Bulletin, Sunday, April 21, 2013

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April 21, 2013 Fourth Sunday of Easter Calvary Baptist Church Washington, DC



11:00 A.M.

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER We are an ecumenical, multi-racial, multi-ethnic Christian body that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we strive to be welcoming, responsive, trusting and prayerful in everything we do. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


This is My Father’s World Diane Bish (b. 1941) Matthew Daley, Organ


Amy Butler

HYMN 230

Now the Green Blade Rises



Edgar Palacios

We celebrate good news: Jesus Christ is risen! Open our eyes: Send us out of our hiding places with strength and power. Open our eyes: Turn our anxiety to comfort, our mourning into joyful dance. Open our eyes: Remind us of new life all around us—even within us! Open our eyes: Show us signs of resurrection and give us courage to believe. Because all things are possible through God’s love, we proclaim the gospel in this world Where God is still creating and redeeming, and bringing new life. Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! INVOCATION

Edgar Palacios


Edgar Palacios

La paz del Señor sea contigo. Y contigo también. The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE

Make Us One


Make us one, Lord, make us one; Holy Spirit, make us one. Let your love flow so the world will know we are one in you. A TIME WITH CHILDREN MUSICAL MEDITATION

Trey Sullivan The Bird’s Song Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958) Rameen Chaharbaghi, Baritone

Congregation standing. Congregational responses in bold. Page numbers refer to Sanctuary Bibles. Audio enhancement devices and Spanish/English Bibles are available for use during worship. Please ask an usher for assistance.


Acts 9: 36 - 43 Kristin Campbell Psalm 23 Rameen Chaharbaghi, Cantor

We sing Response 2.


Natalie Barrens-Rogers

SINGING OUR RESPONSE Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the Lord, our Risen King! GOSPEL ACCLAMATION

Alleluia Howard Hughes SM (1973) Rameen Chaharbaghi, Cantor

We sing together, echoing the Cantor.

Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! GOSPEL LESSON, P. 873

Adapted from John 10

John 10: 22 - 30 Amy Butler

This is the Gospel of Christ. Thanks be to God. HYMN 80

My Shepherd, You Supply My Need



Edgar Palacios

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. SERMON

Eyes Wide Open: Despair to Hope Kristin Campbell


Matthew Daley


Soren Dayton

MUSICAL OFFERING Come, People of the Risen King Stuart Townsend, Keith Getty, Kristyn Lennox Getty David Angerman, arr. Sanctuary Choir HYMN 50

Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PRAYER OF DEDICATION

Soren Dayton


Amy Butler Christ Arose!


During the singing, we invite you to come forward if you wish to make a public commitment to Christ or to join our family of faith. If you are interested in membership or have questions about Calvary, please contact Pastor Leah.

WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS We give thanks that you have been guided by the hand of God to this community of faith. We pledge to love each other and to work to grow into the fullness of Christ together. Amen. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE

Amy Butler Toccata Wayne L. Wold (b. 1954) Matthew Daley, Organ

During the Postlude, we invite you to sit and listen or to exit quietly. Following worship, please join us in Woodward Hall, left as you exit the Sanctuary, for refreshments and fellowship and also for a spaghetti and salad lunch in support of the youth summer trip to North Carolina. Visitors, we look forward to greeting you as honored guests. Make Us One. Words and Music: Carol Cymbala, ©1991 Word Music, Inc. and Carol Joy Music c/o Integrated Copyright Group. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under CCLI #430459. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow. Words: Thomas Ken, 1674; adapt. Gilbert H. Vieira, 1978. Adapt. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under OneLicense.net #A719662. Scripture passages for April 28, Fifth Sunday of Easter, are Acts 11: 1 - 18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21: 1 - 6; John 13: 31 - 35.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Christina Mein Abbasi, granddaughter of Betty Mein; Maria Bensussen, grandmother, and Kevin Harvey, brother of Ryan Harvey; Liz and Zach Boren; Grady Branham, father of Cheryl Branham; Sophie Cho, niece of Cindy Cho; Roberta Clyburn, sister of Janice Glover; Gail Ousley Gibson, friend of Ben Rogers and Natalie Barrens Rogers; Katlyn Greene, sister of Ashley Coates; Janet Grove; Betty Johanna, friend of John Appiah-Duffell; Al Nielsen; family and friends of Elena Pancheva Sarafova, aunt of Liubov Russell, who died Tuesday, April 16; Cristián Palencia, cousin of Marcela Estrada; Amelia Powell, mother of Andrea Powell; Ben Rogers; Calvin Smith, father of Katie Harvey; Abby Sulerzyski, niece of Ellen Sulerzyski. SPECIAL GIFTS HAVE been made to the Organ Fund in memory of John Alves by Bill and Berniece Harward, Keevin Lewis, Amy Butler, and Paul Rosstead.

