hospitality before cruising to the Mildura Homestead and into Mildura, in formation, on Sunday 9th September. As the River Murray currently has high current flows it is hard to be exact with timing of arrivals. The PS Marion will depart from Mildura on Wednesday 12th September, returning to Renmark and then onto Berri

(23rd September) where the boat will be slipped for maintenance. Work is continuing on the Museum developments with the installation of many of the new interactive features in the upstairs section. The replica of the MaryAnn is also nearly complete with the addition of the wool bales and mannequin display. Can anyone help with the donation or loan of a very old suit (a man’s suit) for dressing one of the display mannequins as we are all “scratching our heads” trying to locate one ! For further information about the PS Marion, Museum or Information Centre please contact 8569 2383 or 8569 1303 or visit the website on Jenny Twigden

Gun Amnesty 2012 1 August – 31 October For a Safer South Australia

s there an unregistered gun on your property? Perhaps an old gun tucked away that you’d forgotten about? For three months from Wednesday 1 August you will be able to hand in those unregistered, unwanted guns at any SA police station, during South Australia’s Gun Amnesty. For more information, including how to safely transport your gun, visit or call 1800 071 507.


Mannum Express Freight New number: 0420 651 554

MID MURRAY COUNCIL Mannum Dock Museum Board Nominations for three (3) positions on the Board are invited from interested community members. The appointment is for two (2) years. Retiring members will be eligible for re-election. Nominations in writing outlining relevant details are to be addressed to Mr Russell Peate, Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 28, Mannum SA 5238 or email Appointment criteria to include interest/experience in the following areas associated with the Museum: History research, Museum presentation and exhibition, Tourism, arts and culture, Murray River, PS Marion operations, Heritage vessels/wooden boats, Visitor information. Nominations close at 5:00 pm on Monday 24 September 2012. Enquiries contact: Deb Alexander 0414 857 738 Russell J Peate CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Brown Havelberg Partners Real Estate 81 Randell Street MANNUM Ph: 8569 1003 Email:

Let us meet your real estate goals Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 7


Out Of This World

Mannum’s Hidden Icons

Astronomer’s Corner aking a stroll just after 7 pm you will see the tail of the Scorpion overhead amid the central band of the Milky Way Galaxy. Observing and getting a clear picture helps to set the scene for thinking about our home galaxy as we look through and around the misty parts and the crystal clear perspectives of our closest galaxy. Singular as it appears to us, on a grand scale we have to look away from the central core to see other examples of such a spiral galaxy. To unaided eyes galaxies appear as misty stars or hazy patches but need only a little enhancing to see dramatic results, such as observed with the Andromeda galaxy or the globular clusters. Appreciating the night sky has the prospect of long viewing periods, gazing at the many star fields in the eyepiece of a telescope. The planets Mars and Saturn, setting in the west after 10:30pm, are always a good incentive to venture out, even if only to see the changes from night to night. Jupiter rises after 2am and, along with Venus after 4am, coincides with Orion the Hunter and his constellation companion of the dog Canis Major around dawn. The mobile platform that the earth is to us, appears fairly staid but considering the speed and constant motion with which we travel around the sun we have the opportunity to observe the ever changing aspects nearly 24 hours in every day. This is a veiled allusion to why a book of star data is called an Ephemeris – which can be obtained in many forms from astronomical societies for a different perspective of the stars, not just in Australia but world wide.


Dave Allen

Moon Phases Last 1/4


8 September 16 September

First 1/4


23 September

30 September

Ageing in the Murraylands with Millie e’s 93. He lovingly cared for his • “Stop calling me ‘darling’, I have a name.” wife through years of Alzheimer’s and strokes. He joined • “How long should I have to wait before someone gets me off this loo? Carers’ groups and spoke up for the I’ve almost fallen in already.” aged and what it is like to be a Carer. • “I asked for help to go to the loo at Now it is his turn to need care. He is least 10 minutes ago, and the carers still known for his sense of humour, are still strolling around having a nice often self-deprecating. After conversation.” breaking a tooth off enjoying his • “I wasn’t born yesterday. I know what they’ll say to my family if a ‘little kangaroo steak on his last birthday accident’ happens because I can’t he assured everyone he’s lost none of wait for them to get to me. Maybe his charm. He doesn’t have dementia, sometime I will do it deliberately to but by 93 a few things have worn out live up, or down, to the blame they and he now needs to be fed. put on to me.” Recently he was seriously ill with Aminya gets top marks on its the doctors worried about that curse Government assessments, and that’s called pneumonia, all triggered by an great. agency nurse stuffing food into his But it's easy for all of us to operate mouth too quickly, causing choking. on automatic pilot, our mind off in Before he was discharged from other directions. hospital, the doctor exhorted him to Would Aminya share with us their tell them to wait until he’s ready for policies on these issues of dignity, the next spoonful. His eyes filled with and how they remind staff what it tears as he asked, “Why don’t they feels like to be dependent on others ask us how we need things done? to meet our basic human needs? Why can’t they treat us with Millie dignity?” Sillie Millie says: Four out of five “Doesn’t happen in our corner of people say they suffer from the world,” you say. I wish. diarrhoea. So does that mean that Sometimes one can feel the vibes one out of the five actually enjoys it? from the person needing help:


Page 8

he town of Mannum contains a number of people who go quietly about their daily lives, but delving behind the scenes will discover some with interesting hobbies. One such person is 66 year old Bob Holland, who for 56 years has been collecting speedway memorabilia. At age 10 Bob’s mum promised to take him to Rowley Park Speedway to see a relative (Murray Hoffman) race. The long haul from their Wall Flat farm ended in disappointment when the meeting was washed out. Undeterred, they returned and Bob got a photo of his uncle and a passion began. Soon Bob was travelling to Adelaide with family and friends, spending his school lunch money on photos, not missing a Rowley meeting for over 4 years. At age 15, Bob purchased a race car, a micro midget, powered by a 250cc engine, but couldn’t race it till he turned 16. He has photos of the first ever race meeting held at Murray Bridge with him piloting his micro. Bob moved up to TQ’s (500cc), driving on many country tracks from Eudunda to Renmark and Naracoorte, before stepping up to saloons and


eventually hot rods. His final switch was to the classics when he purchased a replica speed car (SA12) raced by former Rowley Park Promoter Alf Shields. The stable has grown since to three beautifully restored speed cars, two TQs and his original Micro midget. Bob travels to classic meetings all over Australia for displays and race meets. His photo and magazine collection completely fills one room of his Mannum home and includes every Rowley Park program and many photos passed on from several track photographers. He has track signage, driving suits of a number of national champs and a helmet bag owned by the late, great, Bob Tattersal. Bob receives regular enquiries Australia wide for photos from former competitors and fans and has assisted a number of people track down stored or restored race machines. His collection is lovingly stored in a dedicated garage at his home with one speed car currently in a Renmark museum. He is more than willing to show off his massive display to the public and can be contacted for an appointment by phoning 8569 1119. Bobby Hunter

Doctors at a large managed care facility on strike! Officials said they would find out what the doctors’ demands were as soon as they can get a pharmacist over there to read the picket signs.

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Praise for Lions and Country Folk Black Dog Ride

recently participated in the Black Dog Ride in support of Awareness of Depression and Suicide. While I had a great time, raised some money, and met many sociable co-riders, I must comment about the spirit of the ride. We were supported by the Lions Club all along the route. The Mannum Lions were the first to offer us hospitality at Shearer Park and despite the crowd being small, we were all happy to receive a hot drink and some ‘sticky buns’ from the local bakery. We were equally impressed with the Lions Clubs of Mt Gambier, who went to a great deal of trouble to provide dinner, a generous donation and visiting club


members from other nearby country towns. Sara Connor from the Black Dog Institute delivered a presentation about Depression and Suicide and stressed the need to seek help, ‘don’t bottle it up’. Coleraine and Speed (a very small town in Victoria), Lions Club members and families turned out to greet us the next day, and provided that country-folk hospitality. It was just fantastic. The Horsham Lions Club set up in a local shopping centre car park and other motorcycle riders came out to support us. Mildura was a rally point for the Canberra riders to join the contingent from South Australia and provided us with

steamed fish and schnitzel at the Riverside Caravan Park. We were late but they waited for us and we were very grateful. The next rally point was Pt Augusta where about 220 riders went on to Alice Springs. Lots of fun, awareness and funds were raised. A great effort by the motorcycle fraternity. I must comment on the generosity of spirit and the trouble Lions members and their families went to, to set up, bake cakes, scones, pies and pasties and make sandwiches and home made soup. Just what we needed after hours on the bikes in ‘not too comfortable’ weather. Our sincere thanks; you just can’t beat country folk. Gordon Woods, Black Dog Rider


