Distribution 2200
February 2014
Mannum, South Australia 5238
Issue Number 87
Mid Murray Council Australia Day Awards Citizen of the Year th
n Australia Day, Sunday 26 January 2014, the Mid Murray Council Mayor Dave Burgess presented the Council Awards. As in previous years, the presentations were preceded by the famous Lions breakfast and followed by the Lions Youth Awards. This year we had joint winners in the Citizen of the Year Award category and multiple winners in the Young Citizen of the Year Award category.
Robert ‘Bob’ Nelmes
Glynnis Burrows
Glynnis and her husband, Bill, moved to Tungkillo ten years ago, where Glynnis soon became involved in the community by joining the Tungkillo Progress Club. Since then, Glynnis has been a dedicated member and has held the position of Secretary with the Club for the past eight years. Some of the work Glynnis has undertaken, and still undertakes, through her role with the Tungkillo Progress Club includes:• Instigating the establishment of a Post Office at the Tungkillo Soldiers Memorial Hall and managing the books for this service • Being the main organiser of the local catering committee which provides food for a variety of hall functions, including elderly citizens lunches, card lunches, bingo evenings, Annual General Meetings of other groups, funerals, weddings and other social occasions. • Coordinating the Tungkillo Gazette newsletter - which involves research, printing and distribution • Organising the annual Tungkillo Auction • Being the main driver behind the Tungkillo Soldiers Memorial Hall 10th birthday celebrations, held on 15th September 2013 • Organising bi-monthly free barbecues for the residents of Tungkillo • Coordinating many volunteers to assist with a variety of community functions • Organising and managing a country market in Tungkillo for a two year period Other community activities by Glynnis include • Volunteering with the Mount Pleasant Show Society and • Being a member of and performer for the ‘Top of the Torrens’ theatre group Glynnis is a leader within the Tungkillo community, and we are grateful for her dedicated and passionate contribution made during her volunteer work with the Tungkillo Progress Club. We recognise Glynnis’ efforts today by presenting her with the Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Glynnis.
Bob’s involvement with the Swan Reach RSL Sub-branch has spanned three decades, and he currently holds the position of Secretary. He has been in this position since 2003, and also served as Secretary from 1984 to 2001. In 2002, Bob held the position of President. Since 1983, Bob has been the principal coordinator of the ANZAC Day and Remembrance services held at Swan Reach. He is passionate about involving the younger generations and has actively encouraged students of the Swan Reach Area School to participate in these services. Bob also coordinates the distribution, sale and collection of proceeds from Legacy and ANZAC Day appeals. The proceeds for these activities go directly to benefit war widows, legacy and returned servicemen. Bob is the RSL representative for the Swan Reach Bowling Club and also the liaison contact between Mid Murray Council and the Swan Reach RSL. He is currently working with Council in pursuing the relocation of the Swan Reach Memorial to the Swan Reach ANZAC Park. He is also a past committee member and current member of the Nildottie Progress Association Since 1986 to the present day Bob has been the Legatee for the Lower Murray Area. In this capacity Bob has actively assisted and represented numerous war widows and dependants of Veterans in the Greater Swan Reach, Nildottie, and Mid Murray district with welfare, Legacy benefits and general entitlement related issues. He regularly makes contact with the beneficiaries to ensure everything is going well. Bob is a real asset to the community and his involvement with the Swan Reach RSL is recognised today by presenting Bob with the Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Bob.
Young Citizens of the Year Awards, page 4 Community Event of the Year Awards, page 4
Certificates of Appreciation n recognition of their service to the community, certificates were presented to the following:
Angela Roesler Marina Teusner
Leisa Shepherdson Keith Baldwin
Jo Heward Tony Walker
Ageing in the Murraylands Calendars & Dates Church Services
Keyneton Mail Agency Project (Keyneton Progress Association) ANZAC Day Vigil Luncheon (Joan Kreiser OAM and the Mannum
Eileen Dunn
1 Classifieds 28 Mannum Community Hub 3
2013 Murray River Giant Pumpkin Competition (Cadell Community and
Tourist Association) Hospital Catering Staff. Collected by Carol Horstmann)
27 Mid Murray Council 9 Musical Miscellany
26 Out of this World 22 Pause A While Whistle Toot
See page 20 8 8 12
A Responsible, Professional Council Dear Editor, Mid Murray encourages all ratepayers and residents to enrol and participate in Local Government. State Government sets the rules for this to happen. Debt is a way of life for most people: home ownership, new car or credit card. It is about management, that is why council has an independent auditor and an audit committee. Council takes a professional approach to managing all of its assets and people with the resources it has available, whilst also supporting communities and volunteers. Illegal developments are always an issue due to people ignoring their responsibility. A balanced proportion of the budget, not all (lawyers make enough), is allocated to combat these law breakers. Mid Murray is fortunateenough to have strong responsible members, acting in a professional manner. Debt level is closely monitored and is well within manageable levels. Council boundaries remain the same, the restructure from five to three wards, will bring a saving to Council through fewer Councillors. It is responsible governance by members that reduces the number of councillors. Finally, I am very proud of Mid Murray,itspeople and achievements. I certainly have the pride (gall) to nominate for Council again. Mayor Dave Burgess
Footpath Construction Dear Editor, We who are reaching our “tottery years” ask Council to kindly remember we are finding walking around our beautiful township more difficult due to stony, unpaved walkways. Also, gophers and walking sticks are no guarantee that we do not trip, stumble or get stone-filled shoes on our rambles. With the MannumGreen shopping centre being on the opposite side of the road where we live and walk, it means we must cross a busy road to access it. We do not all have gophers or cars. Would the Council please consider (as funds become available) laying concrete paths on both sides of our streets, not just one side.
Letters to the Editor Deadline 28 February for publication in the March issue
Thank you for your consideration of the above. Patricia Dingler
Haythorpe Reserve Dear Editor, I understand from hearsay, that this Reserve was donated for free camping. Now a $10.00 per vehicle camping fee is imposed. The thrust of Council, which no doubt comprises of local business proprietors that may include Caravan Parks, is to coerce travellers into paid accommodation. The cost of an unpowered site at a local caravan park is approximately $25.00 per night for two people. The cost for a single person is the same. Fees must be translated into percentage of one’s income. Thus, for a single pensioner, the fee is approximately 46% of daily income. Who among Wage and Salary earners, would pay 46% of their daily income for such an unpowered site? None! Mid Murray Council, by imposing a $10.00 camping fee on Haythorpe Reserve, not only betrays the good will of the donor, but is a slap in the face of pensioners, who were instrumental in Australia’s growth and present standard of living, now denied the fruits of their labour. Such dishonour! Consequent to such local attitudes, travellers – particularly single ones, will by and large boycott local businesses, even travelling further afield for goods and services. Local traders who wish to benefit from travellers will need to lobby council to remove such an unfair camping fee on Haythorpe Reserve, then, perhaps, travellers will return albeit fewer in number. N Polito, Port Pirie
Christmas Decorations Dear Editor, Can our Council and our Progress Association think of a change for next year’s Christmas decorations? Cheerful red plastic bows around each tree and lamp, perhaps? Banners hanging from each pole advertising all our businesses and offering their seasons greetings? A Christmas tree and a cross on either side of our Soldiers’ Memorial? Yes, we always have to consider
The viewpoints and opinions of the Authors and Artists that appear in Mannum Mag do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Mannum Mag Editors, staff and/or affiliates. Mannum Mag assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this publication.
Page 2
vandalism, duty of care and insurance issues, but our visitors and tourist expect a colourful welcome during our township’s mostlucrative weks of the year. Our wonderful Progress Association undertake this difficult and time consuming task each year, so how about our businesses, schools andreligious institutions participate by supporting working bees and competitions and encouraging community involvement. It benefits us all in the end – input gets output! Patricia Kenny
Community Tolerance Dear Editor, I also moved to Mannum about the same time as Graham and Athalie Verrall (Letter,Community Apathy, December 2013), and I could not agree more with their comments “that it is a lovely town to live in.” It is very picturesque and centres around the unique Mary Ann Reserve. Themajority of facilities are available including a first class hospital and medical service. The Mid Murray Council, local Progress Association and other community organisations are extremely active and promote our town in a most positive manner. As a consequence of such promotion the town is a popular holiday destination This is evident by the influx of tourists during the holiday season, and to a lesser extent the number of ‘day trippers’ throughout the whole year, who make full use of Mary Ann Reserve. This is not to mention the number of people that the ‘houseboat industry’ attracts. These matters are both essential and beneficial to small business in our town. Being a tourist destination with a resultantincreasein population from time to time it is not unreasonable to expect holiday makers to enjoy their stay. Therefore, it follows that boating activities, parties and such will be more evident. Mr and Mrs Verrall’s letter appears to place much emphasis on the lack of action by residents and more importantly the local police. This to me is a little unjust as I consider the majority of residents to be responsible citizens and it is not realistic to expect the police to be in
attendance when many of the matters raised occur. I cannot condone several of the matters raised e.g. “speeding through the streets of Mannum” and the “illegal use of fireworks”. In the case of the former complaint I am confident that if the registration number of the offending vehicle/s was reported to the police, action by the authorities would be prompt. Fireworks? Well, during the festive season such an activity in many country towns is prevalent with illegal fireworks and cannot be condoned. But once again it is an indication of people enjoying themselves, and providing no malicious damaged is caused or disturbance to residents is kept to a minimum, perhaps the matter could be overlooked, particularly in view of the relatively short period of time incidents such as this occur. Conversely, if the police detect any such incident, I am confident the perpetrators will receive their just reward. Water sports are one of the major attractions of our town and it follows that there is much activity on the river, particularly, during the holiday season. As a result it follows that engine noise can be loud from time to time. However, I can honestly say that excessive noise is not prevalent, and since my stay noise on the river between 8am and sunset has been non-existent. Once again people are enjoying themselves. “Parties and loud music” are part and partial of the holiday maker’s celebrations and once again providing residents are not inconvenienced to any great degree, and in view of the relatively short period of time involved perhaps we could be a little more sympathetic. Mannum is a great place and I am of the opinion that it is well policed, particularly when you consider what resources are available to them. It is a very safe and orderly town, so perhaps the heading should be Community Tolerance. Barrie Walker
Special Thanks Dear Editor, May I offer special thanks to the thoughtful person who brought our rubbish bins up the hill several times during a time of ill health. May your kindness return to you a hundredfold. Frank and Mary Curtis
To accommodate a wide range of comments, short letters have more chance of publication. Longer letters addressing important matters will not necessarily be excluded. In general, aim for about 100 to 150 words, or less. Letters must include contact details for verification.
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Thank You Dear Editor, At the end of last year I completed a 3 year contract as Coordinator of Mid Murray Support Services (MMSS) to pursue my own interests. Unfo r tunately, d ue to circumstances beyond my control I did not get the opportunity to say thank you to the more than 300 clients, 60 volunteers and handful of staff who are the back-bone of the organisation. Without clients, mostly elderly and disadvantaged people throughout the Mid Murray Council district, there would be no need for the services provided by MMSS. During the last 3 years I have made many friends and acquaintances through men’s breakfasts, adult education classes, social gatherings, services provision, telephone and personal visits. It was my privilege to be of service to you all and I thank you for showing me friendship, compassion and tolerance as together we worked our way through various issues in an effort to provide you with a more efficient and transparent service. If there are no volunteers there would be no services provided when they are most needed. You are a wonderful group of selfless, happy, flexible and hardworking people and I thank you all so much for your dedication to those who are most in need of your help. Keep up the great work! To the staff of MMSS, thank you for your passion and commitment. We made many changes over three years and at times we did not necessarily agree but if there is any doubt
just turn around and look back down the road we have travelled! Please accept this as my personal and sincere thanks to you all. Tim Clemow MMSS Coordinator 2010 - 2013
Glass Half Full Dear Editor, I wish to suggest (politely) that people adopt the attitude of “a glass half full”. Negativity, gossip, fingerpointing and parochial attitudes are passé in this enlightened age. Why not adopt a positivethinking, grateful attitude? Keep a grateful diary” – each day jot one thing down that you are grateful for. We have a roof over our heads, food for our bodies and a peaceful country to live in. Life is not perfect, fair or free from upsets or tragedies, but try to remember those poor souls who live daily with terror, death, no food or no roof over their heads. Quit the patronising attitudes and get a life – help others and become a “helper” in your local community. Laugh and live longer – absurdity is the humour in life. Laugh at yourself. Respect others privacy and right to live as they please. Stop being judgmental. We all have faults and quirks. You have one life, live it to the full. Patricia Dingler
MV Wilitsinkorwon’tit Dear Editor, May I, through the Mannum Mag, express my appreciation to the following people of Mannum. I arrived in Mannum aboard the MV Wilitsinkorwon’tit (a
Mannum Mag
Chairperson: Geoff Skein 8569 2385 Editor/Pub: Keith Baldwin 8569 7304 editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au Web Site:
Accounts: Frank O’Flaherty 8569 4234 Sec/Treas: Bill McGhie 8569 1821 accounts.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au
showboat and stage on water) about 12th November and left on 6th December. During that time I was invited out to meals and other occasions and was made very welcome. I thank the Mid Murray Council for their kindness in allowing me to show my boat to the people of Mannum.
Thanks also to the people who brought firewood and helped transport fuel and all those other things necessary to run the boat. My thanks also go to the Bowling Club who made me welcome. I would like to come to Mannum again in the future and help people enjoy life. My future direction is somewhat clouded at the moment due to the coming release of the movie The Chookman Australia as it could require me to travel overseas. However, to all those people who helped me and made me so welcome in Mannum: Thank you. Frank Turton, The Chookman
Nehmy’s Emporium Dear Editor, I really enjoyed reading the article in the December issue entitled “Nehmy’s Emporium” by Mary Nehmy. Thank you for submitting it Mary, as it brought back many memories for me as I’m sure it did for many others. I always remember that the minute you stepped inside the door, the floor used to really creak and Mr Nehmy would magically appear
from somewhere in the back of the shop! Diny Schutz (Nieuwenhuis)
Vision FM Dear Editor, The local transmitter for Vision FM (87.6) has been rebroadcasting since the 8th of January, after an extended outage. The previous caretaker, Dean Ernst, recently passed away. A r eq uir ed changeover o f eq uip ment f o r s a t e l lite broadcasts from analogue to digital reception (similar to the TV switchover early last year) was unable to happen and meant the signal went off air sometime in December. This has now been done and I’ve taken on looking after the transmitter. If you listen and notice any extended outages you’re welcome to contact me at kjericho@gmail.com. Karl Jericho
Open for Discussion? Dear Editor, Will the Mannum Interchurch Council make a commitment to open discussion as part of their response to climate change (Pause a While, November, 2013)? I’ve previously detailed concerns about runaway population growth in relation to our warming planet (May and Oct, 2013); I’d be interested to hear their thoughts. By reference to the Gospels and historical sources, Vivian Garner might legitimise the facile claim that Jesus was born in Judea at the time of the Census of Quirinius (Joseph’s Story, November and December, 2013). Again, discussion might follow.
