Sadie - Lion

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All About Lions

by Sadie

Table of Contents Introduction........................ Characteristics.................. Habitat............................... Diet.................................... Hunting.............................. Behavior............................ Conclusion........................

Introduction This book will teach you many different facts about lions.

Characteristics The lion is very big. The lion has hair around its neck. It is called a mane. Lionesses do not have a mane because they are females.

Habitat Lions sleep under trees, but sometimes they make dens. Lions live in Africa and Asia.

Diet Lions search for food during the day. They hunt for food to eat like the meat of antelope, deer and zebra. Female lions go hunting. They travel until they find a herd of zebras, antelope or deer. The lions sneak up on the prey. If the prey looks up the lions freeze because it is hard to see lions in the grass.

Hunting Lions travel in prides. A pride is a big group of lions. The females work together so they can catch big animals like a buffalo. When lions find a herd of prey, they choose which animal to charge at. Then the females work in a team. They grab their animal, stab their animal and slice their animal.

Behavior Lions sleep most of the day. Lions move slowly and like to rest. Lions can climb trees, swim and jump nearly 12 feet.

Conclusion The lion is special because it is one of the only animals of which the females go hunting. We have to save the lion's habitat in Asia and stop people from killing lions. There are not many lions left in the world.

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