Spectemur Term 2 2019

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Green Pages .......................................................................2 ANZAC Day .........................................................................4 CGS Academies – Music.....................................................6 How we Value Respect at CGS ...........................................8 Camps and Excursions ..................................................... 10 Raising the Roof ................................................................ 12 Murdoch Centre for Educational Research and Innovation 14 The Weickhardt Library ..................................................... 15 News Around the School................................................... 16 Junior School Production ..................................................23 Tackling Elizabethan with Hamlet....................................... 24 Year 12 Formal ..................................................................26


Community Connections ...................................................27 Vocational Dinner ..............................................................28 Events ...............................................................................29


From the Archives .............................................................32 News of Old Boys..............................................................34 Gallery of Achievement Inductees .....................................35 Obituaries..........................................................................37 Calendar 2019 .....................................................Back Cover

Produced by Camberwell Grammar School 55 Mont Albert Road, Canterbury, Victoria Australia 3126, P.O.Box 151, Balwyn VIC 3103 T: +61 3 9835 1777, F: +61 3 9836 0752, www.cgs.vic.edu.au

Editorial enquiries: pub@cgs.vic.edu.au View online versions here: www.cgs.vic.edu.au/news/spectemur Spectemur is printed on 100% recycled paper.


Respect In the world at present, many divisions are lived out, fabricated and at times highlighted and glorified. We are in strong need of an alternative way of being with each other; a way that empathises unity and celebrates our humanity. The foundation of this way of being together is respect. When staff, students and parents were asked to share their views on what we should include in our re-launched set of values, respect was overwhelmingly endorsed and it appears that all involved felt that respect was the most significant value in terms of building a strong community. Developing a community founded on respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment is a key focus for us at Camberwell Grammar. I am currently reading a book titled The Choice by Dr Edith Eger. Dr Eger is a survivor of Auschwitz and she takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery as she grapples with the horrors of the death camp and her imprisonment, as well as with the loss of her parents and other loved ones in the most horrific of

circumstances. She says that one of the toughest things for her in the aftermath of the atrocity was to learn to respect herself again. Years of being taught that she was inferior because she is Jewish, and months of degradation at the hands of the Nazis at Auschwitz made it virtually impossible for her to respect herself. Learning to respect herself again was fundamental to her emotional recovery. Dr Eger realised that what matters is how we see ourselves, and the opinions of others should not become our reality. This message is particularly poignant for teenagers in this era of prolific social media use. They are often (understandably) consumed by what others think of them. It is our job as a community to nuture our young men in such a way that they feel comfortable in their own skin. We must encourage them to feel that they are accepted for who they truly are and we all have a crucial role to play in this aspect of our children’s wellbeing and broader education. When they accept themselves for who they are, they are better equipped to allow others to do the same. Respect for self encourages acceptance of others. The power of this trait in making a positive difference in our world should not be underestimated. Showing respect is based on connectedness to each other. I am so proud that as the boys interact in the busy and bustling community that is Camberwell Grammar, they are supportive and accepting of each other. They are largely respectful of teachers and visitors to our school. This was certainly evident at the recent Year 12 Formal where the boys showed great care and respect for their guests and staff who attended the evening. I was recently contacted by a member of the public in relation to our boys and was delighted that this young mum wished to convey her gratitude to the school for what she said was ‘obviously a strong focus on respect’. She told me that she

was struggling to board a tram with a baby in a pram and a toddler in tow when some Camberwell boys quickly jumped into action and helped to lift the pram onto the tram. They then promptly offered up their seats. It was certainly gratifying to hear of such awareness and respect being played out in the wider community. These are the acts that need to be celebrated; when our young men rise to the call of actioning the values that are at the heart of what we stand for. As we are connected to each other, we are also connected to our land and this connection also relies on respect. It is the recognition that we are indeed a part of something much larger than ourselves. When we exploit and dominate our land, our survival is threatened. Our dedicated sustainability group Towards2050 has worked incredibly hard in recent years to increase our focus on recycling. They have also introduced a range of initiatives that have led to a dramatic decrease in our power consumption. It was wonderful that their hard work was rewarded last week at the ResourceSmart Schools Annual Awards when we were recognised as the ‘Energy Champions’ for our initiatives. I congratulate this group for their efforts and for their role in ensuring that we are respecting and valuing our environment. I hope you enjoy this edition of Spectemur, with the theme of respect prominent in the range of articles and stories. Respect is certainly paramount to our ongoing success as a community, and we will continue to aspire to be a community centred on respect for self, others and our environment. Mr Rob French Acting Headmaster, Deputy Head and Head of Senior School

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ResourceSmart Schools 2019 Awards On Thursday 13 June, Linus Opat (Year 12) and Rian MacLennan (Year 10) accompanied me to the ResourceSmart School Sustainability Awards ceremony at the MCG. We were finalists in the Sustainable School of the Year: Infrastructure and Operations Award and had also entered the Energy Champion’s Award, run by Sustainability Victoria in conjunction with the ResourceSmart Schools program. The Energy Champion’s Award looked at which school reduced their power usage by the most, looking at the power bills and comparing them with the previous two years. As we switched 888kWh of solar power on in 2018, we were obviously in a strong position. At the time of installation, and this still stands today, ours is the largest solar array on a school in Australia.


I suspect this played a significant role in Camberwell Grammar cutting its energy usage across the campus by more than any school in Victoria last year, leading to our winning the Energy Champion’s Award. While we did not win the Sustainable School of the Year Award, being beaten by a school that last year opened a new, very sustainable building, I was extremely proud to see the various programs adopted by Camberwell Grammar in 2018. These programs represent a step towards a new future and are just the beginning of our journey. I look forward to working with the students of our school as we embrace existing ideas, and experiment with inspiration.

E-Waste Ban Many have heard about the coming e-waste ban to be implemented throughout Victoria from 1 July 2019. This means it will be illegal to put anything with a cord or battery into the landfill (or recycling) bin. But do not despair, do not panic! Simply gather your old implements and bring them to the purple bin in the Highton Carpark, and the SRC Group, in conjunction with Sims Metals, will ensure it is mined for precious metals while our technology’s toxic legacy will be steered away from the water table. This is most definitely a good thing. Don’t forget there is also mobile phone recycling in the Weickhardt Library (Level 2 of the HR McDonald Building) – this is a great way to get rid of your old phones through the MobileMuster program that will take any phone or phone accessory. MobileMuster advises that you wipe your phone before dropping it off as a security measure – but also guarantees that the phone will be obliterated in the recycling process.

Movement in the Middle School The Middle School arm of Towards2050 has made great strides this year, establishing itself as an active and engaged unit of students. And they have been busy! The group established a greenhouse on the top story beneath the Middle School Atrium, which they are using to grow seedlings that will be sold at this year’s Open Day (more on that next term!) The gardening and growth program is really setting down roots under the Atrium (sorry about that), and will definitely be a topic of future posts in these pages.

