Calvary Life | Summer 2022

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Calvary LIFE Summer 2022

Summer 3

Jerusalem Project: Church Planting


An Update on Staff Titles


Called to Serve


A Servant’s Heart

Learn about one branch of Jerusalem Project that is flourishing with your support and prayer.

Jim Samra shares about new titles for our staff.

The church is a body, each of us is designed as a valuable part of how it functions. Learn about opportunities to play your part through many of Calvary’s dynamic ministries.



Celebrate Graduates


Summer Activity Guide


Mercy & Missions Update

Join us in celebrating recent high school graduates from the Calvary Church family.

Find out what God is doing around the world and in our community through our church.

Calvary’s Culinary Services team invites you to join them in their work and shares the experience of two amazing volunteers.

Calvary Church

707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 Grand Rapids MI 49501 Ph (616) 956-9377 Fax (616) 956-9723 CalvaryChurchGR calvarygr


Church Planting

One of the most vibrant initiatives of the Jerusalem Project is the ministry branch focused on new church congregations. Your support of the Jerusalem Project has helped fund these recent church plants.

BR I G H T S I D E COM M U N I T Y C H U R C H Calvary helped plant Brightside Community Church more than 20 years ago. After a difficult season of ministry, the church leadership asked for help from the Jerusalem Project. One of the ways we are supporting the congregation is by allowing former resident Will Almeida to serve as the church’s interim pastor. Please pray that God will strengthen this community of believers so they can reach the Caledonia community.

I N DW E L L I N G C H U R C H Located in downtown Grand Rapids, Indwelling Community Church is a joint church plant of Calvary and Tabernacle Community Church. Launched in INDWELLING



September 2021, Indwelling is grateful for a strong core of faithful people committed to investing in their urban neighborhood. Please pray for increased opportunities to partner with local organizations.

PA N G R ATI CHURCH In collaboration with our Greek partner church, Glyfada Church, the Jerusalem Project helped train church planter Emmanuel Tsoutsas through our support of the Timothy Project. In November 2021, Pangrati Church held its first service. The Lord has given Pangrati an opportunity to become involved with the deaf Greek community and have already seen one man commit his life to Christ! Pray for open doors and additional opportunities to impact this unreached group.



S A N C TUARY CHURCH The Jerusalem Project continues to encourage Sanctuary Church located on the northwest side of Grand Rapids. The church would appreciate your prayers for God to raise up leaders for the congregation.

TOWNSEND COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Jeff Willet, an associate pastor in New England, is following God’s call to plant a new church community in his hometown of Townsend, Massachusetts. The Jerusalem Project has contributed funds toward start-up costs and is considering developing a more intentional partnership. Please pray for people willing to be involved in this new church community that hopes to launch in April 2023.

UNION CHURCH This new community of believers in the Detroit suburb of Brighton held their first service at Three Fires Elementary School in September 2021. The church values your prayers for them as they desire to cultivate hearts that love the lost along with a willingness to share the hope of the gospel.



an update on

STAFF TITLES COM MUNICATIO N A B O UT STAFF TITLES Almost fifteen years ago, I made a decision about what we should use for titles for the people serving in pastoral positions at the church. Out of a desire to acknowledge that they are serving pastorally without actually giving them the title of pastor, we decided to refer to men and women in these positions as “pastoral staff representatives.” This decision was made out of a desire to please people, and I failed to both inquire of the Lord and to search the Scriptures for guidance in what to call people who serve God in this way. About a year and a half ago, the Lord convicted me about this long-forgotten decision and revealed my failure in how it was made. I have apologized to the Lord, the elders, and the staff. Together the elders have prayed, discussed, and worked through how we might make this right. I believe the Lord has revealed to us a way forward, that while not without issues, is more pleasing to Him and more consistent with the New Testament.

BACKGROU ND The Greek word diaconos is an important word in the New Testament. This noun appears 29 times in many different New Testament books. It is translated in the NIV with four different,* but related, English words: 1. Attendant (Matt 22:13) 2. Servant (Matt 20:26; 23:11; Mark 9:35, 10:43; John 2:5, 2:9, 12:26; Rom 13:4 [2x], 15:8; 1 Cor 3:5, 2 Cor 6:4; 11:15 [2x], 11:23; Eph 3:7, 6:21; Col 1:23, 1:25.) 3. Minister (2 Cor 3:6; Col 1:7, 4:7, 1 Tim 4:6) 4. Deacon (Rom 16:1; Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:8, 3:12) *(The NIV translates the noun diaconos in Gal 2:17 more like a verb using the English verb “promote”)

USE OF DIACONO S AT C A LVARY Throughout the New Testament the word diaconos is used of both men and women. Calvary Church spent considerable time studying the use of this word with regard to the English translation “deacon” and we


concluded that the Bible both allowed and encouraged women to serve as deacons and to be given that title. In 2019 our constitution was changed by an affirmative vote of an overwhelming majority of our members to more accurately align with the Bible’s direction on this matter. We are grateful to have men and women serving as deacons at Calvary.

S TA FF T I T LE S In keeping with the use of diaconos, for the purpose of clarity and to better identify their ministry calling, the elders wanted to apply this understanding to the official titles given to pastoral staff members. Therefore the elders have approved the use of the term “minister” for our staff and encouraged the staff leadership to incorporate the word “minister” in some of our formal titles. This fits nicely with the two different English translations of diaconos, in that going forward we will be using the translation “deacon” to refer to men and women who serve the church in an unpaid capacity (e.g. deacon of benevolence) and the translation “minister” to refer to men and women who serve the church in a paid capacity (e.g. minister of worship). In this way using “minister” for some of our paid staff is a natural outworking of the labors and studies the Lord took us through regarding women serving as deacons as well as the understanding that the term diaconos refers to those who serve the elders and the congregation with delegated authority, not those who are tasked with exercising final spiritual authority in overseeing the congregation. (Those who are tasked with exercising final spiritual authority at Calvary are elders, which comes from the Greek word for “overseer” and this is reserved for men only.) Calvary’s constitution confers on me and Tom the titles of Senior Pastor and Lead Pastor, respectively, but we also will have titles incorporating the word minister, reflecting the fact that in addition to pastoring we are also ministering to the congregation. I will be Minister and Senior Pastor and Tom will be Minister and Lead

Pastor. Likewise the church will continue to use phrases like “pastoral staff” to refer to the collective group of individuals with the title minister, reminding all of us that these people are not only doing the work of the ministry, but also pastoring people. While many may feel like this is only a cosmetic change, it is the desire of the leadership to give to people who work at church titles consistent with words used in the Bible for doing the work of ministry. It is powerful to open the Bible and to see people like Phoebe, Epaphras, and Timothy referred to by the same term that we are giving to our pastoral staff. It also brings our church more in line with the terms used by the churches of the New Testament. You will see these titles used in official communications where titles are appropriate. However, this is not meant to impose on the congregation a more formal way of addressing staff. Jesus’s official title is the Lord Jesus Christ, but He is most often referred to as Jesus. And since the servants are not greater than the Master, if we refer to Him as Jesus, then it is fitting for the people of Calvary to refer to us by our personal names, without any formal title attached. If you have questions about this, would like to know more about how the Lord led us to this, or would like to discuss this with the leadership of the church, email elders@

By Jim Samra Minister and Senior Pastor


CAL L ED TO S ERVE “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” “Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

How much time do you spend reflecting on God’s calling on your life? Like many of us – not a lot. Our days are busy and we take care of the tasks in front of us. Yet, God created us grow and learn. He also intends to enlist us in his plan to renew this fallen world. He has assigned each one of us as rescuers. The church is amazingly designed by God; as we individually grow in our spiritual walk with Christ, the church body grows and changes with us. How many times has God brought us through an experience, that we then in return use to encourage or support someone else in a similar experience? God has given each of us spiritual gifts, talents and areas of passion. He invites us to steward them well by serving His church and our broken world. Where is God calling you to serve? What additional responsibilities is God asking you to take on to grow and stretch you? Which responsibilities is he asking you to step away from to make room for something else? Everyday God is asking us to go for him - Go serve for me. Go show the church my love. Go show the stranger my grace. Go!


