Junior School Music Information for Parents
Welcome to Music at Camberwell Grammar. The Music Department offers private tuition in a range of instruments as well as lessons in Voice and Music Theory. We have a broad co-curricular program which caters for students of all ages, abilities, and interests. All students who learn an instrument are expected to join an ensemble to support their musicianship, and collaborative and social skills. CGS has a proud history of choral singing, and all boys participate in singing throughout the School.
Students participate in Music classes as part of the curriculum from Pre-Prep to Year 5. During Year 3, students participate in the Year 3 String Program which gives all students the experience of learning Violin or Cello and learning collaboratively as part of an instrumental ensemble. Year 4 music includes the Year 4 Band Program where students have the opportunity to learn Woodwind, Brass or Percussion and perform as part of a band.
Ensemble participation is a joyful and meaningful way to work collaboratively whilst developing individual skills. Co-curricular ensembles include Junior School Sing and String Ensemble, Junior School Concert Band and Junior School Choir. Students may further develop their performing and instrumental skills with extension ensembles suitable for their instrument.
Students perform at a range of formal and informal events throughout the year, including solo Soirées, Junior School Presents and the Instrumental Concert. Students all participate in the Junior School Easter and Christmas Service.
Music at Camberwell Grammar has a long and distinguished history. We look forward to your son beginning this joyful and fulfilling lifelong journey.
All enrolments are co-ordinated through the Music Department Office. Students in Years 3 – 5 may enrol in instrumental lessons through DEEDS.
Interested families in Years Pre-Prep – 2 are encouraged to submit an expression of interest via email to music@cgs.vic.edu.au as the first step in the enrolment process. We will discuss the readiness of individual students in these year levels with the classroom teacher and their suitability for certain instruments.
Students in Years 3 – 5 may commence lessons any time of the term depending upon teacher availability.
Lessons for Year 1 students do not commence until Term 2 to allow boys to settle into the routines of the classroom.
We encourage students to favour one instrument and/or piano. If you wish to enquire about another instrument, please email the Music School, so that we can discuss further. Enrolments in a second instrument at school must be approved by the Head of Junior School Music, Mr Alex St Vincent Welch.
String lessons in Year 3 will be in a shared lesson.
If your son is having a shared lesson, these are ongoing paired collaborative lessons. Shared lessons are only available if there is another student at a similar skill level who also wishes to partake in paired lessons at the discretion of the Head of Department.
Shared lessons will occur until each student has reached a point of needing to learn independently. We review these lessons term by term based on your son’s knowledge, technique and skill level. If your child has reached this point, your son’s teacher will be in contact to discuss your son’s musical journey further.
Performing is a valuable life-long skill that is nurtured through performing for an audience. Students in the Junior School have the opportunity to perform in music Soirées held each term. Your son’s teacher will nominate him, and you receive information about the concert and expectations.
Students learning outside the school are welcome to perform and will find the nomination form through DEEDS two weeks before the concert. We encourage students to perform only once a semester.
Junior School
Music Theory Music Theory Grade 1 & 2 is offered to Middle School students who are learning an instrument at CGS which is free of charge. If you wish to wish to enquire, please email the Music School and we can provide further information.
Individual tuition for Junior School students is based on a fixed timetabled lesson of 30 minutes at the cost of $54.75 per lesson.
If your son is having a shared lesson, the cost is $27.38.
Music fees are charged in arrears and will appear on your Statement of Account. Please note the billing periods for music lessons vary from term dates and are noted at the bottom of the family statement.
When you enrol into music lessons, you agree to also allow your son to hire a school instrument if needed.
The cost of hire for all instruments is $25.00 per term. By completing the enrolment form, you agree for your family account to be charged accordingly for hire and lessons.
These fees roll over term to term, until you return your instrument to the music office. If you purchase your own instrument, please return the hire instrument to end the hire fees.
Students in Junior School have a 30-minute instrumental lesson scheduled at a fixed time on the same day each week.
