Calvary Life - Spring 2022

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Calvary LIFE Spring 2022

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Lent + Holy Week


Get to Know: Benevolence Ministry


The season of Lent begins on March 2. Prepare yourself for this season of spiritual pilgrimage leading up to the celebration of Easter on April 17.

Calvary’s Benevolence Ministry has undergone significant change over the past couple of years. Learn more about how the ministry is growing and how it seeks to serve.

Get to Know: Culinary Services Over the last several months, we’ve welcomed new leadership into the Calvary Kitchen. Learn more about the team and the heart behind their ministry.


Jerusalem Project


Elder & Deacon Updates

The Jerusalem Project has found a way to artistically communicate their growing ministry. May you have opportunity to engage with it this spring.



The God Who Sees


Child Dedication Pictures


Spring Activity Guide


Mercy & Missions Update


Starting a Neighborhood Bible Study

Calvary member Sara Almeida encourages us to walk obediently knowing the God Who Sees Us is acting on our behalf.

Celebrate with those families who have dedicated a child over the past year.

Find out what God is doing around the world and in our community through our church.

Calvary member Kathy Still shares her experience beginning a Bible Study in her new neighborhood.

At Calvary Church, the elders give oversight and direction to the church. Deacons are commissioned congregants who partner with the church staff in helping the Elders. In this issue we have a few updates on how these folks have been ministering lately.

Calvary Church

707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 Grand Rapids MI 49501 Ph (616) 956-9377 Fax (616) 956-9723 CalvaryChurchGR calvarygr


LENT + HOLY WEE K March 2 - April 17

Lent is a season in the Church Calendar, beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 2, 2022) and concluding with the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection on Easter Sunday (April 17, 2022), that offers opportunity for us to reorder our spiritual lives. It is a season of spiritual pilgrimage, a journey wherein we choose to die with Christ and be buried with Him, so we can be raised in the resurrection of new life. At Calvary, in this season we emphasize the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting and giving as Jesus encouraged in Matthew 6. Lent provides a wonderful opportunity to do this together, as a church body.


GOD calvary church lent guide 2022

For a full guide to how we are observing Lent as a church body this year, pick up a 2022 Lent Guide in the back of the Sanctuary or visit


Join us for an evening of worship lead by our choir and orchestra to prepare our hearts and minds as we enter into Holy Week.


Experience the last supper as Jesus did with His disciples in the Upper Room. A better understanding of the seder meal (Jewish Passover) enables Christians to more appreciate the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. Attendance is limited, register at


An evening of reflection that commemorates the night when Christ bore the ultimate burden for us and was crucified in order to give us peace with God.


EASTER SUNDAY | APRIL 17 SERVICES: 7:15, 9:00 & 10:45am Together we will celebrate Christ’s victory over sin, fear and death and the peace and new life we can find in Him today. Breakfast: 8:00-10:00am Enjoy a light breakfast in the Gathering Place.


get to know

BENEVOLENCE AT CALVARY meet sara blue After a lifetime knowing of God, I came to fall in love with Him, and give my life to Him in February of 2019. At this time, I started attending Calvary regularly and continued, as I had been for a while, getting mentored by Pastor Tom Olsson. In May 2020, due to COVID the non-profit I had been director of closed down. For the first time in 10 years, I found myself without a job, and the people that are experiencing homelessness I had been serving along the way would be without, in a sense, their home. When I had lost my job, I also had no way to pay my rent. Although I had applied for unemployment, at this time it would take over three months to start getting that income. I was so new to my faith. And, it felt like everything was being stripped away from me. I was encouraged to bring these issues to the Benevolence Ministry at Calvary. I didn’t want others to pay my bills, but as a single mom, I didn’t know what else to do. When I had first asked for help, I was just hoping that I could get one month of my rent paid, so I could figure out other means to help myself. I was in awe when I was told that Calvary was offering to not only help me with one month of rent, that God was directing them to help me for three months. Even more important, I was told that actually it was not Calvary, but God, and His love, that indeed was going to come alongside me and my children, in our time of suffering. This type of love I had never fully understood, that came with no shame or guilt, it was given freely, with the spirit of Christ-like love. I felt a strong need to begin serving at the church in some capacity and to start what was to become a weekly role as a greeter. Although, I loved greeting God’s family as they entered the church, I found myself even more, loving the people and relationships I was forming with those I was serving next to. I shared one Sunday, with the person I was stationed next to, that I had recently lost my job. I told her that right after the non-profit closed, a friend and I had started feeding over 50 unsheltered people a day out of the back of our cars, and looking for places for them to do laundry, take showers and use the restroom.

A few weeks later, she felt God prompting her to introduce me to a foundation called Two Fish. She said that she had to be obedient to God’s call. God was smiling on me when he put this on her heart as this was a fateful meeting. Through this meeting and most importantly God’s direction, a few months later, Two Fish asked me to intern and continue this ministry with people experiencing homelessness. At this time, I also started working with the Benevolence Ministry, not only because of my personal experience with receiving this type of care, but also my relationship with the homeless in Grand Rapids. I began to bring needs of this community to Calvary to help those who are chronically unsheltered but also our neighbors. Over the past year we have been able to provide many homeless who are suffering with alcohol or drug misuse the opportunity to go into treatment, get into recovery housing, but also to join us as a part of the church family, worshiping next to us on Sundays. As always God was moving, and I also started to meet with others who were in crisis or need of benevolence at Calvary and bring those needs to our committee. Almost a year later, I felt God leading my heart to work here at Calvary, to help expand the benevolence that we provide, in ways that mimic my own experience. Although it started as a financial need, God’s people saw ways to help that were so much more than I could ask or imagine. As of January 2022, I came on staff at Calvary full-time to lead the Benevolence Ministry. I personally know the impact of the church helping financially and coming alongside you in time of need, with the money God has entrusted to our church. Even more so, I know the impact of having others in the church notice needs in my life before I did. I have witnessed their faith and experienced the power of prayer with those from Calvary who were truly there for me. It has been life altering — all praise to God and how He uniquely calls us to serve and see one another. I am excited to listen to God, and prayerfully see how Calvary can be a more radically giving church, in all ways!

...that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together (1 Corinthians 12: 25-26).


FAQs WHE R E DO E S M Y O F FE R I NG G O ? The Benevolence Fund helps people with: shelter (when facing eviction or homelessness), essential utilities, dental work, substance use treatment, auto repairs, funeral expenses or rental assistance. When someone is experiencing a financial hardship, our aim is to provide for their needs whatever they may be.

WHAT DO I D O I F I H AV E A FI NA NCI A L N E E D ? You can reach Sara Blue ( at (616) 956-9377, ext. 5167. We also encourage you to talk to your small group leader, or anyone you feel safe to talk to within the church. We are all here to help and to come alongside and offer connection.

HO W CA N I B E I N VO LV E D IN A DDI T I O N TO M Y O F F E R I N G ? Yes, do you have a service to offer? We can use resources in the areas of dental work, construction, plumbing, electrical, auto sales, tax preparation, lawyer, real estate or landlord, computer tech, driving to appointments etc. Would you like to mentor someone in need, pray with them? Those relationships are valuable to our ministry as well.

I HAV E A N I T E M I ’ D L I K E TO DO NAT E D I R E C T LY TO A PE R SO N I N N E E D . W H AT D O I DO ? Although Calvary will not be the one to accept the donation, we can connect you with people that Calvary is serving in benevolence.