What do you experience when you serve at Calvary? We asked our ministry leaders to share what volunteering looks like on their team. Here’s what they shared. C A LVARY KIDS Do you ever wonder what REALLY goes on in Children’s Ministries? Well…you are invited to come, see, and experience what God is doing at the bottom of those grand staircases. Our space tells the story of God’s Glory – it’s displayed on the walls and in the halls, on the stage and on the faces and hearts of kids and volunteers who come to worship, pray and learn about the greatness of our God. YOU are welcome to partner with us in telling the next generation the glorious deed of the Lord…so that all who hear would set their hope on God. (Psalm 78). Please contact Judi Warner at for more information.

F I F T H & SIXTH MINIS TRY Serving with 5th and 6th graders is an amazing opportunity here at Calvary Church. We get the opportunity to elevate these impactful years on the next generation of students. As a volunteer your primary responsibility to is know, love, and care for students by leading them in small groups, playing games with them, engaging in our high energy events, and praying with them for the next year. Please contact David Prichard at for more information.

S E V E NTH & EIGH TH M I NI STRY By serving in 78, you get a change to go back in time & rewrite your middle school experience. You not only will you get to have fun, but your heart will grow two sizes bigger knowing & loving students. You’ll sign up to tell students about Jesus, but will also end up experiencing God’s love & goodness in unexpected ways through them. Please contact Sara Tindall at for more information.

HI G H SCHOOL Volunteers who serve in high school ministry have the unique opportunity to pour into high school students during

four incredibly formative years of their life in. HSM leaders have the privilege of exemplifying and encouraging a life full of Christ while also enjoying the kinds of events and activities – like paintball and all-night retreats! – that create memories that last a lifetime. Please contact Josh Karhan at for more information.

C UL INA RY S E R V I C E S Volunteering with the Culinary team is a wonderful opportunity to participate in serving the Lord by creating a warm and welcoming time of fellowship. Brewing coffee, serving meals, cleaning, organizing, and preparing a variety of foods, are just some of the ways that you can get involved and become part of the Culinary Ministry here at Calvary Church. Please contact for more information.

LI B R A RY Do you have a love for books? Do you enjoy sharing resources with your family and friends? If so, we would love to have you help out in the library. We are looking for volunteers to serve in the library starting this fall. We hope to have enough volunteers so that we can have the library open on Sunday morning and other days throughout the week. Library volunteers will help people find the resources they are looking for to edify their spiritual walk with Christ. Please contact Rebekah Kennedy at for more information.


Volunteering in Facilities within either our maintenance, grounds or custodial depts is a unique opportunity to serve Christ in the lowest of places. It’s an opportunity to serve God in ways that are unseen by people and there is a unique blessing to be received by serving with us in the Facilities Ministry here at Calvary Church. Please contact for more information.

At Calvary, we seek to build up godly men through encouraging men to be in Awe of Christ, to be enthralled with the splendor of His Word, and empowered with the courage to obey Him. Our purpose is to come alongside men to encourage, equip, and energize them for the work God has called them to in their homes, work places, and neighborhoods. We are looking for volunteers to help with our monthly Men's breakfast in the tech booth, at the registration table, and on our welcoming team. We are also looking for men with gifts of administration, service, and leadership to join our team. Please contact Joe Symonds at for more information.




The First Impressions ministry helps welcome people to Calvary, from smiling parking lot attendants who help them find a parking spot, to greeters who warmly welcome them into the building, to caring people in the Connection Point and at the Welcome Desk who will help them figure out where to go, to ushers who help people find a place to sit in the auditorium. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Janine Schaap at for more information.

The Mercy and Missions department is fueled by volunteers just like you! People who love to support, encourage, and pray for the vulnerable and oppressed within our community and around the globe to fulfill Christ’s direction for us to love our neighbors. We have several ministries that you can plug into based on where you feel called and gifted. From providing baby shower gifts to a single mom, walking with a refugee family adjusting to life in Grand Rapids, or driving international students to church on Sundays – we have a place for you. Like to write letters?


Join the pen pal program. Feel called to the mission field? Then connect with our team. No matter what season of life you are in, you have something to offer a brother or sister in need. Please contact Vida Wilson at for more information.

P R AYER OPPORTUNITIES Volunteer with us as we pray for those inside and outside Calvary Church. Take up the challenge to “be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” by signing up for one of our many prayer groups through Or volunteer to facilitate a prayer group like Jerusalem Project or Sunday morning’s Boiler Room prayer group. Or serve the Lord and His people with your gardening skills in the exterior prayer garden on Tuesday mornings. Please contact Cindy Marrell for more information at cmarrell@

R E NEW CREW The goal of Calvary Renew Crew is to share Christ’s love through acts of service in the housing sector. We do this by mobilizing the body of Christ to address individual housing needs as well as the larger housing crisis both within the community of believers and to non-believers. We are looking for volunteers to help with trade work for example, electrical, flooring, drywall as well as more general tasks including fixing doorknobs, painting, yard work, and moving furniture. If you are looking for a tangible way to make a difference in God’s kingdom, email us at or call 9569377, ext. 5648.

S P E C IAL NEEDS Special Needs volunteers come alongside people of all ages with all abilities to support them in worship, teaching, and ministry activities. If you have a caring, compassionate heart and are interested in learning more about volunteering in our Special Needs ministry, please contact Pam Cook at, or Betsy Nolan at




Prayer Warriors needed - We are looking for people who can faithfully pray for our widows and widow’s ministry this year partnering with a group of committed individuals who take time to pray monthly. Serving Committee – We are looking for an individual or two who have the gift of hospitality that can join our Widows team of serving on a monthly basis by setting up rooms/tables for special events for our widows making them feel appreciated, loved and blessed.

We are looking for volunteers to serve in our Worship and Production Ministry. The time commitment varies on the role that you serve in and training is available.

Widowers – looking for a group of godly men who are Christ like-minded, prayer warriors and have the heart to serve our widowers. As we are praying through this next year of forming a team of godly men who have the heart of ministry serving our widowers. If you have questions or know you have a heart of serving and want to bless a widow or widower, please contact Lynnell at

WOMEN’S M I N I S T RY We love coming alongside our moms with young children during the week so that they can attend Tuesday Bible Study and/or our Embrace group for moms of preschoolers on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays! Serving children under age 6 is easy (they will love you!) and the fellowship among the serving team is loads of fun. Who doesn’t love rocking a baby or reading a book to a three-year-old? Find a friend to serve with and go to lunch afterwards. We are super flexible with how much you can serve and welcome substitutes. Please contact women@calvarygr. org for more information.

