Winter Calvary Life Magazine 2023-24

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Calvary LIFE

Winter 2023-24

Winter 4

Impacting the Local Church Locally


Volunteer Opportunities


Prayer - Our Powerful Weapon


The Calvary Kids Mission

Learn more about how you can help the Jerusalem Project continue to encourage, equip and fund church leaders.

Serving doesn’t just help the church, it boosts your faith. Find your place to volunteer this Winter.

There is a huge, invisible, spiritual battle happening all around us - are you prepared?


10 Call for Entries

The Calvary Art Committee is opening another exhibit this Lent. See how your work can be featured in this season’s presentation.

& Missions Updates 11 Mercy Updates from the Mercy & Missions team. Program Guide 14 Winter Your guide to the activities at Calvary Church this upcoming season.

Discover the many ways our Calvary Kids team is partnering with families.

Calvary Church

707 E Beltline Ave NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 Mailing Address: PO Box 1600 Grand Rapids MI 49501

calvary in your inbox

The eNews is our weekly digital bulletin that comes out each Friday morning, connecting you to the life and ministry of Calvary. Visit and click on “Subscriptions” to add yourself to the email list.


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Love Was Born a King Free Family-Friendly Christmas Musical ∙ December 15-17 When a mix-up on the church calendar puts a ministry to the homeless in the same place at the same time with the choir’s dress rehearsal for their Christmas program, things get a little chaotic. Love Was Born a King poignantly and sensitively deals with the plight of the homeless, drawing on the responsibility of God’s people to minister and care for those in need. And in the course of helping others, we just might find ourselves being ministered to in the process. Journey with us through story and song that remind us of the importance of bringing hope for the hopeless and strength for the broken.

Friday, December 15 at 7:00pm Saturday, December 16 at 4:00pm Sunday, December 17 at 4:00pm



Seating is general admission, your registration helps us ensure each performance isn’t above capacity.

Following each performance there is a free-will opportunity to support Calvary’s Benevolence Fund – a ministry to those in financial need within our community.

y ll a c o L IMPACTING the


The Jerusalem Project encourages, equips and funds church leaders who live and serve in their home countries. National believers have clear advantages when reaching their communities with the gospel. CREDIBILITY Local leaders aren’t foreigners viewed skeptically but trusted neighbors who are already integrated into their neighborhood. SUSTAINABILITY Local church leaders don’t need a passport or visa to reach their communities! They are committed to their local context because it is the country where their extended families live, the place where their children go to school and the neighborhood they call home. Sustaining their ministry costs a fraction of sending a non-native worker.

Gi ve the TO IMPACT



CULTURALLY PROFICIENT National church leaders already know the language, culture and struggles of the communities where they live and serve. They naturally contextualize the gospel in ways their neighbors understand.

Giving directly to the Jerusalem Project allows us to impact local churches. Help us continue to support established partnerships and programs, as well as embrace new opportunities opening up in local communities around the world.

Give Online: Contribute a one-time or recurring gift at

Serving in the church is a vitally important aspect of growing in our faith. What a blessing it is that our Creator God, in His immeasurable grace and love, allows us the privilege to be co-laborers in His kingdom Neil Kassuba work. 1 Corinthians 3:8-9 states— “The one Facilitator, who plants and the one who waters have Serving Ministry one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” Let this be a powerful encouragement as you endure seasons of sacrificial love. The Lord is faithful to keep us and strengthen us, so let us continue to be emboldened to serve well and trust in His provision throughout this program year. As each of you give of your time, talent and treasure, know the Lord is pleased with your willingness to engage in the many facets of ministry work. All of us at Calvary Church pray that you are continually enriched and revitalized by Him as you pore over His Word, honor Him with praise & worship and play your role in the church body. We are so incredibly grateful to serve alongside you this year and hope that you will be immeasurably blessed while being a blessing to others. I also hope that you find rest as we enter into the holiday season. While the busyness of life can be overwhelming at times, please extend grace to others, as we have the highest honor of being the actual hands and feet of Jesus, all for His glory. For those of you who feel as if the Lord may be calling you into a volunteer role at Calvary Church, there is still time to sign up and serve through the abundant opportunities we have available in nearly 40 ministries! I would be happy to meet or talk with you to discuss where you could be used as a co-laborer in Christ. Contact me, Neil Kassuba – Serving Ministry Facilitator, at 616-956-5277 or nkassuba@ I want to end with a testimony provided by one of our faithful volunteers Bonnie Jane Greene who serves as a greeter at Entrance B. Bonnie writes: “Learning to serve brought me out of loneliness into great joy. I found that it is in giving that we receive. There are many scriptures to support this. Proverbs 11:25 is one: ‘A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.’ I felt lonely many years of my life. After coming to Christ and beginning to read His Word and experience His love and guidance, He began to draw me out. As a wife, mom, in the workplace, as a neighbor and in the church, I experienced joy as I cared for others. God has given all of us different gifts and the best way to discover yours is to serve others. As you pray for God’s leading and try different ministries, you will discover where you fit and where God wants you to serve (1 Peter 4:10). The ways you serve will change over the years. But you will find that caring for others will bring you joy and also help you feel connected to those you serve and those you serve with. And whatever you do to others, you do to Christ (Matthew 25:40).”


volunteer Opportunities

FACILITIES – Our church property and grounds requires the help of many hands to maintain and function. If you are interested in using your gift of serving through custodial, landscape or even by joining our snow removal team, we’d love for you to be a part of such an integral role at Calvary Church. Your time commitment would be flexible based on availability. SPECIAL NEEDS – Our Go-Getters Special Needs Ministry is searching for individuals with a heart for encouraging and mercy by becoming a part of their Buddy System. During Wednesday evening programming a volunteer would provide transportation for a participant in the ministry, bring them to the worship program at the Calvary Church Chapel and share in fellowship, experiencing the amazing way God is working in and through those who attend. HOSPITALITY – Our First Impressions team seeks people willing to share a warm smile and friendly greeting as we continue to grow in being the welcoming church that Jesus promised to build. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop fellowship and community at Calvary Church. There are roles in the Parking Lot Team, as a Greeter, Usher or assisting in our Connection Point and Welcome Team tables. PRISON MINISTRY – Calvary Church offers an amazing outreach ministry where we serve the marginalized in society by spreading the Good News of hope in restoration that can only be found in Christ Jesus. Opportunities range from helping as a Team Leader/Teacher, a Team Member, Musician or Pen Pal. Training and support is provided with an available flexible schedule. WOMEN’S MINISTRY – The Women’s Bible study which meets weekly as well as the Embrace group for moms which meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday from 9:00-11:30am are looking for a coordinator of the volunteers who will be present as a point of contact for the teachers and helpers who participate in this The Volunteer Application ministry. and more opportunities can be found at


P RAY E R R AY Our Powerful Weapon “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Nicki Metcalf serves on the Adult Bible Study Steering Team Nicki Metcalf and as a small group facilitator in Tuesday Bible Study. She shared this with all of our Bible study leaders as we prepared for the study in Philippians but the message is a great challenge for us all!


