Fall 2023 - Calvary Life Magazine

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LIFE Calvary

Fall 2023

Cloud of Witnesses

Take a look back with some of the original members of Calvary Church.

Elder Nominees

Get to know the men who are nominated for the four open seats on the Elder Board, as you prepare for our upcoming Annual Meeting.

Get to Know the Crew

Calvary’s Director of Production shares about the crew of volunteers who faithfully serve in our Sunday worship services.

Finding Your New Role

The seasons are changing and maybe its time for your serving role to change as well.

Bearing the Light

Direct of First Impressions Joshua VanderLeest invites you to catch God’s vision for radical hospitality.

Library Volunteers Recommend

Slide these selections to be top of your TBR pile.

Divorce Care

Healing from divorce isn’t easy, but it’s possible when you find the support you need.

Adult Bible Study

Grow a resilient faith as we dig into the book of Philippians this fall.

Jerusalem Project

Our pastoral residents check in from the mid-point of their residency.

Mercy & Missions Updates

Updates from the Mercy & Missions team.

Fall Program Guide

Your guide to the activities at Calvary Church this upcoming season.

Calvary Church

707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525

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Saturday, October 28 · 2:00-4:00pm

Calvary Parking Lot (Entrance C)

For those of you joining in the TRUNK portion – there will be prizes given for our top three decorated cars! If you want to join in on the fun and hand out candy from your car, register at mycalvarygr.org. Please plan on 400-500 kids stopping by your car to get candy and/or play a quick game. Candy scholarships are available – please don’t let that stop you from participating. Simply contact Brooke Hensler (bhensler@calvarygr.org) and Calvary Kids can sponsor your car.



Join our Calvary Family for a community outreach event this fall in our very own parking lot at Calvary Church! Drivers and their families will decorate their cars, sometimes creating elaborate scenes out of their trunks! Then kids from our community and our church will walk from vehicle to vehicle dressed in their cutest costumes, collecting candy as they would trick-or-treating. T R

For those of you joining in on the TREAT portion – dress up your crew in their costumes and simply show up. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you and enjoy this safe place to trick-or-treat. Registration is not required.

This event is weather permitting & will be canceled if inclement weather occurs. *



I recently talked with a few of Calvary’s seniors who have been part of our body for seven, eight, even nine decades. They were Sunday School kids in the 1930s and 40s. All agreed that Calvary Church has been central to their legacy of faith in Christ. I’ll share a few of their stories. This is in no way exhaustive. Each told me of others I should talk to, seniors who were also children at Calvary long ago, still part of the family today. From these six accounts, you will get a sense of Calvary’s rich history and what it was like to be a kid here long ago.

For our nonagenarian and five octogenarians, Calvary was the center of social life when they were young. Saturday morning was KYB (“Know Your Bible”). There was worship on Sunday mornings and Sunday School with classes in every nook and cranny of the church. Wednesday nights were prayer meetings. Several churches combined with Calvary for hymn sings. “Calvary Church was our life,” one senior told me. “We didn’t play cards or go to the theater but we had everything we needed at church.” They sat in the balcony as teenagers on Sunday nights. “If you talked you might be called right out from the platform,” I heard.

Several told me that Sunday morning worship had two distinct sections, the “one shirt side,” for the more common folks who might have just one shirt and the “two shirt side” for the more affluent! All agreed that everyone (even teenagers) dressed up – dresses, suits and ties, hats.

The death of beloved pastor Louis Paul Lehman on stage during a Christmas program was mentioned by several as a sad and dramatic event. “He dropped to the floor and at first we assumed it was part of the story,” one senior shared. They fondly recall Calvary’s decades- long radio program. “Joyfully yours in the reality of Christianity, this is Dr. Louis Paul Lehman” one senior recited from the “A Little Bit of Heaven” program.

The name Harvey DeBruyn also appears in several testimonies, a loving Sunday School teacher, who influenced many with his commitment to Christ and to his teenage students. Today there is a chapel at the Grand Rapids Theological Seminary that bears his name, the Pirsig/DeBruyn Chapel. Harvey didn’t attend nor teach there, but it honors his legacy as a great influencer.


“Mom and Dad were sitting in the sanctuary. Dad felt scratching on his leg, pulled up his pant leg, and out ran a mouse!” Marge laughed, recalling this story from more than 90 years ago. Marge Grotenhuis, 99 years old, remembers the Calvary Church of her childhood well. Her Christian Reformed parents, Tony and Ruth Stowie, listened to Calvary on the radio, eventually visiting and becoming a part of it with their only child. She had a salvation experience under the leadership of founding pastor M.R. DeHaan when she was nine, at a service for her age group. Marge graduated from Creston High School in 1942 and worked in an insurance office until WW2.

She recalls when Walter, who was to become her husband, sat with a buddy behind Marge in the balcony, one Sunday night. Marge wore a stylish hat with a little feather. Walter kept blowing on it. They were married 50 years until his death.

Marge has three living children and one in Heaven. When Marge was a young mom, a Sunday school teacher convinced her to teach. On Fridays Marge would plan her lesson under the hair dryer at the beauty shop. Now at Sunset Manor in Jenison, Marge reflects on the spiritual impact of Calvary Church. “The most important question you will ever ask, is ‘Am I ready to meet the Lord?’” Marge is ready. Calvary continues to nurture her faith each Sunday as she watches the weekly service online.

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Bob Westing, 82 years old and born in 1940, may have been in Marge Grotenhuis’s preschool class at Calvary! His grandma is listed in a Calvary dedication booklet as a junior and senior high Sunday School teacher in 1930, before Bob was born. John Westing, Bob’s grandpa, was on the original building committee. His dad was a deacon. Bob was in church as soon as his mom was ready to bring her new baby.

Both of Bob’s parents had a deep and abiding love for Jesus. And Sunday School teacher Harvey DeBruyn was instrumental in helping teenaged Bob grow in his relationship with Christ. “He was so dedicated and had such a great sense of humor. Everyone stood in line to get in Harvey’s class,” Bob explains. Bob was baptized at 16 and became a member of Calvary not long afer. Bob recalls “Mom encouraged my faith, which has lasted my whole life.”

After college, Bob and a friend knew some Calvin College guys who had a small plane. They flew all over Michigan filming nature footage and connecting them to scripture. They shared these films after Sunday evening services in various churches. Bob married and became the father of 3 daughters. He worked for his dad in a wholesale building materials company which his grandfather had started. Bob worships with Calvary online from his home at Rest Haven in Grand Rapids, where he still loves the hymn sings. “I know all the songs from Calvary,” he explains.


In 1937 when Don DeBruyne was five years old, his family moved across Grand Rapids to Burton Heights. Mom liked the Baptist church and Dad the Christian Reformed. Calvary was halfway between the two so the family settled there, becoming involved immediately. After KYB on Saturday mornings, Don would walk to the Keller Building where “The Children’s Bible Hour” was being recorded for radio. Then he’d take the bus home for a nickel. After Sunday afternoon teen meetings, Louis P. Lehman’s wife Edna would talk to us in the lobby. He recalls how she would encourage them, “Boys, go talk to the girls!”’

Don says he couldn’t wait to be in Harvey DeBryn’s Sunday school class as a teenager. One night when at 14, Harvey took him into a side room with the song leader and led him to the Lord. “It was real and I have loved the Lord all my life,” Don explains.

Don met wife Leona in Sunday School when she moved from

Greenville to take a teaching job in GR. One cold winter day when Leona’s car wouldn’t start, Don gave Leona and her two girlfriends a ride home from church. The other girls got out of the car but Leona stayed. Don and Leona married and raised two children at Calvary. They served Calvary by setting up communion for 28 years. They were in charge of baptisms, taking robes home to wash. Leona worked in the library for 25 years. Don and Leona prayed for people in the prayer room before the prayer garden was built. “For our family, Calvary was our life,” Don exclaims. He and Leona live in Breton Manor in Grand Rapids. He continues to worship at Calvary on Sundays and attends Oasis Bible Study on Wednesdays.


Arlene Timmer jokes that in 1938 she was practically born in the fifth row at Calvary! Her grandfather William, was an original board member with founding pastor Dr. M.R DeHaan. Arlene’s parents were Calvary members and deeply involved in Mel Trotter Ministries where they were good friends with the Trotters. Arlene remembers attending worship as a child, then Sunday School, and in the afternoon walking to a small Sunday School class in a house Calvary owned, followed by church again on Sunday night! Once when she was young, there was a contest to increase Sunday School attendance called “800 and Me.” Arlene won the contest for bringing the most guests and took home the first prize, a Scofield Bible.

Each summer there was a picnic at Douglas Walker Park where the whole church turned out for ice cream, cotton candy and baseball. Her Dad organized outings for the “Mr. and Mrs. Club.” “He was a trombone player but gave his instrument away to a kid at Mel Trotter,” she recalls. Her mom was the main soloist in the choir. When serious illness kept a young Arlene bedridden at home for a year, the choir came at Christmas and sang to her.

Elders and deacons had their own room where they would leave their stogies on the window ledge when they’d go into church. Kids would go to the window to see if any were still lit and take a few puffs. Deacons would count money in an upstairs room and then two deacons would take it to the bank. Arlene would ride with her dad to deliver the offerings.

She quips that she met “reformed husband Howard Timmer from the Reformed Church” and they married and had three children. Howard did all of Calvary’s financial books at their house. Their daughter Marlene Timmer worships at and works for Calvary Church today. Arlene was a nurse at nearly every hospital in Grand Rapids during her long career. Asked about differences then and now, Arlene thinks we were a more segregated church back then, the “haves” and “have nots.”


“Preaching was done in a different style too. I learn more now,” she confides.

Widowed for a year, Arlene lives in Breton Manor where she keeps track of many Calvary seniors, worships faithfully and attends Oasis Bible Study.


Marilyn’s parents were Calvary members before she was born. Marilyn’s mom had been saved through an evangelist at Griggs Evangelical Church and Dad a week later. Marilyn was the youngest of three girls, born on Thanksgiving day in 1938. Marilyn’s story of salvation is vivid in her mind. As a five year old she prayed each night for terrible nightmares to stop. When the nightmares continued, she thought, “Maybe God isn’t listening because I’m not His child. I knew how to become His child and I prayed for salvation.” The nightmares stopped and never returned. Like other Calvary seniors, Marilyn remembers a plethora of activities. “KYB” on Saturday mornings where Pastor Cronk picked up Marilyn and a friend. They learned Bible verses through acrostics. She can still say them today. She was part of Pioneer Girls where her mom was a “pal” to the pastor’s daughter. Like others, Marilyn remembers beloved Sunday School teacher Harvey DeBruyn who was on the church board. “While he was on the board, the mayor of Grand Rapids came every Sunday,” she recalls.

