4 minute read

DAY 2 Resolved not to be Defiled

Read Daniel 1:8-21

1. What do you observe about the food and wine from this chapter?


2. What do you understand the word “defile” to mean?

Apparently, some of the food Daniel was to consume had been declared unclean in the Mosaic Law (Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14:3-21). It was certainly true that the Law frowned on eating the meat of animals that had been sacrificed to pagan deities (Exodus 34:15, Numbers 25:1-2, Deuteronomy 32:37-38)...

Furthermore, according to eastern traditions, “to share a meal was to commit oneself to friendship.” Given this, it may also have been the case that ‘the defilement Daniel feared was not so much a ritual as a moral defilement, arising from the subtle flattery of gifts and favors which entailed hidden implications of loyal support. (Daniel, Charles Swindoll, page 15)

3. Daniel must have been raised with a strong understanding of God’s Law. Read Deuteronomy 6 and list its commands below:

What were the commands to Daniel’s parents?

4. We can be taught the right thing to do but it’s still hard to resolve to do it! In the NASB, Daniel 1:8 says “Daniel made up his mind.” He literally determined in his mind and heart not to be defiled. Think about this. How might he have become so resolved or determined in this?

5. How can we resist the pressures that can ‘squeeze’ us into conformity with the world?

According to Romans 12:1-2, ‘conformers’ are people whose lives are controlled by pressure from without, but ‘transformers’ are people whose lives are controlled by power from within. Daniel and his three friends were transformers; instead of being changed, they did the changing! God used them to transform the minds of powerful rulers and to bring great glory to His name in a pagan land.

The first step in solving their problem and being transformers was giving themselves wholly to the Lord. Daniel’s heart – the totality of his being –belonged to the Lord as did the hearts of his friends. ‘Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life’ (Proverbs 4:23 NKJV).

A heart that loves the Lord, trusts the Lord, and therefore obeys the Lord has no difficulty making the right choices and trusting God to take care of the consequences. It has well been said that faith is not believing in spite of evidence – that’s superstition – but obeying in spite of consequences. When they had to choose between God’s Word and the king’s food, they chose the Word of God.” (Be Resolute, Warren Wiersbe, page 22) b. What does it mean to trust the Lord? c. What does obeying the Lord look like? d. How do these things enable us to make right choices?

6. a. What does it mean to love the Lord?

7. What do these two passages teach us about the importance of where our minds are focused?

Romans 8:1-11

Colossians 3:1-3

8. What are some implications for your life today as you seek to have your mind and heart resolved to follow God?

1. List the process that Daniel went through to not defile himself with the food/wine:

Day 3

Diplomacy at its Best

2. How else might he have handled this? What were other options? (your ideas may prove humorous, sneaky, underhanded…anything goes!)

3. What did God do for Daniel? What does this reveal about God?

4. Read the following verses. What do you learn about how our Lord provides wisdom, ability and understanding and how we grow in these qualities?

Exodus 35:30-36

Psalm 19:7-11

Psalm 32:8

Colossians 1:9-12

Daniel resolved not to defile himself with food from the king’s table. God honored Daniel’s resolve to remain pure by granting him favor in the sight of the king’s officials.

• It can be challenging to determine how to engage with culture. Which parts of culture can we live with? Which parts of culture should we stand against? How do we decide?


• Daniel was resolved not to defile himself with the things he consumed (i.e. choice foods from the king’s table). As followers of Christ, we too must be wise in the things we choose to “consume” – things like social media, television shows, books, political opinions, news updates, and more. These things can either honor God or defile (pollute) our hearts and minds. Are you a wise “consumer”? How can you remain steadfast in your resolve to honor God with the things you consume? How can you stand firm in your resolve to overcome the defiling influences of this world?

Father God, creator and sustainer of all, You made me and created me to be Your image bearer. You know my innermost thoughts and love and care for me beyond what I can even begin to comprehend. Forgive me for the times in my life that I have grieved the Holy Spirit and gone against what I know was not good for me. Please grant me strength to resist those influences which defile me, wisdom to see what to avoid, and grace to forgive myself. I trust You Lord to restore my health, mind and spirit as I abide in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” 1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV

On Right Now Media you can access Kay Arthur’s teachings on Daniel: Dare to Be God’s Messenger. Sessions 3 & 4 align with this lesson. If you can only listen to one, Session 3 is recommended.

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