Meanwhile, the industrious Middle School Boys were integral in running the Year 6 Beeswax Wrap day during the Year 6 Sustainability Week this term. Steering two classes of boys through the process of designing their cloth, covering it with the wax mixture and melting the two together beneath an iron was a learning experience for all involved and left the Year 6 students with a plastic-free alternative to keep their lunch fresh. This initiative was also replicated during Green Week in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to play a role in reducing our communal reliance on plastic. Finally, the Middle School Group have also been trialling soft plastic recycling. This is a complicated procedure to master – collecting the plastic is easy, but making sure it is not contaminated with food or moisture – both of which are extremely problematic within the recycling process. So as a trial, three bins have been placed around the Middle School to start educating the students on the great evil that is soft plastic, and ways we can combat its legacy through our own choices. Mr Will Hone Sustainability Co-ordinator

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ANZAC DAY Lest We Forget Over 400 people filled the Wheelton Amphitheatre at 6.00am on ANZAC Day to honour the memory of Australian soldiers, and in particular our past students, who lost their lives in war. Our guest speaker at this Dawn Service was CGS parent Brigadier Greg McGlone, who provided us with an understanding of why acts of remembrance like this are so important, and reminded us of the Australian service men and women who are currently deployed in dangerous regions across the globe. Below is the speech given to students at Senior School Assembly by Mr John Allen, about his father, a veteran of World War II and the vital role that legacy has played in his life.

Australia was once dubbed ‘the land of the long-weekend’, as we indulge ourselves with more public holidays than any other nation on earth. For the most part, the significance of the day is irrelevant – it’s simply another day off school or work. In our secular age few holidays are holy-days, yet the worship of sport is symbolized by holidays for a horse race and a footy match. As a nation, we are rather a laid-back lot, but when it comes to this occasion, 25 April, our ‘one day of the year’, there is a solemnity and the occasion for ritual. ANZAC Day is our true Australia Day. Every ANZAC Day we meet together to honour the memory of those who have died in the service of our nation, and while one not dare do otherwise, this morning I wish to speak in reverence of equally noble Australians: those who returned from the battlefront and served to support the wives and children of their colleagues who died in the war, or as a consequence of armed service. The inevitable legacy of any war is the children who grow up fatherless, or, in rare cases without a mother, owing to the death of a parent. Your connection with the wonderful Australian organisation ‘Legacy’, founded in 1923 by exservicemen, is simply the selling of little badges by benevolent students and old chaps sitting at a table outside Coles or Woolworths. My engagement has been far more distinctive, for without Legacy I would not be here speaking to you today.


Dad dropped dead when I was eleven years old. Who knows the cause of the heart attack, but one could never deny the toll taken on the man as he was shuntered off Nauru on the last boat, as his friends and colleagues left behind were beheaded by the Japanese. Mum was a grieving war-widow, and Legacy offered support. Returned servicemen, known as Legatees, gave up their time to act as a kind of foster-father for the children, the Junior-Legatees. Well I remember attending my first ANZAC Day March at the Shrine of Remembrance in 1957. Spruised up for the occasion, with long socks, polished shoes, the boys all wearing white shirts and ties, we lined up

along St. Kilda Road. Legacy arranged the buses. I can’t remember how many of us there were – 80, 100, 120? – but the March, accompanied by military bands, was huge. The older men, veterans of the First World War, all seemed to wear double-breasted suits, while the younger ex-servicemen, who had served in World War 2 (some of whom were our teachers at Primary School) sported reefer jackets and pressed trousers. All wore hats. But as we children observed the March what we were looking for was some vestige of those who were missing, our own fathers. Dad had a suit like that. Oh, horned-rimmed glasses, like Dad’s. He walked so erect…but that’s not him. Some had no such awareness, as they had never known their fathers, yet this massive avenue of children had one thing in common: none of us had a dad. Soon after, for some reason, my mother arranged for a photographer to take a photo of me. As I have already said, this was a decidedly formal world, so it was a white shirt and school tie. But just before the photo was taken, I went to the wardrobe and took out my favourite tie of my fathers and wore it for the photo. In putting it around my neck, I was somehow wanting to enfold something of my father’s spirit into my own insecure identity. Today, I still treasure that photo. Without a husband to support them, most war-widows, many caring for a number of children, were very poor. Few could afford gas or electric heating, so every

year I helped out with the Legacy delivery of firewood, which we split and stacked in preparation for the cooler weather. Every Friday night Legacy ran a fitness session at the local army hall for the children and teenagers, the Junior-Legatees. Without fail, these devoted ex-servicemen, gave up every Friday night to take us to the gym, where, under the guidance of experienced instructors we undertook all kinds of exercise, learnt gymnastics and took part in a basketball competition against other Legacy groups in Preston, Fitzroy and South Melbourne. Now that all sounds rather like sport at CGS, but many of these teenagers were nothing like you fellows – they were wild! Some were in and out of Turana Youth Training Centre, a formal name for prison. Many wore two rings on each hand, not for decoration, but as knuckle-dusters. These young men were always striking out, they were angry. Angry at a world that paraded the wealth and privilege they were denied. Angry, at a deeper level, at not having a father. Most left school on their 14th birthday, then the legal age for leaving school. Many of the Legatees, who left their own families at home every Friday night, must have thought they were fighting a losing battle, yet each week the boys climbed into their cars for the basketball game. After Dad died, I struggled. I attended a high school where I was most unhappy. That particular institution was the opposite side of the railway line from what was then officially called the Mont Park Lunatic Asylum. Many felt the sign was on the wrong side of the tracks!

So, in Year 9, as a result of a Legacy bursary, which paid for my school fees, I moved to an independent school, and there I was blessed with a fine education. Upon leaving school, I could not possibly afford to attend university full time, so, once again, Legacy came to the rescue, helping me find a job which was challenging and engaging, and where I could begin part-time studies, which continued for some 13 years. I consider my life to have been rich and rewarding, not least of all, for having the privilege of spending most of my working life teaching in this marvelous school. In my formative years I had the love of a devoted and caring mother, sound role models, particularly teachers, who provided for me some image of how I might live my life, and then there was the support of Legacy, which gave me a connection with other young men and women struggling to find their way in the world without a father; wood for our fire; the payment of school fees, and assistance in finding employment.

Legacy on Friday nights we, as young people, were totally unaware of the burden, perhaps the demons, that these caring ex-servicemen, our Legatees, were personally carrying as they fulfilled their unspoken pledge of service, which is all the more reason to honour them. My story is the story of many. So, when on this ANZAC DAY we proclaim Lest We Forget, join me in acknowledging not only those who died in the service of our nation, such as my father, but also those who returned from the brutality of war, who, with unfailing patience and infinite kindness, came to support the human legacy of their colleagues who did not return home. Lest We Forget.

It was many years later I came to recognise that all who return from the face of war are traumatized. Going to

“ANZAC Day is our true Australia Day.”

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The new Academies provide the resources and expertise to allow our students with a keen interest in Music or Sport to pursue and fulfill their potential.

Music Academy The Music Academy replicates various elements of the Music Conservatorium model to support and enrich our finest musicians throughout their time at Camberwell Grammar School. This support is personalised and calibrated for the individual needs of each Academy student. Academy events include masterclasses with the finest musicians from Australia and all around the world, performance classes, assistance with managing performance anxiety and preparation with competitions, auditions and a musical life beyond school. 6

Through an individual mentorship program run by expert industry professionals, we nurture talent and encourage our students to strive to be their very best.