On New Year’s Eve there was a service that went on all night. Marilyn remembers leaving a party to go to church. Mariilyn thinks people used to be more “set in their ways.” She says that when the evening service was changed from 7:00pm to 6:00pm some insisted, “The Lord won’t come at 6:00 because He always comes at 7:00!”

When Marilyn’s mom heard from a friend that a Calvary serviceman, Dale Mohr, wanted 16-year-old Marilyn to write to him, Marilyn sent word that she would ANSWER a letter. That began two years of correspondence. After nursing school, Marilyn married the soldier who was then in dental school. When their first baby was born, Marilyn worked the 3:0011:00pm shift while another student wife offered childcare. She served in Calvary’s nursery once a month and wore her nurse’s uniform. She thinks it “impressed people.” Once she sang for the church, wearing her nurse’s uniform along with two men in servicemen’s uniforms, “I’m ready to march in the infantry with Christ the captain of my soul,” she remembers, 60 years later. Marilyn has three sons. She is widowed, shares her home in Grandville with a grandson, and continues to worship on Sundays and on Wednesdays at Oasis Bible Study.


Laurie Droge is the daughter of celebrated Calvary Sunday School teacher Harvey DeBruyn, already mentioned by several of our seniors. Her mom was the quieter counterpart and encourager. Laurie was the youngest of their three children.

“Calvary nurtured me spiritually my whole life,” Laurie claims. “I came to faith at age 11 through a traveling evangelist on Sunday night named John Gamble. But it was definitely the call of the Holy Spirit.” While Laurie was seven to 10, a dedicated after-school Bible Study teacher encouraged her to speak in groups, giving her confidence. Laurie taught Sunday School as a teenager with the flannelgraph as her prop. As a teen Laurie also sang in the adult choir with close friend Midge, Pastor Tom Olsson’s mom.

At 22 Laurie packed up her Mustang, tired of the Michigan cold, and headed for Miami. She had no job, friends or place to live but was hired in a law firm and found an apartment. She was to live in nine states before returning to Grand Rapids and Calvary Church in 1998. Here she met and married widower Jim Droge, celebrating 14 years of marriage before his death. Including her two children and his six, today she has 23 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren. She recently moved to Breton Ridge and continues to worship and serve at Calvary.

Asked about old Calvary and Calvary today, Laurie gives thoughtful answers. “When I was a child, Calvary’s entire congregation was white. Now we are more diverse. I’m glad about that. We practice more inclusion. We have the special needs ministry. There was no one divorced at Calvary years ago. We have seen some tremendous change. We are more relational now. There is more emphasis on prayer. None of the pastors of the church have ever deviated from the Word of God. God has blessed Calvary because we have stayed true to His word.”



Bill and Janis have been married for 38 years. They have three adult children and two beautiful granddaughters. Bill began attending Calvary in 1970. He has served as an elder on three previous occasions, and he has served on several committees over the years, including the Nominating Committee, the Sanctuary Church Advisory Board, and the Leadership Development Committee. Bill and Janis have taught the Young Marrieds Sunday School Class, and they lead a community group.

Todd and his wife Libby have been married for 31 years and are blessed with five children. They came to Calvary in 2012 and have been blessed to serve on missions trips and in areas of the church such as refugee care, adult Sunday school and ushering. They have been actively involved in their small group since attending Calvary. Todd completed the LDF program and currently serves on the Finance committee.

Steve and his wife Patty have been married for 46 years and began attending Calvary in April, 1989. Steve and Patty currently enjoy attending the Oasis Wednesday morning Bible Study, and Steve attends the Sunday morning pre-service prayer meeting. Previously they served for 20+ years as Team Leaders for the Connection Point ministry. Steve previously served several terms as an Elder and a Deacon and was also involved in numerous committees including the Prayer Garden Formation Team.

At Calvary Church, the elders give oversight and direction to the church. They meet monthly to prayerfully consider church direction, policy and discipline. The selection of elders will take place by casting of lots at the Annual Meeting on October 22.

Dave and his wife, Ruth, met at Calvary Church and were married by Rev. George Gardner. They have been married for forty-five years and have two adult children both of whom are married; five grandchildren, two more on the way(Lord willing), and one in heaven. Dave and Ruth have been blessed to sit under godly biblical teaching at Calvary and find extreme joy in serving our Church family. Dave has served as a Deacon and an Elder and is currently a Deacon of Benevolence.

Jason and his wife Holly have attended Calvary since 2010. They have been married 28 years and are blessed with two daughters and one son-in-law. Jason is currently serving as deacon chair, lead usher and a welcome team member.

Jason has previously served as an LDF lead facilitator, on the communion preparation team, as an adult and middle school ministry small group leader and participated in a short-term missions trip to Guyana.

Kurt is 69 years young and is joyfully married to Barbie, his wife of 37 years. They have six children and many grandchildren. Kurt and Barbie have been a part of the Body of Christ at Calvary Church for over 20 years. He has served as a Greeter, part of Men of Prayer, a Small Group, and Monday Night Bible Study. Kurt currently serves as Benevolence Deacon. He has worked

with Hands of Jesus and Renew Crew, and also gone on mission trips to Honduras and Mozambique sharing the Gospel. Kurt is looking forward to serving more as the Good Lord leads.


Jim and his wife Sherry have been married for 31 years and are blessed with four children and one daughter in law. They have been attending Calvary since 1990. Jim and Sherry have both served in many areas throughout the church over the years and are currently serving as Monday Night Bible Study small group leaders. Jim is currently serving on the board at the West Michigan Friendship Center. Jim previously served as a Deacon.

Kim Velting has been married to his lovely wife Barb, for 46 years, has three grown children, and six exceptional grandchildren. Kim and Barb have been part of Calvary Church for 15 years and have volunteered in High School youth ministry and Kim has served as Deacon. They are both currently volunteering at Base Camp Urban Ministries, and Kim is leading a men’s Bible Study on Wednesday nights.

Annual Meeting


In this year’s meeting we will:

• Thank God for the gift of His grace over the past year;

• Review a financial update from the deacons;

• Select new elders;

• Look forward to the year ahead;

• Have a time of Q&A.

All Calvary attendees are encouraged to attend, however only members may participate in the selection of elder candidates. Childcare will be provided (birth through age three). If you consider Calvary your home church, this meeting is for you!


The Production crew at Calvary Church may be described with several names: The Men and Women in Black, or First In Last Out (FILO) or possibly Martha’s In Recovery (Luke 10:41-42). No matter the name or the description we are a crew of technical staff and volunteers that love to serve, wherever technical gadgets abound. As I lead this team, I can say that after 27+ years of service at Calvary Church, the passion for production of Sunday services and events never gets old, and it wouldn’t be possible without faithful committed volunteers.

Each week a crew of seven or eight people donning black shirts begins to roll into church around 6:30am with a simple purpose at heart, to support the ministry and elevate worship with their technical skills and talent. Some have found their niche in audio, some in lighting, some in projection and yet others in cameras and broadcast. I am always reminded of Exodus 17:12 when the people of Israel were at war with the Amalekites. As long as Moses raised up his hands the battle was won. But his arms became tired, and we are told that in this moment, Aaron and Hur came alongside to uphold his arms and helped ensure the battle was won. You see, ministry often takes a team, and the production crew is here in a sense to uphold the arms of ministry in the Battle and Worship of our Savior Jesus Christ.

My heart is warmed as I see year after year these faithful men and women serve alongside those that are young and/or new with such committed hearts. If our prayers are answered for this new Fall season, we all pray that the things we do like lifting up Teaching and Worship, will remain little noticed, and that all praise be directed to Jesus as we worship together with many different gifts and talents.



As we enter into the Fall season at Calvary Church and see the change in flora all around, we can begin to reflect on how God is working in His perfect way. He is changing our hearts to walk as a reflection of Jesus Christ. When we come to fully know Christ, we are each blessed with a wide variety of spiritual gifts and these are meant to be used to engage in God’s kingdom work. Genesis 1:27 states— “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” It is such an incredible blessing to realize that God knows you so intimately and has chosen each one of us with our own unique talents and treasures so that we can encourage others, engage in the spreading of the Gospel, disciple our brothers and sisters in Christ and further the kingdom of heaven.

God is doing mighty things in and around Calvary Church and we want to continue to celebrate His great love, faithfulness and provision, by spreading the Good News. Calvary Church has a multitude of great opportunities where you not only will grow in fellowship with other members of the Body of Christ but also be fully utilized for the work set before us as a creation of our loving Savior. In that work, we demonstrate our deep love for Jesus and celebrate His miraculous work on the cross to rescue sinners and provide restoration with God our Father. At Calvary Church, we want to partner with you to take the next step in coming into that role God has called you towards. If it is your first time serving or you are looking to transition into another volunteer role, we have a variety of opportunities for you to consider as you participate in this very valuable kingdom work. Please refer to this list of serving positions (to the right) we have available to choose from.

Job 36:11 states— “If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.” What a great promise we have from the Lord over our lives and an encouragement to join in His perfect plan. We would be absolutely blessed to have you join us at Calvary Church as we impact the world all for God’s glory. I encourage you to prayerfully discern what God is calling you into. If you are interested in learning more, please contact me, Neil Kassuba (nkassuba@calvarygr.org), Serving Facilitator, at 616-956-9377, ext. 5277 andd I would be happy to further discuss what serving would look like. If you are ready to begin the application process, go to calvarygr.org/serving. You will either have to create a MyCalvary profile first if you haven’t already done so or you will be able to immediately apply. After completing that process, Calvary Church will reach out shortly to set up a time to get to know you better while discussing a volunteer role that you could begin serving in. I look forward to seeing the Lord work in mighty ways through His church.

Volunteer Opportunities


There are many opportunities to serve on Sundays including the First Impressions Team in the role of a greeter, usher, parking lot attendant, assisting at the Connection Point or helping with coffee and food setup. We have the Emergency Response Team that provides security and medical support during services and our worship ministry can provide ways to serve in choir, orchestra, worship band and tech support.


There are many ways to volunteer for individuals, groups or families to clean and prepare our church for weekly activities, as well as roles in day to day office positions in reception, IT/database support, clerical, groundskeeping and gardening.


Volunteers serve with children on Sunday Morning and Wednesday evenings. Partnering with our Children’s Ministry is a great way for families to serve together. Our Student (5th-8th grade) volunteers come Wednesday evenings which requires a commitment of a few hours and High School volunteers serve on Sunday evenings.


