Summer 2013
Volume XVI, Issue 7
On Being Baptist: Calvary’s 151st Anniversary Weekend with Dr. Rosalie Beck Here at Calvary we’re unapologetically Baptist, but it’s easy to forget what that means. Calvary’s 151st anniversary weekend is planned full of opportunities for us all to remember and engage the conversation of what it means to be Baptist here and now. Our guest for the weekend is Dr. Rosalie Beck, Professor of Religion at Baylor University and a specialist in Baptist history. In addition to having been a favorite professor of both Pastor Amy and Pastor Leah, Dr. Beck is an engaging speaker and gifted historian who will help us understand and explore our Baptist history and heritage. On Saturday evening, June 1, Dr. Beck will be our guest from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. for a reception, presentation and conversation about Baptist history and distinctives. Remember our historical heritage and join the conversation about how the values and
principles of Baptist identity have shaped and given us a strong voice in the ongoing conversation about what it means to be the church in the world. On Sunday morning, Dr. Beck will moderate a conversation about the future of denominationalism during Sunday school in the Chapel, beginning at 9:45 a.m. Should we even care about being Baptists? What do denominational labels mean in our diverse society today? Why and how should we invest in denominational structures to support the work of the church in the world? What might that look like for our church? Following Sunday school, Dr. Beck will preach in our Sunday morning worship, and will join us for a special anniversary luncheon. We look forward to seeing you. Invite your friends… it will be a wonderful weekend of celebrating history and hope!
Saturday, June 1 Conversation on Baptist History, Discussion and Reception, 6:00 p.m., Chapel Sunday, June 2 Dialogue on the future of Denominationalism, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Chapel Sermon: From the Margins, A Soldier, Worship, 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary Calvary Baptist Church 151st Anniversary Lunch, 12:30 p.m., Woodward Hall.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
From Our Pastor Rev. Dr. Amy Butler Senior Pastor In case you haven’t noticed, the institutional church in America is undergoing huge and significant change. There’s no question that we are all facing decline in ways for which we as people of faith in the institutional church are largely unprepared. Even those of us who “do church” professionally are generally scratching our heads, wondering what’s next, and trying to discern a future for the church. No matter the societal trends, I feel passionately about the transformational mission of the institutional church. I believe that in all times and places there are and will be people who yearn for spiritual nurture, connection with God, and empowering community. The church in some form will continue its work in the world, and I’ve been thinking, praying, trying to discern what future trends are emerging and specifically how to move Calvary forward into this future.
The coach who will lead us is Phil Bergey (, a Mennonite and coach I had the opportunity to work with on an American Baptist Churches USA project this year. We don’t really have the money in the budget to do something like this, but I believe it’s an important next step to invest in our future as a congregation. Because of that, I’ve asked several denominational entities and individuals to invest in this process, to help us see our way into the future. If you’d like to contribute to the effort, just let me know!
“It’s time to move this congregational conversation along more rapidly, and as such, I will be taking a small group of Calvary members away from the city for 24 hours to dream and discern.”
Calvary has been, from its very beginnings, an innovative community of faith. Recently, however, I’ve come to believe that Calvary needs to begin thinking in even more radical ways, outside the box of traditional faith practice in which we’ve been engaged for 150 years. For Calvary’s congregation, this is hard to do. We are a small, but vital, healthy, committed, permission-giving group of Christ followers who are also very busy and sometimes overwhelmed with the responsibility of caring for our huge facility.
It’s time to move this congregational conversation along more rapidly, and as such, I will be taking a small group of Calvary members away from the city for 24 hours to dream and discern. We’ll work with a coach to try to see a way forward for our beloved community. I’m convinced an exercise like this will help us step out of the day to day, and begin to tackle adaptive change in new and creative ways.
In the meantime, I ask for the prayerful support of our whole congregation and all of those who have loved and invested in this community of faith for so many years. Together we will discover the great promise and possibility that God has planned for Calvary Baptist Church!