Puzzle ow many words of 4 or more letters can you make with these 9 letters? • Each word must include the letter in the centre, shaded box • One word includes all 9 letters Score: 22 Good, 33 Very good, 43 Excellent
Graham Boothby
District Church Services for Mannum Congregations ANGLICAN 6 Adelaide Road. Ph: 8569 2385 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am BAPTIST William Street. Ph: 8569 6040 Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am CATHOLIC Mau Street. Ph: 8531 1699 Mannum, Mass: 1st Sunday 9:30 am, all others 8:30 am LUTHERAN 79 Cliff Street. Ph: 8569 2863 Mannum, Sundays 9:00 am, Sunday School 9:45 am during school terms. Everyone welcome. Issue Number 87
RIVER WORD CHRISTIAN CENTRE Greening Street. Ph: 8569 1333 Mannum, Sundays 10:00 am SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 17 King George St. Ph: 0433 734 037 Mannum, Saturdays 9:30 am, Sabbath School 11:00 am UNITING Corner of Greening Street & Walker Avenue Enquiries: Phone one of the Elders. G Gobbett: 8569 1083, M Thomas: 8569 1005 R Marshall: 8569 1737, G McInerney: 8569 2076 Mannum, 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 11 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays 9 am
Mannum Mag
Page 3
Mid Murray Council Australia Day Awards Young Citizen of the Year Narelle Simons
Narelle completed Year 12 at Mannum Community College last year. During that year, Narelle served her fellow students as School Captain, Chairperson of the Student Representative Council and House Captain for Arnold Team. Throughher role as School Captain and SRC Chairperson last year, Narelle organised many events and functions, including fundraisers and the Year 12 Formal. Narelle was given the chance to attend several leadership camps and programs, and she eagerly took these opportunities. She was heavily involved in both intra and inter-school sports events as a volunteer and participant. Narelle’s leadership and dedication to serving her school has been recognised not only this past year, but also in her previous years at Mannum Community College and in 2012 she received the Murraylands APEX Community Award, Long Tan Leadership Award, Mid Murray All Rounder Award and various Subject Awards. Narelle has also been an outstanding contributor within her community. She is involved with the Mannum Roos Netball Club where she umpires junior grades and plays senior netball in the A Reserves team. She is involved with the Christian Family Centre, volunteering as a Sunday School Leader and many other leadership roles involving various age groups. On top of her school and community involvement,Narelle also helps out on the family farm, working approximately 17 hours per week before and after school, milking cows and feeding calves. Narelle is a dedicated member of the community and an upcoming leader and therefore a worthy recipient of the Young Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Narelle. Chloe Schellen
Chloe has recently completed Year 12 at Loreto College, where she excelled in her studies and helped out
with various fundraising events at the school. Although studying her senior years in Adelaide, Chloe still made an effort to return to her local community and contribute in a number of ways. Having a love for netball, Chloe has been actively involved with the Mannum Roos Netball Club for many years. Last year, Chloe coached the Under 13 Division 2 Netball Team to a minor premiership, narrowly missing out on winning the Grand Final. She also took on the role of B Grade Team Manager and assisted with scoring, timing, umpiring and canteen duties for the Club, along with assisting with various fundraising activities. Chloe has been involved with Mannum Little Athletics, where she assisted with coaching and recording duties. She was also a member of the Murraylands Gymnastics Academy for six years, completing a judging course and again assisting with coaching. Chloe has willingly taken on roles for the Ponde Hall. She organises yearly activities for the annual Christmas Party and participated in landscaping around the swing equipment at the Hall. Chloe has demonstrated excellent leadership and a willingness to be actively involved in her community. We recognise your hard work and dedication today by presenting you with the Young Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Chloe. Jeremy Strauss
In 2013, Jeremy was a Year 11 Student at Mannum Community College, where he demonstrated leadership, responsibility and mateship. Jeremy is a well respected student and role model at Mannum Community College. He has been chosen to represent the school on m a n y o c c a s i o ns, inc luding participating in leadership and peer support programs such as the school’s own ‘Youth Development – Restoration of Baseby Cottage’ and
Mobilong Rotary’s ‘Youth Program of Enrichment’. Jeremy has held the position of Student Representative Council President and House Leader, and has been the recipient of many school awards for his hard work and dedication. Jeremy has been involved in the school’s pedal prix team for the last seven years, being the Team Captain in 2013. In the past, he also participated in the World Solar Car Challenge as part of the team’s media crew where his team travelled from Darwin to Adelaide. ‘Habitat for Humanity’ is another project that Jeremy has been involved with, which involved a small group of Mannum Community College students travelling weekly to Murray Bridge building a house from the planning stage to completion that was then sold to a low income family. To add to Jeremy’s outstanding school achievements, he has also been involved in the Mannum Community. Some of his community activities include:• Volunteer with the Mannum CFS • Qualified lifeguard spending summers working at the Mannum Pool • VACSWIM Leader • Member of the Youth Group at Mannum St Martins Lutheran Church, helping organize events and sitting at the sound desk during services • A keen sportsman, playing squash for the Murray Bridge Squash Club and tennis for the Mannum Tennis Club, always keen to go above and beyondplaying duties, helping with junior trainings, fundraisers, preparing the courts before games and cooking the BBQ Jeremy is a true role model within his school and community. Today we reward him for this hard work and dedication by presenting him with the Young Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Jeremy. Emma Grieger
Emma attended Swan Reach Area School in 2013, completing SACE
Stage 2 with impressive results. She held roles of School Captain, House Leader and Student Representative Council President, also representing the SRC on the School Governing Council. In her role as SRC President, Emma organised and ran numerous events, including the Red Shield Appeal where the school was awarded the Regional Encouragement Award for their impressive fundraising efforts, and a band night where Emma applied for and received a grant from Council to help towards the costs of the main act. Emma also performed at this event herself. Due to her exceptional display of leadership and dedication to her studies throughout the 2013 school year, the Swan Reach Area School nominated Emma for the Governor of South Australia Commendation for Outstanding Achievement in SA ‘Certificate of Education’ Award. At the School’s presentation night last year, Emma received the Caltex All-Rounder Award in recognition of her participation in a wide range of activities and achievement of impressive results in academic, sporting and service activities and she has been the recipient of the Long Tan Leadership Award for the past 3 years. Emma is the Local Youth Leader, a role she has also undertaken for the Riverland Region on occasions. She is also a talented musicianand regularly volunteers her time at community events including the Swan Reach Country Music Festival, Carols by Candlelight and the School Band Night held at Nildottie. As a solo artist, Emma has recorded and released a CD of her own original music. Emma is a talented musician and a dedicated school and community member. We are pleased to acknowledge her efforts today by presenting her with the Young Citizen of the Year Award. Congratulations Emma.
Community Event of the Year Swan Reach Country Music Festival
The inaugural Swan Reach Country Music Festival was held at the Swan Reach Oval from 26th - 28th of April last year, coordinated by the Swan Reach Progress Association. The Progress Association worked in conjunction with Country Music SA, who arranged performers, and were also supported by the Swan Reach Bowling Club, the Swan Reach Golf Club and Mid Murray Council. The event attracted over 1000 people to the area, filling the Swan Reach and Punyelroo caravan parks. 95 camp sites were also filled around the oval and the PS Marion provided accommodation and cruises over the 3 days of the Festival. The event was an opportunity to showcase local musicians, along with the Page 4
Swan Reach area, and provided a great family day. In particular, the Ute Muster and Talent Quest were highly successful aspects of the event and will be included in future festivals. The community of Swan Reach is to be commended for their efforts, as volunteers from the community worked tirelessly over the duration of the event. Council appreciates the efforts of the Swan Reach Progress Association in coordinating such an event and I would like to call on John George, Chairperson of the Swan Reach Progress Association to collect the Community Event of the Year Award.
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Thank You Country Fire Service Volunteers
would like to particularly thank Country Fire Service Volunteers, farmers and all that assisted and were involved with fighting the recent bushfires at Rockleigh, Eden Valley and the Riverland. Your commitment, dedication and assistance in preventing loss of lives, homes and property damage was exceptional. Thank you very much for what you have done in assisting our communities. A Thank you must also go to the volunteers, scouts and businesses who donated their time and goods to provide food and drinks to the CFS Volunteers and Police. To those property owners that have lost their homes, stock, fencing, farm equipment and experienced other property damage, I am very sorry. As a Council, we will do all we can to assist you to re-establish your livelihood. We have established a Relief Centre at the Cambrai Hall and goods and materials are available at the Hall through the Mid Murray Support Services (8569 2609 Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm or 0434 828 129). We have also appointed a Relief Co-ordinator, Harry Seager, who will meet and discuss with affected landowners
what assistance Council, the State Government and the community can provide. Mr Seager can be contacted on Mobile 0409 622 382 or email at reliefcoordinator@mid-murray.sa.gov.au
Please do not hesitate to contact the Mid Murray Council or Mr Seager for assistance. Thank you again to the Country Fire Service volunteers, farmers and allthose that helped in fighting the recent fires. Mayor Dave Burgess Mid Murray Council
t was an incredible effort by our CFS fire fighters to contain the recent fires in the Rockleigh district and it is obvious that these courageous folk are the real heroes of our community. Sure, we recognise the talents of our cricketers, tennis players and all top athletes for that matter, but let’s ‘dip our lids’ and say thanks to the CFS champions for winning their battle on our behalf. Ralph Pitman
big thank you to those brave fire fighters who saved my home “Westridge”, 404 Sanderston Road, Sanderston on Friday 17th January. A job well done by all who fought these fires and to the volunteers who
Dahl & Warhurst Funeral Directors LOOKING AFTER YOU, WHEN IT MEANS THE MOST Personalised Arrangements To Suit Your Needs • Burials & Cremations (Country & City) • Monumental Masons • Pre-arranged Funeral Plans • Priced to Suit You SERVICING: MANNUM
Phone Leon or Lola Warhurst
8569 1585
0408 813 905 OR 0417 859 515 Dahl & Warhurst Chapel Postal Address 19 Walker Avenue 3 Myall Place Mannum Mannum Issue Number 87
have offered there services afterwards. Also a thank you to Cynthia for looking after the cat and I until it was safe to return home. Geoff McLeod
ust a note to say a big thank you to all our dedicated volunteers this fire season. How lucky we are to have such dedicated people in this organisation. To train for this position in their own time shows unselfish behaviour and dedication for our community. It makes me so proud to be a part of such a great country, rural community and beautiful town. Also, the same as above goes for
our wonderful medical staff and amenities. Think yourself lucky, Mannum Community, that we live here and not in war-torn Syria or other such places. Patricia M Dingler
Well Done Mid Murray Council
he Mid Murray Council is to be congratulated on its prompt and positive response to the situation faced by victims of the recent bushfires. Well done. P J Weir
Fire Support Contacts
e are steadily finding out what landholders on the fire ground require and we are doing our best to provide you with the most up to date information to connect you to the people who can help. 1 Mid Murray Council & Eastern Hills and Murray Plains Catchment Group
Relief Coordinator Harry Seager: 0409 622 382
2 PIRSA Livestock assessment and disposal. Ben Wright: 0409 581 048 3 Primary Producers SA Dean Crabbe 8297 2299 is coordinating donated fodder. 4 Water Cartage North : Boutique Tankers, Angaston. Larry: 0427 825 287 South: Hoad Water Cartage, Cowirra. Mark: 0412 825 280 5 South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management (SAVEM)
Mob: 0477 055 233 Email: Info@savem.org.au Web: www.savem.org.au Injured Animals: SAVEM is coordinating on-ground animal aspects in the fire zone. If you come across burnt, fire- injured animals (domestic or wild) use the contacts above. Alternate contacts are: RSPCA: 1300 477 22 PIRSA (9-5 Mon-Fri) www.pir.sa.gov.au/pirsa/cont act_us
Remember, there will be many animals that may require professional assessment and perhaps euthanasia.
and Natural Resources Natural Resources SAMDB
Rockleigh Fire Ground: Paul Riggs, Barker - Murray Bridge Office: 8532 9100 Eden Valley Fire Ground: Scott Hutchens, Cambrai Office: 8564 5154 The NRM board is keen to see rabbits controlled early in the recovery period to allow pasture and other vegetation to return.
7 State Government Payment of $700 to all fire affected landholders. Ring 1800 302 787 and work through the menu or go to www.sa.gov.au/safirerecovery
and work through the menu. The Gawler Office of the
Department for Community Services and Social Inclusion: 8522 0235 State Recovery Support Line: Counselling: 131 456 8 Mid Murray Support Service
Mob: 0434 828 129 Ph: 8569 2609 This group has household requirementsdonated by the public at a distribution centre at the Cambrai Hall. Please drop in during office hours to collect material.
9 Rural Business Support John Christensen, Rural Financial Counsellor, 555 The Parade Magill SA 5072 Ph: 08 8364 2577 Fax: 08 8364 2574 Mob: 0448 063 189
6 Department of Environment Water
Mannum Mag
Page 5
Farewell to MCC Groundsman
Tree Pruning ouncils, including the Mid Murray Council, receive complaints from time to time regarding the work undertaken by SA Power Networks contractors on tree pruning undertaken. The concerns provided to me on occasions have included the following:• The quality of pruning undertaken • Some trees have become structurally unsound • Pruning wounds have caused branch failures • Damage to tree limbs • The aesthetic appearance of the tree, with trees being left untidy having little or no shape. We have raised these issues with the Local Government Association of South Australia, who advocate on behalf of the 68 Councils throughout the State. Councils have indicated that they would like the processes and work undertaken by SA Power Networks
c o n t r act o r s improved. The outcomes being sought are as follows:• Improvement of the tree pruning quality undertaken by contractors • Pruning to be undertaken to Australian Standards • Qualified arborists undertaking proper pruning methods • Pruning to take account of the health and visual amenity of the trees through proper shaping • Development of guidelines to ensure tree pruning is undertaken properly A small working group consisting of the representatives from the Local Government Association of South Australia, 3 representative Councils and SA Power Networks has been established to improve tree pruning around SA Power Networks infrastructure.
n Friday 13th December, state schools last day of the year, Mannum Community College farewelled their groundsman of 25 years, Phil Klose. The whole school community population of approximately 400 formed a guard of honour from Phil’s shed to a presentation ceremony at the other side of the school. Phil is going to take Long Service Leave followed by retirement at the end of 2014. We sincerely thank him for his outstanding and generous contribution to the school.