CONTAC T T H E BENE VO L E N C E M I N I ST RY Sara Blue (616) 956-9377, ext. 5167

what stories can we share about how this ministry is helping people? turn the page!



how the benevolence ministry changes lives Before Calvary’s assistance I was in the very lowest state imaginable. Once I became homeless, I was abusing alcohol all day, every day, putting myself in a horribly vulnerable state, pursuing relationships that were not meaningful, and quite often, abusive. I could muster virtually no worth or care for myself. I wasn’t in a state to be able to make any realistic goals aside from thinking that everything depended on my next drink. Despite these dilemmas, I still managed to put on a happy face for others around me. I did not even feel deserving of basic needs, because I was so used to not having most of them. Everyday, seemed to be a repeat of the last, with no hope for change. I think I truly believed that Jesus had forgotten about me. I always knew that I wasn’t going to make any of my dreams come true, not by myself, so I eventually became comfortable with the fact that the current reality of my life may end up remaining only that. When I first heard of the opportunity for some real change from Sara Blue, the idea seemed so lovely, but I was scared at the same time. I wanted so badly for things to improve, but was very uncomfortable with the thought of such a change from what I had sadly become so comfortable with. Eventually, I convinced myself that there was no better time to make the plunge and take advantage of the blessing that laid before me. To this day, I am thrilled that I made that decision. The first step of my journey was the opportunity to go to Pine Rest for detox. Before I could implement or apply any recovery skills or healthy habits, I needed to feel better physically, which I think was the scariest part. When you’ve been so dependent on something for so long, its hard to imagine not being sick without it. My nine days in detox were funded by Calvary’s Benevolence Ministry. It was such a wonderful program; the staff genuinely cared and wanted to make sure that what is sometimes a very rough process, was a little less severe. Ultimately, they wanted me to be as comfortable as possible. When Sara came to pick me up after my stay, she could already see a significant difference in my complexion, attitude, and all over health. She told me how radiant I looked and how excited she was to support me in my journey.


The church providing the financial means to do so was so helpful. Being able to have assistance in that process was imperative for my success in moving forward. Immediately following detox, I was placed in sober living — my first safe, stable residence in almost a decade. Benevolence was paying my rent there as well. I was so excited about my life change and felt committed to doing well. I had certain requirements when it came to keeping my spot there. I was to attend regular A.A. meetings, not indulge in any form of mind-altering substances, adhere to a reasonable curfew and keep things tidy around the house. All the women in the house having similar goals gave me a sense of camaraderie that felt like support in itself. I did well for quite some time, but such a drastic change in lifestyle gave way for temptation to be too much a number of times throughout the next few months. The staff at Recovery Road, the sober living organization, were quite reasonable, and tried to work with me, giving me a number of chances. My path to success was going to be a long road, and at times, felt so much more difficult than I had anticipated, but it still stood that my success was actually very important to me, and I wanted so badly to change my life for the better. These mishaps were brought to Benevolence’s attention, yet they still remained in my corner, continuing to support me financially. Months later, when my chances eventually ran out, and options were slim, Sara and I thought that going to an inpatient rehab for a while couldn’t hurt, and that it may strengthen my confidence, having a few more tools to utilize when I’m having a tough time. For the few weeks that I was on the waiting list for rehab and had no residence, Olga VanderLeest, Sara’s mother, was kind enough to take me in to live with her. She was a perfect example of God’s love working through his people. Also, a member of the church, she was so genuine in wanting to be a part of helping me. When I was homeless, I still always believed in God. I know that at some points, I had felt a bit abandoned, but I recognized what my blessings were, and knew that there was always something to be thankful for. I also always knew that I was definitely going to need help, and wasn’t going to be able to get out of that situation, and back on my feet without help. The church reaching out and helping me

to build my new life was so unexpected and made me feel so special. I never knew how much I could grow when a group of people were able to help me begin and continue my new path with God in ways that I could not do myself. I honestly believe that I would still currently be without what are considered one’s basic needs, most likely freezing under a bridge somewhere without the love that has been shown to me through Calvary Church. When returning from rehab, I was placed back in sober living with a clean slate. I was ready again, to committing myself to gradually make my life better. About a month after my return, Sara broughts to my attention a job opportunity that had been suggested for me by an elder of the church. He thought that I would be an ideal fit at his family’s company, after hearing my story, and seeing potential in me. I was so flattered that I was thought of and immediately contacted them for an interview. I was hired shortly after, and have been working there ever since. The structure and purpose that my job has given me has been immensely helpful for my wellbeing. Finally being able to pay my own rent is so empowering. I’m so grateful that I was given this chance — a chance that allowed for me to see that I could be responsible and have something that I could call my own because I was making good choices. To see where I am, compared to where I was, has shown me Jesus’ love and patience through many of his followers. Having people in my life that have stuck by me, even when I was making mistakes, has shown me the kind of grace and forgiveness that only comes through Jesus. I have so much to be grateful for and was so touched to have been approached with an opportunity that would change my life in so many ways. I feel like the church has given me a big warm hug, and wasn’t quite ready to let go right away, not wanting me to sail off into the sunset without confidence, peace of mind, and most importantly, a relationship with Jesus Christ. Every human being is so different and complex, and I hope that Calvary knows the gravity of some of the things that they were able to do, and how huge of an impact it has had on my health and happiness.


get to know

CULINARY SERVICES Hello, my name is Amy Gafencu, Director of Calvary’s Culinary Services Ministry. As the culinary services at Calvary Church have been going through many changes, we thought a small introduction of Mark and me, would be helpful, as well as an update on some of the new things to be seen from Calvary’s kitchen. I was born as the oldest daughter to two wonderfully God-fearing parents in a family of nine children, all of whom reside in Detroit, Michigan. I began cooking at a very young age, first being introduced to our traditional Romanian recipes, then to cooking and baking all sorts of international recipes and foods. My most recent journey was in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee where I worked as the sous chef at a five-star resort. Through all these journeys, my focus has been using the talent and gift that God has given me, for His glory and honor. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and platform that God has given me to use my talents within Calvary Church, not only for cooking and baking but for the ministry that the Lord is doing within the Calvary kitchen. Mark Waters has been the Assistant Director in the Calvary kitchen since October of 2021. He resides in Grand Rapids with his wife Petra, and their three sons, Kristopher, Matt, and Alonzo. Prior to accepting his position at Calvary, Mark diligently served as a Food Service Supervisor at the Michigan Reformatory Prison in Ionia for the past 10 years. Mark has been in the culinary industry for 25 years, working in several different positions over the course of his career. While Mark has a wonderful passion for cooking and serving the Lord with his skills, he also enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time fishing and exploring the great outdoors that our Creator has so wonderfully put together! If you’ve experienced a meal at the Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, you’ve tasted and seen God’s goodness through food and hospitality. We are so grateful that God provided a way to


begin sharing a meal together on Wednesday nights again. We are so thankful for the Lord’s provision of volunteers who are so committed to serving Him through servant hearts. Through some trial and error, the buffets lines are now designed to help our guests move through the line quickly and easily without too much of a wait. We are thankful to provide pizza back as a choice each week, but also for a variety of new vegetables and entrees to experience home cooking for our family of well over 400 each week! You will continue to be offered new and different entrees and sides along with the salad bar and pizza each week. Our hope is to explore serving more global fare as we look to be inviting to all and create an atmosphere that all are welcome and can find something that looks and tastes appealing to them regardless of the culture they are from. We desire for this meal to honor the Lord through what is offered in food and hospitality to be healthy and nourishing for our bodies and souls. Although buffets can easily create an allyou-can-eat atmosphere, we desire that through listening to the Holy Spirit and the amazing creation of our bodies, each person will take a responsible amount of food going through the line and keep in consideration 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” and Philippians 2:3-4, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Our hope is that anyone helping themselves to the gift of this food will also consider the person behind them and leave some for them as well. We desire to have the meal stay at a very reasonable cost for families and be served with a reasonable number of volunteers, so we hope all will consider exhibiting the fruits of the spirit of self-control and kindness as Jesus would want us to. Our menu is posted on the Calvary website ( events) and in the Calvary eNews (subscribe at mycalvarygr. org). You may notice that some food items have abbreviations after them. Although we cannot meet every dietary need and

we know each person has their own personal eating habits, we are trying to identify items that don’t have common allergens or intolerances in them. The following codes are used: NF – nut free, GF – gluten free, SF – sugar free, and DF – dairy free. Wednesday night is not the only time we offer food and hospitality! Our Sunday café is open from 8:30am to 12:30pm each Sunday where we serve coffee, tea, milk, and a variety of baked goods. Please invite a friend before or after each service and join us in the Gathering Place! We are also working with Calvary staff and outside groups to provide the highest quality and best variety of menus to meet their needs and feed them well throughout the week. We do serve many groups on the weekends too. We appreciate your prayers as this ministry continues to grow! As we strive to create wonderful meals and welcoming hospitality, the mission of the Calvary kitchen is what Matthew 20:28 teaches us, “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.” Our desire is to serve our church family and the community around us in the same loving and giving way exhibited by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



