Economics, Business and Management Textbooks from Cambridge
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Economics, Business and Management Textbooks
ABN 28 508 204 178
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1 Microeconomics for MBAs - Third Edition
13 The Business Environment of Europe
25 Management Research Methods
2 Theory of Social Choice on Networks
14 Dynamics of International Business: Asia-Pacific Business Cases
26 Operations Management
15 International Business Strategy - Second Edition
28 Communication Skills for Business Professionals
MACROECONOMICS 3 Modeling Monetary Economies - Fourth Edition 4 Principles of Financial Economics - Second Edition ECONOMETRICS 5 Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting - Second Edition 6 Collecting, Managing, and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys 7 Dynamic Economic Analysis INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 8 Industrial Organization - Second Edition 9 Modern Economic Regulation FINANCE 10 Financial Markets and Institutions - Third Edition 11 Introductory Econometrics for Finance - Third Edition ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH 12 Socio-Economic Development - Second Edition
16 Global Turning Points - Second Edition ORGANIZATION STUDIES 17 Organizational Design - Third Edition STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 18 Corporate Strategy GOVERNANCE 19 Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance Third Edition RESPONSIBLE AND ETHICAL BUSINESS 20 Business Ethics ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION 21 The Entrepreneurial Arch HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 22 Managing Employee Performance and Reward Second Edition 23 Australian Workplace Relations 24 International Human Resource Management
27 Effective Negotiation
MARKETING 29 Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications 30 Strategic Customer Management 31 Strategic Marketing Pack
Microeconomics for MBAs
The Economic Way of Thinking for Managers
Richard B. McKenzie University of California
and Dwight R. Lee
Southern Methodist University
McKenzie and Lee continue to present microeconomics in a sophisticated, yet nontechnical and easy to understand way, with a heavy emphasis on real-world business issues that will hold student interest because of the relevancy of the material to business students’ career goals. • Written to meet the needs of MBA and business students, presents management and economics as equal elements and shows how economics is part of everyday thinking for business people • The textbook package includes fifty-eight video tutorials – already viewed over a million times on YouTube – covering key concepts and complex arguments, and topics likely to be assessed in exams
The McKenzie/Lee text is the best book in its field, both for coverage and readability. The text is an excellent example of how microeconomic analysis can be applied to real world managerial decisions. The writing style will delight students and make the instructor’s interaction with students much richer.” Barry Keating, University of Notre Dame
• Theory and mathematics are kept as simple as possible and are illustrated with real-world problems so that they are accessible and relevant to all MBA and business students
2016 255 x 195 mm 640pp 9781107139480 | AU$205.00 / NZ$221.95 HB
Part I. The Market Economy, Overview and Application: 1. Microeconomics: a way of thinking about business; 2. Principles of rational behavior in society and business; 3. Competitive product markets and firm decisions; 4. Applications of the economic way of thinking: domestic government and management policies; Part II. Applications of Basic Economic Theory: 5. Applications of the economic way of thinking: international economics; 6. Applications of the economic way of thinking: environmental economics; Part III. Demand and Production Theory: 7. Consumer choice and demand in traditional and network markets; 8. Production costs and the theory of the firm; 9. Production costs in the short run and long run; Part IV. Competitive and Monopoly Market Structures: 10. Firm production under idealized competitive conditions; 11. Monopoly power and firm pricing decisions; 12. Firm strategy under imperfectly competitive market conditions; 13. Competitive and monopsonistic labor markets; Part V. Behavioral Economics: A Challenge to Conventional Microeconomics: 14. Challenges of behavioral economists; 15. Problems with behavioral economics.
Theory of Social Choice on Networks Preference, Aggregation, and Coordination
Wynn C. Stirling Brigham Young University, UTAH
Classical social choice theory relies heavily on the assumption that all individuals have fixed preference orderings. This highly original book presents a new theory of social preferences that explicitly accounts for important social phenomena such as coordination, compromise, negotiation and altruism. Drawing on cybernetics and network theory, it extends classical social choice theory by constructing a framework that allows for dynamic preferences that are modulated by the situation-dependent social influence that they exert on each other. • The concept of aggregation is expanded to generate a comprehensive social model that provides a complete characterization of the complex social structure • Extends social choice to influence networks, which are expressed as directed graphs whose vertices are individuals and whose edges constitute the medium by which social influence is propagated between individuals
2016 229 x 152 mm 228pp
9781107165168 | AU$165.00 / NZ$178.95 HB
1. Preference; 2. Aggregation; 3. Deliberation; 4. Coordination; 5. Randomization; 6. Satisficing; Appendix A. Dutch book theorem; Appendix B. Bayesian networks; Appendix C. Probability concepts; Appendix D. Markov convergence theorem; Appendix E. Entropy and mutual information.
