Spring Calvary Life 2024

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Spring 2024
LIFE Calvary



Lent & Holy Week

Everything you need to know, in one place, for practicing Lent with your Calvary Church community.

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The Power of Hope

An encouraging word for our unsettling times from Nancy Samra.

Child Dedication Pictures

Celebrate the families who have dedicated children in the past year.

Get to Know Calvary Staff

Learn a little more about some members of the Calvary staff and consider how you can pray for them in this season.

A New Season to Serve

Thanking those who have served at Calvary over the past ministry year.


Praise Report

Be encouraged as you read stories of how God has moved through Elder Prayer.

Emergency Procedures

Familiarize yourself with common emergency scenarios and how to respond.

Jerusalem Project Residents

As many residents wrap up their time at Calvary in the next few months, they’re taking a moment to reflect.

Mercy & Missions Updates

Updates from the Mercy & Missions team.

Spring Program Guide

Your guide to the activities at Calvary Church this upcoming season.

calvary in your inbox

The eNews is our weekly digital bulletin that comes out each Friday morning, connecting you to the life and ministry of Calvary. Visit mycalvarygr.org and click on “Subscriptions” to add yourself to the email list.

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Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Psalm 100:3


FEB 14MAR 31

Lent is a season in the Church Calendar, beginning on Ash Wednesday (February 14, 2024) and concluding with the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection on Easter Sunday (March 31, 2024), that offers opportunity for us to reorder our spiritual lives.

Lent is a time to return to the basics, to orient ourselves around the spiritual realities of life. It is a season of spiritual pilgrimage, a journey wherein we choose to die with Christ and be buried with Him, so we can be raised in the resurrection of new life.

At Calvary, in this season we emphasize the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting and giving as Jesus encouraged in Matthew 6. Lent provides a wonderful opportunity to do this together, as a church body.

For this Lenten season, on Sundays we will encourage you to look at how God used shepherds throughout the history of His people and what that means for us today as we still seek to follow Him.

For more on how Calvary practices Lent as a church community, visit calvarygr.org/lent.

Holy Week


SERVICES: 9:00 & 10:45 am


Join us for an evening of worship lead by our choir and orchestra to prepare our hearts and minds as we enter into Holy Week.


SEDER MEAL: 6:00 pm

Experience the last supper as Jesus did with His disciples in the Upper Room. Attendance is limited, register at mycalvarygr.org.


SERVICE: 7:00 pm

An evening of reflection that commemorates the night when Christ bore the ultimate burden for us and was crucified in order to give us peace with God.



SERVICES: 7:15, 9:00 & 10:45 am

Together we will celebrate Christ’s victory over sin, fear and death and the peace and new life we can find in Him today.

BREAKFAST: 8:00-10:00 am

Enjoy a light breakfast in the Gathering Place.

THE PowerHope OF

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13

Let’s face it. We live in unsettling times. The values that support a healthy society have been turned upside down and inside out, as the prophet Isaiah proclaimed:

“What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).

Thankfully, the Bible gives us the answer to gloom and doom. In a decaying culture, no matter how bad it gets, God wants us not to just survive but to thrive. He wants us to be strong in adversity and does that by giving us hope through a powerful, comforting, and stabilizing encounter with our lifeline, Jesus Christ.

Hope in God is a powerful force. It is essential for enduring tough times. Humans can handle an enormous amount of frustration, delay, even pain if they feel there is hope. When hope is gone, people give up.

A young boy was badly burned in an automobile accident. A law in his state said that if a student was physically unable to attend school, a tutor would be sent to keep him or her up on their lessons. This child was so badly burned that had the school board seen him they most likely would not have sent a teacher out. But a teacher was sent to teach him what his class was studying: nouns and adverbs.

Seeing his condition, the teacher could hardly teach the lesson and felt she had done a poor job. But the next day a nurse called. She asked, “What did you do to him? The teacher was about to apologize when the nurse stopped her, “No, that’s not what I mean. He lost his will to live. We did not know what to do. But now his whole attitude has changed!” When finally asked, the boy explained, “Well, I figured if they thought I needed to learn nouns and adverbs they must not think I was going to die.” In teaching him nouns and adverbs, the teacher had inadvertently given him the one thing crucial to his recovery: HOPE!


Most people define hope as wishful thinking, as in, “I would like this to happen, but I can’t be sure.” In contrast, the biblical word Hope is defined as a confident expectation of a future good. It means a certainty based on the promises of God; a sure thing based on confident faith:

“Now faith is confidence of what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Hope is a gift God gives that enables us to not just hold on, but experience fulfillment even in times of great difficulty. It gives confidence, joy, peace, power, and love. It reduces stress, increases happiness, and improves our quality of life.

1 Peter 4:12-13 tells us, “Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead be very glad –for these trials make you partners with Christ in His suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing His glory when it is revealed to all the world.”

Biblical hope comes from God. It is built on faith. It is connected to waiting. And it looks to the future.

Losing hope is a dangerous thing. Proverbs 13:12a says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” We need to protect ourselves from the effects of fear, pessimism and anxiety by remembering who sits on heaven’s throne.

There are no hopeless situations—only people who have grown hopeless about them. The question is not how bright or gloomy the future appears. The question is, do we trust in a God who is infinitely bigger than what’s ahead? Author William Barklay wrote, “No man is hopeless so long as there is the grace of Jesus and no situation is hopeless so long as there is the power of God.”

There are seven promising truths about hope:

1. We can have hope because we know the difficulties won’t last. “We fix our eyes not on what is seen but in what is unseen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18).

2. We can have hope because we know God will use our difficulties to grow our character. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes” (Romans 8:28).

3. We can have hope because we know getting angry or upset won’t help. “My dear friends, you should be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. If you are angry you cannot do any of the good things God wants done” (James 1:19-20).

4. We stay hopeful because it allows us to trust God more and this pleases God. Our example is Abraham who by trusting God became known as God’s friend. (Genesis 22)

5. We can have hope because we know Jesus is coming back someday. He said in John 14:2-3, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you with me.” As I work around the house I enjoy singing old hymns. One of my favorites goes like this: “Marvelous message we bring, glorious carol we sing, wonderful word of the King—Jesus is coming again.”

6. We can have hope because no matter what the difficulty is, it is not the end of the story. “Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift it is to those who stay the course” (James 5:11 MSG).

7. We can have hope because we will be rewarded one day. “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).

We started with Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” The verse reassures us that the qualities we need to make it through uncertain times— hope, joy and peace—are made available to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the summer of 2003, there was an electrical black-out along the east coast stemming from a power grid failure in Canada. There was, however, a Marriot Hotel in New York City that had power. When asked how this could be, the manager replied, “When this hotel was constructed, we built in a gas generator. We have power on the inside that is not controlled by the circumstances on the outside.”

May we be full of joy and peace as we trust in our powerful God of Hope!

Nancy Samra, best known as Pastor Jim’s mother, recently gave this message to participants in our Adult Bible Study on Monday nights and Tuesday mornings.


Child dedication

Child Dedication is a time for parents to make a commitment, to God and in front of friends and family, to raise their children to trust and follow God. Please join us in praying for these families who have dedicated their child(ren) this past year. Let us pray for God to bless these children, so that they would trust and follow Christ, for the rest of their lives.

Benjamin Barber Isabelle Benchley Levi Berlin Charlotte Corwin Jordyn DeHaan Jack Glendening Scott Graham Tatum Greiffendorf Harry Herbruck Monroe Horling Hope & Madalyn Karhan Lainey Katerberg Blakely Kelleher Heesoo Kim-Kwon Goldie Kremers Morgan Nadai


Child dedication

Sunday, May 19 | 4:00pm Register at mycalvaryg.org to participate.

Ashton & Alaia Naum Roman Nol Kaysen Pratt Kinsley Slis Mya Sorpong Noah Staal Zion Symonds Evelyn Tyner Adelyn VanderLeest Anzio & Asa Williams-Catzere Rose & Elise Yi James Zahn

GET TO KNOW calvary staff!


Role on Staff: Ministry Assistant, First Impressions

Favorite Part of Your Job:

I love interacting with the staff and guests and talking with people who call the church. I just moved to the area two years ago and being the receptionist has helped me meet many wonderful people and really feel part of this Church. I am especially grateful for opportunities to pray with and for people who stop in or call.

