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By Chloe Elbogen

Por Chloe Elbogen

Contenidos/ Table of Contents • Introduction………………………………………………………………………3 • • • • •

What does it eat? ...............................................................4 Where does it live?............................................................5 How big is it and characteristics?..………………….....................6 How does it hide, escape or defend itself?.………………………….7 What is its lifecycle? .............................................................8

• Introduccion………………………………………………………………………9 • Donde vive?……………………………….......................................10 • Como se esconde, se fuga o defiende? ………………………………11 • Qué es el ciclo de vida?.......................................................12



This is a report on the seahorse. Hippocampus is another name for seahorse. Seahorse comes from the Ancient Greek ‘hippo’ meaning horse and ‘campus’ meaning sea monster.

What does it eat?


It eats as much as 3,500 shrimp a day. It also eats guppies and platys. The seahorses suck their food and swallow it whole because they have no teeth!

Where does it live?


Seahorses live near the shore in really shallow, complicated habitats. Seahorses like it there in salty waters. As far as we know, there are no freshwater seahorses. Example: seahorses live on the coast of Africa in hot water. They live all over the world.

How big is it and what are its characteristics?

6 They have long twisty tails. The seahorse is about 9 inches or 25 centimeters with a long horse-like head. Seahorses are ticklish. The biggest seahorses are 14 inches and the smallest are a little more than a centimeter.

How does it hide, escape or defend itself? 7 With excellent camouflage and a lot of patience, seahorses ambush prey that float within striking range . Every morning, they come together, change their color, twirl around with linked tails and then separate for the rest of the day.

What is its lifecycle?


The female puts the eggs in to the male’s brood pouch. Males give birth to 100 to 200 babies. The baby seahorses are called embryos. Small seahorses live for about a year. Medium and large seahorses live 4 years or more.

Introducción 9 Este es un reporte en el caballito de mar. Hippocampus es un otro nombre por el caballito de mar. Hippocampus en Antiguo Greco ‘hippo’ es la palabra por caballo y ‘campus’ es la palabra por monstro del mar.

D贸nde viven?


Caballitos de mar viven cerca de la orilla en agua poco profundo. Un lugar donde viven es la costa de Africa en agua caliente. Caballitos de mar viven en todo el mundo.

Como se esconde, se fuga o defiende el? 11 Usan camufiaje y mucha paciencia, caballitos de mar tenden una emboscada su vĂ­ctima. Cada maĂąana, ellos vienen juntamente, cambian sus colores, bailan con colas vinculadas y separan por el dĂ­a.

Qu辿 es el ciclo de vida? 12 La caballita de mar pone sus huevos en el cuerpo del caballito de mar. El pare a 100 a 200 bebes. Peque単os caballitos de mar viven sobre un a単o. Los medios y los grandes caballitos de mar viven sobre 4 a単os.

Cuál es el tamaño y las características? 13 Tiene una larga tortuosa cola. Generalmente, caballitos de mar son nueve pulgadas. Los más grandes son catorce pulgadas y los más pequeños son un centrimetro.

Qué comen ellos?


Comen tres mil cincocientos camarónes a día. Ellos también comen pescados pequeños. Ellos no tienen dientes y tragan su comida todo!

Seahorse pictures Crowned seahorse Big-belly seahorse

Narrow bellied Seahorse

Potbelly seahorse Zebra seahorse

Short-headed seahorse

Pygmy seahorse

Short-snouted seahorse

15 Lined seahorse

Dwarf seahorse

Pacific seahorse

Barbour’s seahorse

Thorny seahorse

Knysna seahorse

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