C a l i f o r n i a U n i v e r s i t y o f P e n n s y lva n i a
Discover, Explore, Experience, Activate
A proud member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.
The mark of a great educational institution is not simply the knowledge it has to oer, but also the skills, confidence and values it instills along the way. The CAREER ADVANTAGE PROGRAM is a four-year plan to add value and assurance to your Cal U degree. It begins before freshman year by helping to gauge your interests, discern your skills and decide on a major that's right for you. It gets you started on a career path that suits your unique talents and aspirations. The Career Advantage Program helps to maximize the four-year experience, allowing you to explore all your career options and find the best fit for you.
Freshman Year: DISCOVER
Discover your interests, abilities and work-related values.
Test out careers by gaining hands-on experience.
Start with the FOCUS 2 online interactive career exploration system to identify interests, strengths and needs. Then register for our one-credit Career Planning course, and meet your career adviser to begin a personalized Career Advantage plan.
Get serious. Cal U helps you find internships, co-ops, career-related summer jobs and volunteer work that give you experience and expand your horizons. Our Mock Networking Reception and Etiquette Dinner builds confidence. And our resumé and search features prepare you to attend on- and off-campus job and career fairs, and participate in on-campus interviews and information sessions.
Attend Cal U’s Student Organization Fair. Learn about campus clubs and organizations, meet new people, and discover talents that could lead to a career choice. And make sure to sign up for the Cal U Activities Transcript – an official record of your extracurricular activities that’s a real career advantage in itself.
Senior Year: ACTIVATE
Learn more about careers that interest you.
Learn how to pursue your career goals.
Job shadowing is a perfect way to explore a career. Cal U’s active alumni database lists practicing professionals willing to share their experiences with our students in a one- to five-day timeframe.
Put it all in motion. Senior year is the time to fine-tune resumés, cover letters and portfolios. Sharpen your job search strategies, utilize the Career Services website to research potential employers, and hone your skills through mock interviews.
It’s also time to enroll in the one-credit Career Readiness course, where you conduct informational interviews, develop a resumé and learn job search strategies. And try a “co-op” (cooperative education), a paid, career-related experience that can be completed as early as the summer after your freshman year.
Cal U helps you network with family, friends, alumni and others and prepares you to begin a career or pursue a graduate degree.
Gradua develop tes who trans skills su ferrable ch as commu nicatio n, problem -solving , leaders hip and teamw compet ork have a itive a in findi dvantage ng a job . -
Rhonda Gif Director ford of Caree r Servic es
KNOW Ask questions early, and we’ll help you find the answers.
Ask yourself... •
Have you decided on a major? If not, we can help you decide. We’ll show you how your interests, skills and values affect your choice of a major and a career.
How do you explore career options? We have lots of ways to uncover careers of interest to you.
How do you get experience and “test out” the careers that interest you? How do you prepare for these careers? Where do you find jobs? We'll walk you through it, step by step.
How do you get ready for a job interview? We'll show you how it's done.
You can begin the Career Advantage Program even before your freshman year.
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With Cal U’s Career Advantage program, you’ll build character as you learn about yourself and your interests. And through planning and exploration, you’ll acquire the tools to build a rewarding career.