Modeling Monetary Economies Bruce Champ Scott Freeman and Joseph Haslag Designed to be used in advanced undergraduate or master’s courses in monetary economics, money and banking, international economics, or macroeconomics, this new edition builds on a simple, clear monetary model and applies this framework consistently to explain trade, finance, modern banking, and crises in complex modern economies. • Simplifies the economy by starting with two markets in general equilibrium, and students can develop comfort with two markets, then extend the structure by adding an additional market as needed • Shows where calculus could be used, but focuses on budget constraints and requires students to apply substitution method • Events like the 2007–8 Financial Crisis (Great Recession) are analyzed in the context of the model economy, therefore allowing students to see the fundamental economic trade-offs
This is my favourite textbook for my undergraduate course in monetary economics. It requires only a small investment in order to familiarize the students with the overlapping generations model. Thereafter, the book covers a broad set of topics by building simple extensions of the basic model. My students love it and I can also highly recommend it to any reader interested in money, banking, and monetary policy.” Aleksander Berentsen, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Additional resources include PPT slides and a solutions manual containing end-of-chapter questions with answers
2016 254 x 178 mm 360pp 9781316508671 | AU$110.00 / NZ$120.95 PB
Preface; Part I. Money: 1. Trade in a model with no frictions; 2. A simple model of money; 3. Barter and commodity money; 4. Inflation; 5. International monetary systems; 6. Price surprises; Part II. Banking: 7. Capital; 8. Liquidity and financial intermediation; 9. Central banking and the money supply; 10. Money stock fluctuations; 11. Fully backed central bank money; 12. The payments system; 13. Bank risk; 14. Liquidity risk and bank panics; Part III. Government Debt: 15. Deficits and the national debt; 16. Savings and investment; 17. The effect of the national debt on capital and savings; 18. The temptation of inflation; References; Author index; Subject index.
Principles of Financial Economics Stephen F. LeRoy University of California
and Jan Werner University of Minnesota
This new edition provides a rigorous yet accessible graduate-level introduction to financial economics, retaining its emphasis on the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory. Updates include more focus on portfolio choice and risk allocations. New chapters address infinite-time security markets, exploring, among other topics, the possibility of price bubbles. • Stresses the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory
With this new edition, LeRoy and Werner have solidified the standing of their Principles of Financial Economics as the ideal introduction to neoclassical asset pricing models. The coverage is authoritative, rigorous, elegant, and now even more comprehensive.”
Darrell Duffie, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, California
• The analysis aims to be comparable in rigor to the best work in microeconomics; at the same time, the authors provide ample discussion and examples that make the ideas readily understandable
2014 254 x 178 mm 370pp 9781107024120 | AU$190.00 / NZ$205.95 HB 9781107673021 | AU$86.95 / NZ$93.95 PB
Preface; Part I. Equilibrium and Arbitrage: 1. Equilibrium in security markets; 2. Linear pricing; 3. Arbitrage and positive pricing; Part II. Valuation: 4. Valuation; 5. State prices and risk-neutral probabilities; Part III. Portfolio Restrictions: 6. Portfolio restrictions; 7. Valuation under portfolio restrictions; Part IV. Risk: 8. Expected utility; 9. Risk aversion; 10. Risk; Part V. Optimal Portfolios: 11. Optimal portfolios with one risky security; 12. Comparative statics of optimal portfolios; 13. Optimal portfolios with several risky securities; Part VI. Equilibrium Prices and Allocations: 14. Consumption-based security pricing; 15. Complete markets and Pareto-optimal allocations of risk; 16. Optimality in incomplete markets; Part VII. Mean-Variance Analysis: 17. The expectations and pricing kernels; 18. The mean-variance frontier payoffs; 19. Capital asset pricing model; 20. Factor pricing; Part VIII. Multidate Security Markets: 21. Equilibrium in multidate security markets; 22. Multidate arbitrage and positivity; 23. Dynamically complete markets; 24. Valuation; Part IX. Martingale Property of Security Prices: 25. Event prices, risk-neutral probabilities, and the pricing kernel; 26. Martingale property of gains; 27. Conditional consumption-based security pricing; 28. Conditional beta pricing and the CAPM; Part X. Infinite-Time Security Markets: 29. Equilibrium in infinite-time security markets; 30. Arbitrage, valuation, and price bubbles; 31. Arrow–Debreu equilibrium in infinite time.
Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting Philip Hans Franses Erasmus School of Economics
Dick van Dijk
Erasmus School of Economics
and Anne Opschoor Erasmus School of Economics
With a new author team contributing decades of practical experience, this fully updated second edition textbook summarises the most critical decisions, techniques and steps in creating effective forecasting models. Includes all new theoretical and practical exercises geared at guiding students through the steps of creating forecasting models on their own. • Thoroughly tested, this textbook has been used in classrooms since 1996, and revised on the basis of student and instructor feedback indicating that the book should be made more practical • All exercises are previous exam questions from one of Europe’s leading centres for teaching and research in econometrics, the Econometric Institute at Erasmus University, and answers are included
I highly recommend the second edition of this book. The authors have made wise choices of covering the most valuable and practical time-series methods for economic and business forecasting. The text is well written and the exercises and illustrations connect with some of the best statistical software available. In an age of digital time-series data explosion in a variety of disciplines, this book can only gain in importance and impact.” Dominique M. Hanssens, Bud Knapp Distinguished Professor of Marketing, University of California, Los Angeles
2014 246 x 190 mm 311pp
9780521817707 | AU$200.00 / NZ$216.95 HB
Preface; 1. Introduction and overview; 2. Key features of economic time series; 3. Useful concepts in univariate time series analysis; 4. Trends; 5. Seasonality; 6. Aberrant observations; 7. Conditional heteroskedasticity; 8. Non-linearity; 9. Multivariate time series; Index.