We are living in a world these days where good is considered evil and evil is considered good. There is a huge, invisible, spiritual battle going on in our midst and it is real. We can all feel it, we can see it, and the enemy is having a heyday. But God has not left us alone, He wants us to have hope. He has given us His strength by giving us His Holy Spirit, He has given us other believers to stand firm with and lock arms of faith with, and He has given us a powerful weapon: prayer! God has shown us time and time again in scripture the importance of prayer and the power that prayer has against the enemy’s schemes. James wrote, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16). Prayer is like a magnifying glass. You know how you can hold it in one spot and begin to burn something through harnessing the sun’s power? Prayer allows the believer to harness all the power of Christ and focus His mighty power upon one place, person or circumstance. This is the awesome power of prayer that will set a spiritual fire around you. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12; “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Ephesians 6:18; “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” -Philippians 4:6; “Pray continually” -1 Thess.5:17; “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone…” -1 Timothy 2:1

Prayer is an act of obedience. God calls us to pray and we must respond. Prayer will result in God’s power to bring about change. Each one of your lives is a battlefield where you will have your own spiritual battles to engage in and many fiery darts to pray against this year. May we recognize that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (2 Cor 10:12, Ephesians 6:10-12) The power to fight this battle is found in prayer. Prayer is our powerful weapon that is able to demolish strongholds. Prayer is how we put on our armor to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power so we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes and lead our groups with strength and integrity. Prayer is one of the best ways we can come alongside others, lifting their needs and struggles to the Almighty. Our faith and trust in Him can help others develop resilient faith. The great news too, is that Satan cannot stop your prayers! I once heard prayer described as a guided missile that can be launched from anywhere on the face of the planet at any target, and there is no defense against it. The enemy would rather have you do anything else than pray! A timely devotional I read could not explain the power of prayer better. “When we tell someone that we will pray for them we are agreeing to put on the armor and head to the front lines of battle on their behalf. We are locking our shields and making our appeals with other warriors on someone else’s behalf. Many ancient shields had brackets attached to the sides. These brackets were a type of latch that soldiers used to lock shields during battle. When the shields were locked together, the soldiers moved as one force, forming a barricade against the enemy. Alone, the shield was a small defense. Together they formed a human wall. Do you see the significance? When we lock arms in prayer with others, we are locking our shields together and forming a powerfully strong fortress of defense. Through prayer, the enemy’s plans are intercepted; the principalities and authorities are defeated. Through prayer, the power and provision of God flow into the lives of His people.” (blog by Sharon Jaynes, “Struggling Together in Prayer.”) We have the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to cultivate this space in our lives and in our small groups where we can lock shields together and pray and take those that the Lord has entrusted to us to a place they would not go on their own, to a place of trust in a God who hears our prayers, to a place where they can leave their anxiety in the capable hands of a God who cares deeply for them, to a place where resilient faith is discovered. We are championing the Gospel message perhaps to many who have not heard it, or many who have not thought about Truth the way a Bible study brings about Truth. Minds and hearts WILL BE awakened this year as you study and serve the Lord. And as hearts are transformed to be more like Christ, the enemy does not like it. The enemy, as we know, “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV.



W A Y S T O P A R T I C I P AT E MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY 7:00-8:30PM Combines small group discussion with 20 minutes of large group teaching for both men and women. Small groups are gender specific. Register at TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 9:15-11:15AM Combines small group Bible Study discussion with large group teaching and testimonies in the Gathering Place. Tuesday Kids is a free program for children while moms are in the study. Contact women@ to register.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 6:30-7:45PM While children are in Kids-N-Action, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community. Contact to register.

May prayer be your powerful weapon as you lock shields together against the enemy’s schemes as we study the Scriptures this year together.

$10 for Winter Semester 7

We partner with families to raise kids who will

tr u st , love , a n d foll ow Jesu s for the rest of their lives. We do this by...

knowin g

growin g

We create a safe, welcoming environment where all kids and families experience relationships that exhibit the love of Jesus so that kids feel known, cared for and loved.

Through storytelling of the bible, catechism training, and relational discipleship, kids will grow in the knowledge of biblical truth, learning about Jesus through hands-on, real-life, engaging discovery.

lovi ng

goin g

As a family of believers, we engage with, encourage and equip those around us with tools necessary for spiritual growth.


serv ing In response to the life-changing love of Jesus, we are guided to participate in God’s mission in our church and in our community.

God’s Spirit will empower and move kids and families beyond the church and home to be ambassadors for Christ and take the good news of the gospel to their neighbors and to the world.

Our mission in Calvary Kids is to partner with families to raise kids who will trust, love, and follow Jesus for the rest of their lives.

How are we doing this? On Sundays, we use the Gospel Story Curriculum, by Marty Machowski, for our preschool to fourth grade students. We are almost through the Old Testament and will be moving into the New Testament in December. Visit for more information. For our children three years old and younger we are using the Truth 78 Curriculum. ( We select Bible stories and memory verses from this curriculum for our little ones that connect with the Bible stories and memory verses our older children are learning. Our lessons include hands-on activities like games, skits and Bible crafts to help the children connect with and retell the Bible stories. We encourage prayer in our classrooms by including a classroom prayer journal for the teachers to take down praises and prayer requests. Our children continue to memorize Bible verses and recite them to earn lapel pins for their lanyard on Sundays. We provide worship times for all our children so they can experience singing and praising the Lord together. For our Wednesday night programming, we are using The New City Catechism Curriculum for our KNA, (Kids-n-Action) Kindergarten-Fourth grade students. Visit for more information. The New City Catechism Curriculum is a collection of biblical doctrines, assembled into a questionand-answer format. It is a 3-year curriculum, and we are in our third year, covering Spirit, Restoration, Growing in Grace: Questions 36-52. We have already completed God, Creation & Fall, Law, Questions 1-20, and Christ, Redemption, Grace, Questions 21-35. The children also participate in electives such as, worship arts, karate, science and the Bible, construction and art. Our leaders connect the activities that the children do with the lesson of that day to help our children put their faith in action! Our younger children, in Lil’ KNA, are learning about the Fruit of the Spirit for their lessons. We also have memory verses on Wednesday nights for our children to learn and earn tickets to get a ping pong ball and then there are certain levels where they need to reach to win special activities on Wednesday night. There is also a special spot in the Calvary Kids area, our Faith in Action Wall, where we highlight our children who have put their faith into action out in the world. We have a special family service day coming up in November where our children can participate in the Kid’s Food Basket Service Project. We are excited about the opportunity to put our core value of serving into practice.

