Hansons MiniMag 2015-2016

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I am the vine. You are the branches. -Jesus

The Season of Change SUMMARY 2014-2015

This year we learned about failure, seasons of transitions and rest. We shut down our ministry in Spain after 2 years of pioneering. Its hard to pinpoint one factor that caused us to shut down, but after much prayer and guidance from mentors and leaders we felt it was the right decision. Through the decision we saw the faithfulness of God in the midst of failure. The house was rented to some kingdom-minded people and the transition was smoother than we could have ever expected. We also learned to embrace failure as a part of life rather than something we tend to push under the rug and move on. God ushered us into a season of rest and reflection and pruning. We felt as though we were a vine branch that had been stripped down to the bare sticks (see above) and this is the revelation God gave me during this time:

At first glance it seems like nothing is happening, there is no fruit. Months go by, still nothing. However, deep in the core of the root system, there is growth and strengthening. Without this season, the next fruitful season would bear less fruit than the last. So, we press on abiding in the life-giving vine, Jesus, and continue in this new season of nourishment being filled gradually with hope and faith which replaces the lifeless root systems of lies from the flesh and the enemy. Slowly, God is resurrecting dreams


Thankfulness to God

Despite a very hard season, there were some amazing things in this past year and a half that God did. Praise Jesus with us for the following:


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We ran men’s and women’s discipleship groups for 9 months. Camille taught her’s 100% in Spanish! (She has surpassed my level) We both saw a lot of growth personally and in our group members. I taught for the first time in Spanish on the Gospel of the Kingdom to a group of small group leaders. Camille taught for the first time in Spanish on identity to some young women. I was able to train a small number of people in video in our house who desire to use this medium to communicate the gospel. I also trained an artist in design software to give her a tool for her creations. She recently printed bags to raise awareness for sex trafficking in Spain through the A21 organization. I am mentoring a friend in media/communications who is helping pioneer a missions training base in Galicia, Spain. We just launched YWAMvigo.com.

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We continued to have guests and bless them with a meal and hospitality until Casa Libertad closed. Camille and I lived in a town outside of Barcelona and were able to make friends with a local couple with a child Maddox’s age. We were able to share life and Jesus. God even healed their eyes of an infection! I made a great friend who is a muslim. We remain friends despite differences in religion and he is encouraged by passages I send him on occasion. In fact, he was healed of his depression when he started going to our bible studies. I feel it is only a matter of time for Jesus to really open his heart to the gospel. God miraculously provided a place for our family outside of Barcelona for a time of rest and reflection after leaving Casa Libertad. This was our first time as a family outside of community in 7 years.

Want to HEAR more? Let’s chat!

Basketball in the prison ministry

Family trip to Montserrat Cam’s women’s discipleship group

Trip to Egypt to encourage believers

Hanging out with a Outreach team

Jesus is not just nice, he is brilliant.” -Dallas Willard, Divine Conspiracy

Article Calvin wrote for AwakenMAG.com

Camille teaching on identity





School for Creatives (?) Barcelona, Spain





Matthew Training Center GUADALAJARA, MX

A soul that is free and alive is a soul that creates. - Erwin McManus

AUG 2015 - AUG 2016

Cam’s Life Coaching

GLOBAL—Camille has been working on a certificate to life coach through Youth with a Mission. A coach empowers the client to walk in their God-given destiny through a unique method of listening and asking questions (Inspiration: Jesus asked 307 questions in the Gospels). This will be another skill in Camille’s toolbelt for discipleship and helping others walk in freedom in Christ.

F E B R U A R Y - J U LY 2 0 1 6

Matthew Training Center

GUADALAJARA, MEXICO—After closing down our ministry we have felt the need to be under good servant leadership and this has led us to our spiritual mentors in Guadalajara. We will be part of a school that focuses on long-term sustainability in the nations as missionaries with practical application in Gaudalajara. Learn more:


S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 - I N D E F I N AT E LY

School+Community for Creatives LAUNCH

BARCELONA, SPAIN—(This step is still in prayer) Calvin has realized his desire for design and creativity is a gift from God and can be an incredible opportunity for discipleship. This school would be a secondary school through University of the Nations and Calvin was invited to help start, staff and teach in the school. The vision is to create a creative community a mindset to see the kingdom come in this sphere of society.


WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU! Partner Financially

Matthew Training Center School Fees......................$2600 Flight to GLD Mexico (Round Trip for 3)...................~$2000 Spain Visa Costs (Trip to Miami Consulate)..............$1000 Flight to BCN Spain (One way for 3).........................~$2000

My DESIGN Trainee, Rodrigo

Housing/settling in Spain (Sept-Dec)........................$4000 General living (food, transport,medical)...................$3000 TOTAL NEEDS..............................................................$14,600

Partner in Prayer

PAYPAL: cthans@gmail.com SEND CHECKS TO:

· Healthy rhythm of rest and work

· Fruitful time in Mexico

· Balancing ministry and family

· Provision for above

· Calvin’s Media and Arts Ministry

· His Kingdom to come

· Camille’s Coaching Course

*Ways to Partner

and will to be done!

Calvin & Camille Hanson 440 N SOUTHERLIN RD TAYLORS SC 29687 KEEP UP WITH US:



Online at




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