Way We Can Pray for You: God has shown me that I’m wearing the wrong armor. So, my prayer is that I will learn to let go of all the ways I’ve developed to ward off the blows of this fallen world, and learn to array myself in the armor provided by my LORD.

If I were on a desert island and could only bring one book (besides the Bible) what would it be? Hmmm…I don’t think any book I’ve ever read has the staying power of Scripture. But, if I had to choose, I’d bring a blank book, then I could write and re-write my own book.

What sounds fun to me these days? Sunshine, a walk in the woods, sitting on the beach, and dinner on the patio with good friends to enjoy it with.

What’s something you are working on or toward in this season? Finding ways to share what I believe with my grandson and re-starting some hobbies I’ve not had time for in the past couple of years.


Role on Staff: Director of Fifth & Sixth Ministry

Favorite Part of Your Job: I love getting to see students grow in

their faith, ask deep questions, and enjoy their time together.

Way We Can Pray for You: I always appreciate prayer for my family and for the ability to lead them, and our students at Calvary well.

If I were on a desert island and could only bring one book (besides the Bible) what would it be? I recently read, The Contemplative Pastor, and would probably be able to read and enjoy it another 50 times.

What sounds fun to me these days? One of the most enjoyable things for me is spending time with my kids. I love talking with them, playing with them, and engaging in the things that give them joy!

What’s something you are working on or toward in this season? I am working on slowing down and being able to be a person who lives in Psalm 23, someone who is sitting with God by still waters. I hope by being a person who lives by still waters, I can better help others find God in the stillness of life.


Role on Staff: Director of Adoption & Foster Care

Favorite Part of Your Job: Seeing God at work in so many ways. I love meeting with individuals in our church that God has called to serve vulnerable children and families. He may be leading them to provide a meal, babysit or adopt and I love watching the way God answers those prayers.

Way We Can Pray For You: I’m starting to plan events and activities for our families for next fall/winter and would love prayer as I plan. I also oversee Embrace Grace, a ministry to women with unplanned pregnancies and I am also working on that schedule and plans for the fall.

If you were on a desert island and could only bring 1 book (besides the Bible), what would it be? The Complete America’s Test Kitchen Cookbook, 2001-2023

What sounds fun to you these days? Making plans for my vegetable garden this summer. For Christmas, I received an indoor plant starter set and I cannot wait to start planting seeds.

What’s something you’re working on or toward in this season? I’m collaborating with several local churches and foster agencies


in our community to pray together and partner to serve within orphan ministry. We’re praying that we can engage 10% of the churches in our county to get involved to fill the gaps to serve vulnerable families better. It’s exciting what we can do by working together as the body of Christ.



Role on Staff: Director of First Impressions

Favorite Part of Your Job: Every week as I welcome new people I get to hear their stories. In that, I hope that I can celebrate with them in their joy and bring some small comfort in the tragedy.

Way We Can Pray for You: Pray that any distraction that takes my focus away from Jesus becomes immediately apparent. I desperately want to live a life worthy of our Savior — to lead my family well, to be a true friend, and have a fruitful ministry. I know the only way this happens is when I fully commit myself to He who is worthy.

If you were on a desert island and could only bring 1 book (besides the Bible), what would it be? Without a doubt, The Lord of the Rings. It’s long enough to keep me entertained for hours, and large enough to use as a pillow.

What sounds fun to you these days? My wife and I have three children and when I think fun I think of my them. Right now, I am teaching our eight-year-old son Tobias archery and bowhunting. Our five-year-old Ava loves going on daddydaughter dates, especially if it’s Build-A-Bear. Our youngest, Adelyn, is simply a joy to watch as her little personality begins to shine.

What’s something you’re working on or toward in this season?

My current goal is to create a very clear pathway to connection here at Calvary. Calvary is a special place where God is clearly at work. We don’t want anyone to feel like it’s difficult to get involved here. In the long term, I desire to be an ordained minister. For that, I am always reading, studying, and learning from those around me.

a new season to serve

As we move into Spring, we are reminded of growth and new birth. This correlates to being born again and following Jesus as we walk by faith. He is our example, which we find in Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

We’re thankful for all the volunteers who serve at Calvary in sacrificial love. Without your willingness to step into these crucial roles, we could not engage in the level of ministry that the Lord has set before us. As staff, we pray that you have grown in your faith and sense of community. We pray also that you will be able to see what a blessing it is to be a vessel of Christ through serving others.

For those of you who may not have considered serving, I want to encourage you that God is calling. John 15:5 says: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” The blessings of God come to us every day, but there are greater blessings that come when we submit to His call to be a part of what He is doing in and through the Church. Consider what the Scriptures say. For these acts of service, we are created, gifted and called!

CREATED – For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

GIFTED – Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10)

CALLED – I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (John 13:15)

The Lord wants us to grow and flourish in our walk of faith. By responding to Him, we will experience His presence and power. We will become conduits of His handiwork to glorify His name. To learn more about where God may be calling you to serve in Calvary, contact me, Neil Kassuba (nkassuba@calvarygr.org) at 616-956-5277.

We long for you to fully experience the reason why you were created and gifted, by responding to God’s call for service.



In James 5:14 we are told, “Is any one of you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” Last year about 15-20 people a month did just that. Below are a few of the praises shared after prayer with elders.

We asked for prayer for two problems, mysterious and very swollen legs and feet, for which the swelling simply went down and disappeared. No diagnosis, no further problems! We trust God completely with his health and believe the prayer with the elders blessed us in some ways visible and some invisible. We are SOOOO grateful that our precious Calvary Church offers this for us. SI

I did physical therapy and pain meds. I was taught exercises which I will need to do the rest of my life but that is a minor issue. I was able to come back to working with the Tuesday morning kids and Embrace when they restarted after Christmas. Susan [Sorensen] pointed out to me that I really did not miss much of the classes. It seemed to me that the Lord gave me healing very quickly. PV

The prayers give me a lot of comfort, hope and I don’t feel like I’m walking alone in these trials. MV

Healed of 2020 breast cancer. MB

Eye is much improved. Prayer works! AB

No cancer, no more headaches, praise for benign brain biopsy and success with liver issues! AC

So thankful to God for the healing. Wound is healed enough that they will be able to come to church soon. She is very thankful for prayers and for the healing. MS

Came before eye surgery. Vision is completely healed and he had peace. Just before surgery, surgeon and anesthesiologist stood around his bed with family and prayed as well. LM

She came for Elder Prayer last year after she suffered nerve damage as a result of a medical procedure. She is completely healed now and praising God for that. SJK

Praise as the cancer was removed from his nose and he is doing well. RS

Give thanks with me for a successful hip replacement in April and for my daughter’s hip replacement in September. Praise that surgery was successful and she is progressing well toward going home! LV

The Lord has worked in many ways [for healing of chronic pain], I still have health challenges but have seen much improvement in both pain and energy. I was able to travel to Kentucky to spend Thanksgiving with our daughter and family. It had been over two years since we last visited them because of my health problems. Visiting them has been so important and it was such an answer to prayer. JB

I just went to my oncologist appointment today and learned that I am cancer free! I’ve been healed from Stage 3 Colon Cancer! I appreciate you praying with me, it meant SO much and put my mind at ease! Praise be to God! HR

I went to the elders and their helpers for prayer. I know these folks have very full schedules with many other responsibilities, but they took the time to listen to me and pray to the Lord for my need. I was immediately impressed with their kindness, caring, and humility. I felt cared for and loved with the love of Christ. I had concern that I might have had Parkinson’s Disease and other ailments from some tests that I had received. Shortly after this time of prayer, I received lab results that I did not have Parkinson’s! Praise the Lord for the prayers of God’s faithful people! While I am still being tested for other possible problems, I know where to go to receive the love of Christ, through the body of Christ. KG

Since the day they prayed for me and my home, I have been released from things in my life that I knew needed to be removed as well as things that I was not truly aware of. God has revealed sin, convicted sin, and released me from the death that is a result of that sin. I am now experiencing freedom in Christ because I can hear God's voice in my life even through the noise of this fallen world. He truly works through Calvary Church and its elders and faithful members. If you are suffering oppression of any kind, whether it is abuse, addiction, physical pain, past emotional or physical trauma, loneliness, alienation, any unidentified stress or depression, reach out to our elders.