9780521520911 | AU$82.95 / NZ$91.95 PB
Collecting, Managing, and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys Peter Stopher University of Sydney
Collecting, Managing, and Assessing Data Using Sample Surveys provides a thorough, step-by-step guide to the design and implementation of surveys. The book is an excellent introduction to the use of surveys for graduate students as well as a useful reference work for scholars and professionals. • A comprehensive guide to surveys giving readers everything they need to know in one book, from the earliest steps in thinking about a survey right through to the archiving of data • Brings many aspects of surveys up to date, especially in regard to mobile phones, the Internet, and the possibilities of technological developments in recording data • Includes step-by-step guides to surveying techniques with additional aids such as a primer on basic statistics, end-of-chapter problems and real examples of good and bad survey design
2012 247 x 175 mm 560pp 9780521863117 | AU$210.00 / NZ$230.95 HB 9780521681872 | AU$105.00 / NZ$115.95 PB
Contents List of figures; List of tables; 1. Introduction; 2. Basic statistics and probability; 3. Basic issues in surveys; 4. Ethics of surveys of human populations; 5. Design a survey; 6. Methods for conducting surveys of human populations; 7. Focus groups; 8. Design of survey instruments; 9. Design of questions and question wording; 10. Special issues for qualitative and preference surveys; 11. Design of data collection procedures; 12. Pilot surveys and pretests; 13. Sample design and sampling; 14. Repetitive surveys; 15. Survey economics; 16. Survey implementation; 17. Web-based surveys; 18. Coding and data entry; 19. Data expansion and weighting; 20. Nonresponse; 21. Measuring data quality; 22. Future directions in survey procedures; 23. Documenting and archiving; References; Index.
Dynamic Economic Analysis Deterministic Models in Discrete Time
Gerhard Sorger University of Vienna
For advanced students in economics, this textbook provides a clear and concise introduction to dynamic economic theory and analysis. Sorger guides students step-by-step through the most popular model structures and solution concepts, from the simplest dynamic economic models to complex problems of dynamic general equilibrium frameworks. • Analysis is demonstrated through 75 worked examples that offer step-by-step solutions to the models • A further 64 exercises allow students to self-assess their understanding, with solutions (password-protected) available online for instructors • Focuses purely on deterministic models in discrete time and avoids the more complicated stochastic and continuous-time models that students find confusing
This book offers a comprehensive vision of economic dynamics suitable for graduate students and professionals alike. Gerhard Sorger is a leading researcher with a flair for presenting mathematically challenging theories carefully and rigorously. …There is no other single book readily accessible in the economics literature covering the same wide range of deterministic dynamics and optimization theories with detailed illustrations of those theories in action. It is accessible to students engaged in a self-study program for students engaging with dynamical systems for the first time. Better yet, it offers the topics and treatments for a course in dynamics.” Robert A. Becker, Indiana University, Bloomington
2015 246 x 190 mm 286pp 9781107083295 | AU$155.00 / NZ$170.95 HB 9781107443792 | AU$58.95 / NZ$64.95 PB
Preface; Part I. Difference Equations: 1. Basic concepts; 2. Linear difference equations; 3. Autonomous difference equations; 4. One-dimensional maps; Part II. Dynamic Optimization: 5. Optimization techniques; 6. Dynamic inconsistency and commitment; 7. Dynamic games; 8. Dynamic competitive equilibrium; References; Index.
Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies
Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz
A tour de force and a must-read for students, researchers and practitioners of the field.”
Thoroughly revised according to classroom feedback, this comprehensive textbook provides an up-to-date account of modern industrial organisation that blends theory with numerous real-world applications. Formal models are presented in detail, and the main results are summarised in ‘lessons’ which highlight the main insights.
Jean Tirole, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, and Chairman of the Board of the Toulouse School of Economics and of the Executive Committee of the Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse
Université Catholique de Louvain University of Mannheim
• Numerous real-world cases – drawn largely from industries that students consider most important (such as consumer goods and the digital economy) – are integrated into the main text and demonstrate how theories relate to real situations • Formal models are carefully developed and presented in detail, and assume no background knowledge • Within-chapter ‘lessons’ summarise and highlight the main insights of analyses for students • Familiarises students with the most important models for understanding the strategies chosen by firms with market power
Contents 2015 246 x 190 mm 822pp 9781107069978 | AU$235.00 / NZ$258.95 HB 9781107687899 | AU$94.95 / NZ$104.95 PB
Preface to the second edition; Preface from the first edition; Part I. Getting Started: 1. What is ‘Markets and Strategies’?; 2. Firms, consumers and the market; Part II. Market Power: 3. Static imperfect competition; 4. Dynamic aspects of imperfect competition; Part III. Sources of Market Power: 5. Product differentiation; 6. Advertising and related market strategies; 7. Consumer inertia; Part IV. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation: 8. Group pricing and personalized pricing; 9. Menu pricing; 10. Intertemporal price discrimination; 11. Bundling; Part V. Product Quality and Information: 12. Asymmetric information, price and advertising signals; 13. Marketing tools for experience goods; Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy: 14. Cartels and tacit collusion; 15. Horizontal mergers; 16. Strategic incumbents and entry; 17. Vertically related markets; Part VII. R&D and Intellectual Property: 18. Innovation and R&D; 19. Intellectual property; Part VIII. Networks, Standards and Systems: 20. Markets with network goods; 21. Strategies for network goods; Part IX. Market Intermediation: 22. Markets with intermediated goods; 23. Information and reputation in intermediated product markets; Appendix A. Game theory; Appendix B. Competition policy; Solutions to end-of-chapter exercises; Index.