Julie Hunt, Business Manager
R J Peate, Chief Executive Officer
Advice From A Tree • Stand tall and Proud • Go out on a limb • Remember your roots • Drink plenty of water • Be content with your natural beauty • Enjoy the view
Mannum Mag Annual General Meeting 7:30 pm Wednesday 26th February 2014
Schache Hall Mannum Showground
s an incorporated, non-profit organisation, we are required to have public meetings. All members of the Executive Committee are volunteers donating their time to the service of the community. • Presentation of the annual report and financial statement. • Election of the 2014 Executive Committee. • Discussion of amended constitution. • Appointment of an auditor.
HAPPY HOUR Every Weekday 5 - 6pm $3 Schooners, $5 Pints & House Spirits KIDS EAT FREE Tuesday Nights $10 SCHNITZEL NIGHT Wednesday Nights 6 - 8pm $10 STEAK NIGHT Thursday Nights 6 - 8pm MEGA DRAW Friday 28th February VALENTINE’S DAY Friday 14th February Spoil your beloved with a special dinner for 2
Planning a function? Come in and speak to Jess about all your options FIND US ON FACEBOOK 66 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 Phone: 8569 1010 Email: admin@mannumclub.com.au Website: www.mannumclub.com.au Page 6
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Mannum RSL
013 drew to a close with our usual Christmas party, held at the Mannum Bowling Club, beautifully presented and very tasty. Our thanks go to the Bowling Club, it’s President and Committee for allowing us to use your great facility. Happy New Year
2014 is shaping up to be another big year at the RSL and already there are plans in place for a visit to Gumeracha RSL for their Annual Dinner on the 22nd of February, and a Get-together at Meningie RSL Sub Branch on the 23rd of February. The Year is, of course, significant in that it is the centenary of the outbreak of WW1. Many events are planned at State level and a web page is to be instituted so that stories of interest relating to WW1 and Gallipoli may be uploaded and read by all. So if anyone out there has anything they would like to contribute, please call the President John Doughty on mob: 0405 159 855. Plans are also coming together for ANZAC Day and will again be preceded by a youth vigil (Aroona Scout Group) on the night of the 24th of April, and then a Catafalque Party will be mounted before the Dawn Service at the Monument by
MIFSA Activity Program
the Air Force Cadets of 622 Squadron, Murray Bridge. We are expecting a big crowd again, so put the date in your diaries now and let’s show what Mannum can do. Breakfast will be catered by Lions again this year, and the bar will be open from 0630. Significant work is to be undertaken by Mid Murray Council to rectify the crack in the wall at the Monument and, according to CEO Russell Peate, it will be completed mid March, well before Anzac Day. Extensions to the Garden of Memory at the Cemetery are also being undertaken. The Mannum Rowing Club is also planning the Anzac Row from Mannum to Murray Bridge so make sure you are there to see them off. There are plans to have a contingent of rowers from The Vietnam Vets at Riverside Rowing Club. We are still growing, and have a very dedicated group of revellers at happy hours on Wednesdays 1600 to about 1830, so come and join in with us, there is bound to be someone you know, and if there isn’t then you can make a new lot of friends. The Badge The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
Now in the Mannum Community ental health is important to every person living in our community, however sometimes life presents circumstances which make it difficult to enjoy our lives to the fullest. For many different reasons we may stop doing the things we love, we may stop seeing our friends or become disconnected from our community. It comes as no surprise that experts confirm what many of us already know from experience; that being active and doing things we enjoy is one of the best ways to look after our physical, emotional and mental health (The Wellness Guide). At MIFSA, we recognise that having the opportunity to do something you like, try something new and make new friends can contribute greatly to positive mental health. Even just having a place to go where you can be yourself and grab a cuppa, surrounded by people who understand, can increase your sense of wellbeing. The MIFSA Activity Program operates on Tuesdays and Thursdays from St Andrew’s Hall, 4 Adelaide Road,
Mannum. We work together as a group to plan and prepare lunch each day, there are opportunities for art and music, and we are always up for a cuppa and a chat. On Fridays, we have a bus outing to a location of the MIFSA group’s choosing: we have been to places like Monarto Zoo, Angaston, the Botanic Gardens, and many other places. Some activities have a small contribution associated with them, such as lunch and outings. As a team, staff and participants together plan which activities will be a part of the program: we have strong values around “nothing about us, without us!” and this program is d e s i g n e d b y a nd with participants. We really value people’s opinions. If you would like to come along and enjoy any of the many exciting activities we have on offer, please get in touch with Sam (0466 994 549) or Trevor (0427 442 775) to arrange a time to come in and have an orientation, in order to become a participant of the program. Sam De Jong
DOG TRAINING Now in Mannum For details please contact Jane Mob: 0409 081 007 or Mannum Pet Essentials, 37A Randell Street, Mannum 5238
bh partners real estate 81 Randell Street MANNUM
ph: 8569 1003 e: bh@bhprealestate.com.au LET US MEET YOUR REAL ESTATE GOALS
Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 7
Out Of This World
Pause A While
Astronomer’s Corner t around 10 pm, nearly overhead, are the constellations of Orion and Canis Major whose appearance coincide with the summer season. The star Sirius is called the Dog Star and is the brightest star in the sky other than our sun. At a distance of 9 light years and a diameter of 2 of our suns (our sun is a million kilometres diameter) it is very local to us. Sirius, from the Greek meaning sparkling or scorching, is also known as Alpha Canis Major, meaning it is the brightest star in that constellation. It is also classified as a white star. In contrast, another two stars nearby, in the constellation Orion, are Betelgeuse and Rigel. Betelguese is 470 light years away and a red star some 400 times the size of our sun. Rigel is a white star some 1300 light years distant, a diameter of 48 suns and about 150 000 times as bright. The two stars are found in the square of Orion, encompassing the great nebula M42 in the handle of the saucepan. At present Mars is in Virgo and Saturn is in Libra. Out in front of Orion the hunter, Jupiter is at some point between the twins in Gemini and growing in brilliance at around magnitude -2.5. Venus rises at around 5am and is very bright at -4.8. Orion is not on the ecliptic but alongside Gemini and Taurus which are. It takes a second look at the stars in these constellations to make sure they are not planets. Setting in the west are Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. The sun in February will be in Capricorn heading back to rising due east in March. Each day the sun progresses along the imaginary line called the Ecliptic where we use local mean solar time, one of many measures of time.
Dave Allen
Moon Phases Full 15 February
New 1 March
First 1/4 7 February
Last 1/4 26 February
with Mannum Interchurch Council The Whirlwind of Life sometimes we get flipped, walked out the front gate of landing in all sorts of strange my home on Wednesday places. I am still unwinding from the afternoon and heard a noise buildup of extra activities from coming from down the road. As the end of 2013, only to find that I looked, I saw a whirlwind now, just a few weeks into the stirring up the footpath and then new year, there is already a collecting three empty rubbish buildup of activities and bins that were waiting for their owners to take them inside. The pressures that are threatening to bins were lifted off the ground upend me before I get started. I pray that this year will be a and tossed about, ending up on their sides haphazardly, as the prosperous year, full of blessing whirlwind continued across the for you and your family, but I road, over a house, and was also ask that you choose only the gone in the blink of an eye. I best things to get involved in. In took a moment to take in the that way, you can be secured by damage and the circumstances, friends and family, so that you won’t find yourself ‘upended’ then continued on my way. Later, I ‘paused a while’ to and bruised by the whirlwind of consider what had happened and life. Beloved, I wish above all the thought came to me that, in a things that you be in good health way, it was really like life. We and prosper even as your soul stand there doing our ‘thing’ prospers. (3 John 2) whatever it might be, minding Every blessing to you in Christ our own business, when suddenly we are tossed about by Jesus our Lord. Pastor Trevor Goodwin the overload of life’s stresses;
Prayer Meetings for Mannum Thursday 13th Feb, Wednesday 19th Feb,
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm, Baptist Church, William Street 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Uniting Church, Walker Street
Mannum Yoga
MARION’S BOUTIQUE PTY LTD 63-65 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238, Ph: 8569 2261
½ PRICE SALE NOW ON All Clothing ½ Price Selected Bags Hats and Jewellery ½ Price
SALE STARTS 3rd FEBRUARY NO LAYBYS Come in and grab a bargain Page 8
Commencing Thursday 30 January 2014 Instructor: Monica Martin
For registration and further information, contact Monica on: M: 0488 133 625 P: 8578 9066
6:30pm St Andrews Anglican Church Hall Adelaide Rd, Mannum
E: junemonica24@yahoo.com.au Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Mannum Community Hub
e are in! The Mannum Community Hub, a program of Mid Murray Support Services, is ‘open for business’. The Mid Murray Council and Mid Murray Support Services volunteers and staff have worked together to make this a reality; we are all thrilled this day is now here and the Hub is now open to the community. The Art Class with Evelien Machin had the honour of being the first to use this wonderful new community space on January 13th, reporting to be extremely satisfied with the facilities. The Hub walls may be graced with some exceptional art in the near future. There are still a few deliveries to come, and we can hardly wait to have everything in place; it’s like moving house times ten! The Hub will be in full swing by the 3rd March, at which time the Hub Learning Program commences. Feel free in the meantime to pop in and say hello, we would love to see you. You’ll receive a letterbox-flyer around the end of February with all the information you will need to get involved with any of the many activities on offer. Hub Staff and Volunteers Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in volunteering their precious time. We welcome Bev, Denis and John to the team with others soon to commence. Mid Murray Support Services is a volunteer driven organisation and the Hub enjoys this support from community members willing to give a little time also. To find out what volunteering opportunities are available at the
Hub please contact us soon and we can get you started; we have the flexibility to tailor a role to suit your needs. We also welcome Tanya Matthews to our team who has been employed as our new Project Officer. Hub Groups Mannum Weight Watchers were the first Hub Group to officially use the Hub Group Room and they are thrilled to finally have a place to call home that meets their needs. Soon Mannum Teen Challenge will take up ‘residence’ as will the Mannum History Group. If your group need a place to gather or meet the Hub could be the solution. There is an expectation of a contribution for the room hire. We do not want this to be a barrier; this is assessed on an individual basis for not for profit clubs and groups. Negotiation aims to provide a satisfactory outcome for all involved. Hub Learning Program With two dedicated areas for courses and workshops, and flexibility to use other spaces in the facility, the newly revamped program presents new and innovative learning opportunities unique to the region. See page 12 for the Term 1 schedule that includes Computer, Art and Personal Interest Courses. More exciting opportunities will be offered. There is sure to be something for everyone. Mannum Community Garden It is thriving due to the dedication of the Community Gardeners Vic, Jenny, Bev and David who have all given their time to care for and maintain the plantings. This dedication is evident
Liz Hatwell, Executive Officer Mid Murray Support Services
Mannum Pet Essentials Pet & Rural Supplies
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Drenches & Herbicides, etc. Cattle, Sheep and Pig Breeding & Veterinary Supplies Equine Supplies Huski Workwear & Hi-Vis 37A Randell Street, Mannum (next to the old SJ's Restaurant) Phone orders: 0409 081 007 or 8569 2428 Online: www.mannumpetessentials.com.au Email: mannumpetessentials@bigpond.com
from the minimal losses during the recent extreme heat. The Community Garden Group will be formalised in the very near future at a meeting to be announced. Even if you have limited gardening knowledge we welcome you to get involved; a perfect way to learn about gardening successfully with the combined knowledge of the existing group to assist you. An extra learning opportunity to gain these skills is the ‘Grow It Cook It Eat It’ course. Grand Opening The 12th April has been confirmed as the day the Mannum Community Hub will be officially opened. If you would like to get involved in making this a successful family day that will showcase what the Hub has to offer, please contact us at your earliest opportunity. More information coming soon. Donations We havebeenextremely delighted and appreciate the kind donations that have arrived for the Hub. Thank you in particular to Lyn Gross for the wonderful refrigerator that is perfect for the ‘Break Space’ at the Hub and a box full of crockery delivered by an anonymous donor. Want to know more about the Mannum Community Hub and associated programs or have ideas for us to take on board? I welcome your feedback; please contact me to arrange a chat.
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Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 9
Open House Invitation eg Eichler is celebrating his 90th birthday.
Sunday 9th March 2014 from 1:00 pm Mannum Club River Bar Afternoon tea provided, bar facilities available. Please come along and help celebrate with him. Strictly no gifts please.
Mannum Weight Watchers We Have Moved
gain I’m at the end of the holidays, having eaten too much and exercised too little. Why does everyone come to visit with food? Thank goodness it’s time to get back to Weight Watchers, where weekly weigh-ins encourage me to say “No!” to sweet things and find a healthier alternative. Looking at the price per kilogram of my favourite fruit often discourages me from buying it but if I only buy 2 pieces, I am surprised to find it is cheaper than a confectionary bar or a bun I have with my coffee. Meeting at the Hospital Day Centre made us feel as if we were a part of the Health Program but in moving to the Community Hub on Walker Street we will physically become part of the community too. We have moved into the Hub, along with our electronic scales. You will find the group educationally and socially stimulating as we take pride in attaining and maintaining our Goal Weight. We meet every Tuesday from 9:00am for weigh-in with the meeting beginning soon after, to celebrate our losses and admit to our gains (not the amount of grams), followed by a talk and a discussion with no pressure to share or talk. The cost is minimal, $1 per week. We would love to welcome you to our group if you would like to give it a go. Ring Jane at 8569 1799 for more details.
Marion Foster
Page 10
Trash and Treasure Purnong District Hall Saturday 19th April, 2014 Open for sellers at 7:00 am Egg & bacon breakfast from 8:00 am Sausage Sizzle all day For stall/table hire ($10) Contact: Sue Neate Phone: 8570 4303
Trash and Treasure Younghusband Hall Sunday 9th March, 2014 Vendors from 7:00 am General Public from 8:00 am All Vendors Welcome BBQ Breakfast and Lunch Donations for White Elephant Stall appreciated. Contact: Val Towill Phone: 8532 5716 We are a n o n -p ro f it organisation, all proceeds go to the improvement of the Younghusband Hall.