From July, the Music Academy will run a Conservatorium-style course during the Friday Activities timeslot, from 2.45pm to 4.00pm. During the Friday Activity program, there will be a number of events and classes such as repertoire class, technical workshops, orchestral excerpt preparation, chamber music rehearsals, workshops on performance anxiety, information sessions and preparation for VCE, historically informed performance workshops (HIP), support with practise methods, general masterclasses and lectures. There will be occasions where students will use this time to practise.

The objectives of the Music Academy are to: • Raise the standard of students’ performance through workshops, masterclasses, increased performance opportunities and partnerships with finest musicians. • Assist students manage a full academic workload along with regular and focused practice. • Attract Melbourne’s finest music students to CGS. • Support VCE Performance musicians. • Create pathways for students into Educational Institutions e.g. AYO and tertiary institutions and to a musical life beyond school.

Masterclass with David Berlin

• Create awareness of the Music Academy and Camberwell Grammar School’s rich cultural life to Melbourne’s musical community and beyond. • Give greater visibility to CGS musicians e.g. 3MBS broadcasts and competing in Eisteddfods. Admission into the Music Academy program is by audition. The Music Academy holds a number of events throughout the year that are open to everyone in the Camberwell Grammar community. All students and parents are welcome to attend performances and masterclasses by visiting artists.

Visiting Artists for 2019 include: • Australian String Quartet • Daniel de Bora, esteemed pianist, Piano Lecturer Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University • Kenneth Broburg, Silver Medalist, Van Cliburn Piano Competition • Caroline Almonte, celebrated Pianist, Lecturer Melbourne Conservatorium of Music

• Danny Gu, Principal 2nd Violinist Saarlandisches Orchestra and former teaching assistant to Zakhar Bron. • Christine Johnson, Esteemed teacher and retired violinist Melbourne Symphony Orchestra • David Berlin, Principal Cellist, Melbourne Symphony • Melissa Chominsky, Principal Cellist Orchestra Victoria • Prudence Davis, Principlal Flute player, Melbourne Symphony • Wendy Clarke, Associate Principal Flute player, Melbourne Symphony • Geoff Payne, celebrated retired Principal Trumpet, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

On Tuesday 30 April the CGS community was privileged to watch a masterclass given by Principal Cellist of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, David Berlin. During this two hours, four cellists including myself were given the opportunity to play in front of the master cellist and receive feedback to improve both musicianship and technical skills. The masterclass was both musically entertaining and educational for the audience who comprised of CGS cellists of all ages, parents and teachers. During the masterclass David highlighted many challenges cellists face, providing logical and helpful solutions. Experiencing the masterclass for the first time was a revelation. I believe it is a truly wonderful experience for all musicians and I encourage others to take part or observe them at every opportunity. Ray He Year 8

• Carla Blackwood, lecturer of Horn, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music • Don Immel, Head of Brass, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music


Ms Rachel Atkinson Head of the Music Academy

Contact musicacademy@cgs.vic.edu.au SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 1 - 2019 7

HOW WE VALUE RESPECT AT CGS Camberwell Grammar is more than a school; it is a community whereby we aim for everyone to feel welcome, valued and connected. Individual expression and ideas are encouraged, tolerance and inclusiveness are embedded in day-to-day school life. Respect refers to due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others. It is one of the school’s five core values and is interwoven into all aspects of school life. Students and staff are expected to show respect for each other in their daily interactions by showing civility and courtesy. Students are expected to wear their school uniform with pride in the community and respect the school motto Spectemur Agendo… ‘By our deeds may we be known’ …at all times when representing the school. Respect is an important life value that we encourage all 8

in our community to demonstrate both at school and at home. Respect for others is encouraged everyday across the whole school, whether it be: • Understanding and supporting individual differences concerning race, religion, beliefs and ability; • Showing appreciation for peers when they are trying something new and providing them with support and encouragement to understand and achieve; • Acknowledging the skills and dedication of musicians playing in concerts and assemblies; • Showing understanding and respect for the different learning styles of others;

• Abiding by the decisions of skilled umpires and officials during sporting matches; • Having due regard for differing views in class discussions even when you disagree; • Within classes the students show attentiveness towards teachers and peers when listening to presentations; • Students demonstrate respect for their own and others’ property by valuing books and clothing and returning lost items found in the school; • Learning about different cultures, faiths, beliefs through a range of subjects and cultural celebrations and • Working cooperatively in small groups and pairs often with a range of students.

Courses in Respectful Relationships and Emotional Intelligence are implemented across the whole school to promote and encourage students’ awareness and tolerance of others. We are mindful of the importance of students understanding when to respect the privacy and space of their friends, while being aware of how to support them if they see they are struggling with any mental health issues. Often there are quiet opportunities across the school when one student will see that another needs assistance and just

quietly provide this without fanfare but just knowing that it is the right thing to do. We have various mentor programs across the school which allow for the development of respect between younger and older students. This often happens in sporting, musical or camp situations. There are opportunities for developing respectful relationships and fostering positive esteem between students at other schools through productions, debating, maths days, Projec10, socials, formals and other curriculum focused days.

Across all areas of the school there are many and various visitors and the students are always encouraged to demonstrate respect by listening, asking insightful questions and thanking presenters for their time. Respect is sometimes hard to quantify but overall it involves respect for self; for others; for rules; for achievement; for effort; for differences; for values; for the Camberwell Grammar way. Ms Elizabeth Grant Senior School Psychologist

“Respect for others is encouraged everyday across the whole school”

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CAMPS AND EXCURSIONS This term was packed full of camps and excursions, where students were taken out of their comfort zones to push themselves to tackle challenges they wouldn’t normally face. The camps included: • Cadet Bivouac • Year 7 Civics and Citizenship Week • Year 8 Indigenous Studies Week • Year 6 Sustainability Week • Year 6 Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza • Year 9 Camps to - Wee Jasper Southern NSW -

Brisbane Ranges Park Vic

- Flinders Range SA - Mount Arapiles Vic - Whitsunday Island QLD - North and South Stradbroke QLD - Goldfields Track between Ballarat and Castlemaine Vic.