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Worship : Choir, Orchestra, and Praise team Production : Light board operation, Projection operation, camera operators, broadcast audio, and equipment maintenance

If you feel led to serve in either area or would like more information, please contact Christie Thompson at


s ’ t an Serv HEART Calvary’s Culinary Ministry loves volunteers! We need volunteers to feed and provided hospitality to over 2500 people a week. There are some who help each week and some who help once a month. There are a variety of roles for volunteers in the kitchen. Some work directly in the kitchen chopping vegetables, mixing batter, baking cookies, and even doing dishes! Some volunteer in the Gathering Place and serve as hosts on Sunday morning or Wednesday night. Others are servers for meals at events. Still some volunteer as prayer and encouragement partners for the department. The mission verse for this ministry is Matthew 20:28 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” That is the heart which is needed for the Culinary Ministry. No one may know the volunteer cutting the vegetables for Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, but God knows them by name and is overjoyed they followed the Spirit’s call to serve Him in this way. Here is a little insight into what it is like to serve in the kitchen.


M E E T M ILE S : When interviewed, here’s what Miles had to say about serving in this ministry.

I started volunteering in the kitchen in September 2013. I basically do whatever they need done at the time. From the Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinners to Special Events. That includes set-up to food prep to clean-up. During the covid shutdown, we prepared freezer meals for those who needed them. Generally, the time commitment has been 6 to 8 hours per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. For me, the best part of volunteering has been the camaraderie of the team members. It's a great group of people to work with. It's been a huge learning experience for me. God's blessing on me has been to interact with so many people, especially the Special Needs Groups. It truly reminds me of how really blessed my wife and I really are. As far as what I would still like to learn about the kitchen, I learn something new every time I work there. The more willingness to do new things you are, the more they let you get involved.

M E E T A NDRE W: Andrew started volunteering about three years ago. He helps set up the Café each Sunday and occasionally does dishes on Wednesday nights. His serving commitment is usually four hours per week. He says the best part about serving in this ministry is

doing what we are designed to do…. SERVE! If someone is thinking about serving but hasn’t yet, here’s what Andrew would say to you, “I would ask them what would the church look like if everybody gave like you, served like you, and shared the Gospel like you? If it would be non-existent then you probably need to get it in gear and start serving!” Andrew has been blessed by this service by making some really good friends in the process. He still would like to learn how to correctly operate the dish machine so he doesn’t have to do so many by hand!

Thank you to Andrew and Miles for their servant’s hearts and their commitment to Calvary’s Culinary Ministry! So what about you? We are looking for more volunteers! We have a lot of roles you can fill. Sunday café volunteers (once a month from 8:00am-12:30pm), weekly kitchen volunteers (hours and positions vary, but 4-6 hours generally per week), Wednesday Night Dinner Volunteers (2:00-8:00pm, September-April) Ask the Lord if this is something He would like you to consider. Email kitchen@ for more information!



GRADUATES Pray for our high school graduates as they close out this chapter and prepare for their next adventure!





Forest Hills Northern

Northpointe Christian

Grand Rapids Christian






Northpointe Christian

East Grand Rapids



Forest Hills Eastern








Forest Hills Central

Grand Rapids Christian


Forest Hills Eastern



Forest Hills Northern

Catholic Central


Forest Hills Northern

Forest Hills Northern


Northpointe Christian

Wellspring Prep

East Grand Rapids


Grand Rapids Christian





Forest Hills Northern














Forest Hills Eastern


East Grand Rapids



Forest Hills Northern




Comstock Park


summer GA CUTI DI VEI T Y S U N D AY M O R N I N G S Worship & Prayer Sunday Morning Worship Service Calvary Church Sanctuary 9:00 & 10:45am Both services are the same. All services are streamed live at We’re studying the book of Genesis. Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Many hearing aids offer hearing assistance by selecting the t-coil setting on your device. You can take advantage of this feature on the main floor behind row 6 of the main seating area. Contact Judi Warner (jwarner@ for more information. Pre-Service Prayer 8:30-8:50am | Room 255 (West End) Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants specifically that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join. Boiler Room Prayer 8:50am - 11:55am | Room 211 Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.

Kids & Students 9:00 (Nursery - Three Years Old) 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade) Check-in: All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag, and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian (fifth grade or older), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in. Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our Care Plan Coordinator, Betsy Nolan ( Holiday Sundays: Memorial Day - May 29 Fourth of July - July 3 On these Sundays, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool at the 10:45am service.

Adult Sunday Classes All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ at ext. 5173.

calvary in your inbox

The eNews is our weekly bulletin that comes out each Friday morning. It connects you to the life and ministry of the church. Visit and click on “Subscriptions” to add yourself to the email list.


For a full list of events, visit

9:00am Classes Ambassadors | Chapel A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults. F.L.O.C.K. (Fellowship, Leadership, Outreach, Care & Knowledge) | Room 252 Will meet every other week beginning June 5. A large discussion-oriented class of senior adults. Faith Builders | Room 260 A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 40’s-60’s. Family Tree | Room 106 | Not meeting for the summer. Growing in Relationships | Room 261 | Meet 2nd & 4th Sundays A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults. L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example) Room 114 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages. Young Marrieds | Room 264 A place to find community, seek out God’s plan for marriage together and reflect and honor Christ in your lives.

10:45am Classes Faith & Fellowship | Room 265 A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages. Heirs Together | Chapel A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults. Last meeting of the summer is 6/26. Journey | Room 264 A medium sized teaching-oriented class

of all ages and life stages. Koinonia | Room 260 A medium sized sermon discussion class of couples in their 30’s and 40’s. Legacy Builders | Room 212 A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse. Sojourners | Room 252 A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

KIDS & STUDENTS Calvary Kids Birth-Fourth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

Popsicles on the Playground Wednesdays, June 15, June 29, July 13, August 10, August 17 | 9:30-11:30am Grand Rapids Township Park Come hang out with other Calvary Kids families for frozen treats and complimentary artisan coffees. This will be a great time of fellowship and fun. Playgrounds for various ages and abilities abound and we will have a variety of yard games to play as well! Parents or guardians are required to stay for the duration of the event. Registration is not necessary, just show up! In the event of rain/inclement weather, the event will be canceled for that day. If you have any questions, please contact Kirsten Demoss, Calvary Kids Facilitator, at ext. 5067. Popsicles on the Playground Wednesday, July 27 | 9:30-11:30am Millennium Park Same details above, just a different location for this week!

Fifth & Sixth Fifth-Sixth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

Events are open to students who completed fifth or sixth grade in 2022. Breakfast in the Bible June 20, July 11, July 25, August 8 9:00-11:00am | Room 207 If you just completed 5th or 6th grade, you are invited to join us in this Summer Series studying Psalm 1. Along with games and activities, we will enjoy a variety of breakfast foods while encouraging students to see what they can take away from studying the Bible for themselves. If students memorize Psalm 1, they will be able to pie David in the face on August 8th! No registration is required. Water Wars Thursday, June 23 12:00-2:30pm | $5 Meet us by the Student Patio (Entrance D) to soak up some summer fun! After enjoying lunch, students will be divided into teams to compete in water-themed activities and challenges. Remember to bring a towel and happy giggles as you dive into summer with us! Register at Staging Day (Event for Outgoing Sixth Graders Only) Thursday, July 14 | 10:00am-2:00pm Room 108 (Entrance F) This fall, we are transferring into a new room and we need a stage built! We will build the stage, sign our names under it, and enjoy lunch together! Registration is NOT required. Just show up – maybe bring a hammer and or your dad’s drill (fully charged of course) and wear clothes you wouldn’t mind getting paint on!