Modern Economic Regulation An Introduction to Theory and Practice
Christopher Decker University of Oxford
Drawing from the most recent work on economic regulation, this book examines the key physical and economic characteristics of four public utility industries (electricity, gas, water and telecommunications), and the impact of these characteristics on regulatory arrangements. Suitable for students and practitioners with little prior knowledge of economic regulation. • This is the first comprehensive book on economic regulation in two decades, and the most up-to-date textbook on the subject • Focuses on the basic rationales and ‘first principles’ of regulation, avoiding highly technical and abstract models and mathematical treatments • Most academic work on economic regulation is published in diverse and specialised academic journals and monographs – this is an accessible and coherent synthesis of these different strands of information
2014 246 x 190 mm 487pp 9781107024236 | AU$225.00 / NZ$247.95 HB 9781107699069 | AU$94.95 / NZ$104.95 PB
… a must-read for students and practitioners of economic regulation. This book provides an excellent overview of the extensive literature covering the theory and practice of modern economic regulation of public utilities. It is written in a style which will be readily accessible to those new to the area. It highlights lessons learnt particularly from the experience of major economies which have introduced restructuring reforms.” David Cousins, AM, Monash University, Victoria
1. Introduction; Part I: 2. The recurring question: why regulate utilities?; 3. Alternatives to traditional regulation; Part II: 4. Principles of regulation for core network activities; 5. Forms of price regulation; 6. Regulation in the presence of competition; Part III: 7. The institutions of regulation; 8. Electricity regulation; 9. Gas regulation; 10. Telecommunications regulation; 11. Water and wastewater regulation; 12. Conclusions; Cases and legislation: Europe, UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand; Bibliography; Index.
Financial Markets and Institutions A European Perspective
Jakob de Haan
University of Groningen
Sander Oosterloo
Ministry of Finance, The Netherlands
and Dirk Schoenmaker Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Written for undergraduate and graduate students of finance, economics and business, this successful textbook examines and explains financial markets, infrastructures and institutions from a European perspective. The third edition features greater discussion of the financial and Euro crises and provides wider international coverage of countries outside the European Union. • The text is clearly signposted and presented with learning objectives, boxes for key concepts and theories, end-of-chapter summaries and suggestions for further reading • A companion website features exercises for students, and password-protected figures, tables, solutions and PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors • Covers both European and national financial systems, leading students to a deep understanding of integrated and non-integrated markets
A quarter of a century ago, the European financial system consisted of segmented national markets and institutions. The process of creating a single unified system has made considerable progress but still has some way to go. This book provides an excellent account of why this process is important, the current situation, and how it will proceed in the future. It is very well suited for its target audience of advanced undergraduates and Masters students and will be useful to all those interested in the topic. I highly recommend it.”
Franklin Allen, Imperial College London
• Discusses the origins, impact and remedies of the financial and Euro crises
2015 246 x 175 mm 554pp 9781107119994 | AU$235.00 / NZ$258.95 HB 9781107539365 | AU$94.95 / NZ$104.95 PB
Preface; Part I. Setting the Stage: 1. Functions of the financial system; 2. Financial crises; 3. European financial integration: origins and history; 4. Monetary policy of the European Central Bank; Part II. Financial Markets: 5. European financial markets; 6. The economics of financial integration; 7. Financial infrastructures; 8. Financial innovation; Part III. Financial Institutions: 9. The role of institutional investors; 10. European banks; 11. European insurers and financial conglomerates; Part IV. Policies for the Financial Sector: 12. Financial regulation and supervision; 13. Financial stability; 14. European competition policy; Index.
Introductory Econometrics for Finance Chris Brooks
University of Reading
This best-selling textbook is a complete resource for finance students. The third edition has been updated with new data, extensive examples and EViews tutorials. Improved student support includes a new chapter on the basic mathematics underlying econometrics, further reading and a website with freely available student and instructor resources.
Very comprehensive, and it does a sound job of covering the territory.” The Times Higher Education Supplement
• A complete package for finance students – assumes no background in econometrics • Includes full web support for students and instructors, with data sets, additional chapter questions (with answers provided), lecture slides, support for popular statistical software packages and links to sources of financial data and articles • Incorporates data, tutorials and screenshots from the latest version of the statistical software EViews • Includes worked examples on how to conduct events studies and the Fama-MacBeth method, two of the most common empirical approaches in finance, ensuring that students are well-prepared for econometrics in practice
2014 247 x 190 mm 740pp 9781107661455 | AU$104.95 / NZ$114.95 PB
Contents Preface to the third edition; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Mathematical and statistical foundations; 3. A brief overview of the classical linear regression model; 4. Further development and analysis of the classical linear regression model; 5. Classical linear regression model assumptions and diagnostic tests; 6. Univariate time series modelling and forecasting; 7. Multivariate models; 8. Modelling long-run relationships in finance; 9. Modelling volatility and correlation; 10. Switching models; 11. Panel data; 12. Limited dependent variable models; 13. Simulation methods; 14. Conducting empirical research or doing a project or dissertation in finance; Appendix 1. Sources of data used in this book; Appendix 2. Tables of statistical distributions; Glossary; References; Index.