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RAISING THE ROOF Our Mid-Year Concert On Thursday 30 May, a congregation of almost 400 boys, from Prep to Year 12, gathered in the Performing Arts Centre for the 2019 Mid-Year Concert, gifting listeners with an evening of beautiful and cultivated music. The night opened with a gorgeous rendition of ‘Simple Gifts’, and King’s ‘Stand By Me’, performed by the School Choir. Soon to follow and interwoven throughout, the comical yet extremely competent interlude items saw the incorporation of an array of genres, stretching from pop to Paganini. The Middle School Orchestra concluded their pieces with an energetic delivery of the Indiana Jones theme, followed by outstanding performances from both Stage and Concert Bands. Concluding a spectacular first half, I was featured as a soloist for Saint Saëns’ ‘Cello Concerto’ in A minor, with the terrific Chamber Orchestra giving the audience a taste of what was to come in the second half. Under the tutelage of Ms Grosman, Highton Strings confidently flew through Grieg’s ‘Prelude’, followed shortly after by an energetic and triumphant performance of William Tell’s ‘Overture’ by the Senior School Orchestra, led spectacularly by Mr Bishop. As the night drew to a close, the Senior School Choir raised the roof with the concluding choral work ‘The Holy City’ and a rendition of Tim Minchin’s ‘Cheese’. Special mention to Ben Finney (Year 12) and Hugh McGlone (Year 11) for their beautifully performed solo lines. Sebastian Csutoros Captain of Music


“Gifting listeners with an evening of beautiful and cultivated music”

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MURDOCH CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Respecting the Learner It should come as no surprise that when we - teachers and parents - respect students as learners, they learn better. But what do we mean by respect?

say in their own learning by seeking and valuing their feedback - something we as teachers can find a challenge as we seek to continue along our familiar pathways in the classroom. This certainly means listening better to children when they are stuck or confused, but it also means making them think their way through a problem rather than holding their hand the whole way, or even being open to new ways of assessing the material being studied. As a contributor to the Gonski review noted:

learning, takes it into new areas, and involves others in the collaborative process of reaching understanding.

taking notes, but asking questions, posing problems, pondering, thinking, discussing and debating. This improves the articulation of their

A full set of references is available from the author.

Thus respecting our students as learners means that we listen to them, and take on Some of us perhaps can remember days board the feedback they give us; teachers when classes were always teacher-centred, and parents might then have to change our with rows of bored children waiting while a approach. But it also means that we should teacher scrawled illegible hieroglyphics on a require much from them too. To treat a student blackboard. Certainly these methods showed as an empty vessel simply to be filled with facts no respect for the students as learners, let is a disrespectful way of treating their growing When students feel cared for and noticed alone as individuals. Instead, the answer is for minds and the potential they have. We need at school, their confidence and motivation students and teachers to be partners together to be encouraging, demanding and facilitating increases, they develop better learning in a student’s learning, and the key to this their own construction and development of strategies, are more cooperative in the is mutual respect: students respecting their knowledge, and helping create a generation of classroom, have a greater sense of belonging, learners who are able to take the reins of their teachers’ knowledge and care, and teachers and more positive perceptions of school. respecting their students’ differing educational own learning; as teachers and parents, we needs and pathways. need to work towards equipping our students Peter Goss, writing for the Grattan Institute, with the skills so that they no longer need us. studied the extensive research literature on The urgency of this has recently been what makes an effective classroom, and thrust into prominence at a national level. In case you think this approach is all a bit his findings put respect for the students as David Gonksi, in the Gonski Review (more modern and radical, it is worth bearing in mind learners, and respect from the students for correctly known as Through Growth to the observations of Plutarch, writing in the 1st Achievement: Report of the Review to Achieve their teachers, as key priorities. He identified and 2nd centuries AD. He saw educating a Educational Excellence in Australian Schools, six elements, all of which depend on an student as being like lighting a fire: March 2018) responded to the decline of our atmosphere of respect: national standing in international educational For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, • High expectations - of the teacher for testing and the challenges of the near future but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to the student, and of the student for by presenting a series of recommendations create in it an impulse to think independently themselves; to the Prime Minister. His research group and an ardent desire for the truth. • Strong teacher-student relationships identified three priorities and 22 specific But crucially, Plutarch says that a person needs recommendations. The first group of • Clarity and structure in instruction to make something of that knowledge for recommendations was centred around laying • Active learning themselves, not just regurgitate it when needed; the foundations of learning, and prominent on • Encouragement and praise he uses the analogy of a man who needs a fire the list was this recommendation: to warm his house, and goes to a neighbour’s • Consistent corrections and Ensure all students have the where he finds a fire already blazing and just consequences opportunity within schools to be stays there, when he really needs to take that The strong teacher-student relationships he partners in their own learning. spark and make of it a fire of his own: mentions are not a matter of a teacher being Gonski realised that an educational liked by the students, but rather the teacher Imagine, then, that a man should need to get environment where students are respected as showing care for the student as a learner and fire from a neighbour, and, upon finding a big learners is essential for the nation’s children a person: bright fire there, should stay there continually to reach their full potential. The goal is for warming himself; just so it is if a man comes The studies show that the best teacher-student students to learn the skills of self-monitoring, to another to share the benefit of a discourse, relationships form when the teacher gives self-evaluation, self-assessment and selfand does not think it necessary to kindle from it strong guidance, and shows clear purpose as teaching: to have the awareness of their own some illumination for himself and some thinking well as concern for the needs of others and abilities, methods and progress that they can of his own. a desire to work as a team. Mutual respect is take greater control of the learning process. important; teachers should recognise students’ This does not mean that the teacher is Demanding of a student that he ‘kindle some rights to learn, to feel emotionally and physically illumination for himself and some thinking of irrelevant, but rather the teacher is the catalyst safe, and to be treated fairly. Empathy is vital, and support. It argues against spoon-feeding his own’ is surely the best way of showing our but strong relationships also require teachers and is for greater self-reliance. Rather than respect for them. to maintain ‘a healthy emotional objectivity’ students being sponges, ready simply to soak Dr John Tuckfield towards their students. up all the knowledge that flows out of the Director of the Murdoch Centre for Educational teacher, they need to be active participants Active learning requires the students to Research and Innovation and partners in their own learning. participate and engage - not just quietly Gonski saw that in order to respect students, we need to hear their voices: to let them have a






THE WEICKHARDT LIBRARY Minutes after the lunch bell rings, a rumble can be heard as excited Middle School students run up the Library stairs and wait in front of the Makerspace room for their weekly session to start. Our Makerspace gives the students a safe and fun environment to unwind in, experiment with various tools and materials, meet new people and challenge themselves. We give the students access to many materials to experiment with during the session and most weeks we provide a theme-based challenge to get them to work towards achieving an outcome. Some of our activities so far have included: creating a paper circuit with LED light cards to celebrate Mother’s Day; building LEGO robots which include a motor to make their projects move; creating a functional marble run; scratch programming animations on their iPads and laptops; and pulling apart old technology to discover how things work and lots more.

“Makerspace is something that will make your day, it is so much fun, we are ripping computers up, making marble races, competing in Lego masters competitions and doing much more!” Luke Cariss-Brett (Year 7)

“I always look forward to Tuesdays because Makerspace is such a fun and friendly group where I can further expand my STEM skills.” Haydn Hammerton (Year 7) “Makerspace is the place of construction and destruction. There are many variations of activities to choose from, making it many students’ favourite Tuesday. It is open to all those that want to spend their lunch time on something more exciting than walking and talking, so join now!” Christien Aung (Year 8)

Through running the Makerspace we hope to allow our students to have a break from school work and give themselves an opportunity to de-stress and have fun with fellow students, whilst still encouraging the use of STEM skills. Mrs Regine Miriklis Weickhardt Library

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NEWS AROUND THE SCHOOL with James Gunasegaram, Prefect for Publications National Adventure Training During the recent first term break, from 13 to 19 April, I was able to complete the 2019 National Adventure Training Award (NATA), alongside many other Army and Air Force Cadets. The National Adventure Training Award is considered the highest achievement any Australian Defence Force Cadet can achieve. Alongside fellow cadet candidates, cadets must endure a week in the cold at Majura Military Training Area, Canberra, and overcome 16 major challenges and over 75 assessments. These challenges pushed me physically and mentally but were without a doubt challenges from which I learnt and from which I grew a lot.