The CONNECTION POINT is a place to get connected at Calvary. If you have been attending for two weeks, two years or two decades, there are new ways to connect with Calvary Church this season! Visit us before and after each service, just inside the Gathering Place across from the Main Sanctuary entrance. FIRST STEPS New to Calvary? On the first Sunday of every month, please join us at 10:15am in the Café next to the Connection Point to meet other new guests and members of the Calvary staff. We will take a tour of the building starting at 10:45am. EXPLORE CALVARY is a four-session class to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is a quick overview of our church. The following sessions provide insight into what it means to Worship, Fellowship, Equip & Serve here at Calvary Church. Our next session will take place this Fall. The WELCOME CENTER is a place to get quick information for things happening around the building. Not sure what room your Sunday class is meeting in? Looking for the Children’s area? Stop by the Welcome Center located just outside the Main Sanctuary entrance. Looking to get connected at Calvary? CONNECT CARDS aren’t just for newcomers! Complete the digital connect card at or fill out a physical card by your seat in the Sanctuary and drop it in the Connection Point.


Operation Body Build Tuesday, July 19 | 9:00am-4:00pm | $15 Room 140 (Entrance A) Join us in taking a day to participate in the mission of Calvary Church. We will meet at 9:00am in room 140 to have some doughnuts and a devotion about why we should serve in the church, followed by a morning time of serving in various ministries throughout the church. We will reconvene at lunch to hear a devotion about why we should engage in service with our community, followed by an afternoon of serving throughout the city. This event will be a great experience for our students to be the hands and feet of Christ not only in this place but in the city of Grand Rapids too! Register at

Seventh & Eighth Seventh-Eighth Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

To be added to our 78 weekly emails, please contact Ann Bagley, Student Ministry Assistant. Events are open to students who completed seventh or eighth grade in 2022. Michigan’s Adventure June 14 | 10:00am – 8:00pm | $40 Meet & Pick Up at Entrance D Whether you’re a fan of roller coasters or the lazy river, you won’t want to miss this fun-filled day! Cost includes your lunch, but you will need to bring additional $ for dinner. Note: Due to the logistics of this event, space is limited and late registrations will not be accepted. Be sure to register early! Register at mycalvarygr. org by June 8. Scholarships are available upon request. Deer Tracks Junction June 28 | 6:30-8:00pm | $10 7850 14 Mile Rd NE Join us for an evening spent with the world’s cutest baby animals. Sweet ice cream treat included! Parents, you are


welcome to stay and play with other members of your family; you will need to pay admission at the door when arriving. Register at Scholarships are available. Summer Bible Study Wednesdays | 10:30–11:45am | Room 208 Join us as we work through a 4 part video series, Different by Jonathan Evans. We will walk students through the parables in Luke to teach what it looks like for God to rule our lives. Though a life sold out for Christ might look backward to everyone else, it actually points us back to how God intended our lives to be when he first created us. When God is king, he reverses the curse and flips everything we know on its head. We simply have to choose to follow his lead. So, bring your Bible, notebook, and a pen and join other 7th and 8th-grade friends as we study the bible and have fun hanging out together! Registration is NOT required, just show up. Optional: Join us for lunch afterward (just bring money and plan to get picked up at 1:00 pm on the days you can stay!) Beach Day at the Veltings July 15 | 1:00-3:00pm 6374 Buena Vista Ct NE Join us for an afternoon at Rodney’s house filled with swimming & shenanigans. Don’t forget the sunscreen, modest bathing suit, towel. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Register at Day Away at Cranhill Camp August 11 | 9:00am-7:00pm | Cost: $50 Meet & Pick Up at Entrance D We’ll swim, play games, zip line, rock climb, and squeeze in as much fun as we possibly can in one day. Two meals are included. Bring a modest swimsuit, towel, spare change of clothes, and don’t forget to pack the sunscreen! Register at Scholarships are available.

Summer Sendoff| August 16 | 7:00-9:00pm 6374 Buena Vista Ct NE Let’s gather just one more time to say goodbye to summer with a campfire, games & swimming. Invite a friend & join us! Drinks and snacks included. Register at by August 15.

High School 9th-12th Grade

Contact: Ann Bagley | ext. 5161

Stay in the know! We loving hanging out with students! The best way to stay in the loop on all of our large events as well as what we do week to week is to join the mailing list for our weekly emails, follow our Instagram account, and keep an eye on our Calvary HSM web page. To sign up for our weekly emails, contact Ann Bagley at Knoxville Missions Trip Rummage Sale June 11 | 9:00am-2:00pm Entrance D High School Ministry is taking 21 students to Knoxville, TN for a week-long mission trip from June 26 to July 2. As we partner with Next Steps Ministries, we’ll work with amazing organizations like Operation Backyard, Knox Area Rescue Ministries, Restoration House, and Family Promise. To help raise financial support for this trip, our High School team will be organizing a church-wide rummage sale. We will be accepting donations starting Wednesday, June 8 at 1:00pm and are looking for those who would like to support our missions team by donating items for the rummage sale or by working at it. We are looking for individuals to help set up, tidy during the sale, load cars, take money, serve lunch, and finally clean up when the event is all done.

Summer Sunday Nights June 12, June 26, July 10, July 17, July 31, August 7, August 14, August 21 7:00– 8:30pm | Room 208 (Entrance D) We’ve got something unique planned for High School Ministry this summer! We’ll be watching episodes of The Chosen in order to help the stories in the Gospels come alive. Following the episode, a high school student or adult leader will share a brief testimony of their own powerful encounters with Jesus, bringing the themes from The Chosen episode and the Gospel stories it portrays into our modern context. Already a believer in Jesus? Join us to be encouraged in your faith and invite your friends to learn more about the One who has called you to follow him. Not yet a believer, but curious to see what Jesus is all about? “Come and see; you are welcome here!” Join us to hang out on the Student Patio by Entrance D from 7:00-7:30 pm. We’ll move inside for everything else from 7:30-8:30pm. For those not joining us for Overtime hangout, pickup is 8:30pm. Overtime: Bonfire at the Goodman’s House June 12| 8:30-10:00pm | 270 Calais Ct SE Transportation will be provided to the Goodman’s House. Students must be able to be picked up from the Goodman’s by 10:00pm. Rockford Bike & Dine Tuesday, June 14 | 4:30–7:30pm Meet & Pick Up: Wendy’s 4694 West River Dr NE Bring your bike and some $$ for dinner and ride along with the gang up the White Pine Trail to Rockford! Serving Meet at Entrance D If you are a high school student, join us for meaningful service projects that are designed to help us live out our faith while making a difference, right here in Grand Rapids!