Socio-Economic Development Adam Szirmai Maastricht University
This thoroughly updated textbook provides a non-technical introduction to the dynamics of socio-economic development and stagnation. Taking a long-term comparative approach and placing contemporary debates within their broader contexts, Szirmai examines the historical, institutional, demographic, sociological, political and cultural factors of development. Chapters include comparative statistics for thirty-one developing countries. • Introductory figures in each chapter outline the proximate, intermediate and ultimate sources of growth that are discussed in the chapter • Draws on a wide range of disciplines, including economics, history, sociology, anthropology, demography and political science • Easily accessible to students with no prior knowledge of the field, and helpful for more advanced students to acquaint themselves with the latest developments in ongoing theoretical and empirical debates on development
2015 245 x 189 mm 791pp 9781107045958 | AU$225.00 / NZ$247.95 HB 9781107624498 | AU$105.00 / NZ$115.95 PB
Professor Szirmai’s fully revised edition of Socio-Economic Development is a tour de force. Grounded in economic history, it elegantly combines and integrates the modern development economics literature, careful empirical analysis, and illuminating country studies. Any serious student of long-run economic development, from the first-timer to those with decades of immersion in the subject, will want to have a copy of this encyclopedic yet accessible volume.”
Hal Hill, Australian National University
Contents Preface; Acknowledgements; List of acronyms and abbreviations; 1. Developing countries and the concept of development; 2. Development of the international economic order, 1450–2015; 3. Growth and stagnation: theories and experiences; 4. Technology and development; 5. Population and development; 6. Health, healthcare and development; 7. Education and development; 8. Economic development, structural change and industrialisation; 9. Industrial development; 10. Agricultural development and rural development; 11. State formation and political aspects of development; 12. Cultural and institutional dimensions of development; 13. The international economic and political order since 1945; 14. Foreign aid and development; References; Author index; Subject index.
The Business Environment of Europe Firms, Governments, and Institutions
Terrence R. Guay
Pennsylvania State University
Written for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying international business, European studies and political economy, this is the first textbook to provide a complete overview of Europe’s business environment, uncovering both the historical, political and cultural contexts of European business and the diverse nature of Europe’s economy and government policies. • The author has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in international business, EU and political economy courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level • This up-to-date textbook addresses the needs of these varied levels and disciplines, discussing national context beyond the EU and using short case examples • Whereas other textbooks on Europe’s business environment focus on specific nations or perspectives, this is the only textbook to provide a full, comprehensive overview of Europe’s business environment • Bridges the gap between European business and European history, politics, culture and institutions, guiding students to a complete understanding of the rich business environment of Europe
2014 247 x 154 mm 363pp 9780521872478 | AU$155.00 / NZ$167.95 HB 9780521694162 | AU$82.95 / NZ$91.95 PB
This is a clear, comprehensive and incisive look at Europe today and its relevance to global business in the twenty-first century. The author is both eloquent in explaining even the more difficult concepts and judicious in forming conclusions about where Europe stands today in the globalized world. He lucidly explains the leading scholarship in the field and, as importantly, pinpoints its relevance to on-the-ground business practice within the European context. This book will be of great interest to academics, researchers and global business practitioners. It should become the standard textbook for students of modern European business.” Sanford L. Moskowitz, College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University, Minnesota
Acknowledgements; Preface; Part I. Understanding the Context of Europe’s Business Environment: 1. Introduction; Part II. The European Union: 2. Origins, development, and institutional framework; 3. Political economy of European integration; Part III. Models of Capitalism and National Business-Government Relations: 4. Market capitalism; 5. Managed capitalism; 6. State capitalism; 7. Eastern Europe; Part IV. Government Policies and Globalization: 8. Promoting business; 9. Regulating business; 10. Globalization and global actors; Part V. Opportunities and Challenges: 11. Industries; 12. The road ahead; Glossary; Index.