0400 949 949 John Coombe Quality carpet and upholstery cleaning Walk on your clean carpet immediately

Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 9

Mannum Meals On Wheels annum Meals On Wheels AGM meeting was held recently (August 16th) in the Day Care Centre with 17 volunteers present and guest speaker Rick Coronica, a MoW representative from Adelaide. Chairman Murray Schache welcomed all present and thanked all volunteers for their generosity and time delivering MoW during the last twelve months. The total number of meals delivered in 2011-2012 was 2680, down on the previous year. Murray Schache then introduced Rick Coronica


( A d e l a i d e M o W), w h o explained the few changes taking place, one being that volunteers now have to wear a safety vest when delivering meals. Presentation of awards for various years of service then took place. Mu rray Sch ach e th en declared all positions vacant prior to voting. The new positions were filled as follows. Chairman Trevor Frahn Vice Chairman Jan Treloar Sec/Teasurer Margot Thomas and four committee members:

Colin Vigar Joy Vincent, Ivy Kowald Kym Gertig. New chairman Trevor Frahn then thanked Murray Schache for the wonderful work that he had done over the years for Mannum Meals on Wheels. Murray was the inaugural chairman that helped form the Mannum MoW some 39 years ago in 1973, but our delivery of the actual meals only started in February 1975. Well done Murray for the excellent service you gave to the Mannum Community all those years. The Mannum MoW have 45 volunteers helping to deliver the weekly meals. For information, if any person in the Mannum Township would like to get Meals on Wheels delivered, please contact M a r go t T h o m as p h o n e 8569 1005. Trevor Frahn

Rick Coronica (Adelaide Meals on Wheels), Jan Treloar, Murray Schache, Trevor Frahn and Margot Thomas

Is looking for a lighting person for their mid-year and end-of-year theatre shows. This position is Voluntary Duties involve setting up lighting prior to shows and operation of equipment during shows. Tuition can be provided

One day, a cat dies of natural causes and goes to heaven. Saint Peter says to the cat, “You lived a good life, and if there is any way I can make your stay in heaven more comfortable, please let me know.” The cat thinks for a moment and says, “Peter, all my life I have lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor.” Saint Peter stops the cat and says, “Say no more,” and a wonderful, fluffy pillow appears. A few days later, six mice are killed in a tragic farming accident, and all of them go to heaven. Again, Saint Peter is there to greet them with the same offer. The mice answer, “All our lives we have been chased. We have had to run from cats, dogs, and even women with brooms. Running, running, running; we’re tired of running. Do you think we could have roller skates so that we don’t have to run anymore?” Saint Peter says, “Say no more” and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller skates. About a week later Saint Peter stops by to see the cat and finds him snoozing on the pillow. Saint Peter gently wakes the cat and asks him, “How are things since you got here?” The cat stretches and yawns, then replies, “It is wonderful here. Better than I could have ever expected. And those Meals On Wheels you’ve been sending by are the best!”

Home and Property Maintenance Phone Glen Thompson For a free quote. No job too small Phone: 0419 865 611 Email: ABN: 22 112 146 448



For more information Contact Secretary Di Minge 8568 2281

Boat, truck & car repairs * Plugs & Moulds * Gel Coating Laminating * General Fabrication * Resin & Glass Supplies * On site work * Contract work specialist *

Mannum Express Freight New number: 0420 651 554

0413 815541

Page 10


Issue Number 72

The Hall Spring Fever

ello Mannumites. Hello Spring. This is what we have all been waiting for isn’t it? Well I know I have! Lets hope we have left most of the cold – “brrrrrr” – weather behind us and welcome the beautiful warm breezes and lots of vitamin D on our skin. The Hall has been very busy making squares for knee rugs which will be used next year when we have excursions on the bus or as we huddle to keep warm when required. We also had a lesson in Mosaic Art which was held on two separate Fridays; how creative you can be when you put your mind to it. The meals are extraordinary, as two of


our Coordinators supply us with culinary delights three days a week, it’s lovely to enjoy healthy, nourishing and inexpensive meals from $5.00 to $6.00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There was a bus trip last month to Adelaide where a group of us signed up to go to Harbour Town and Ikea. Well you would have thought we hadn’t been out or talked to anyone for months (talk about a chook yard) and yes that included men as well! Especially one gent who positioned himself on the back seat of the bus and gave cheek/yarns/jokes and much needed laughter all the way into Adelaide. I

commend this gent for his enthusiasm and an ability to hold an audience of women. Yes! We did shop till we dropped but it was worthwhile to unpack our goodies when we got home. The Hall is an eclectic group of people from all walks of life which always makes for good conversation. Why not come and join us on one of those days and experience it for yourself. We always have someone dropping in to have a chat or a cuppa, please come by and see for yourself. Annette Rissmann Chairperson/Volunteer


Ph: 8569 2382 # SPECIALISED TREE WORK Felling, Lopping, Mulching, Stump Grinding

# GARDENING Pruning, Weed Removal, Spraying, Slashing, Fertilizing, etc


Call WAYNE For a FREE QUOTE Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 11

Musical Miscellany The Saxophone – From Joke to Serious Instrument Part 1


esides the guitar, the other musical instrument to make an impact particularly in popular music over the past hundred odd years is the saxophone. Adolphe Saxe, a Belgium instrument maker and clarinet player, patented the sax on the 28th of June 1846. He wanted an instrument or series of instruments to fill the middle ground between the brass and the woodwind instruments; instruments which were the most powerful of the woodwinds and the most adaptive of the brass. Saxophones are classifiedas wood wind instruments. They use a single reed and embouchure similar to a clarinet. They should not be confused with members of the saxhorn family which have a mouth piece similar to a bugle and are classified as brass instruments. The saxophone is usually made of brass although there was a time when plastic was tried. Jazz musician Charlie Parker played a plastic alto, probably because it was cheap and he had sold or pawned his brass instrument so that he could buy drugs.

It has achieved popularity in brass bands, particularly marching bands where its portability and sound are valued. In popular music and jazz it has also made a significant impact. Within the musical genre called “Classical Music” recognition and use has come more slowly. That is not surprising given the attitude of some of the followers of that music style. The tenth edition of the Oxford Companion to Music states “… during the convulsions of 1914-18, these (musical activities involving saxophones) suddenly increased and multiplied so that the instrument became, of all instruments, the best known to that general public that frequents dance halls or likes to dine or sup to music. To the judicious this was a grief, as members of the family were often made to perform feats for which providence had not intended them, and the tone quality that resulted was often trying to sensitive ears; later a degree of better taste showed itself and the true powers … were realised.” Not particularly encouraging

words and perhaps they reflect a degree of intolerance to the new or different. However as a jazz lover, I certainly feel that honking and squealing Saxes, which were prevalent in the sixties as free-form jazz became the vogue, have done the music no favours. Over time there have been a number of classical works written for the saxophone. Composers have included Claude Debussy, Alexander Glazunov, Darius Milhaud and Paul Hindemith. There is now a greater acceptance of the saxophone family into the ranks of classical musical instruments. The classical saxophone quartet usually consists of soprano, alto, tenor and baritone instruments and referred to as the SATB configuration. A number of well-known quartets in this format perform and record regularly. Next month I will write of the saxophone in popular music including jazz and mention performers some will remember from their youth.

A group of terrorists hijacked a plane full of saxophone players. They called ground control with their list of demands adding that if their demands weren’t met, they would release one sax player every hour. Contrary to popular belief the saxophones are percussion instruments and meant to be beaten with hammers. Large hammers.

Peter Weir

Community mentors are volunteers who meet with a young person at school for one hour a week to help them achieve their full potential.

Community Mentoring Program  Make a difference in a young child’s life  Make new friends  Make a real difference to the future of your own community  Learn new skills Life experience is the only qualification you need

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Would you like to know more about the program?