From the Lions Den ustralia Day dawned cool, calm and bright and just perfect for the Lions famous breakfast and subsequent awards ceremony. Once again the wonderful workers of the Mannum Lions Club excelled, serving 563 breakfasts. As for the past umpteenth years the charge remained at $5.00 and many people were pleasantly surprised at what they got for this price. We thank the people of Mannum for their patience while in the long queue, particularly as the last breakfasts were served at 9:20am. Our Club congratulates the winners of both the Council and Lions Awards. Once again these showed what wonderful young people we have in our Council District. During the morning we took collection buckets around to
raise money for the Bushfire Appeal. The community were very generous in donating and we finished with a total of $1237.00. The Lions Den is available for use by non profit groups, a number of which have already taken advantage. Any enquiries about using the Den should be directed to the following members. Brenton Forrest 8569 1726 Trevor Twigden 8535 4352 Barry Ramm 8569 1423 Bill Ingram 8569 2624 Our recycling of bottles and cans continues at full tilt. We urge all people in the community to support us by putting empty drink bottles and cans into one of the many Lions bins throughout the town. Remember that the money goes back into the community. Graham Verrall, Publicity Officer
• Weight watchers: People who watch other people diet? • A great way to lose weight is to eat while you are naked and standing in front of a mirror. Restaurants will always throw you out before you can eat too much.
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Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Farmers Market Supports Bushfire Victims he Mount Pleasant Farmers Market held an appeal for the victims of the recent bushfires. The market committee allocated all funds collected from their usual optional gold coin donation for on-site parking at the market to be donated to the bushfire victims. Aided by enthusiastic market volunteers, the appeal was deemed a great success. In just 4 hours, volunteers managed to collect $2200 to go to victims. Market Manager Genevieve Hebart said “Many of our customers and stallholders were either evacuated from their homes or involved helping fight the fires, so we thought it important to utilise the fundraising capabilities of the market to help those affected by the fire.” Volunteer co-ordinator Terese Reeves said, “Market volunteers were overwhelmed by the generosity of those who passed through the gate. The market committee wants to thank market patrons, stallholders and volunteers for their charity and for their time.” The Mount Pleasant Farmers Market, a community run, not for
profit incorporated body, is open every Saturday, 8am – 12 noon. For further enquires check out our website www.mpfm.org.au
Ph: 8569 2382 # SPECIALISED TREE WORK Felling, Lopping, Mulching, Stump Grinding
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Call WAYNE For a FREE QUOTE Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 11
Whistle Toot
Ageing in the Murraylands
PS Marion and Mannum Dock Museum
with Millie Fires, fire bans and fire danger country, new to our geography season. and locality, don’t always get the visit to Asia, Africa, South message? I recently had cause to think America, Pacific islands, about this when someone was indeed anywhere not classed as burning rubbish in the total fire ‘developed’, brings a different ban season, and I listened to perspective on how climate, their explanation of why they geography and housing relate to did this. Just a few days before, each other. In those places it is we’d been blanketed by smoke common to see smoke rising and had major fires not far away. from people cooking outdoors, Yes, the person I was talking to burning rubbish, clearing had seen the fires on TV and vegetation. Cooking fires can be very close to buildings because spoke with compassion about there’s nowhere else to go. the damage to people and Many of those cultures rely property, the incredibly difficult heavily on cooked food rather job of firefighters. So, how come than salad, and food is cooked they lit a fire in dry countryside just before being eaten – no slow with plenty of stubble? “I made sure there was no cookers, fridges, microwaves. wind. I cleared an area and wet Translate that to summer in the soil around it. It was safe.” South Australia. We have fire Makes sense in its own way. bans, different from one region Another challenge in effective to another, fire danger seasons communication for our media with different dates in different and Councils. regions, total fire bans for some Millie months then total fire ban days, Sillie Millie: “I have made good and different levels of warnings. judgments in the past. I have made Is it any wonder that people good judgments in the future.” with English as their second or George W. Bush third language, new to our
he year 2014 started with a musical bang for the PS Marion as the boat was used as accommodation support for the Sounds by the River concert on Saturday 18th January. Fortunately the weather had cooled down by then, which made stoking the boiler a bit easier for the crew and more pleasant for overnight guests. Following this the PS Marion held four Devonshire Tea cruises on Saturday 25th and on Australia Day. A large crowd of visitors and locals came to the Mary Ann reserve for the Lions’ Australia Day Breakfast, listen to the music and the Local Government Awards ceremony and avail themselves of the Australia Day special fares deal for the PS Marion cruises. The next cruising event is not until March when the boat
travels to Swan Reach, leaving on Wednesday 26th, returning on Wednesday 1st April. In the Mannum Dock Museum work is going ahead on the upgrade of the ground floor display area. Volunteer Dave Dowley has been working with Bare Rock Design of Palmer on this vital step in the refurbishment of the museum. The second stage of the upstairs display area “All Steamed Up” is also in the process of planning and hopefully, with grant and Local government funding, will be soon be on the go. For further information about cruises and the museum, please contact the Mannum Dock Museum on 8569 2383 or visit the website on wwwpsmarion.com Jenny Twigden
Mannum Community Hub Learning Program An opportunity to learn in a comfortable and casual setting. Come along and experience our innovative program unique to the region.
Art with Evelien
Mondays Noon - 3:00pm. $5.00 per week. Join anytime, beginners discover the artist within. Experienced artists welcome. Wednesdays 9:00am - Noon. Start 5th March Beginners gain confidence with using technology for the first time. 5 weeks, $30.00
First Click
Computer Discovery & Creations Mondays 9:00am - Noon. Starts 3rd March Follows First Click. Discover the Microsoft Office applications . 5 weeks, $30.00 Tuesdays 9:00am - Noon. Start 4th March Take ownership of your 'online life' and use the internet to your advantage. Stay safe and secure using the internet. 5 weeks. Cost $30.00
Online Life
Thursdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Start 6th March Beginners, discover and feel the benefits of Reflexology. 5 weeks,$25.00
Balance and Wellbeing
Thursdays 10 am - Noon. Start 6th March. Learn and enjoy benefits of growing, preparing home produce. 5 weeks, $30.00 Registration essential. Contact the Mannum Community Hub 8569 2864 Or see us for a chat at 58 Walker Avenue Mannum.
Grow it Cook it Eat it
MANNUM CAN & BOTTLE DEPOT 103 Adelaide Road, Ph: 8569 1720 OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 12, 1 – 4pm
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The 3 R’s of Recycling R emove lid R inse R eturn for refund
Call to tailor a system for your event David 0400 290 168
Page 12
Servicing the Riverland
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Cat Facts
Mannum Mag
Does Your Cat Really Love You? ou come home from a long day at work and the cat greets you by rubbing itself around your leg. You bend down and give the cat a scratch behind the ear and tell it you love it too. It’s not that simple, the cat is actually marking you as its territory. They have scent glands on their face and neck. If your cat is a furniture scratcher they are not doing it to spite you, there is a reason for them scratching; like in their neck, they have scent glands in their paws, so again they are marking their territory. But scratching also has other benefits. It helps exercise their neck, legs, back and toes as well as manicuring their claws.
How do I stop the cat scratching my furniture?
Have an item like a cat scratch pole available for the cat to scratch. The ones with sisal rope around them or other similar textured covered poles are best for the cat to get maximum benefit from the use of the pole. If your cat refuses to use a pole, there are a couple of things
you can do to entice the cat to use the pole. • You can simply attach a hanging toy to the top of the pole so that as the cat plays with the toy it may accidentally claw the pole and realise how good it feels. • Make the pole your first port of call when you get home. Make it the spot where you put the keys, wallet, purse, etc. Even rub the pole, remember cats are territorial and like marking their territory. If you, a part of their territory, start showing behaviour they should have, in this case owning the pole, they will also want to own this pole. What do you do if the cat uses the scratch pole and still uses your furniture? It is suggested that cats do not like the smell of oranges (I am not sure if this is the same for citrus in general) and will avoid an item smelling of oranges, so you could use a spray bottle with water/orange essence/eucalyptus in it and
Visitor Guide spray the furniture. Do not forget to keep the bottle well shaken as oil and water separate. This will also give the added advantage of your house smelling nice. You can experiment with essences to find out what your cat really does not like and will avoid, tailoring your own fragrances. To remove the cat’s scent from the furniture, thus reducing the cat’s urge to keep the scent fresh, use a mix of baking soda/water/vinegar to clean it. Avoid commercial cleaners such as spray and wipe as these contain similar chemicals to the cats’ marking and the cat will want to cover the new smell with their own, effectively dirtying the freshly “cleaned” spot. This also holds true for the cats marking territory by urinating. If you have a topic that you would like discussed send a request to me via email mannumpetessentials@bigpond.com
or ask me in the shop. Jane Humphrey Mannum Pet Essentials
he Trial Edition of the new Visitor’s Guide was distributed in September 2013. In the October 2013 Mannum Mag we requested that your suggestions for additions, deletions or corrections be left at the Information Centre. We aim to print the “official” version during March so as to have it available for the Easter visitors in April and those attending the Kayak/Canoe Event in early May. If you have any suggestions for additions, deletions or corrections please email them directly to the editor or leave them at the Information Centre. Collectively, you know the best features that should be promoted, encouraging visitors to come, stay and play in our region. The trial edition is available on our website.
editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au or Visitor Information Centre 6 Randell Street Ph: 8569 1303
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Contact: Terry Schutz Pfeiffer Road Mannum ~ Ph: 0407 Issue Number 87
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Mannum Mag
7 DAYS .... ALL HOURS Page 13
Santa Says Thank You
Aminya Mid Murray Homes for the Aged lanning has continued for the The increasing costs associated first stage of the building with maintaining compliance and the program with construction of the 18 overall level and complexity of new places together with some legislation at both a State and upgrading to the existing building. Commonwealth level are impacting Subsequent stages will focus on on the viability of Aminya and other further upgrading of the existing rural aged care services. Aminya is facilities and will only proceed when liaising closely with other rural funds become available. services to identify further The initial sketch drawings have opportunities for collaboration, been modified due to the preliminary resource sharing and other joint cost estimates exceeding the $4 initiatives. The Safe Drinking Water million budget. With the architects Act, 2011, has introduced additional having returned from the requirements involving the testing of Christmas/New Year break, further rain-water at the outlet in each of the refining of the drawings has 26 independent living units, as well progressed to ensure costs are within as regular inspections of each tank. budget. Current indications are that Costs associated with the testing and a suitable design will be available inspections will be an added cost during February for public burden. Tenants have been invited to comment. comment on the option of The Board is continuing to assess disconnecting plumbing of rainwater requirements that will support the to each unit, thereby overcoming the amalgamation of Mid Murray Homes need to comply with the legislation. for the Aged Inc (Aminya) and Mid Tenants would still be able to collect Murray Homes for the Aged Housing rainwater direct from the tanks. Association Inc. This will assist with Aminya has welcomed Foxy, a compliance with new State and retired grey-hound, on a trial basis as National legislation relating to the part of a pet therapy program. Foxy operation of community housing. A has been popular with residents and draft constitution for the proposed staff as well as with the volunteers amalgamated body is being prepared who assist in exercising him. and will be available to the A two bedroom independent living community later this financial year. unit has become available on a license A mid-year review of financial and fee basis at Aminya. Registrations of other performance is currently being interest for this unit are invited from undertaken. It is clear that the Living persons who are aged 55 and over. Longer, Living Better reforms have Further details are available from created additional pressures for small reception at Aminya. Glen W Cooper, CEO stand alone rural residential aged care services.
sually, we receive gifts from Santa, but how often do we remember to thank him? Not often, I fear. So we at the MAG were impressed to receive a letter from Santa, thanking some Mannum people for their help on his recent visit to the area. Apparently, his sleigh had mechanical problems, or his reindeer were unwell, because he specially thanked:
• Brenton from United Petrol, for his valuable assistance; • Police Officer Karen and CFS officer Barry, for transporting him safely to and from the Shopping Centre; • Alana Schache, for taking him around in Santa with Julie Schache her Holden ute; and • Julie Schache, for standing in for the Mannum Ambulance to pick him up and take him home (What! To the North Pole?).
He also expressed his thanks to: • Tracy, from Aces Hair and Beauty, for organising his visit to Mannum Green IGA; • The Management and staff of IGA, and Leadwell, for letting him use the store; and • Kimberley, from Beautiful Freaks Photography, for the photos.
So, on behalf of Santa, the MAG is happy to pass on his thanks to those who helped him out. And, even though they are a bit late, to endorse Santa’s good wishes of a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Santa with Alana Schache everyone in Mannum!
Santa, Mannum Police, PC Karen, right
Santa with CFS officer Barry
Ph: 8569 8020 Mob: 0412 404 511 Page 14
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Thermomix Cooking Classes Mannum Community Hub
hermomix cooking classes are coming to Mannum. Friday 21st February 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm $20.00 per person Includes a lucky door prize! Classes will be held at the Mannum Community Hub, 58 Walker Avenue, Mannum SA 5238. Discover the full potential of Thermomix by mastering the art of cooking with steam. Learn new recipes that demonstrate the versatility of using your Varoma and impressive multi-layer cooking. In this class, you will learn to make green smoothies, capsicum and sun dried tomato dip, gluten free bread (tasting only), chickpea soup, warm chicken,pumpkin and couscous salad, meatloaf with red sauce, fruity dream soft serve, torta caprese (gluten free chocolate) and lemon cupcakes with citrus syrup. The class is suitable for new owners and those who just want to have a look. Cookbooks available to purchase at the class. Cash only. Booking and prepayment are essential. Book now. Contact Simone Bailey: 0438 858 439.