A Piece of History Members of the Camberwell School Army Cadet Unit assembled in the PAC on the afternoon of Friday 17 May to witness the official handing over of the banner held by the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion Association. The Unit and the Battalion have formed a relationship which was ratified in 2017, a component of which included the Unit receiving custodianship of this valued piece of the history of the Battalion. The banner lists the battle honours of the Battalion in the New Guinea campaign, 1941-43, in particular those related to the iconic struggle on the Kokoda Track.


These included abseiling the Campbell Park offices which were 45 metres tall, managing a forward operating base for a night (with many attacks on the base in the early hours of the morning), and navigating tunnel systems riddled with simulated ‘booby’ traps with my team for the week. One can see how these challenges are difficult to overcome; and, that they were impossible to overcome without working together as a team throughout the week. Communication, good teamwork and courage were essential.

exhausted in challenging environments. I made some good mates, and importantly completed an award I am proud to have participated in an award that was lots of fun indeed. Hugh McGlone Year 11

NATA was a very valuable experience. I learnt a lot about both myself and others, particularly when completely CUO Major Michael Neal hosted many members of the Association as guests, including the President, Merren Stockdale, the Vice-President David Bellairs and the distinguished Old Boy Alan Moore, who attended the campus of Camberwell Grammar on Burke Road, 1928-30, prior to serving with distinction in New Guinea during the Second World War. School Historian Dr David Bird gave a summary of the history of the 39th Battalion, following which Ms Stockdale explained the significance of the various parts of the banner. A ceremony of remembrance and the recitation of the Ode by Mr Moore

concluded the event, after which the banner was transferred to its present location in Roystead. The banner has now found a suitable home for the future. It will be preserved and respected by the Camberwell Grammar generations who have no personal or family connection to the New Guinea campaigns which it proudly represents. Dr David Bird School Historian

da Vinci Decathlon Place First Second Third

Team Camberwell Grammar (team 4) Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School Camberwell Grammar (team 3)

Score 1160 1070 1030

Mr Paul Double Teacher in Charge

Our Prefect Netball Team vs Fintona

Year 9 Sk8 Exhibition

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 17

What’s Happening in the Indonesian Department! In May Year 11 and 12 Indonesian students had an excursion to ACMI where they participated in the 2019 Indonesian Film Festival. This is an annual excursion and students are given the opportunity to watch an Indonesian film. This year the movie ‘Koki Koki Cilik’ was highly enjoyable and the storyline was based on a mini Masterchef competition. Also in May, the Indonesian Department invited lawyer Justin Fox, a partner in Chambers and Corr, to give a talk about his Indonesian journey and career highlights. Justin spoke about the importance of Indonesian and how it has shaped his career and added a new dimension to his life both professionally and personally. Ms Janet Sharman Head of Indonesian

Under a Bunya Nut Tree During our Indigenous Week excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens we experienced and learnt more about Aboriginal culture from our Aboriginal guide, Den. We saw many amazing plants and learned about many rituals that were used by the Aboriginals before we even existed here. Some of the amazing plants we were shown included the Bunya Nut Tree, Blanket Leaf Tree, Lemon Myrtle Tree, Bug Repellent Tree Plant and the ‘Hugging’ Tree. We even experienced the Welcoming Ceremony which was a great start to our tour.


The ritual was a marvellous activity, which involved saying thank you to all friends and family that have supported us in our life, by burning specific leaves that represented them. We then broke a Eucalyptus and dropped it into the fire expanding it with our good will. Talking about the Blanket Leaf Tree, the bottom of the leaf is extremely soft and white. You’d think Aboriginals used it for clothes or blankets, but they used it for toilet paper. The Bunya Nut Tree was climbed to prove one’s strength and bravery as its branches were covered with sharp and spiky pines. The Lemon Myrtle Tree grows leaves that smell of and

taste of lemon. It is also the leaf that Den made tea with. We took a photo with a giant tree that soared to the skies. And we learned of a tale of a tree that one of the supervisors used to hug when showing everyone the tree. But when its friend, this supervisor, retired, the ‘Hugging Tree’ collapsed a week later. As our guide told us, “The people don’t own the land, the land owns the people; if you look after it, it will look after you”. So that’s why we should take only what we need from the wild. Christien Aung Year 8

forensic investigation of old case notes. Our aspirant politician, Aidan Harris, worked at the office of John Kennedy MP, drafting correspondence and creating social media content, and is now credited with having written a member’s statement which was delivered in parliament. Jordan McCleery found himself two week-long placements with different media organisations; his first was undertaken with Channel 9 during the April school holidays, and more recently he worked with Crocmedia, where he was given licence to operate a camera and interview a talk-show host.

“The boys learned a great deal about the workplace and themselves” Real World Experience for our Year 10 Students Once again, our Year 10 boys undertook work experience in the first week of June. As usual their experiences were wide and varied, with the keenest securing the best placements early. We had boys at airports, hospitals, primary schools, architectural firms, recording studios, veterinary clinics, accountancy firms, pharmacies, sport centres, rehabilitation clinics, retail stores and so forth. We have many aspiring medical doctors at CGS, and each year they compete for placements at the major hospitals and medical research institutes. Those at the Austin Hospital learned that the working day begins early. Nick Robinson started each day in the rehabilitation unit at 7am,

so public transport wasn’t even an option. Whilst there, he became adept at bed making, delivering meals and putting in hearing aids, later admitting that he hadn’t realised how hard nurses work. James Stambe was assigned to surgery, where he put on scrubs to observe the removal of gallstones and other minor procedures, and was pleased to find that he had the stomach for it. Zach Lewis experienced the hustle and bustle of a busy emergency department, where it’s not unusual for 250 patients to pass through daily. I knew I was at the right place when I was greeted by Alex Zervas at the secure door of a legal office in Elsternwick. Following an interesting day in court, he was undertaking a

Joshua Lam spent a week at Coles headquarters working with their security team. Matthew Dunne, photographed here in his high rise office, worked with the IT Billing team at Telstra. Alex Niarchos worked out of Moorabbin Airport with a group who supply aviation components. Victor Loo went all the way to Black Rock to undertake a placement in a pharmacy, though Garnet Brennan travelled furthest to undertake his placement with a stock, station and real estate agent in rural NSW. It was fabulous to visit some in the workplace and witness the maturity and confidence not always evident at school. Many employers commented on how impressed they were with our students; their obvious interest, initiative and, at times, exceptional skill level for their age. The boys learned a great deal about the workplace and themselves, their abilities and their limitations, with some already sensing the future that lies ahead of them. Ms Lynette Reiger Work Experience Coordinator and Careers Counsellor

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 19

Middle School BODi Day During Term 2 Year 7 students took part in the inaugural Middle School BODi Day. This day was designed give the boys an opportunity to experience activities that enhance mental health. It is well known that strengthening our mental health Tai Chi helps us maximise our day and deal effectively with any obstacles that may present themselves. On BODi day, the boys took part in various classes aimed to help balancing their lifestyle. Experienced instructors were on hand to give workshops on Yoga, Pilates, Spin, Boot Camp, Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Seminars on Nutrition and Gaming were also run as part of the program. The instructors spoke glowingly of the way that the boys took part in each of the activities, saying that they demonstrated maturity well beyond their years.