The beauty of a flourishing tree with three main branches, Partner, Train and Plant, best exemplifies the mission of the Jerusalem Project. To learn more about each branch, visit our new Jerusalem Project tree in the Gathering Place near the Connection Point. Scan the QR code leaves to allow the tree to come to life with stories of the people and churches partnered with the Jerusalem Project.



2022 BOARD OFFICERS Elder Chair – John Zimmerman Vice Chair – Vernon Spears Elder Clerk – Chad Kerr


Deacon Chair – Jason Jones Treasurer – Don Armbrester

The last several months have been a time of change for the Elders as we welcomed new elders and celebrated the faithful service of those who moved off the board. We saw Kristen White’s departure and Rachel Walker taking her place as the one who will help keep the Elders’ meeting preparations and plans moving. We worked out new committee assignments and adjusted signature authority as needed to facilitate and oversee the church’s activities. We set up prayer schedules and renewed or conferred licenses for some who serve the Lord in leadership roles here. We also gave preliminary approval to some new candidates for deacon positions and appointed some new deacons to begin their terms of service.

But the Bible says that elders are to be busy about studying the Word and prayer. Without those being uppermost in our minds we will not be able to lead the church in following Christ. So, we set a trio of priorities for the year that we hope will foster sensitivity in our own hearts to the leading of God’s Spirit. The first and most important of those priorities is to renew our commitment to prayer individually and as a group of elders, refreshing the mechanics of how we do that as a group, so that our time with the Lord is enhanced.

We have also updated a policy that has become obsolete and removed several related policies that no longer serve a purpose in Calvary’s ministry and congregational life. This is the result of reviewing our policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.

John Zimmerman Elder Chair

Leslie Iverson is the deacon for Oasis@ Home. Part of her role as deacon is to coordinate volunteers to visit nursing homes, assisted living facilities and houses to keep home-bound Calvary people connected both to church and to Jesus. Recently a volunteer shared a sweet story about Pat, who lives in a memory care facility and is steadily losing her cognitive skills and memory. Before her visit, the volunteer had connected with the Prayer Shawl Ministry asking if she could bring one to Pat. They made a purple prayer shawl, which is Pat's favorite color. Here is how God worked through both of these ministries. "As we visited with Pat, it became pretty obvious that she was having trouble following our conversation and expressing herself verbally. However, the moment we put the prayer shawl around her and prayed, her face lit up and there were tears in her eyes. We could definitely feel God’s presence and we left with reminding Pat how much she was loved by God. I am so thankful for this opportunity to be Jesus’s “hands and feet." Feel free to email to learn more about this fun and sweet ministry, Oasis@Home.

Please pray for the Elders, Deacons and Staff as we continue to lead Calvary Church toward being Christ’s Church in This Place.

deacon U P D AT E

In this issue we’re sharing a story from our Oasis@Home Deacon. Look for more stories from Calvary Deacons in future Calvary Life magazines.

Church Leadership A full list of Calvary’s Elders and Deacons is available at



Throughout the book of Genesis, God reveals Himself as El Roi, “the God who sees.” The first reference to God’s sight appears in Genesis 1. In the beginning, God called forth all things by the generative power of His word, and each creative act was punctuated with the phrase, “God saw that it was good.” God’s sight in the garden involved more than mere observation, more than simply acknowledging the fact of His creation. Rather, as God saw His creation, He also judged it. His sight was like that of an artist who stands back to evaluate his completed work. As the Creator beheld each part of His creation, He pronounced both a moral and aesthetic judgment upon it by declaring it to be good. In the garden, what God saw He also judged. In Genesis 6:5, we encounter another instance of God’s sight: “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” God saw and judged the actions and thoughts of humankind, and this judgment compelled Him to act. With a grieved heart, God decided to blot out that which He had created, saying, “For I am sorry that I have made them” (Genesis 6:7). In the days of Noah, God saw the actions and intentions of humankind; He pronounced judgment upon them, calling them evil and wicked; and then He acted to punish that evil and wickedness through the waters of the flood. Yet this “God who sees” is not some sort of heavenly Big Brother, spying on the fumbling ways of His creatures so that He can



catch them in sin. In Genesis 6:8, we observe an astounding contrast between the people of Noah’s day and Noah himself – a contrast that also refers to sight: “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” Yes, God saw the evil actions and inclinations of humankind during Noah’s day, but He also saw the righteousness and blamelessness of Noah himself. Just as God’s divine evaluation of humanity’s wickedness would lead to their destruction, so God’s divine evaluation of Noah’s righteousness would lead to his salvation. At the time of the flood, the pattern was the same for both the righteous and the wicked: God saw, God judged, and then God acted. Several chapters later, we come upon another reference to God’s sight in the story of Hagar (Genesis 16). When the angel of the LORD found Hagar by a spring of water in the wilderness, he said to her, “I will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be too many to count. Behold, you are with child, and you will bear a son; and you shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has given heed to your affliction” (v. 11). Hagar’s response in verse 13 is revealing: “Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, ‘You are a God who sees.’” Hagar was convinced she had encountered God Himself that day, and the quality that stood out most profoundly in this encounter was His sight. El Roi – “the God who sees” – had seen her, a lonely and mistreated Egyptian maid, in the middle of the wilderness. What’s more, He had seen her affliction, the way she had been ill-used by Abram and Sarai. And because God saw Hagar, He acted on her behalf by blessing her with not only a son, but with a great multitude of descendants as well.

This pattern is repeated in Jacob’s life as well. In Genesis 29, we read about Jacob’s arrival in the land of Haran. After being welcomed into the home of his relatives, Jacob agreed to work for Laban for seven years in order to marry Rachel. On the morning after his wedding, however, Jacob realized that Laban had tricked him into marrying Leah and so was made to labor seven more years in exchange for Rachel’s hand in marriage. In spite of this early ill-treatment at Laban’s hand, God caused Jacob to prosper. During his time in Haran, Jacob’s wives and their maidservants gave him 12 children – eleven sons and one daughter. When fourteen years had passed and Jacob had done all that Laban requested, Jacob expressed his desire to return with his family to the land of his father Isaac. His request, though right and reasonable, was rejected by Laban. “If now it pleases you, stay with me,” Laban said. “I have divined that the LORD has blessed me on your account” (Genesis 31:27). The blessings God had lavished upon Jacob during his time in Haran had overflowed to those around him, including Laban. Laban’s modest possessions had increased to a multitude with Jacob living nearby (Genesis 31:30). And this was as it should be. According to the Abrahamic covenant, God had promised to bless Abraham and his descendants so that they would be a blessing to others. Laban had seen this principle in action, enjoying the blessings that overflowed from Jacob, who had been blessed by God. When Jacob asked to return to Canaan, it’s likely that Laban saw his financial comfort slipping away. Laban longed for Jacob to remain so that he could continue to reap the residual blessings. Jacob agreed to stay and care for Laban’s flock on the condition that Laban would give him every speckled and spotted sheep and every black lamb. What follows is a detailed (and rather bizarre!) account of the mating practices Jacob introduced with the flock he received. By the end of chapter 30, six years had passed, and Jacob’s efforts had been rewarded. He had become “exceedingly prosperous,” with large flocks of healthy sheep, male and female servants, as well as camels and donkeys.