They can be the hands, feet, and voice of God through prayer. I am so grateful. MM

I reached out to Calvary’s elder team to pray for healing in my marriage. It had been through the wringer and we were getting close to a breaking point. What happened next was nothing short of God’s grace and deep love for me. Because healing has occurred, just not in my marriage as I had petitioned the elders. The Holy Spirit knew what I needed even when I did not know. Even as my husband and I left after being prayed over, God began connecting us with an amazing and loving support system to walk with us. Now, not much has been healed in my marriage even today. God, however, did what God does and He has answered the prayers that I couldn't even pray. But mostly He has drawn so close to me that I do not doubt His love for me. He has shown up in ways that you cannot even imagine and He is continuing to show me that there is one and only one that I can truly trust in and that is Jesus. To show me the joy that Paul talks about in Ephesians is not because our lives are easy, fun or safe but He is walking with us in the middle of the hard. There was a time that I would’ve erased all of this hurt and pain and turned back time to a point that my marriage was not broken. But not anymore, because the God that I know today is not the God that I knew 10 years ago, 8 years ago or even 5 years ago. He is much, much bigger and more compassionate than I ever knew or understood. This quote communicates exactly how God has moved in me and was a little God wink today: “In time, something amazing happened. I was filled with a sense of my God and His love for me. I felt whole. I knew I’d never be the same again.” (Courage to Change, Al-Anon daily reader). And oh God, how I am so grateful. SM

I came to the elders for prayer over nightmares. I’ve had them since I was a child and recently came to realize they were a form of spiritual attack. They often are fear inducing and leave me exhausted the next day. Oddly enough, I haven’t prayed very much for God to take them away. Because I had grown up with them, I had sort of accepted them as just a normal part of my life. When they started ramping up again, I had several people suggest elder prayer, so my husband and I went. When I was being prayed over, I had a picture of Jesus standing in front of me with his arms out saying “That’s enough! No more.” A few nights later, I had a dream that I was in a war. Oddly enough, it wasn’t a scary dream. I actually felt more empowered and like I was mobilized for battle. This was unusual for me in dreams as I usually felt more like a fearful victim who was running from something scary. I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. I started feeling like God wanted me to pray out loud in Jesus’ name against evil forces, and claim His reign over our home and family and my dreams. So, I took the prayer shawl from elder prayer off of our headboard and wrapped it around myself and did just that. I think God has wanted to free and protect me from these attacks, but He also wanted me to ask Him for His help. Since elder prayer, I have had no nightmares. In addition

to that, my dreams have totally changed. I never used to have neutral or good dreams that I could remember, only nightmares. I was so excited to have a dream that I went to space and another dream that I was a judge for a hula hooping competition. It’s silly, but ridiculous dreams like that were a sign to me that God has answered the prayers and brought me healing and freedom. Praise God! KW

Years ago, after witnessing Elder Prayer in my former church, I vowed that in the event of a difficult medical diagnosis, I would ask for prayer first thing. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, blood cancer, I immediately set my sights on Elder prayer. I met with a caring group who heard my story, gifted a prayer shawl, and prayed over me after anointing me with oil. I left in peace, with comfort and hope.

My Myeloma treatment involved daily doses of a pill with weekly injections of cancer fighting drugs and steroids. Ultimately a bone marrow transplant is recommended if the patient qualifies. In October I was in remission and scheduled for BMT. I again visited the elders; one of whom was from my earlier visit. The session again provided hope, peace and confidence that all would be well. The transplant went well. I was sick for a couple days over Christmas, but nothing terrible. On Dec. 30, I was released home after 16 days.

It was in January that I faced the most worrisome challenge of my life. Three weeks after going home I experienced terrible pain in my back and long bones. Neuropathy took hold of my feet while I eventually lost the ability to walk or stand without support. Eventually I found myself in a neurology office where the doctor identified the condition as AIDP: acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, a form of Guillain Barre. In March, I went back to Elder prayer and my same supportive elder. The first two times, I was pretty much my own self, but this time I was a train wreck, crying, stumbling along with my walker and frightened. We prayed for relief, restoration and strength. I again left with peace, hope and comfort.

A week’s stay in Butterworth for doses of IVIG to stem the advance of IDP was followed by 3 ½ months of physical therapy coupled with daily prayer. Gradually my legs responded and by July I was able to do yard work, drive and play golf. I believe God uses medicine and its practitioners to treat our illnesses. It is when we submit to him our fears and trust HIS WILL that we find peace, comfort and hope. Elder prayer gave me encouragement and strength and, at the worst of times, the reminder to rely on God more determinedly than I ever had. Whatever your situation, I can’t recommend enough the benefit of Elder Prayer. You will be blessed beyond measure. Isaiah 40:31 RZ


elderprayerdeacon@calvarygr.org for more information about elder prayer. 11

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a guide for the congregation



• In the event the fire warning system is activated all programing will stop and everyone will evacuate the building. Families will be reunited outside the building and all events will be concluded until further notice.

Severe Weather

• In the event travel conditions are extremely hazardous the church may delay programing or close the building for a period of time. Closures will be posted on the church website.

• In the event there would be a high wind / tornado warning while at church there will be a verbal public address to take shelter in the lower designated areas.

Interruption of Electrical Service

• In the event of a whole building loss of electrical power the emergency lighting will come on. If the power loss does not restore in a couple minutes the likelihood of it returning anytime soon is very low and programing will end. The person on platform will ask everyone to reunite with their families as normal and go home.



• In the event someone is not feeling well or has a medical related injury the emergency response team will be notified to assess the severity and will provide treatment relevant to their training level and activate 911 if needed.

Missing Child / Vulnerable person

• In the event someone has been separated from their care provider and can’t be located in the general area they were last seen it needs to be reported to the Emergency Response Team. The care provider needs to provide a physical description including clothing colors along with last seen location. The care provider needs to stay with the ERT member so that they can be reunited when the individual has been found.

Act of Violence

• In the event someone would try to cause great physical harm to others we advise the following:

» Run – If you can move away from the danger, do so as quickly as you can, when safe call 911

» Hide – If you can’t safely move away from the danger or don’t know where the danger is, hide and don’t make any noise. If you can barricade in a room with the lights off even better. If you get an opportunity to safely move away from the danger do so. Delay contact with the threat as long as possible so police have time to respond.

» Fight – If you can’t get away and have been found you need to fight for your life!

Familiarize yourself with these procedures so you can be prepared for an emergency situation that may arise within the church building.

Katherine Stubblefield

Pastoral Resident

Serving at New Heart and Calvary Church

“When I think about the things that I am grateful for over the course of this residency, it is the time, attention and encouragement I have gotten to hear the voice of the Lord and to obey him. That is a skill I can continue to use in ministry for the rest of my life.”

Sam DeHaan

Pastoral Resident

Serving at Indwelling Community Church

“The second year of the residency I get to be with pastors Clarence and Dan at Indwelling and learn under them how to really do teaching and preaching, which is an area that God has highlighted for me to grow. I have also been able to learn what it means to be intimately involved in the lives of people, and how to lead and shepherd people.”

The Jerusalem Project trains future church leaders for local, church-based ministry through our residency programs. Our current pastoral and worship residents are finishing up their two-year residencies this spring and summer. We hope you are encouraged by these reflections on their experiences.

Serving at Calvary Church

“As a worship resident, I started off serving in Young Adults before transitioning to work in Calvary Kids. That has been the biggest blessing in my life. I realize that working with kids is what God made me for as my love for them came out. It was so beautiful that I could flourish in that department. Also, being part of a cohort brought me to people who were farther ahead in the journey and so they had a lot of really helpful advice.”

Serving at Calvary Church

Serving at Covenant Community

“The Jerusalem Project has been such a huge blessing in my life. It has given me great support in my role as a worship leader. The materials provided to us has helped me to become better in my role and to understand the importance of my role at Covenant. The people we have been able to meet and learn from through this experience has been such a huge help and encouragement.”

“As part of the residency, I get to lead worship for GoGetters on Wednesday nights at Calvary and on Sunday afternoons at City Hope Grand Rapids, which is an all-abilities church. I find so much joy in being able to be part of their lives and see God working in and through them. I want to thank the Jerusalem Project for allowing me to be in a space where I can learn, have responsibilities, and really expand my skills and my calling.”

