2 minute read


To All Credit To God

Before reading the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, take a moment to still your heart before the Lord and ask Him to open your eyes that you may see wonderful things in His Word! (Psalm 119:18)


DAY 1 Mysteries Revealed

In the last lesson we learned that King Nebuchadnezzar had such a distressing dream that he was unable to sleep. He was so troubled by this dream that he assembled the best wise men in Babylon to recount and interpret it for him. When these counselors failed to provide the right answers, Nebuchadnezzar ordered that they, along with all the other wise men of Babylon, be executed. Before the king’s command could be carried out, God revealed the content and interpretation of the dream to Daniel. What the Lord communicated to Daniel forms the backbone of biblical prophecy concerning the rise and fall of the Gentile kingdoms. Although many of the events set forth in the king’s dream have already been fulfilled in history, some are still to occur. We can be confident that those happenings which have not yet taken place will come to pass at the proper time in God’s plan. (Daniel: God’s Pattern for the Future, Charles Swindoll, page 24)

1. Let’s begin by reading the whole account of Daniel 2, marking in a special way two repeated words…. Reveal/revealer/revealed and mystery/mysteries. List below what you observe about the use of these words. Be sure to give where the verses were found.

2. Based on this passage, what is true about God if He reveals mysteries? Be sure to consider this in the context of the prayer of verses 20-23.

3. Look up the following verses to determine what God reveals and what these revelations reveal about our God.

Isaiah 43:10-13 (“revealed” is also translated “declared” depending on the translation)

Isaiah 44:6-8

Romans 16:25-27

Ephesians 1:7-10

Ephesians 3:4-6

Colossians 1:25-27, 2:2-3

4. Daniel had an accurate understanding of who God is in all His glory and who he was as a humble servant. How do you see Daniel giving credit to God?

5. How should these truths about God change the way we follow our God? How should they affect the way we pray? How we look to the future?

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Read Daniel 2:31-35

List what you observe. Then on the diagram, write what you read about the dream by each part of the statue. Draw and place the rock where it should go and write the details next to it.

Read Daniel 2:36-45

List what you observe. Then, on the diagram, add what you learn in these verses about the interpretation of the dream, paying attention to the details given.

1. Who is clearly identified as the head of gold? Most commentaries agree about the next kingdoms. List them below if you have a commentary but wait to add them to your diagram as we discover more in the book of Daniel.

2. Going from head to toe, what do you notice about the strength of the statue and the empires represented?

3. List everything you observe about the rock and the details given about this kingdom:

4. Cross-references are especially helpful as we consider this kingdom. Look up the following verses that will add to your understanding: Daniel 7:13-14, 27

1 Corinthians 15:22-28

1 Peter 2:4-10 (This passage incorporates prophetic verses from Psalm and Isaiah)

5. It has been said that history is His Story. What should it mean for us that God is in control of history?

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