Your son’s classroom teacher and instrumental teacher will support your son to develop a routine of checking his lesson time each week.
From time to time, your son’s lesson time may be changed to accommodate special activities such as excursions or sport. We encourage your son to write his lesson time down in his diary or as a note on his desk. These times are also posted on the music room notice board, on the main Junior School notice board in the play area, and in classrooms.
It is important that students bring their diary to every lesson to record home learning and to note the time for the following week.
Teachers will support your son to catch up on the class when they return.
Lessons will occur in class time, unless students are learning two instruments, where one will be a fixed time within class, and the other outside of hours.
Lesson times outside of class times are rare, as we have a busy music program that caters to the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools.
VCE and Senior School students are prioritised for outside of class time lessons only.
If your son is going to miss a lesson, please contact the Music School Office as soon as possible. The Music School Office can be contacted on 9835 1744, or a voicemail message may be left on that number.
Lessons that are missed with less than 24 hours’ notice cannot be made up and will be charged to the School account.
Please note that it will not always be possible to re schedule a lesson. This is at the discretion of your son’s teacher.
The Music School must receive written notice by email to music@cgs.vic.edu.au at least 6 school weeks in advance. For cancellation of lessons for the following year, notice must be given at least two weeks prior to the end of Term 4. If you would like to view the current Fees, Charges and Accounts Terms and Conditions please email music@cgs.vic.edu.au
At the end of each year enrolments are rolled over automatically to Term 1 of the next year. You do not need to complete a new enrolment form for a continuing instrument.
Enrolling in Music lessons is a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills and develop creativity. Music is an important means of self expression, and it makes a significant contribution to wellbeing. However, learning an instrument requires patience and perseverance. Student’s progress is unique and it usually takes at least one full semester before beginners will be able to make an informed decision about their suitability for an instrument.
A commitment to learning an instrument requires consistent independent practice outside of the lessons. We encourage families to find a regular time each day to practice. Shorter, daily practice is more beneficial than longer, more infrequent practice. Your son’s teacher will guide him in how to practice but we encourage you to support him in scheduling daily practice.
An important aspect of musicianship is learning to play as part of an ensemble. Ensembles have weekly rehearsals and members are expected to make a commitment to rehearsals to prepare for concerts and performances. All students have individual tuition are expected to be part of a core ensemble.
Your son’s teacher will advise of his readiness to join an ensemble and for his progression through this pathway.
Students who learn outside of school are very welcome to participate in our co-curricular program and we would encourage you to keep us informed about your progress with your studies.
We do not encourage students to study with multiple teachers of the same instrument, as this will create confusion and hinder progress.
We offer students a Music Record Book and it is a useful resource for monitoring progress and for helping with home practice. Continuous reporting will be provided by your son’s teacher through DEEDS.
Your son’s teacher will advise you of the titles of any books, sheet music or accessories which can be purchased via yourself or added onto your school account.
It is helpful to provide a named book bag to carry music folders and books, as well as name tags on hired (or owned) instruments.
Your son’s teacher will assess his readiness to undertake AMEB examinations as he progresses with consistent independent practice. The AMEB Exams are held every year over 5 sessions. If your son’s teacher would like him to sit an exam they will
be in contact to discuss further. These charges are added onto your school account.
These exams are generally held at Camberwell Grammar school during the school term but can also be conducted at the AMEB studio in Hawthorn.
It is important that your son realises his commitment once he has been entered for an examination. A refund will not be given if he withdraws for a non-medical reason, nor can his enrolment be transferred from one examination session to another. If the examination is missed due to illness, 50% of the fee may be refunded at the discretion of the AMEB, following submission of a doctor’s certificate to the Music School Office.
If a school accompanist is engaged for your son’s examination, these charges will be added as a separate item(s) to the family Statement of Account at the end of term.
Students are very welcome to undertake internal assessments with their teacher and department Head to develop their performance experience before a formal exam.
Fiona Magee
Mr Alex St Vincent Welch
Ms Amy Cutler
Jessica Johnson