Josue - Komodo Dragons

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All About Komodo Dragons

by Josue

Table of Contents Characteristics.................. Habitat............................... Diet & Behavior.................. Life Cycle..........................

Characteristics The Komodo dragon is the biggest lizard in the world. It has yucky saliva in its mouth. The Komodo dragon is a reptile. The Komodo dragon is 10 feet long and weighs 330 pounds.

Habitat The Komodo dragon lives on Komodo Island, between Asia and Australia. Komodo Island is a small and beautiful place, but it is dangerous because the Komodo dragon lives there.

Diet & Behavior The Komodo dragon eats animal meat. It hunts for food by biting its prey and then following the prey. In 2 days the prey dies the Komodo dragon eats it. A group of other Komodo dragons come and eat the meat, too.

Life Cycle When a female Komodo dragon lays eggs it has to look for a good spot to lay the eggs. Then the eggs hatch and the Komodo dragon grows from a kid to an adult.

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