“I think doing Yoga could help m when I’m stressed or tired” Ryder Cheesman (Year 8)


“I enjoyed Tai Chi the most … (and) Kung Fu. I enjoyed them because they were like a group effort and they were fun.” Charlie Williams (Year 7)

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 21

Top Arts Celebrating it’s 25th anniversary at the NGV, Top Art is an annual showcase of Victoria’s most exciting emerging young artists who excelled in VCE Art and Studio Arts. Top Arts ’19 presents the brightest bourgeoning thinkers with 46 students drawn from more than 2,200 submissions. The Camberwell Grammar School community congratulates Hugh Williamson (2018) who was selected for his large inkjet prints on offset lithograph. This is a wonderful achievement.

Debating Debating season is in full swing, with the Debaters’ Association of Victoria regional rounds almost complete. The DAV is the largest English-language debating competition in the world and the school hosts its largest regional division, in which over 100 CGS students participated this year. Of particular note are the two teams which remain undefeated into next term’s final round, in Year 11 and 12


respectively, who are both in contention to make the state finals.

teams made the top 10 and were invited back for the finals.

It has been great to see the high standards of debating in the Inter-House competition, and all students who participated should be commended for volunteering their time for both preparation and speaking. We also had two teams head to Bond University to participate in their Mooting competition. One of these

Many thanks to the dedicated and hardworking students and teachers that have made these achievements possible. Oliver Papillo Prefect for Public Speaking and Debating


SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 23

TACKLING ELIZABETHAN WITH HAMLET Peeking through the wings was hardly sufficient to appreciate the angelic vocals of Philippa Gray, the great comic timing of Suzannah Bourke’s Polonius (the character working so well as a woman in this production) and Kathryn Desmier’s cruelly put-upon Ophelia, played with touching sensitivity. Menace and mystery were heightened by Louis Le’s (Year 12) ghostly King and Ben Finney’s (Year 12) vicious Claudius both played with superb articulation and character. James Thorn (Year 11) played great depths of grief as Laertes, Soldiers looked capable, Ladies-in-Waiting attentive, with travelling players and various supernumeraries helping flesh out the busy castle providing much colour and energy.

This autumn, the senior thespians of Camberwell Grammar School and Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College took to the stage to perform William Shakespeare’s timeless tale of Hamlet. Under the direction of Mr Stocker, our 28 strong cast embarked on a four-month journey of rehearsals. Retelling the tragedy of Hamlet was no easy task, with concentration and diction being the cornerstones required to tell the story, not to mention the task of tackling Elizabethan English.


The cast had to control bouts of hysterical laughter at the antics of the comedic Gravedigger duo Coulston Waycott (Year 12) and Michael Campbell (Year 11), and the ‘peacock preening’ Osric, played by Joe Grimley (Year 12). The fact that we were in the wings restricted us from laughing too loudly, but we could hear the similar impact these comic intervals had on the audience. Of course, the highest of accolades must be reserved for Spike Johnson (Year 12), Prince Hamlet of Denmark. Spike delivered an assured performance, testament to

the hours of additional work undertaken to bring his character to life and learn the lines, with soliloquies securely delivered. The electric bed-chamber scene with the shockingly violent Hamlet, and Gertrude, played at that moment with hysterical emotion by Anika Kelly, was awkward to watch in its portrayal of domestic violence. Hamlet in this production was a deeply flawed individual. In the last scene of the play, Spike and James entertained us with a thrilling, complex and seemingly dangerous sword fight, with myself as Voltemand stepping in, (as well as a couple of others, to protect the king), which was meticulously choreographed by Fight Director Thomas Stockdale. Phillip Alex (Year 11) as Prince Fortinbras closed the show with noble poise. The professionalism and commitment of the cast and crew resulted in an outstanding three show run. Well done to everyone on a successful show season. Aidan Chu Captain of Drama

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 25

YEAR 12 FORMAL Saturday 15 June at Leonda by the Yarra



Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea Thank you to all of our staff members and students who came together in Term 2 to support the Cancer Research Foundation and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. The school raised over

$700 towards the fight against cancer, with the money going to fund research and to provide support services to patients and their families. A special thank you to our Health and Wellbeing Committee

and our Prefects for organising this very worthy event and to students and staff who supplied a delicious array of treats for the morning tea. Our amazing Year 10 parents (pictured above) also raised $190 from their function.


“Through Projec10 groups of 8-10 boys and girls will collaborate to grow their $10 seed money”

Middle School students welcomed visitors from Fintona Girls’ School and Camberwell Girls Grammar School for the highly anticipated launch of Projec10. Through Projec10 groups of 8-10 boys and girls will collaborate to grow their $10 seed money through a number of creative and entrepreneurial methods, all in aid of raising money for single mothers’ business ventures in Africa through Opportunity International. This was the introductory planning day where the foundation for the program was established. Later, students will consolidate their creative and entrepreneurial concepts. We are excited to see what they come up with.

Footy Boot Drive The Pre-Loved Uniform Shop (PLUS) ran a football boot collection on Saturday 1 June. They were able to collect close to 80 pairs of boots, which will make a significant difference to the students at Dandenong North Primary School playing sport over the winter months. They hope to be able to run the collection next year as well. PLUS would like to thank all members of the school community for their very generous support of this year’s football boot collection. SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 27

VOCATIONAL DINNER The OCGA hosted the annual Vocational Dinner on Wednesday 26 June in the Camberwell Room. The theme of this year’s dinner was ‘Entrepreneurs’. The Vocational Dinner aims to bring together Old Boys, recent leavers, students and parents to hear from panels of Old Boys in a particular industry or area of interest. This year’s panellists had taken diverse university paths, but all had the same desire to work for themselves. Our Old Boy entrepreneurs have established businesses in hospitality, web design, video game design, video game accessories, social media management, human resources, elevator shoes and property investing. David Provan (1988) Co-Founder/Managing Director, Bluemouth Interactive Steve McKnight (1989) CEO, Propertyinvesting.com


Nick Hindhaugh (1992) Founder & Managing Partner, Six Degrees Executive Seong-Lee Ang (1994) Founder, Chara Foods Irwin Hau (1998) Director, Chromatix Digital Agency Jennen Ngiau-Keng (2001) Founder, Jennen Elevator Shoes Myles Munro (2002) Co-Founder, 100 Burgers Group Winston Tang (2009) Director/Designer, Samurai Punk Jonathan Henshaw (2013) Co-Founder/Director, JBZ Digital





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Allan Fisher in the 5th Camel Corps Field Ambulance, 1918.

Bill Ballard’s Army uniforms.