Seeking Assistance
e are looking for descendants of a John Loxton who was injured with a broken leg in a quarry accident on 21/05/1931 in Probert’s Quarry at Forest Range? The quarry was raising material to construct the Lobethal Road but is now engulfed in the Kenneth Stirling National Park. The accident happened when a large gum tree that must have had its roots undermined, fell down a cliff face where several men were working. Most escaped injury, but JohnLoxton and Ewin Lambert were injured – Ewin died nine days later in the RAH. The National Parks Heritage Committee have placed a large plaque detailing the accident on a large rock next to the offending gum tree in the Park and wish to place a similar plaque on Ewin’s grave at the Houghton Cemetery. The newspaper reports of the accident stated that John Loxton was from Murray Bridge. The Committee would like to invite any descendants of John Loxton to the unveiling ceremony at Houghton Cemetery. Reponses to Leigh and Jan Verrall; phone 08 8380 5399 or landjverrall@gmail.com Leigh and Jan Verrall
Hospital Auxiliary Raffle
ello Mannum. I hope you all had a very happy Christmas and are looking forward to a great 2014. On behalf of the Mannum Hospital Auxiliary I would like to sincerely thank all those who were brave enough to purchase our Santa hats. They were hugely successful. The raffle tickets were very popular too. Didn’t have to ‘gently persuade’ anyone. It is a credit to you all that you were willing to support our efforts. The people who made the hats too need to be congratulated as their hands must have been very sore. I believe we sold in the vicinity of 150 hats. Quite an achievement. The results of the raffle are: 1st Brett Wallace (I remember you buying the tickets Brett. You gave me $20 and I volunteered to fill out the stubs. I reckon you owe me.) 2nd P and B Lume 3rd Carol Horstmann (Guess
that prize would have been very welcome if it had come in that hot spell.) Thank you to everyone. The hospital will benefit greatly, and that means all that need it. Once again, our thanks to all. Linda Hunter
Dial-a-Ride Bus Service
t is with much regret that we advise Mannum residents that the Mannum Around The Town dial-a-ride bus service has been cancelled. We trialled a Mannum Around the Town bus service for those who are ‘transport disadvantaged’ in order to help fill the gap left by Bridge Taxis no longer providing a taxi service for residents of Mannum. However, throughout the 4 months that we trialled this service we have had very minimal response. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteer bus drivers for all of their assistance and also to thank our partners; Mannum Around The Town dial-a-ride bus service was coordinated by Murray Transport Connections, inpartnership with Mid Murray Support Services and Murray Mallee Consumer Advisory Group and made possible with funding from Mid Murray Council. If you have any difficulty at all getting to where you need to go or have any transport related queries please phone Karyn Baker or Natalie Davis on 1300 190 869, we are here to assist.
Electrician M. P. Connolly Electrical Domestic, commercial and industrial repairs and installations Phone and TV installations
Phone: Matt Connolly on 0422 329 942 Email: mpelec@internode.on.net Electrical Licence Number: PGE 158 659 Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 15
Murray Bridge Matinee Series
From the Diary of Private Charles H Bock
urray Bridge Town Hall’s morning Matinee Series is part of a collaboration between Out of the Square Inc and The Rural City of Murray Bridge. Arrive early and enjoy a complimentary morning tea from 10am followed by the performance at 11am. Concert tickets are $15.00 each.
“Duo at the Piano” Thursday 20th February 2014, at 11 am This performance features a versatile duo: the beautiful voice of Michelle Gorgula (lead vocalist for the Flaming Sambucas band) and Terry Nicholas (on the grand piano and vocalising) combining their musical journeys in an intimate and uplifting show. Guaranteed to take you back in time and touch your emotions, the show includes memories from Johnny O’Keefe of the 50s to Fleetwood Mac of the 80s, numbers from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals and also songs from the Flaming Sambucas’ “ABBA” and “Elton John” tribute shows.
Tickets are available in person at the Murray Bridge Visitor Information Centre, 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge between 10:00am and 4:00pm every day, or by phoning 8539 1142. The Town Hall Box Office is open one hour prior to each performance for the sale of any remaining tickets. After the show, you can visit the beautiful Murray Bridge Regional Gallery. There will be three different exhibitions for you to see. “Placid Motion” explores Liz Butler and Kathleen Munn’s response to place with the use of painting, works on paper and installations. “Dress Up Box” features Penny Choate’s exquisitely detailed paintings, and “Nostalgia in Blue”, is an exhibition from the Chinese Embassy in Canberra showcasing the ancient techniques of Chinese textile printing, presented by the South Australian Branch of the Australia China Friendship Society.
Tai Chi for Health
Tai Chi is a gentle exercise progressively taught to promote health. Research shows the slow motion exercise benefits arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, heart health, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, depression, concentration and lots more Suitable for all ages Classes start 5th February 2014 Contact Daphne on 0412 646 124
Day Trips and Live Country Music on Board At Swan Reach
arch is the perfect time to relax and enjoy the majestic Mur r ay River; particularly at Swan Reach at the amazing Country Music Festival where the Tamworth Award
Winners will entertain and enthral audiences for 3 days! Day trips on board the historic paddle steamer “Marion” from Mannum to Swan Reach and return are on offer.
Sold Out March 26th March 27th WALKERS FLAT to SWAN REACH Depart: 11 am March 30th SWAN REACH to WALKERS FLAT Depart: 11 am March 31st WALKERS FLAT to MANNUM Depart: 10 am
Arrive: 4 pm Arrive: 4 pm Arrive: 5 pm
$49.00 Adult $39.00 Children + $10 bus transfer back to boarding port. Short cruises at Swan Reach Adults $15.00, children $7.50. Children under 4 free on 28th and 29th of March. Book early to avoid disappointment! Don’t miss this truly unique Murray River experience! For bookings, full details & further information please contact: Mannum Dock Museum, 6 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 Tel: (08) 8569 1303 or (08)8569 2733 email: museum@psmarion.com www.psmarion.com
Page 16
10th Battalion, Australian Infantry Force Thursday 24th August 1916 Another start at 7:45a.m. 12 - 13 Bertrancourt miles to Beauville. (Somme Front) Friday 25th Tuesday 1st Started on march to Doullens Same weather. nd 10:15p.m. entrained and started Wednesday 2 4:00a.m. Tried my hand fishing but will have th to learn French, I think, before catch Saturday 26 Detrain in Belgium Province about any. 11:15a.m. marched to Poperinghe. Thursday 3rd Sunday 27th Same place. Store in street - biggest and best Tuesday 8th Good weather. Issue of clothing - town we been in. Tuesday 29th Australian. Thought this was too good to last. Wednesday 9th Marched off this afternoon to leaky Left Bertrancourt about 10a.m. huts, to give another Bgde the good arrived 4p.m. billet - worst places always picked for Thursday 10th our Bgde. Raining like one thing Watch gorn bung. th th tonight. Friday 11 - Sunday 13 Nothing doing. Little rain. September 1916 Monday 14th Saturday 2nd 1500 ready to leave Bonnevilla. Left this camp about 14:30. Tuesday 15th Marched through Reninghelst to Marching each day. Rain. another hut camp. Women in this Wednesday 16th country don’t wear such beastly heavy Roads muddy and slippery. boots as we’ve seen for some time. Thursday 17th Wednesday 13th Camp south of 0... th Another move little farther on. Friday 18 More huts, more rain. Rain - Rain Showers. Wednesday 20th Wednesday 23rd Had first trip through Ypres last Started on march 3:30p.m. Camp night. Boys went in to support we Warloy. Finished work 2:30a.m. arrived home about 3a.m.
MANNUM UNITED Your locally owned & operated fully independent servo • • • • •
Fuel & Lubricants BBQ gas refills Qwik Gas exchange Tyre fitting & balance Puncture repair
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Car accessories Hire equipment Ice & Bait Trailer hire Guns, ammo & access
Twin bowl Slushy machine available for 48hr hire $200, includes 2x2 L concentrate eg: Illusion, Pina Colada, Cosmopolitan or fruit Tingle
Mannum Mag
Phone 8569 1207 OPEN 7 days Issue Number 87
The Hall
Mannum’s Scout Group Aroona
appy New Year Mannumites. The Hall wishes everyone all the very best for 2014, if this year goes as fast as 2013 we will be another year older! The Hall was open over Christmas and New Year for those who wanted to pop in if they were at loose ends, but it was nice for me to have some time off. We are now back in full swing again and loving it. Members are increasing and we look forward to more as the months go by. If there is anyone in Mannum or the surrounding area who would like some company just drop in to 5 Greening Street, Mannum or ring us on 8569 1643, Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 3pm. We would love to see you.
he Mannum Aroona Scout Group was formed in 2008 originally running from the Mypolonga Institute. In 2012 the group tried to move to Mannum, however after extensive searching was unable to locate a suitable Venue to run from. Even the original scout hall is already used for other community groups. It was then that the Council stepped in to help upgrade the Wall Flat Scout Hall (just 17 km from Mannum) for the group. In the last 18months the group has sourced funding through the Mid Murray Council, Scout SA and numerous grants including the Premiers Initiative Fund, Active Sport and Recreation grants, Perfect Patch grants and group funding to upgrade the venue. Late last year a new kitchen was installed along with new septic and toilets, hot water and air conditioning. This has made the venue an ideal place to run scouts for the local area with plenty of outdoor area to teach navigational and survival skills to young people. Aroona has 4 age-group sections including Joeys
Annette Rissmann, Treasurer
You are probably a boy scout if: • You can say fleur-de-lis, know what one is and occasionally wear one. • You are encouraged to learn whipping and lashing. Scout Leader: The only way to acquire a new skill is to start at the bottom. Joey: But I want to learn to swim.
scouts for 6 to 7½ years, Cubs for 7½ to 10½ years, Scouts for 10½ to 14½ years and Venturers for the 14½ to 18 years age group. The group is very active running numerous camps and activities around the region teaching leadership, independence and teamwork to young people. Aroona has vacancies in all areas including leaders, committee and group supporters. All adults must undergo a Police check and those wanting to volunteer as leaders will enjoy full training including First Aid and certificates in Business and Leadership to Certificate IV level funded by the scout group. Term one 2014 will see the Aroona group run numerous camps and activities locally including attendance at the State Revolution camp for Joeys and Cubs; our scouts will enjoy an Archery camp and Patrol Leadership camp along with an overnight Vigil on ANZAC eve in support of the local RSL. Aroona regularly attends and supports local events. You would have seen them at the Mannum Pageant, Mannum Show, Truck show and marshalling at the Mannum Fun Run over the last 5 years. Why not give your child the opportunity to experience scouting at its best and give your local scout group Aroona a call. More information is available at www.aroona.sa.scouts.com.au and on the Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aroona-Scout-Group-Form ally-Mypolonga/272195483374
or contact Kelly Johnson on 0410 041 222 aroona@sa.scouts.com.au Kelly Johnson
Brodie preparing for flight at Armstrong Airfield
AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRICAL For all sales, installations, quotes or enquiries Phone:
0408075440 DARREN JENKINS Qualified installer *FUJITSU
Mannum Mag
ARC LICENCE: AU26040 Page 17
Sports Clubs and Healthy Eating
Times Are Changing (?)
t’s another new year and they’ve been at it again. The politicians tell us they have it all sorted and all those things we worry about are already being fixed. We just have to wait awhile – and pay our taxes – well, maybe a few more taxes but you can’t fix all that stuff on the cheap you know. And we know, do we ever. Especially that bit about the taxes. The climate folks tell us it’s only going to get worse. We have to get the politicians on board to fix it – with our taxes. Then there’s the economists. They have the answer to everything – more jobs, prosperity just around the corner – maybe it’s even here. It might look bad but we just don’t have the economic savvy to understand it. But never mind, it will all become clear – as long as we pay our taxes. The health system’s a worry, our hospitals need to be modernised, doctors take a long time to be trained, we have lovely new inventions – replacement knees or hips, MRIs, plastic surgery. They are marvellous and we can have them all if we just don’t stop paying those taxes – well, maybe a few more taxes. And there’s the schools. We have to so something about the schools. Cost a bit but there’s always adding a few
more taxes. And the roads. And the whales – not a biggy but we can’t really forget the whales. And the pensioners. Who could forget the pensioners? Well, that is a worry because they just might. Pensioners don’t pay enough taxes. Ever wonder what we did before taxes? Not sure we ever did – do without taxes, that is. Jesus paid taxes – not happily but then who does? The Romans collected taxes, so did the Greeks before them – still do but they are getting an argument about it at the moment. As far as I know there have always been taxes. It’s a new world out there. Full of inventions. Computers and space stations and people flying from one continent to another just to have a visit with the relatives or a bit of a holiday. Who ever thought when the first settlers were shipped to Australia that the Aussies would be able to come back for a visit whenever they had a bit of spare time? No one, that’s why they sent us over here in the first place, I reckon. But they don’t mind us now we have the tourist dollar in our pockets. Times have changed. Except for taxes. There’s a lesson in that somewhere.
he Mannum Football and Netball Clubs have joined forces with OPAL Mid Murray and Sports Dietician Natalie Von Bertouch in 2014 to develop and pilot a new healthy eating project which aims to boost the health of young people and families in the community. In recognising the important place that sports clubs can play in supporting family health in small rural communities, the two clubs have committed to working together with OPAL and Ms Von Bertouch to create a healthy eating policy which will ensure more nutritious food and drink options are available on game day, and during other club catering activities. A sub-committee, including members of the football and netball clubs leadership group and catering officers, has now been formed to workshop possible changes and ideas to the sports club environment, which will complement sports performance and build on providing a healthy, safe inviting environment for families to be a part of. Mannum Roos Netball Club President Susan Berlin said this
Vivian Garner
Mannum Barber 42a Randell Street, Mannum
Mannum Football Club President Peter Milsom, OPAL Sports Dietician Natalie Von Bertouch, Mannum Football Club Canteen Manager Katrina Reschke and Mannum Roos Netball Club Canteen Officer Theresa Woods look over the plans for the Kitchen n Canteen
Opening Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am
- 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Home and Community Care (HACC) Services Are you elderly or a carer and needing some help in the home? For more information about any of these services Phone Coralie on 8569 0240 Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Volunteering at Aminya
No appointment needed Mannum Barber provides the highest quality service to all customers. Bringing back the tradition of barbering and including the luxury and creativity of individualised styling to make each client look their best. Page 18
project would be a feather in the cap of the progressive country club. “Our netball club is prioritising this holistic approach for the wellbeing of members to create healthy and sensible habits. For example, this season we will cut out lollies and only eat fruit or drink water during match breaks to reap the rewards for sports performance. “Last season we introduced healthier options to our canteen like soups, yoghurt muesli cups, salad packs, and promoted the use of our free drinking water.” Mid Murray OPAL Manager Courtney Blacker said the whole Mannum and districts community would benefit from this project, and the football and netball clubs should be proud of the commitment they were making in 2014. “Country sports clubs are all about leadership, active living and creating a positive social environment for families, so it makes perfect sense for them to support their members nutrition as well,” Ms Blacker said. The Mannum Football Club, in their 2014 redevelopment plans is officially targeting the healthy food concept with the opening of the new ‘Kitchen ‘n Canteen’. This will introduce fresh food and local produce with healthy eating and casual convenience, according to Club President, Peter Milsom “The ‘Kitchen ‘n Canteen’ will provide match day counter sales of salads, sandwiches and flatbreads as well as the standard favourite menu items,” said Binga Reschke, Canteen Manager. “This year Club members and patrons can enjoy quick healthy food options at value driven prices” she said. The Mid Murray OPAL healthy eating program is part of the design rationale behind the Mannum Football Club’s new ‘Kitchen ‘n Canteen’ redevelopment plans.