• • • •

Degage Ministries - June 21 10:00am-1:00pm Boys & Girls Club - July 5 2:00-5:00pm Boys & Girls Club - July 19 2:00-5:00pm ICCF - August 2 10:00am-1:00pm

Overtime: Street Hockey & Hang at Calvary June 26 | 8:30–10:00pm Camping with Tom July 27 – July 29 | $100 If you completed your sophomore or junior year of high school in 2022, this event is just for you! Each summer, we enjoy tent camping at Interlochen State Park and having a blast in the surrounding area. Camping with Tom is a great opportunity to forge deeper relationships with your friends, get to know Tom, and enjoy both fantastic conversations and lots of outdoor adventure. Our students often come away from Camping with Tom having encountered the Lord in our discussions and feeling more connected to one another than ever. Scholarships are available. Registration at, which includes an application, is required and ends June 27. Mural Crawl June 28 | 1:00–4:00pm Meet & Pick Up at Entrance D Did you know that GR has over 30 pieces of mural art throughout our downtown area? For this event, grab a high school friend and compete in a photo scavenger hunt in downtown Grand Rapids! We’ll end with a sweet treat from Insomnia Cookies! Bring $ for dessert! Overtime: Pool Party July 10 | 8:45–10:00pm Location: TBD Transportation will be provided to the pool. Students must be able to be picked up from the pool by 10:00pm.

Family Whitecaps Game July 12 | 6:30-10:30pm | LMCU Ballpark The whole family is invited to this event! Families, you will be responsible to purchase your own admission tickets. Our staff will be ready to hang out on the Lawn! Barrier-Free Seating is available in all sections. Children two and under are free for all seating. Sophomore Milestone Grand Prix Event July 13 | 3:00-6:00pm | $60 8455 Byron Commerce Dr SW What better way to celebrate incoming sophomores than by getting you behind the wheel of a Grand Prix GoKart! You’ll be able to drive Sodi Electric Go-Karts – they go up to 35 MPH on a two-level indoor track! Participants must be at least 14 years old and have a waiver signed by a parent. The event fee covers three races and a pizza dinner. Register at Scholarships are available. Overtime: Thor: Love and Thunder Movie Sunday, July 17 | 8:30pm – ?? Transportation will be provided to Celebration Cinema North. Students must be able to be picked up from the movie theatre at the completion of the event. Movie times are TBD. Bring additional $$ for concessions. Registration at is required as movie tickets will be purchased in advance. Hike to Jersey Junction July 26 | 1:00–3:30pm | John Collins Park Boat Launch We’ll take a hike around Reeds Lake and end with dessert at Jersey Junction in East Grand Rapids. Bring $ for dessert! Overtime: Ice Cream Run July 31| 8:30–10:00pm Bring $$ to purchase your very own ice cream treat! Transportation will be provided to the ice cream location. Students must be able to be picked up from the location (which is TBD) by 10:00pm.


Incoming Freshman Bonfire & Cookout Thursday, August 4 | 7:30–10:00pm | $10 Location TBD

after youth group ends. If you don’t want to play, simply hang out! No registration required.

turning your tongue blue! You’ll be able to lick all the cones you want from the Kona Ice truck!

In true HSM fashion, we’ll have a cookout, bonfire, and awesome games! You’ll be able to hang out with your friends and meet our high school ministry staff! Parents, you’re invited to join us as well because we’ll have an opportunity for you to hear more about HSM while your students are enjoying a fun activity. We can’t wait to see you all there! Register at


Come with your best homemade batch of Mac n’ Cheese for the chance to win a prize. If you plan to bring a dish, email Kelly Parks.

Overtime: Appetizer Excursion August 7 | 8:30–10:00pm Transportation will be provided to your choice of Applebees or BW3 for wings. Bring additional $$ for food for this event. Pick up will be at either location by 10:00pm. No registration is required! Arvesta Farms Beach Day August 9| 9:45 AM – 4 PM| $10 Join us for this epic beach day at Arvesta Farms! This place is amazing and has many activities available. Every participant will need to purchase a general admission day pass for $10 at the door. This includes pickleball, playground areas, and beach access. Pack a lunch and a water bottle or bring additional $$ for food. HSM will provide beverages to stay hydrated! Scholarships are available. Registration for (transportation only) is required at Overtime| Secret Mission August 14 | 8:30–10:00pm | Entrance D You won’t want to miss this overtime! We will pile into vans and cars and head to a SECRET off-site location to complete a SECRET mission and then will head back to Calvary, full of laughs. No registration is required! Overtime: Ultimate Frisbee August 21 | 8:30–9:30pm We’ll play an exciting game of Ultimate Frisbee here at Calvary – so hang with us


All Adults

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn

Small Groups Contact: Quinn Santa Ana ( Are you interested in joining a Small Group? Most groups meet in homes around the Greater Grand Rapids area in the evenings two to four times a month. These groups provide a great opportunity to grow in Christ through authentic Christian community.

Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30) Contact: Kelly Parks

Young Adults: Weekly Gatherings Tuesdays | 8:00-9:15pm | Room 208 (Entrance E) Join us on Tuesday nights for fellowship, worship, and teaching in God’s Word. Hang-out time starts at 7:30pm with worship starting at 8:00. Not meeting: June 14 or 21 Sunday in the Park June 12 | 1-3pm Come to Grand Rapids Township Park after church to enjoy some nice weather and an even nicer community with our Young Adult peeps! Bring your own lawn chair, lunch, and your favorite outdoor game or activity! Summer Kick-Off June 28 | 7:30-10:00pm Come join us for our SUMMER SERIES Kick-Off event! To make this night special, we’ll host a macaroni and cheese competition, play yard games, and you can recreate a childhood memory by

Then, every Tuesday night for the rest of the summer, we’ll continue to meet for fellowship, worship, and teaching in God’s Word. River Tubing July 30 | 11:00am-2:00pm Come join YA for our third annual river tubing expedition! The cost is $15 per person, which covers the cost of your tube to float downstream! For those who want to carpool, meet at Calvary Church, entrance D at 10:00am! Hope to see you there! Registration is limited to 25 individuals – so register early to secure your spot! Register and pay online at Beach Stargazing: Holland State Park August 19 | 7:00-10:00pm Let’s go catch some evening waves, play some beach-side games and get our stargazing on! Bring all weather-appropriate gear necessary and let’s have some fun! Registration is not required.

Singles Connect Contact: Lori Morley

Calvary Singles Connect seeks to strengthen singles by helping them build meaningful and supportive relationships with one another and by connecting them to the community life of Calvary Church. They host monthly activities and events and primarily serve singles in their 30s, 40s and 50s. For more information, email Lori Morley. You can also visit the Singles Connect website at for updated information about all events and activities.


Contact: Carla Julien

Men’s Basketball Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men to enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball. Contact Mike Duursma ( Men at Noon Tuesdays | 12:00pm | Room 265

Men’s Gathering & Breakfast July 9 | 8:00am | Gathering Place | $5 As we continue to press deeper this summer, be sure to join us for a great opportunity to fellowship with the men of Calvary over a warm breakfast. We will have a worship service and teaching from God’s Word to encourage us in our walks with Christ. If you want to be energized to do the work that God has called you to, then you don’t want to miss out. Register at before July 7 at noon.