Dynamics of International Business: Asia-Pacific Business Cases Edited by Prem Ramburuth University of New South Wales
Christina Stringer University of Auckland
and Manuel Serapio University of Colorado
Dynamics of International Business: Asia-Pacific Business Cases brings the challenges and complexities of the contemporary international business environment into the classroom. These authentic case studies, based on recent research and events, enable students to engage with the economic, social, political and intercultural factors that impact on international business and understand how these factors are addressed in the real world. • Has a strong Asia-Pacific focus, reflecting the growing importance of trade and business ties within this area • Includes pedagogy such as discussion questions and further reading • Features current, real-life case studies which draw on a diverse range of business and industries
Contents 2013 247 x 173 mm 264pp 9781107675469 | AU$57.95 / NZ$63.95 PB
Part I. The Environment of International Business: 1. AWB and the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal: just a cost of doing business? 2. Walking the blurry line in China: negotiating deals and staying out of jail; 3. The feasibility of solar energy in el Junco; 4. Colombian coffee: issues of sustainability? 5. Preserving paradise: Shell’s sustainable development programs in the Philippines; Part II. Strategy and Entrepreneurship in International Business: 6. Dewak: the positioning and growth of a born global software firm from a developing country; 7. Qingdao Applied Chemistry Company (Kingking): pivoting into a new global strategy; 8. Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Public Company Limited: healthy international expansion; 9. The growth and internationalisation of Geely – the Chinese car manufacturer; 10. Parking Creators International; 11. Tasty Southern Seeds; 12. Introducing innovations in education: the Ateneo Graduate School of Business; Part III. Managing People in International Business: 13. John Parker’s expatriate experiences in China; 14. Dilemmas in working across cultures: Arun in a conundrum; 15. Working in Chinese firms; 16. Losing touch with the context: the story of Ravinaki Resort in Fiji; 17. Foxconn: the complexity of quality control in a Chinese context; 18. Quality through culture: organisational development at New American Ice Cream; Part IV. Operation in International Markets: 19. Learning from experience: purchasing industrial machinery from China; 20. Country of origin labelling and the New Zealand seafood industry; 21. Ubisoft: competing in the global video gaming industry; 22. Taobao vs. eBay: the fight between a local nobody and a global giant; 23. The internationalisation of COSCO and its investment in New Zealand; 24. Developing education exchanges between China and the West: the case of Bricknowledge and Mericia.
International Business Strategy Alain Verbeke University of Calgary
This is the first textbook on international business strategy that combines analytical rigour and true managerial insight on the functioning of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). With unique commentary on 48 seminal articles, the book shows how these can be applied to businesses engaged in international expansion, especially in high-distance markets. • Offers a new perspective into international business strategy that combines analytical rigour and managerial insight on the functioning of large multinational enterprises and provides greater coverage of emerging markets • Students are supported by improved learning features including ‘management takeaways’, key lessons that can be applied to MNEs, and 30 case studies which illustrate key points • Online resources available, including weblinks, detailed lecture slides for each chapter, figures from the book, answers to case study questions and additional MCQs
Contents 2013 245 x 174 mm 611pp 9781107027893 | AU$215.00 / NZ$232.95 HB 9781107683099 | AU$89.95 / NZ$98.95 PB
Two things make Alain Verbeke’s book stand out from other textbooks. First, it incorporates the latest theoretical insights and helps students to understand the complexities of international business in the real world. Second, it is truly integrative, presenting a framework in the first half of the book that is consistently used in all subsequent chapters and applications.” Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
List of figures; List of case studies; About the author; Foreword; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Walkthrough; Introduction and overview of the book’s framework; Part I. Core Concepts: 1. Conceptual foundations of international business strategy; 2. The critical role of firm-specific advantages; 3. The nature of home country location advantages; 4. The problem with host country location advantages; 5. Combining firm-specific advantages and location advantages in a multinational framework; Part II. Functional Issues: 6. International innovation; 7. International sourcing and production; 8. International finance; 9. International marketing; 10. Managing managers in the multinational enterprise; Part III. Dynamics of Global Strategy: 11. Entry mode dynamics 1: foreign distributors; 12. Entry mode dynamics 2: strategic alliance partners; 13. Entry mode dynamics 3: mergers and acquisitions; 14. The role of emerging economies; 15. Emerging economy multinational enterprises; 16A. International strategies of corporate social responsibility; 16B. International strategies of corporate environmental sustainability; Conclusion. The true foundations of global corporate success; Appendix. Suggested additional readings.
Global Turning Points The Challenges for Business and Society in the 21st Century
Mauro F. Guillén
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
and Emilio Ontiveros
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The second edition of this popular book examines major global turning points with an emphasis on actionable issues, deploying the tools of economics, sociology and political science to provide an analytical perspective on both the problems and opportunities facing business and society in the twenty-first century. • Will appeal to a wide spectrum of readers, including executives, policymakers and students • Multidisciplinary approach that covers economic and business topics as well as key political, demographic, social, environmental and geopolitical issues • Provides a framework for thinking about what is likely to come in the future and discusses how to adapt to changing global situations
2016 228 x 152 mm 232pp 9781107138681 | AU$145.00 / NZ$159.95 HB 9781316503539 | AU$58.95 / NZ$64.95 PB
This book sheds light on the confusing perspectives of the global economy in the wake of a major financial crisis. It is a much welcome, necessary contribution by two leading scholars who thread scholarly rigor with a deep understanding of the business world. Mandatory reading for professionals and students who are interested in the real economy.”
Manuel Castells, University of California, Berkeley
Contents Preface; 1. Welcome to the twenty-first century; 2. A global economy out of balance; 3. The rise of the emerging-market multinationals; 4. The new demography: aging, migration, and obesity; 5. From dictatorship to democracy and failed states; 6. A disparate world: inequality and poverty; 7. The rise of the global middle class; 8. The transformative power of technology; 9. Institutions and the entrepreneurship spirit; 10. The quest for sustainability; 11. The trials and tribulations of the financial system; 12. The global powers of the twenty-first century; 13. Coping with uncertainty and complexity; References; Index.