Can you spare a couple of hours per week, or even once a month? To find out more phone Ruth, Wendy or Natalie 8569 1749.
Mannum Mag
Aminya is a community based, non-profit, incorporated Association providing quality residential aged care services to the people in Mannum and surrounding areas.
Issue Number 87
Another Gnome For It
n Saturday, once a fortnight, I put the mower in the boot and visit my mother about ten kilometres away. There I mow her lawns and share a cup of tea and gossip. It has become a ritual, begun after my father died. Recently mother had developed a desire for all manner of ornaments in her garden. Perhaps they are company for her. She placed a plaster gnome in one garden in such a way that it always seemed to be following me wherever I might be mowing. The effigy had a particularly repulsive leer that inexplicably affronted me. I shifted it to other parts of the garden. On my next visit it would be back in its original position. Raising the matter with Mother was unlikely to change anything. She could be very obstinate about change. There was only one way to resolve the matter; an accident was required. About three weeks ago I accidentally pushed the little bloke onto the edge of the lawn. Even more accidentally I ran over it several times with the mower. It did the gnome no good; didn’t do the mower much good either. New blades were needed. After pacifying mother, I agreed to replace the offender. The following Saturday found us at a nearby nursery which had a wide selection of ornaments. I waxed enthusiastic over fairies and elves and even witches on broomsticks; to no avail. Mother found what she wanted. It was the same gnome with the same expression
only it was three times the size and cast in concrete. I wasn’t going to be able to mow that one. The thing was put back in its usual place. I knew if I moved it Mum could not move it back. That seemed to be not quite fair so I left it where she had me place it. Just over a week ago Mum rang me up in a bit of a state. Her gnome had been stolen. Nothing else had been disturbed or taken. Mum wanted to know if she should call the police. I told her it wasn’t worth it and it was worth less than the excess she had on her household insurance. Last Saturday found us back at the nursery. This time she bought a delightful fairy, rather like Tinkerbell. To protect it Mum had me place it under some shrubs so the harsh sunlight didn’t fade the pretty, painted, pastel colours. It was Friday evening when my mate Fred called around. I was just settling down to watch the one-day match. He wandered into the lounge room, asked how they were going then went out to the kitchen to get a beer. I could see there was something on his mind. “You owe me twenty dollars. That’s what it cost at the waste receiving station. That thing was bloomin’ heavy. Don’t understand why I had to do it in the dark. Just about strained my sacroiliac or somethin’. Gawd, it was ugly. Bet your Mum’s glad to get rid of it.” “Yeah,” I said, “I expect so. Have another beer.”
Remembrance Day November 2013
t was a warm spring day with a light breeze as students and honoured guests took their places on the lawns of the Mannum Community College to show homage and thanks for the supreme sacrifice made by all Australians in all wars and to also remember the dead and suffering from all peoples on our planet. The students who took part in this Remembrance Day salute to the fallen, all performed individually. They certainly deserve a public acknowledgement. The Last Post, the Reveille and the Australian National Anthem were played. StudentsTyler Baker, Rachelle Haynes, Jase Quinlan, Kaylem Cooper, Jacob Murray, Tegan Simons, Bella Fullerton, and Ayla Craig presented literary works at intervals in this part of their Remembrance tribute. Jacob Murray and Britney DeVries read other poems. The following students visited the cemetery to pay tribute to the RSL sector: Catlyn James, Jasmin Combe, Sophie Stagg, Jasmine Morey, Aleesha Neville, Britney DeVries, Sophie Bruhn, Narelle Simons, Tyson Schellon. Some students chose to write their own beautiful poems as their tribute. They were Jasmin Durnford, Mitch Heward, Sam Dabinett, Jaxon Muirhead and Ebony Weber. The staff, especially Angela Groves, should be congratulated for the efforts they made to prepare all the students. It was obvious to all that much time and teaching had been given to the students, making them aware of our history and the price paid for the peace we now enjoy. The guests of honour from the RSL representing people who had served their countries on a war front were Mark Davis and Joan Kreiser OAM. Joan I Kreiser OAM
The Diarist
Wool Shed Gallery 3 Randell Street, Mannum
Suitable For Storing Boats/Caravans Ideal For Storing Furniture Etc. Individual Shed With Own Key Yard Storage Available Shed Size 7.5m × 3m Other Sizes Available
Fine Art & Selected Furniture Open weekends 11 am - 4 pm
6 WALKER AVE. MANNUM PHONE 8569 1726 MOBILE 0408 813 726
* Recommended Insurance Repairer * Owner Operated and Servicing Mannum since 1985 Bake Oven for factory finish Chassis straightening All work Guaranteed
Windscreen replacement Private and Insurance work Local pickup and delivery available
24 Hour 7 Day TOWING PH 8569 1151 or A/H 0412 644 736 Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 19
ver 50 Mid Murray youth participated in free wakeboarding lessons in the Mid Murray community during the January school holidays. For the second consecutive year, this exciting opportunity was brought together by the Mid Murray Council’s Fun 4 YOUth Program, in partnership with Southside Wakeboarding School. Mid Murray Council’s Community Development Officer, Amy Loechel, said the event was extremely popular among the young people. The aim of the initiative was to provide local youth with an opportunity to experience somethingnew and engage with other young people in the region. Head coach, Adam Bruce not only brought his skills, knowledge and expertise to the water, but provided a fun environment for locals to be active along the iconic River Murray. “The Council is currently being flooded with positive feedback of the event and I am proud to be part of such a vibrant program,” Ms Loechel said. Local parent, Amanda Fillmore said “It was so great to see the kids out wakeboarding. My two sons and my daughter thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the confidence they got from this program was incredible. There were various experience levels there on the day and every single young person came away feeling proud of their achievements. We are so lucky the Mid Murray Council’s Fun 4 YOUth initiative is dedicated to providing opportunities for our community and in particular for our kids.” Fun 4 YOUth have many exciting programs in store throughout the year, so for regular updates on programs and activities, please visit the Mid Murray Council Website www.mid-murray.sa.gov.au, the Mid Murray Health, Fitness and Youth Facebook page www.facebook.com/MidMurrayHealthF itnessAndYouth or contact Amy
Celebrating the 91st Annual Show Food, entertainment, activities, competitions displays and so much more. Fun for everyone! S
Mannum Showground North Terrace Mannum
Adults Children 7 -15 Pensioners A
$6.00 $1.00 $3.00
Thank you to all our generous sponsors All enquiries contact Show Secretary 0417 354 732 www.mannumshow.org.au
Mannum Agricultural Society Show Saturday 1st March 2014
Adults and students, if you’re into Art or Photography here’s a chance to showcase your work.
rab a show book & enter your prized photo creation into the varied categories on offer.
Primary students can choose from: • Bugs, Slugs & all the rest! • My Backyard • My Favourite Picture Secondary students and adults can choose from: • Animals, Birds, Insects, Reptiles • Landscape, Waterscape, Botanic • People • Open subject ... and for all – the Open Category Before & After (Enhanced/Creative).
Prizes up for grabs! Photography convener. Cathy Clemow: Ph. 0427 966 393
et your brushes and canvases out and start creating your own masterpiece Show. Mediums include: Oils, Water Colours, Pastels, Acrylic, Black & White and Any Other Medium.
School students are encouraged to participate with the following sections on offer: Primary (under 9 yrs) Upper Primary (9-12yrs) Junior High (13-15yrs) Senior High (16-18yrs) Prizes are being offered in all classes. Art conveners. Roger Baker: Ph. 8569 1438 Clem Bormann: Ph. 8569 4077
Grab a copy of the show book. You’ll find them all around Mannum. Have a go and be part of the fun on Saturday 1st March 2014 Enquiries to Show Secretary, Sharon Stewart 0417 354 732
Mannum Hospital Programs – 8569 0200
Mannum Day Centre Mannum Day Centre is open from Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays. The Day Centre is available for hire by community groups for a small donation. Please ring on 8569 0219 for more information. Knitting Group, Social Day, Scrabble Day Mannum Red Cross, Wellbeing Nucleus Discussion Group, Men’s Group, Card Afternoon, Men’s Discussion Group
If you would like further information or would like to attend the Day Centre for activities and need transport, please contact Louise Haby, Mannum Day Centre Coordinator (8569 0219)
Page 20
10.00am – 4.00pm
Loechel on 8569 0100.
Audio Clinic, Child & Youth Health Services, Community Nursing Service, Purchase of Crutches, Mannum Domiciliary Care Services, Meals on Wheels, Optometrist, Physiotherapy (Private), Private Podiatry
Mannum Medical Centre – 8569 0222 Immunisation / * IMVS Collection Centre
Lester Howie Clinic
* Asthma Clinic, Cardiologist, Continence Clinic, Diabetic Clinic, Dietitian, * Echocardiograms, Hypertension clinic, Mental Health Clinician, Psychologists, * Physiotherapist (Public), Women’s Health Clinic (* Doctor’s referral required)
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Mannum Golden Stairs Charity Climb
he iconic Mannum Golden Stairs will be the stage for a gutsy charity climb on Sunday, March 30 this year, which will raise money and awareness for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA). Mannum man Paul Paech is set to climb up and down the historic 86-step staircase for a whopping eight hours straight, and he is looking for people to join him during the challenge. Not only is Paul challenging himself to this feat, but he is also organising a major fundraising event on the same day which is focussed on community health and wellbeing, titled the Mannum Family Active Sunday. Paul has the support of Mannum prostate cancer survivor Trevor Muirhead as an ambassador for the event, as has also secured sponsorship and support from the Mannum Heart Foundation Walking Group, Mannum Little Athletics, Mid Murray Council, OPAL, Healthy Murraylands and the Fun 4 YOUth program. “What started as a simple idea to run up and down the stairs as a fundraiser, has snowballed into a much bigger and better event,” Mr Paech said. “I’m still in the early planning stages, but the amount of support I have already received from business, individuals and organisations has been incredible, and will help us to raise more funds for prostate cancer research.” The Mannum Family Active Sunday will take place at Mary Ann Reserve and at the Mannum Bowling Club at the same time as his climbing marathon. As part of this, Paul has already organised a range of family-friendly activities,including lawn bowls, free miniature train rides for children, martial arts demonstrations, group-led community walks and cycling trails, the Fun 4 YOUth van and sports trailer, the OPAL Fender Blender, and
Mums’ Night Out
even Paul’s own hand-made opposite steering bike for people to try out.
Paul plans to begin his climb at 6am, and wants to recruit people to climb alongside him in 30 minute timeslots. He has the support of the PCFA as a registered charity event, and all proceeds from the event will be donated. “Anyone can join me, and they can go as fast or slow as they like. People who get involved can help to raise money through seeking personal sponsorships for their climb as well.” From Sounds By the River, Paul has obtained a large steel poster of Suzi Quatro, which has been signed by various artists from the event. This will be the prize in a raffle around Mannum in the lead up to the stair climb. For more information on joining the climb, being involved in the family active day, or sponsoring the fundraising event, please phone Paul on 0427 692 070.
Mum 1: How do you get your sleepy-head son up in the morning? Mum 2: I just put the cat on the bed. Mum 1: How does that help? Mum 2: The dog’s already there.
t 8:00 pm in the Murray Bridge Town Hall on Friday, 7th February Big Brown Promotions is presenting “Three Stuffed Mums” – a hilarious comedy about the oldest profession in the world: motherhood! Tickets are $20.00 each. There will be a licensed bar. This would be a great opportunity to get a group of girls together for a “Mums’ night out”. Tickets are available in person at the Murray Bridge Visitor Information Centre, 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge between 10:00am and 4:00pm every day, or by phoning 8539 1142. The Town Hall Box Office is open one hour prior to each performance for the sale of any remaining tickets.
Established 1866
Pizza, Pasta, BBQ Chickens and More Wide range of Pizza & Pasta BBQ Chickens - Coffee & Tea Cakes - Ice Creams - Hot Chips Cold Drinks - Lasagne Chicken or Beef Schnitzel Packs Garlic Bread Trading Hours: Wednesday & Thursday 4pm till late Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12-2pm, 4:30pm til Late Home Delivery: Friday and Saturday night In Town Only $5.00 Out of Town $10.00 (up to 5k’s)
Licensed BYO Restaurant 7a Randell Street | Phone: 8569 1727 email: boganpizza@live.com.au Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 21
Mental Musings
Musical Miscellany
How Will You Become More Flexible? his is certainly a good attribute for us to develop; not backing down on principles, but maybe in some of the demands we place on others and ourselves. Last year we mused on the effects, both positive and negative of our spoken and written words. By now, many of the new year resolutions some of us made maybe long forgotten, or still being developed and may be even read out each day if they were actually documented. Let’s muse back; see what we can find, or start afresh: not being too hard on ourselves or others, but perhaps using some self-discipline. Prof Leon Earle once said “Think about and be kind to your body - walk it, Think about and be kind to your mind - challenge it, Think about and be kind to your soul - nourish it.” And then we will move our nation (or community) in the right direction: forward as productive contributors.