Russ Clark leads this inductive Bible study on Genesis. Contact Russ Clark (


Equip: A Man and His Fatherhood Wednesdays, June 1 – July 6 6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10

Fitness, Fellowship and Time With the Father Saturdays in June | 9:00-10:00am

A Man and His Fatherhood will help you begin to think strategically about being a dad and help you prepare to launch healthy sons and daughters into the world. This study is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. Registe at

Mark your calendars for a four-week, Saturday morning workout where we’ll incorporate a focus on the Lord. Come along other Calvary women who like to work out, too. We’ll listen to Biblicallybased teachings from RightNow Media while Lindsay takes us through resistance, band and cardio bursts in a 45-minute workout. After the workout, we’ll discuss what we learned from the audio sermons and key takeaways (all while stretching out those sore muscles!

Virtual Fishing Tournament June 10 - June 12 Let’s go fishing! Join us for our third annual virtual fishing tournament. Michigan is home to 26,266 lakes and 36,350 square miles of rivers! Pick your favorite and compete against other Calvary men to catch the biggest fish! We will have five categories: pan fish, bass, trout, salmon, and catfish. The winner of each category will win a $50 gift card to Cabela’s. There will also be other prizes for first fish caught, best picture, and other random prizes just for fun. Just snap a picture of you and your fish with a measuring tape or scale to enter. Submit photos via #calvarygrfishing on Facebook, Instagram, or email them to men@ You must be registered to win at

Contact: Donna Ross

Equipment Needed: If you have one, please bring a resistance band and yoga mat. Also bring water and a sweat towel RSVP to for more information and location. Prayer Shawl Ministry Second Thursday | June-August 10:00am-12:00pm | Room 215 Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you join us in person for a time of fellowship and prayer. There is a supply of yarn and patterns for you to use.

If you know someone who is struggling with illness or grieving the loss of a loved one, let us know. We will give them a prayer shawl. A prayer shawl is a wonderful comfort and a reminder that many voices are lifting that person up in prayer. Summer Bible Study Wednesdays, June 22 - August 3 7:00-8:30pm | $10 We are excited to journey through “The Extraordinary Power of Praise” by Becky Harling. Topics in Psalms through the study include: learning to face your fears, finding contentment through praise and rekindling joy. Books will be handed out the first night. We hope you can join us! Register at Note: Virtual option available. Women of Faith Book Club June 27, July July 25 August 22 7:00-8:30pm | Gathering Place Join us this summer reading about courageous women who have impacted history and the faith of many. We’ll read one book each month and meet on the fourth Monday to discuss that month’s heroine. You may choose to read one, two, or all three books! • June – Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose • July – Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Eareckson Tada • August – Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman written with Christine Hunter No cost for this event; obtain your favorite version of the book on your own. Register at Embrace Moms Play Dates July 20 & August 3 | 9:30-11:30am 430 Manhattan Rd We invite you to an opportunity to meet other young moms from Calvary Church. Embrace is a group of moms with babies and young children. Join us for two play dates at Manhattan Park this summer and enjoy refreshments while our


children play. No registration needed. Questions? Please email embrace@

OASIS (Senior Adults) Contact: Carla Julien

Bike & Brunch Thursdays, June- September 9:00am-12:00pm Enjoy great fellowship and exercise on a weekly 9-24 mile round trip bike ride that stops mid-way for brunch. Contact Carla ( for a list of the scheduled rides. Pickleball Fridays Through September 16 9:00-11:00am | Manhattan Park All beginners and moderately competitive players are welcome to join in a friendly game of pickle ball. It will be your personal choice to play in unfavorable weather conditions. Men’s Golf League Tuesdays | 8:45am-2:00pm | $32 Come join a group of Calvary Church seniors every Tuesday morning at Boulder Creek Golf Club for some good Christian fellowship and exercise. This isn’t a formal golf league and it’s open to golfers of all skill levels. You don’t have to play every week so just show up when you’re able to play. Each week, we have a draw to determine foursomes for the week so it’s a great way to meet new people. The draw is at 8:45am and the first tee time is at 9:00am. The cost is $32 for 18 holes of golf with a cart. For more information, contact Ken Kits at (708) 860-6010 or ( Walks & Hikes Fridays, June - September 9:00-10:00am All walkers and hikers are welcome to join us for some exercise while enjoying God’s creation. Easy walks will be on the first Friday on the month, and will be


on sidewalks with minimal to no incline. Moderate hikes will be on third Friday of the month, and will be on trails, with varying inclines. Each walk or hike will be 30-60 minutes, ranging 2-4 miles. Luncheon June 6 | 10:00am-1:00pm Gathering Place | $8 Skipper Bettis and his family, own Two Hats Ranch in Big Rapids. He is an experienced guide/outfitter and hunter. He will share about God’s great outdoors, His provision and preservation, and will include stories and experiences along the way. Join us for great fellowship and a delicious lunch. Reserve you tickets by contacting Petra (petrarozinska@gmail. com) before June 1. Summer Concert June 12 | 4:00-8:00pm Gordon Mote has recorded eleven albums that are blended country, pop, and gospel influences that earned him multiple Dove and Grammy nominations. Optional van ride from Calvary leaves at 3:30pm and dinner at 4:00pm at Culver’s, 500 84th St, Byron Center, concert begins at 6:00pm at Sandy Pines Chapel, 3630 26th Ave, Dorr. Contact Carla ( to RSVP before June 8 if you plan to join us at any point in the evening. Bring your own lawn chair. Senior Serve June 15 | 9:30-11:30am Oasis Senior Adults will have an opportunity to make a difference serving in our community. No special requirements needed to serve. Contact Carla (cjulien@ calvary by June 12 if you would like to join us. Picnic Praise June 22 | 6:00-8:00pm | West Lawn Enjoy the hand clapping joy of gospel music with the Skylight Quartet. Bring your own lawn chair and picnic. Pie and ice cream will be served mid-evening. A

free will offering will be collected for Skylight Quartet. (Adverse weather will move the event to the Gathering Place.) Summer Bible Study Wednesdays, June 29-July 27 10:00-11:00am | Gathering Place If you were asked to explain what Heaven looks like, how would you describe it? Can you be sure you’re going to Heaven? Will we still be ourselves? What will we spend our time doing? Our faith in Jesus, assures us of Heaven. A physical place where we’ll live in community with the Lord, and those who’ve trusted in Him. The scriptures teach that Heaven exceeds our wildest imaginations, and God’s crowning inspiration. If so, why do we doubt its existence or struggle with our assurance of Heaven? Why is it difficult to comprehend or explain our eternal home? Why do we grow fearful of dying, knowing this world isn’t our home, but that Heaven awaits those who know Jesus? These are only a few of the questions we’ll consider, as we gather for the Oasis Summer Bible Study and learn about The Hope of Heaven. Luncheon July 11 | 10:00am-1:00pm Gathering Place | $8 Don Snoeyink owns and operates Thornapple Woodlands LLC., a small, family owned company that promotes honey bees, honey, maple syrup making, and the awe and wonder of nature. Join us for great fellowship and a delicious lunch. Purchase your tickets at Wednesday Bible Study or by contacting Petra ( before July 6. Summer Concert July 30 | 5:00-9:00pm The King’s Brass plays a wide variety of music, from hymn classics to jazz spirituals to patriotic marches. For forty years they have blessed audiences with trumpets, trombones, keyboards, a tuba

and percussion. Optional van ride from Calvary leaves at 4:00pm and dinner at 5:00pm (bbq chicken for $10-15) at CRC, 12253 Lakeshore Dr, Grand Haven, concert begins at 7:00pm. R.S.V.P. to Carla (, (616) 9565504 before July 27 if you plan to join us at any point in the evening. Luncheon August 1 | 10:00am-1:00pm Gathering Place | $8 Liz Norry serves on the Vibrant Living Fitness Team at Holland Home. She will share about the importance of balance, core exercise and the affects it can have on us mentally and physically. Join us for great fellowship and a delicious lunch. Purchase your tickets at Wednesday Bible Study or by contacting Petra ( by July 27. Summer Concert August 27 | 5:00-9:00pm Earnie Haas & Signature Sound is a southern gospel quartet with an unmistakable four-part harmony. Optional van ride from Calvary leaves at 4:00pm and meet for dinner at 5:00pm at Maranatha (cost $18.95), concert at 7:00pm at Maranatha Bible, 4759 Lake Harbor Rd, Muskegon.RSVP to Carla ( at ext. 5504 before August 24 if you plan to join us at any point in the evening.