One of the continually pleasing aspects of my duties as School Historian and Archivist is coming across the records of Old Boys from a century or more ago. They have often been overlooked in many school publications, forgotten by their descendants and there accordingly is a challenge to rehabilitate them in the history of our school. One example of this whom I have recently uncovered in my research on the history of Camberwell Grammar during the First World War (to be published later this year) is the record of Corporal Allan Fisher (1913; b.1895), who served

in field hospitals in Egypt and Palestine in the Army Medical Corps, 1916-18 – he was not a medical doctor, but had been an outstanding Arts graduate (1916) at the University of Melbourne prior to enlisting, having served in the Melbourne University Rifles. From May 1918 to the end of the war, Fisher also served in the 5th Camel Corps Field Ambulance, although hospitalised in October with an ear inflammation. Discharged in May 1919 as medically unfit, Fisher subsequently built an academic career in Melbourne, New Zealand, Western Australia and at the Institute of International Affairs in London, having gained a PhD from the London School of Economics in 1924. Before leaving Melbourne, c.1921, he had authored Palestine and Jerusalem: Reflections of an NCO in the Australian Imperial Force at the end of the First World War, a copy of which is retained in the State Library of Victoria. Originally delivered as a talk at his Melbourne alma mater, these ‘reflections’ provided an insightful account of motivations for war service with extensive rumination about the future of the Middle East once the Ottoman Empire had departed. The twenty-year old, fairhaired, blue-eyed, sceptical young man had enlisted somewhat reluctantly in 1916, unconvinced of the ‘orthodox’ explanation of Britain’s 1914 casus belli, acknowledging at the end of the conflict that unless Germany received a ‘just peace’, the Great War was not likely to be the last one. He died in 1976 aged 80; Allan Fisher’s exclusion from the Australian Dictionary of Biography is difficult to explain. He is surely a candidate for our Gallery of Achievement. The history of “Dorset” house was outlined in the last issue and I was pleased to receive a further pictorial donation from Mrs Bernice Williams. The photograph depicts the interior of “Dorset” in its heyday – a valuable addition to our pictorial collection. Another valuable addition to our collection of Presentation Volumes has also been received from Mary McCoy, widow of James McCoy (1943: OAM). James was a prodigious prize-winner whilst at CGS and this volume, The Good Ship “Golden Effort”, was awarded by Headmaster Tonkin in December 1935 as a gift for the

Our growing presentation volumes collection.


The interior of ‘Dorset’ house.

most distinguished student in Form IIIA. The book was a typical “Boys Own” type of adventure common in this era, set amidst seafaring in the Pacific and elsewhere. This handsome, leather-bound volume marked with the school crest joins a shelf of similar titles now forming a substantial collection of what could be called ‘Camberwelliana’. Old Boy Graeme Ballard (1959) has donated a collection of material related to the school and post-school experiences of his father William “Bill” Ballard (1932), former member of the School Council, sportsman of distinction and noted businessman. Bill also served with distinction in the Second World War from 1940, ending his service as a Captain. A notable component of the donation has been Captain Ballard’s Army uniforms – both the tropical gear and the dress uniform. These donations will be preserved in our state-of-the-art archival conditions, alongside many other school and cadet uniforms that represent at least a century of the history of Camberwell Grammar. The donation also included a primary source vital to any account of the history of the Burke Road campus, which Bill attended throughout the ‘Twenties. W.B.

Ballard was invited to deliver an address in September 1986, on the occasion of the School’s Centenary Dinner at Chaucer’s, Canterbury, in which he recalled his school years - the text of this speech is now housed in the Archives. Here, Bill described the western side of the campus in detail (‘looking towards the golden west’), the part of the School which included Lister House, the classrooms and the playground. The facilities of Camberwell Grammar were Spartan to say the least and, thanks to the connections of the Ballard family to William Angliss, would be replaced in due course through a move to Mont Albert Road. However, boys of Bill Ballard’s generation (1931 school population: 255) soldiered on through denuded uneven ‘play’ areas, barren classrooms with white-painted windows to prevent student distraction and a single student indoor/outdoor toilet (‘W.C.’). In addition, dirt-floored storage areas housed the boys’ bikes and the ‘School Bully’. If these physical facilities were meagre, the quality of the staff was a touch above – Ballard’s address referred to ‘dedicated men with much more punitive power

than teachers have now’, vividly recalling the leather strap of Mr Hall and the athletically swung cane of ‘Doc’ Buntine. Mr McMenamin taught French with a Scotch accent and the sports results of Camberwell Grammar were mixed, but despite the tightness of the Depression, this distinguished Old Boy recalled that ‘the morale of the school was high – very high indeed’. It has ever been thus, through good times and bad, through war and peace - this centenary address is a valuable historical source in which the speaker expresses pride in his old school as it fulfilled its function of providing a firm foundation for boys to pursue a fruitful future. None did so any better than did William Benbow Ballard, a worthy member of our Gallery of Achievement. Dr David Bird Archivist

WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET IN TOUCH? Email our School Historian and Archivist David archive@cgs.vic.edu.au SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 33

NEWS OF OLD BOYS Five babies born within six months from the class of 2003! Pictured: Cameron and Ruby Walker, David and Rosa Jenkins, Daniel and Audrey Kerkvliet and Adrian and Evie Moore. All Old Boys from the class of 2003. Special mention also to Andre Palayan and his son Oliver who missed the photo.

Nick Rimington (2002) and partner Elise welcomed their first child Jack Alfred Rimington on 30/04/2019. Jack Alfred is also Grandson of Jeff Rimington (1974) and Great Grandson of Neil Rimington (1942).

Revd Dr Richard Harvey (1975) has been awarded a PhD in Religious Studies by the University of Newcastle for a thesis entitled “Judas Iscariot: Betrayal and Idolatry”.

Simon Chan (1991) Caught up with past staff Member Geoff Shaw when he was in Perth recently.

OCGA introduces new Mentoring Program research also indicates that being in a mentoring relationship can improve the mental health of both parties. In the OCGA Mentoring Program, we encourage you to play both roles, we’ve all got something to offer, and I’m sure we’ve all got something to learn!

Congratulations Gallery of Achievement member and Old Boy Andrew Ross (1965) who received an AM honour for his contribution to the performing arts industry. The Old Camberwell Grammarians’ Association (OCGA) has recently introduced a new Mentoring Program for all Old Boys. Through the online platform, Mentorloop, the purpose of the OCGA Mentoring Program is to further enhance the OCGA culture and connect a diverse and remote Old Boy community to drive engagement. Mr Hamish Green (1979) bumped into Mark Barnett (1992) at the Australian Army Cadets Grade 2 OIC Activities Requalification Course. Mark is a CGS Old Boy, former member of staff and Cadet Unit OC. He is now a department head and cadet officer at Ivanhoe Grammar School. 34

The benefits of mentoring are wide and varied. For a mentee, mentoring provides an opportunity to develop their skills and take advantage of their mentor’s experience. For a mentor, it’s a great opportunity to give back and hone your leadership capability, which can be incredibly rewarding. In addition, recent

The OCGA Mentoring Program is open to all Old Boys looking to connect with alumni where the focus of the relationship may be on career or professional development, enhancing leadership skills or providing general support and acting as a sounding board. The online sign up process should take no longer than ten minutes to complete and once you have completed it, you will have access to the Mentorloop platform to connect with a Mentor or Mentee of your choice. For further information, please contact Cindy Parker in the Development Office via (03) 9835 1748 or ocga@cgs.vic.edu.au Mr Ryan Whitehead Director of Development

GALLERY OF ACHIEVEMENT INDUCTEES Our Gallery of Achievement and Roystead Dinner was held on Thursday 20 June. Congratulations to our inductees below: Mr Mark E Fittock (2001)

Mr Terry Patrick Reynolds Gill (1957)

Mark Fittock is an Australian space engineer and project manager who specialises in space flight hardware. He has worked across a number of domains within space technology and has been involved in over 30 flight missions.