Community Correspondent
Gilbert and Sullivan – Part 1
y father introduced me to the wonderful world of G and S when I was still a schoolboy. It was my first experience of live theatre. What a way to start. The performance was at the Theatre Royal by the touring D’Oyly Carte Company and as all young boys do I fell in love with the soprano. The combination of the words and the music and the nonsensical plots made the experience wonderful. That first time we saw Trial by Jury and Pirates of Penzance. The colourful costumes and lighting, particularly for the second act of Pirates, left a lasting impression. Sullivan was an accomplished composer who had written much music mostly in a serious or classical vein. He had studied at the Royal Academy for Music and at Leipzig. Before his collaboration with Gilbert he wrote the music for a short operetta Cox and Box with words by F C Burnard. Cox and Box is often performed during a season of Gilbert and Sullivan. Among other music written by Sullivan was the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers. Gilbert studied law and for a short time was a barrister. To increase his income he began writing illustrated stories and poems. One example is The Bab Ballads where Gilbert’s particularly ironic sense of humour is on display. Often in anthologies of poetry his The Yarn of the Nancy Bell appears. It is rather gruesome. He was a contributor to a magazine called “Fun” which was something like Punch, I think. Before Sullivan, he wrote the words to several other light musical stage offerings. Gilbert also had firm
ideas about stage performance and helped to change the perception of stage presentations and raise performance standards. It was in 1869 during a performance of a Gilbert entertainment with music by Frederick Clay that Gilbert was introduced to Sullivan. Sullivan was some years younger than Gilbert. They were two opposites in some ways. Gilbert had an irreverent attitude towards the establishment and much of his humour was at the expense of the pompous, the self-important, the rich and the titled. Sullivan however favoured those very people because he sought them as patrons and sponsors of his music. For all that, their efforts in partnership produce some outstanding entertainments and at the time something exclusively English rather than the poor quality offerings derived mainly from the French stage. Gilbert took a serious interest in the production side of the operettas and oversaw all stage directions. Similarly Sullivan oversaw all the music. Sullivan didn’t always write the overtures for the shows, he did always conduct on the opening night. The involvement of the two in the actual production resulted in tight, crisp, polished performances. Sir Henry Wood of Proms Night fame explained the appeal of G and S back in 1922. In conclusion he stated “… They (the operettas) are the work of not a musician and his librettist nor of a poet and one who sets his words to music, but of two geniuses.” Peter Weir
Teeth for life Dr. Graham Parry Dr. Kimberley Humphrey Dr. Vyla Ellis Dental Surgeons Melissa Prosser Dental Hygienist
93 Randell St MANNUM
Open every day, Monday to Friday, by appointment Page 22
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Fruit of the Desert
’m woken at sunrise by the clear calls of our singing honeyeaters. A heady perfume hangs in the breeze. Our quandong trees (Santalum acuminatum) are in flower. Every pendulous branch holds clusters of tiny cream bells. They promise a good fruit crop next spring, when the trees will be festooned with their bright red baubles. Quandong fruits were valued food for our indigenous people from inland SA. Dried fruits have 25% crude protein and are rich in vitamin C. I like eating them fresh from the tree, although the flesh is tart. A little sugar helps. I’ve had so much fruit from my ten trees that I’ve had to let lots drop on the ground. But our kangaroos and lizards don’t mind. In Winter we have quandong pies, and in summer it’s stewed quandong and yoghurt. They also can be made into a delicious chutney. The stone is hard and pitted. When cracked open, they reveal a milky nut - also rich in oils and protein. But you have to watch for the occasional bitter one. Chutney Recipe 1700 gm seeded quandong 300 gm sultanas, one-two apples 1tsp tumeric 1/2 tsp cloves 350gm onion 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 litre vinegar or red wine 1 tsp pepper 1.5 kg raw sugar 5 tsp salt Cook on low heat in a heavy-based saucepan for 2 hrs, stirring occasionally. Jacqui Merckenschlager
om Petrie stated in 1904 “To them (the aborigines) it was a real pleasure getting their food; they were so light hearted and gay, nothing troubled them; they had no bills to meet or wages to pay. And there were no missionaries in those days to make them think how bad they were.” It makes me reminisce... The Bogong Moth Eaters Leaving unencumbered homes they lightly faced the day: with little food they’d supplement along the way, with tools of trade and barter each could carry in his hands, with dilly-bags and digging-sticks to reap the lands. Their factory was mobile every worker self-employed. School was in - each child enjoyed. Excesses of their recent camp were melted off and purged, vacation and employment merged.
Mannum Community College Playgroup Starting in Term 1
he weekly session will enable the school and families to develop partnerships around children’s learning prior to children beginning their education (kindergarten and school) and support families’ engagement in their children’s numeracy and literacy development. Where: Mannum Community College Performing Arts Room When: 9:30am - 11:00am Tuesdays Starting Week 3 of Term 1 Cost: $2.00 per Family
Relatives were neighbours and a life-supporting crew. Spiritual experiences grew. They’d feast on moth tomorrow, or tomorrow, with give and take, not beg or steal or borrow.
Max Merckenschlager
Please bring a piece of fruit to share at snack time Please contact Bindi Barker on 8569 1503 for more information.
Nail That Grant
series of four writing workshops for grant applications were held during the first week of February. The workshops focussed on Council Community and Country Arts grants, but the fundamentals are universal. The first step is to define exactly what your project is, the purpose, short and long term aims andexpectations, partners, stakeholders,materials,
personnel and other resource requirements, evaluation methods and so on. This then directs the search (on line) for grants appropriate to your project and eligibility criteria. If you intend to apply for a grant – of any sort – and would like some assistance or advice, contact Tess Minett, Mid Murray Arts and Community Development Officer.
MONDAY to FRIDAY:- 8AM – 5PM, SATURDAY:- 9AM – 11:30AM Hardiflex, Gyprock, Timber, R.H.S. & Steel; Decking, Trellis & Lattice; Gutters & Flashings; Tools, Paint & Accessories; Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Nails, & Rivets; Garden Supplies & Tools; Cement, Rapidset, Conmix; Polymaster Tanks, Poly & PVC Pipe & Fittings; Pavers & Cement Slabs; Concrete & Permapine Sleepers; Permapine & Creo Posts; Batteries; Gas Supplies; Castrol Oils; Stock Feed; Blundstone Boots AND SO MUCH MORE Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 23
PS Marion Steamed Up and Ready to Go in 2014
he inaugural All Steamed Up Mannum Engine and Steam Festival will be held at Mannum on the weekend of 15th and 16th of November in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the recommissioning of the PS Marion. Thousands of volunteer hours were spent restoring the grand old lady of the Murray River. The Mannum Dock Museum and Arnold Park will be showcasing a variety of unique exhibits including demonstrations of the art of blacksmithing, operating historical and rare steam engine displays, and much more. To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Chowilla Station there will be a 13 day 12 night cruise including a Woolshed Dinner Dance, twilight cruise and flotilla cruise back to Renmark on the last day. All meals and activities included for $1999.00 per person twin share. Experience Australia’s outback, history, scenery, wildlife, Murray River and pastoral industry at one of Australia’s oldest and historic sheep stations nestled among an Internationally listed RAMSAR wetland. Picnic day cruises to Swan Reach in support of the Swan Reach Country Music Festival will be operating again. Bring your own lunch and enjoy cruisingthe mighty Murray! Short cruises featuring live country music on board are scheduled at Swan Reach during the festival. Special Steam Days at the Mannum Dock Museum are scheduled throughout the year providing visitors an opportunity to combine the
visit to Mannum with a cruise and Museum entry. Experience the days of black-smithing at the Mannum Dock Museum. A fully operating blacksmith shop and historic steam engines will be running in Randell’s Steam Works shed. 2014 Cruise Outline • Short 1 Hour Cruises – March, Adelaide Cup Weekend; April, Swan Reach Country Music Festival and Easter Weekend; May, Kayak/Canoe Event; June, SA Ute and Truck Festival; November, Inaugural All Steamed Up Mannum Engine and Steam Festival 10:30, 12:00, 1:30 and 3:00, Mannum Town Wharf Devonshire Tea and bar facilities available Mannum Short Cruises Adult $15.00, Child $7.50 (under 4 free) Museum and Short Cruise pass: Adult $20.00, Child $10.00 • Day Picnic Cruises in April $49.00 per person + $10.00 bus transfer 26th Mannum to Walkers Flat 27th Walkers Flat to Swan Reach 30th Swan Reach to Walkers Flat 31st April Walkers Flat to Mannum • Mannum - Chowilla, 13 days 12 nights Depart Mannum Wednesday 10th and return Monday 22nd September 150th anniversary of Chowilla Station, spectacular Woolshed Dinner Dance and Twilight Cruise. All meals and onshore activities included, bar facilities on board Coach transfer (Renmark to Mannum) included $1,999.00 per person twin share. • Berri - Mannum, 7 days 6 nights
Depart Berri Thursday 17th October and arrive Mannum Thursday 23rd All meals and onshore activities included, bar facilities on board Coach transfer (from Mannum to Berri) included $999 per person twin share • PS Marion Christmas Lunch Cruise 5 hours, depart 11:00 from Mary Ann Reserve and return 4:00. Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th. Includes Christmas fare, buffet lunch and afternoon tea $85.00 per person no BYO. Bar facilities available.
The Marion is lovingly operated and maintained by over 100 volunteers who are thrilled to be taking the Marion to sections of the Murray into Victoria and New South Wales. The historic paddle steamer “Marion” is a fully restored heritage vessel built in 1900. This vessel is one of the last operational, original, heritage, steam driven; wood fired overnight passenger carrying side paddle steamer remaining in the world! Don’t miss this truly unique Murray River experience! For further information and detailed itineraries contact Jenny Callander at the Mannum Dock Museum on 8569 2733 or museum@psmarion.com. Full cruise itineraries are on our website www.psmarion.com. Jenny Callander
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Enquiries phone Jim 0417 882 312
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Servicing all vehicles including Log Book Servicing and European Vehicles Mechanical Repairs, Brakes, Suspension, Radiators, 4WD Improvements, Exhausts Auto Electrical, Spot Lights, Second Battery, Starter Motors, Alternators, LED Lights, AC Delco Batteries Tyres for cars & 4WD’s– Maxxis Roadstone Bridgestone GT Radial Toyo Michelin Pirelli. Wheel Alignment & Balancing Air Con Servicing & Repairs
116 Ridley Road, Mannum (Formerly Sedan Road)
Mannum Hair Design 57 Randell Street MANNUM 5238 (08) 8569 1732
Mannum Mag
Sponsors of Element Off Road, Mannum Football, Netball & Bowling Clubs Issue Number 87
Committed to Improvement – Mid Murray Council believe it is important to outline some of the improvements that we have been trying to implement throughout the Mid Murray Council. In my experience, having worked as a Chief Executive Officer for Senior Management at a number of Councils in two States, the Mid Murray Councillors are committed and diligent in dealing with a range of issues and projects for residents throughout the 17 towns in the Mid Murray Council area. Indeed, the Councillors have been the main driving force behind improvements involving better financial management of Council, customer service, provision of services and facilities to towns throughout the Council area, better performance and achievement of goals by senior management and myself and higher levels of governance. The budget process for the consideration of the forthcoming year, commences in late January and consists of a number of meetings to ensure due diligence and proper consideration of the provision of infrastructure, roads maintenance and construction, stormwater drainage, capital projects, ongoing services and facilities and rigorous scrutiny of the financial management of Council. The budget is then adopted in early July after this process. Every Director of Council and myself now have Goals with time-frames (linked to the Strategic Plan) to achieve and these are assessed on a 6 monthly basis. 44 performance Goals are listed in the Council’s Annual Business Plan and these are reviewed formally by Council every 4 months. A number of the achievements over the last 12 months within the Mannum area included the following:The purchase and full renovation of the Old Mannum Primary School (purchase cost $169,000 and full restoration $235,000), repair of Johnson Hill stormwater drainage, Adelaide Road stormwater drainage scheme, commencement of a new Cascade Road, the Mannum Community College swimming pool for public use, the Mannum School Library for public use, the Mannum Leisure Centre (300% increase in gym membership and a range of programs provided), OPAL and Fun for YOUth Programs, Local identities, Council assistance and contributions – to the Truck and Ute Show,
Christmas Pageant, Carols by the River, Australia Day, the Visitor Information Centre and Mannum Dock Museum (including the new interactive “All Steamed Up” display and working Blacksmith Shop), line marking, assistance with the Mannum Football Club upgrade, contribution to the Mannum Bowling Club and assistance for various developments to ensure continued employment (especially for youth). Planned projects include the possible “gifting” by the State Government to Council for the 2 allotments behind the Old Mannum Primary School for open space and community use, upgrade to the Mannum boat ramp, wharf and Rowing Club launching facilities, more stormwater drainage works and resealing of roads. We have also tried to ensure better communication to residents through newsletters and the Mannum Mag. There is always room for improvement and we are continuing to do so. It is important that Councils have rigorous financial management processes in place. We are in the process of improving this. Our total loan indebtedness is $6.16 million as at December 2013. Our loan repayments for 2013/14 will be $1,428,581 (including principal and interest). Council’s total operating revenue for 2012/13 was $19,528,234. An example of this debt level as a comparison is a person with an annual income of $100,000 having a $31,000 mortgage for their house with an annual repayment of this loan of $7,400 per year. The Mid Murray Council’s Level of debt is managed on a careful basis by both the Council’s Audit Committee, independent external Auditors and Councillors. The non current liabilities of Council for 2012/13 were $5.69 million whilst the total non current assets were $154.4 million. Private and public businesses and organisations assess their financial performance based on financial ratios of profitability, solvency and liquidity. We continue to assess the financial performance of the Council and implement strategies to improve this. For example, on the 14th October 2013, a list of possible income generation measures, efficiency gains, improvement and cost savings initiatives was adopted by Council and we are in the process of trying to implement a
number of these. In my view, the Mid Murray Councillors are committed, diligent and continue to support and drive improvements necessary for service delivery, provision of infrastructure, improvement of financial management and better communication with residents and ratepayers. Further, as some of you are aware, the lower end of Randell Street suffered from some graffiti recently and Council has provided a list of the cost to both Council and businesses affected to the Police for potential compensation. We have also been approached by Mannum Neighbourhood Watch to consider the implementation of CCTV cameras in some locations in the Main Street. A meeting is scheduled to discuss the level of support, logistics and operational details, prior to formally considering the installation of such cameras. In relation to the repair and upgrade of the Crawford Crescent walkway from the lookout to Purnong Road, this has not been included in the 2013/14 budget. However, we are obtaining estimates of costs within the next few weeks to see if this work can be done as soon as possible, for the benefit of residents and tourists, given the length of time that this important track has not been repaired. In relation to the upgrade of the Mannum boat ramp, Mannum Rowing Club launching facilities and wharf, onsite discussions and inspections were held with representatives from the Rowing Club, Council and residents and the initial concept plan which was submitted to Council is being amended. It is proposed for there to be no additional trailer parking, particularly in front of the Mannum Rowing Club and no removal of trees. A replacement toilet facility will also not be undertaken. However, the boat ramp, Rowing Club launching facilities and wharf are all in need of repair. Final concept plans will be put on public display shortly for any comments. Please be assured that we are trying to improve how we provide services and facilities to our residents throughout all of our 17 towns in the Mid Murray Council area, including Mannum. Russell Peate, Chief Executive Officer Mid Murray Council
Mannum Golf Club Competition Results Date: 04/01/2014 Competition: Stableford Sponsor: Pretoria Hotel W Banks 37 D Jericho S Thompson 37 N Warhurst T Miller 36 M Morrissey T Johnson 35 N Dalton
Issue Number 87
37 37 36 34
Date: 11/01/2014 Competition: Stableford Sponsor: Pretoria Hotel G Bormann 43 D Wilson K Dohnt 42 W Banks B Logan 39 B Harvey S Thompson 38 P Joiner
43 41 39 37
Date: 18/01/2014 Competition: Stableford Sponsor: Mypolonga Traders K Dohnt 39 B Harvey R Whittenbury 38 D Jericho S Kendrick 37 D Gaskell
Mannum Mag
38 37 37
Date: 25/01/2014 Competition: Par Sponsor: Mannum Ice K Dohnt +6 D Marshall B Hughes +4 S Kendrick D Harte +3 R Sciven A Allanson +3
+5 +3 +3
Page 25
Works, Services and Projects Update from Mid Murray Council rief notes on a selection of items discussed or determined at the Monday 9th December 2013 and Monday 20th January 2014 meetings.