Michelle Smith Co-Director, Calvary Kids MInistry

Last fall we added full programming for our birth through fourth grade student to our 9am service. Since we are growing in attendance, we can no longer combine age groups and need to divide our classes up. To divide the classes, we need more volunteers! If you would like to join us and be a part of discipling our next generation of disciples, please reach out to either Michelle Smith, Birth-Preschool age, at or Ann Bagley, Kindergarten-Fourth grade, at


Call for entries ART EXHIBITION The Calvary Church Art Committee announces a call for entries for artists from the congregation (for those who call Calvary home) to submit a work of art reflecting on the period of Lent or the celebration of Easter from the book of Matthew. Artists of all levels from emerging to established, 14 years and older, are encouraged to submit up to three entries in digital form. Submissions will be juried by the committee and a select number of works will be exhibited at the Calvary Church Gallery from February 18 - June 16. Those artists selected for the exhibition at the church will be notified and will need to drop their work off at an arranged date and time, and pick it up following the exhibition. Specific instructions will be provided, and work must be ready for installation. There are no restrictions on medium or content for submissions. Artists may submit images of painting, drawing, fiber art, sculpture, photography, printmaking, digital art, assemblage, and/or mixed media. A maximum of one work per artist will be selected for inclusion in the exhibition.

Each artist should submit the following: • a high resolution jpeg image for each submission • title, medium, date, and size for each submission • an artist statement of 200 words or less • a verse from the book of Matthew for reference The committee will accept submissions from January 14-28 by electronic means at info@ mentioning Art Committee in the subject line.


art from previous exhibits at


updates lighten THE LOAD

For a little over a year my husband and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be on Calvary’s Response Team for CarePortal. We have come alongside single parents, foster families, relative caregivers, youth in foster care, struggling families, and individuals coming out of homelessness. It is our joy to look over the needs together and see how we can help! We have been able to shop for items or give financially to help meet a need but have also had opportunities to assemble furniture, deliver appliances, and drop off formula. We always have the opportunity to pray. The people we’ve met carry tremendous burdens and express sincere gratitude to have their loads lightened in these small ways.

Sheri Schmidt Director, Adoption & Foster Care Ministry

At some point along the way we decided that this is a ministry that our whole family can be a part of. When Calvary was offering an informational meeting about the CarePortal Response Team we signed our whole family up so our kids could get a vision for this ministry. They have already had a few opportunities to serve alongside us and we are excited to continue serving as a family by praying for the needs together and helping however we can. The needs are many! We are looking forward to seeing how God uses the Calvary Response Team to impact our community in the future and are so grateful to be a part of this work. - Stephanie and Ben Hodgson

We have an opportunity to come together and to make lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children and their families in West Michigan. Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in a child’s life? You can make a difference – right here, right now – by responding to a vetted need from a local agency. These needs are put into a connecting technology platform called CarePortal by child-serving professionals in Kent County. The platform instantly connects the Calvary Church family to the urgent, real-time needs of vulnerable children and families living right in our community. Needs such as a bed, a car seat, rent assistance, and more can provide critical, immediate relief and restore a family back to a strong and healthy state. We would love to add to our current team and invite you to consider joining us in coming alongside vulnerable children and families in the Grand Rapids area. If you are interested, please email Sheri (


short-term missions U P D AT E

lesvos 2023

Thank you for all the support and encouragement along the way, using your God-given gifts to serve (Romans 12).

If you would like to know more on how to be involved with short-term mission trips or have any questions, please contact Lana Duoibes ( at (616) 956-5650.

On October 6, a group of six women from Calvary Church travelled to Lesvos, Greece, to serve with All4Aid, a faithbased organization from Germany that serves refugees. The All4Women Centre on the island of Lesvos, is where the refugee women and children can have access to clean showers, wash laundry, utilize the foodbank, the clothes closet, and enjoy a moment of respite from life inside the refugee camp. The team spent the first two days traveling to Lesvos and were blessed to attend a local church on Sunday morning, worshiping with people from all over the world, including a group of refugee brothers and sisters from Ethiopia. It was beautiful way to proclaim that one day every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. Our team’s verse for this trip was a wonderful encouragement, Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Our team defended and took up causes


of the oppressed by washing and massaging feet, supporting the All4Aid team by picking up donations and organizing the clothes closet, scrubbing showers, folding towels, braiding hair, bathing babies and making crafts as women and children pass the time while their laundry is washed, or they await their appointment to visit the food bank. As we spent time with the refugee women, we began to see glimpses of their suffering caused by no fault of their own, but by the oppressive and dangerous situations from which they escaped. As we washed and massaged the feet of an Afghani refugee mom and daughter whose heels are calloused from trekking across countries to flee to Europe, or when we offered an eight-minute shower to a young teen girl, or helped young moms pick out four items from the clothes closet, we sometimes held back tears but also recognized their dignity and need for normalcy and belonging. We pray they each felt Jesus’ deep love for them with each small act.

Missions Focused Weekend 2024: God’s Heart for the Nations!

SAVE S AVE T HE HE D AT E DAT march 1-3 We are excited to announce that this coming spring we are hosting a weekend of events focused on missions! Be sure to save the dates, March 1-3 on your calendar now! Our keynote presenter will be Steve Richardson who is the president of Pioneers USA, and the author or a recent book titled, Is the Commission Still Great? 8 Myths about missions & what they mean for the Church. I found the book very engaging, and am confident that you will be blessed and challenged as you hear from Steve yourself. (For those of you who have been around a while, you would be interested to know that Steve is the son of Don Richardson who wrote the famous missions book, Peace Child.)

Steve Richardson President, Pioneers USA

Plans are beginning to take shape now that will allow all of us, from Calvary Kids, through HSM and YA, and on up through OASIS, to meaningfully engage with all things missions! One special component of our weekend will be celebrating God’s work through our missionaries Mike and Cher Riepma, who have just returned after serving 43 years among the Ese Ejja people in Bolivia! So, mark your calendars now, and be looking for more details in early 2024!

Larry Milks Minister & Director of Missions


WINTER 2023-24 PROGRAM GUIDE S U N D AY M O R N I N G S Worship & Prayer Sunday Morning Worship Service Calvary Church Sanctuary 9:00 & 10:45am Both services are the same. All services are streamed live at calvarygr. org. We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew. Calvary Church welcomes people of all abilities. Special accommodations including reserved seating and wheelchair assistance are available. Inclusive worship is encouraged for all - in the Sanctuary with additional spaces available for those with sensory sensitivities. Many hearing aids offer hearing assistance by selecting the t-coil setting on your device. You can take advantage of this feature on the main floor behind row 6 of the main seating area. Contact Zach Schmuck ( for more information. Pre-Service Prayer 8:30-8:50am | Room 211B Come pray with the morning’s teaching pastor and other participants specifically that God would bless our worship services. All are encouraged to join. Boiler Room Prayer 8:50-11:55am | Room 212 Pray over every aspect of the service as the Holy Spirit leads, assisted by a request sheet composed by staff. Open to all, come and go as able.