Reanna Doonan Worship Resident Church Claire Neumaier Worship Resident Elliot Ketcham Worship Resident


For many weeks, at the end of each Sunday service, we as a church have declared in unison the words of Matthew 28:19-20. And now, from March 1-3, we have the opportunity to live into these words, and to learn more of what it means to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Global Outreach Weekend will help us to see the depth of God’s heart for all nations and understand that this theme is repeated throughout the Bible. It will also give us ways to explore how we can personally engage in Great Commission endeavors right here in Grand Rapids as well as globally! There are a variety of opportunities available to you this weekend. We encourage you to pray and ask God to use these opportunities in your life to draw your own heart closer to His, and to guide you what your next step may be in going to make disciples of all nations!


Gen Z

MARCH 1 · 7:00PM


Get ready to ignite your passion and unleash the missions potential of Gen Z at the ultimate missionfocused event for high school students and young adults. Experience an electric night filled with reallife testimonies from young people who’ve embarked on life-changing mission trips. Immerse yourself in powerful worship, unite in prayer for the nations, and engage with an eye-opening talk that dispels common myths about missions.

Those ready to take their first steps in evangelizing the nations will also find helpful information and encouragement as they visit with representatives of several organizations aimed at empowering Gen Z to take up the torch in fulfilling the Great Commission.

MARCH 2 · 10:30AM-1:00PM


Discover how you can participate in God’s charge to make disciple of all nations!

You will be transported to other countries through a variety of interactive experiences like a Virtual Reality tour of India, Bengali rickshaw rides, henna artistry, sari wrapping, and a variety of foods from around the globe. You will hear amazing stories of what God is accomplishing around the world and expand your idea of what making disciples of all nations means for you.

Come and go at your leisure. No registration required. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend!


Throughout this weekend, you will have the opportunity to hear from Steve Richardson.

Steve has served as president of Pioneers-USA since 1999.

Pioneers mobilizes and supports 3,200 missionaries and marketplace professionals who impact 500 unreached people groups in 95 countries.

Steve was raised in Indonesia, where his parents planted churches in a jungle tribe. He witnessed the impact of the gospel on their war-like society, a story documented in his father’s classic book, Peace Child. Steve and his wife, Arlene, also spent 11 years planting churches among an unreached people group in Southeast Asia.

He will be sharing from his book, Is The Commission Still Great?: 8 Myths About Missions And What They Mean For The Church


MARCH 2 · 1:00-3:00PM

Come join us for a time of learning all things Missions from Missions author Steve Richardson. He will be speaking on Is the commission still great: common misconceptions about missions. Business as Mission will be a component of this workshop that will be co-led by Steve and his wife Arlene.

This event will be in Room 208 A light snack will be provided, and no RSVP is needed. Come as you are!


MARCH 3 · 9:00 & 10:45AM

Steve will preach about the Great Commission reflecting the plan of God as well as the theme of the Bible. This will also be a special time of prayer and thanksgiving to recognize the work that God has done through the lives of our retiring missionaries Mike and Cher Riepma and Marlene Schutter.


Much prayer and effort has been put into the events of this weekend. This is not just to have fun and interesting things to do, but because we hope that God uses it to move many of us to take the next step toward making disciples of all nations. Below is a partial list of things that you could consider. Ask God what your next step should be, and reach out to the contact person for that ministry to learn more.

• Join the Third Monday Missions Prayer Time

Contact: Susan Mangione thirdmondayprayer@calvarygr.org

• Join the Persecuted Church Prayer Group

Contact: Jane Chamberlain prayerforpersecuted@calvarygr.org

• Volunteer for our Refugee Ministry

Contact: Lana Duoibes lduoibes@calvarygr.org

• Serve with Neighbors International

Contact:Sonja Yeates neighbors_international@calvarygr.org

• Serve with the West Michigan Friendship Center

Contact: Laura Cronin laura@wmfriendshipcenter.org

• Have an exploratory conversation with our Minister of Missions, Larry Milks (lmilks@calvarygr.org)

• Take the January 2025 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class, 16-week course.

Contact: Dorothy Johnson dorothy.johnson63@gmail.com

• Invite your non-Christian friends and family members to the September Alpha Course to help them on their journey to Christ

Contact: Dave Weiskittel davewc6@gmail.com

• Help to start up or teach a 5-day club this summer with Child Evangelism Fellowship

Contact: Anna Sytsma cefgv@tds.net

• Explore short-term trips opportunities at Calvary

Contact: Lana Duoibes lduoibes@calvarygr.org

Or something else that you discovered at the Global Outreach Weekend!




At Calvary, we have the privilege of partnering with Urban Transformation Ministries (UTM) in downtown Grand Rapids.

Why a privilege? Consider Bryonna’s story.

Just before Bryonna entered high school, she gave her life to Christ and joined UTM’s Senior High youth program. It became her second home, offering the stability and guidance that her troubled home life could not provide. She said, “It has done so much for me throughout these years, creating opportunities to grow, not only with my relationship with God but also with others. Ro (Rodella) and Uncle Dave-O (UTM staff members) made me feel like family and pointed me in the right direction.”

Most of the youth who are part of UTM have grown up with trauma and adversity, including substance, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. They have often experienced physical and emotional neglect, fatherlessness, abused mothers, poverty, and even homelessness. Research has shown such youth, who experience Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) such as those listed, often struggle with an array of unhealthy behaviors as adults, especially if they’ve grown up without a father in the home. Research has also shown that the single most crucial factor in promoting resilience in the face of such adversity is a loving, consistent, caring relationship with an adult. That’s why life-on-life discipling is at the heart of UTM’s ministry.

Rodella and Dave-O maintain a thriving relationship with Bryonna, inviting her into their home and helping her navigate the teen years through a Christ-focused perspective. Through her example, Rodella has helped Bryonna grow in resiliency and patience as her faith and love for Christ develops.

Twenty years ago, when Dave-O and Rodella were teenagers, they themselves experienced life-on-life discipleship through UTM missionaries Joel and Sherilyn Shaffer. Even though Dave-O grew up fatherless and Rodella was traumatized by many adverse childhood experiences, the Shaffers’ loving, consistent care helped them overcome much of that adversity and troubled home life through the power of Christ. They have been nurtured in the faith through New City Church and have become urban youth ministers of the Gospel. A leadership succession plan has now begun where Rodella will become UTM’s Executive Director, and Dave-O will lead as UTM’s discipleship specialist.

We’re excited to be a part of this second-generation fruit in the ministry.


One of the things that I love about my job is how frequently I see God at work, often in unexpected ways. CarePortal is one of the areas I oversee in my role in the Orphan Ministry at Calvary. CarePortal is a way to connect volunteers in our church with tangible needs of those in the community. For example, in December, one of my friends asked me if I could use two twin beds (one was a trundle) along with mattresses that they no longer needed. I immediately said yes because I often see weekly requests through CarePortal for beds (cribs, bunk beds, twin beds, queen beds) A week after the conversation about the beds, there was a CarePortal request for a twin bed trundle. This was the first request we’ve ever had for a trundle. It was for a family reunifying with their children and they didn’t have a lot of space in the bedroom and requested a trundle for their child. How amazing was it that God knew that before this request was even submitted that we would have someone in our church offer the specific item.

The second bed request came from a pregnancy care center in Grand Rapids. One of their pregnant moms they’d been working with was sleeping on an air mattress and was scheduled to deliver her baby in the next month. The pregnancy care center was requesting a queen bed for her as it was becoming more difficult for her to get restful sleep. I had a queen bed frame in my office and another local church through CarePortal purchased the mattress to deliver to this mom‘s house. Tom and Laurel joined the CarePortal response team a few weeks prior and were excited to make their first delivery and connection with a family. They joined me at the mom‘s house to set up the queen bed and unfortunately, the queen bedframe was not a platform bed like I expected and we needed a box spring or a different platform bedframe. There was a huge storm coming that weekend and we knew we wouldn’t be able to deliver a box spring for several days. Tom immediately started searching for a box spring and found one at a store 10 minutes away. We had just enough time to get to the store before they closed for the night. While in the store, we talked to the customer service rep about CarePortal and he asked if there was a way their store could partner with us in the future. He told us that his boss asked their employees to be on the lookout for local ministries that they could partner with because they wanted to be more involved in the community. The customer service rep thought it was kind of ironic that we happened to be in to his store before a huge storm an hour before closing. Tom, Laurel and I all knew this was not a coincidence at all. Although it was a little inconvenient to not have the correct frame we knew God was involved in all of these details. We would not have made this connection with the store and hopefully a future partnership. These are just two small stories of what God is doing in our community through CarePortal.


Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in a child’s life? You can make a difference – right here, right now – by responding to a vetted need from a local agency. These needs are put into CarePortal by child-serving professionals in Kent County. CarePortal instantly connects the Calvary Church family to the urgent, real-time needs of vulnerable children and families living right in our community. Needs such as a bed, car seat, rent assistance, and more can provide critical immediate relief and restore a family back to a strong and healthy state. We would love to add to our current team and invite you to consider joining us in coming alongside at-risk children and families in the Grand Rapids area. If you are interested, please email Sheri (sschmidt@calvarygr.org ).




It is with prayer and great joy that the missions committee (CAST) and the Elders have approved Dan and Laura Verkaik and their family to become the next Calvary commissioned missionaries! Dan and Laura have been worshipping at Calvary since 2013 and active members since February of 2017. Their ministry involvement at Calvary includes: Children’s ministry, Refugee ministry, Women’s ministry, parking lot team, Tanzania Advisory Team, Renew Crew, and serving on short-term missions trips.

Dan is the owner/operator of his own construction company, and Laura has recently resigned from her school counseling position in preparation to serve on the mission field.

Dan and Laura will be serving with Operation Mobilization on the Logos Hope Ship beginning, Lord willing, in August of 2024. Dan will be assigned a leadership role in the catering department and Laura will be free to home school the older kids and be involved in ministry opportunities as the ship enters ports for outreaches in partnership with local churches and ministries. A special gift in this role for Dan is that he has long had a dream of getting to use his culinary skills from GRCC, and now having an opportunity to use them in a missions context on a ship that ministers to unreached peoples across the globe is a huge blessing to him and his family.

Please join with us in prayer for the Verkaiks as they raise their support and prepare to transition to the place that God has called them.

Calvary Church offers ways to join with others to impact unborn babies and their parents here in our local area. There are two prayer events coming up in March:

Sunday, March 10: Join us for a “Prayer Open House” as we pray together for unborn babies at risk, 12:30-1:30pm in the Chapel. Come and go as you are able; there will be an open mic, led by Ken and Cathy Garnaat. We will also be praying for God's guidance and blessings for the upcoming 40 Days for Life prayer day in front of Planned Parenthood, later in March. There will be a sign-up sheet available.

Friday, March 22: Sign up to pray for 1 hour (or more) in front of Planned Parenthood with other like-minded believers. Calvary Church and the First Baptist Church of Middleville are responsible to cover the whole day in prayer between 7:00am and 7:00pm with at least 24 people. Contact Cathy at 40daysforlife@calvarygr.org, or call/text 616-460-7893. Instructions and a prayer guide will be provided.

To learn about Calvary's partner ministries dedicated to Life, such as Alpha Grand Rapids and the Pregnancy Resource Center, see calvarygr.org/local.

Dan & Laura with kids Quincy, Camille, & Judah



Worship & Prayer

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Calvary Church Sanctuary

9:00 & 10:45am

Both services are identical. All services are streamed live at calvarygr.org. We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew.

Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Many hearing aids offer hearing assistance by selecting the t-coil setting on your device. You can take advantage of this feature on the main floor behind row 6 of the main seating area. Contact Zach Schmuck (zschmuck@calvarygr. org) for more information.

Pre-Service Prayer

8:30-8:50am | Room 211B

Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants specifically that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join.

Boiler Room Prayer

8:50-11:55am | Room 212

Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.

Adult Sunday Classes

All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ calvarygr.org) at ext. 5173.

9:00am Classes

Ambassadors | Chapel

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Faith Builders | Room 260

A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 50+.

Family Tree | Room 251-253 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month

A medium sized multi-generational sermon discussion class focused on doing life together as we pray for one another and share what God is teaching us through the Sunday sermons. First Sunday is a potluck at someone’s home after second service.

Flock | Room 252 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults.

Growing in Relationships | Room 261

Meet 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays

A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults.

L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example)

Room 255 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month

A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages.

Young Marrieds | Room 264 | Designed to create community among newly married and engaged couples, while learning to keep Christ at the center of our relationships.

10:45am Classes

Faith & Fellowship | Room 264

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages.

Heirs Together | Chapel

A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults.

Journey | Room 265

A large, teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages.

Koinonia | Room 260

A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages who love Jesus.

Legacy Builders | Room 106A

A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse.

Sojourners | Room 252

A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.


Kids & Students

9:00 & 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade)

Check-in: All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag, and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian (fifth grade or older), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in.

Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our facilitator, Pam Cook, (pcook@ calvarygr.org).

Holiday Sundays: March 31 & May 26

On these Sundays, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool.

Fifth & Sixth Grade Class

Big Questions & Answers

Sundays, April 7-28 | 10:45am-12:00pm

Cost: $5 | Room 108

Join us for our sixth unit in our series on Worldview and Apologetics! We will be tackling three of the most difficult questions posed to Christians, and give thoughtful answers during these three weeks. This three-week unit is for students and their parents to take together, and is supplementary to family worship on Sunday mornings. We would love to have you join us this year for in depth, challenging lessons, and interactive, hands-on projects! Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Seventh & Eighth Grade Class

10:45am | Room 109

Class ends May 12

Join us for a chance to connect with your peers, dig deeper into what God said through each week’s sermon, ask tough questions about how it pertains to your life as a middle schooler, and understand better how God might be calling you to apply it to your life. Just remember you MUST come to the 9:00am Worship Service at Calvary to be in this class.


There is no programming March 24, March 31 (Holy Week & Easter). *


HSM | Sunday Evenings

6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 208

High School Ministry – HSM for short –is Calvary’s youth group for those in 9th12th grade. We exist to connect students to meaningful community with their peers (& awesome adult leaders), and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus for themselves. We also believe in having as much FUN as possible while pursuing those goals.

During your time at HSM, you will be led in worship through song by an incredible, student-led worship band, enjoy a fun game or activity, hear a relevant message from God’s Word, and conclude our time together in small group discussions.

Overtime Hangout | Sunday Evenings After HSM (8:30pm-9:00pm) | Room 208

We hope you’ll join us for “Overtime” hangout each Sunday after HSM, where the goal is simply to have a blast building community through a variety of planned activities.

Singles Connect: Spring Book Study

Sundays Through April 28

6:00pm | Room 261 | $10

Join us for our discussion on the book Thrive: the Single Life As God Intended by Lina Abujamra. We were made to serve God in every season of life. Let’s talk about how singles can thrive during this season! Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Singles Connect seeks to strengthen and encourage singles in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Discipleship 101

Sundays, February 25 – April 21 6:00-8:00pm | $5

As followers of Jesus we are given an incredibly important job… “go and make disciples of all nations.” Are you ready to help others grow spiritually? This class will provide a helpful resource guide for discipleship that covers essentials like how to help someone write their testimony, share the Gospel, pray and read the Bible. We’ll talk about accountability, stewardship and multiplication. Come as a refresher or if you are just beginning to live out the Great Commission. Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Serving specialty coffee and tea crafted by our excellent barista team on Sunday evenings from 4:00 to 9:00pm in the Gathering Place.



*There is no Wednesday Night programming March 27 (Holy Week), April 3 (Spring Break). Most programming ends for the year on April 28.

The foundation of the Wednesday Night experience at Calvary is the Wednesday Fellowship Dinner. A hearty, healthy meal featuring a rotating entree, pizza or chicken nuggets, and a salad bar. More than just solving the equation of what you’ll have for dinner on a busy weeknight, WFD is a low-stakes opportunity to gather around the table with your church friends. It’s a casual time for community that you don’t have to organize or plan - just show up! Every week is a chance to meet someone new or deepen an exisiting relationship.

The weekly menu for Wednesday Fellowship Dinner is posted at calvarygr.org/events. The meal costs $7 per person, with a max price of $28 for a family of 4+.

Kids & Students

Li’l Kids-N-Action

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm)

Three and four-year-olds can join us for Li’l KNA where they will learn stories of kids in the Bible who demonstrated their own faith in action. There will be a room open for birth-35 months old children as well. This program is only available to kids whose parents are in a class/study or volunteering at Calvary on Wednesday

nights. Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss (kdemoss@calvarygr.org).