Contact: Luke Wilson 0457 764 318

Drop in: DECS Regional Office 20 Beatty Tce, Murray Bridge


MANNUM CAN & BOTTLE DEPOT 103 Adelaide Road, Ph: 8569 1720 OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 12, 1 – 4pm Saturday 9 - 12 CLOSED Wednesday, Sunday, Easter Saturday & Public Holidays

 Verandahs  Decking


All Clean Deposit Cartons, Cans & Bottles Accepted The 3 R’s of Recycling R emove lid R inse R eturn for refund

Page 12

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Mental Musings

Opportunities oetry and prose are alive and well in our district. “Long-termers” from Edwards Crossing have printed anthologies of their work. “Bendy Words” is a newer group established at Tailem Bend and other smaller, intimate gatherings of friends meet regularly and discuss their writings. Opportunities are presenting themselves in new and interesting ways. For example, over 2 years we have personally contributed to two books published by Ginninderra Press, one about Sir Hans Heysen and his paintings, the other about Port Adelaide. More recently we interpreted some historic South Australian paintings then read our poems beside them in the State Library. If you have an interest, perhaps even a story or poem which you’ve written but never dared to air publicly and you’re unsure where to begin, here are two coming supportive events you might consider attending. Friendly Street Poets’ poetry reading at Murray Bridge, will be held at John Dohler Hall, Swanport Road on September 30th between 2pm and 4pm, again providing local poets with an opportunity for their poetry to be published in the FSP annual anthology. Each poet has 3 minutes reading time. Bring


2 copies of your poem for consideration by the editors. Come to read or to listen and enjoy the poetry of others. Afternoon tea is provided in the $5/$6 door charge. Proprietors Debrina and Danny Cazzolato will welcome writers to Sanctuary on Seventh (Street) Murray Bridge from 7 to 10pm on November 6th, with finger food supplied. It’s hoped this will be the first of regular gatherings in their supportive café atmosphere. Community funding has been sought from Murray Bridge Council to make this happen. You’ll need to book because space is limited to 40 people. We plan to read and sing our two recent award-winners, Jacqui’s poem ‘And Now I Understand’ and Max’s song lyric ‘Sorry Day Song’. Lots of book prizes (enough for all readers). To book phone Deb at 8532 6519, or contact us Max and Jacqui Merckenschlager

CATNAP Curled up ball, my blissful cat sleeps. I’m envious of that. But her toileting by lick is a less admired trick.

id you find some sun, or take time to appreciate something you usually just take for granted? The more you do it, the more things you’ll notice. If you haven’t yet done so, try it today. Everyday things like running water inside the house and shelter are worth noticing and even savouring. We have them here in Mannum while millions of folks do not. Let us also try to notice people around us, whether it’s close family and friends, or a stranger or acquaintance in the street. Realise the difference you can make in someone else’s day. Smile in passing, or let the other person in first; be it a shop door or merging traffic. Our community will be a better place when we all become more aware of each other and also the good things we have. Money is not even necessary for this, just personal effort and mindfulness. For some of us it is “to think outside the square” as the saying goes.


A Community Correspondent

“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” Albert Schweitzer

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7324 2109 Mobile 0419 848 339 Phone

Contact: Terry Schutz Pfeiffer Road Mannum ~ Ph: 0407 Issue Number 72

390 010

Lic. 19836

Mannum Mag

7 DAYS .... ALL HOURS Page 13

MID MURRAY COUNCIL Mid Murray Support Services – Lease of Old Mannum Primary School Building Public Consultation Council is considering the granting of a ten (10) year lease with a ten (10) year right of renewal to Mid Murray Support Services for the Old Mannum Primary School Building situated at 58 Walker Avenue, Mannum being Lot 201 of DP84382. The purpose of the lease is to enable Mid Murray Support Services to operate the building as a ‘Community Centre’. In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1999 an invitation is extended to any person to make a submission in relation to the proposed lease. A copy of the lease and any further information can be obtained from the Council Office or website If you wish to comment on the proposal to grant Mid Murray Support Services a lease please forward your written submission to the Chief Executive Officer, Mid Murray Council, PO Box 28, Mannum, 5238 or by email to by 5pm on Thursday 27 September 2012. Russell J Peate, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER


Aminya Village Needs Your Help!

Home and Community Care (HACC) Services Are you elderly or a carer and needing some help in the home?  cleaning (including vacuuming, washing floors, cleaning bathrooms, toilets and various other tasks)  Personal care  Respite  Equipment  Podiatry

How about volunteering at Aminya!

Fees apply for the above services

For more information about any of these services Please phone Coralie on 8569 0240 Monday to Friday Between 8:30am to 4:30pm Or Pick up a handbook which outlines the fees and services available from the Hospital, Medical Centre or Dom Care Office Page 14

Can you spare a couple of hours per week, or even once a month? Would you like to make a meaningful contribution to your community?

...To find out more call

8569 1749 and make an appointment to see Wendy, (Admin & Finance Officer)

Things you could assist us with: You can make a • Activities & Games difference... we’re • Serving Morning/Afternoon Teas waiting to hear from • Reading Newspapers/Mail You! Aminya is a community based, non-profit, incorporated Association providing quality residential aged care services to the people in Mannum and surrounding areas.

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Mannum History Group here is nothing nicer than a day out with friends who share the same interests. The MHG went to Towitta to view the scene of the murder of Bertha Schippan in 1902. Her sister Mary was acquitted of the crime and the murderer was never found. The murder was


reported enthusiastically and was notable in that the news was conveyed by motor car to the telegraph office – for the first time in Australia. A meal at the local pub is usually part of the day and this was enjoyed by all. Kay Stevenson

History Group members on location


A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy’s voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?”

$80.00 Registration per team $7.50 per person per game In a mixed competition a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 males are to be on court at any one time. Teams remain as nominated. At least 3 minor games need to be played by the same team to qualify for finals. Fill-ins may be used but only to play for one team in a season to cover for sickness, etc. They will also need to pay their own fees. Each team must supply a scorer either before or after their game, as rostered. Quality umpires will be supplied by the Leisure Centre.

MARION’S BOUTIQUE PTY LTD 63-65 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238, Ph: 8569 2261





Mannum Mag

Page 15

Introductory Bush Regeneration Workshop

Anglican Church Garage Sale October Long Weekend

Saturday 15 September, 2012 MURRAY BRIDGE

6 Adelaide Road Saturday 29 September from 9 to 4 pm Sunday 30th September from 12 to 4 pm Monday 1st October from 9 to 12 noon Gifts of quality goods would be welcome. No TVs, computers or electrical please. Enquiries re donation of goods to the secretary on 8569 2385 th

Come to the workshop and learn more about our local native vegetation and the practical steps you can take to help restore it to health. Become a Bush For Life volunteer and: Adopt a bushland site Come to our bush regeneration group activities Care for bushland on your own property Learn more through our advanced training Bush For Life is a community based program run by Trees For Life, that trains community members in minimal disturbance bush regeneration techniques. The program currently has more than 700 active volunteers working across 300+ sites covering in excess of 3400 hectares across South Australia. To book your place or find out more phone 8406 0500. Trees For Life: 5 May Terrace, Brooklyn Park SA 5032

2012 Term 4 Adult Community Education Courses - for everyone Term 4 courses to be published in October Contact Angie  8569 2129 or email or visit MMSS 71 Randell Street for more information and enrolment form.

Block Slashing Mowing, Gardening Yard Clean Ups Rubbish Removal Minor Maintenance *Fully Insured* Ph. Gav 0419 828 339

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Half day, full day and long term hire rates available.

Page 16

Rustic Furniture & Accessories from Recycled Wine Barrels

Bookings should now be made in advance.

Pitmac Services Pty Ltd

Contact Brenton & Brett on 8569 1207.

ABN 61 110 415 588 Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Aminya Garden Makeover ver the cold months of winter a small band of gardeners dropped in to assist residents with the jobs of weeding, pruning, trimming, planting and planning for future directions. The Shared Stiches of Mannum lovingly made and presented a “Spring Flower” quilt to the Mannum Garden Group to raffle for the Aminya Garden Makeover. Jean, a resident of Aminya village presented a beautiful travel bag and Garden Group member Pam a cute appliqué library bag. Tickets are $2 each. The prizes are on display at Aminya and tickets can be purchased at Aminya or on ticket selling days in Mannum’s main street. On Friday 3 rd August, fourteen gathered on a picture perfect gardening day at Aminya. We divided into teams to attend to a variety of jobs in different areas around the village and the Hostel. Out the front near Adelaide Road weeding, tidying, fertilizing,


chatting and laughing were the order of the morning. We excelled in all areas. Not a weed remained under our onslaught; except the couple that hid shivering in their roots under a bush. The Rose Garden out the back was dealt with in a similar fashion. The mulch was parted and fertilizer applied to awaken the roses from their winter slumber. We are waiting, like expectant parents for the first fresh shoots to herald spring. The restoration of the side entrance to Aminya off Parker Street was begun. The over-grown groundcover was tamed and a lot of it was removed to make way for a landscaped area. This was a hard and onerous task but perseverance and determination overpowered the entangled groundcovers. Just inside the gate a large amount of overgrown, leggy, bushy shrubs were pruned or removed to be replaced, in the future, by masses of colour.