Orphan Care Ministry Contact: Lou DeGraaf

Adoptive/Foster Moms Coffee June 1 | 9:30-11:00am Room 139 Join this coffee and book study of Second Mother, a Bible study experience for adoptive and foster moms. For questions and to reserve a copy of the book, contact Sheri at ext. 5524.

Adoptive/Foster Moms Activity June 5 | 5:00-8:00pm Details coming.

ing and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact mentalhealth@ with questions.

Adoptive/Foster Parents Dinner June 25 | 6:00-8:30pm | $10 Join Calvary adoptive/foster parents for an evening of fellowship and delicious food.

Hannah’s Heart Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533.

Beach Event July 22 | 4:00 pm - 9:30 pm Millennium Park – Shelter B Come in the afternoon and stay until sunset. Dinner will be provided.

Transitional Health Ministry Support for those walking through a major health transition. Contact: care@

CARE & SUPPORT GROUPS Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Sundays – Women’s Stag 5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G) Monday-Friday 12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G) Al-Anon Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 115 Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help. Avenue Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact Mental Illness Support Group Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255 If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, train-


For a full list of prayer opportunities visit

Exterior Prayer Garden Dedication June 5 | 7:15-7:45am | Open House 6:00am-12:30pm, 4:30-6:00pm Celebrate the completion of the exterior Prayer Garden and participate in dedicating the new articles, like David and Solomon did for the first temple. The Jerusalem stone wall around the outside of our Garden was extended to provide a sweetly cloistered space to meet with the Lord away from distractions. Come and sacrifice your praises and requests to the Lord in this unique service. Prepare yourself in the Chapel and proceed through the Garden. Corporate dedication to the Lord will start in the Chapel. For those that cannot attend the service, there will be guides and handouts during the open house. Elder Prayer First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997 Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season. Contact Cindy at ext. 5997 to schedule your time.


Prayer For the Persecuted Church Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 115 Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list at and join us between services once a month. Intercessors / Prayer Chain Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | Room 212 Open to anyone interested in praying for Calvary Church, its congregation, pastors, staff, volunteers and programming. Submit requests to Cindy (cmarrell@ at ext. 5997. Third Monday Missionary Prayer 11:30am-12:30pm | Room 255 (Ent. K) Join us to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world. Bring your lunch. Pastors’ Prayer Partners Sundays | One Service Monthly Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly. Weekly Prayer Walks Wednesdays, June 8 - July 20 12:00-1:00pm | Entrance H Get spiritual and physical exercise by walking inside or outside at Calvary while praying through requests for various summer ministry activities. Join others or bring your family or friends at a time that works for you. Walk around the outside of Calvary stopping to pray for specified ministries at five different entrances. A brochure with map and prayer points will be available near the reception desk inside Entrance H and available online. Bring a friend, meet someone new, or walk one on one with the Lord while blessing our church family in prayer. Never prayer walked before? Come on, step outside your comfort zone!



Food Pantry We are looking for the following items during the next couple of months: • Laundry detergents • Fabric softener • Bleach • Dryer sheets • Cleaning products • Personal hygiene items • Men & women’s shaving cream • Deodorants • Toothpaste & brushes • Mouthwash • Dental floss • Hand lotions • Hand & body soaps • Hairbrushes & combs As you plant your garden this summer, please consider adding an extra row of vegetables to donate to our food pantry. We are always looking for fresh products and this would be an added blessing to the many families who rely on the pantry. Best time to drop off your perishables are between Mondays and Wednesdays to entrance J - Calvary Care. Thank you for sharing the bounty of God’s blessing. Clothes Closet Enjoying the warmer weather of summer, we have many families who can use the following items: short-sleeve shirts, sandals, bathing suits, sundresses, shorts & capris. We are really low on kid’s clothes, birth on up to teen. Your donations are greatly appreciated.

SERVING Facilities Team Opportunities Contact Jon Nuenke ( to Sign Up Adopt a Room –Interested in serving by keeping Calvary clean? Consider serving in the Custodial Dept by Adopting a Room! This can be an individual or a group that takes ownership of a room(s) or an area each week by doing the thorough cleaning of that space. It can

be once or twice a week for a couple hours depending on availability. Mowing & Landscaping - We’re always looking for more help mowing and landscaping around Calvary Church. If you’re interested in serving outside with your hands, consider working with out lawn mowing team or gardening team. It’s an opportunity to serve around Calvary with great people throughout the week! Vehicle Maintenance Volunteer - We’re also looking for an individual that likes to keep vehicles looking and running nice. This person helps doing the weekly vehicle safety checks, gassing, cleaning and helps bring the church vans in for service. It’s a great way to serve other ministries around Calvary Church! First Impressions Volunteers Needed Contact: Rebekah Kennedy ( Serving opportunities are available for Ushers, Welcome Team and Parking Lot crew members. Serving is once a month; contact Rebekah if interested. Calling French Horns, Clarinets, Trombones and String Players! The Calvary Church Orchestra currently is looking to add french horns, trombones and clarinets to our ensemble. We also are always looking for more strings. We rehearse on Wednesdays around three times a month and play on Sundays two to three times a month. We also form smaller instrumental groups at times. If you are high school age or above and have an interest in serving the Lord through your musical talents, please contact Orchestra Director, Mark Grevengoed (mgrevengoed@calvarygr. org) for more information.




Did you know that Calvary Church has a large and active international college student ministry that matches up local international college students with families and partners for friendship and care? Continue reading to hear about one student’s experience.

My name is Phong Nguyen. I am from Vietnam and came to America in 2012 as an international college

student to study hospitality and management at GRCC and then at Ferris State.

to always spend time to pray and God fulfills his promise to keep me stronger with his faith.

When I first arrived in Grand Rapids, I joined the Neighbors International program and was matched with a family from Calvary church. Through that family, I also became connected with other Christian families from the church. They invited me into their homes, showed me hospitality, friendship, and emotional support. My love of cooking began after I arrived in America because I missed my country’s food so much. I would be on the phone talking to my mom and asking her how to make Vietnamese food. My friendship families through the years would allow me to cook for them and practice my craft. But, the most important thing about my friendship families, was that they introduced me to the Bible and showed me how much God loves me and that He has a plan for me.

God has led the way for me to start, with three other Vietnamese friends, a Grand Rapids Vietnamese restaurant called MONSOON VIETNAMESE CUISINE, newly opened in May 2022. It is located at 55 Monroe Center NW.