This prosperity was not merely the result of Jacob’s ingenuity and hard work. While Jacob tended the flocks, an angel of God said to him in a dream, “Lift up now your eyes and see that all the male goats which are mating are striped, speckled, and mottled; for I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you” (Genesis 31:12). The angel’s words must have been a great comfort to Jacob. God saw the trickery of Laban – how he deceived Jacob into marrying Leah before allowing him to marry Rachel. But God also saw the faithful work of Jacob, laboring for fourteen years so that he could call Rachel his wife. God saw the way that Laban prevented Jacob from returning to the land of his father. But God also saw Jacob’s work in the years that followed as he grew and strengthened his flock. What’s more, God saw into the hearts of these men, weighing their motives and desires in a way that no human judge could. And although it is implied rather than mentioned explicitly here, God had clearly judged in favor of Jacob for He acted on Jacob’s behalf by blessing the work of his hands. Jacob himself acknowledged the kindness of the Lord, saying, “The God of my father has been with me” (Genesis 31:5). Though Laban had cheated him and changed his wages, God had not allowed him to hurt Jacob (Genesis 31:6). And when Jacob came up with a clever – albeit strange – way to breed strong, healthy sheep, God made his work to prosper. In Jacob’s dealings with Laban, God saw, God judged, and God acted on Jacob’s behalf. Our God is El Roi, “the God who sees,” and His sight extends to all people, in all places. While a human judge must rely upon the testimonies of others in order to administer justice, our all-seeing God has no need for evidence or witnesses, for He Himself witnesses all things. And God does not only see the outward actions of His people; He also searches their hearts and minds, evaluating their inward thoughts and intentions (Jeremiah 17:10). Therefore, when God renders judgment, He does so in full possession of the facts. God’s perfect sight guarantees that His judgment is flawless, and because He judges rightly, He acts with perfect justice for both the righteous and the wicked. As you walk in obedience in the days ahead, may you find comfort in the sight of El Roi, the God who sees, judges, and acts on your behalf.

By Sara Almeida Sara is a Tuesday Bible Study leader who loves to study and teach God’s Word. Her husband, Will, serves as a Pastoral Resident and they have two sons whom she homeschools.




Elliana Jean Aupperlee

Landen Ray & Lincoln David Covey


Kane Joseph Berlin

Bennett Bottke

Jonathan Butler

Malachi Kirk DeHaan

Silas James DeMoss

Wilhelmina Kate Egnatuk

Brooks Patrick Glendening

Hansel Patrick & Lena Anderson Grassmick

Isaac Alden Harris

Nevaeh Angel Holman

Ava Grace & Truett Henry Lanning

Piper Layne Laug

Jade Elaine Melpolder

Mallory Nadai

Molly Lou Nuenke

Payton Marie Pickard

Colton Ploeg

Isley Violet & Cohen Andrew Prichard

Crew James Schmuck

Molly Grace Tyner

Clara Vander Boon

Ava Grace VanderLeest

Child Dedication is a time for parents to make a commitment, to God and in front of friends and family, to raise their children to trust and follow God. Please join us in praying for these families who have dedicated their child(ren) this past year. Let us pray for God to bless these children, so that they would trust and follow Christ, for the rest of their lives. Our next child dedication service is Sunday, May 15 at 5:00pm. Register at to sign up.

Jude Lincoln Wiersma

Beckett Josiah Woznick




S U N D AY M O R N I N G S Worship & Prayer Sunday Morning Worship Service Calvary Church Sanctuary 9:00 & 10:45am Both services are the same. All services are streamed live at We’re studying the book of Genesis. Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Hearing assistance is available at the Welcome Center in the center of the Crosswalk.Contact Judi Warner ( for more information. Pre-Service Prayer 8:30-8:50am | Room 255 (West End) Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants specifically that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join. Boiler Room Prayer 8:50 am - 11:55 am | Room 211 Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.

Kids & Students 9:00 (Nursery - Three Years Old)* 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade) Check-in: All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag, and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian (fifth grade or older), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in. Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our Care Plan Coordinator, Betsy Nolan ( Holiday Sunday: Easter - April 17 On this Sunday, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool at the 10:45am service. *Begins March 6

Adult Sunday Classes All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ at ext. 5173.

calvary in your inbox

The eNews is our weekly bulletin that comes out each Friday morning. It connects you to the life and ministry of the church. Visit and click on “Subscriptions” to add yourself to the email list.


For a full list of events, visit

9:00am Classes Ambassadors | Chapel A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults. F.L.O.C.K. (Fellowship, Leadership, Outreach, Care & Knowledge) | Room 252 A large discussion-oriented class of senior adults. Faith Builders | Room 260 A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 40’s-60’s. Family Tree | Room 106 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month A medium sized sermon discussion class of pre-teens through grandparents. Growing in Relationships | Room 261 | Meet 2nd & 4th Sundays A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults. L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example) Room 114 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages. Young Marrieds | Room 264 A place to find community, seek out God’s plan for marriage together and reflect and honor Christ in your lives..

10:45am Classes Faith & Fellowship | Room 265 A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages. Heirs Together | Chapel A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults. Journey | Room 264 A medium sized teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages. Koinonia | Room 260 A medium sized sermon discussion class of couples in their 30’s and 40’s. Legacy Builders | Room 212 A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse. Sojourners | Room 252 A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

Calvary Equip Sunday Morning Using Your Spiritual Gifts Sundays, February 27 - March 20 10:45am-12:00pm | Room 251 Register at You have been given a special gift by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the church body! Come and discover your spiritual gift and how you can use it. In this course you will be equipped with a greater understanding of how spiritual gifts work in the church and the next steps to using your gifts for God’s glory. Contact Karen VanHolstyn ( at ext. 5173.

KIDS & STUDENTS Calvary Kids Birth-Fourth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

Kids ‘N Action Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm (Doors Open at 6:15pm) Last Wednesday Night: April 27 It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed for kids in kindergarten through fourth grade, to foster social interaction through electives and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action! Register at (You only need to register once for the entire year.)

Fifth & Sixth Fifth-Sixth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

56: Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm Last Wednesday Night: April 27 If you are a fifth or sixth-grader, this is the place you’ll want to be on a Wednesday night. Enjoy games with your friends, engage with the bible and one another, and learn what it means to follow Jesus! Registration is required at (You only need to register once for the entire year.) Movie Night Friday, March 11| 6-8:00pm | $5 Entrance E Join us for our 56 Movie Night – choose between two movies. Real-life movie theater popcorn will be provided along with other snacks & drinks! Register at

The CONNECTION POINT is a place to get connected at Calvary. If you have been attending for two weeks, two years or two decades, there are new ways to connect with Calvary Church this season! Visit us before and after each service, just inside the Gathering Place across from the Main Sanctuary entrance. FIRST STEPS New to Calvary? On the first Sunday of every month, please join us at 10:15am in the Café next to the Connection Point to meet other new guests and members of the Calvary staff. We will take a tour of the building starting at 10:45am. EXPLORE CALVARY is a four-session class to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is a quick overview of our church. The following sessions provide insight into what it means to Worship, Fellowship, Equip & Serve here at Calvary Church. Our next session will take place this Fall. The WELCOME CENTER is a place to get quick information for things happening around the building. Not sure what room your Sunday class is meeting in? Looking for the Children’s area? Stop by the Welcome Center located just outside the Main Sanctuary entrance. Looking to get connected at Calvary? CONNECT CARDS aren’t just for newcomers! Complete the digital connect card at or fill out a physical card by your seat in the Sanctuary and drop it in the Connection Point.