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
On Being Baptist. With Dr. Rosalie Beck
At Calvary,
we are unapologetically Baptist, but it is easy to forget what that means. Calvary’s 151st anniversary weekend, June 1-2, 2013 is full of opportunities for us all to remember and engage the conversation of what it means to be Baptist here and now. We welcome special guest, Dr. Rosalie Beck, Professor of Religion at Baylor University and Baptist historian, to lead and join us in the following special parts of our celebration. Saturday, June 1 Conversation on Baptist History, Discussion and Reception, 6:00 p.m., Chapel Sunday, June 2 Dialogue on the future of Denominationalism, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., Chapel Sermon: From the Margins, A Soldier, Worship, 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary Calvary Baptist Church 151st Anniversary Lunch, 12:30 p.m., Woodward Hall
All are welcome. Join Us! Calvary Baptist Church 755 8th St. NW Washington, DC 202.347.8355
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Letters and Snapshots
Children’s Sunday School class recreates a scene from the Gospels, Sunday, February, 24.
Three couples, John and Salima, Andi and Trey, and Roberto and Eugenia, along with Pastor Leah offer a special marriage blessing for Bob Wood and Cindy Cho, Sunday, March 10.
Deacon-led retreat at Camp Fraser, Saturday, March 3.
Celebrating Demy Angdisen’s birthday, March 17.
Youth Ski Trip, White Tail Resort, March 2.
Theology on Draft meets with Pastor Leah in the Library, Tuesday, March 19.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Letters and Snapshots 4.1.13 Dear Calvary Congregation, I am so happy to receive an Easter lily from my Church. Calvary will always be special to me. Calvary was my landlord, my employer, and the church where my husband and I were married. Ollie liked to be an outside greeter asking anyone to come worship with him. Calvary has a long history of mission and outreach. Thanks, Sincerely, Ruby McDonald Shepherd 4.7.13 Dear Calvary Baptist, Thank you so much for hosting us during our 2013 Spring Break Mission Trip! Best, David Weatherspoon Franklin College Religious Life
Children’s choir performs during worship, Palm Sunday, March 24.
4.22.13 Dear Calvary Baptist Church, Thank you for your gift in support of American Baptist Home Mission Societies. Your financial support is especially helpful right now in establishing ministries of discipleship, community and justice by equipping and networking followers of Jesus. Your generosity and connection with ABHMS is creating new opportunities to minister in the United States, one of the most diverse mission fields in the world. Again, thank you! Blessing baby Grady Dalton, with parents Ashley and Allen Dalton and family, Sunday, March 24.
With engaging hope, Dr. Aisland F. Wright-Riggins III Executive Director, ABHMS, ABCUSA 5.13.13 Dear Calvary Family, Thank you for the lovely baby shower you gave us on May 12. Baby Girl Davis feels very loved (as do we!) and know that we are thrilled for her to meet all of you. Thanks to Lu Alcazar and Katie Harvey for all of the coordination work. With gratitude, Pastor Leah and John Davis 5.17.13 Congratulations Calvary Baptist! You have raised more than $1000 for your CROP Hunger Walk and have achieved the Golden Foot! Sincerely, The CWS/CROP Hunger Walk online Team
Dr. Cheryl Branham performs on the harpsichord as Susan Sevier leads in song at the Good Friday Benefit Concert for the Shalom Scholarship, Friday, March 29.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Letters and Snapshots
Candidates José Adelio González-Alfaro, Ely Antonio López, Angelica Angdisen, and Sarah White wait with Pastor Edgar and Pastor Amy for their baptism, Easter Sunday, March 31.
Members and friends gather to participate in a rally for Immigration Reform on the Mall, Wednesday, April 10.
Calvary kids decorate Easter Eggs at the Potluck luncheon, Easter Sunday, March 31.
Cherry tree blossoms Wednesday, April 11.
Jessica Lynd, Rachel Johnson, and Yolanda AppiahKubi and Myra Houser (not pictured) participate in Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Saturday, April 6.
Holistic Health Project Indoor Soccer, Friday, April 12.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Letters and Snapshots
Pastor Joel Zeferino brings greetings from Alliance of Baptists congregation Nazareth Baptist Church, in Salvador Brazil, as Caio Barreto offers translation, Sunday, April 14.
Youth prepare spaghetti luncheon fundraiser for summer trip, Sunday, April 21.
Youth picnic on the National Mall, Sunday, April 14.
Kristin Campbell performs during worship for her final Sunday as Pastoral Intern, Sunday, April 28.
Courtney Rice holds ‘Paper Christina’ inviting individuals to donate to the Shalom Scholarship, Sunday, April 14.
Maya and Rachel help Pastor Leah and John Davis open gifts at their baby shower, Sunday, May 12.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Letters and Snapshots
Pastor Leah assists worshippers in creating a joint work of art for Pentecost Sunday, May 19.