We have many other unique serving positions at Calvary where we support families through Refugee Care, Special Needs Ministry to welcome and include individuals of all ages and abilities into the body of Christ, an International Ministry engaging with students studying abroad in the US, Embracing Grace ministry that provides love and support to single mothers and Women’s Ministry on Tuesdays and Thursdays where they minister to young children through songs and Bible stories while the moms attend programming such as Bible Study.


The Volunteer Application and more opportunities can be found at


“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

During my commute to Calvary each day, I am able see our building from the highway. Often in this moment I pray that others will see our place as a beacon of light, a place of hope, a holy “city” on the hill. Church family, I am filled with joy that I can testify that for many people Calvary is just that – a beacon of light, a place of hope in this city. Every week I have the pleasure of meeting many new people visiting Calvary – many for the first time. It is rare to have a week where there is not at least one person who is coming to our church desperately seeking hope. I was not expecting to get emotional when writing this, but I find myself holding back tears as I think of the many I have met recently whose stories are filled with unimaginable pain. I thank God for trusting us with those who are hurting.

This may seem like an odd way to start my ask of you, but I share it because it’s the heart behind everything we are doing in First Impressions. In my role as Director, I oversee our Greeting, Ushering, and Parking Teams. These volunteers give of their time to welcome all who come to worship here at Calvary. But their job is far more than just helping someone park, opening a door, or assisting someone to their seat. Our vision for these volunteers is that they are light bearers who show people the love of Jesus from the moment they enter our parking lot to the second they leave. That even after a guest leaves, they can reflect at how there is something different at Calvary Church.

The Lord has graciously given me great vision for the future and how Calvary can be radical in its hospitality. What we need to accomplish this goal is more wonderful people to join us in this ministry. We are going to create something special around here, and we want YOU to be a part of it. We are looking for at least 30 more volunteers for the fall kick off.




Everything Sad is Untrue (a true story) was my favorite read from 2022! The author Daniel Nayeri weaves stories together from his childhood in Iran, his life as a refugee on the run with his mother, and his transition to life in America. He uses storytelling to share his cultural and personal history in a unique way. The structure is loose and takes some getting used to, but it’s well worth it. Daniel’s stories and memories are often centered around his mother and her brave decision to follow Christ despite threats to her life. The stories at times are heartbreaking and painful to read, yet woven throughout are consistent inspirations and reminders of the beauty of the Gospel. Daniel reminds us throughout the book that even when the things and people of this world threaten to break us, there is One coming again who will indeed make everything sad untrue.

The Adult Bible Study for Calvary Church this fall will be Philippians. If you want to take the study a bit further you may want to check out The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ by Beth Moore. What kind of mindset makes a person like Paul: unstoppable in love, faith and good works even in a steady flow of frustration, conflict and opposition? What keeps a person from becoming cynical when people are notoriously exploiting the gospel and preaching Christ out of selfish ambition? The book of Philippians is exhortation driven by unabashed affection, inviting the reader to join in imitating his joyful, singleminded pursuit of Jesus. Come along this four-week, five-session study of Philippians. By the power of the same Holy Spirit who took the gospel to Europe by way of Philippi, discover what Paul magnificently called, The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, can be found in the Calvary Library and also as an online study on RightNow Media. Learn about staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in a modern world. Busyness does not mean productivity – it can be a distraction and threaten our spiritual life.

Visit the Calvary Library or Scan the QRcode to create a free account. Happy Fall Get Free Access
purchased unlimited access to thousands of Christian videos and are giving free access to everyone in our church.

Healing from divorce is not easy. At DivorceCare groups, people in separation and divorce finds tools, teaching and support to help them deal with their pain and give them hope for the future.

Most people will say separation and divorce are the most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever had. If you are facing this, you know it’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never encountered before.

DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. This 13-week Christ-centered program includes three main parts—video, group discussion and personal Bible study. The videos feature teaching from over 50 leading Christian counselors, teachers and pastors who speak on topics important to people in separation or divorce. The videos also contain real-life stories of people who’ve been through a marital breakup, as they share their pain, challenges and path to healing.

During the discussion time, the group will discuss the concepts presented in the videos and share what is going on in everyone’s lives. Each participant will receive a workbook that contains a daily Bible study for personal reflection and application throughout the following week.

The DivorceCare sessions address divorce-related concerns, such as how long is this pain going to last? Will I survive? Are these feelings I’m having normal? Where is God in all this? You’ll gain insights on how to handle tough emotions, such as anger, depression and loneliness.

Other DivorceCare session topics:

• What to do about sexual temptation

• How to get out of debt

• What the Bible says about your situation

• How to know if you’re ready for a new relationship

• How to lessen the impact of divorce on your children

• Reconciliation

DivorceCare will be held at Calvary on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00pm beginning September 5 in Room 263. Cost is $20 per participant. Payment details will be emailed to you one week in advance of the first meeting date. Child care is not available for these meetings. Any questions, call Erika Sparks at ext. 3623. Register at divorcecare.org/groups/171185.



This year Calvary’s Adult Bible Study will embark on a life transforming journey through Philippians and Ephesians, letters Paul wrote to these early churches in A.D. 60-62 while he was a prisoner in Rome. Our theme is Resilient Faith , how we are able to face times of anxiety and uncertainty with the immovable, unshakeable promises of an unchanging God! Our Fall Study will be in Philippians, a short but powerful letter that overflows with joy and gives the keys to being anxious for nothing. In the Winter/Spring we will be in Ephesians which highlights our riches in Christ as we seek to find hope in uncertain times.

As we begin in Philippians, Warren Wiersbe explains the letter this way: “The secret of Christian joy is found in the way the believer thinks –his attitudes. After all, outlook determines outcome. As we think, so we are (Proverbs 23:7). Philippians, then is a Christian psychology book, based solidly on Bible doctrine. It is not a shallow ‘self-help’ book that tells the reader how to convince himself that ‘everything is going to turn out all right.’ It is a book that explains the mind the believer must have if he is going to experience Christian joy in a world filled with trouble.”

( Be Joyful , page 15)

We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one.

Join us as we focus on God’s Word and its role in shaping resilient faith in a tumultuous world!


Small groups of all ages have the opportunity to go through this Bible Study. You can encourage your community group to go through this together or enter into a small group to do it. Young adult groups we well as mixed ages.



BEGINS SEPT. 18 7:00-8:30PM

Combines small group discussion with 20 minutes of large group teaching for both men and women. Small groups are gender specific.



BEGINS SEPT. 19 · 9:15-11:15AM

Combines small group Bible Study discussion with large group teaching and testimonies in the Gathering Place. Tuesday Kids is a free program for children while moms are in the study.



BEGINS SEPT. 13 · 6:30-7:45PM

On Wednesday evening, while children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community.

11 $10 for Fall Semester

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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will heard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

The Pastoral Resident Program is a two-year mentoring and ministry training program designed to prepare future church leaders. This summer marked the midpoint of the program for two of our residents. We reached out to Katherine Stubblefield and Sam DeHaan and asked them to reflect on their residency.


Sam: The Lord has given me many opportunities to grow my gifting and desire to teach his word. I have also been given the space to grow in my knowledge and personal devotion to studying God’s word.

Katherine: I was able to spend time encouraging and ministering to high schoolers through HSM and I served as the logistics leader on a short-term mission trip to Cyprus.


Sam: To do ministry well, your personal relationship with God has to be the foundation on which you build everything else. Every time I have tried to accomplish something out of my own strength, it never turns out as beautifully as when I depend on God.

Katherine: I have better learned to wait on the Lord and ask for my daily bread. He continues to ask me to lay down planning for the future and to take up what he has set aside for me today, in the present.


Sam: My trip to Tanzania, Africa was a significant highlight. I was able to see people doing ministry amongst some pretty harsh conditions with very little resources, but God is using them to advance his gospel. Another highlight has been getting to experience the body of Christ at work personally and professionally. My wife and I left another community so that I could be a resident. We have experienced the love everyone should feel at church.

Katherine: I have thoroughly enjoyed working with HSM. I also had the opportunity to serve on the worship/praise team and I really valued that time. I find myself more worshipful on those Sundays as I see my church family worshiping the Lord together.

Beginning in September 2023, Sam will serve at Indwelling Community Church pastored by Clarence Stamps and Katherine will serve as a pastoral resident at New Heart Church led by Adam Anderson. Both congregations are Jerusalem Project church plants led by former pastoral residents so we asked their perspectives.


Clarence: The greatest benefit of having a resident at Indwelling will be the opportunity we have to play a small role in the work the Lord is doing in their life in partnership with Calvary. “Partnership” is an important concept for us, and it is exciting for us to be able to join the wonderful work that the Jerusalem Project is doing in discipling and equipping residents.

Adam: The residency provided a wonderful place for true prayer and a wrestling relationship with God to take place. This recognition and effort to allow God to work in the resident's life is what makes it special and prepares them for lasting ministry. New Heart will benefit from having someone join our ministry who has an authentic relationship with the Lord based in experiential faith, not simply information.




If you’re reading this, you likely go to church. I even bet that you are pretty involved in what’s happening here at Calvary. But what about the people that would never step foot in a church? How are they to hear the Good News unless we go to them? Even more gut-wrenching, what about all the youth that might never get to hear how much they are loved and treasured, unless someone finds them and tells them? This mission is at the heart of one of Calvary’s local partners, Young Life. Young Life (YL) is an international ministry that uses Jesus’ example of relational ministry to GO to junior high, high school, and college students, wherever life has them. Young Life leaders build bridges of authentic friendship and walk with students as they navigate this wild world, all with the intention of earning the right to tell students the Good News of the Gospel.

Calvary Church has a long history of supporting YL “areas”, as they are called, though, the role it helped play in starting one area, in particular, is quite special. Right before COVID shut down travel, a group of Calvary adults took a pilgrimage to Israel to hear from the Lord as Jim Samra guided them through the country,

teaching from the Bible. It was there that Calvary Elder Herb Herbruck heard specifically from the Lord that he was supposed to start YL in the town in which he grew up. Herb explains: “Reluctantly and completely ignorant of the start-up process, I made a call to the regional director and told him I believed God wanted Young Life in the community I grew up in. He began to cry and told me he’d been waiting for someone to come and help expand YL into this area.”

It has been just over three years since the Lord and Herb began working together to build Young Life in the Lowell/Saranac area. A committee was formed, including many members of Calvary Church, and the first two years were spent raising the funds to hire a full-time Area Director. With the help of many churches, volunteers, and donors, the Lord worked powerfully to bring Taylor Johnson all the way from serving with YL in Texas to (what some people call) “the Texas of West Michigan.” With Taylor’s leadership, ministry started full force in the Lowell and Saranac high schools by sending 12 kids to Camp Timberwolf in northern Michigan in the summer of 2022.