Adult Sunday Classes All of our Adult Sunday classes are committed to engage more deeply with the Bible and authentic biblical community. The focus of each class is growing in God’s Word, care, prayer, and community. We encourage you to visit a few of the classes to see where God may be leading you to connect at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen ( at ext. 5173.

9:00am Classes Ambassadors | Chapel A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults. Faith Builders | Room 260 A medium sized teaching-oriented class of couples and singles 50+. Family Tree | Room 251-253 | Does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month A medium sized multi-generational sermon discussion class focused on doing life together as we pray for one another and share what God is teaching us through the Sunday sermons. First Sunday is a potluck at someone’s home after second service. Flock | Room 252 | A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised of senior adults. Growing in Relationships | Room 261 Meet 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays A large teaching-oriented class of married, single, and remarried adults.

L.A.C.E. (Living After Christ’s Example) Room 255 | Does not meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month A small teaching-oriented class for women of all ages and life stages. Young Marrieds | Room 264 | Designed to create community among newly married and engaged couples, while learning to keep Christ at the center of our relationships.

10:45am Classes Faith & Fellowship | Room 264 A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages. Heirs Together | Chapel A large teaching-oriented class of single and married senior adults. Journey | Room 265 A large, teaching-oriented class of all ages and life stages. Koinonia | Room 260 A medium sized sermon discussion class of all ages and life stages who love Jesus. Legacy Builders | Room 106A A small discussion style class of all ages and life stages that studies the Bible inductively verse by verse. Sojourners | Room 252 A medium sized teaching-oriented class comprised primarily of senior adults who are seeking to become more inter-generational.

Kids & Students 9:00 & 10:45am (Nursery - Fourth Grade) Check-in: All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at the bottom of the stairs, then be escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag, and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian (fifth grade or older), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in. Inclusion is encouraged for children of varied abilities, K – 4th grade. If extra support is needed, an individualized Care Plan can be developed alongside our facilitator, Pam Cook, (pcook@ Holiday Sundays: Nov. 26, Dec. 24 & 31 On these Sundays, the only Calvary Kids Ministry available is nursery & preschool. Fifth & Sixth Grade Classes These three-week classes are for students and their parents to take together, and is supplementary to family worship on Sunday mornings. We would love to have you join us this year for in depth, challenging lessons, and interactive, hands-on projects! • What Is Relativism? f 19, December 3 & 10 10:45-12:00pm | Cost: $5 Meet & Pick Up: Room 108 • What Is Skepticism? January 21, January 28, February 4 10:45-12:00pm | Cost: $5 Meet & Pick Up: Room 108 • What Is Peer Pressure? February 18, February 25, March 3 10:45-12:00pm | Cost: $5 Meet & Pick Up: Room 108 Seventh & Eighth Grade Classes 10:45am | Room 109 Join us for a chance to connect with your peers, dig deeper into what God said through each week’s sermon, ask tough questions about how it pertains to your life as a middle schooler, and understand better how God might be calling you to apply it to your life. Just

remember you MUST come to the 9:00am Worship Service at Calvary to be in this class.

Adults What We Believe (Membership Class) January 14-February 11 at 10:45am This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary

Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Register at



There is no programming November 26, December 24, December 31, or February 18 (Winter Break).

Students HSM | Sunday Evenings 6:30pm-8:30pm | Room 208 High School Ministry – HSM for short – is Calvary’s youth group for those in 9th-12th grade. We exist to connect students to meaningful community with their peers (& awesome adult leaders), and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus for themselves. We also believe in having as much FUN as possible while pursuing those goals. During your time at HSM, you will be led in worship through song by an incredible, student-led worship band, enjoy a fun game or activity, hear a relevant message from God’s Word, and conclude our time together in small group discussions.

Overtime Hangout | Sunday Evenings After HSM (8:30pm-9:00pm) | Room 208 We hope you’ll join us for “Overtime” hangout each Sunday after HSM, where the goal is simply to have a blast building community through a variety of planned activities. Singles Connect: Winter Book Study Sundays, January 14 - April 28 6:00pm | $10 Join us for our discussion on the book Thrive: the Single Life As God Intended by Lina Abujamra. We were made to serve God in every season of life. Let’s talk about how singles can thrive during this season! Register at

Serving specialty coffee and tea crafted by our excellent barista team on Sunday evenings from 4:00 to 9:00pm in the Gathering Place.

The Cafe will be closed December 10-January 7.

Singles Connect seeks to strengthen and encourage singles in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Discipleship 101 Sundays, February 25 – April 28 6:00-8:00pm | $5 As followers of Jesus we are given an incredibly important job… “go and make disciples of all nations.” Are you ready to help others grow spiritually? This class will provide a helpful resource guide for discipleship that covers essentials like how to help someone write their testimony, share the Gospel, pray and read the Bible. We’ll talk about accountability, stewardship and multiplication. Come as a refresher or if you are just beginning to live out the Great Commission. Register at H.I.S. (Healing Injured Sisters) Have you been hurt from past physical and emotional wounds? Jesus desires to bring you healing and restore what has been taken from you. He wants to set you free so you can live an abundant life in Him and give encouragement to others. Join us for a study learning what it means to move past your hurt by seeking God to understand God’s mercy and grace. SING Video Study Sundays at 6:30pm | Calvary Care Conference Room | Entrance J Victory Over Darkness Book Study – Wednesdays at 6:30pm | Care Conference Room | Entrance J



There is no Wednesday Night programming November 22, December 20, December 27, January 3, February 14 (Winter Break).

Kids & Students Li’l Kids-N-Action Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm)

The foundation of the Wednesday Night experience at Calvary is the Wednesday Fellowship Dinner. A hearty, healthy meal featuring a rotating entree, pizza or chicken nuggets, and a salad bar. More than just solving the equation of what you’ll have for dinner on a busy weeknight, WFD is a low-stakes opportunity to gather around the table with your church friends. It’s a casual time for community that you don’t have to organize or plan - just show up! Every week is a chance to meet someone new or deepen an exisiting relationship. The weekly menu for Wednesday Fellowship Dinner is posted at The meal costs $7 per person, with a max price of $28 for a family of 4+.