Mannum Mag

Morning tea was called. Hot scones, jam, cream or savoury with a refreshing “cuppa” and lots of chatting, nodding, praising and smiling was enjoyed by all. A few bends and stretches and with that little song on our lips it was back to work we went. The village residents were not forgotten. Many of their gardens received a helping hand. Two gardeners/handymen were employed to tackle some hard high pruning, and removal of overgrown trees and bushes at the back of the village. As we sat at the end of the morning three or four beautiful fairy wrens rewarded our efforts with a song and dance. There is a special feeling of warmth, friendship and pride as people gather together to garden to help others. Thank you to all. If you would like to be part of this group email Bev at Bev Connell

Proof Reading

small group of volunteers meet at the show ground on printing day to proof read the print masters for Mannum Mag. Starting about 9:00am a small group of three can usually complete the task in about 2½ to 3 hours. However, more volunteer proof readers are needed in order to roster 3 proof readers for each issue. You do not need to commit to every issue. A larger group from which to draw when necessary would be particularly useful. Proof reading days for the last three issues of 2012 are: Tuesday 2nd October Monday 29th October Monday 26th November If you are able to join this group, would like more details or wish to leave your number as an “on call” volunteer please contact Peter Weir 8569 2857.


AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRICAL For all sales, installations, quotes or enquiries Phone:

0408075440 DARREN JENKINS Qualified installer *FUJITSU




Mannum Mag

ARC LICENCE: LO55815 Page 17

Waste Transfer Stations Opening Times ontact Mid Murray Council for details concerning free and charged items and other waste disposal matters.


Mannum Transfer Station Tuesday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am - 10:00 am Friday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am - 11:30 am

Cambrai Landfill Sunday 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Thursday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Bowhill Transfer Station Sunday 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Thursday 10:30 am - 11:30 am Walker Flat Transfer Station Saturday 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am - 9:30 am Morgan Transfer Station Sunday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Wednesday 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Blanchetown Transfer Station Saturday 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Tuesday 10:15 am - 11:15 am Cadell Transfer Station Sunday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Wednesday 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Swan Reach Transfer Station Saturday 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Truro Transfer Station Sunday 8:30 am - 10:00 am Tuesday 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Tungkillo Transfer Station Saturday 8:00 am - 9:30 am Thursday 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm All Transfer Stations are CLOSED on Christmas Day, New Years Day, Good Friday and on Fire Ban Days.

P.S. “MARION” Enjoy a unique experience cruising the magnificent Murray River aboard this restored historic Paddle Steamer with a superb Christmas feast prepared by our renowned Chef

Christmas Lunch 5 hour Cruise 2012 Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd of December ! Embarkation 10:30 am from Mannum Town Wharf, Mary Ann Reserve for 11:00 am departure ! Superb buffet Christmas feast lunch and afternoon tea whilst cruising

" Spiced Herb Dip, Bacon Dip, Dried Tomato and Cashew Dip, Crudités, Smoked Salmon Spring Rolls. " Homemade Rolls, Roast Turkey with Sage and Pork stuffing, Chipolatas wrapped in Bacon, Roast Beef Sirloin, Leg Ham, Prawns with Seafood Dressing, Crispy Noodle Salad, Potato Salad, Tomato & Cucumber Salad " Christmas Pudding, Brandy butter and Cream.

! Bar facilities available ! Return Mannum Town Wharf 4:00 pm Cost: $85.00 per person (including GST) Note:

All itineraries and arrival / departure dates and times are subject to change at any time dependant on river conditions and at the discretion of the Captain.

BOOKING ENQUIRIES TO MANNUM INFORMATION CENTRE Phone: 08 8569 1303 Book on line: Correct at time of release 9/11/11

Page 18

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

South Australia River Boats Are on Their Way to Mildura


eritage paddle steamers and many riverboats are now on their way from South Australia and Victoria to join the PS Melbourne for its 100th birthday celebrations in Mildura on Sunday 9th September at the PS Melbourne Centenary River Festival at the picturesque Mildura riverfront. The PS Oscar W from Goolwa and the PS Marion from Mannum departed from their respective river ports on 28th August and the oldest existing original, wooden hulled paddle steamer in the world, the PS Adelaide, left Echuca on Saturday 25th August. Chairman of the PS Oscar W, Roly Bartlett said, “It could be 100 years since Ruby and Oscar were in the same place during their working lives, hence we are looking forward to this amazing reunion of old vessels to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to the PS Melbourne.” “We had many residents of Mannum waving goodbye to the Marion as both the passengers and the community were excited to see the Marion going back to Mildura after 50 years”, said PS

Marion Chairman Rob Bowring. In 1957 Alby and Freda purchased an old paddle steamer wreck, the Mayflower, and rebuilt her to carry 60 passengers. She was re-commissioned in 1958. The Mayflower became too small for the increasing tourist trade and after searching along the river they purchased the Paddle Steamer Melbourne, also as a wreck. In 1965, he restored her to the magnificent Paddle Steamer she is today and she has been carrying passengers at Mildura for the past 46 years. The PS Melbourne has become a tourist icon in Mildura and its unique whistle is synonymous with locals each time it departs and returns each day and has brought much joy to the many international, national and state visitors who have cruised on the Murray River with her. “This is not just a birthday, but a reunion of boats from across three States and portrays the amazing passion and dedication of the many volunteers who have taken the time to bring these

amazing heritage vessels to the PS Melbourne’s Centenary River Festival,” said Chris Pointon. Over 35 river vessels ranging from paddle boats to putt putts will join the PS Melbourne for this milestone event. They will line the picturesque Mildura Riverfront stretching from the Mildura Wharf, past the Mildura Rowing Club, who will be offering wine tasting and a delicious barbecue. The Sunraysia Farmers Market will start off the day with breakfast from 9:00 a.m. The Mildura District Brass Band will entertain visitors throughout the day and will herald the arrival of the flotilla from 10:30 a.m at the wharf. The PS Melbourne Centenary River Festival is on Sunday 9th September at the Mildura riverfront. There will be vintage machinery displays, wine tasting, food stalls and cruises throughout the day. For more information visit or find us on facebook!

PS Melbourne

PS Marion

PS Adelaide

MID - MURRAY SELF STORAGE Specialising in Container and Machinery Transport JOHN WHITE Postal Address: PO Box 491 Mannum SA 5238 Mobiles: 0417 938 828 0439 838 504 Email:

Suitable For Storing Boats/Caravans Ideal For Storing Furniture Etc. Individual Shed With Own Key Yard Storage Available Shed Size 7.5m × 3m Other Sizes Available

6 WALKER AVE. MANNUM PHONE 8569 1726 MOBILE 0408 813 726

* Recommended Insurance Repairer * Owner Operated and Servicing Mannum since 1985 Bake Oven for factory finish Chassis straightening All work Guaranteed

Windscreen replacement Private and Insurance work Local pickup and delivery available

24 Hour 7 Day TOWING PH 8569 1151 or A/H 0412 644 736 Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 19

Mannum Golf Club Competition Results Date: 04/08/2012 Competition: Stroke Bill Banks Trophy Sponsor: Males Meats Winner of the Day Stan Thompson Net 66 Runner Up P Kroehn 67 F Hiller 75 C Vigar 76

Date: 11/08/2012 Competition: Stableford Sponsor: R and S Porter Electrical Winner of the day Keith Dohnt Points 39 Runner Up P Joyner 38 R Wirth 38 D Jericho 38 P Gaskell 37 Date: 18/08/2012 Competition: Par Sponsor: Murray Heating and Cooling Winner of the Day Ross Wirth +2

Mannum Day Centre Mannum Day Centre is open from Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays. The Day Centre is available for hire by community groups for a small donation. Please ring on 8569 0219 for more information. WEEKLY Monday


