Bibliografia Impellizzeri

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Bibliografia dell’articolo di Franco M. Impellizzeri, Duccio Ferrari Bravo, Carlo Castagna

I TEST DI VALUTAZIONE: QUELLO CHE NON VIENE MAI DETTO Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Coutts A. J., Sassi A., Marcora S. M., Use of RPEbased training load in soccer, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 36, 2004b, 1042-1047. Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Maffiuletti N. A., Castagna C., Bizzini M., Wisloff U., Effects of aerobic training on the exercise-induced decline in short-passing ability in junior soccer players, Appl. Physiol Nutr. Metab., 33, 2008b, 1192-1198. Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Marcora S. M., Physiological assessment of aerobic training in soccer, J. Sports Sci., 23, 2005, 583-592. Junge A., Dvorak J., Soccer injuries: a review on incidence and prevention, Sports Med., 34, 2004, 929-938. Krustrup P., Mohr M., Amstrup T., Rysgaard T., Johansen J., Steensberg A., Pedersen P. K., Bangsbø J., The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test: physiological response, reliability, and validity, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 35, 2003, 697-705. Krustrup P., Mohr M., Nybo L, Jensen J. M., Nielsen J. J., Bangsbø J., The Yo-Yo IR2 test: physiological response, reliability, and application to elite soccer, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 38, 2006, 1666-1673 Marcora S. M., Staiano W., Manning V., Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. J. Appl. Physiol, 106, 2009, 857-864. McMillan K., Helgerud J., Macdonald R., Hoff J., Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players, Br. J. Sports Med., 39, 2005, 273-277. Mirkov D., Nedeljkovic A., Kukolj M., Ugarkovic D., Jaric S., Evaluation of the reliability of soccer-specific field tests, J. Strength Cond. Res., 22, 2008, 1046-1050. Mohr M., Krustrup P., Bangsbø J., Match performance of high-standard soccer players with special reference to development of fatigue, J. Sports Sci., 21, 2003, 519-528. Nicholas C. W., Nuttall F. E., Williams C., The Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test: a field test that simulates the activity pattern of soccer, J. Sports Sci., 18, 2000, 97-104 Oliver J. L., Is a fatigue index a worthwhile measure of repeated sprint ability?, J. Sci. Med. Sport, 12, 2009, 20-23. Rampinini E., Bishop D., Marcora S. M., Ferrari Bravo D., Sassi R., Impellizzeri F. M., Validity of simple field tests as indicators of match-related physical performance in top-level professional soccer players, Int. J. Sports Med., 28, 2007a, 228-235. Rampinini E., Impellizzeri F. M., Castagna C., Azzalin A., Ferrari Bravo D., Wisløff U., Effect of match-related fatigue on short passing ability in young soccer players, Med. Sci. in Sports and Exer., 40, 2008, 934-942. Rampinini E., Impellizzeri F. M., Castagna C., Coutts A. J., Wisløff U., Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: effect of fatigue and competitive level, J. Sci. Med. Sport, 2007b, doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2007.1010.1002. Rosch D., Hodgson R., Peterson T. L., Graf-Baumann T., Junge A., Chomiak J., Dvorak J., Assessment and evaluation of football performance, Am. J. Sports Med., 28, 2000, S29-39. Siegler J., Gaskill S., Ruby B., Changes evaluated in soccer-specific power endurance either with or without a 10-week, in-season, intermittent, highintensity training protocol, J. Strength Cond. Res., 17, 2003, 379-387. Sirtori M. D., Lorenzelli F., Peroni-Ranchet F., Colombini A., Mognoni P., A single blood lactate measure of OBLA running velocity in soccer players, Medicina dello Sport, 43, 1993, 281-286. Stølen T., Chamari K., Castagna C., Wisløff U., Physiology of soccer: an update, Sports Med., 35, 2005, 501-536. Taylor J. B., Mellalieu S. D., James N., Shearer D. A., The influence of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on technical performance in professional association football, J. Sports Sci. , 26, 2008, 885-895. Thomas J. R., Nelson J. K., Research Methods in Physical Activity (4a ed.), Champaign, Il, Human Kinetics, 2001, 181-185. Tokmakidis S. P., Leger L. A., Pilianidis T. C., Failure to obtain a unique threshold on the blood lactate concentration curve during exercise, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol Occup. Physiol., 77, 1998, 333-342. Wisløff U., Castagna C., Helgerud J., Jones R., Hoff J., Strong correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint performance and vertical jump height in elite soccer players, Br. J. Sports Med., 38, 2004, 285-288. Wisløff U., Helgerud J., Hoff J., Strength and endurance of elite soccer players, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 30, 1998, 462-467. Withers R. T., Maricic Z., Wasilewski S., Kelly L., Match analyses of Australian professional soccer players, J. Human Mov. Stud., 8, 1982, 159-176.