The rest of the school year was spent loving on teens with crazy food, crazy games, and crazy events so that deep relationships could be forged. Young Life is known for going into the trenches –sporting events, cafeterias, and school events –taking advantage of any open door. By the end of the school year, an average of 15 kids were meeting biweekly at the Lowell “club” and 25 at the Saranac “club.” In addition, about 10 kids from each high school were attending the additional, “campaigners” (Bible study) event. This summer, 17 high school students went to YL camp at Timberwolf, which many describe as a transformative life experience. Next school year, a teacher at Lowell HS has opened up a classroom for weekly lunch meetings and another ministry has offered free space for Saranac events.

As God continues to work, it has quickly become apparent to the committee that Lowell/Saranac are really two, separate areas and that more monthly donors, another staff person and five more leaders are needed to meet the ministry’s growing needs before it can expand to serving middle school students. Last month the committee held its inaugural


golf outing (second major fundraiser) to help raise money for these needs. This event received support from Calvary Church as many staff and congregants played or volunteered to make this event a success. The YL committee loves to work alongside local churches to bring kids into relationship with Jesus Christ and encourage community through a church body.

It is a gift to see how God has used His Church to write His story and how one person’s obedience has sparked hundreds of individuals, churches and organizations to serve young people they likely don’t even know. “We continue to be amazed at how God provides people who are willing to serve,” reflects Herb. “I grew up on a farm in a small town. My dad was known as a particularly Godly man in our community. I believe this new area is, in part, an answer to the many prayers he prayed while he was alive for people in our community to know Jesus. My dad passed away over 25 years ago, but I do believe He is rejoicing in Heaven as this story unfolds.”


In Kent County, foster care is a pressing concern that demands attention. The wellbeing of vulnerable children in our community is at stake, and as members of Calvary Church, we are uniquely positioned to make a significant impact. Of the 400,000 children currently in Foster Care in the United States, 50% reside in just 5% of the counties in the U.S. Kent County falls in this 5%. As the Church, we can make the most significant progress in reversing the foster care crisis by connecting the community to help children exit foster care to healthy, permanent families and safely prevent countless children from entering the system at all.

Over the past year, here at Calvary, we have begun to form a team of individuals that are interested in being part of meeting the needs of vulnerable children and their families in the Grand Rapids area. We have had the opportunity to support clients from Alpha Grand Rapids as well as several child-welfare agencies in the Grand Rapids area. By supporting these families, we also support the people and organizations that are already walking alongside them as they navigate various challenges. We believe that children belong in the care of healthy, loving families and that families should be supported by their local church and caring members of their community. The child is at the center of everything we do and fundamentally guides our work to ensure a healthier, family style model of care for every child we serve.

Recently, we were made aware of the following need: A previously homeless mother had recently secured housing with a relative and was reunited with her young child. This mother was in need of a full-size mattress because she did not have a bed in the home, and having a bed to sleep in would be a huge blessing. A family that is part of the Calvary Church team purchased the mattress and also provided this mom with beautiful brand-new bedding. When the items were brought to the home, she was moved to tears and communicated that God had answered her prayers and was reminded that she was loved by Him. She was committed to being reunited with her children and invited Calvary to be a part of her journey.

Please follow our story on Facebook at Young Life Lowell Saranac.

• younglifelowellsaranac.org

• younglifelowellsaranac@gmail.com

Calvary Church, we have an opportunity to come together and to make lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children and their families in West Michigan. Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in a child’s life? You can make a difference – right here, right now – by responding to a vetted need from a local agency. These needs are put into a connecting technology platform called CarePortal by child serving professionals in Kent County. The platform instantly connects the Calvary Church family to the urgent, real-time needs of vulnerable children and families living right in our community. Needs such as a bed, a car seat, rent assistance, and more can provide critical, immediate relief and restore a family back to a strong and healthy state. We would love to add to our current team and invite you to consider joining us in coming alongside vulnerable children and families in the Grand Rapids area.

If you are interested, please email Sheri Schmidt, Director of Adoption and Foster Care, at sschmidt@calvarygr.org.


Support for the Unseen Crisis in Sudan + 3P Ministries

The crisis in Sudan recently passed the 100-day mark. According to the UN Refugee Agency, “Women and children are facing some of the most devastating impacts of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Sudan. The crisis has displaced more than 3 million people, including 659,000 forced to flee to neighboring countries with over 279,000 departures in early to mid-July alone.” This devastation has touched some of our own Calvary Church families deeply with the loss of loved ones.

News coverage of this conflict is harder to come by than other regions experiencing similar tragedies – that is an area, in and of itself, that needs advocacy and development – yet we are grateful for our partner, 3P Ministries, who are on the ground in Khartoum and Darfur. They have offered direct support for people who are more vulnerable than many could fathom.

WHO IS 3P MINISTRIES? 3P is a UK-based organization. The 3 ‘P‘s stand for: Church Planting and Prayer among the Persecuted. They train, coach and equip national leaders who seek to show others the love of God, even when this proves difficult or dangerous.

WHAT IS THE STATUS OF OUR PARTNERSHIP? 3P has been a trusted partner of Calvary for many years. We have funded training for church planters in Central Asia - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their request for funding is always limited to transportation and room/ board costs of the trainers and attendees, as well as the cost of producing language and culture-specific materials for the trainees.

Additionally, one friend from 3P, Matt Hebditch, a pastor in southern England, spoke at Calvary’s mission conference about ten years ago.

Because of their training focus, they have personal relationships with pastors and other church leaders in each area, including in Sudan.

3P is the only Calvary partner we know operating from a Christian viewpoint. In Muslim-majority areas, relief is often restricted by local authorities and given only to people in the majority religious group. In Sudan, ethnicity compounds this discrimination against believers, who are largely part of the nonArabic-speaking southern ethnic groups. As a result, our gifts through 3P have the dual impact of providing for those with the greatest needs while also serving our brothers and sisters in Christ.

IS THE SITUATION GETTING ANY BETTER? I HAVEN’T HEARD MUCH ABOUT IT IN THE NEWS. On the contrary, it is worsening all the time. Consider reviewing the current situation status by visiting the News section at UNRefugees.org.

The lack of news coverage of the crisis is indicative of the lack of value media, and ultimately the US public, places on crises in Africa in general.



NEED IN SUDAN? WHAT IS 3P SAYING? As June 2023: “We’ve been releasing funds as they’ve come in. We’re working with nationals and missionaries on the ground in the Khartoum/Darfur region and the Nuba Mountains where more than 150,000 refugees have arrived in the last weeks. We’ve given small cash gifts in support of families in Khartoum and Darfur who are struggling with a lack of food, water, basic health care and shelter. We’re also providing food, water and supplies to help the refugees. The need is vast, far greater than we have the fund to provide. This will be an ongoing need for some time.”

IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE CALVARY CAN DO? As of June 2023, Calvary gifted 3P Ministries $15,000 for relief efforts. Missionaries Dan and Teresa Janzen, in Juba, South Sudan, are also working with Sudanese refugees and people in the Nuba Mountain region. We will continue to reach out to them to determine if a financial gift would be helpful for their work.

In Hebrews 13:3, we are asked to “remember those who are suffering as though we are suffering with them.” This is a heavy task that takes effort and sacrifice, but the heart of that sacrifice is loving your neighbor and treating others as you would want to be treated. In our darkest hours, we don’t want to be forgotten. Seeing, acknowledging, and praying for those suffering is a gift. So please pray for the millions of people suffering in Sudan. Pray that we would remember to pray. Lift up 3P Ministries as their team discerns how to respond.



Most relief is being done at the level of the UN, USAID, Red Cross/Red Crescent, etc. Inside the nation of Sudan (as opposed to refugee camps in neighboring countries like Chad, South Sudan and Ethiopia),



Short-Term Mission Trips help us understand God's Mission to the nations; it is a way to let us see more of the things that stir God’s heart and the spiritual needs of other nations.This perspective can reshape the way we live our lives, how we pray and how we worship.

This summer, God in His kindness and compassion invited multiple teams from Calvary Church to go out and serve the nations. It was a busy couple of months spent in intentional prayers, training, meetings and working together to serve the Lord.

A team of eight young adults travelled to Athens, Greece, to help our church partners put together a week-long vacation Bible school style kids camp. The team’s mission was to spread the gospel to the Greek children and their families, communities and continuing to strengthen Calvary’s relationship with the Glyfada church.

A team of 12 high school students and four adults traveled to Cyprus, to serve alongside Calvary supported missionaries, Marv and Dawn Snedeker. The team helped run a weeklong VBS for local children, partnering with Larnaca Community Church for unreached children many of whom will were from refugee families, while also working with All4Aid in the afternoons to minister to refugee families out of their Oasis Center.

We received many testimonies from Larnaca Community Church. They wrote us to say, “We are completely overwhelmed with how amazing it was! We LOVE LOVE LOVE the Calvary team! They are all so engaging and focused on serving at this mission. Every single member served with love and enthusiasm. As a church you should be so proud of these young people, they are an absolute testament to their faith and a beautiful reflection of your church community.”

A team of 10 high school students and three adult leaders travelled to Wisconsin to partner with Next Step Ministries serving the community in Milwaukee in the name of Jesus. Through the partnership with Next Step, students were encouraged in their own relationship with Jesus as they worked alongside established organizations in the Milwaukee area to meet the various needs of those facing the housing crisis. The teams’s mission was to “employ and inspire inner-city innovation that will transform neighborhoods physically, economically, culturally, and spiritually one block at a time.”

And finally, a team of 12, seventh & eighth grade students traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, partnering with Next Step Ministries to serve the community in Cleveland through projects geared towards helping people in need.

If you would like to know more about serving on a short-term mission trip, contact Lana (lduoibes@calvarygr.org).

At Calvary, we are committed to continue actively being the light of God in the world, whether it be to our family members, neighbors or strangers from another country. “Tighten your belts “because God will be taking us on an unimaginable, fabulous and exciting journey. The call to serve on short term mission trips maybe a scary call, but God is faithful and will carry us through it. Acts 13:47 “For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”


Widow’s Ministry and Renew Crew

God makes it very clear in His word that we are to take care of the marginalized in society, particularly the orphan and the widow. James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” One of the ways that we do this in Renew Crew is to help out our Calvary widows with handyman projects. Whether it is as simple as swapping out a light bulb, or something more complex like repairing a roof; Renew Crew has been blessed to share Christ’s love in this way. Let’s be honest, when you don’t know where that leaking water is coming from, it can be very stressful to think about all of the possible outcomes, let alone the cost to take care of them!