Three and four-year-olds can join us for Li’l KNA where they will learn stories of kids in the Bible who demonstrated their own faith in action. There will be a room open for birth-35 months old children as well. This program is only available to kids whose parents are in a class/study or volunteering at Calvary on Wednesday nights. Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss (kdemoss@ Kids ‘N Action Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45pm (Doors open at 6:15pm) Children in kindergarten through fourth grade are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for our Kids-NAction programming! It is our desire that children understand what God says in the Bible, believe it, and put it into action in their daily lives. KNA is designed to foster social interaction through electives and small groups while facilitating spiritual growth in learning how to put your faith into action! You only need to register once for the entire year. Registration will open soon at Questions? Contact Kirsten DeMoss ( Fifth & Sixth Grade Wednesdays, Beginning September 13 6:30pm-7:45pm Meet & Pick Up: Room 108 This year we are walking through the stories of Ruth and Esther in our series Providence. We will see God’s


perfect story woven through scripture and think about how His story should influence the story God is writing in our lives. Be sure to register for Wednesday Nights at! Seventh & Eighth Grade Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:45pm | Room 208 Students get an opportunity to connect with friends, spend time worshipping God through song and His Word, play fun games, and dig even deeper with their peers in adult-led small groups (broken up by grade and gender). Join us as we continue walking through Galatians and understanding better how God calls each of us to Live a Life of Love.

Adults Adoptive Moms Book Discussion 6:30-7:45pm December 13, January 17, February 21 Room 136 Join other adoptive moms for stimulating discussions. We are reading Throw Out the First Punch by Beth Guckenberger. Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt ( The Conversation Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45 Room 215 (Entrance C) This is an ongoing group that you can “jump into” at any time. In The Conversation, our goal is to create a spontaneous community comprised of anyone who might walk into Calvary. Together we will seek out scriptural truth, transparency in our lives, truth in repentance, and take time to just fully love on one another by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord! There is no script or study we follow, we let the Holy Spirit take control and follow His prompting. Co-facilitated by Sara Blue & Tom Olsson

Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45pm | $10 While the children are in Kids-NAction, moms and working women come together for growth in God’s Word, prayer, and community. We invite you to join us on Wednesday evenings as we study the book of Ephesians this winter. We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one. Register by emailing women@ WOW – WORSHIP ON WEDNESDAY Wednesdays | 6:15-7:30pm Chapel (Entrance C) Go Getters is a gathering of people of all abilities on Wednesday nights to worship, learn about God’s word and enjoy fellowship together. Many of us enjoy Fellowship Dinner together before worship. WOW brings a very present worship experience of joy and freedom that you do not want to miss! Raising Godly Children in a Less than Godly World Wednesdays, January 17 – February 7 6:30-7:45pm Register at Every Christ-follower wants their kids to grow up loving and following Jesus wholeheartedly. While every person is free to choose or not choose God’s plan for their lives, there are many things we as parents can do to help motivate our children to want God’s best. In this four week course, the parents of 12 and grandparents to 37— Randy and Marcia Hekman—will be sharing some of the biblical principles God has taught them about raising children who truly love God and follow Him. Questions: Contact Karen ( Explore Calvary Wednesdays, January 17-February 7 Room 251 Register at

to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is an overview of our church and a tour of the building. The following sessions provide insight into what it looks like to be in community, to serve, and suggestions for your next steps here at Calvary Church. Questions: Contact Karen (kvanholstyn@ What We Believe (Membership Class) Five-Session Class, Begins February 21 6:30-7:45pm | $10 Register at This five-session class is open to anyone wanting to explore what Calvary Church believes and teaches. It is a pre-requisite for membership, but we encourage anyone who wants to become more familiar with what we believe to take the class. The class is open to anyone 12 years of age or older. Questions: Contact Karen ( A Man & His Traps Wednesdays, January 10-February 21 6:30-7:45pm | Room 265 | $10 Register at Identify the deep idols of your heart and develop a “Battleplan” built on God’s grace. A Man and His Traps is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. Questions: Contact Karen ( A Man and His Work Wednesdays, February 28 – April 17 6:30-7:45pm | $10 Register at A Man and His Work is part of the Authentic Manhood 33 series of six-week sessions that gives men a vision for manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth. An inspiring vision of work from God’s bigger perspective. Questions: Contact Karen (

Explore Calvary is a four-session class



Fifth & Sixth

Seventh & Eighth

Contact: Darcy Walukonis

Contact: Darcy Walukonis

Calvary Kids

56: Tree-Mendous Christmas Party! Friday, December 15 | 6:00-8:00pm Room 108 (Entrance F) Register at

Christmas Movie Night & Ugly Sweater Competition December 15 | 7:00-9:00pm

Birth-Fourth Grade Contact: Brooke Hensler | ext. 5085

Family Game Night January 12 | 6:00-7:30pm | $20 Per Family Gathering Place (Entrance A) Join Ann Bagley for a pizza dinner and game night – everyone will be taught a beginner board game called Incubation. Incubation is a dicerolling and resource-collecting game where you get to nurture all types of dragon eggs hoping to hatch them and collect their treasures for your efforts! Parents, you must attend this event with your child(ren). At the end of the night, each family will get to take home their very own Incubation game! If you joined us last year and want to help teach this game to new families that join us, we’d love to have you! Registration is required at mycalvarygr. org. You will enter your family count at registration. The cost is $20 per family and covers the cost of dinner. Questions? Contact Ann Bagley ( WinterFest February 24 | 9:30am-12:30pm We may not be able to bring the sunshine to Michigan, but we can give a warm smile and a hot cup of coffee! Take a break from the winter cold and join us for a morning of fun. Bring your whole family out for games, inflatables, face painting, snacks, and of course, coffee! Register at


Kids & Students

Fifth-Sixth Grade

BeLEAF your eyes, we have a Christmas tree themed party! Come dashing in your tinsel, and dress like a Christmas Tree for this qualiTREE party! We will have a bunch of different games and activities FIR everyone to play, as well as a milk and cookie bar as our TREEt. 56: Underground Church! Friday, January 12 | 6:00-8:00pm | $10 Room 108 (Entrance F) Register at Underground Church is a game similar to Hide N Seek, but with many hiders and many seekers. There are police officers who work to arrest the members of churches, and if they find a pastor, they shut that whole church down. Largest and last church standing wins. This game is a fun way to introduce the opportunity to talk about persecuted Christians around the world, and take time to pray for those suffering in this way. We will be providing chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner. 56: Pajama Movie Night! Friday, February 9 | 6:00-8:00pm | $10 Room 108 (Entrance F) Register at Join us for a great movie night! We will enjoy a family friendly film handpicked by our team, and enjoy some fantastic movie theater snacks, and real life movie theater popcorn! Come dressed in some comfy clothes, with your blankets and pillows in hand, ready for a great and comfy movie night.