Pastor Amy assists worshippers in creating a joint work of art for Pentecost Sunday, May 19.
Senior high youth Katie Thomas-Canfield, Carter Vaughn, and Caio Barreto are recognized in worship on Pentecost Sunday, May 19. The youth were given laundry baskets with items for college donated by Calvary members and friends.
Candidate John Appiah-Duffell waits with Pastor Amy for his baptism, Sunday, May 12.
2013 Officiary Moderator: Vice Moderator: Church Clerk: At-large Council:
Soren Dayton Amy Dale Claudia Moore Ken Butler, Becky Huncosky, Amparo Palacios, Eva Powell
Board of Trustees: Amanda Butler (Vice Chair), Tanya Coble, Julie LaFave, Paul Lansing, Francisco Pereira, Jr., Eugenia Reyes, Kim Sisk (Secretary), Ellen Sulerzyski (Chair), Andi Sullivan, Trey Sullivan (Assistant Treasurer), Barbara Hoffer (Treasurer) Deacons: John Appiah-Duffell, Abbey Ammerman, Chuck Andreatta, Rachel Johnson (Chair), Kathie Lansing, Corina Lopez, Jay Mayfield, Nancy Renfrow, Susan Sevier, Becky Vaughn 8
Christian Education: Daniel Alcazar Anabel Cruz, Allen Dalton, Myra Houser Mike Overby
(Co-Chair), (Co-Chair),
Mission: Salima Appiah-Duffell, Carol Blythe JosĂŠ GonzĂĄlez-Alfaro, Rick Goodman, Josh Keller Jessica Lynd, Courtney Rice (Chair), Liubov Russell, Gretchen White Pastoral Relations: Committee: Chuck Andreatta, Julie LaFave, Soren Dayton, Jay Mayfield, Eugenia Reyes, Amy Dale Personnel Committee: Kim Sisk (Chair), Ellen Sulerzyski, Rick Goodman, Amy Dale, Jay Mayfield
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
From the Music Department Dr. Cheryl Branham, Director of Music A Beautiful Holy Week 2013. Thanks to everyone who participated in Music at Calvary during Holy Week this past spring. Thanks to all our Children for your leadership on Palm Sunday in procession and in song. Special thanks to our Section Leaders—Natalie, Susan, Dwayne and Rameen—for your beautiful singing on Good Friday. What a treat to hear those little-known solo cantatas of Telemann! Festival Choir worked hard over a six-week rehearsal season during Lent, and sang beautifully on Easter Day. Thanks to all our Sanctuary Choir singers and other guests for your hard work and your leadership on Resurrection Sunday. Grill-a-Palooza! Calvary’s Sanctuary Choir had a great time at our spring social. Thanks to the Harvey family—Katie and Ryan, Maya and Wyatt—for welcoming us to their home. They fired up the grill for us and even laid out the bouncy castle in the back yard on April 21. We also celebrated the marriage of Virginia Sawyer, one of our terrific sopranos, to Rustom Meyer. Congrats and best wishes, newlyweds! Saying Bravo and So-Long to Rameen Chaharbaghi. For the past four seasons, we have been blessed by the voice and presence of Rameen Chaharbaghi as our baritone section leader. This summer, we say goodbye as Rameen moves to Houston for graduate studies. We have an opportunity to hear him sing a final concert Friday, May 31, at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Thank you, Rameen, for sharing your tremendous gifts with us. Go with God and keep in touch with us—we’ll be sure to say we knew you when! Calvary Presents…Two Amazing Concerts in May Montclair State University Singers. Calvary was the first stop on their tour, Saturday, May 18, 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Donations were to benefit Calvary’s Moller-Wicks Organ. 20th Century Opera: Before, During, After. Rameen Chaharbaghi and a terrific ensemble of singers presents a program of opera excerpts, Friday, May 31, 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. It will be a great opportunity to hear Rameen sing in concert before he leaves for graduate school in Houston! Coming Up This Summer CBC Anniversary: Happy 151st Birthday, Calvary! Be sure to join us in worship Sunday morning, June 2, for Anniversary Sunday. Worship will be full of festive music as we conclude the 2012-13 season. Chamber Singers and Sanctuary Choir sing works of Mendelssohn and J.S. Bach. Summer break begins this day; Music for Kids and Sanctuary Choir resume in September. All-Come Intergenerational Choir. Calling all Kids, Youth and Adults! If you love to sing, summer choir is for you. Join us on the final Sunday of each summer month—June 30, July 28, and August 25—for All-Come Choir, 10:00 a.m. in Music Suite. We’ll meet for one rehearsal right before worship on those dates. Our music will be fun and accessible, so all ages are welcome. Llangollen Music Festival, Wales. This summer, July 8 - 14, I will travel to Wales with National Philharmonic Singers to perform in an international choral competition. We sing two programs of memorized music, including a Tai-Chi movement for one piece. Please wish us luck and thanks for your support. Thanks to all who have participated in Music at Calvary in the 2012-2013 season including: Music Staff. Organists Matt Daley, John Dautzenberg, Wendell Phipps and Keevin Lewis; and Section Leaders Natalie Barrens-Rogers, Susan Sevier, Dwayne Pinkney and Rameen Chaharbaghi. Volunteer Singers in Chamber Singers, Sanctuary Choir, Festival Choir, and A Capella Singers. Calvary’s Children, plus their Parents and Teachers who support our work so whole-heartedly. Calvary’s Handbell Ringers of all ages. Calvary Volunteers who brought us various styles of vocal and instrumental music, helped out leading our children, ushering, hosting, and a million other tasks. And Everyone in the Calvary Community, thank you for your enthusiastic congregational singing, for your generous gifts to support our music programming and our organ (more to come on that important topic…), for your attendance and participation. Calvary is blessed with a musical congregation, talent, resources, instruments, facility. Let’s continue to be the best stewards of all these gifts in 2013-14. Mark your calendar now and plan ahead to join us on Sunday, September 8, when the 2013-14 season begins. Sanctuary Choir and Music for Kids programming resumes that day. Sing You in September! Happy summer, everyone. 9