Enroll in the Career Advantage Program
Complete a co-op, internship or service learning experience
Complete the FOCUS 2 online interactive career exploration system Meet with your career adviser in Career Services to begin your Career Advantage plan Take a Career Planning course
Check that your Cal U Activities Transcript is up to date Meet with your career adviser in Career Services to talk about your Career Advantage progress
Sign up for the Cal U Activities Transcript
Attend the Mock Networking Reception and Etiquette Dinner
Utilize the resources on the Career Services website
Attend career and internship fairs
Sophomore Year: EXPLORE
Senior Year: ACTIVATE
Do informational interviews and “job shadow” a professional Develop a resumé and upload it on Cal U’s College Central Network Get involved in student organizations Take the Career Readiness course
Fine-tune your resumé, cover letter and portfolio Do a mock interview Meet with your career adviser in Career Services to develop job search strategies or plan for graduate school Participate in on-campus interviews and information sessions
Explore cooperative education (co-op)
Develop a career network using the Cal U Career Network Attend job fairs and networking events
DEGREE PROGRAMS AND CONCENTRATIONS Three undergraduate colleges. FOUR-YEAR DEGREE PROGRAMS AND CONCENTRATIONS Anthropology Forensic Anthropology Archaeology Arabic Language & Cultures Art Art Studio Athletic Training Biology Pre-Medicine Pre-Chiropractic Medicine Pre-Dentistry Pre-Osteopathic Medicine Mortuary Science (co-op program) Pre-Optometry Pre-Podiatric Medicine Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Veterinary Medicine Business Administration Human Resource Management Accounting Business Economics Finance Marketing Management Information Technology Management Business Administration (100% Online) Chemistry Commercial Music Technology Communication Disorders Communication Studies Public Relations Radio & TV Speech Communication Computer Engineering Technology Computer Information Systems Computer Science
• More than 130 programs of study. • We have what you’re looking for at Cal Environmental Studies Conservation Ecology Fisheries & Wildlife Biology Environmental Science Leadership and Management Geography Climatology GIS & Emergency Management Tourism Studies Geology Gerontology Graphic Design Graphics & Multimedia History International Studies Jurisprudence Legal Studies Justice Studies Homeland & International Security Criminology Law & Justice Forensic Science Liberal Studies Mathematics Mechatronics Engineering Technology Nursing (BSN) for RNs Nursing (BSN) for RNs (Online) Nursing (BSN) for RNs (courses at CCAC South Campus) Parks & Recreation Management Philosophy Physics Political Science Pre-Law Psychology Social Science Social Work Sociology Applied Sociology Spanish
Earth Science Meteorology Environmental Environmental Hazards Education Certification for Secondary Schools - Art - Biology - Chemistry - Communication - Earth & Space Science - English - Mathematics - Physics - Social Studies - Spanish Technology Education K-12 Elementary PreK-4 Elementary PreK-4/Special Education Elementary Grades 4-8 - Language Arts/Reading - Mathematics - Science - Social Studies - Math & Language Arts/Reading - Math & Science - Math & Social Studies - Science & Language Arts/Reading - Science & Social Studies Elementary Grades 4-8/Special Education - Language Arts/Reading - Mathematics - Science - Social Studies Electrical Engineering Technology English Creative Writing Journalism Language & Literacy Literature
Sport Management Studies Professional Golf Management Wellness & Fitness (Online) Technology Management Theatre Undecided in Education Undecided in Liberal Arts Undecided in Science & Technology ASSOCIATE DEGREES Accounting Computer Engineering Technology Computer Science Technology Computer Information Systems Early Childhood Electrical Engineering Technology Graphics & Multimedia Industrial Technology Liberal Studies Nursing (RN) co-op with CCAC Degree issued by CCAC Physical Therapist Assistant Robotics Engineering Technology Technical Studies CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology Personal Computer Application LETTERS OF COMPLETION Spanish for Business Spanish for Law Enforcement Sex Crimes Involving Online Predators Industrial Safety
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Office of Admissions - California University of PA, 250 University Avenue, California, PA 15419 • 1-888-412-0479 or 724-938-4404 • Fax: 724-938-4564 Office of Financial Aid - Dixon Hall 105 • 724-938-4415 • Fax: 724-938-4551 I N T E G R I T Y, C I v I L I T Y, R E S P O N S I b I L I T Y A proud member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. California University of Pennsylvania is an academic community dedicated to the ideals of justice, fairness and equal opportunity for all. In compliance with federal and state laws, the University is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, ancestry, sexual orientation or status as a disabled or vietnam era veteran. The University will not tolerate racial, ethnic or sexual discrimination. Sexual harassment is considered by law to be a form of sexual discrimination and is, therefore, unacceptable. Direct equal opportunity and affirmative action inquiries or complaints to the Special Assistant to the President for EEEO/University Ombudsperson, Office of Social Equity, South Hall 112, 724-938-4014. Direct inquiries regarding services or facilities accessibility to the ADA/504, Compliance Officer, Office of Student Development and Services, G 52 Carter Hall, 724-938 4056. Direct Title IX inquiries to the Senior Women’s Administrator/Title IX Coordinator, Department of Athletics, Hamer Hall 248, 724-938-4351.
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