Organizational Design A Step-by-Step Approach
Richard M. Burton Duke University
Børge Obel Aarhus University
and Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson Aarhus University
Written specifically for executives and MBA students, the third edition of this successful textbook provides a step-by-step guide to designing an organisation, from diagnosis, to design and implementation. It includes a new chapter on project management, additional case studies and a rich package of online tools. • Focuses on actions, not just theory, with a range of pedagogical aids, including diagnostic questions, ‘fits and misfits’ and end-of-chapter summaries, helping readers understand and determine the changes needed in an organisation • New edition features a number of important improvements, including a greater emphasis on practical project management skills, greater discussion of knowledge systems and a rich package of online tools • Specifically written for managers, the book follows their natural way of thinking by applying ‘misfit’ analysis: providing examples of non-optimal situations and walking readers through the steps to fix them
2015 247 x 174 mm 321pp 9781107097650 | AU$165.00 / NZ$181.95 HB 9781107483613 | AU$70.95 / NZ$78.95 PB
This third edition ties organization design and change together tightly to illustrate how to plan and execute change based on a holistic organizational diagnosis. Burton et al.’s approach is firmly based on research and my MBA students quickly appreciate how organizational alignment contributes towards higher performance by using the 2x2 tables and assessing fits and misfits. There is no other organization design book that balances current organization design research with this level of clear applications.” Sylvia J. Flatt, San Francisco State University
Contents 1. Assessing scope and goals of the organization; Step 2. Assessing the Strategy: 2. Strategy; 3. Environment; Step 3. Analyzing the Structure: 4. The configuration of the firm; 5. New organizational forms; Step 4. Assessing Processes and People: 6. Task design; 7. People; 8. Leadership and organizational climate; Step 5. Analyzing Coordination, Control and Incentives: 9. Coordination, control, and information and knowledge systems; 10. Incentives; Step 6. Designing the Architecture: 11. Designing the architecture and the sequence of change; Step 7. Implementing the Architecture: 12. Implementing the change: who should do what when?
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Corporate Strategy Tools for Analysis and Decision-Making
Phanish Puranam INSEAD, Singapore
and Bart Vanneste University College London
This concise textbook arms students and managers with the tools needed to make good decisions on corporate strategy issues and to perform sound analysis of the corporate strategy decisions of others. A rich companion website with downloadable tools, case materials and current examples from the media is also included. • Uses research-driven insights to help students, managers and consultants make good corporate strategy decisions and perform sound analysis of the corporate strategy decisions of others • A concept-based approach enables readers with limited prior knowledge to make a good decision on a concrete corporate strategy issue and offer a well-reasoned justification for this decision • Synthesises the authors’ extensive experience teaching corporate strategy concepts to MBA, EMBA and Master’s in Management students, as well as senior managers and CEOs
Puranam and Vanneste will change how you think about corporate strategy. They offer rigorous principles, frameworks and exercises to address some of the most crucial challenges of business leaders: how to compose the firm’s portfolio, how to manage it and how to change it. A must-read for business students, business development professionals and senior executives.”
Laurence Capron, INSEAD
• Supported by a rich companion website with case materials for instructors, current examples from the media, and ready-made templates that illustrate complete solutions to corporate strategy problems with all intervening steps and analysis
2016 227 x 152 322pp 9781107120914 | AU$145.00 / NZ$156.95 HB 9781107544048 | AU$70.95 / NZ$78.95 PB
Acknowledgements; Introduction: what this book is about and how to use it; Part I. Foundations: 1. Corporate advantage; 2. Synergies: benefits to collaboration; 3. Governance costs: impediments to collaboration; Part II. Decisions about Portfolio Composition: Increasing the Scope of the Corporation: 4. Diversification; 5. Ally or acquire?; 6. Organic or inorganic growth?; Part III. Decisions about Portfolio Composition: Reducing the Scope of the Corporation: 7. Refocusing; 8. Divestiture: stay or exit; 9. Outsourcing: make or buy; Part IV. Decisions about Portfolio Organization: 10. Designing the multi-business corporation; 11. Designing corporate headquarters; 12. Managing the M&A process; 13. Managing the alliance process; Index.
Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance Jean Jacques Du Plessis Deakin University
Anil Hargovan
University of New South Wales
Mirko Bagaric Deakin University
and Jason Harris University of Technology
This text is an indispensable resource for academic researchers, students of business and law, and practitioners wanting a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of corporate governance. This updated edition includes a new chapter on shareholder activism, coverage of developments in corporate governance and comparative sections written by specialist contributors. • New edition includes a chapter on shareholder activism and covers new developments in corporate governance • Includes comparative sections written by specialist contributors • The principles of corporate governance systems and their real-world application are explained in an authoritative and engaging manner
2014 248 x 174 mm 628pp 9781107432420 | AU$114.95 / NZ$126.95 PB
Part I. Basic Concepts, Board Structures and Company Officers: 1. The concept ‘corporate governance’ and ‘essential’ principles of corporate governance; 2. Stakeholders in corporate governance and corporate social responsibility; 3. Board functions and structures; 4. Types of company directors and officers; Part II. Corporate Governance in Australia: 5. Regulation of corporate governance; 6. The role of the regulators: ASIC and ASX; 7. Accounting governance; 8. Auditors and audits; 9. Directors’ duties and liability; 10. Enforcement of directors’ duties; Part III. Corporate Governance in International and Global Contexts: 11. Corporate governance in the USA, the UK, Canada and South Africa; 12. Corporate governance in the EU, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, and corporate governance in Germany, Japan, China and Indonesia; 13. Shareholder activism; Part IV. Business Ethics and Future Direction: 14. The ethical obligations of corporations.