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
A New Structure for Calvary’s Future
A Birthday to Remember
Becky Vaughn, Chair, Restructuring Taskforce
Harold Ritchie
In their recommendation for Calvary’s structure, the Restructuring Taskforce suggested a singleboard structure for the following reasons: “The single-board plan is easily adapted to the needs of small congregations as well as larger ones and is being used increasingly in the American Baptist Churches in the USA.” “It has special value for small churches, where
the number of persons available for leadership is limited.” “The greatest benefit of the single board,
though, is that it ensures the coordination of all departments and subgroups.” A Baptist Manual of Polity and Practice, 2nd revised edition You are invited to the Quarterly Business Meeting on July 10 as we discuss this structure and its implications. Thank you, and see you at the meeting.
It has been stated that “Family is the best thing you could ever wish for. They are there for you during the ups and downs, and love you no matter what.” I can attest to this, having come from Godfearing, loving parents in the hills of West Virginia and nine caring brothers and sisters. Pastor Amy and church administrator Paul, thank you so very much for keeping a wonderful secret from me since February, working with my friend, Ken Jue and my niece, Betty Bibb and welcoming my family into a most inspiring worship service on May 5, to jump start my 80th birthday celebration, which spilled over into a beautifully decorated Woodward Hall, where there were relatives and friends galore from as far away as Detroit, MI. (Can you imagine all this was kept in secret from ME!). Thank you Calvary and friends for your usual welcoming spirit and great show of love and fellowship. In Christ, Harold Ritchie
July 10 Quarterly Business Meeting: Change to Church Structure in Constitution All Calvary members are invited to attend the Quarterly Business meeting at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 10. At the meeting, the Restructuring Taskforce will bring amendments to the constitution related to the new structure before the congregation for a vote. If you have not received a copy of the proposed changes and amendments to the constitution they are available in the church office. If you need one mailed or emailed to you, please contact Paul Rosstead, Church Administrator at or call the church at 202.347.8355. Thank you, and for more questions please contact the church office.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Summer Updates on Mission & Christian Education Carol Blythe, Board of Mission We held an Immigration Forum on Sunday April 28 that was very informative (and delicious, thanks Pastor Edgar for the tamales!). Abel Nu単ez, the new Executive Director of CARECEN (a DC area Latino Resource and Justice Center) spoke to us about the proposed Immigration Bill. In the weeks to come, Calvary members will be following the bill through committee and encouraging our friends and families to support humane, just immigration reform. Calvary members participated in the DC CROP walk on Saturday May 18. We helped raise over $1000 for Church World Service, a wonderful ecumenical organization which does disaster relief and development work. American Baptist Churches- USA was one of the founding denominations of CWS and now Alliance of Baptists supports their work as well. The money we raised will benefit two local organizations that help hungry people (25% of all funds raised will go to Martha's Table and DC Hunger Solutions). The other 75% goes to CWS which works both in the US and internationally. Thanks to Calvary for helping care for hungry people here in DC and around the world! Downtown Social Club had their last meeting at church on May 16, before our summer break. Thanks to the many volunteers who have made this program possible this year. We will finish our 2012-13 season with a picnic at Camp Fraser on June 6. Contact Carol Blythe if you would like to help with that event. Mike Overby is coordinating Calvary participation in the DC PRIDE parade on Saturday, June 8, 2013 and Courtney Rice is coordinating volunteers for the Calvary Booth at DC PRIDE festival on Sunday, June 9, 2013. Contact Mike or Courtney if you would like to be part of these outreach events. Vacation Bible School or Kids Camp at Calvary will be held June 21 to 23 at Camp Fraser. Contact Pastor Edgar Palacios for more information and watch for a full report in the next Caller!