Egg Drop Eggstravaganza Friday, April 22 | 6-8:00pm | $5 This event might just be the BEST drop in the bucket all year! We’ll make a device to keep an egg intact when it hits the ground from an extremely high height! Do you have what it takes to keep your egg safe? Eggs and all supplies will be provided – snacks too! Register at Small Group Survivor Games Friday, May 20 | 6-8pm | $5 Remember Survivor, from CBS – it’s now airing for its 41st season! Well, this event is like that, but not. We’ll stay on campus here at Calvary and each small group will be their own team. Each team will compete in various challenges to win the coveted Golden Palm Leaves! So, if you are in fifth or sixth grade, you’ll want to grab a friend and join us for this fun event. Register at

Seventh & Eighth Seventh-Eighth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

To be added to our 78 weekly emails, please contact Ann Bagley, Student Ministry Assistant. 78: Wednesday Nights Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm) | Room 208 Last Wednesday Night: April 27 If you are in seventh or eighth grade, this Wednesday night program is for you! We’ll laugh together, play games, go on fun adventures, gather in small groups, worship together, & explore God’s word (in a hopefully not boring way). Don’t miss it. We really want to hang out with you! Register at (You only need to register once for the entire year.)


Supper Club Wednesday, March 2 | 5:15-6:00pm | $5 Gathering Place Invite a friend & come have dinner & play Farkle with us! Grab your dinner from the buffet line and meet us in our designated meeting area. No need to register, just show up! Scholarships are available. 3 Mile Project Saturday, March 5 | 2-4:00pm | $10 3 Mile Project (3050 Walkent NW) Grab a friend and head to the 3 Mile Project for some indoor fun! Snacks will be provided. Register at Cereal Sunday March 20 Between First & Second Service Gathering Place After your family goes to church or you serve on a Sunday morning, please come by and say hi! We’ll definitely be slinging bowls of delicious cereal, & probably some goofy “Would you Rather” questions, too! No registration is necessary, just show up! All-You-Can-Play Pinball & Arcade Games Saturday, May 14 | 10:30am – 12:00pm $10 | 114 Courtland St Play a real game, with your real friends, in real life! Join us at Pinball Land for a morning of UNLIMITED gaming! No quarters necessary. Tons of pinball machines as well over 100 video games to choose from. Cost covers admission to UNLIMITED gaming as well as snacks and drinks. Register at Summer Missions Trip to Madison Sunday, July 24-Thursday, July 29 Students will stay with our leaders at YWAM’s Training Center where they will have the opportunity to serve and share their faith. The team will serve children in low-income neighborhoods, pray with people on the streets, do service projects for people in need, and will be encour-

aged to grow in community with one another. There will be lots of opportunities to practice loving the Lord our God with all of our heart! Cost: $575 – Support Letters will be made available to raise financial support! A $50 non-refundable deposit and application are both required to attend this trip. Applications are due by March 31, and can be accessed at calvarygr. org/78missions. Once you are registered, we will mail you an information packet so you can get started raising support! If you have any questions, please contact Ann Bagley, Students Ministry Assistant.

High School 9th-12th Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

Stay in the know! We loving hanging out with students! The best way to stay in the loop on all of our large events as well as what we do week to week is to join the mailing list for our weekly emails, follow our Instagram account, and keep an eye on our Calvary HSM web page. To sign up for our weekly emails, contact Ann Bagley at Sunday Evening 7:00-8:15pm | Room 208 High School Ministry is a community of students and leaders seeking to live out authentic faith together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As we come together to experience Christ and enjoy hanging out, we empower students to find their place in the church and make a difference in the world around them through service and outreach. This year, we will dive deeper than ever before into what we believe and the difference it makes in our everyday lives. We will explore systematic theology – what the Bible says about who God is and what He has done – in a way that is relevant and transformative, rather than

boring and academic. Registration for the school year is required (only once!) at Evening schedule: 6:30pm – pre-service hangout on student patio while the weather allows, at Entrance F as colder weather arrives 7:00pm – HSM programming begins 8:15pm – HSM programming concludes; opportunities for additional hangout afterward. Re:Start Spring Retreat March 18-20 | Spring Hill | $110 Our Re:Start; coming back to life Spring Retreat is all about experiencing the goodness of God. Join us for a weekend at Spring Hill’s incredible campus in Evart, Michigan to make new memories, forge new friendships, enjoy awesome camp games, and – most importantly – encounter Jesus through our sessions and guided devotions.

Senior Celebration Day Trip May 7 | 11:00am–10:30pm | $75 If you are a senior in high school, we want to celebrate you! Set this day aside for an epic ROAD TRIP to Detroit with all your friends! Let this trip go down in your history books as we play at TopGolf, do a scavenger hunt at The River Walk, and end our night dining at a Hibachi grill! Bring additional $$ for a lunch stop at a semi-fast food restaurant and/ or souvenirs. You must register for this event to reserve your seat in the van! Register at Scholarships are available upon request. Questions? Contact Ann Bagley. Senior Photos Due May 1 Class of 2022 graduating seniors – please submit your senior photo to Ann Bagley by Sunday, May 1 for publication in the Summer Calvary Life.


We will depart at 6:00pm after a pizza dinner on Friday night and will return before the end of the second service (around noon) on Sunday

All Adults

Register at by March 11.

Monday Night Bible Study January 10 – April 25 | 7:00-8:30pm $10 per semester Register at

Scholarships are available upon request. Contact Ann Bagley. Craig’s Cruisers Unlimited Friday, April 22 | 6:00-9:00pm | $25 5730 Clyde Park Ave SW This activity is always a winner – so if you are a high school student, grab a friend and come join us for Craig’s Cruisers Unlimited Edition! You will get an all-access pass to the pizza buffet, UNLIMITED attractions, AND the trampoline park (new socks included!). Bring extra $ if you want to play video games. Scholarships are available. Register at

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn

Our study this year is in Genesis and our study book covers Genesis 25-50. It’s a great time to join us! We all gather for a 20-minute large group teaching, then meet in gender specific small groups to go over the lessons and pray together. In-person and virtual group options are available. Small Groups Contact: Carla Julien ( Are you interested in joining a Small Group? Most groups meet in homes around the Greater Grand Rapids area in the evenings two to four times a month. These groups provide a great opportunity to grow in Christ through authentic Christian community.

Calvary Equip: Using your Spiritual Gifts Contact: Karen VanHolstyn ( Sunday Class | February 27-March 20 10:45am-12:00pm | Room 251-253 Wednesday Class | March 23 – April 27 (no meeting 4/6 and 4/13) | 6:30-7:45pm Room 251-253 You have been given a special gift by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the church body! Come and discover your spiritual gift and how you can use it. In this course you will be equipped with a greater understanding of how spiritual gifts work in the church and the next steps to using your gifts for God’s glory Register at Calvary Equip: What We Believe (pre-requisite for membership) Saturday, April 30 | 9:00am-2:30pm Register at by April 27 This one day class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Lunch is provided. Sorry, no childcare.

Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30) Contact: Kelly Parks

Young Adults: Weekly Gatherings Tuesdays | 8:00-9:15pm | Room 208 (Entrance E) Join us on Tuesday nights for fellowship, worship, and teaching in God’s Word. Hang-out time starts at 7:30pm with worship starting at 8:00.


The StoreHouse Service Project Wednesday, March 16 | 6:00-8:00pm 4411 Plainfield Ave NE

they sketch out a body with chalk. Do you know the technical term for that? A die-agram! Register at

We will be sorting items to distribute amongst local non-profits and low-income schools in Grand Rapids. Register at

Location: Downtown – details will be provided as we get closer to this event!