Terry Patrick Reynolds Gill was born on 25 October 1939 in Truro Cornwall, UK. At the age of 10, his family migrated to Australia where he grew up in Melbourne and went to school at Camberwell Grammar on a music scholarship for his singing.

Mark studied mechanical engineering, astrophysics and mathematics at Monash University before pursuing a double Masters in Space Technology and Instrumentation in Europe. He began at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) running a programme to launch student experiments on rockets and balloons.

When he was 19 years of age Terry got the acting bug from doing the Malvern Little Theatre version of The Diary of Anne Frank, which made him decide to follow his career of acting back to the UK. There he did Theatre Summer Season, acting and stage managing and this is where he met his future wife and acting partner, Carole Ann Aylett. They got married in 1963 in London and both continued acting in theatre and TV until they migrated back to Australia in 1964.

Among his achievements are the development, build and testing of DLR’s HP3 Experiment for NASA’s InSight mission to Mars which landed in 2018 and dug into the surface of Mars to make detailed measurements of the sand and Mars itself. Mark works in Germany for the company OHB as a project manager for future exploration and science missions including European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera mission to the Didymos asteroid pair that shall investigate the effect of impacting asteroids as part of the joint NASA/ ESA Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment study.

During the 1970s Terry appeared constantly on TV and film, with famous roles in I Can Jump Puddles, Bluey and Bellbird. He also had a son Edan and started the Bull N Bush Theatre Restaurant with Carole Ann in Warrandyte where they lived for many years. They also wrote, produced and directed numerous children’s pantomimes in Westfield and in many other shopping centres. In the late 1970s and 1980s he had recurring roles in Prisoner Cell Block H and Flying Doctors, but one of his most famous roles was in the movie, Crocodile Dundee, where he got knocked out by Mick Dundee and shot at by a kangaroo. Terry continued in the entertainment industry for many years with his Naughty Nineties Theatre Restaurant, Tivoli Theatre Restaurant, Terry Gill Productions Children’s Pantomimes, radio voice-over work, commercials and various roles in film and TV, however he will be remembered forever as Santa in Carols by Candlelight, a role which he played for 27 years. (1939 – 2015)

Terry and Carole Ann worked in Sydney and Adelaide before finally moving to Melbourne where Carole Ann worked at The Lido Theatre Restaurant and Terry, known just as Gill, was singing, acting as well as producing on such TV Channels as 9 and 7. Terry then formed the singing duo Double Tempo which won the Grand Final of New Faces, alongside Paul Hogan in 1972. He had also started a family, with daughter Erin being born in 1969.

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 2 - 2019 35

Mr Stuart Charles Kollmorgen OAM (1986)

In 2019, Stuart was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for service to the LGBTI community and sporting organisations and also for his pro bono legal work. As a student during the 1980s, thinking about how life would be for a gay teenager and man was challenging. There were few role models, and the topic was taboo apart from the ‘grim reaper’ campaign against the AIDS pandemic, scandals in the Truth newspaper and tragic endings to Hollywood films. Homosexuality was still a mental disorder to be diagnosed according to the World Health Organisation until 1990. While Camberwell Grammar School was relatively enlightened, at that time, there was no reference to homosexuality in class. Rather, there was derogatory comment in the schoolyard, which weighed heavily and made being honest and coming out in the school environment difficult. Stuart turned this into a challenge to be defeated, applying energy and tenacity with openness.


Whilst working as a solicitor in Melbourne for 17 years as a partner of a global firm, Stuart also spent his spare time volunteering and taking board roles in LGBTI organisations. He leveraged his positions to lead and provide pro bono legal advice to community organisations, culminating in his leadership of the Victorian Pride Centre, which will be the biggest purpose-built pride centre in the world – offering support to the Victorian and Australian LGBTI community and beyond into the Asia-Pacific region. Stuart continued his athletics and wider sporting interests that commenced at school to become a senior lawn bowls administrator with Bowls Victoria and a four-time individual world champion for his age group in race walking.

OBITUARIES It is with great sadness that we record the deaths of members of the Camberwell Grammar School community since the last edition of Spectemur. DION GILES (1947) Born 20 September 1930 SUZAN DAVIES 13 August 1975 – 23 April 2019 Suzan Davies taught at Camberwell Grammar from 2015 until 2019. Suzan was selfless in everything she did. She gave her time to everyone who knocked at her door, and we all know how precious time was to her. Suzan was a professional who loved her students and her colleagues and she was loved back by all of them. Despite reports to the contrary, Suzan did have a weakness as a teacher; Burger Burger lunches, and students chose to study Legal Studies just for these!

Suzan energetically involved herself in the life of the school, coordinating the debating program and overseeing the annual moot court competition at Bond University. She was a passionate teacher of Legal Studies and she inspired many students to pursue legal careers upon leaving school. Her energy was immeasurable, as was her pain, yet she never dwelt on this and was always prepared to help out wherever she could. Our lives are all the richer for knowing her and poorer for losing her. Her perspective and humanity were characteristics treasured by all in the department and in the school community. Suzan will be sorely missed. Mr Andrew Warne

SPECTEMUR | ISSUE 1 - 2019 37



Friday 2 – Auxiliary Pudding Mixing Day 1

Thursday 26 – WA Network Function Thursday to Saturday 5-7 Pudding Collection Days

Friday 2 – SA Network Function

Friday 9 – Auxiliary Pudding Mixing Day 2 Monday 12 – Life Governors’ Dinner Thursday to Saturday 15-17 – To Kill a Mockingbird (Middle School Production)

OCTOBER Tuesday 15 – CBD Networking Breakfast Sunday 20 – OCGA Lawn Bowls Day


Saturday 12 October, 10.00am to 2.00pm

Monday 19 – Friends of Soccer Presentation Night

Wednesday 20 – 60+ Years Reunion (pre 1959)

Tuesday 20 – Friends of Hockey Presentation Night

Friday 22 – 40 Year Reunion (1979)

Thursday 22 – Monologue Showcase (Year 11&12 Drama)


Thursday 29 – QLD Network Function

Tuesday 23 July, 9.00am to 10.00am


Thursday 14 – 5 Year Reunion (2014)

Friday 23 – Auxiliary Pudding Mixing Day 4


Wednesday 23 – Cufflink Presentation

Friday 16 – Auxiliary Pudding Mixing Day 3

Friday 23 – 30 Year Reunion (1989)

Saturday 10 August, 10.00am Saturday 9 November, 10.00am

Tuesday 6 – Parents’ Association Meeting Thursday 8 – Agendo Art Show Opening Night


Tuesday 6 August Tuesday 8 October Tuesday 3 December

Friday 30 – NSW Network Function Friday 30 – Generations Photo

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