A Notable Clinical Simulation Center Trains Students, Nurses, and Physicians with High Hopes for the Future The resourceful F. Marie Hall SimLife Center at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Lubbock, Texas opened in September 2010. This clinical simulation center allows students in the nursing, medicine, and allied health professions to acquire and practice a full range of skills on manikins, from drawing blood and inserting urinary catheters to delivering babies. Sharon Decker, Center Director, observes, “Learning in a simulated environment allows students to make mistakes without the need for intervention by faculty to prevent patient harm. Research has demonstrated that simulation provides an effective method of teaching while promoting learner satisfaction and self-competence.” Learners at TTUHSC can walk away from this simulated experience confident in their abilities and skills when dealing with live patients and unanticipated medical events. TTUHSC doesn’t plan on using the Clinical Simulation Nursing facility for students alone. According to Ted Mitchell, president, TTUHSC plans to use this technology for continued education for community nurses and physicians as well as faculty. “Part of our educational mission is to make sure we have as much interdisciplinary teamwork as we can,” remarks Mitchell, “and this is a great tool for doing that.” One of the major influences that drove TTUHSC to choose Education Management Solutions (EMS) as their vendor was the ability to pull scenarios together and create a video clip of learners performing skills. This, they said, was not offered by other vendors. These clips will be important when recent graduates are searching for employment and they have visual proof of their demonstrated clinical capabilities. Clinical simulation is the future. With many options on the horizon, TTUHSC has a plan to improve the SimLife Center by expanding the services currently offered to its customers; developing a program of educational and certification courses; and expanding the current program of research related to clinical simulation to explore transfer and sustainability of skills attainment. In this ever progressing era of technology, faculty has high hopes for goals they deem achievable.
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