Themed Movie Night Friday, March 25 | 7-9:30pm | FREE Room 208 (Entrance D) Come dressed as your favorite superhero for our themed movie night! Snacks will be provided and there will be a prize for the best costume. No registration is required. Laser Tag at Battle GR Tactical Games April 2 | 7-9:30pm | $10 284 Dodge NE, Comstock Park Use your determination and wits to outmaneuver the opponent at BattleGR! Teams play laser tag while conquering objective-based missions! This is an indoor event. Register at Spring Hike at Egypt Valley Trail April 23 | 2:00-5:00pm 6820 4 Mile Rd NE, Ada Get outdoors and enjoy God’s creation with friends! Free parking is available near the trailhead off of 4 Mile Rd. No registration is required, simply show up! Millennium Park Clean-Up Project Saturday, May 14 | 10:00am 1415 Maynard Ave SW You don’t have to be an environmental science major to see the value in this one. We are all called to be stewards of God’s creation – so join our YA team to serve the Grand Rapids community by cleaning up a local park! Register at Murder Mystery Saturday, May 28 | 10:00am – ? | $5 Come solve a crime, CSI style! We’ll be going out in teams of six, so be sure to register in advance for this one! Perhaps you’ll come across a crime scene where


enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball. Contact Mike Duursma ( Men at Noon Tuesdays | 12:00pm | Room 265

Singles Connect

Russ Clark leads this inductive Bible study on Genesis. Contact Russ Clark (

Calvary Singles Connect seeks to strengthen singles by helping them build meaningful and supportive relationships with one another and by connecting them to the community life of Calvary Church. They host monthly activities and events and primarily serve singles in their 30s, 40s and 50s.

Men of 6:10 Wednesdays | 6:00am | Room 265

Contact: Lori Morley

For more information, email Lori Morley. You can also visit the Singles Connect website at for updated information about all events and activities. Game Night March 26 | 6:00-10:00pm | Room 208 Join us for an evening of food, fellowship, and fun. For more info, contact Lori ( Aman Park Walk Saturday, April 30 | 10:00am Aman Park on Lake Michigan Dr. We’ll start off with pastries and coffee and then go for a walk in the park. If the weather cooperates, we should see a glorious display of blooming trilliums, a flower symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the resurrection. Connect with others for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Go to for updated information and to register.


Contact: Carla Julien

Men’s Basketball Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men to

Inductive Bible study of the books of Ezra & Nehemiah. Contact Earl Thomas ( Men of 7:24 Saturdays | 8:00-9:00am | Room 265 Inductive Bible Study on the book of Ephesians with lots of personal interaction and the idea that every man is a leader. Our name is derived from Matthew 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Contact Denny Cochran (dennycochran43@ Men’s Gathering & Breakfast March 12 | 8:00-9:30am Gathering Place | $5 As we wrap up the book of 1 John together, we will be focusing in on the key themes of truth and love. Join us for a panel discussion as we press into how to properly balance these key character traits in our lives. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged! A March Meat Madness breakfast will be served. Register at by noon on March 10. March Madness March 17 & 18 | 12:00pm | $5 Enjoy all of the action from the first round of the 2022 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. There will be great food, and prizes. We will have activities for kids and adults including corn hole, games, and crafts. Stay for as long or as

little as you’re able. Make sure to invite your friends for two days of madness. Delicious lunch, dinner and snacks will be served for a suggested $5 donation. Calvary Equip: A Man & His Marriage Wednesday, April 20 – May 25 6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10 Register at Bring life to your marriage by building it around God’s grace and for His glory. A Man and His Marriage is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. Men’s Gathering & Breakfast May 14 | 8:00-9:30am Gathering Place | $5 As we get ready to transition into summer, make sure your heart is right. This is not the time to take a vacation from God. Instead, prepare to dive deeper in to your relationship with God. We will meet in the Sanctuary and then transition to the Gathering Place for breakfast after the service. Register at by noon on May 12.


Contact: Donna Ross

Tuesday Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays | 9:15-11:15am Gathering Place $10 per semester We continue our study in Genesis 2550. You will be placed in a small group where you will actively discuss the Bible study together. After small group, we come together as a large group in the Gathering Place for teaching and testimonies. Throughout the year we will have optional small group socials and opportunities for “Table Talks” as well. Although most will be interested in in-person groups, we do offer a limited amount of space in virtual groups. Please register by emailing Donna ( You can join us anytime throughout the year.

Tuesday Kids Tuesdays | 9:15-11:15am Calvary Kids Ministry Area Something for kids too! While mom is in Bible Study, Tuesday Kids is a wonderful place for children birth to six years of age to learn God’s truth in a loving atmosphere. Teachers and helpers use Bible stories, music and fun activities to reinforce the weekly lesson. Please register by emailing Donna (women@ Moms must be in attendance at Bible Study at Calvary while the children are in the classroom. Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm Room 260 | $10 per semester While the children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community. We invite you to join us on Wednesday evening as we continue to study Genesis: In the Beginning God. The study reveals our God in amazing ways so that we can be women rooted, growing and fruitful in God’s Word. Please register by emailing Donna ( Blessed2Bless March 21 | 11:00am-12:00pm April 19 | 11:30am-12:30pm May18 | 11:30am-12:30pm As we continue to step out in faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces and friend groups with simple Bible Studies, you may need encouragement to carry on or maybe God has been prompting you to take the first step. Blessed2Bless gatherings are for prayer and encouragement as we continue to reach out. Join us! Embrace Women Embracing Motherhood Together First, Third & Fifth Thursdays 9:15-11:15am The Embrace theme this year is Fruits of Motherhood. Embrace provides a warm

community where faith is strengthened through friendships, mentoring and sound teaching for moms with babies and young children. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, mentoring, devotions, breakfast and insightful speakers. While you are enjoying a time with other moms, your children will be lovingly cared for in our Embrace Kids program. Email with questions or to register. Cost $40/semester. Partial scholarships available. Calvary Homeschool Moms First Fridays | 9:30-11:30am | Room 139 Calvary’s Homeschool Moms meet once a month for a time of prayer and building community. Join us on the first Friday of the month, October through May. Children are welcome. We provide care, activities and a place for studying. For additional questions, contact Andrea Reiffer ( or Mentoring Round Table March 8 | 7:00-8:30pm A gathering for women mentoring women. Join us for dessert at 7:00pm and a time of sharing and learning together. Please register by Sunday, March 6 at Questions? Email Lee Content (lcontent@calvarygr. org) or Donna ( Prayer Shawl Ministry Second & Fourth Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm | Rm 215 (Entrance C) Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you to join us. We meet the second and fourth Thursdays each month for social interaction, to share devotions, a time of prayer and mutual support. We supply yarn and patterns, whether you join us in person or work from home. We also accept yarn donations. If you know someone who is struggling with chronic illness, receiving medical treatment, grieving the loss of a loved one or suffering trauma, please let us


know. The Prayer Shawl Team would love to give them one of our handmade prayer shawls, a fleece blanket for children or a prayer bear. These items are a wonderful comfort and a reminder that many voices are lifting that person up in prayer.

OASIS (Senior Adults) Contact: Carla Julien

Wednesday Bible Study Wednesdays | 10:00-11:00am Gathering Place Join us as we spend time in worship and in God’s Word continuing the study of the book of Matthew: Jesus the King.

Go for the Gold: Heaven’s Promises March 26 | 11:00am-1:30pm Gathering Place

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Sundays – Women’s Stag 5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G)

There isn’t a charge to attend, but please register at by March 18.

Al-Anon Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 115 Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.

Orphan Care Ministry

Join us for great fellowship and a delicious lunch. Purchase tickets at Wednesday Bible Study or by contacting Howard ( the Wednesday before the lunch.