I am still in touch on a regular basis with my Friendship Families. I am so blessed to know that someone is there and is always looking out for me through my difficult times, especially now when stress levels can be over my head. I have learned

We use charcoal to cook our food as it is supposed to be prepared in Vietnam. Some of our specialties are grilled pork tomahawk with Vietnamese chimichurri and the 24 hour pho beef broth from my grandmother’s recipe. I thank God and all my friendship families for helping me to get to this place in my life!! It is our hope that you will visit Phong at his new restaurant, eat his delicious food, leave a review, and also let him know you are praying for him! We also hope that this has encouraged you to sign up to be a Friendship Family or single partner (over age 30) for the newly arriving students this fall. You are needed! For more information, please contact Sonja (neighbors_

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Reach the Forgotten As Christ’s ambassadors, where do we start to help make a difference in the lives of people facing these issues vulnerability and oppression? One of the ways we can do this at Calvary is through partnering with a number of local ministries that meet physical and emotional needs along with sharing the good news of Christ as Lord and Savior.

One of those partners is Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry. Learn more about who they are and how they are serving the community below: Who is Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry? We provide Christ centered hope and healing through biblically based, chaplain led, volunteer jail ministries. Our vision is for every incarcerated person to experience new life in Christ and to develop healthy family, church and community relationships. The majority of the men and women who are incarcerated come from broken families and have endured much abuse and heartache over their lifetime. No one as a child says, I want to go to jail when I grow up or I want to live as a prostitute or drug addict or thief or alcoholic. Satan is the biggest identity thief there is. He has stolen their identity and it is time to help them take it back, to show them that there is hope for change, they do have a purpose, they do not have to be defined by their past but rather by their future which has already been secured by Christ. But to do this, we need you.


They need to know who they are. And what does God say about them? They are chosen, beloved, adopted, redeemed, set free, a royal priesthood, etc. Does that sound familiar to you? The same truths the God says about you are for them as well. They just don’t know it yet. What if you are the one that is being called to share that with them? What if you are the one that will share the truth from Christ that they need to hear? Will you answer that call? Sin is a nasty beast that often takes hold of us in ways we may never have imagined. In jail, their sins are just more visible. But in God’s eyes, sin is sin as everything is leveled out at the cross. We will provide all of the training you need. All you need is a love for Christ and a love for others, a teachable spirit and desire to serve. What if you are the one that Jesus wants to use to introduce them to Him? What if your involvement is the difference that is needed in their lives? Are you being called to plant seeds in His Kingdom through jail ministry? There are several ways to get involved which are listed below. Some are in-person and some can be done remotely from your home. You will also need to pass a background check.

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A.R.M. Letter Writing Program Worship Services Bible Study Teachers

Short-Term Mission Opportunity • •

Prayer Support Financial Support

For more information: • Visit • Email Sarah Heaton ( • Call 616-632-6377 Calvary is partnering with Calvary Missionary Jon Shepherd to host a week-long basketball camp in Hamtramck, Michigan. The purpose is to bring children and youth to the camp where they can learn basketball and also hear about Jesus. The population in this area is 51% Muslim and Calvary will be helping Jon in his ministry to create friendships and build bridges.

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Cost: $317.50 per person with a team of 12 ppl ($100 due at first team meeting) Funding is raised as a team through support letters. Team Leader: Jon Nuenke Trip Dates: July 31-August 6 Lodging: Tabernacle Baptist Training: Mandatory team meetings will provide training and time to get to know each other. Apply at Who can apply: Men and women ages 18 and up. It would be helpful if you’ve played basketball and know the rules. You should be open to sharing your faith and enjoy spending time with youth from different backgrounds and countries while teaching basketball.

Questions? Contact Jon Nuenke ( at ext. 5116

International Ministry We are celebrating 25 international students who have been a part of our body here at Calvary who graduated in May 2022. It has been a joy to walk with these students as they navigated a unique season of life and learning far away from home. Many of these students have served faithfully here at Calvary and on their college campuses while working and studying. Join us in celebrating and praying for their next steps as they look for jobs, move to new cities, or continue their education!




C A LV I N U N I V E R S I T Y What major are you graduating with? Psychology

What major are you graduating with? Finance and Data Science What is one of the most important things you learned in college? My identity is only in Christ. It is important to find a Christian community/local church and to be surrounded with people who love the Lord wherever you are. What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? I will be moving out to Salt Lake City and working at Goldman Sachs as an analyst. I am hoping to return back home to Indonesia sometime in the future. How can Calvary Church be praying for you in this next season? Prayers for my transition to the next chapter of my life in Salt Lake City and so that my faith remains strong amidst temptations and challenges the world presents.

What is one of the most important things you learned in college? God is with me wherever I am, and in whatever situation I am in. What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? Christian psychologist. How can Calvary Church be praying for you in this next season? For my future, I'll be able to adjust well and grow wherever I am.

HYANG GI KIM C A LV I N U N I V E R S I T Y What major are you graduating with? Biology What is one of the most important things you learned in college? God is the one in charge of my life. Not I, but Christ. What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? I'm looking forward to what God has in plan for me!

How can Calvary Church be praying for you in this next season? For my relationship with God to remain firm.

BLISS YEJIN KIM C A LV I N U N I V E R S I T Y What major are you graduating with? Elementary Education What is one of the most important things you learned in college? God has called me to love and serve my neighbors through teaching! What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? I’m looking forward to fulfill God’s calling as a first-year teacher!

JIN JU PARK C A LV I N U N I V E R S I T Y What major are you graduating with? Biochemistry major, Biology minor What is one of the most important things you learned in college? I learned to work as a team towards a central goal and God will surround me with people I can learn from. What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? I want to do pharmaceutical research to develop and improve medication.


How can Calvary Church be praying for you in this next season? I actually have one more semester left to finish my minor. I would like God to continue to guide me through that semester and I that He will give me his eyes to see what He wants. Also, I pray that I won’t be stressed too much with financial need.

SHALOM KIMANZI CORNERSTONE UNIVERSITY What major are you graduating with? Digital Media and Marketing What is one of the most important things you learned in college? That if all you see is pain, hurt and the bad things, you’re going to lose sight of God and what He’s doing. I’ve also learned to look for God not only in the prayers I’ve prayed, but in the prayers that He’s answered and I never prayed. What are you looking forward to or do you hope to do after you graduate? I'm hoping to get a full-time job in America in the media and marketing field. I’m also hoping to stay in Grand Rapids for a while. How can Calvary Church be praying for you in this next season? Pray for me to get a full-time job and approval from immigration to stay here longer.


OTHER I N T E R N AT I O N A L STUDENTS G R A D U AT I N G : • Christian Ro, Calvin University • Esther Hyanggi Kim, Calvin University

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Moses Yang, Calvin University

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Abigail Cho, Calvin University

Gloria Joo, Calvin University Hannah Choi, Calvin University Jacey Kim, Calvin University Jose Hernandez, Calvin University Sara Lee, Calvin University Suzzane Su, Calvin University Yohan Hong, Calvin University Glory Lee, Calvin University Stella Sungsil Kim, Calvin University

Keziah Paul, Calvin University Esther Park, Calvin University Haram Koo, Calvin University Nikita Hutanto, Calvin University Daniel Kwik, Calvin University Jessica Chee, Calvin University Emily Kusmadi, Calvin University

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