Bulletin, Sunday, October 6, 2013

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Many Voices. One Story.

October 6, 2013 Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost Calvary Baptist Church Washington, DC





OCTOBER 6, 2013

11:00 A.M.

TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST We are an ecumenical, multi-racial, multi-ethnic Christian body that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we strive to be welcoming, responsive, trusting and prayerful in everything we do. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Larghetto in F-Sharp Minor Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810 - 1876) John Dautzenberg, Organ


John Appiah-Duffell Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether UNION SEMINARY

CALL TO WORSHIP Jason Smith People of God: we raise our voices together, for we have a story to share. Like the tiny mustard seed that grows strong and tall, we believe that life-changing transformation can come even from small efforts. Together we raise our voices. We have a story to tell! We believe that even the most broken places of our lives can be healed by God’s power, and like the leper healed by Jesus we live in grateful response to God’s healing. Together we raise our voices. We have a story to tell! We believe that God asks us to live with courage and abandon, to give generously and audaciously. Like the widow with two small coins, we live lives that show the world God’s provision is steady and strong. Together we raise our voices. We have a story to tell! Like the tax collector who knew he needed God’s grace, our lives reflect our own need for God’s love and forgiveness. Together we raise our voices to tell God’s story of faithfulness, welcome, justice, and abundant grace. Let us worship God. INVOCATION

Jason Smith

PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST Jason Smith La paz del Señor sea contigo. Y contigo también. The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE

Make Us One

MAKE US ONE Make us one, Lord, make us one; Holy Spirit, make us one. Let your love flow so the world will know we are one in you.


Amy Butler Deine Toten werden leben, TWV 1: 213 Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767) Natalie Barrens-Rogers, Soprano

“Your dead shall live, with joy and light encircled. Lord, make death gentle for us, thy arm upon the jaws of death. How good death is now! Sweetness must come from the strong and food from the one who eats." Congregation standing; la congregación se pone de pie. Congregational responses in bold. Page numbers refer to Sanctuary Bibles. Audio enhancement devices available for use during worship. Please ask an usher for assistance. Respuestas congregacionales en negrita. Las páginas se refieren a las Biblias en el santuario. Para Biblias en español o traducción del servicio en Español , por favor hablar con un ujier.


Habakkuk 1: 1 - 4, 2: 1 - 4 Anabel Cruz


Psalm 37: 1 - 9 Natalie Barrens-Rogers, Cantor

We follow the Biblical text and insert the Refrain.

Wait for the Lord, whose day is near. Wait for the Lord; be strong, take heart!


2 Timothy 1: 1 - 14 Jason Smith


Alleluia Howard Hughes SM (1973) Natalie Barrens-Rogers, Cantor

We sing together, echoing the Cantor.

Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! Lord, increase our faith! If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, this tree would obey your command. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! Adapted from Luke 17


Luke 17: 5 - 10

Amy Butler

This is the Gospel of Christ. Thanks be to God.

HYMN 396

Una Espiga / Sheaves of Summer

We sing Verses 1 and 4, each in Spanish then English.



Jason Smith

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


“Many Voices. One Story.” A Mustard Seed Amy Butler


Sing a New Church

NETTLETON Summoned by the God who made us rich in our diversity; gathered in the name of Jesus, richer still in unity. Refrain: Let us bring the gifts that differ and in splendid, varied ways sing a new church into being, one of faith and love and praise.


Draw together at one table all the human family; shape a circle ever wider and a people ever free. Refrain.


Amy Butler


Amy Butler


Amy Butler

SHARING THE MEAL To celebrate communion by intinction, please approach the stations using inside aisles. Return to your seat using outside aisles. Three stations are available at the front, as well as a gluten-free option. To receive communion where you are seated, raise your hand and a deacon will be happy to serve you.


Father, I Adore You / Padre, Te Adoro

We sing as we participate in communion, alternating English then Spanish.


Father, I adore you / Jesus, I adore you / Spirit, I adore you Lay my life before you. How I love you. Padre, te adoro / Jesús, te adoro / Espíritu Santo Ante ti doy la vida. Yo te amo.