Adoptive/Foster Moms Coffee Third Wednesdays | 9:30-11:00am Room 139

April 4 | Our guests will be Chris & Amber Knobloch — gifted puppeteers, musicians, and ventriloquists. They seek to glorify God by teaching children and adults about salvation through Jesus Christ and by discipling them in their walk with Him. May 2 | Our guest will be Dr. Sokreaksa Himm. The author of three books will be here to share his story of when at the age 14, he witnessed 13 of his family members ruthlessly murdered by Khmer Rouge soldiers, while miraculously surviving, in what is now called the Killing Fields of Cambodia. From out of this horrific experience and a heart full of anger


Bring a senior friend, neighbor or family member for a fun filled time with laughter, delicious lunch with Irish stew, music, games and prizes. There will be stories of old where we not only discover who the real St Patrick was, but from among us, hear life transforming stories of faith. Come dressed in green/or gold.

Monthly Luncheon First Monday | 10:00am-1:00pm | $8 Gathering Place

March 7 | Our guest will be Carolyn Cammenga who recently authored the book What Others Reject, God Accepts will be here to share her story. She was given up for adoption at 4½ years of age and her journey from rejection to spiritual wholeness through her trust in the Lord and soundly affirming His call on her life.


and revenge, Sokreaksa came to learn of God’s transforming power of forgiveness and how it brought healing and wholeness to his life.

Contact: Lou DeGraaf

Join this coffee and book study of Second Mother, a Bible study experience for adoptive and foster moms. For questions and to reserve a copy of the book, contact Sheri at ext. 5524.

Special Needs

Contact: Pam Cook (

WOW – WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAYS Wednesdays | 6:15-7:30pm | Chapel Go Getters on Wednesday nights is a gathering of all abilities of God’s people who love to worship our Lord, learn about God’s word and fellowship together. Come join us for fellowship dinner (begins at 4:30pm in the Gathering Place) prior to worship. Please arrive at Entrance C no earlier than 6:00pm. Please pick up no later than 7:45pm. (No WOW on Spring Break -April 6, or Holy Week -April 13). WOW continues through May 25.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G) Monday-Friday 12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)

Avenue Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact GriefShare Begins March 1 | 6:30-8:30pm | Room 251 GriefShare is a weekly support group that you’ll find to be a warm, caring environment which will become your “oasis” on your long journey through grief. It will help you towards life-giving healing for those who lost a loved one through any stage of life. To register, please contact Alisha ( at ext. 3623. Mental Illness Support Group Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255 If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, training and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact mentalhealth@ with questions.

Hannah’s Heart Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533. Transitional Health Ministry Support for those walking through a major health transition. Contact: care@


For a full list of prayer opportunities visit Elder Prayer First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997 Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season. Contact Cindy at ext. 5997 to schedule your time. Prayer For the Persecuted Church Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 115 Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list at and join us between services once a month. Intercessors / Prayer Chain Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212 Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Submit requests to Cindy (cmarrell@ at ext. 5997. Third Monday Missionary Prayer 11:30am-12:30pm | Room 255 (Ent. K) Join us to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world. Bring your lunch.

Pastors’ Prayer Partners Sundays | One Service Monthly Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly for their requests.

GIVING Food Pantry To start getting ready for spring, we are looking for the following items: • Floor cleaners • Mirror and glass cleaners • Disinfectant cleaners for all surfaces • Assorted cleaning products • Dish soap and scrub pads • Laundry detergents • Fabric softener • Dryer sheets • Personal hygiene items • Shampoo & conditioners • Body liquid & bar soap • Toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash • Razors & shaving cream • Deodorants • Combs & hairbrushes • Feminine hygiene products As you plant your garden this summer, please consider adding an extra row of vegetables to donate to our food pantry. We are always looking for fresh products and this would be an added blessing to the many families who rely on the pantry. Best time to drop off your perishables are between Mondays and Wednesdays to entrance J - Calvary Care. Thank you for sharing the bounty of God’s blessing. Clothes Closet As we’re changing into a warmer season please help celebrate spring by donating clothes to our Clothes Closet. We are looking for the following items: lightweight jackets, short-sleeve shirts, cotton sweaters and dresses for women and girls; work pants and shirts for men and

boys and shoe sizes for the whole family. Your donations are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Alisha VanderLeest ( at ext. 3623


Facilities Team Opportunities Contact Jon Nuenke ( to Sign Up Adopt a Room – Interested in cleaning and serving the church more behind the scenes? This is a great opportunity! Facilities is looking for an individual, group or family that takes ownership of a room or area of the building each week. This entails cleaning, setting up and preparing this room or area for ministry usage throughout the week. It can be once or twice a week for a couple hours depending on availability. Scheduling is flexible but based off of usage of that particular room or area. First Annual Spring Cleaning Event – As the season changes from winter to spring, we all begin to look at the yardwork that needs to be done to prepare for summer. The same goes for the church property! With the new Facilities building in place, we’re kicking the Spring season off with an opportunity to see the new facilities building, share coffee/lunch as well as an opportunity to serve God together as we prepare for the summer. So if you’re interested, we’ll be having our first annual spring cleaning event on Saturday April 30, from 8:30am until 1:30pm. Register at mycalvarygr. org. Hope to see you there! Mowing Team – Want to serve and love the smell of freshly cut grass? Why not join our Calvary church mowing team? It’s a great opportunity to serve once a week and to take care of an area around the property making sure that the grass is cut and looking great for visitors. Outdoor Gardening/Trimming – Maybe you don’t love to mow but love to garden instead. We have many volunteer opportunities to serve on our gardening team or trimming team around the


church property. This includes trimming shrubs, planting new flowers for the spring/summer seasons or keeping the planting beds looking nice and weed free. First Impressions Volunteers Needed Contact: Rebekah Kennedy ( Serving opportunities are available for Ushers, Welcome Team and Parking Lot crew members. Serving is once a month; contact Rebekah if interested. Calling French Horns, Clarinets, Trombones and String Players! The Calvary Church Orchestra currently is looking to add french horns, trombones and clarinets to our ensemble. We also are always looking for more strings. We rehearse on Wednesdays around three times a month and play on Sundays two to three times a month. We also form smaller instrumental groups at times. If you are high school age or above and have an interest in serving the Lord through your musical talents, please contact Orchestra Director, Mark Grevengoed (mgrevengoed@calvarygr. org) for more information.




Refugee Care Ministry Our loving heavenly Father provided an opportunity in October 2021 to cosponsor an Afghan refugee family, with Bethany Christian Services. This family of eight fled their country leaving everything behind in search of safety and a better future. Since arriving in an entirely different land and culture without their belongings, this family has had to start all over. The opportunity to come alongside them and help meet some of these needs is a powerful demonstration of God’s love and provision. Prayerfully and in obedience, the Calvary Refugee Care ministry is committed to following the Lord’s command to love our neighbors and be the hands and feet of Jesus. God has provided a wonderful team of volunteers who are serving the Afghan family in many ways, like shopping for groceries. If you have moved to a new home in a new city, you know how overwhelming it can feel to set up the kitchen and figure out where to shop. Now imagine trying to do that in a store where product names are foreign and you are faced with a paralyzing number of options. Our team loved taking the family shopping at familiar ethnic grocery places and introducing them to other local options. Assisting with transportation has also been another meaningful way to support this family and build a relationship. Our team provided rides to doctor’s appointments, accompanied the family to park visits,

and even shared meals with the family at the Wednesday night fellowship dinners at Calvary. We have been able to take the mother to a local fabric store so she could purchase fabric to sew clothes for her kids, and a few ladies are committed to the monthly tea time with her. It has been a great experience and a blessing for all of us. As Calvary’s team serve the Afghan Family, we are asking God to work through us and to open their hearts to the gospel. In His sovereignty, He is giving us, His people, the opportunities to demonstrate His love and communicate the hope He offers to us.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Refugee Care Ministry, please contact Lana Duoibes at

Prison Ministry Pen Pal Program

For several years we have been able to facilitate a pen pal program to build gospel-centered relationships with those who are incarcerated here in Michigan prisons. Pastor Ardo, who oversees the prison ministry, visits with inmates regularly and gathers names of men who want to continue to grow in their relationship with Christ and fellow believers. We are delighted to share the experience of one of our pen pals and we pray their story encourages you.