Knitting Group. Bring your craft along and join in! Tea/coffee provided. For $6, stay for a cooked lunch. Tuesday 9am-10:30am Mannum Weight Watchers.  Rhonda 8569 1123. Tuesday 10am-2:30pm Social Day. Bingo in morning and games in afternoon. Cost $6 for the day which includes cooked lunch. Thurs/Friday * 10:00am Scrabble Day. (*Alternating Thursday/Friday. Dates change so please ring to confirm times.) Come and enjoy a relaxed game of Scrabble. Cost $2 for the morning or $6 with a cooked lunch MONTHLY 2nd Monday 1:30pm Mannum Red Cross 1st Wednesday 7:00pm Wellbeing Nucleus Discussion Group. Evolved from Meditation, Pastoral Care, Enneagram, Art & Soul Groups. 2nd & 4th Wed 11am-2pm Men’s Group. Socialisation and companionship. $6 for centre based activities including a cooked lunch. Outings are held on a regular basis. Costs may vary on these days. 3rd Wednesday 1:30-3pm Card Afternoon. Bring your cards and participate in a friendly relaxed game of 500, Canasta, Bridge, Whist (the choice is yours!). Cost $2 (includes afternoon tea.) 4th Wed 6:30-9:30pm Men’s Discussion Group.  Mike McDowell 8569 2818. If you would like further information or would like to attend the Day Centre for activities and need transport, please contact Louise Haby, Mannum Day Centre Coordinator (8569 0219)

Runner Up R Burt K Dohnt

+1 C Vigar –2 N Dalton

Date: 25/08/2012 Competition: Stableford Sponsor: Mid Murray Storage Winner of the Day Gary Westalkes Points Runner Up D Jericho 41 N Dalton D Gaskell 38 B Hendrie M Mason 35

+1 –2

51 39 38

Date: 01/09/2012 Competition: Stroke Sponsor: Males Meats Winner of the Day Sandra Dahlitz Net Runner Up D Jericho 69 R Wirth B Silcock 73 B Logan M Mason 75 Nearest the Pin Bob Logan, Colin Vigar

67 73 75

Mannum Hospital Programs  8569 0200 Audio Clinic: for appointments  1800 057 220. Child & Youth Health Services:  1300 733 606 for appointment. Community Nursing Service: Murray Mallee Community Health Service  8535 6800. Purchase of Crutches: visit the hospital or  8569 0200. Mannum Domiciliary Care Services:  8569 0240 or through the hospital  8569 0200. Meals on Wheels: Doctor’s referral necessary. Optometrist: For an appointment  8569 0200. Physiotherapy (Private): Consulting Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Appointments  8569 0200. Private Podiatry: Appointment to be made at the Domiciliary Care Office  8569 0240.

Mannum Medical Centre –  8569 0222 Immunisation / * IMVS Collection Centre.

Lester Howie Clinic * Asthma Clinic / Cardiologist / Continence Clinic / Diabetic Clinic / Dietitian / * Echocardiograms / Hypertension clinic / Mental Health Clinician / Psychologists / * Physiotherapist (Public) / Women’s Health Clinic * Doctor’s referral required

Rob Clark Construction Incorrect contact numbers are listed in some local guides. Voice contact is by mobile on 0407 398 793. I apologise for any inconvenience caused. 8569 2688 is a dedicated fax line only. There is a new email address: The number 8569 1866 is discontinued. Page 20

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Food is Life is Food


ecently I had the pleasure of delivering a Community Foodies cooking demonstration at the Mt Pleasant Farmers Market. I met some great people and got to ‘play’ with some quality fresh produce provided by stall holders and I was in absolute ‘Foodie Heaven’. I was delighted to have the opportunity and engage with people about healthy food choices, and do hope to go back again soon. There is an exciting event planned for Mannum, ‘Living HEALTHY on a Shoestring’ EXPO, October 21st at Mary Ann Reserve from 10:00am. Mid Murray Support Services is pleased to announce a major sponsor of the event is Mid Murray OPAL. This event coincides w ith Anti-Poverty Week, a week when we can all make a difference in our own lives and in that of others. We are all working together to bring this unique family event to our community where you will be able to access healthy lifestyle information and ideas that won’t ‘break the bank’. There will be attractions for the whole family including, Community Foodie cooking demonstrations, the OPAL ‘Fender

Blender’ and the ‘Fun 4 YOUth’ van. More information and details soon. This issue I am sharing my ‘new’ favourite recipe at the moment, a very delicious and pretty salad you can make a meal of, and it just about has all the colours of the rainbow in it. Give it a go and remember switch it up to suit your taste. The original recipe had 100ml olive oil; I have halved this to 50ml with no problems to the end result. Tunisian Carrot, Potato and Egg Salad Source, Karen Martini Better Homes and Gardens


carrots, peeled, cut into thick slices 4 potatoes, peeled, cut into thick slices 5 radishes, halved 3 tbsp capers 1 handful kalamata olives 3 large eggs 50 ml extra virgin olive oil Juice of 1 lemon 2 tsp ground caraway seeds 1 green chilli, seeded, finely chopped Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Serve with hot chilli sauce (optional), lemon wedges and flatbread.

Giggly Kids 1. Put carrot and potato in a large pan, cover with water and add a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil over a medium heat and cook for 10 minutes or until tender. Drain and cool slightly. 2. Bring a small pan of water to the boil, add eggs and cook for 5 minutes or until semi-hard-boiled. Drain. Put eggs in a small bowl of cold water to cool. Peel eggs, cut into quarters and set aside. 3. Combine oil, lemon juice, caraway seeds and chilli in a large bowl. Season. Add carrot and potato. Toss to combine. 4. Put carrot mixture, egg, radish, capers and olives on a platter. Top with extra chilli and chilli sauce, if using. Serve with lemon and bread. Top Tip This salad is great served on a bed of mixed lettuce and / or rocket leaves.

Cheers and happy cooking to all, Angie. Contact Details. MMSS, 71 Randell St, Mannum Phone: 8569 2129, Email:

A Musical Journey for Children

uring the school holidays, The Rural City of Murray Bridge, in association with OOTS, will be presenting “Giggly Kids” a delightful program taking children aged from 2 to 8 on a musical journey exploring the world around us. There will be only one performance at 11am on Friday 5th October at the Murray Bridge Town Hall. Tickets are $8.00 each and are now on sale. Tickets are now available in person at the Local Government Centre, 2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Mondays to Fridays, or by phoning 8539 1100. You can also book online at The Town Hall Box Office will be open from 10am on the day of the performances for the sale of any remaining tickets. If you would like any further information, give Avis a call on 8539 1430.


Angie Roesler

Established 1866

Pizza, Pasta, BBQ Chickens and More Wide range of Pizza & Pasta BBQ Chickens - Coffee & Tea Cakes - Ice Creams - Hot Chips Cold Drinks - Lasagne Chicken or Beef Schnitzel Packs Garlic Bread Trading Hours: Wednesday & Thursday 4pm till late Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12-2pm, 4:30pm til Late Home Delivery: Friday and Saturday night In Town Only $5.00 Out of Town $10.00 (up to 5k’s)

Licensed BYO Restaurant 7a Randell Street | Phone: 8569 1727 email: Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 21


The Hall - In Focus

articipation numbers for August are good considering it is still so cold. The average daily attendance has been 16.6 for 11 days compared to July’s average of 15.38 for 18 days. The 1st of July was the beginning of the new financial year which means Hall participants should be renewing their membership. Given that membership is only $5.00 and on your birthday you will receive a free meal, this is value for money. If you are interested in becoming a Hall member please call in and collect a membership form or ring 8569 1643 and a form can be posted out to you. Bargain Corner has done well during July-August and donations are coming in regularly. We had a BBQ donated as a result of Marion reading last month’s Mannum Mag, it was collected one day and was sold to a Hall member the following day. A big thank you to Marion for her kind donation; your BBQ has gone to a good home. If you have any small household items, clothing or coat hangers taking up space that you would like to donate they will be gratefully accepted. Donations can be picked up if necessary, just call 8569 1643. Meals are going well; we have served 151 meals up to 27th August and we dished up 194 meals in July. The ethnic culinary delights which we were all enjoying on a Monday abruptly came to an end when Kathryn, our Polish cook, had a fall and hurt


her leg, which put her out of action for 3 weeks. She and Margot, her mother-in-law are looking forward to coming back to cook for us and will be back in The Hall kitchen on Monday 3rd of September. The Tribal Fusion dance class is going well, regularly attended by 6 women. Passive exercise has been a bit slow and has gone from 10 participants in the beginning to between 4 and 7 over the past 2 months, as some regulars have gone on holiday to avoid the cold. Activities are well received and the calendar now shows a wide range of activities. Calendars can be collected from The Hall, or emailed. If you think you may be interested in joining in the activities, get a copy of the September calendar and start participating. The October camp being held on the 15th to 18th is fast approaching and a committee of last year’s camp attendees and interested others will plan some of the events and activities. This year the cost of the camp will be $50. There will also be an extra cost for special dietary requirements which the camp owners have recently imposed and participants will be asked to cover this extra cost. This will equate to $14 for the 4 days of the camp. It is also a condition that anyone attending the camp must be a current financial member of The Hall. Details of the camp can be posted out along with all the forms which are required to be filled in. They will need to be returned