Kids ‘N Action

Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm)

Children in kindergarten through fourth grade are invited to join us for our KidsN-Action programming! It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed to foster social interaction through electives and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action! You only need to register at mycalvarygr.org once for the entire year. Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss (kdemoss@calvarygr.org).

Fifth & Sixth Grade

Wednesdays | 6:30pm-7:45pm

Meet & Pick Up: Room 108

This year we are walking through the stories of Ruth and Esther in our series Providence. We will see God’s perfect story woven through scripture and think about how His story should influence the story God is writing in our lives. Be sure to register for Wednesday Nights at mycalvarygr.org!

Seventh & Eighth Grade

Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:45pm | Room 208

Students get an opportunity to connect with friends, spend time worshipping God through song and His Word, play fun games, and dig even deeper with their peers in adult-led small groups (broken up by grade and gender). Join us as we continue walking through Galatians and understanding better how God calls each of us to Live a Life of Love


Adoptive Moms Book Discussion

March 20 | April 17 | May 15 6:30-7:45pm | Room 136

Join other adoptive moms for stimulating discussions. We are reading Throw Out the First Punch by Beth Guckenberger. Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org).

A Man and His Work

March 6 - April 24 | 6:30-7:45pm

Room 265 | $10

A Man and His Work is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. An inspiring vision of work from God’s bigger perspective. Register at mycalvarygr.org

The Conversation

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45

Room 215 (Entrance C)

This is an ongoing group that you can “jump into” at any time. In The Conversation, our goal is to create a spontaneous community comprised of anyone who might walk into Calvary. Together we will seek out scriptural truth, transparency in our lives, truth in repentance, and take time to just fully love on one another by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord! There is no script or study we follow, we let the Holy Spirit take control and follow His prompting.

Co-facilitated by Sara Blue & Tom Olsson

Let’s Pray Together

Wednesdays, February 28 – March 20 6:30-7:45pm | Register at mycalvarygr.org

Do you delight in your prayer time or is


it a duty? Do you even have a consistent prayer life? Join us as we focus on the delight of prayer. This is a practical hands-on class to actually pray, not just talk about ways to pray. Bring your Bible as we pray through Scripture and experience prayer in a powerful new way.


Wednesdays, March 6-May 15


Are you looking to better connect to community here at Calvary? Rooted is a new experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in groups of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serving experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | $10

Limited availability - please register by emailing women@calvarygr.org.


Wednesdays | 6:15-7:30pm

Chapel (Entrance C)

Go Getters is a gathering of people of all abilities on Wednesday nights to worship, learn about God’s word and enjoy fellowship together. Many of us enjoy Fellowship Dinner together before worship. WOW brings a very present worship experience of joy and freedom that you do not want to miss!


Global Adventures Fair

Saturday, March 2 | 10:30am-1:00pm

Gathering Place

Discover how you can participate in God’s charge to make disciples of all nations! At this fun, family-friendly event, you will be transported to other countries through a variety of interactive experiences like a Virtual Reality tour of India, Bengali rickshaw rides, henna artistry, sari wrapping, and a variety of foods from around the globe. You will hear amazing stories of what God is accomplishing around the world and expand your idea of what making disciples of all nations means for you.

Come and go at your leisure. No registration required. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Calvary Kids

Birth-Fourth Grade

Contact: Brooke Hensler

bhensler@calvarygr.org | ext. 5085

Parenting Workshop: Connecting With Your Child

Saturday, March 16 | 9:30-11:00am

Gathering Place

Every parent desires a connection with their child, though often we get caught in the “how.” Join us for a morning of training with trauma-informed educator, Bethany Hall from Chosen Care Ministries. Parents of children 18 and under are invited to this helpful and hopeful, one-time parenting seminar. Registration is required by March 13 at mycalvarygr.org

Childcare is also available at no charge. This is a separate registration, so if you are interested in childcare during this training, register your child additionally at mycalvarygr.org by March 13.

Soulful Summer Rhythms with Megan Schaap

Thursday, April 18 | 7:00-9:00pm Room 108 (Entrance F)

Learn how to easily plan ahead to make this the most memorable and intentional summer with your family yet. Gather with other moms to learn how to plan ahead, get creative, and exchange ideas on how to take otherwise mundane rhythms and turn them into intentional, soul-filling, and fun for the entire family. Megan will show you her process for taking bucket-list summer activities, prayerful goals, and daily habit building and turning them into a fun and grace-filled summer calendar. This gathering will be great for the planner moms and the non-planner moms (like Megan!). Light snacks and beverages will be provided. No registration necessary.

Child Dedication

Sunday, May 19 | 4:00-5:00pm

At this time, parents have the opportunity to commit their children to the Lord at our Child Dedication services. Family members and friends are welcome to join in the celebration and show their support. If you would like to dedicate your child(ren), registration is required.

Parents will also attend a breakfast meeting the day prior, to discuss the significance and importance of child dedication.

Registration is required by May 5 at mycalvarygr.org. If you have any questions please email Calvary Kids Facilitator, Brooke Hensler.

Students 22

Fifth & Sixth

Fifth-Sixth Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org

Underground Church

March 15 | 6:30-8:30 pm | Cost: $10 Room 108 (Entrance F)

Underground Church is a game similar to Hide N Seek but with many hiders and many seekers. There are police officers who work to arrest the members of churches, and if they find a pastor, they shut that whole church down. The largest and last church standing wins. This game is a fun way to introduce the opportunity to talk about persecuted Christians around the world and take time to pray for those suffering in this way. We will be providing chicken and french fries for dinner. Register at mycalvarygr.org.

Gold Rush

Friday, April 12 | 6:30-8:30 pm | Cost: Free Meet & Pick Up: Room 108 | Entrance F

Calling all adventurous prospectors! Get ready to join us for Gold Rush! Armed with your keen senses and a hunger for victory, navigate the untamed wilderness in search of hidden gold pieces, but be quick! Outhunt your opponents and prove yourself as the ultimate champion in this exhilarating race against time. Unleash your inner prospector and let the hunt begin!

Small Group Escape Rooms

Friday, May 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | Free Room 108 (Entrance F)

In the heart of the dimly lit basement of Calvary Church, four small groups converge for a night of covert challenges. Under the cloak of darkness, these small groups find themselves locked in intricately designed escape rooms, their minds racing against the clock. Each small group plots to unravel the secrets, solve the puzzles, and secure their escape from the maze of puzzles faster than their adversaries in a race cloaked

in suspense.

Seventh & Eighth

Seventh-Eighth Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org

Let’s Glow

Friday, March 15 | 6:30-8:30pm

Room 208 (Entrance D) | $10

Get ready to indulge in delicious snacks and refreshing drinks while immersing yourself in the glow-tastic atmosphere. Join us for an evening of unforgettable fun and luminous memories under the neon lights! Register at mycalvarygr.org by March 13.

After Dark

Friday, April 12 | 6:30-8:30pm | Cost: $0 Room 208 (Entrance D)

Embark on an exhilarating adventure at our thrilling hide and seek event at the church, designed just for you! Join us for an evening brimming with stealth, strategy, laughter, and the joy of discovery as you navigate through the shadows in search of victory. With enjoyable snacks and refreshing drinks to fuel your quest, this promises to be an unforgettable night of fun and fellowship! Register at mycalvarygr.org by April 11.

7&8 Goes to the Movies

Friday, May 10 | 6:30-9:30pm | Cost: $15 Celebration Cinema North

Get ready for an epic cinematic experience at 7&8: Goes to the Movies where we’ll screen an awesome film, complete with mountains of popcorn and ice-cold soda! Join us for a movie night filled with laughter, thrills, and unforgettable moments with your friends. Don’t miss out on the chance to make memories that’ll last long after the credits roll! Register at mycalvarygr.org by May 6.

Zoo Scavenger Hunt

+ Zip Line & High Ropes Course

Saturday, May 25 | 1:30-4:00pm | $25 John Ball Zoo Entrance

Embark on an exhilarating adventure at the annual 7&8: Zoo Scavenger Hunt

event, where thrills await around every corner! However, this year zip through the treetops on an exhilarating zip line ride and conquer new heights on the high ropes course, all while unlocking clues and discovering the wonders of the zoo! Join us for an unforgettable day of excitement, teamwork, and unforgettable memories—sign up now and let the adventure begin! Cost includes entry fee + zip line and high ropes course. Register at mycalvarygr.org by May 20.