“If you have heard about Calvary’s pen pal program but doubted that you were the right person to get involved or thought that different life experiences might make it hard to relate with someone who is incarcerated, you may want 25

to reconsider when I tell you about the friend, Paul, who I have been writing to for several years. Paul is incarcerated here in Michigan. He dreams of a cabin somewhere in Alaska where he can hunt and fish and make music. He loves the beauty of winter and snow. His mother works a lot and has not been able to see him for several years. Paul’s children have many challenges. He knows the power of prayer but still, he worries about them. Sometimes he forces himself not to think about his family because it makes him sad -- his ex-wife has cancer; family members have died from Covid. Paul loves business and investing and has taught classes to share his interest and expertise. He is a vegan and enjoys sharing why this way of eating is healthy for our physical bodies and the environment. Yet, he has told me sometimes he feels like Job because of his many problems. These are the things Paul has shared with me in numerous letters. Could you relate to any of them? We mailed letters until a year ago when Calvary Church made it possible to securely email prisoners through software called JPay. Using this service through Calvary keeps your identity private and allows both you and the prisoner to write without cost. (Stamps and envelopes are expensive in prison.) I write to Paul about every two weeks but he rarely waits more than a few days to respond. My emails let him know that outside of those prison walls I am praying for him, interested in what he is doing and thinking, and encouraging him as a fellow disciple of Jesus. I write to him about my life--my kids, grandkids, blessings, troubles. Each of us always closes our emails with a prayer for the other. I know that there continues to be a list of inmates connected with Calvary who is looking for a pen pal. They are anxious for someone who will take a few minutes to show interest in them and assure them that they are not forgotten. Writing to an inmate isn’t hard. It isn’t scary. And your private information (address, last name, etc.) is kept secure. You can write about your ordinary life, long emails, short emails. Recently, as Paul closed a letter to me with his prayer, one line read, “I pray that God gives us what we need, keeps us safe and gives us the strength we didn’t know we had so that we can hold those up that can’t hold themselves up.” He added, “Thank you for being such a good friend to a person like me.” His prayer reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:36. That in some mysterious way we serve Jesus Himself when we visit those in prison.” If you are interested in serving Jesus by writing to a person like Paul (described above), connect with Vida Wilson (, in the Mercy and Missions department to answer your questions and get connected.


PRAYER FOR � RAMADAN Every year over 1.8 billion Muslims observe the month-long holiday of Ramadan. Because Islam follows a lunar calendar, Ramadan moves forward 11 days each year starting on April 2 this year and ending with the large celebration called Eid al-Fitr on May 1. During Ramadan, Muslims are fasting from food and drink during daylight hours while increasing their time reading the Qur’an and visits to the Mosque. This is all done with the intention of being closer to Allah and the hope of having their sins from the previous year forgiven. Muslims break their daily fast between sunset and dawn by eating a large meal, called iftar, with their friends and family. Because many Muslims are thinking deeply about their spiritual life during this season, they can be more open to discussing their spiritual beliefs and receptive to the gospel. Many of Calvary’s supported missionaries are seeking to reach Muslims through their ministry or are living intentional lives alongside Muslims. We invite you to join us in a month of praying for Muslims who do not yet know Christ in Grand Rapids and around the world.


Every year, a booklet is created to guide your daily prayer time during the month of Ramadan that highlights various topics, people groups, and regions around the world that follow Islam. Stay tuned to missions to learn where you can pick up your copy of this year’s prayer guide.

PRAYERCAST VIDEOS To grow in understanding and love for those who follow Islam, Prayercast has created over 130 short videos about how to pray for Muslims around the world. Visit to access these videos or to sign up for a video to be emailed to you weekly.

MISSIONARIES Pray for Calvary’s global workers who are reaching Muslims around the world:

JOSHUA PROJECT DATABASE Joshua Project is an online resource of current information for the different people groups around the world as well as data about how much access they have to the gospel. If you wish to focus on praying for an Islamic region or people group, visit joshuaproject. net/religions/6 to get more information.


Sasha & Olga

Tim & Sandy

Gary & Jami

Dave & Sonja

Sean & Liz

Dave & Laura

Micah & Asel

Glenn & Mary

Brad & Sara

Roy & Jennifer

Tanner & Kelsey

Peter & Raquel

Jason & Jamie

Ken & Rhonda

Andy & Kathleen


Joy & Jeremy

Jon & Kris

Dan & Teresa

Marv & Dawn


A NEI G HBO RHO OD B IB L E STU DY When my husband and I moved to a new neighborhood eighteen months ago, we had a very clear sense that God wanted to use us here. We would take walks and no matter the time of day, we met neighbors. We began inviting a few to our home for snacks and conversation. It was 2020, the first year of COVID, so we met inside or outside, wherever they were comfortable. We kept it simple, since we don’t feel particularly good at hospitality. God began to point out to us how to show love to these new friends: remembering a birthday, a favorite food after surgery, celebrating a new grandbaby, congratulations when their favorite sports team won. Sometimes it was hard because I didn’t feel like being loving or kind, and I let opportunities pass. God was faithful to spur me on, though, through the example of my husband or the kindness extended to me by others. I had attended a few gatherings at Calvary about how to start a neighborhood Bible study using NBS2GO materials. That idea was sitting in the back of my mind. So this past fall, I decided to actually pray about when would be the best time to try. Immediately the answer came, clear as a bell to my heart: So glad you asked. This winter. And invite them at a Christmas brunch. It was time to obey! In fear mixed with excitement, and thanks to my husband who kept me from chickening out, I went door to door inviting each woman I had already met to come to the brunch. Two dear friends from Calvary helped in the kitchen, so I could mingle with the ladies who came. Twenty-four women attended, hungry to socialize; it was a magical morning because God and His love were there. We played a simple get-acquainted game after eating, and I told them briefly about my idea for a neighborhood Bible study. As they left, each one got a small bag with some chocolates, a cute little note pad, and a printed invitation to the study. I used the invitation format on the NBS2GO website. Twelve women showed up at the first meeting! One came because the invitation indicated that women from any denomination, and even women who didn’t go to church, were welcome. Another came because a fortune cookie told her to join a new group. Another accepted my offer of a Bible because hers was packed in a box somewhere. Some have been studying the Bible for years and some are new to Bible study. Some are probably believers, but some most likely are not. We are studying people who met Jesus, mostly from the book of John, using the LIGHT Bible study questions and passages from NBS2GO. Discussions are lively and fun because the questions are open-ended, and we’re getting to know one another better at the same time. The weight of results and “success” does not depend on me but on God. I am praying Isaiah 55:11, that God will use His word to accomplish His purpose. When fear starts to rise on our meeting day, I remind myself that this is God’s study and He’s at work. I feel the prayers and encouragement of others who know about the group. And I’m glad that I didn’t let my feelings stop me from obeying God’s prompting, or I would have missed the joy and blessings that have come!

By Kathy Still | Kathy Still has been a member of Calvary’s Family Tree class for over 25 years. She and her husband Mike recently moved from Kentwood to the northwest side of Grand Rapids.



As we continue to step out in faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces and friend groups with simple Bible Studies, you may need encouragement to carry on or maybe God has been prompting you to take the first step. Blessed2Bless gatherings are for prayer and encouragement as we continue to reach out. Join us!

Spring Gatherings: • March 21 11:00am-12:00pm • April 19 11:30am-12:30pm • May18 11:30am-12:30pm We meet in Room 215.

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