to Michelle with a cheque or money order no later than 14th September. We have 40 positions to fill, 10 of which are being offered to an organisation in Whyalla. Other positions will be offered through organisations in Murray Bridge if The Hall is unable to fill the other 30 positions from regular Hall attendees. This month The Hall would like to thank Karen from Scrooges Op Shop who has donated an upright freezer to store our frozen goods, Rosemary for her valuable enthusiasm, Neil for his assistance in the kitchen, Ellen for her work in Bargain Corner, Annette for her work in the garden and Dave and Faye for their culinary skills on Wednesdays. There are so many other people who contribute to the running of The Hall and their efforts are appreciated. Without their help The Hall would not be able to continue to provide the quality of service participants have now come to expect. Thanks to all of you for your support and time. A special thank you this month goes to Steven Mangelsdorf of Mangelsdorf Accounting in Mannum who generously donated his time to do The Hall’s end of financial year audit of the books and thanks to Ethel for liaising with Steven to make it happen. Jillian Telford Senior Co-ordinator

Teeth for life Dr. Graham Parry Dr. Lisa Brownfoot Dr. Vyla Ellis Dental Surgeons Melissa Prosser Dental Hygienist


93 Randell St MANNUM

By Appointment Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Page 22

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

Mount Pleasant Farmers Market he Mount Pleasant Farmers Market is going from strength to strength after just six months of operation, with over 350 members, great volunteer, customer and stallholder support. Every Saturday the market brings together the best of locally grown and produced food with a focus on fresh, seasonal and quality produce. Most market days have between 35 and 40 different stallholders that attract over 500 customers. The Mount Pleasant Farmers Market is managed by a not-for-profit incorporated community group, and the Management Committee is very pleased with the markets progress. Local businesses are reporting a surge of customers on market days, and the market is benefiting from sharing the Talunga Park showground space with the Torrens Valley Football Club, with increased numbers at the market on game days. Fresh fish is now readily available every week from the market which now has two different fisheries attending on alternate weeks. The Zimmerman family, from Wallaroo, usually fish Thursday, process Friday and then are at the market with their fish on Saturday. Tracy and Glenn Hill, owners of Coorong Wild Seafood from Meningie, are the newest recruits to the M o u n t Pleasant Farmers Market. They say that “Supporting the growing farmer’s market boom is a major


Saviour Trailers

Specialists in Stone

Trailer Restorations Trailer Sales service and wiring new and second hand Sand blasting Spare parts General welding repairs

Manufacturer and supplier of concrete: • • • •

Pots Garden Edging Ornaments Retaining Panels

• • • •

focus of the business.” Another newcomer ise local Tungkillo business Pebbly Range Limousin who’s fresh beef is naturally grown on chemical-free pastures, and are also HGP (hormone growth promotant) and antibiotic free. On Saturday, September 22nd the Mount Pleasant Farmers Market will have special guest speaker Lolo Houbein. Lolo is the author of the very popular book ‘One Magic Square’ which has won a Gourmand World Cookbook Award and was also nominated for a 2010 Le Cordon Bleu World Food Media Awards. The book was written to encourage people to give food gardening a go. She puts in simple terms how to grow your own food on one square metre in your own backyard, with lots of great cooking tips. After the very successful Easter Twilight mar ket, the mar ket committee has set Friday 21st December for their inaugural Christmas Twilight Market, which is set to be another very popular market. The Market provides local employment, supports sustainable farming, and provides an affordable local food shopping experience for locals and visitors to the region. All market profits are used to keep the market running and support other local community groups and initiatives. The market is on every Saturday from 8am -12 noon at the Mount Pleasant Showground.

Pavers Stepping Stones Letter Boxes Water Features

We also pay cash for any old unwanted rusty trailers of any kind

Enquiries phone Jim 0417 882 312

Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm 1432 Ridley Road, Punthari Ph: 8569 4145 Mob: 0419 835 061

Email: Website:

116 Ridley Road, Mannum (Formerly Sedan Road)


MONDAY to FRIDAY:- 8AM – 5PM, SATURDAY:- 9AM – 11:30AM Hardiflex, Gyprock, Timber, R.H.S. & Steel; Decking, Trellis & Lattice; Gutters & Flashings; Tools, Paint & Accessories; Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Nails, & Rivets; Garden Supplies & Tools; Cement, Rapidset, Conmix; Polymaster Tanks, Poly & PVC Pipe & Fittings; Pavers & Cement Slabs; Concrete & Permapine Sleepers; Permapine & Creo Posts; Batteries; Gas Supplies; Castrol Oils; Stock Feed; Blundstone Boots AND SO MUCH MORE Issue Number 72



Mannum Mag

Page 23

Father’s Day was sitting at a table outside the coffee shop watching the powdered chocolate swirl on top of my cappuccino as I stirred in some sugar. There are some who say sugar is pure, white and deadly but I reckon something is going to kill me and I like some sugar in my coffee. It was the second day of spring and although yesterday had been rainy and windy and downright miserable, today was as nice as a spring day can be. The young women in their spring clothes looked cool and colourful. “G’day” said a voice at my elbow. I looked up to see Charlie standing there. “Howdy,” I replied. “How’s tricks?” “Not bad,” he answered as he pulled out a chair and sat beside me, positioning himself so that he too could admire the passing parade. We drank our coffees slowly, and quietly watched people passing, occasionally nodding or calling “G’day” to someone we knew. Eventually a young girl came to take our cups away and we decided to have another one.


“Father’s Day next Sunday,” Charlie told me “I know, doing anything special?” I asked. “Same as last year but not the same, I hope” he replied. “What do you mean?” I wanted to know. “Every Father’s Day I take my mother to the cemetery to visit the grave of my father. Last year she was in a most morbid mood. As soon as I picked her up she began saying Hail Mary’s, reciting her rosary and repeatedly telling me that if God saw fit to take her immediately she would welcome it.” Charlie drank some of his coffee. “You can imagine what the drive to the graveside was like. We eventually arrived and by that time I felt almost as though I would have liked to have given God a hand even if she was my mother. I had brought some flowers to put on the grave but when Mum saw them she told me in a highly offended voice that they were wrong and that my father never liked those particular blooms. “Just after we had got out of


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the car and were walking towards the gravesite it began to rain; big heavy drops that soaked through our light clothing. We ran to a small gazebo-like shelter and began to try to dry ourselves with handkerchiefs and tissues. When we had finally finished we noticed four men carrying a coffin between them and looking around as though they were lost. They were wet and getting wetter. They disappeared around the end of a high pine hedge. The rain continued. Then the four men, wetter than before, came back around the hedge towards us, this time at a brisk trot. They disappeared down the bitumen road around behind a toilet block. A few moments later they reappeared. This time they were running. Their clothes wet and their hair plastered to their heads. “My mother asked what did I think the men were doing. “I considered for a few moments then I said, ‘I think they have lost the plot’.” Charlie smiled and I drank my coffee. The Diarist

4 years: My Daddy can do anything! 7 years: My Dad knows a lot … a whole lot. 8 years: My father does not know quite everything. 12 years: Oh well, naturally Father does not know that either. 14 years: Oh, Father? He is hopelessly old-fashioned. 21 years: Oh, that man – he is out of date! 25 years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much. 30 years: I must find out what Dad thinks about it. 35 years: Before we decide, we will get Dad’s idea first. 50 years: What would Dad have thought about that? 60 years: My Dad knew literally everything! 65 years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more. Anon

MANNUM AUTO CENTRE DIAGNOSTIC TESTING WITH LATEST SCAN TOOL & EQUIPMENT Servicing all vehicles including Log Book Servicing and European Vehicles Mechanical Repairs, Brakes, Suspension, Radiators, 4WD Improvements, Exhausts Auto Electrical, Spot Lights, Second Battery, Starter Motors, Alternators, LED Lights, Exide Batteries Tyres for cars & 4WD’s– Maxxis Roadstone Bridgestone GT Radial Toyo Michelin Pirelli. Wheel Alignment & Balancing Air Con Servicing & Repairs



A father was at the beach with his children when his four-year-old son Bob ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore, where a seagull lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what happened to him?” Bob asked. “He died and went to Heaven,” the dad replied. Bob thought a moment and then said, “Did God throw him back down?”