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Arnason A., Sigurdsson S. B., Gudmundsson A., Holme I., Engebretsen L., Bahr R., Physical fitness, injuries, and team performance in soccer, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 36, 2004a, 278-285. Arnason A., Sigurdsson S. B., Gudmundsson A., Holme I., Engebretsen L., Bahr R., Risk factors for injuries in football, Am. J. Sports Med., 32, 2004b, 5S-16S. Ary D., Cheser Jacobs L., Razavieh A., Sorensen C., Introduction to Research in Education, Belmont, CA., Wadsworth, 2006, 155-157. Atkinson G., Sport performance: variable or construct?, J. Sports Sci., 20, 2002, 291-292. Atkinson G., Nevill A.,Typical error versus limits of agreement, Sports Med., 30, 2000, 375-381. Atkinson G., Nevill A. M., Statistical methods for assessing measurement error (reliability) in variables relevant to sports medicine., Sports Med., 26, 1998, 217-238. Bangsbø J., Iaia F. M., Krustrup P., The yo-yo intermittent recovery test : a useful tool for evaluation of physical performance in intermittent sports, Sports Med., 38, 2008, 37-51. Bravo D. F., Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Castagna C., Bishop D., Wisloff U., Sprint vs. Interval Training in Football, Int. J. Sports Med., 29, 2007, 668-674. Castagna C., Impellizzeri F. M., Chamari K., Carlomagno D., Rampinini E., Aerobic fitness and yo-yo continuous and intermittent tests performances in soccer players: a correlation study, J. Strength Cond. Res., 20, 2006, 320-325. Cometti G., Maffiuletti N. A., Pousson M., Chatard J. C., Maffulli N., Isokinetic strength and anaerobic power of elite, sub-elite and amateur French soccer players, Int. J. Sports Med., 22, 2001, 45-51. Coutts A. J., Rampinini E., Marcora S. M., Castagna C., Impellizzeri F. M., Heart rate and blood lactate correlates of perceived exertion during small-sided soccer games, J. Sci. Med. Sport, 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.jsams. 2007.1008.1005. Croisier J. L., Factors associated with recurrent hamstring injuries, Sports Med., 34, 2004, 681-695. Croisier J. L., Crielaard J. M., Isokinetic exercise and sports injuries, Rev. Med. Lieg. E., 56, 2001, 360-368. Croisier J. L., Forthomme B., Namurois M. H., Vanderthommen M., Crielaard J. M., Hamstring muscle strain recurrence and strength performance disorders, Am. J. Sports Med., 30, 2002, 199-203. Croisier J. L., Reveillon V., Ferret J. M., Cotte T., Genty M., Popovich N., Filho M., Faryniuk J. E., Ganteaume S., Crielaard J. M., Isokinetic assessment of knee flexors and extensors in professional soccer players, Isokinetic and Exercise Science, 11, 2003, 61-62. de Vet H. C. W., Terwee C. B., Bouter L. M., Clinimetrics and psychometrics: two side of the same coin, J. Clin. Epidem., 56, 2003, 1146-1147. Di Salvo V., Gregson W., Atkinson G., Tordoff P., Drust B., Analysis of high intensity activity in Premier League soccer, Int. J. Sports Med., 30, 2009, 205-212. Dupont G., Akakpo K., Berthoin S., The effect of in-season, high-intensity interval training in soccer players, J. Strength Cond. Res., 18, 2004, 584-589. Dvorak J., Junge A., Football injuries and physical symptoms. A review of the literature, Am. J. Sports Med., 28, 2000, S3-9. Helgerud J., Engen L. C., Wisløff U., Hoff J., Aerobic endurance training improves soccer performance, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 33, 2001, 1925-1931. Hoff J., Helgerud J., Endurance and strength training for soccer players: physiological considerations, Sports Med., 34, 2004, 165-180. Hopkins W. G., Measures of reliability in sports medicine and science, Sports Med., 30, 2000, 1-15. Hopkins W. G., Hawley J. A., Burke L. M., Design and analysis of research on sport performance enhancement. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 31, 1999, 472-485. Hopkins W. G., Schabort E. J., Hawley J. A., Reliability of power in physical performance tests, Sports Med., 31, 2001, 211-234. Impellizzeri F. M., Marcora S. M., Test validation in sport physiology: lessons learned from "Clinimetrics", Int. J. Sport Physiol. Perform., 2009, in stampa. Impellizzeri F. M., Marcora S. M., Castagna C., Reilly T., Sassi A., Iaia F. M., Rampinini E., Physiological and performance effects of generic versus specific aerobic training in soccer players, Int. J. Sports Med., 27, 2006, 483-492. Impellizzeri F. M., Mognoni P., Sassi A., Rampinini E., Validity of a submaximal running test to evaluate aerobic fitness changes in soccer players, J. Sports Sci., 22, 2004a, 547. Impellizzeri F. M., Rampinini E., Castagna C., Bishop D., Ferrari Bravo D., Tibaudi A., Wisloff U. Validity of a Repeated-Sprint test for Football, Int. J. Sports Med., 29, 2008a, 899-905.

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