During our summer serving day, Renew Crew had the opportunity to help one of our widows with a leaky roof. The team did an excellent job assessing the issue and sealing the problem area with some flashing and roofing cement. After a few weeks of drought, the rain came down hard in late June! Even though it came down in sheets and the strong winds blew it sideways, it all stayed out of the home. We were blessed to receive these kind words.

"Thank you all for being such God-centered people who God uses in wonderful ways! God bless your ministry to us widows. You will never know how much I appreciated the hard work your team put in at my house fixing some problem areas! You are all blessings! Thank you so much.”

God has blessed so many of our volunteers with the gift of serving and it really is amazing to see them put it to use helping others in need. This is just one of many stories of how Renew Crew volunteers have impacted our church and our community with Christ’s love. If you would like to get involved in this rewarding and powerful ministry, email renewcrew@calvarygr.org to find out more. We are especially in need of skilled trades to help tackle some of the more complex projects. Even if it is just once or twice a year, it can really make a lasting impact on someone’s life.


As I reflect on the many things God has revealed over the past few years and especially throughout the COVID pandemic, a few key areas have come into focus:

• This world needs God more than ever.

• The importance of friends and family.

• We were created to live in community with each other.

In 2019, our immediate family consisted of my wife, Jodi and I, and six kids. God made it very clear that he wanted to open our home, our family, and our lives to 2 more children. In January of 2020, we obeyed that prompting and adopted a sibling couple who were at the time, ages 5 and 2. Just three months later, COVID hit and most people began living a more isolated lifestyle, removed from each other in community. Between April of 2020 and March 2021, our family lost three of our four parents/grandparents too young…two due to cancer and the other to a significant cardiac event. Our family had experienced not only significant loss, but also a significant amount of stress and fewer accessible communities to lean into due to the pandemic.

Fast forward into late 2022 and early 2023, communities had started coming back together. There were more inperson meetings, groups that met before the pandemic started meeting again, and communities began re-engaging and rebuilding. In early 2023, Sheri Schmidt organized an adoptive & foster dad’s meeting, hosted by a counselor and fellow adoptive/foster dad. I found it very valuable to have a space where men could come together with a shared purpose, led by God, and in community with each other. A place where men can discuss their adoptive/foster stories, stressors, struggles, successes, and also gain insight from each other and from professionals, to help grow closer to God and lead their families and spheres of influence well. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, I could feel God nudging me to help gather and lead men who have walked, are walking, or planning to walk the journey of adoption and foster care. It has been said that there may be nothing closer to God’s heart than the mission of adoption and foster care. And, there is likely nothing satan hates more than a man/ husband leading his family and/or community by staking a flag in the ground in the name of God for adoption and foster care. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and


destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10.

Adoptive and foster dads stand in that difficult and earthly space between God heart and satan’s plan. We are so much better in community with each other. Men need other men to help encourage and support each other, to pray for each other, and to learn from each other, especially when the stakes are so high! “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…” Heb 10:24–25.

The focus of the Adoptive and Foster Dad’s group is to have a platform to help support, encourage, share experiences, and learn from each other (and occasionally content experts). Initially, this Summer we are doing this through gathering together around a grill, a table, a fire, or other activities. This Fall, we are planning to gather and grow together through additional opportunities including meeting in-person, learning from experts, sharing a meal, serving others, and doing fun activities that bring men closer to each other and God through the unique lens of adoption and foster care.

I am so excited to watch God move and for what he has in store for this group of men and the impact it will have in our homes, our workplaces, and our communities!

Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@ calvarygr.org) if you would like to hear more about upcoming meetings for adoptive and foster dads.

See page 32 for details.

My name is Caroline Rudolph and I have been attending Calvary with my family since 2011. I have always had a heart for children and more recently have felt called to work with those in vulnerable circumstances. Children have significance in God’s plan and there are numerous Bible verses about children being a blessing. The account of Jesus taking the children in His arms is recorded several times in the Bible. We can follow Jesus’ example by showing children that they have value in our eyes and in the eyes of God. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” This shows that children are important to God and that we should be kind and loving towards them.

This fall I will be entering my senior year at Taylor University. My freshman year I felt the Lord leading me into a major called Orphans and Vulnerable Children. This major will equip me to work with orphans and serve the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of vulnerable children. Along with my major’s requirements each student has to complete a practicum. I have had the privilege to be able to complete my practicum this summer at Calvary Church. This summer I have loved the opportunity to work in the Mercy and Missions department, specifically with Lana in Refugee Ministry and Sheri in Orphan Care.

My role this summer has been to assist in planning the back-to-school picnic for refugee families, working in the food pantry, making prayer cards for adoptive families and working one on one with children to encourage and love them. This summer I have learned the importance of serving others while gaining hands-on experience as I ventured into homes, nonprofits and organizations while in this role. I also have learned the importance of teamwork through a service project we completed at the Closet of Hope foster closet and really enjoyed seeing how Calvary cares and loves all people so well. It has made me realize how much the church pours into others. I see how each staff member uses their gifts to serve others and show Christ’s love. 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us that “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

An Intern’s Story



Worship & Prayer

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Calvary Church Sanctuary

9:00 & 10:45am

Both services are the same. All services are streamed live at calvarygr. org. We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew.

Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Many hearing aids offer hearing assistance by selecting the t-coil setting on your device. You can take advantage of this feature on the main floor behind row 6 of the main seating area. Contact Zach Schmuck (zschmuck@calvarygr.org) for more information.

Pre-Service Prayer

8:30-8:50am | Room 211B

Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants specifically that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join.

Boiler Room Prayer

8:50-11:55am | Room 212

Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.

Adult Sunday Classes

All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

9:00am Classes

Ambassadors | Chapel

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Faith Builders | Room 260

A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 50+.

Family Tree | Room 251-253 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month

A medium sized multi-generational sermon discussion class focused on doing life together as we pray for one another and share what God is teaching us through the Sunday sermons. First Sunday is a potluck at someone’s home after second service.

Growing in Relationships | Room 261

Meet 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays

A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults.

L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example)

Room 255 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month

A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages.

Young Marrieds | Room 264 | Designed to create community among newly married and engaged couples, while learning to keep Christ at the center of our relationships.

10:45am Classes

Faith & Fellowship | Room 264

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages.

Heirs Together | Chapel

A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults.

Journey | Room 265

A large, teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages.

Koinonia | Room 260

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages who love Jesus.

Legacy Builders | Room 255

A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse.

Sojourners | Room 252

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

Other Adult Opportunities

Financial Bible Study

Sundays, September 10-November 12 9:00-10:00am | Room 114 | $10

This class is a Bible study on how to be good stewards of the monies God gives us.It includes a workbook, scripture memorization related to managing

21 For a full list of events, visit calvarygr.org/events.

finances. Questions? Contact Sara Blue (sblue@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5167.

Calvary Equip: What We Believe (pre-requisite for membership)

Sundays, September 24 – October 22

10:45am-12:00pm | Room 251-253

This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Register at mycalvarygr.org

Kids & Students

9:00 & 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade)

Check-in : All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag, and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian (fifth grade or older), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in.

Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our Care Plan Coordinator, Betsy Nolan (bnolan@calvarygr.org).

Holiday Sundays: Sept. 3, Nov. 26

Fifth Sunday Training: October 29

On these Sundays, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool.

Fifth & Sixth Grade Classes

These three-week classes are for students and their parents to take together, and is supplementary to family worship on Sunday mornings. We would love to have you join us this year for in depth, challenging lessons, and interactive, hands-on projects!

• What Is Apologetics?

Sundays, September 25-October 8 10:45am-12:00pm | Room 108 | $5

• What Is A Worldview?

Sundays, October 22-November 5 10:45am-12:00pm | Room 108 | $5


Sunday Night programming begins September 10; on this night only all classes begin at 7:00pm. We will observe a Fall Break the week of Oct. 22. There will also be no programming Thanksgiving weekend, November 26.


HSM | Sunday Evenings

6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 208

High School Ministry – HSM for short – is Calvary’s youth group for those in 9th-12th grade. We exist to connect students to meaningful community with their peers (& awesome adult leaders), and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus for themselves. We also believe in having as much FUN as possible while pursuing those two goals.

During your time at HSM, you will be led in worship through song by an incredible, student-led worship band, enjoy a fun game or activity, hear a relevant message from God’s Word, and conclude our time together in small group discussions.

Overtime Hangout | Sunday Evenings After HSM (8:30pm-9:00pm) | Room 208

We hope you’ll join us for “Overtime” hangout each Sunday after HSM, where the goal is simply to have a blast building community through a variety of planned activities.


Freedom in Christ for Men

Sundays, September 10 – December 3

6:00pm-8:00pm (September 10 only, class is 7:00-9:00pm) and Saturday, November 11 | 9:30am-4:30pm | $10 Register at mycalvarygr.org

Are you stuck in repeating patterns of sin? Do you want to have the freedom that Christ gives? Are you ready to uncover and work through any areas of deception holding you back? This eleven week course will help you grasp the amazing truth of your new identity in Christ, teach you to uncover and resist the enemy’s deception and help you move on. If you are ready to take your walk with Christ seriously, this class will give you the tools to walk in victory. Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

Singles Connect Book Discussion

Sundays, Beginning September 10 7:00pm (on Sept. 10) | 5:30pm beginning September 17 | Room 261

If you’re single and ages 30-59, Singles Connect is here to support you in your life journey. This fall, we

Worship Night

SEPTEMBER 10 · 6:00-7:00PM

A fresh night of renewed dedication to Jesus through prayer, praise and Scripture.

NOTE: On this night only, all Sunday Night programming will start at 7:00pm.


New This Fall

Beginning September 10, the Gathering Place will be open on Sunday nights from 4:00-9:00pm as part of our flexible new evening of programming. Meet up with a prayer partner, schedule a discipleship session with your mentor, gather up some friends to play board games, or bring takeout to enjoy before your class - the whole space will be available for community fellowship time throughout the ministry year.

will explore godly dating as together we read The Sacred Search by author Gary Thomas. This highly reviewed book will change the way you view romantic relationships as it asks the question, “What if it’s not about who you marry, but why?” It is considered a “must read” for anyone interested in pursuing a relationship with someone who will join you in living out God’s greater purpose for your life.

This 11-week series begins Sunday, September 10, at 7:00pm and will move to 5:30pm in the following weeks. Register at mycalvarygr.org to reserve a book and your spot.