High School

9th-12th Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis dwalukonis@calvarygr.org



Friday, April 12 | 6:00-9:00pm | $30

Craig’s Cruisers (5730 Clyde Park SW)

There’s no better time to go to Craig’s Cruisers than with HSM! Enjoy UNLIMITED activities with your friends and access to both the Ninja course & trampoline park. The pizza buffet is also included. Bring extra $ if you want to play video games. Cost is $30 which includes dinner and unlimited attractions. Scholarships are available. Questions? Contact Darcy. Registration is required at mycalvarygr.org.

Detroit Day Trip

May 4 | 8:00am-4:30pm

Meet at Entrance D

Join us for a day full of adventure in Detroit – from hiking the scenic River Walk to exploring downtown shops and museums, enjoying lunch together, and even more exploring before ending our time downtown at the incredible Detroit Water Ice Factory. Don’t miss the chance to experience Detroit’s vibrant culture with friends and make this Saturday an experience to remember!

No cost for event; Students should bring $$ to cover the cost of their lunch, shopping, and purchase of Detroit Water Ice as desired. Registration is required at mycalvarygr.org; spots in Calvary Van are limited!

Kids & Students 23
Students 23

Senior Celebration

April 28 | 7:45-9:30pm

Graduating seniors, this mini-event is just for you! Join us at HSM as you regularly do at 6:30pm, where we will recognize, celebrate, and encourage you during our HSM service.

Following large group (around 7:45pm), we’ll load into Calvary vans and head over to Fuji Yama to enjoy the thrilling show and delicious flavors of hibachi. In addition to a memorable evening with friends, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know Mark Schaap and the YA team as they join us for dinner.

High School & Young Adults

High School - 30-years-old

Sending Gen Z

March 1 | 7:00-9:00pm | Room 208

Get ready to ignite your passion and unleash the missions potential of Gen Z at the ultimate mission-focused event for high school students and young adults.

Experience an electric night filled with real-life testimonies from young people who’ve embarked on life-changing mission trips. Immerse yourself in powerful worship, unite in prayer for the nations, and engage with an eye-opening talk that dispels common myths about missions.

Those ready to take their first steps in evangelizing the nations will also find helpful information and encouragement as they visit with representatives of several organizations aimed at empowering Gen Z to take up the torch in fulfilling the Great Commission.


All Adults

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn kvanholstyn@calvarygr.org

Join a Community Group

Looking for gospel centered fellowship, a place to be known, and cared for? Community groups might be for you! We are forming new groups this season through Rooted, see page 19. If you are interested, please reach out to Quinn Santa Ana (qsantaana@calvarygr.org).

Adult Bible Study

We are halfway through Ephesians but you are still welcome to enter in to our Monday Night Bible Study, Tuesday Women’s Bible Study, or Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Study. Additionally, a limited supply of extra study books is avaiable for $10 if you would like to do the study on your own. Contact women@ calvarygr.org for more information.

Global Outreach Weekend: Workshop

Saturday, March 2 | 1:00-3:00pm

Come join us for a time of learning all things Missions from Missions author Steve Richardson. He will be speaking on Is the commission still great: common misconceptions about missions. Business as Mission will be a component of this workshop that will be co-led by Steve and his wife Arlene.

This event will be in Room 208. A light snack will be provided, and no RSVP is needed. Come as you are!

Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30)

Contact: Dan Eytcheson deytcheson@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Nights

Tuesdays | 8:00pm (Doors open - 7:30pm) Room 208 (Entrances E)

No registration required

We exist to help young adults know God and actively live out their faith where

they live, work and play. Our YA nights include:

• Worship with music, teaching and testimony.

• Building friendships within our community that encourage and challenge each other to grow.

• A lot of laughing and fun through games, hangouts and late night dinner.

We would love to have Calvary’s 18-30 year olds, both single and married come to encounter Jesus in our community!

YA: Community Nights

3rd Tuesday each month | 9:00pm

Room 208 (Entrance E)

No registration required

After our normal Tuesday night Worship Service on the third Tuesday of the month we have a special night designed to increase the opportunities for young adults (18-30 years old) to connect with each other and develop deeper friendships. We have intentional games, activities and events both on campus and off that make it hard to walk away from a night not feeling seen, known, and cared for.

Singles Connect

Contact: Lynnell Bok lbok@calvarygr.org

Singles Connect seeks to support and encourage single men and women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s in their life journeys and help them go deeper with God and with one another. Ultimately, our goal is for singles to make a lasting impact in God’s Kingdom and we believe that we can do that better together.

See Spring Book Study information on page 17.

24 Adults, Singles


Contact: Carla Julien cjulien@calvarygr.org

Men of 7:24

Saturdays | 8:00-9:00am | Room 265

Journey through Philippians with two purposes; to enable each man to discover what God is saying to him, and to grow and mature as an active disciple of Christ Jesus. Contact Denny Cochran (menof724@calvarygr.org).

Men of Prayer

March 19 | April 16 | May 21 6:30-7:30am | Room 251 (Entrance K)

Join the praying men of Calvary Church for a one hour prayer meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be a brief devotional, worship, and a time of inviting the Lord’s presence in united prayer. Coffee will be available. Will you give up one hour a month to make a huge difference and grow closer to your praying brothers?

Men’s Basketball

Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym

Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men to enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball. Contact: Mike (mensbball@calvarygr.org)

Men at Noon

Tuesdays | 12:00pm

This is a virtual inductive Bible study on Exodus. Contact Russ Clark (menatnoon@calvarygr.org) for a link to participate in this study.

Men of 6:10

Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30am | Room 265

Inductive study of the book of Jeremiah. Contact Earl Thomas (menof610@ calvarygr.org).

Futsal Pickup

Thursdays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym (Entrance D)

Join us at Calvary for Thursday night

pickup Futsal! Futsal is 5-on-5 indoor soccer played on a hard pitch. It is a fast-paced game with lots of opportunities to sub in and out with other players. You can drop in for a half hour or stay for the whole night. Grab a friend and join us for some friendly fun. See you there! Contact is Eddie (eduardo.ramirez.mx@gmail.com).

Men’s Breakfast - March March 9 | 8:00-9:30am | $5 Room 208 (Entrance D)

Hosea 6:3 “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” Join us for a morning of restoration and revival! God isn’t finished yet, He is only getting started! Grab a friend or neighbor and sign up at mycalvaryg.org.

Men’s Breakfast - April April 13 | 8:00-9:30am | $5 Room 208 (Entrance D)

This a great opportunity to gather for encouragement and strength from our brothers in Christ. We all have our ups and downs, that’s why community is so important! Our goal is to build a community of Godly men transforming our world for Christ. This month we will put our words into action as we meet up after breakfast for a serving project. Sign up at mycalvarygr.org.

Freedom in Christ for Men

Thursdays, April 11 – June 20 | 6:308:30pm + Saturday, June 1 from 9:30am4:30pm | $10

Are you stuck in repeating patterns of sin? Do you want to have the freedom that Christ gives? Are you ready to uncover and work through any areas of deception holding you back? This 11-week course will help you grasp the amazing truth of your new identity in Christ- what Scripture says about who you are; spiritual conflict – how to take thoughts captive; how to heal damaged

emotions and freedom of forgiveness. If you are ready to take your walk with Christ seriously, this class will give you the tools to walk in victory. Register at mycalvarygr.org

Men’s Serving Project

April 13 | 10:00am-1:00pm

960 Alpine Ave NW

During the winter months, we raised money for New City Kids to renovate a couple of classrooms to be used for their programming. Now it’s time to get to work! Join us after Men’s Breakfast in Room 208 or just meet up at New City Kids at 10:00am to help pull up carpet, paint, and do whatever else they need our help with. This will be a great opportunity to serve and build relationships with brothers in Christ. Lunch will be provided. This event is free, but sign up at mycalvarygr.org so we can prepare for the right number of volunteers.

Men’s Breakfast - May

May 11 | 8:00-9:30am | $5 Room 208 (Entrance D)

All year long we have been witnessing God working in our midst. It’s time to celebrate all that He has done! Join us as we share testimonies of God’s faithfulness, and give praise and worship for the victory He has won. This will be a great time of encouragement and hope. Be sure to grab a friend and sign up at mycalvarygr.org.