Mannum Mag

Sponsors of Element Off Road, Mannum Football, Netball & Bowling Clubs Issue Number 72

Mannum Community Club Social Club News Views and Dos i Everyone. I have not written an article for a while due to very little activity. It would be remiss of me not to mention the passing of two wonderful gentleman over the past few months:


Vale John Rodgers

Our deepest sympathy to Pam and family. Stan Taylor

Our deepest condolences to Brenda and family. May they both rest in peace. We are pursuing more outings for the ensuing months and we hope that you will be involved and enjoy yourselves. These outings will be displayed for your information on the Social Club Board in the Mannum

Community Club. Our Annual General Meeting is coming up on Sunday 14th October 2012. It would be great if the Social Club Members could be in attendance. We would also like for each member to note the following. Our Happy Hours are purely, as we say, Mystery. Therefore, it is up to you to make an effort to come, if you are able to, every Friday night to enjoy the food and drinks. It is always held between the hours of 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We can’t tell you when it is, hence the word Mystery. Until next time, take care. Juanita Brooks, Secretary, 8569 2170 or 0408 896 045

The real meaning of plant catalogue terminology “A favourite of birds” “May require support” “Moisture-loving” “Carefree” “Vigorous”

avoid planting near cars, sidewalks, or clotheslines. your daughter’s engineering degree will finally pay off. ideal for landscaping all your bogs and swamps. refers more to the plant’s attitude than to your workload. code for “has a Napoleonic compulsion to take over the world.”

Murray Bridge Matinee Series – September


ut of the Square and the Rural City of Murray Bridge are pleased to present the September performance of the monthly Matinee Series. Patrons are invited to meet in the Town Hall foyer at 10:00 am for morning tea. A one hour performance will then start at 11 am. This is followed by a guided tour of the Murray Bridge Regional Gallery. The all-inclusive price is $15.00 per ticket. The Old Fella and Johnny Mac Thursday 20th September 2012 It’s been a long winter and if you feel it’s time now for a good laugh, you won’t want to miss “The Old Fella” from “Australia’s Got Talent” coupled with well-known country music star, Johnny Mac. This is bound to be a very popular performance.

The exhibition this month is in three parts. In the Main Gallery “A Reflection of Us All” will feature the work of four established artists, Nina Burden, Trena Everuss, Rob Gutteridge and Yve Thompson, who are all lecturers and associates of the Adelaide Central School of Art. In the Jean Sims Gallery, Mercedes Mangnall will be exhibiting her delightful “Trinkets”. The Vicki Nottage Sculpture Court will be home to “Boys and BBQS”, an exhibition of the engineering skills and use of scrap metal by a group of students from Murray Bridge High School. This diverse exhibition will be running until 14th October. Tickets for all remaining 2012 performances of the Matinee Series are available in person at the Local Government Centre, 2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge, between 8:30am and 4:30pm Mondays to Fridays, or by phoning 8539 1100. You can also book online at The Town Hall Box Office will be open from 10am on the day of the performances for the sale of any remaining tickets. For further information, give Avis a call on 8539 1430.

DIRECTORS Andrew Broadbent Grantley Hughes


BOOK & LYRICS BY HOWARD ASHMAN TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: Murray Bridge Local Gov. Centre 22 Seventh Street, MURRAY BRIDGE SA 5253 Call 8539 1100 (during business hrs) Purchase Online @



TICKET PRICES: Adults $20.00 + Handling Fee Concession $15.00 (Blue Pension Card and Student ID) + Handling Fee TICKETS ON SALE FROM 27 AUGUST 2012

Friday 5th October @ 8:00pm Saturday 6th October @ 8:00pm Sunday 7th October @ 2:00pm Friday 12th October @ 8:00pm Saturday 13th October @ 2:00pm Saturday 13th October @ 8:00pm Sunday 14th October @ 2:00pm Friday 19th October @ 8:00pm Saturday 20th October @ 2:00pm Saturday 20th October @ 8:00pm DOORS WILL OPEN 1 HOUR PRIOR

Based on the film by Roger Corman, Screenplay by Charles Griffith Originally produced by the WPA Theatre (Kyle Renick, Producing Director) Originally Produced at the Orpheum Theatre New York City by the WPA Theatre, David Geffen, Cameron Mackintosh and the Shubert Organisation By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)

Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 25

On My Bookshelf Diary of A Young Man Adelaide 1890 – May 26th - June 1st For now we leave our Young Man, Daniel John Smith, on a rather sad note in which he records the death of his friend and his own ill health. MAY 26TH MONDAY Up 7.40. Had a rubdown. Not quite well yet, feel weak. Dressed and took breakfast. Away 9.20, walked to City. Felt queer, almost giddy and the reverse of strong. Being a holiday, in lieu of the Queen’s birthday, only a few worked. Worked all day and felt pretty well; dined in Railway Refreshment Room. Weather dull and a little rainy. Home 5. Feel a little queer. Took tea. Sat by fire and read “We Too” and Bible. Supper 10. Bed 10.30. Alfred and Eliza spending the evening at Barker’s, East Adel., I could not go by reason of my ailment - influenza. MAY 29TH THURSDAY

7.30 No bath. Office 9.30. Still feel weak. Home about 5.30. Wrote to Bennett apologising for my absence thru influenza and trying to cheer him. Overhauled books, including Shakespeare, and borrowed works to be returned. Bed about 10. MAY 30TH FRIDAY 7.45. No bath. To office via Blind School. Busy. Mild day. Feel weak. Lunch and walk at noon. Home 5.10. Read “The Greatest Thing in the World” (Prof. Drummond). Went out for the first evening walk since influenza attack and visited Bennett. Found him very low and talked to his Mother and sister, supposing him to be asleep; on rising to go home however, poor Bennett made a sign; I took his hand, and with a great effort he said “I heard every word you said; I’m very

selfish; come again”. It transpired that these were the last words he uttered on earth. None but himself thought him selfish; the poor fellow was a good son and brother; and has gone with strong hope and no fear. (W. H. Bennett did not actually pass away until 4am on 31st). Home about 9. Hendry and Sterne called. Read “We Too”. Supper Bed 10.30. MAY 31ST SATURDAY 7.30. Cold bath, dumbells. Brkfst 8.30. Kent brt. news of Bennett’s death - a happy release. Office 9.30 to 12.0. Busy. Dined at Woodville with Lou and children. Office again 1.30 to 5.20. Home 5.45, damp and dark. Head aching slightly influenza symptoms still hanging about. Good tea. Finished reading “We Too” (Edna Lyall) and feel enlightened and

inspired. The Charity of Christ, and the falsity of much profession, are excellently brought out. Read Bible. No supper. Bed at 10.30. JUNE 1ST SUNDAY Up at 8. No bath. Brkfst abt 9. Shaved. Feel cold and not strong. Hale called, with him to Hendry’s, thence service. Sacrament. Dined 1.30. Took wreath to Mrs Bennett and looked upon her son for the last time. School 2.45. Left with all members of the Y.M. class and walked with the funeral from Bennetts to West Terrace. About 80 men and boys, including fellow clerks, also followed. Found the walk fatiguing. Home per car with Kent who came to tea. Stayed home and read “Alton Locke” and Gospel of John. Bed 10.15, almost supperless. Jo Kader

[Next month we start extracts from the diary of Private Charles H Bock, written during his service in Gallipoli and France from July 1915 to November 1916.]



Matinee Series

“The Old Fella and Johnny Mac” At the Murray Bridge Town Hall Thursday, 20th September at 11 am All Tickets $15.00 (Duration: 1 Hour) Join us for a cuppa after 10 am and then experience a wonderful show of comedy and music, featuring “The Old Fella” Rod Gregory from ‘Australia’s Got Talent’, and country music star Johnny Mac both performing with their unique style. After the show you are invited on a guided tour of the Murray Bridge Regional Gallery.

***** Bookings ***** Local Government Centre ~ 2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge ~ Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Phone: 08 8539 1100 ~ Page 26

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72


Mannum, Murray Bridge, Mt Barker, Adelaide by Bus

(Monday to Friday except public holidays. Times change during school holidays.)