Loving Your LGBTQ Child Well

Sundays, Beginning September 10 6:00pm (Begins at 7:00pm on first night only) | Room 252 (Entrance K)

Calvary is continuing with a new ministry for parents and grandparents of children of all ages who self identify as LGBTQ+. It will be led by three Calvary parents with LGBTQ+ children and facilitated by Clare De Graaf. For more information, contact Lisa Kerr (lisakerr02@gmail.com) or Clare DeGraaf (claredegraaf@gmail.com).

Grace/Truth 1.0 An Introduction to the LGBTQ Conversation

Sundays, Beginning September 10 6:30pm Via Zoom

This six week group learning experience is for straight Christians who simply want to understand LGBTQ people, the language and what the Bible teaches should be our response and posture.

One past attendee said, “I can’t tell you how helpful this class was to help me understand how we Christian come off to LGBTQ people and I now can actually have intelligent, biblical conversations with my family and friends”

This class is free and open to both Calvary attendees and your friends in other churches however registration is required. Scan the QR code to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting. You will need one Grace/Truth 1.0 book per person. They will be available at the Welcome Center, free for the

asking. Questions? Contact Calvary Care (esparks@calvary.org).

Healing Injured Sisters

Video Study

Sundays, Beginning September 10


(Begins at 7:00pm on first night only)

Calvary Care Conference Room

Have you been hurt from past physical or emotional wounds? Are you ready to begin the journey of healing? Jesus desires to bring you healing and restore what has been taken from you. He wants to set you free so you can live an abundant life in Him and give encouragement to others. Join us for a study learning what it means to move past your hurt by seeking to understand God’s mercy and grace.

Space is limited and registration is required. Contact Erika Sparks (esparks@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3623 to register and/or if you have any questions to see if this confidential group is right for you.

C�ing S�n!

this September, serving specialty coffee and tea crafted by our excellent barista team. Find us in the Gathering Place on Sunday evenings from 4:00 to 9:00pm. 23


Wednesday Night programming begins September 13. We will observe a Fall Break on October 25. There will also be no programming on Thanksgiving Eve, November 22.

Kids & Students

Li’l Kids-N-Action

The foundation of the Wednesday Night experience at Calvary is the Wednesday Fellowship Dinner. A hearty, healthy meal featuring a rotating entree, pizza or chicken nuggets, and a salad bar. More than just solving the equation of what you’ll have for dinner on a busy weeknight, WFD is a lowstakes opportunity to gather around the table with your church friends. It’s a casual time for community that you don’t have to organize or plan - just show up! Every week is a chance to meet someone new or deepen an exisiting relationship.

Traditionally the price of WFD has not covered the cost of producing it. In an effort to narrow an everincreasing budget gap in this area, beginning this fall, we need to raise the price of this meal to $7 per person. We will continue to cap the cost for families of four or more, with a new max price of $28.

We appreciate your understanding as we seek to provide a delicious, well-made meal that will fuel fellowship and learning all Wednesday night long! Our team is counting down the days until we can feed the Calvary family again. Join us around the table for a new season of Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, beginning September 13.

Wednesdays, Beginning September 13 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm)

Three and four-year-olds can join us for Li’l KNA where they will learn stories of kids in the Bible who demonstrated their own faith in action. There will be a room open for birth-35 months old children as well. This program is only available to kids whose parents are in a class/study or volunteering at Calvary on Wednesday nights. Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss (kdemoss@calvarygr.org).

Kids ‘N Action

Wednesdays, Beginning September 13

6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm)

Children in kindergarten through fourth grade are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for our Kids-NAction programming! It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed to foster social interaction through electives and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action! You only need to register once for the entire year. Registration will open soon at mycalvarygr.org. Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss (kdemoss@calvarygr.org).

Fifth & Sixth Grade

Wednesdays, Beginning September 13


Meet & Pick Up: Room 108

This year we will be walking through the stories of Ruth and Esther in our series ‘Providence’. We will see God’s perfect story woven through scripture and think about how His story should influence the story God is writing in our lives. Be sure to register for Wednesday Nights at mycalvarygr.org!

Seventh & Eighth Grade

Wednesdays, Beginning September 13 –6:30pm-7:45pm | Room 208

Students get an opportunity to connect with friends, spend time worshipping God through song and His Word, play fun games, and dig even deeper with their peers in adult-led small groups (broken up by grade and gender).


Healing Injured Sisters

Book Study: Wednesdays, Sept. 6-Nov. 8

6:30-8:00pm | $10

Calvary Care Conference Room

Have you been hurt from past physical or emotional wounds? Are you ready to begin the journey of healing? Jesus desires to bring you healing and restore what has been taken from you. He wants to set you free so you can live an abundant life in Him and give encouragement to others. Join us for a study learning what it means to move past your hurt by seeking to understand God’s mercy and grace.

Space is limited and registration is required. Contact Erika Sparks (esparks@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3623 to register and/or if you have any ques-

* 24

tions to see if this confidential group is right for you.

The Conversation

Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30pm (through Sept. 6) 6:30-7:45 (beginning Sept. 13)

Room 215 (Entrance C)

This is an ongoing group that you can “jump into” at any time. In The Conversation, our goal is to create a spontaneous community comprised of anyone who might walk into Calvary. Together we will seek out scriptural truth, transparency in our lives, truth in repentance, and take time to just fully love on one another by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord! There is no script or study we follow, we let the Holy Spirit take control and follow His prompting.

Co-facilitated by Sara Blue & Tom Olsson

Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm

While the children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community. We invite you to join us on Wednesday evenings as we study the book of Philippians this fall. For more information on this year’s study, see page 13. We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one. You must pre-register at mycalvarygr.org by noon on September 11. $10 for Fall Semester or $20 for the whole year.


Wednesdays | 6:15-7:30pm

Chapel (Entrance C)

Go Getters is a gathering of people of all abilities on Wednesday nights to worship, learn about God’s word and enjoy fellowship together. Many of us enjoy Fellowship Dinner together before worship. WOW brings a very present worship experience of joy and freedom that you do not want to miss!

Intercessors / Prayer Chain

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212

Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Submit requests to Cindy (cmarrell@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5997.

Kingdom Marriage

Wednesdays, September 13 – November 1

6:30-7:45pm | Room 260-262 | $10 Register at mycalvarygr.org

Discover the real purpose of marriage that leads to true fulfillment as we share a video series and discussions based on the book Kingdom Marriage by Dr. Tony Evans. Find out for yourself what biblical marriage is about and explore the unique mission God has for you as a couple. See how it transforms your relationship and your life.

A Man & His Design

Wednesdays, September 13 – October 18

6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10 Register at mycalvarygr.org

There are so many voices out there that are telling men what it means to be a man. Discover God’s design. A Man and His Design is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of sixweek sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@calvarygr. org) at ext. 5173.

Calvary Equip: Explore Calvary

Wednesdays, September 27 – October 18

6:30-7:45pm | Room 251-253 Register at mycalvarygr.org

Explore Calvary is a four-session class to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is an overview of our church and a tour of the building. The following sessions provide insight into what it looks like to be in community, to serve, and suggestions for your next steps here at Calvary Church.

Calvary Equip: Let’s Pray

Wednesdays, Oct. 11 – Nov. 15

6:30-7:45pm | Room 252-254

Register at mycalvarygr.org

Do you delight in your prayer time or is it a duty? Do you even have a consistent prayer life? Join us as we focus on the delight of prayer. This is a practical hands-on class to actually pray, not just talk about ways to pray. Bring your Bible as we pray through Scripture and experience prayer in a powerful new way.

A Man & His Story

Wednesdays, November 1 – December 13

6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10 Register at mycalvarygr.org

Understand how your past shapes who you are today and enjoy God’s best for your future. A Man and His Story is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth.

Calvary Equip: What We Believe (pre-requisite for membership)

Wednesdays, Nov. 1 – Dec. 6

6:30-7:45pm | Room 251 Register at mycalvarygr.org

This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older.



Calvary Kids

Birth-Fourth Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler

bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

Promotion Sunday

August 27

On this Sunday, Calvary Kids will promote kids to their next grade level. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome our new kindergarten friends to our elementary wing and look forward to seeing everyone on this kick-off Sunday. Your new kindergarten through fourth grade Sunday School teachers are super excited to meet you in your classrooms on Sunday, August 27!

Child Dedication

October 8 | 4:00-5:00pm

Parents have the opportunity to commit their children to the Lord at our Child Dedication services. Family members and friends are welcome to join in the celebration and show their support. If you would like to dedicate your child(ren), registration is required. Parents will also attend a breakfast meeting the day prior, to discuss the significance and importance of child dedication. Registration is required by September 25 at mycalvarygr.org.


Saturday, October 28 | 2:00-4:00pm

Join our Calvary Family for a community outreach event this fall in our very own parking lot at Calvary Church! This trunk or treat event is for EVERYONE at Calvary and there are multiple ways to get involved. See page 3 for further details.

This event is weather permitting and will be canceled if inclement weather occurs.

Kid’s Food Basket Service ProjectPizza and Pack Night

Friday, November 17 | 6-8 PM

In response to the life-changing love of Jesus, we are guided to participate in God’s mission in our church and in our community and one way we do this is by serving. This service-oriented event is designed for young kids and adults to participate together as the body of Christ and is sponsored by Calvary Kids!

We will gather to eat a pizza dinner, hear about our partnership that we have with Kids Food Basket, and then pack Sack Suppers (they are a healthy evening meal) which will be distributed to kids all over the Grand Rapids area to help ensure they have increased access to healthy food each day. The event is free, dinner will be provided. At registration, be prepared to provide a total guest count for your family. Register at mycalvarygr. org.

Fifth & Sixth

Fifth-Sixth Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

Kickoff Cookout

August 30 | 5:30-8:00pm | Free Student Patio (Entrance D)

If your family has a fifth or sixth grader, this event is for you! We want to invite you to come enjoy some hot dogs and shaved ice on the student patio as we get to hear about the vision and curriculum for 56 this year! Bring your whole family and your questions for Mr. David down to the Student Patio! This is a great place to come and connect with all the families of the 56 ministry! Register at mycalvarygr.org by August 29.

Capture The Flag

Friday, September 15 | 6:30-8:30pm

Cost: FREE | Room 108 (Entrance F) Register at mycalvarygr.org by Sept. 15

Join us for an exciting game of Capture the Flag! The Red Team, 5th boys, and

6th girls will face off against the Blue team, 5th-grade girls, and 6th-grade boys! We will provide some great glow-inthe-dark gear for every player! Wear your team colors and come ready to play!

Reformation Day Mini Golf Family Night!