Men 25


Contact: women@calvarygr.org

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

See page 24 for more information.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Second & Fourth Thursdays


Room 215 (Entrance C)

Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you to serve with us in Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month for a time of prayer, devotions and fellowship while creating prayer shawls. You can join us in person or work from home and we supply yarn and patterns.

Homeschool Moms

First Fridays | 9:30-11:30am | Room 139

Calvary’s Homeschool Moms meet once a month for a time of prayer and building community. We invite you to join us on the first Friday of the month, October through May. Children are welcome and we provide care, activities and a place for studying. For additional questions, contact Andrea Reiffer (areiffer@calvarygr.org) or women@calvarygr.org.

OASIS (Senior Adults)

Contact: Carla Julien cjulien@calvarygr.org

Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:45-11:00am

Gathering Place

Living Thankful for God’s Grace

Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Philippians. This study will encourage our faith by challenging us to possess Christ’s attitude while serving others; to sacrifice for the spiritual concern of others; to struggle for Biblical unity above the influences of cultural and personal cravings; to develop Spirit-disciplined lives empowered by God; and to discover serenity and joy through dependence on Christ’s strength.

Oasis Singles: Bowling

March 9 | 1:00-5:00pm | $25 Westgate Bowling

Try your hand at bowling and then enjoy a nice dinner at Olive Garden afterward. R.S.V.P. to Phyl (oasissingles@calvarygr.org).

Chili Cook-off & Games

March 16 | 11:00am-1:00pm | Room 108

Bring your favorite board game and either a pot of chili or an appetizer. We will see how your tried and true family recipe holds up to the other. R.S.V.P. to Carla (cjulien@calvarygr.org).


April 8 | 10:00am-12:30pm | $13

Gathering Place

Grant Austin, from RGA Tech Support be speaking about home safety, security systems, personal safety in public, car safety, technology safety (computers, cell phones). Lunch will be served. Contact Carla (cjulien@calvarygr.org) to R.S.V.P by March 31.

Oasis Singles: Shipshewana

April 20 | 8:00am-7:00pm

Carpool from Calvary Church to Shipshewana

This is a day trip to Shipshewana. Lunch will be at Das Essenhaus, take a buggy ride and spend the day exploring the area. R.S.V.P. to Phyl (oasissingles@ calvarygr.org).

Picnic & Social

May 1 | 10:00am-12:30pm

Gathering Place

This indoor picnic is a great place to make new friends and connect with current friends and learn about the Oasis events planned for the summer. Grilled hamburgers & hotdogs will be served some summers sides. R.S.V.P. to Carla by April 23.


May 15 | 9:00am-4:30pm | $50

Indwelling Church

(800 Monroe Ave NW #140)

A guest speaker will share on the topic of “Being still before the Lord.” The retreat will include worship, fellowship, games, activities, breakfast and lunch. Register at mycalvarygr.org by May 7. Scholarships are available. If you have questions contact Carla.

Oasis Singles: Holland Day Trip

May 18 | 9:00am-5:00pm

This day trip to Holland will take place during the Tulip Festival. It will begin with breakfast at DeBoer’s and then tour the area to see tulips and ending with a stop for dessert. R.S.V.P. to Phyl (oasissingles@calvarygr.org).

Special Needs Ministry

Contact: Zach Schmuck zschmuck@calvarygr.org

Go Getters Talent Night

March 13 | 6:00-8:00pm


Contact Zach Schmuck for details.

Forever Hope Orphan Care Ministry

Contact: Lou DeGraaf ldegraaf@calvarygr.org

Adoptive Moms Book Discussion

March 20 | April 17 | May 15 9:30-11:00am | Room 136

Join other adoptive moms for stimulating discussions. We are reading Throw Out the First Punch by Beth Guckenberger. Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org).

Adoptive/Foster Dads Breakfast

March 15 | April 19 | May 17 7:00-8:30am | Room 251

Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt (sschmidt@calvarygr.org).

26 Women, Seniors, Special Needs, Mercy Ministries

Widows Ministry

Contact: Lynnell Bok lbok@calvarygr.org

Widows Coffee

March 21 | 9:30-11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Guest Speaker: Paula Kerr

Paula will share ideas on planning, purchasing and preparing foods for simple meals for one on a budget. RSVP to Lynnell (lbok@calvarygr.org) at 616956-5520 by March 15.

Widows Coffee

April 18 | 9:30-11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

Guest Speaker: Master Gardner Judy Wetters

Come learn how to make individual porch pots for sun or shade that will look amazing and won’t break your budget. RSVP to Lynnell (lbok@calvarygr.org) at 616-956-5520 by April 12.

Widows Coffee

May 16 | 9:30-11:30am

Room 208 (Entrance D)

RSVP to Lynnell (lbok@calvarygr.org) at 616-956-5520 by May 10.


Contact: Erika Sparks esparks@calvarygr.org

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Sundays – Women’s Stag

5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)

Monday-Friday 12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)


Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 110

Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.


Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact avenue@calvarygr.org.

GriefShare Support Group

Begins March 5 | 6:30-9:00pm

Cost: $20

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

A one-time fee of $20 to cover materials will be collected by group leaders.

Hannah’s Heart

Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533.

Mental Illness Support Group

Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255

If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, training and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact mentalhealth@ calvarygr.org with questions.

Contact: Cindy Marrell cmarrell@calvarygr.org


Elder Prayer

First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm

Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997

Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season. Contact Cindy at ext. 5997 to schedule your time.

Prayer For the Persecuted Church

Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 110

Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list at mycalvarygr.org.

Pastors’ Prayer Partners

Sundays | One Service Monthly

Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly.

Third Monday Missionary Prayer

Third Monday | 11:30am-12:30pm Room 255

Join us to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world.

High School Parents Prayer

First & Third Sundays | 5:40-6:25pm Room 108 (Sept.-May)

Starts with ministry leaders sharing what we see God doing in the youth group as well as prayer requests, then lifting those before the throne of our gracious God. No sign up necessary. Your student that rides with you can hang out in the hall outside of 208.

Mercy, Care, Prayer 27

• Both women and men are welcome to join our team!


Contact: Christie Thompson cthompson@calvarygr.org


Baptism will take place in the morning worship services on March 31. If you feel the Lord prompting you to be baptized, contact Christie Thompson (cthompson@calvarygr.org).


We aim to observe the ordinance of communion once a month, typically on the first Sunday. At these times, we will also collect an offering for Calvary’s Benevolence Fund.

Lent & Easter

For more information about Calvary’s Lent practices and Holy Week services, see page 3.


Adult Ministries

Contact: Jessica Henkaline jhenkaline@calvarygr.org

Midweek Daytime Caregivers, Serving Children & Moms

Women’s Ministry offers Tuesday Bible Study and Embrace Moms during the week, both of which present opportunities to minister to young children through songs and Bible Stories. Programs run through May, every Tuesday and many Thursday mornings.

Serving Opportunities:

• Caregivers who can play with and care for children ages 6 and under.

• We have a flexible schedule for our volunteers and we will work with the days that you are available to serve.

Contact Jessica Henkaline at 616-956-5186 to start the application and interview process.


Medical Emergency Response Team

I’d like to introduce our volunteer Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) to you. The MERT has been in place for over 15 years and we are made up of Nurses, Paramedics, EMTs, Fire fighters, and first responders that attend all Calvary services and large events. It is easy to get in touch with us via any help phone or usher.

Calvary’s commitment to safety and this team has been a blessing as we are provided with lifesaving AEDs throughout the church plus two mobile units for our medical bags. We are available to respond to any medical emergency and provide life saving care to those in need prior to outside help arriving.

Our team is currently made up of 12 members, but we are always looking for others who want to serve. If you are interested in serving, visit calvarygr.org/ serving to get started.

Jennette Van Sweden

MERT Volunteer Team Leader

Police cruisers at the maintenance building? You may have noticed that there are police cars parked outside of the new maintenance building at any time of the day and night. No worries there is not anything bad happening, we have opened up the breakroom area to all law enforcement departments to have a safe place to stop and stretch their legs. We provide them, as well as our grounds volunteers; water, coffee and even some snacks. The comments we have received about the use of the area have been overwhelming, the officers are very appreciative of the great location.

28 Worship, Serving Opportunities & FAQ

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