Bob, Cindy, Corina, Carol, Ely, Jason, and Sarah (not pictured) participate in the CROP Hunger Walk to raise money for Church World Service, Saturday, May 18.
We also will host the first FUTURE FAIR on Monday, June 24, at Calvary. This event will provide information to high school students and others in the DC area looking for training programs, apprenticeship programs, educational programs and other opportunities (other than college) for the post-high school life! We hope to host Laura or David Parajon, ABC missionary-doctors in Nicaragua at some point this summer. These two and the AMOS project in Nicaragua are doing amazing community based health clinic training, truly the hands of God ministering to people in rural areas of Nicaragua. Watch for further announcements! Mike Overby is coordinating a group of folks to review Edith Miller and Youth Fund scholarship applications for the fall semester, 2013 and applications are due June 1. If you have not yet applied, please stop by the office to pick up an application form or contact Jason Smith to apply electronically.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Glimmers of Hope Rev. Edgar Palacios Associate Pastor for Christian Education Jesus’ followers were a people of hope. Life is sometimes an uphill battle. When sorrows and anxieties are our daily bread for the Church, Jesus Christ is our hope; Calvary can best display its work for the world from the perspective of hope. The church believes in humanity, and rejects the dehumanization of people. For this reason, we perform signs of service. For children and youth, Calvary provides Christian education based on Gospel values of love, service, and justice. The Shalom Scholarship project serves youth with economic constraints in El Salvador. For women and men, Calvary offers a Comprehensive Health Program, encouraging a healthy physical, mental and spiritual lifestyle. It was wonderful to have participated in the march for immigration reform on April 10 and then to have participated in the Immigration Forum on April 28, in which the Executive Director of CARECEN (Central American Resources Center), Abel Nuùez presented. We now must continue to walk on the side of immigrants in their aspirations for naturalization and human rights. Comprehensive immigration reform is a great challenge for the people of the United States and is realized hope for immigrant families. With hope, our hearts open up and our consciousnesses commit this hope into practice. The light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ must reach us and call each of us to become glimmers of hope.
Calvary Receives Palmer Trust Grant Rev. Leah Grundset Davis Associate Pastor for Congregational Life Calvary was fortunate enough to receive a Palmer Trust Grant for $15,000 through the American Baptist Foundation for expansion of the Theology on Draft program. The grant's strategic team has been meeting to create a plan, update welcoming space and to secure speakers for several exciting upcoming events. As Associate Pastor for Congregational Life, Pastor Leah is working directly with the team of Rachel Johnson, Leigh Mayfield, Jay Mayfield, Mike Lloyd, Ashley Coates and John AppiahDuffell as together we dream big for what could happen next at the corner of 8th and H, NW! Stay tuned for more info about upcoming events and how you can join us in this exciting project of engaging the 18-29 year old community.
Theology on Draft meets in the Library.
Direct Debit Available If you would like to set up a regular automatic payment, contact Paul Rosstead in the Church Office. Contributions can be made online using your credit card by visiting the Calvary website,, or if you pay your bills online, consider instructing your bank to make a regular payment to Calvary Baptist Church. 12
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
New Member Spotlight Maritza Rodriguez Maritza Carolina Rodriguez was born in El Salvador and has three children: Grecia, 20 years old, Nelson, 18 and Andy 2 and a half and lives in Adelphi, Maryland. She is pursuing a degree in early childhood education and works in the Prince George’s County Public Schools. Maritza feels very happy to be a member of the Calvary community.