Seventh-Eighth Grade

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Do you love watching Christmas movies with friends? Do you have the most amazing ugly Christmas sweater? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you will not want to miss this event! Join us as we watch a holiday classic while eating Christmas cookies and drinking hot cocoa, all while wearing our ugliest Christmas sweater. Register at Ice Skating January 12 | 6:00-8:00pm | $15 Patterson Ice Arena Are you ready for an exhilarating experience on the ice like never before? Join us as we head over to Patterson Ice Arena, eat some yummy pizza, and then glide into a world of icy thrills and endless fun where you can unleash your inner skater and create unforgettable memories! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this event is for you! Register at Craig’s Cruisers February 2 | 6:00-9:00pm | Cost: $25 Craig’s Cruisers (5730 Clyde Park Ave) Join us as we head back to Craig’s Cruisers this year and again enjoy their all-you-can-eat buffet, trampoline park and unlimited activities! Whether you enjoy Laser Tag, Roller-Coasters, Trampoline Parks, Bumper Cars, Go-Karts, or just chilling at the buffet, you will not want to miss this event. Register at

Winter Retreat February 16-18 | Cost: $145 Meet & Pick Up at Entrance D Register at by February 2 Join us as we head back to Spring Hill for this year’s Winter Retreat! We truly believe that Retreats are where students form great friendships or deepen ones already made. We believe it is on retreats where we are challenged to grow in our faith and take that next step in our relationship with Jesus. And we also believe that retreats are a place to just have a ton of fun! Whether, you love swimming, snow tubing, high ropes course, 9-square or just being with your friends, this event is for you!

High School 9th-12th Grade

Contact: Darcy Walukonis

Christmas Party & Worship Night During HSM (6:30-8:30pm), December 17 Room 208 Join us for a special night at HSM where the games will be merry, food will be very [good], and our worship will be bright. During HSM on December 17, we’ll celebrate Christmas & the Advent of Christ together through fun Christmas games, sharing the gift of a meal, and lifting our voices in praise to the One whom our souls had been, and are, waiting for. HSM Service Event: Winter Carnival with King’s Table Ministries Saturday, January 27 | 11:30am-3:00pm Room 208 This HSM Service Event is for high school students & their families! Join us in partnering with King’s Table Ministries to host our second annual Winter Carnival! Register to serve at This event was a lot of fun & a huge blessing to the students & families who helped to make it happen last

year. The heart of Kings’ Table is for people of all abilities to THRIVE by experiencing community together. This event aims to do just that as we warmly welcome those served by King’s Table to have a blast with us in our ministry space transformed into a wonderful winter carnival. Winter Retreat at SpringHill Camps February 16 – 18 | $145 This winter we are going ALL IN! Come spend the weekend with us to figure out what it looks like when you grow closer to Christ AND your community. Our goal for this weekend is to challenge students to think critically about what they believe and consider if they are truly “All In” with Jesus. Whether you’re already following Jesus and excited to talk more about Him, or you couldn’t care less about what it means to know Him, all are welcome to a weekend at SpringHill; but our challenge will be…Are you ready to go ALL IN? Register at

A D U LT S All Adults

Contact: Karen VanHolstyn

Join a Community Group Looking for gospel centered fellowship, a place to be known, and cared for? Community groups might be for you! Forming new groups this February. If you are interested please reach out to Quinn Santa Ana (qsantaana@ Monday Night Bible Study Mondays, January 8 – April 29 7:00-8:30pm | Gathering Place $10 per semester Register at

The CONNECTION POINT is a place to get connected at Calvary. If you have been attending for two weeks, two years or two decades, there are new ways to connect with Calvary Church this season! Visit us before and after each service, just inside the Gathering Place across from the Main Sanctuary entrance or at one of our Connection Tables in the Crosswalk. FIRST STEPS On the first Sunday of every month, please join us at 10:40am in the Café next to the Connection Point to meet other new guests and members of the Calvary staff. We will take a tour of the building starting at 10:45am. EXPLORE CALVARY: Explore Calvary is a four-session class to learn more about Calvary Church. The first session is an overview of our church and a tour of the building. The following sessions provide insight into what it looks like to be in community, to serve, and suggestions for your next steps here at Calvary Church. See page 17 for the next date. Looking to get connected at Calvary? CONNECT CARDS aren’t just for newcomers! Complete the digital connect card at or fill out a physical card by your seat in the Sanctuary and drop it in the Connection Point. Questions? Contact Josh VanderLeest ( at ext. 5637.

Monday Night Bible Study combines small group discussion with 20 minutes of large group teaching for both

Students & Adults 19

men and women. Small groups are gender specific. Our theme is Resilient Faith, how we are able to face times of anxiety and uncertainty with the immovable, unshakeable promises of an unchanging God! We will be studying the book of Ephesians. We encourage you to invite a friend who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one.

Young Adults

College & Career (Ages 18-30) Contact: Dan Eytcheson

Tuesday Nights Tuesdays | 8:00-9:30pm | Room 208 (Entrances D & E) We exist to help Young Adults know God and actively live out their faith where they live, work, and play. So, come encounter Jesus in a community of young adults through worship of music, teaching, testimony, and friendship. Doors open at 7:30. Griffins Game December 1 | 6:30pm | Van Andel Arena Come hang out with other young adults for a Griffins hockey game! Tickets are $15. Sign up at YA. YA Christmas Party December 19 | 7:00pm | Room 208 (Entrance D and E) Celebrate Christmas with other young adults by dressing in your fanciest clothes, enjoying a great meal, and playing an awesome large group game.

Singles Connect Contact: Lori Morley

Singles Connect seeks to support and encourage single men and women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s in their life journeys and help them go deeper


Singles & Men

with God and with one another. Ultimately, our goal is for singles to make a lasting impact in God’s Kingdom and we believe that we can do that better together. Valentine Luncheon for Single Women February 11 | 1:00-2:30pm Gathering Place | $5 If you’re widowed, divorced or have been single your whole life, this special Valentine Luncheon is for you and we would love to have you! Come and hear from a panel of Women about their journey being single and how God has walked alongside them every step of the way. Being single takes courage and great faith, learning to lean on the Lord to guide through everyday life experiences. He is there every step of the way. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, go to:


Contact: Carla Julien

Men of 7:24 Saturdays | 8:00-9:00am | Room 265 Journey through Philippians with two purposes; to enable each man to discover what God is saying to him, and to grow and mature as an active disciple of Christ Jesus. Contact Denny Cochran (dennycochran43@ Men of Prayer Dec. 19 | Jan. 16 | Feb. 20 6:30-7:30am | Room 251 (Entrance K) Join the praying men of Calvary Church for a one hour prayer meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. There will be a brief devotional, worship, and a time of inviting the Lord’s presence in united prayer. Coffee will be available. Will you give up one hour a month to make a huge difference and grow closer to your praying brothers?