Jason Smith and Bob Wood

MUSICAL OFFERING Join in singing the Refrain, in English or Spanish to follow the verse.

I Know Whom I Have Believed / Yo sé a quién he creído EL NATHAN

But I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day. Mas yo sé a quién he creído, y es poderoso para guardarme y en ese día glorioso iré a morar con él.


Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

LASST UNS ERFREUEN Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Bob Wood


Amy Butler

We Are Walking / Siyahamba / Caminando


During the singing, we invite you to come forward if you wish to make a public commitment to Christ or to join our community of faith. If you are interested in membership or have questions about Calvary, please contact the Church Office.

WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Amy Butler We give thanks that you have been guided by the hand of God to this community of faith. We pledge to love each other and to work to grow into the fullness of Christ together. Amen. BENEDICTION POSTLUDE

Amy Butler Improvisation on TE DEUM John Dautzenberg, Organ

During the Postlude, we invite you to sit and listen, or to exit quietly if you prefer. Following worship, please join us in Woodward Hall, to the left as you exit the Sanctuary, for a time of fellowship. Visitors, we look forward to greeting you as honored guests. Scripture passages for October 13, 21st Sunday after Pentecost, are 2 Kings 5: 1 - 3, 7 - 15c; Psalm 111; 2 Timothy 2: 8 - 15; Luke 17: 11 - 19. Make Us One. Words and Music: Carol Cymbala, ©1991 Word Music, Inc. and Carol Joy Music c/o Integrated Copyright Group. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under CCLI #430459. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow. Words: Thomas Ken, 1674; adapt. Gilbert H. Vieira, 1978. Adapt. © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House. All rights reserved. Words reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-719662.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Maria Bensussen, grandmother of Ryan Harvey; Sara Bermúdez, mother of Lorena Pereira; Sophie Cho, niece of Cindy Cho and Bob Wood; Roberta Clyburn, sister of Janice Glover; Kirk Cooper, brother of Clark Cooper; Carolyn Crumpler, grandmother of Amy Crumpler Shaw; Gail Ousley Gibson, friend of Ben and Natalie Barrens Rogers; Jenny Goon; Katlyn Greene, sister of Ashley Coates; Janet Grove; Betty Johanna, friend of John Appiah-Duffell; Alan Laskin and Mike McQueen, friends of Nancy and Phil Renfrow; Mike Martin, friend of Claudia Moore; Al Nielsen; Amelia Powell, mother of Andrea Powell; Susan Sevier. WORSHIP STEWARDSHIP SEASON, 2013-2014. This October, the Stewardship Team calls on us to imagine our congregation as “Many Voices. One Story.” All members and friends are invited to examine their financial commitments to Calvary and offer a pledge in support for the year to come. Stay tuned for a stewardship newsletter and contact from a Stewardship Mentor. Thank you for your investment of time and money, in grateful response to God’s goodness. Contact Jason Smith. TODAY MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR EDNA BURNESTON. All are invited to remember and celebrate Edna’s life, today at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel. MUSIC FOR KIDS meets in Music Suite 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. We sing in worship on October 20; be sure to join us! Contact Cheryl Branham. DONATE AND VOLUNTEER FOR CALVARY’S YARD SALE. Support Calvary’s fourth annual yard sale, October 16-18, to benefit Shalom Scholarship. Bring donations to Kendall 5; no clothing, shoes, large appliances, computers. Volunteer today by signing up in Woodward Hall. Contact Gretchen White, 202.462.5595. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE SHALOM SCHOLARSHIP LUNCH, last Sunday, September 29. The total amount raised from lunch contributions, coffee and olive oil sales, and the silent auction was $2,562.00. Thank you to the Mission Board and Christian Education for organizing this special fundraising lunch. Contact Courtney Rice courtney.rice@gmail.com. COMING UP FMMC CONCERT. Join the Friday Morning Music Club this Friday, October 11, at 12:00 p.m. in the Chapel for a concert featuring the music of Faure, Ligeti, Haydn, and Bach. Contact Jeongseon Choi, FMMC Program Coordinator, js.choi@verizon.net. CONVERSATION WITH ABC MISSIONARIES, THE PARAJÓNS. Join us in the Chapel on October 13, 12:30 p.m. for a fellowship and discussion with David and Laura Parajón. The Parajóns are American Baptist Church missionaries and founders of Amos Ministries, a maternal health and general clinic outreach in Nicaragua. Bring lunch or a snack and learn about how to support the Parajons' work. Contact Myra Houser, myra.ann.houser@gmail.com KINGMAN ISLAND RETREAT. Songwriter and artist Bryan Moyer Suderman leads us in a one-day retreat at Kingman Island Park, Saturday, October 19. Enjoy food, music and fun at this relaxed fall

