Climate Assessment Project
January 8, 2013
Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni Institutional History/Core Values
Vision/ Mission
Institutional Policies
Structural Framework
Social Contexts
Hurtado, Milem, Clayton-Pederson, & Allen, 1998
Community Members Creation and Distribution of Knowledge
(Living, Working, Learning)
Barcelo, 2004; Bauer, 1998, Kuh & Whitt, 1998; Hurtado, 1998, 2005; Ingle, 2005; Milhem, 2005; Peterson, 1990; Rankin, 1994, 1998, 2003, 2005; Smith, 1999; Tierney, 1990; Worthington, 2008
How students experience their campus environment influences both learning and developmental outcomes.1
1 2 3
Discriminatory environments have a negative effect on student learning.2
Research supports the pedagogical value of a diverse student body and faculty on enhancing learning outcomes.3
Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, 2005 Cabrera, Nora, Terenzini, Pascarella, & Hagedron, 1999; Feagin, Vera & Imani, 1996; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991. Hale, 2004; Harper & Quaye , 2004; Harper, & Hurtado, 2007; Hurtado, 2003.
The personal and professional development of employees including faculty members, administrators, and staff members are impacted by campus climate.1
Faculty members who judge their campus climate more positively are more likely to feel personally supported and perceive their work unit as more supportive.2
Cortina, Malley, and Stewart (2006) 2002 3Silverschanz, Cortina, Konik, & Magley, 2007; Waldo, 1999 2Sears,
Research underscores the relationships between (1) workplace discrimination and negative job and career attitudes and (2) workplace encounters with prejudice and lower health and well-being..3
Why Assess? What is the Process? Where Do We Start?
To foster a caring university community that provides leadership for constructive participation in a diverse, multicultural world.
To open the doors wider for underserved constituents to create a welcoming environment.
To improve the environment for working and learning on campus.
ď‚— Recruit and retain a distinguished faculty who
challenge and mentor students to attain their fullest potential; ď‚— Recruit and retain a talented, diverse and highly motivated student body;
• Campus Climate is a construct What is it?
• Current attitudes, behaviors, and standards and practices of employees and students of an institution
How is it measured?
• Personal Experiences • Perceptions • Institutional Efforts
Rankin & Reason, 2008
ďƒ˜ California University of Pennsylvania will add to their
knowledge base with regard to how constituent groups currently feel about their campus climate and how the community responds to them (e.g., pedagogy, curricular issues, professional development, inter-group/intra-group relations, respect issues).
ďƒ˜ California University of Pennsylvania will use the results of
the assessment to inform current/on-going work regarding issues of campus climate (e.g., NSSE-National Survey of Student Engagement ).
Examine the Research • Review work already completed
• Readiness of each campus
• Examine the climate
• Building on the successes and addressing the challenges
Transformational Tapestry ModelŠ Access Retention
Assessment Research University Policies/Service
Baseline Organizational Challenges
Scholarship Current Campus Climate
Local / Sate / Regional Environments
Systems Analysis
Contextualized Campus Wide Assessment Advanced Organizational Challenges
Intergroup & Intragroup Relations
Curriculum Pedagogy
Consultant Recommendations
External Relations Access Retention Symbolic Actions Research University Policies/Service Educational Actions
Transformation via Intervention
Administrative Actions
Fiscal Actions
Scholarship Transformed Campus Climate
Curriculum Pedagogy
Intergroup & Intragroup Relations
External Relations
Š 2001
Initial Proposal Meeting
Assessment Tool Development Marketing/Communication Plan
Final instrument • Quantitative questions and additional space for respondents to provide commentary • On-line or paper & pencil options
Sample = Population • All members of the university community are invited to participate via an initial invitation from President Jones
Academic Success
Professional Success
Race Gender Identity Sexual Identity Disability SES Spirituality
Institutional Actions
I have supervisors/colleagues/co-workers who give me
job/career advice or guidance when I need it. I perform more work to help students (e.g., formal and informal advising, sitting for qualifying exams/dissertation committees, helping with student groups and activities, providing other support) than my colleagues. Within the past year, have you personally experienced any exclusionary (e.g., shunned, ignored), intimidating, offensive and/or hostile conduct (harassing behavior) at CAL U.
The classroom climate is welcoming for students based
on their… I feel valued by faculty in the classroom. The workplace climate is welcoming for faculty/staff based on their… How would you rate the accessibility on campus for people with physical, learning, psychological, or medical conditions? Before I enrolled, I expected that the campus climate would be _______________for people who are…
The classroom climate is welcoming for students based
on their… Does the curriculum at CAL U include materials, perspectives, and/or experiences of people based on their… What is the influence of each of the following on campus climate? o Providing diversity and equity training to search and
tenure committees. o Incorporating issues of diversity and cross-cultural competence more effectively into the curriculum
Participants’ personal experiences
Participants’ perceptions of University climate
Participants’ demographic information
Participants’ perceptions of University actions
Participants’ input into recommendations for improving the campus climate
Preparing the Campus Community Talking points Incentives President Jone’s Invitation letter Subsequent invitations to participate
ďƒ˜Proposal application submitted and
ďƒ˜ Dr. Hasbrouck is the Primary
Investigator from CAL U
Data Analysis
California University of Pennsylvania Spring 2013 Faculty
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty
Male Female
African American
Native American
Asian American
Latino(a) American
European American Unknown
Action Plan
May/June 2011 June – August 2011
• Initial Proposal meeting
• Meetings with California University of Pennsylvania CSWG • Began survey development
September 2011 -January 2012
• Completed survey • Developed communication plan
NovemberFebruary 2012
• Developed & submitted IRB proposal • Received initial approval Feb 2012
October 2012
• IRB continuance approval
February 4, 2013
• Survey Implementation
March – May 2013
• Data Analysis
June - August 2013
• Develop Report