Friday, October 13 | 6:00-8:00 pm

Cost: $15 | Room 108 (Entrance F)

Register at mycalvarygr.org by Oct. 13

Join us for a family event that will make history! Okay, it might not make history, but we will be reliving history! Join us for a 9-hole course of mini golf themed around the life of Martin Luther! Putt on your best costume for our contest, and be ready to feast on our all-you-can-eat Pulled Pork French Fry Bar in the Gathering Place during the night! Practice your putting, because if you have too high of a score, you might be the biggest Luther!

Laser Tag Night!

Friday, November 10 | 6:30-8:30 pm |

Cost: $10 | Room 108 (Entrance F) Register at mycalvarygr.org by Nov. 10

We will be turning our space into the ultimate laser tag arena! We are bringing in a professional laser tag company to run the game, and will be providing some snacks for students to munch on between rounds. We see a good time in our sights!

Seventh & Eighth

Seventh-Eighth Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler

bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

Family Bonfire Night

Friday, September 29 | 7:00-9:00pm | Cost: $5 per family

6374 Buena Vista Ct, Rockford Register at mycalvarygr.org by Sept. 26

Who doesn’t love a bonfire in the Fall? Join us as we head out to Rodney’s house for a bonfire complete with S’mores, drinks and yard games. We are so excited to partner with you this year and wanted to make sure we had a good opportunity

26 | Kids & Students

to get to know students and parents alike. We hope you can make it!

Amazing Race

Saturday, October 21 | 11:00am-2:00pm

Cost: $10 | Entrance D Register at mycalvarygr.org by October 18

Join us as we drive around town following clues, stopping for lunch, and vying for first place in our 78: Amazing Race Event! If you have ever seen the show Amazing Race, you know what you are in store for. This event will be full of teamwork, problem-solving, and racing for 1st place navigating some awesome areas of our great city.

Fall Retreat

Friday, November 3 at 5:00pm – Saturday, November 4 at 5:00pm | Cost: $50 Meet & Pick Up: Entrance D Register at mycalvarygr.org by October 27

Join us as we head back to Pine Ridge Bible Camp for our annual Fall Retreat. We truly believe that Retreats are where students form great friendships or deepen ones already made. We believe it is on retreats that we are challenged to grow in our faith and take that next step in our relationship with Jesus. And we also believe that retreats are a place to just have a ton of fun!

Escape Room

November 18 | 1:30pm-3pm | Cost: $15

The Ruse Escape Rooms

25 Division Ave S STE 125 Register at mycalvarygr.org by Nov. 13

Have you ever had to test your wits and work as a team to accomplish something so difficult it seemed like an impossibility? Well, here is your chance. Join us as we head to The Ruse Escape Rooms for our inaugural escape room event. Students will test their brains and teamwork to see if they can figure out all the clues to escape the room. Space is limited, so register early (maximum 24 students).

High School

9th-12th Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

HSM Fall Kickoff & Connect 4

Sundays September 10, 17, 24 & October 1 | 6:30-8:30pm | Room 208

Our first HSM for the 2023-24 school year is Sunday, September 10. We are asking all high school students who attend Calvary Church – whether you’ve never come, seldom come, or are well connected at HSM – to commit to giving our youth group a shot during this year’s Connect 4 initiative: 4 weeks where we will pull out all the stops to ensure you find your place with us, have a blast, and discover what HSM is all about. You won’t want to miss out on our incredible activity themes or encouraging messages to kick off the year!

To help us best welcome you, register online for Sunday evenings with HSM at mycalvarygr.org.

Stay in the know! We love hanging out with students! The best way to stay in the loop on all of our large events, as well as what we do week to week, is to join the mailing list for our weekly emails, follow our Instagram account (hsm.calvarygr), and keep an eye on our Calvary HSM web page. To sign up for our weekly emails, contact Abby Nuenke (anuenke@ calvarygr.org).

New Era Farm Adventures

October 21 | 10:30am-4:00pm | $35

Join us on this fresh fall adventure up north in New Era. We will stop for lunch at the Country Dairy Farm store then spend a couple of hours at the Lewis Adventure Farm & Zoo, where you will have so many perfect Fall Farm options you won’t know what to do! Cost includes lunch, admission ticket, 12 shots at the apple canon, and one of their amazing one-ofa-kind milkshakes. Transportation will be provided to and from New Era. Drop off and pick up at Entrance D. Register at mycalvaryg.org.

The CONNECTION POINT is a place to get connected at Calvary. If you have been attending for two weeks, two years or two decades, there are new ways to connect with Calvary Church this season! Visit us before and after each service, just inside the Gathering Place across from the Main Sanctuary entrance or at one of our Connection Tables in the Crosswalk.

FIRST STEPS On the first Sunday of every month, please join us at 10:40am in the Café next to the Connection Point to meet other new guests and members of the Calvary staff. We will take a tour of the building starting at 10:45am.

EXPLORE CALVARY: Explore Calvary is a four-session class to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is an overview of our church and a tour of the building. The following sessions provide insight into what it looks like to be in community, to serve, and suggestions for your next steps here at Calvary Church. See page 25 for the next date.

Looking to get connected at Calvary? CONNECT CARDS aren’t just for newcomers! Complete the digital connect card at calvarygr.org/new or fill out a physical card by your seat in the Sanctuary and drop it in the Connection Point.

Questions? Contact Josh VanderLeest (jvanderleest@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5637.

Kids & Students | 27

Fall Retreat

November 3-5

Save the date for one of our annual favorites: our HSM Fall Retreat! Location and cost TBA.


All Adults

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org

Monday Night Bible Study

Mondays, Beginning September 18

7:00-9:00pm | Gathering Place

This year Calvary’s Adult Bible Study will embark on a life transforming journey through Philippians and Ephesians. Our theme is Resilient Faith, how we are able to face times of anxiety and uncertainty with the immovable, unshakeable promises of an unchanging God! For more details, see page 13. Cost is $10 for the semester or $20 for the entire year. You must pre-register by noon on September 11 at mycalvarygr.org.

We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one.

Community Group Launch

Thursdays, September 21-October 5 6:30-7:30pm

Looking for gospel centered fellowship, a place to be known, and cared for? Join the community group launch. Community group launches are a short-term, three-week commitment on Thursdays where we will cast vision, give a mission for groups at Calvary, equip you, and help you form relationships for long-term community groups success. All of this is done at Calvary Church. Register at mycalvarygr.org. Questions? Contact Quinn Santa Ana (qsantaana@calvarygr. org) at ext. 5923.

Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30)

Contact: Dan Eytcheson deytcheson@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Nights

Tuesdays | 8:00-9:30pm | Room 208 (Entrances D & E)

We exist to help Young Adults know God and actively live out their faith where they live, work, and play. So, come encounter Jesus in a community of young adults through worship of music, teaching, testimony, and friendship. Doors open at 7:30.

Mini Golf Tourney

Thursday, September 14 | 6:30 pm Location: AJ’s

This isn’t your normal mini-golf game. We are battling for the trophy of the best mini-golfer of YA. We will use special playing cards that boost your score and sabotage your opponents each hole. No registration required.

Fall Retreat

Friday, October 13 – Sunday, October 15 Camp Geneva

This is a weekend to deepen your faith and grow your friendships with other young adults. The weekend is packed with individual and team activities, worship, teaching, prayer, and late-night hangouts. REGISTRATION REQUIRED at mycalvarygr.org

Singles Connect

Contact: Lori Morley singles.calvarygr@gmail.com

Singles Connect seeks to support and encourage single men and women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s in their life journeys and help them go deeper with God and with one another. Ultimately, our goal is for singles to make a lasting impact in God’s Kingdom and we believe that we can do that better together.


Contact: Carla Julien


Fall Kickoff

August 23 | 6:30-8:30pm

Gathering Place | Free

Luke 14:18-19, “But they all alike began to make excuses. The first one said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of land and I need to go out and look at it; please consider me excused.’ “Another one said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out; please consider me excused.’ What is your excuse? Join us for the Men’s Ministry Fall Kickoff. Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Men’s Breakfast

September 9 | 8:00-9:30am | Room 208

Are you excited for men’s breakfast this year? We can’t wait to share what God has been up to as we kick off a fresh season of ministry together. If you haven’t been to a men’s breakfast in a while, now is a great to come see what’s new. And if you have been, then you know to come expecting great things! As we go deeper into God’s word, challenge each other, and grow in community. Grab a friend and register at mycalvarygr.org by September 1, cost is $5.

Freedom in Christ for Men

See page 22 for full description.

Fall Retreat

September 15-16 | Grace Adventures | $85

Reclaim verb [ ri-kleym ] 1. To retrieve or recover something previously lost, given, or stolen.

What is God calling you to reclaim for Christ! Do you feel far from God? Do you feel isolated? Are you living a life fueled by purpose? Let’s take back what the enemy has stolen. This retreat will be the start of a new chapter in your story. Register by noon on September 14 at mycalvarygr.org. Scholarships available.

28 | Students & Adults

Men of 7:24

Saturdays, Beginning Sept. 16

8:00-9:00am | Room 265

Journey through Philippians with two purposes; to enable each man to discover what God is saying to him, and to grow and mature as an active disciple of Christ Jesus. Contact Denny Cochran (dennycochran43@gmail.com).

Men of Prayer

Sept. 19 | Oct. 17 | Nov. 21

6:30-7:30am | Room 251 (Entrance K)

Join the praying men of Calvary Church for a one hour prayer meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be a brief devotional, worship, and a time of inviting the Lord’s presence in united prayer. Coffee will be available. Will you give up one hour a month to make a huge difference and grow closer to your praying brothers?

Men’s Basketball

Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym

Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men to enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball.

Men at Noon

Tuesdays | 12:00pm

This is a virtual inductive Bible study on Exodus. Contact Russ Clark (rj3clark@ comcast.net) for a link to participate in this study.

Men of 6:10

Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30am | Room 265

Inductive study of the book of Jeremiah. Contact Earl Thomas (earlgoblue@ comcast.net).

Futsal Pickup

Thursdays | 7:00-9:00pm* | Gym (Entrance D)

Join us at Calvary for Thursday night pickup Futsal! Futsal is 5 on 5 indoor soccer played on a hard pitch. It

is a fast-paced game with lots of opportunities to sub in and out with other players. You can drop in for a half hour or stay for the whole night. Grab a friend and join us for some friendly fun. See you there! Contact is Eddie Ramirez (eduardo.ramirez.mx@gmail.com).