gathering for all ages. To RSVP and inquire about transportation from Calvary to the park, contact Jason Smith. HELP THE HOMELESS SCAVENGER HUNT. Spend some time learning about homelessness in the District Saturday, October 26. Cost is $10, which supports the Downtown Cluster of Congregations Homeless Services Unit. Contact Courtney Rice, courtney.rice@gmail.com. QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING on Sunday October, 27, 1:00 p.m. following worship. Lunch will be provided by Calvary Youth as a fundraiser. Contact Soren Dayton. D.C. BAPTIST CONVENTION ANNUAL MEETING, October 28-29, University Baptist Church in College Park, MD. All are invited to join DCBC in celebrating the Year of Jubilee, Mobilizing for Missions: The Next Chapter. To serve as an elected delegate from Calvary, contact Soren Dayton, Claudia Moore, or Amy Butler. INNOVATING TRADITION: A CONVERSATION ON BELOVED COMMUNITY AND FUTURE CHURCH. Join us Tuesday, November 5, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary, for a very special event: a discussion featuring New York Times bestselling author and pastor Nadia BolzWeber and Calvary’s own Senior Pastor Amy Butler, moderated by Amy Sullivan. Tickets are free; all attendees (including Calvary members and friends) must register for free tickets through the Calvary website. Contact the Church Office. WAGING PEACE IN PALESTINE AND ISRAEL GATHERING. Participate in this special gathering at Calvary, November 8-10. Learn about peace and justice efforts to support both Palestine and Israel, hear the story of keynote speaker Dr. Mitri Raheb, and attend informative sessions. To register, visit www.allianceofbaptists.org. CALVARY WOMEN’S SHELTER MEAL. Members of Calvary have been serving food for the women at the Calvary Women’s Shelter for years and will continue serving in January, March, May, July, and September, 2014. If you’d like to contribute to the next meal, Sunday, November 10, contact Nancy, nrenfrow@verizon.net. AUTUMN CALLER. Copies are available with the ushers or in the Church Office. Articles for the Winter Caller are due November 18. DRIVERS WANTED! Will you volunteer to assist those who need transportation to and from church? Contact Abbey with your availability and location, abbey.ammerman@gmail.com. C HURCH S TAFF Cheryl Branham Director of Music (cbranham@calvarydc.org, ext. 136) Amy Butler Senior Pastor (abutler@calvarydc.org, ext. 121) Leah Grundset Davis Associate Pastor (lgrundset@calvarydc.org, ext. 142)* Saw Ler Htoo Missionary, Burmese Community (lerhtoo@hotmail.com) Al Jeter Supervisor of Maintenance (ajeter@calvarydc.org, ext. 128) John Appiah-Duffell Deacon of the Week (duffell@gmail.com)* Edgar Palacios Associate Pastor (epalacios@calvarydc.org, ext. 103)* Paul Rosstead Church Administrator (prosstead@calvarydc.org, ext. 127) Jason Smith Ministry Assistant (jsmith@calvarydc.org, ext. 133) * Pastor Leah is on family leave and Pastor Edgar is on sabbatical. If you have a pastoral need, please contact the Church Office or the Deacon of the Week.

Calvary Baptist Church 755 Eighth Street NW Washington, DC 20001

202.347.8355 fax 202.347.6360 www.calvarydc.org

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