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Not To Be

(Psalm 119:18)


DAY 1 Daniel’s Training in Babylon

Read Daniel 1:1-7

Daniel was probably just a teenager when he was taken as a captive from Jerusalem to Babylon, more than 500 miles away. He was removed from everything familiar – his family, friends, culture, and way of worship. But Daniel was not removed from God. God remained close to him. In fact, it was in this extremely hostile setting that Daniel’s relationship with God became stronger. From the time we meet Daniel in 605 BC until the end of his story 68 years later, we see Daniel’s wisdom, grace, faith, and integrity. Daniel is one of the few Bible characters about whom no sin is mentioned. He is truly a role model for how to live in troubled times. (Engaging God’s Word – Daniel, page 13)

1. List the descriptions of Daniel and these young Israelites who were to be brought into the king’s service:

2. How were they to be trained and made ready for the king’s service?

3. These four young men received new names with new meanings:

Jewish Name Meaning Babylonian Name Meaning

Daniel God is my Judge Belteshazzar Bel, protect his life!

Hananiah the LORD shows grace Shadrach under the command of Aku Mishael who is like God? Meshach who is like Aku? (moon god)

Azariah the LORD helps Abednego servant of Nego/Nebo

What do their old and new names (and their meanings) reveal about the process of changing these young men into Babylonians?

This three-year program’s main goal was to conform these young men to the Babylonian culture….to change their language, thinking, values and gods into those of Babylonians. Think about this. These young men were removed from everything they knew and loved. They were taken as slaves (we can’t forget that in light of the place they are serving). They were stripped of everything they held dear, and they were likely castrated (made eunuchs). Therefore, there was no hope of marriage or being a father. We can quickly read this account and not stop to consider the tremendous losses as they were thrust into a hostile environment.

4. How do we rise above the trials and difficulties in life so that we don’t become bitter but our relationship with God becomes better? What are practical ways we can be intentional in our effort to remain true to our God in difficult circumstances?

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