Holly Miller Holly Miller joined Calvary Sunday, April 24. She grew up wandering the world. Her father is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. Born in Hawaii and living in many parts of the world, she’ll probably tell you she is from Atlanta, where her family resides. Holly moved to the DC area after graduating from college and has lived here for over a decade. She is a Certified Podiatrist who manages the Foot Solutions branch in Alexandria, VA She began attending Calvary through Courtney Rice and is looking forward to serving on the Stewardship team and brushing up on her potluck skills.
Sarah White Sarah Marie White, granddaughter of Edna Burneston, longtime member of Calvary Baptist, joined Calvary, Sunday, April 24. She has been attending service at the church since a child. Sarah spent her life in the DC area with the exception of the last six years in Milwaukee and a brief college experience in Florida, where she thought she should be an engineer. Now, back in DC, Sarah has plans to open her own restaurant with her brother, and plays the guitar, drums, and piano in a rock band called ‘Absotively Passé.’ She continues to spend time with her grandmother, who loves being a member of Calvary, as they love her back. “Thank you for accepting me as a part of your community. I love you all.”
Jac and Kathy Whatley Jac and Kathy joined Calvary, Sunday April 24. They met as undergraduates in the Wake Forest University Theatre and married in 1978, honeymooning in Washington. Kathy obtained her Ph.D. in physics at Duke while Jac got a law degree at UNC-Chapel Hill. They lived in Asheville, NC for over 25 years and most recently were in Rome, GA, for five years. Kathy has been a professor, dean and provost before accepting a job as vice president for annual programs with the Council of Independent Colleges in DuPont Circle. Jac practiced law, served as a college vice president and church administrator, and as a non-profit fund raiser and manager. They are very proud to be part of the Calvary family.
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Summer Birthdays June 3 Tommy Oo 4 Ridgeway Addison 5 Kimberley Sisk Rosie Stafford 6 Bill Michael 8 Alice Bartlett Katie Harvey 9 Najung Kim 10 Ellen Sulerzyski 11 Hannah Butler 14 Allyson Robinson Ernie Williams 19 Samuel Butler 20 Mike Lloyd 25 Julia Nelson Judy Russell 30 Paul Rosstead
12 Brenda Shaw Nielsen 13 Kathie Lansing 15 Edgar Palacios Jared Vásquez 17 Daphne Vásquez 20 Grace Evans Barbara Hoffer 21 Patricia Belbusti Isaiah Harris-Love 22 Soren Dayton 23 Wilson Canales 24 Bill Harward Sheri McFarlane 25 Sarah Settels 30 Marcela Estrada Rick Goodman Courtney Rice 31 Jan Jan Maran
July 3 Mohamed Dawod 4 Berniece Harward 6 Jason Zeng 8 Sandi Auman Naw Hla Kyi 10 Sara López Maria Nuñez-Pereira
August 2 David PereiraDecorado 3 Saw Htoo Phil Renfrow 4 Jose Reyes Jubilee Robinson 5 Sebastian Tejada
Kyin Oo David Quinlan 13 Liubov Russell 14 Nancy Renfrow Susana Reyes 16 Jamie Mateo SortoReyes 19 Eva Powell 22 Janice Glover 23 Amy Dale 25 Connor Renfrow 26 Daniel Alcazar-Roman Fin Sullivan Grady Renfrow 16 Joy Angdisen 27 Gretchen White Andrew Myint 30 Rachel Johnson 17 Edna Burneston 18 Mary Altman September Jane Huie 1 Paul Rice Paul Lansing 3 Alejandra Rodriguez 19 Jay Mayfield 6 Francisco Pereira20 Djuna Mitchell Decorado Jason Smith 8 John Appiah-Duffell 23 Carol Blythe 11 Natalie Barrens25 Grady Dalton Rogers 27 Sandra Eusebio 12 Luis Canales 28 Abbey Ammerman 14 Meara Dietrick Becky Huncosky 15 Brenda Canales
It’s Yard Sale Time Again The Mission and Christian Education Boards are sponsoring the 4th annual Calvary Yard Sale, October 16-20 in Kendall Hall. We will need donations of new or gently used items (no clothes or computers, please). We will also need boxes and tissue paper. We will start collecting for the sale Sunday, July 28. All profits will go toward the Shalom Scholarship Fund. For more information, please contact Gretchen White.