• Council will not submit an expression of interest for the 2015 Tour Down Under. • A meeting will be scheduled with representatives of Mannum Neighbourhood Watch, Police, Council representatives and main street shop owners to discuss the proposal for the installation of closed circuit television cameras in Mannum. • A letter will be sent to the State Minister for Planning highlighting Council’s disappointment that it received no notification regarding the approval of the Pacific Hydro wind farm project near Keyneton. Pacific Hydro will be invited to the next Council meeting to discuss infrastructure requirements in accordance with the conditions of approval and the sustainable community fund criteria details and operation. • A letter will be sent to the State Planning Minister and State Minister for Health highlighting the Pacific Hydro wind farm issues raised by Mrs Teusner to Council and requesting allocation of funding and resources for potential health issues associated with this development. • None of the eight reserved matters of Council in the Decision Notification Form of approval (Keyneton Wind Farm) issued by the State Planning Minister have been included. Reserved matters include requirements of Council relating to traffic management, stormwater management and other requirements. Council will outline its disappointment to the State Planning Minister and liaise with the developer, Pacific Hydro, regarding Council’s requirements being undertaken for the wind farm development. • A report including legal advice on appeal rights in relation to the approval by the State Minister for
• •
• •
• •
Planning of the Pacific Hydro Wind Farm near Keyneton was noted. Road closures for the Mannum Hot Rod Show on Sunday 9th March 2014 have been approved. The structural engineers report on the ability to hang Christmas decorations from the light poles in Randell Street will be forwarded to the Mannum Progress Association. Council will submit Murraylands Road, Purnong Road, Milendella Road and Bower Boundary Road to the Murray and Mallee Local Government Association for consideration for Special Local Roads Funding. An allocation of up to $35,000 will be considered for the removal of pine trees along the Stott Highway, Keyneton as the arborist report indicates that some trees should be removed due to poor health and have surpassed their life expectancy. The Sydney-London Classic Marathon Rally (16th April 2014) road closure for a portion of Pine Hut Road and Murray Road has been approved. Following a Randell Street parking review, the parking limit will be increased to 2 hours for the parking areas on the western side of Randell Street, north of the entrance of Shearer car park through to McLaren Street, and on the eastern side of Randell Street, north from Wattle Street through to the entrance of Arnold Park. All other areas of parking to remain at 1 hour. The maximum dog registration fee has been increased to $60. The fee is decreased for pensioners, working dogs, greyhounds, desexed dogs, microchipped dogs and trained dogs. A Draft Animal Management Plan, as required by the Dog and Cat Management Act, is available for public comment. Council approved solid fencing to be permitted on the side allotment boundaries of the residential waterfront allotments in the Mannum Waters development, as
proposed by Tallwood Pty Ltd. • Council, Mannum Rowing Club and Mannum RSL will discuss a leasing agreement for the Mannum Rowing Club clubrooms. • Council will join with the State Government in undertaking aerial photography, so that there is up to date aerial photographic imagery of the Council area. • Approval has been issued for $4,000 in-kind sponsorship assistance for True Grit at Caudo Vineyards, Cadell on 26th and 27th April 2014, subject to conditions including recognition of Cadell in its publicity and a Sponsorship Agreement between Council and True Grit. • Council noted that the State Government wishes for schools to be Community Hubs as outlined in the “Schools as Community Hubs Forum”. • The work being undertaken by the South Australian Local Government Association in conjunction with SA Power Networks regarding improving tree pruning undertaken by contractors was noted. • The State Minister for Education will be requested to ‘gift’ allotments 9 and 10 of the old Mannum Primary School land to Council as a partnership between the State Government, Mid Murray Council, community and potential private developers for community use and open space. • Further input will be sought to finalise the concept plans to boat ramps and facilities at Morgan, Cadell, Blanchetown, Swan Reach, Mannum and Caloote and an opportunity will be provided to any interested persons to comment on the final design. • Council has requested the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development to establish the Federal Government’s new National Stronger Regions Fund in 2014, so that communities have the opportunity of having their Round 5 projects reviewed and potentially progressed without undue delay. Russell Peate, CEO Mid Murray Council
Matinee Series
‘Duo at the Piano’ “at the Murray Bridge Town Hall” Thursday, 20th February at 11 am All Tickets $15.00 (Duration: 1 Hour) This versatile duo, featuring the beautiful voice of Michelle Gorguia (lead vocalist for the Flaming Sambucas band) and Terry Nicholas (on the Grand Piano and vocalising) have combined their musical journeys to make this intimate and uplifting show. Guaranteed to take you back in time and touch your emotions, the show includes songs from Johnny O’Keefe of the 50's to Fleetwood Mac of the 80's, songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals and also songs from The Flaming Sambucas’ “Abba” Join us for a complimentary cuppa after 10am
***** Bookings ***** Murray Bridge Visitor Information Centre ~ 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge ~ 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 7 days a week Phone: 08 8539 1142 ~ www.murraybridge.sa.gov.au “Any remaining tickets will be available at the Town Hall Box Office one hour prior to the show”. Page 26
Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87
Bus: Mannum Murray Bridge Mt Barker Adelaide and Return
Monday to Friday except public holidays. School holiday times (when different) are in brackets. Mannum to Adelaide Adelaide to Mannum Mannum Murray Bridge LinkSA Adelaide Mt Barker Metro bus 842F 8:00am Leave Arnold Park, Mannum 1:50pm (4:03pm) Leave Harris Scarfe Murray Bridge Mt Barker LinkSA Grenfell Street (Stop G2) 8:45am Leave Murray Bridge, South Mt Barker Murray Bridge LinkSA Terrace, Information Centre 2:45pm (5:00pm) Leave Mt Barker Mt Barker Adelaide Metro bus 842F Park & Ride 9:30am Leave Mt Barker Park & Ride, Murray Bridge Mannum LinkSA Metro bus 842F to Adelaide 3:40pm (5:35pm) Leave Info Centre
Detailed timetables are readily available at the Mannum Information Centre. For more information telephone 8532 2633 during office hours.
Mannum School Community Library School Term Times School Holidays Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed (am), Thur, Fri: Tue: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wed: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed (pm): 04:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sat: 9:30 am - 12 noon Sat: 10:00 am - 12 noon Closed Sunday and Public Holidays. Further information: 8569 2005
$5 Classifieds can be up to thirty (30) words and must be PRE-PAID before your advertisement will appear, unless by prior arrangement. Advertisements over thirty words cost an extra 20 cents per extra word. Payments may be made by cheque,
For Sale Tinny, Outboard and Trailer TINNY PUNT 28m. Yamaha two stroke 15HP, as new, only 25 hours use. Dunbier fold-up trailer. $3200. Enquire: Peter 0418 817 201.
Mannum HOSPITAL AUXILIARY CRAFT SHOP Shearer Car Park, Randell Street Mannum We Stock A Large Variety of Jams, Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces. Books, Bric A Brac, Baby Clothes, Gifts Rugs, Cushions, Patchwork Handbags Decorated Hand Towels, Kitchen Hand Towels. Footy Rugs, Cushions, Scarves, Caps, and Novelties Opening Hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
INTEREST FREE LOANS for items to improve your quality of life
Hills NILS® No Interest Loan Scheme Low income residents of Adelaide Hills and surrounding districts may be eligible for a loan of up to $1000 For further information contact
Mid Murray Support Services ac.care, 11-21 Kennett Rd, Murray Bridge
8569 2129 8532 6303
The Hut Community Centre, Aldgate 8339 4400 Torrens Valley Community Centre, Gumeracha 8389 1711
Express Freight
Daily Service From Adelaide Daily Service From Mt Barker Daily Service From Murray Bridge • All Size Freight/Pallets • Interstate Freight • Furniture Specialist
Phone: Stuart 0420 651 554
Australian Red Cross THE POWER OF HUMANITY
Cambrai familystore Main Street Cambrai Wed–Fri and Sun: 10AM–4PM Phone: 8564 5244 Issue Number 87
Mannum Mag
Page 27
2014 PUBLICATION DEADLINES Friday (12 noon) Collating & Folding February 28 for February, Issue 88 Wednesday 5 March March 28 for April, Issue 89 Wednesday 2 April April 24 for May, Issue 90 Wednesday 30 April
Email: editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au Contact: General 8569 7392. Advertising: email Editor. Deliver: 71 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238 (a service kindly provided by MMSS) Our email account is provided by Aussie Broadband as a community service
Community Meetings Clash Calendar Email details of regular meetings to: editor.mannummag@aussiebb.com.au MONTHLY 1 Monday st
9:45am Combined Probus, Mannum Club 10:00am Murray Darlings Red Hatters, Café Mannum. 8569 1438
1 Tuesday st
7:30pm Agricultural Society, Showground
1 Wednesday st
2:00pm History Group, MMSS
1 Thursday st
1:30pm Prayer Meeting for Mannum, Baptist Church, William St.
FEBRUARY Mannum Garden Group Lions Den, Showground Monday 3rd, 10:00am DVD presentation. All welcome. Contact: Bev Connell Phone: 8570 4322 Mannum Garden Group Lions Den, Showground Monday 17th, 9:15am Excursion, raised garden beds. Contact: Bev Connell Phone: 8570 4322
Last Wednesday
2nd Tuesday
Palmer Card Day, Lutheran Hall Palmer. 8569 4184
2nd Wednesday
9:00am Shared Stitches of Mannum Quilting Group. Lions Den, Showground. 8569 2363
3 Thursday rd
11:00am Mannum RSL, Mannum Rowing Club/RSL
4th Thursday
7:30pm Progress Association, Meeting Rm Council Chambers.
Last Monday
1:30pm Hospital Auxiliary, Meeting Room, Esmeralda St.
First Wednesday
Noon Mannum Mag Committee, Showground. 8569 2385
6:30pm Mannum Discussion Group. McDowell. 8569 2818
Mens Mike
WEEKLY Mon, Wed & Fri
10:00am-3:00pm The Hall, 5 Greening Street. 8569 1643
Tuesday & Friday
8:00am Walkie Talkies, Lions Den, Showground. Anne 8569 2850
9:30am Prayer & Bible Study, and 10:30am Friendship Group, River Word Christian Centre, 3 Greening St. 8569 1333
2014 Community Calendar MARCH Mannum Agricultural Show Mannum Showground Saturday 1st, 10:00am–4:00pm Phone: 8569 2541 Mannum Garden Group Lions Den, Showground Monday 3rd, 9:15am Excursion, water wise garden. Monday 17th, 10:00am St Patrick Day`s celebration. Monday 31st, 9:15am Excursion to Marne Olives. All welcome. Contact: Bev Connell Phone: 8570 4322
Mid Murray Support Services Contact MMSS for details about these special events. 71 Randell Street, 10 am - 4 pm. Ph: 8569 2129, Email: mmcss@internode.on.net
March 3rd Men’s Breakfast 8:30am - 10am at the River Bar, River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coin donation. April 7th Men’s Breakfast 8:30am - 10am at the River Bar, River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coin donation.
Weekly Passenger Service Mannum to Murray Bridge For information or bookings: 18 Alma Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Ph: 08 8532 2633
9:00-10:00am Mannum Weight Watchers. Mannum Community Hub. Jane Kelly 8569 1799. OTHER Alternate Wednesdays
1:00pm Sewing/Craft & Computing Grp. Baptist Church House, William Street. Lisa 8569 6040, Helen 8569 2886,
lisa@mannumbaptist.org.au Alternate Fridays
1:30pm Senior Citizen’s Club, Club Rooms. 8569 2795
Every Three Months
7:30pm Neighbourhood Watch. Leisure Centre. Coordinator Russ Dellow 0428 813 201
Hot Rod Show Mary Ann Reserve Sunday 9th, 10:00am–4:00pm Phone: 0408 813 905 Gold coin donation. Proceeds to Mannum Hospital Auxiliary.
Purnong Trash and Treasure Purnong District Hall Saturday 19th, from 8:00am Contact: Sue Neate Ph: 8570 4303 See page 10
Younghusband Trash & Treasure Younghusband Hall Saturday 9th, from 8:00am Contact: Val Towill Ph: 8532 5716 See page 10
Cadell Harvest Festival and Giant Pumpkin Competition Cadell Oval Saturday 19th, 2:00pm–7:00pm Ph: 0428 518 994 Web: www.cadell.org.au
Country Music Festival Swan Reach Friday 28th - Sunday 30th Phone: 0427 662 037 Web: www.swanreachcountry.com.au
Morgan Lions Easter Bazaar Morgan Saturday 19th Ph: 8540 2158 or 0438 500 928
Mannum Leisure Centre Mon: 10-11:30am Mini Movers, 1-2pm Supervised Opening Hours Heartmoves, 6:15-7pm XTraining Members 24/7 access. All others:class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Tues: 12-1pm Strength For Life, 3:303:30pm-7:30pm 4:30pm Tai Chi, 6-7pm Step Aerobics Wed: 7:30-8am XTraining Class, 9:30Wednesday 10am XTraining Class, 6-7pm 7:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-7:30pm XTraining Class Friday Thur: 9:30-10:30am Mannum Movers, 127:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-6:30pm 1pm & 1-2pm Strength For Life, 67pm Punchfit boxing Facebook page for updates, questions, Fri: 9:30-10am XTraining Class expressions of interest for Bootcamp, Evening Programs. Mon: Mixed Netball; Tues: Squash and Men’s Snr Basketball; Personal Training, Specialized gym Wed: Unlimited Feet Dance Studio and programs, Rock n Roll Dancing and more! Soccer; Thur: Aussie Hoops. Meeting rooms Further information: 8569 0185 available. Kids Parties with stadium hire. Club Deb Roberts, Programs Manager rooms and squash courts for hire. Every Thursday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information Centre Depart Arrive Depart Return Mannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:45am Murray Bridge 2:30pm Mannum 3:10pm 1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information Centre Mannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:30am Murray Bridge 1:30pm Mannum 2:00pm
All material submitted for publication is subject to editorial approval. This is done not to censor, but to ensure topics are relevant to the content of Mannum Mag.
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Mannum Mag
Issue Number 87