Men’s Basketball Mondays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym Men’s open gym pick-up basketball. This is a great opportunity for men to enjoy some fellowship over a good game of basketball. Men at Noon Tuesdays | 12:00pm This is a virtual inductive Bible study on Exodus. Contact Russ Clark ( for a link to participate in this study. Men of 6:10 Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30am | Room 265 Inductive study of the book of Jeremiah. Contact Earl Thomas ( Futsal Pickup Thursdays | 7:00-9:00pm | Gym (Entrance D) Join us at Calvary for Thursday night pickup Futsal! Futsal is 5 on 5 indoor soccer played on a hard pitch. It is a fast-paced game with lots of opportunities to sub in and out with other players. You can drop in for a half hour or stay for the whole night. Grab a friend and join us for some friendly fun. See you there! Contact is Eddie Ramirez ( Men’s Breakfast December 9 | 8:00-9:30am | Rm 208 | $5 We are continuing our journey through the book of Joshua. It has been an amazing year in Men’s Ministry! As we look back at the last year, what has God been up to? How can we keep the momentum going into the new year? Join us as we continue our journey together in community. God’s not done yet! Let’s continue to trust Jesus as He leads us to experience Him in new ways. Register at, and bring a friend.

Men’s Breakfast January 13 | 8:00-9:30am | Rm 208 | $5 Start off the new year right by joining with your brothers for a time of community, fellowship and transformation. Our goal is to create a community of Godly men who are transforming our world for Christ! Come and see what The Lord is up to. Since it’s a new year, it’s a great opportunity to invite someone new to share in all that God is doing. We look forward to seeing you there. Register at Men’s Breakfast February 10 | 8:00-9:30am | Rm 208 | $5 Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Do you feel like you are soaring or struggling? Join us for a morning of encouragement and revival! God has a better way, and it starts with experiencing His grace by breaking bread with our brothers and worshiping God together. Register at Sportsman’s Banquet January 27 | 5:00-8:00pm | $30 Gathering Place Join us for the third annual Sportsman’s Banquet at Calvary Church! We are so excited for this year’s event. It will have fun for the whole family! There will be games, prizes, and an amazing gourmet meal from our award-winning chef! This year, our main speaker is Adam Ray from Traverse City, MI. He has been hunting big game from all over the US since his youth including 11 Pope and Young qualifiers from Michigan. We will also have some pro hunting and fishing tips from area guides and outfitters. Your registration will enter you into a drawing to receive one of many prizes including a Lake Michigan fishing charter and a guided

fishing trip and lodging in Ontario, Canada!! Grab your hunting and fishing buddies and sign up today at You don’t want to miss this one! There is a $5 early bird discount if you register before the end of 2023. This event will sell out! Date Night February 16 | 6:30-8:30pm | $40 After an amazing first year, Calvary Date Night is back! We will have the lights down low, and the atmosphere just right for an amazing evening with your beloved. Men, this is your chance! Bring your spouse or fiancé to Calvary Date Night. We are going to share a gourmet meal, some fun activities, and encouragement from God’s word. This is an opportunity to re-establish the importance of date night! Register at This event is for engaged and married couples.



Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays | 9:15-11:15am In January, we will embark on a life transfomring journey through Ephesians. Our theme is Resilient Faith, how we are able to face times of anxiety and uncertainty with the immovable, unshakeable promises of an unchanging God! You will be placed in a small group where you will actively discuss the Bible study together. After small group, we come together as a large group in the Gathering Place for teaching and testimonies. Throughout the year we will have optional small group socials and opportunities for “Table Talks” as well. Tuesday Kids is a wonderful place for children birth to six years old. Moms must be in attendance at Bible Study at Calvary while children are in class.

who needs to find their hope and help in Jesus! Bibles will be provided for anyone who needs one. To register, email Embrace (Embracing Motherhood) First, Third & Fifth Thursdays 9:15-11:15am Embrace is a warm community where faith is strengthened through friendships, mentoring and sound teaching for moms with babies and young children. The Embrace theme this year is Promise. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, mentoring, devotions, breakfast and insightful speakers. While you are enjoying a time with other moms, your children will be lovingly cared for in our Embrace Kids nursery. For questions or to register, email Prayer Shawl Ministry Second & Fourth Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm Room 215 (Entrance C) Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? We would love to have you to serve with us in Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month for a time of prayer, devotions and fellowship while creating prayer shawls. You can join us in person or work from home and we supply yarn and patterns. Homeschool Moms First Fridays | 9:30-11:30am | Room 139 Calvary’s Homeschool Moms meet once a month for a time of prayer and building community. We invite you to join us on the first Friday of the month, October through May. Children are welcome and we provide care, activities and a place for studying. For additional questions, contact Andrea Reiffer ( or

We encourage you to invite a friend

Men & Women 21

Blessed2Bless December 11 | 11:00am-12:00pm January 31 | 11:15am-12:15pm Room 215 (Entrance C) As we continue to step out in faith into our neighborhoods, workplaces and friend groups with simple Bible Studies, you may need encouragement to carry on or maybe God has been prompting you to take the first step. Blessed2Bless gatherings are for prayer and encouragement as we continue to reach out. Join us! No registration needed. Generations January 26 | 7:00-9:00pm Gathering Place Join Calvary women (ages 8 – 108) for an inspirational evening of dessert and face to face, heart to heart conversation! Our topic will be Discipleship: Following Jesus Together. Come and be part of building a multigenerational community of women, who are learning how to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ authentically as God’s servants today. Hear Calvary women of different ages and stages share their stories of Christ’s power to shape them. This event is free; please register at If you have questions or would like to serve, contact Heather Case (

OASIS (Senior Adults) Contact: Carla Julien

Bible Study Wednesdays, 9:45-11:00am Gathering Place Living Thankful for God’s Grace Join us as we spend time in worship and studying the book of Philippians. This study will encourage our faith by challenging us to possess Christ’s attitude while serving others; to sacrifice for the spiritual concern of others; to struggle for Biblical unity above the in-


fluences of cultural and personal cravings; to develop Spirit-disciplined lives empowered by God; and to discover serenity and joy through dependence on Christ’s strength. Christmas Cookie Challenge December 16 | 2:00-3:45pm | Room 108 Enjoy fellowship, discover new friendships, eat tasty cookies. If you enjoy baking, enter your favorite cookies into the contest. All cookie bakers and eaters are welcome. Afterward we will attend the Christmas at Calvary program together. R.S.V.P to Carla ( Games & Chili Cook-off January 20 | 6:00-8:00pm | Room 108 Bring your favorite board game and either a pot of chili or an appetizer. We will see how your tried and true family recipe holds up to the others. R.S.V.P. to Carla ( February Luncheon February 5 | 10:00am-12:30pm Gathering Place | $13 Join us for great fellowship and a delicious lunch. Contact Carla ( to purchase your ticket by January 28. OASIS Singles New Year’s Eve Dinner December 31 | 5:00-8:00pm First Wok (6740 Old 28th St SE) Join us for dinner and say goodbye to 2023 and hello to 2024. RSVP to Phyl ( by December 26. OASIS Singles Pizza & Movie January 13 | 5:00-9:30pm Room 251 (Entrance K) Join us for pizza, salad and the Movie, “The Life and Times of Joshua James.” Bring your own beverage, contribute to the cost of the dinner. There will be a donation bucket for a “love offering” for those who made the movie. R.S.V.P. to Phyl

Seniors, Special Needs, Widows, Care & Support

( by January 11.