2013-2014 Business Meetings
Caller Available by Email
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 10
Do you have access to email? Would you like to receive the Caller as soon as it is available, in color and save paper and postage at the same time? For more information send an email to
(Ice Cream Social at 6:00 p.m.)
12:30 p.m., Sunday, October 27 12:30 p.m., Sunday, January 26, 2014
Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
On the Calvary Calendar For current information and additional details regarding Calvary programs and events, visit Calvary’s website, for our Calendar. June 1 On Being Baptist: Dr. Rosalie Beck, Baptist history 2 151 Anniversary Sunday From the Margins: A Soldier; Dr. Rosalie Beck, preaching Anniversary Lunch 9 From the Margins: A Sad Mother Capital Pride 16 From the Margins: A Sinner 20-22 Vacation Bible School at Camp Fraser 23 From the Margins: A Sufferer 30 Power Play: A Calling
Combined Sunday School July 7 Power Play: A Commencement 10 Ice Cream Social Quarterly Business Meeting 14 Pastor Edgar Palacios 15 Year Anniversary at Calvary 21 Dr. Tony Cartledge, preaching 28 Calvary Unplugged The Men of Judges: Gideon August 4 The Men of Judges: Samson 7-12 Youth Group at Wild Goose Festival, North Carolina 11 The Men of Judges: Barack
18 The Men of Judges: Jepthah 25 The Men of Judges: Sisera Promotion and Christian Education Sunday September 1 The Men of Judges: The Benjaminite Bachelors 8 Sunday Fall Programming Resumes Something to Cry About 15 Financial Health Sunday, Stewardship Team sponsored seminar 29 Pastor Amy Butler’s 10 Year Anniversary at Calvary
Calvary Unplugged: Summer 2013 For the third year in a row, we’re taking worship in a different direction for the summer. Welcome to Calvary for Summer 2013 Unplugged! From July 28 to September 1, we will gather for worship in Woodward Hall to celebrate a very participatory, less formal kind of holy time together. The music will be different, the liturgy will vary, but we’ll all be together welcoming God’s presence as we gather for worship. Our theme for Unplugged this year is the biblical book of Judges – specifically the men of Judges! This series was inspired by a comment from Victor Tupitza, who pointed out that a few years ago we did a series on the women of Exodus, and he’s been waiting for a series about some men in the Bible! The book of Judges introduces us to some very interesting men, to say the least. We’ll enjoy learning about their stories this summer. Guiding our exploration of the texts are six storytellers from our congregation. Calvary has many gifted and theologically trained members, and Unplugged will be just the opportunity for us to hear from them in worship. Please join us for riveting Biblical texts and talented storytellers, all summer long!
Passport Missions2 Camp returns to Calvary From June 30 to July 26, Calvary will host hundreds of people and dozens of churches for Passport Missions Camp. Calvary began the partnership with Passport Camps in the summer of 2011, and continues this summer to serve as the home base for church groups as they take to the community and engage in service projects all around the region. Passport campers will call Calvary their home from Sunday evening to Friday morning, so if you run into anyone be sure and welcome them to our church community!
Many Voices. One Story.
In 2013-2014, the Stewardship Team looks forward to engaging all Calvary members and friends in participating in telling their stewardship stories and participating in ways they can support Calvary through your financial gifts. During the Stewardship Season 2013-2014, you are invited to add your voice. Stay tuned for a Financial Health Sunday, where we examine our personal finances, an Every Member Canvass, where we will be able to engage in a one on one conversation on how we can contribute to Calvary with a member of the Stewardship Team, and our special Stewardship month in October when we focus specifically on our gifts.
Stewardship Season 2013‐2014 of us has a unique voice that adds to the richness of Calvary Baptist Each Calvary’s story. Join us in the fall as we share together. Allyson, Bob, Corina, Holly, Jason, Julie, and Lu Church -CBC Stewardship Team, 2013-2014
Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Pastor Harold L. Ritchie, Editor Emeritus Paul Rosstead, Church Administrator Jason Smith, Ministry Assistant 202-347-8355; Fax: 202-347-6360 Published Quarterly POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Calvary Caller Calvary Baptist Church & Congregation 755 8th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 Summer 2013
Calvary Caller
Calvary Baptist Church