4 minute read


To The God Who Reveals Mysteries

As you turn from chapter 1 to chapter 2, the atmosphere in the king’s palace changes radically. Chapter 1 closes with recognition and security, but chapter 2 introduces rejection and danger. Because they possessed almost unlimited power and authority, Oriental despots were notoriously temperamental and unpredictable, and here Nebuchadnezzar reveals this side of his character (see also 3:19). However, the hero and major actor in chapter 2 is not King Nebuchadnezzar but the Lord God who “reveals deep and secret things” (v. 22). As you read this chapter, you witness the God of Israel in complete control of every situation and accomplishing His purposes even through superstitious Gentile unbelievers. Note the divine activities that protected His servants and brought glory to His name. (Be Resolute, Warren Wiersbe, page 31)


Day 1

The Drama Unfolds

Read Daniel 2:1-13

Take a moment to still your heart before the Lord and ask Him to open your eyes that you may see wonderful things in His Word!

(Psalm 119:18)

1. This true account, like every good story, has five components: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These parallel our tools of effective Bible Study….the Who? What? Where? When? Why? And How? Let’s use these questions to observe this account well.

Who were the people?

What happened?

Where did this happen?

When did this happen?

Why did this happen? What was the problem?

At this point in the narrative, how was the problem to be resolved?

2. How would you describe Nebuchadnezzar’s attitude in this situation?

3. How would you describe the “wise men”?

4. According to verse 13, Daniel and his friends were part of the “wise men.” What does this reveal about King Nebuchadnezzar’s understanding of the LORD at this point? How would you describe his spiritual beliefs?

5. Have you ever been stymied by a problem that seemed absolutely impossible, yet God made a way? Share with your group how He did it!

DAY 2 Another Solution

Read Daniel 2:14-23

1. Apparently, Daniel and his friends were not in the room when Nebuchadnezzar made this decree, but they soon found out about it. Put yourself in Daniel’s shoes. How would you have felt when the executioner arrived at your door unannounced?!

2. How did Daniel respond to Arioch? What would enable Daniel to respond in this way?

3. List the steps Daniel took to deal with this situation.

4. What did Daniel recruit his friends to do? Why?

5. Daniel knew his Jewish history, how kings and prophets had called the people to turn and seek God in times of peril. He also knew that God was able to do the impossible. We have many promises that God answers prayer today. Here’s a few for you to go to.

Psalm 91:14-15

Jeremiah 33:2-3

James 1:5

1 John 5:14-15

Do you have a verse on prayer that you have turned to? If you don’t have a promise about prayer, try looking in your Bible concordance or google “Bible promises on prayer” and write down one below that is especially meaningful.

“Whatever God can do faith can do,” said A.W. Tozer, “and whatever faith can do prayer can do when it is offered in faith. An invitation to prayer is, therefore, an invitation to omnipotence, for prayer engages the Omnipotent God and brings Him into our human affairs.”

DAY 3 God Revealed!

God did the impossible… He revealed Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and interpretation to Daniel in response to his prayers and those of his three friends. Daniel praised the God of heaven. In the NASB, instead of “praised” and “praise” it says “blessed” and “bless.” The word in Aramaic means “to bless, to kneel, to praise.” We often think of God blessing us but our praise blesses God!

Read Daniel 2:19-23

1. Make a list of every attribute of God (that would be everything that is true about Him). You may want to look up some definitions or go to some of the cross-references in your Bible to enhance meaning.

2. Make this prayer your own prayer of praise. Meditate on the truths about God in each line. Slow down and allow these truths to go deep into your soul and understanding. As the Lord brings to remembrance ways He has shown Himself in these ways in your life, continue to praise His Holy Name!

Without knowledge of the one true God, Nebuchadnezzar and his wisest sages were unable to interpret the king’s dream. Daniel, however, refused to rely upon human wisdom and was resolved to trust in the God who reveals mysteries. God honored Daniel’s humble plea for wisdom, enabling him to rightly identify and interpret the king’s dream.

• Godly friends, wise mentors, and self-help books can be a blessing in times of uncertainty, but God wants us to turn to Him first! Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” What complicated situation are you facing? In what areas of your life do you yearn for God-given wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? Commit your circumstances to the Lord in prayer, trusting in the God “who reveals the profound and hidden things” (Daniel 2:22).


Praise be to you, God, that wisdom and power are Yours and that You invite me in through prayer to make hidden things known. Please forgive me, Lord, for the times in my life when I have sought others’ opinions and not Yours. Today, Lord, I surrender my own agenda and thoughts so that I am able to hear from You and You alone. May You be the first person I turn to when I don’t know what to do. I want to seek you first in prayer before I seek advice elsewhere. Give me the courage to ask others to lift my situation up to You in prayer so that Your advice is always before me. I ask that You enter into the impossible in my life right now and make a way for me to see what You are doing. When I am faced with a mystery in my life, I choose to rest in Your perfect timing and that You will reveal to me what I need to know in the time frame I need to know it. Please grant me courage to trust and steadfastness in prayer while You work all things out. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

“The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.”

Psalm 91:14-15 NLT

On Right Now Media you can access Kay Arthur’s teachings on Daniel: Dare to Be God’s Messenger . Session 5 aligns with this lesson and is highly recommended.

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