*Sept. 14-Oct. 27 will begin at 7:30pm

Men’s Breakfast

October 14 | 8:00-9:30am | Room 208

Do you sense that God is moving in your life? What is He showing you in this new season? Let’s continue to gather together and hear about how God is moving in our lives, and encourage each other to keep on fighting the good fight. Join us as we spend time in worship, open God’s word together, and share with each other. Register at mycalvarygr. org by October 6, cost is $5.

Men’s Breakfast

November 11 | 8:00-9:30am | Room 208

Join us as we celebrate what God is doing in our midst as we share testimonies of victory and cry out to The Lord in praise. God is at work in the men of Calvary. Come and receive the blessings that He has promised. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend into the work that God is doing. Register at mycalvarygr.org by November 3, cost is $5.


Contact: women@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays, Beginning September 19 9:15-11:15am

This year Calvary’s Adult Bible Study will embark on a life transforming journey through Philippians and Ephesians. Our theme is Resilient Faith, how we are able to face times of anxiety and uncertainty with the immovable, unshakeable promises of an unchanging God! For more details see page 13.

You will be placed in a small group where you will actively discuss the

Bible study together. After small group, we come together as a large group in the Gathering Place for teaching and testimonies. Throughout the year we will have optional small group socials and opportunities for “Table Talks” as well.

Tuesday Kids is a wonderful place for children birth to six years old. Moms must be in attendance at Bible Study at Calvary while children are in class. We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one.

You must pre-register by noon on Monday, September 11 at mycalvarygr.org

Cost is $10 for fall semester or $20 for the entire year.

Embrace (Embracing Motherhood)

First, Third & Fifth Thursdays

Beginning September 21 | 9:15-11:15am

Embrace is a warm community where faith is strengthened through friendships, mentoring and sound teaching for moms with babies and young children. The Embrace theme this year is Promise. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, mentoring, devotions, breakfast and insightful speakers. While you are enjoying a time with other moms, your children will be lovingly cared for in our Embrace Kids nursery.

Email questions to: embrace@calvarygr. org. Register for Embrace at mycalvarygr.org. Cost $100 year. Partial scholarships available.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Second & Fourth Thursdays, Beginning September 14 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Room 215 (Entrance C)

Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you to serve with us in Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month for a time of prayer, devotions and fellowship while creating prayer shawls. You can join us in person or work from home and we supply yarn and patterns.

Men & Women | 29

Homeschool Moms

First Fridays, Beginning October 6 9:30-11:30am | Room 139

Calvary’s Homeschool Moms meet once a month for a time of prayer and building community. We invite you to join us on the first Friday of the month, October through May. Children are welcome and we provide care, activities and a place for studying. For additional questions, contact Andrea Reiffer (areiffer@calvarygr.org) or women@calvarygr.org.


September 25 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

October 31 | 11:30am - 12:30pm Room 215 (Entrance C)

As we continue to step out in faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces and friend groups with simple Bible Studies, you may need encouragement to carry on or maybe God has been prompting you to take the first step. Blessed2Bless gatherings are for prayer and encouragement as we continue to reach out.

Generations Event

October 19 | 7:00-9:00pm

Gathering Place

Join Calvary women (ages 8-108) for an inspirational evening of dessert and face to face, heart to heart conversation!. Our topic will be Identity Crisis? …or Identity in Christ?

Come and be a part of building a multigenerational community of women, one conversation at a time. Learn together how to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ authentically as God’s servants today. Hear Calvary women of different ages and stages share their stories of Christ’s power to shape them.

No cost for this event. Register at mycalvarygr.org. If you have questions or would like to serve, contact Heather Case (heathercase@sbcglobal.net).

OASIS (Senior Adults)

Contact: Carla Julien


Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:45-11:00am

Gathering Place

Living Thankful for God’s Grace

Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Philippians. This study will encourage our faith by challenging us to possess Christ’s attitude while serving others; to sacrifice for the spiritual concern of others; to struggle for Biblical unity above the influences of cultural and personal cravings; to develop Spirit-disciplined lives empowered by God; and to discover serenity and joy through dependence on Christ’s strength.


October 2 | 10:00am-12:30pm

Gathering Place & Chapel

Are there church songs that you miss singing? Then come join us as we gather together to enjoy the hymns of our faith, and worship God with word and song. All are welcome so bring a friend to share good food and fellowship with! Contact Carla to purchase your ticket before September 25.

Aging with Grace

Seniors Health & Wellness Expo

November 3 | 8:30am-3:30pm

Featuring over 50 organizations in one place, focused on the medical, legal and financial decisions you’re facing right now. The day will feature 10 breakout sessions on topics that will help you or a family member answer many of the questions this new season of life brings. Our goal is to help you address real-life challenges facing seniors, including health, caregiving, personal care services, continuing care, area programs and services, technology and safety, legal and financial questions, hospice, end-of-life issues and widowhood. This event is free and several gift baskets

will be given away. A $5 lunch will be available for purchase. Register at mycalvarygr.org by October 29.

OASIS Singles: Fall Kickoff

September 16 | 4:00 - 10:00pm

Two Fish (1771 Grand River Dr NE)

Come and play lawn games (weather permitting), walk the trail and bring your favorite indoor game and appetizer to share. RSVP to Phyl (pvolkers2002@ yahoo.com) by September 14.

OASIS Singles: Autumn Walk

October 14 | 10:00am - 1:30pm

Walk through Aman Park and afterward meet at Uccello’s Ristorante, 4787 Lake Michigan Dr NW, Walker for lunch. RSVP to Phyl (pvolkers2002@yahoo. com) by October 12.

OASIS Singles: Game Night

November 10 | 6:00 - 9:30pm

Bring your favorite game and snack to share. RSVP to Phyl (pvolkers2002@ yahoo.com) by October 8.

Special Needs Ministry


Wednesdays, Beginning September 13 6:15-7:30pm | Chapel (Entrance C)

Go Getters is a gathering of people of all abilities on Wednesday nights to worship, learn about God’s word and enjoy fellowship together. Many of us enjoy Fellowship Dinner together before worship. WOW brings a very present worship experience of joy and freedom that you do not want to miss!

30 | Women & Senior Adults

Forever Hope Orphan Care Ministry

Contact: Lou DeGraaf


Embrace Grace

Wednesdays, Beginning September 6

6:00-7:00pm | Room 139

This is a group for single women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. You will receive practical, spiritual and emotional support. Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5524.

Adoptive / Foster Moms Book Discussion

September 27, October 18, November 15 9:30-11:00am (Room 139) or 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm (Room 136)

Join other adoptive & foster moms for stimulating discussions. We will be reading “Defeating the Enemy HellBent on Your Destruction” by Beth Guckenberger. Questions? Contact Sheri (sschmidt@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5524.

Adoptive / Foster Dads Breakfast

September 15, October 13, November 17 7:00-8:30am | Room 255

For more information, contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org) at ext. 5524.

Prison Ministry

Contact: Lou DeGraaf ldegraaf@calvarygr.org


Wednesdays | 6:30-8:00pm | Room 256

Unshackled is a weekly Bible study designed for men who are transitioning out of the jail/prison system and looking to build a firm, biblical foundation to help them grow and maintain their walk with Christ. For more information, contact Ardo (adraper@calvarygr.org)

Widows Ministry

Contact: Lynnell Bok


Widows Fall Reconnection Breakfast

September 21 | 9:30-11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Guest Speaker: Jolene DeHeer

Jolene, a widow herself, is one of the freshest motivational and inspirational speakers available today! Her dynamic life’s stories and practical insights will move you from side-holding laughter to heart-felt tears. To reserve your spot RSVP to Lynnell (lbok@calvarygr.org) at ext. 3510 before September 11.

Widows Coffee

October 19 | 9:30-11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Being a widow can sometimes leave you feeling vulnerable because we live in world with dishonest people trying to take advantage of others. Come learn how to be aware of your surroundings, whether at home, or in your car and be able to spot scammers through emails and phone calls. We will have a few guest speakers who will teach you how to be wise and to better protect yourself from predators.RSVP to Lynnell (lbok@ calvarygr.org) at ext. 3510 before October 12.

Widows & Widowers Thanksgiving


November 12 | 1:00-2:30pm

Gathering Place | $5 Guest: Skylight Quartet

Come and enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner over fellowship before settling in to hear the Skylight Quartet perform. For over 20 years, they have been singing for audiences throughout the United States and Canada. Combining toe-tapping, southern gospel with today’s worship style music, Skylight’s goal is to create an atmosphere of joy and worship for everyone demonstrating God’s love to all who attend. To reserve your spot please register at mycalvarygr.org before November 3.


Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Sundays – Women’s Stag

5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays

7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)


12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)


Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 115

Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.


Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact avenue@calvarygr.org.

DivorceCare Support Group

Tuesdays, September 5 - November 13

6:30-8:00pm | $20

DivorceCare’s life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Over 1 million people have found comfort and hope through this 13-week, video-based series. Register at divorcecare.org/groups/171185

GriefShare Support Group

Tuesdays, September 5 - November 13

6:30-8:00pm | $20

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Special Needs, Orphan Care Ministry, Prison Ministry, Care & Support | 31

Hannah’s Heart

Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533.

Mental Illness Support Group

Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255

If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, training and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact mentalhealth@ calvarygr.org with questions.

Transitional Health Ministry

Support for those walking through a major health transition. Contact: care@ calvarygr.org.

Prayer For the Persecuted Church

Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am

Room 115

Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list at mycalvarygr.org.

Pastors’ Prayer Partners

Sundays | One Service Monthly

Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly.


Elder Prayer

First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm

Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997

Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season. Contact Cindy at ext. 5997 to schedule your time.


Baptism will take place in the morning worship services on October 22, November 19, and January 14. If you feel the Lord prompting you to be baptized, contact Christie Thompson (cthompson@calvarygr.org).


We aim to observe the ordinance of communion once a month, typically on the first Sunday. At these times, we will also collect an offering for Calvary’s Benevolence Fund.

Thanksgiving Eve

Wednesday, November 22

6:00-7:30pm | Gathering Place

A night of sharing thanks over a delicious Mediterranean meal prior to Thanksgiving Day. “Not your Momma’s gravy- “hummus, it’s delicious”” Space is limited, registration is required at mycalvarygr.org..

The cost is free but we are extending a way to give back this Thanksgiving by asking you to bring unwrapped products to help stock our Calvary Food Pantry. Details available upon registration.

The course runs on Thursdays for 7 weeks, beginning September 14 at 6:00pm. It will meet at Calvary Church (707 E Beltline Ave NE). You and your guest are welcome to come to the first class with no obligation to attend the whole course.

Alpha is an opportunity for you to invite a friend who wants to explore life and Christianity in an open, friendly and nonjudgmental environment. Each evening there will be:

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