Mannum to Adelaide Adelaide to Mannum Mannum  Murray Bridge Adelaide  Mt Barker 8:00am Leave Arnold Park, 1:30pm Leave Harris Scarfe, Mannum Grenfell Street Murray Bridge  Mt Barker Mt Barker  Murray Bridge 8:41am Connect with bus to Mt 2:50pm Connect with bus to Barker Park & Ride Murray Bridge Mt Barker  Adelaide Murray Bridge  Mannum Transfer: Metro bus 842F to Adelaide Arrive Mannum 4:20pm Timetables are readily available at the Mannum Information Centre. For more information telephone LinkSA 8532 2633 during office hours. Mannum School Community Library School Term Times School Holidays Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed (am), Thur, Fri: Tue: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wed: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed (pm): 04:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sat: 9:30 am - 12 noon Sat: 10:00 am - 12 noon Closed Sunday and Public Holidays. Further information: 8569 2005

$5 Classifieds can be up to thirty (30) words and must be PRE-PAID before your advertisement will appear, unless by prior arrangement. Advertisements over thirty words cost an extra 20 cents per extra word. Payments may be made by cheque, money order or cash.

INTEREST FREE LOANS for items to improve your quality of life

Hills NILS® No Interest Loan Scheme Low income residents of Adelaide Hills and surrounding districts may be eligible for a loan of up to $1000 For further information contact

Mid Murray Community Support Service, 11-21 Kennett Rd, Murray Bridge

8569 2129 8532 6303

The Hut Community Centre, Aldgate 8339 4400 Torrens Valley Community Centre, Gumeracha 8389 1711

Mannum Express Freight

Daily Service From Adelaide Daily Service From Mt Barker Daily Service From Murray Bridge • All Size Freight/Pallets • Interstate Freight • Furniture Specialist

Phone: Stuart 0420 651 554

Bowhill Swan Reach Truro Mannum Sedan Cadell Blanchetown Nildottie

Mon Tues Wed Mon Tues Thurs Tues Wed

10 11 12 17 18 16 25 26

3:30-5:30pm 2:30-5:30pm 2:30-5:30pm 2:30-5:30pm 3:30-5:30pm 3:30-5:30pm 9:30-12:00pm 9:30-12:00pm

Bowhill Community Centre Swan Reach Oval Complex Truro Primary School School Oval or Leisure Centre Sedan Hall Cadell Institute Blanchetown Oval/Clubrooms Nildottie Hall

Fun 4 YOUth is an initiative of the Mid Murray Council providing access to youth activities in townships throughout the district. The program is fully supervised by a Youth Worker, however it is not a 'lock in' and we are unable to prevent any child from leaving the program venue. All school aged children welcome! Children under 10 must be supervised by an adult. Times may change without notice. Parents/caregivers should check on finishing times at each event. In the hot weather ~ 32 to 37 program will be modified. 38 and above program will be cancelled. Contact, Fun 4 YOUth Facebook Page or 0419 860 044 for more details.

Mannum District Hospital Joan celebrating Australia Mannum District Hospital Day Care Centre Friday12th October Two Course Gourmet Australian lunch and wine with chef Kym Ask a friend and have a wonderful Australian experience Limited seating, bookings essential. All proceeds supporting the Mannum District Hospital $25.00 per head. Phone Carol on 8569 0218 Issue Number 72

Mannum Mag

Page 27

2012 PUBLICATION DEADLINES Friday (12 noon) Collating & Folding September 28 for October, Issue 73 Wednesday 3 October October 26 for November, Issue 74 Wednesday 31 October November 23 for December, Issue 75 Wednesday 28 November

Email: Phone: General 8569 7392 (Lyn). Editor 8569 7304 Deliver: 71 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 (a service kindly provided by MMSS/CHIPS) Our email account is provided by Aussie Broadband as a community service

Community Meetings Clash Calendar Email details of regular meetings to: MONTHLY 1 Monday st

9:45am Combined Probus, Mannum Club 10:00am Murray Darlings Red Hatters, Café Mannum. 8569 1438 Mannum Health Advisory Council. 8569 1239

1st Tuesday

7:30pm Agricultural Society, Showground

1 Thursday st

4:00pm History Group, CHIPS

SEPTEMBER Aminya AGM Senior Citizens Hall Tuesday 25th 7:30 pm See page 5 Bush Regeneration Workshop Murray Bridge Trees For Life Introductory workshop. Saturday 15th Phone: 8406 0500. See Page 16

1st Friday

7:30am (summer) 8:30am (winter) Walkie Talkies, Show Ground. Barb Forbes 8569 8027

2nd Wednesday

9:00am Shared Stitches of Mannum Quilting Group. Lions Den, Showground. 8569 2363

3rd Tuesday

Palmer Card Day, Lutheran Hall Palmer. 8532 2255

3rd Thursday

11:00am RSL, Community Club


4th Thursday

Tuesday & Friday

Last Monday


7:30pm Progress Association, Mannum Community College. 1:30pm Hospital Auxiliary, Meeting Room, Esmeralda St.

First Wednesday

Noon Mannum Mag, Showground. 8569 2385

Last Wednesday

6:30pm Mannum Mens Discussion Group. Mike McDowell.8569 2818 WEEKLY

Mon, Wed & Fri

4th Tuesday

7:30pm Mannum Show Committee, Showground

10:00am–3:00pm The Hall, 5 Greening St. 8569 1643

8am Walkie Talkies, Lions Den, Show Ground. Anne 8569 2850 9:30am Prayer & Bible Study, and 10:30am Friendship Group, River Word Christian Centre, 3 Greening St. 8569 1333 OTHER

Alternate Fridays

1:30pm Senior Citizen’s Club, Club Rooms. 8569 2795

Every Three Months

7:30pm Neighbourhood Watch. Leisure Centre. Coordinator Russ Dellow 0428 813 201

2012 Community Calendar OCTOBER Mannum Roos Netball Club Mannum Leisure Centre Celebration of 2012 season and 30th birthday. Friday 21st, 6pm for 6:30 Contact: Theresa Woods Phone: 0408 858 617 See page 2 Anglican Church Garage Sale 6 Adelaide Road Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th and Monday 1st October See page 16

Teddy Bears’ Picnic Mary Ann Reserve Wednesday 3rd, Midday – 4pm See Page 6 Market/Trash’n Treasure Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 7th, 9:00am - 2:00pm Free Admission. Sites Available. Contact: Irene Lovell Phone: 8569 2541 Mannum Sundry Sale and Auction Mannum Showgrounds Sunday 7th, 10:00am Contact: Kim Loechel Phone: 0427 054 336

Mid Murray Support Services Contact MMSS for details about these special events. 71 Randell Street, 10 am - 4 pm. Ph: 8569 2129, Email:

September 4th Men’s Breakfast 8:30am - 10am at the River Bar, River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coin donation. October 9th Men’s Breakfast 8:30am - 10am at the River Bar, River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coin donation.

Weekly Passenger Service Mannum to Murray Bridge For information or bookings: 18 Alma Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Ph: 08 8532 2633

Joan Celebrating Australia Hospital Day Care Centre Friday 12th Proceeds supporting the Mannum District Hospital. Bookings essential. Cost: $25.00 per head. Contact: Carol, 8569 0218 See page 27 Healthy Living Expo Mary Ann Reserve Information about healthy living on a shoestring budget Sunday 21st

Mannum Leisure Centre Opening Hours Mornings Mon to Fri: 8:00 am - 12 noon Sat: 9:00 am - 11:00 am Afternoons Mon to Fri: 3:00 pm till close of program or activity Squash courts, gym, and cardio room available at all opening times. Stadium, Clubroom and Meeting room are available for hire. Further information: 8569 0185 Pam Cutjar, Centre Manager

Activities: Basketball, netball carpet bowls, card games, gym, tai chi, squash, tennis, soccer, roller disco, Mannum Movers exercise for the 50+ and Zumba. Mon: 5pm to 6pm Drama Class 6pm to 9pm Indoor Tennis 6:30pm Zumba Tues: 5:45pm Aerobic & Fitness Instructor 7:30pm Squash competition Wed: 6pm to 7pm Mixed Soccer Thur: 9:30am Mannum Movers 5:45pm Aerobics 6pm to 7pm Mixed Vollyball Fri: 6pm to 8pm Roller Disco or Family Fun Night in alternate weeks

Every Thursday: Mannum Information Centre  Pine Park Murray Bridge Depart Arrive Depart Return Mannum 10.00am Murray Bridge 10.45am Murray Bridge 2.30pm Mannum 3.10pm 1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mannum Information Centre  Pine Park Murray Bridge Mannum 10.00am Murray Bridge 10.30am Murray Bridge 1.30pm Mannum 2.00pm

All material submitted for publication is subject to editorial approval. This is done not to censor, but to ensure topics are relevant to the content of Mannum Mag.

Page 28

Mannum Mag

Issue Number 72

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