WORSHIP EYES WIDE OPEN. During the Season of Easter, we continue to examine the reality of how resurrection—life—changes the way we look at our world that is filled with death. Members will share stories of resurrection in their own lives each Sunday in worship—you won’t want to miss it! TODAY JOURNEY: A THINKING FAITH CLASS. We meet on Sunday mornings, 9:45 a.m. in the Library. During the season of Easter, we study the Gospel texts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. Where do we see resurrection in our own lives? We will wrestle with this question and more. Contact Pastor Leah. SPANISH LANGUAGE BIBLE STUDY. Durante el mes de abril, la Escuela Bíblica Dominical de Adultos en español estudiará lecciones basadas en el Apocalipsis y escritas por el teólogo y biblista Dr. Tony Cartledge. Nos reunimos en la Capilla a las 9:45 a.m. For more information about the Spanish language class, contact Pastor Edgar. THANKS TO KRISTEN CAMPBELL for leading us in worship this morning and for her service to this community of faith. Next Sunday, April 28, is Kristin’s final Sunday as we thank her for her leadership and participation and offer encouragement and blessings on her future ministry. QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING AND LUNCH, today after worship in Woodward Hall. On the lunch menu is spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread prepared by the youth in support of their summer trip to North Carolina ($10.00 suggested contribution). Business meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. Contact Jason Smith. NO MUSIC FOR KIDS TODAY, so enjoy the church wide luncheon and QBM. See you next Sunday, 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. in Music Suite. Kids of all ages, and parents, are welcome! We sing again in worship on Anniversary Sunday, June 2. Contact Cheryl Branham. COMING UP THEOLOGY ON DRAFT. Meets Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 p.m. in the Library. We are discussing women in the Bible. What do they have to teach us about resurrection? Who are those little-known female characters in Scripture? Contact Pastor Leah. WEDNESDAY NIGHT WORDS small group gathers this Wednesday, April 24, 6:30 p.m. on level G3. We are studying the book, A Dangerous Dozen: 12 Christians Who Threatened the Status Quo, but Taught Us to Live Like Jesus! Contact Pastor Amy. FRIDAY MORNING MUSIC CLUB CONCERT. Join us at noon on Friday, April 26, in the Chapel. Hear the music of Franz Schubert and others performed by Daryl Yoder, baritone, and Jung-Yung Lee, piano.

ZUMBA CLASSES AND SOCCER. Join us Friday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. for Zumba in the Teen Room (G3) and for soccer in the gym (GB). Childcare is available. Contact Pastor Edgar. FORUM ON IMMIGRATION REFORM, sponsored by Board of Mission and Christian Education. Interested in learning more about the need for immigration reform and how to work toward it? Join us in the chapel at 12:30 on April 28, to discuss issues facing families and individuals moving to the United States and how support for legislation involving comprehensive immigration reform, the Dream Act, and community initiatives can benefit all Americans! Contact Pastor Edgar for more info. SUMMER CALLER. All letters and articles for the Summer Caller are due Monday, April 29. Contact Jason Smith. BASKETBALL GROUP meets Wednesday evening, May 1, 6:30 p.m. in the gym (GB). Contact Jason Smith SENIOR HIGH RECOGNITION. Contact Jason Smith to find out how you can help celebrate Calvary’s high school seniors, Caio, Carter, and Katie as we recognize and offer blessings for them on May 12, during worship. MEAL FOR CALVARY WOMEN’S SERVICES. On Sunday, May 12, members of Calvary will provide the dinner for Calvary Women’s Services. If you would like to provide food or help serve at the shelter, contact Claudia Moore, cjmoorekn@aol.com. DAVIS BABY SHOWER. Mark your calendar now for Sunday, May 12—that’s right, Mothers Day! It’s a great day to celebrate Pastor Leah and John as they prepare to welcome a baby girl in the summer. After worship, join us in the Chapel as we share food, fun and gifts for the baby. Check out their registry at Babies-R-Us and Target. Everyone in the Calvary community is invited. Contact event coordinators Katie Harvey and Lu Alcazar. ATTENTION CALVARY STUDENTS who are planning to attend an institution of higher education in fall 2013: applications for the Edith Miller Scholarships are available in the Church Office. These funds provide small awards to qualifying members of Calvary who have financial need as they continue their education. Applications must be submitted by June 1. For questions and more information, contact Mike Overby, mike.overby@gmail.com. C HURCH S TAFF Cheryl Branham Director of Music (cbranham@calvarydc.org, ext. 136) Amy Butler Senior Pastor (abutler@calvarydc.org, ext. 121) Kristin Campbell Pastoral Intern (kcampbell@calvarydc.org) Leah Grundset Davis Associate Pastor (lgrundset@calvarydc.org, ext. 142) Saw Ler Htoo Missionary, Burmese Community (lerhtoo@hotmail.com) Al Jeter Supervisor of Maintenance (ajeter@calvarydc.org, ext. 128) Edgar Palacios Associate Pastor (epalacios@calvarydc.org, ext. 103) Paul Rosstead Church Administrator (prosstead@calvarydc.org, ext. 127) Jason Smith Ministry Assistant (jsmith@calvarydc.org, ext. 133)

Calvary Baptist Church 755 Eighth Street NW Washington DC 20001

202.347.8355 fax 202.347.6360 www.calvarydc.org

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