Special Needs Ministry Contact: Zach Schmuck

Bowling Night January 19 | 6:00-8:00pm Location TBD Contact Zach Schmuck for details and to register. Movie Night February 23 | 6:00-8:00pm | Chapel Contact Zach Schmuck for details and to register.

Forever Hope Orphan Care Ministry Contact: Lou DeGraaf

Adoptive Moms Book Discussion 9:30-11:00am December 13, January 17, February 21 Room 136 Join other adoptive moms for stimulating discussions. We are reading Throw Out the First Punch by Beth Guckenberger. Questions: Contact Sheri Schmidt (

Prison Ministry Contact: Lou DeGraaf

Unshackled Wednesdays | 6:30-8:00pm | Room 256 Unshackled is a weekly Bible study designed for men who are transitioning out of the jail/prison system and looking to build a firm, biblical foundation to help them grow and maintain their walk with Christ. For more information, contact Ardo (

Widows Ministry Contact: Lynnell Bok

Widows & Widowers Christmas Luncheon December 3 | 1:00pm | Gathering Place Cost: $5 | Register at Start your holiday season by welcoming Calvary’s children’s choir as they perform Christmas songs followed by a Christmas devotion from Co-Director of Calvary Kids, Ann Bagley. This event will begin your holiday season off on the right start as you prepare your hearts and mind for the real meaning of Christmas. Valentine Luncheon for Single Women February 11 | 1:00-2:30pm Gathering Place | $5 If you’re widowed, divorced or have been single your whole life, this special Valentine Luncheon is for you and we would love to have you! Come and hear from a panel of Women about their journey being single and how God has walked alongside them every step of the way. Being single takes courage and great faith, learning to lean on the Lord to guide through everyday life experiences. He is there every step of the way. Cost is $5. For more information or to register, go to:

CARE & SUPPORT GROUPS Contact: Erika Sparks

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Sundays – Women’s Stag 5:00-6:00pm | Room 112 (Entrance G) Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)

Al-Anon Thursdays | 7:30-8:30pm | Rm 115 Al-Anon is a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help. Avenue Help for men who are struggling with pornography and/or sexual brokenness. Contact DivorceCare Support Group Tuesdays | 6:30-8:00pm | $20 DivorceCare’s life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Over 1 million people have found comfort and hope through this 13-week, video-based series. Register at groups/171185 Hannah’s Heart Support for those grieving a miscarriage or the loss of an infant. Contact: Deb Donker at (616) 363-7818 or Judy Wetters at (616) 433-1533. H.I.S. (Healing Injured Sisters) Have you been hurt from past physical and emotional wounds? Jesus desires to bring you healing and restore what has been taken from you. He wants to set you free so you can live an abundant life in Him and give encouragement to others. Join us for a study learning what it means to move past your hurt by seeking God to understand God’s mercy and grace. Two Study Options: SING Video Study – Sundays at 6:30pm | Calvary Care Conference Room | Entrance J Victory Over Darkness Book Study – Wednesdays at 6:30pm | Care Conference Room | Entrance J

Mental Illness Support Group Second Thursday | 6:30-8:00pm | Rm 255 If you are caring for a loved one with mental illness, this support group is designed to give you encouragement, training and fellowship with others walking a similar journey. Contact with questions.

P R AY E R Contact: Cindy Marrell

Elder Prayer First Tuesday | 6:15-7:15pm Contact: Cindy Marrell at ext. 5997 Are you seeking healing? Do you need others to come alongside you right now? Experience the encouraging power of prayer with the Elders. Schedule a time and let us come before the Lord with you in this season. Contact Cindy at ext. 5997 to schedule your time. Prayer For the Persecuted Church Fourth Sunday | 10:15-10:40am Room 110 Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith. Register for our prayer list at Pastors’ Prayer Partners Sundays | One Service Monthly Receive weekly updates from the Pastoral Staff via email or postal mail. Your role is to pray with a team of prayer warriors during one service a month and pray in your own home regularly. Third Monday Missionary Prayer Third Monday | 11:30am-12:30pm Room 255 Join us to hear updates and pray for our missionaries around the world.

Monday-Friday 12:00-1:00pm | Rm 112 (Entrance G)

Prayer & Worship 23

High School Parents Prayer First & Third Sundays | 5:40-6:25pm Room 108 (Sept.-May)

Christmas Eve December 24 9:00am | 10:45am | 10:00pm

Starts with ministry leaders sharing what we see God doing in the youth group as well as prayer requests, then lifting those before the throne of our gracious God. No sign up necessary. Your student that rides with you can hangout in the hall outside of 208.

Make Calvary’s Christmas Eve service part of your holiday tradition! Join us for a special time of Scripture and song designed to focus your heart on the birth of Jesus as you move into Christmas day. Childcare will be provided for kids birth through preschool, in the morning services.

WORSHIP MINISTRY Contact: Christie Thompson

Baptism Baptism will take place in the morning worship services on January 14 & March 31. If you feel the Lord prompting you to be baptized, contact Christie Thompson (cthompson@ Communion We aim to observe the ordinance of communion once a month, typically on the first Sunday. At these times, we will also collect an offering for Calvary’s Benevolence Fund. Christmas at Calvary December 15 | 7:00pm December 16 & 17 | 4:00pm When a mix-up on the church calendar puts a ministry to the homeless in the same place at the same time with the choir’s dress rehearsal for their Christmas program, things get a little chaotic. Love Was Born a King poignantly and sensitively deals with the plight of the homeless, drawing on the responsibility of God’s people to minister and care for those in need. And in the course of helping others, we just might find ourselves being ministered to in the process.


weather As we move into winter, here’s a note about how Sunday Worship Service Cancellations take place. The Elder Chair, alongside staff leadership, decides if a Sunday morning service will be canceled. The goal is to do so by 6:00am for severe winter weather. If you are a Sunday volunteer, you will receive a text or email from your team leader. Congregation members should go to for the most up to date closing information. Some local TV stations may post closings but we are not promised how timely they will be. Questions? Contact Director of Facilities, Ken Meines (

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