Business Ethics A Contemporary Approach
Gael McDonald
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Business Ethics introduces students to ethical issues and decision-making in a variety of contemporary contexts. The book addresses corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and sustainability. It develops an awareness of the many ways in which ethical considerations can manifest in commercial domains, thereby helping prepare students for their professional careers. • A highly practical approach that engages student interest and demonstrates the central relevance of ethical issues in the corporate world • Reflects the broad scope of business ethics today, covering social media and the enforcement of codes of behaviour, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and sustainability • Student resources include review questions, case studies and answer guides • Instructors will have access to an extensive set of additional resources including tutorial exercises, case studies and assessment test banks
2014 255 x 190 mm 400pp 9781107674059 | AU$109.95 / NZ$120.95 PB
Part I. Business Ethics Overview: 1. Introduction to business ethics; 2. Ethical terminology; Part II. Business Ethical Issues: 3. Ethical issues in information technology; 4. Ethical issues in human resource management; 5. Ethical issues in marketing; 6. Ethical issues in accounting and finance; 7. Ethical issues in financial entities; 8. Ethical issues in entrepreneurship and small business; 9. Ethical issues in international business; Part III. Business Ethical Theory and Analysis: 10. Ethical theory; 11. Ethical decision-making; Part IV. Personal Ethical Decision-Making: 12. Ethics in organisations.
The Entrepreneurial Arch A Strategic Framework for Discovering, Developing and Renewing Firms
Timothy L. Faley
University of the Virgin Islands
A concise introduction to entrepreneurship based on a tried-and-tested model developed at the University of Michigan: the entrepreneurial arch. Using a range of real-world examples, this book teaches readers how to discover and create a new firm, or grow an existing one, starting from a firm or team’s capabilities. • A concise book offering a fresh approach to entrepreneurship based on a tried-and-tested model: the entrepreneurial arch • Presents a holistic view of entrepreneurship by dividing the business development process into six distinct segments, starting from a firm or team’s capabilities: each segment is selfcontained enough to be readily learnable, but presented as part of an integrated picture that connects the methodologies of business discovery, assessment, execution, and renewal • Introduces four elements of successful business – motive, owner, act, and monetise – showing how these can be perceived from a strategic level all the way to a specific operational level
The Entrepreneurial Arch offers a complete view of the entrepreneurial process by providing six distinct stages from pre-startup through to the growth stage. Every aspiring or current entrepreneur should read this very practical and insightful book. The use of real world examples makes the book practical and interesting to read. I recommend this book to everyone thinking about starting and growing a company.” Len Middleton, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and Executive Director, Michigan Institute for Medical Innovation
2014 228 x 153 mm 310pp
9781107074279 | AU$145.00 / NZ$159.95 HB
Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. Introduction to the entrepreneurial arch; 2. Opportunity identification; 3. Business design; 4. Business assessment; 5. Operationalize the business; 6. Resourcing the business; 7. Strategies for managing growth; 8. Summary; Appendices; References; Index.
9781107424821 | AU$51.95 / NZ$57.95 PB
Concepts, Practices, Strategies
John Shields
Andrea North-Samardzic
Patrick O’Leary
Michelle Brown
Peter McLean
Geoff Plimmer
Sarah Kaine
Robyn Johns
and Jack Robinson
University of Sydney University of Melbourne
University of Technology Sydney
Deakin University
University of Wollongong University of Technology Sydney
Federation University
Managing Employee Performance and Reward
Victoria University of Wellington Victoria University of Wellington
Catherine Dolle-Samuel University of New South Wales
This second edition continues to explore employee performance and reward, two pivotal and closely connected (yet controversial and challenging) facets of human resource management. Updated and revised by a team of specialist contributors, the book is an indispensable resource for those studying and practising people management in the Asia-Pacific region. • Thoroughly updated and revised by a team of specialist contributors • Written for a global audience, with particular appeal to the Asia-Pacific region • Continues to be an indispensable resource for exploring two pivotal facets of human resource management
2015 247 x 174 mm 656pp 9781107653535 | AU$99.95 / NZ$109.95 PB
Part I. The Fundamentals: 1. Performance and reward basics; 2. Managing for engagement; 3. Strategic alignment; Part II. Performance Management in Action: 4. Managing for results; 5. Shaping behaviour; 6. Reviewing and developing employee performance; Part III. Base Pay and Benefits: 7. Base pay purpose, structures and options; 8. Developing position-based base pay systems; 9. Developing person-based base pay systems; 10. Employee benefits; Part IV. Rewarding Employee Performance: 11. Overview of performance-related rewards; 12. Individual performance pay plans; 13. Individual recognition plans; 14. Group incentives; 15. Employee share ownership; 16. Executive incentives; Part V. System change and dynamic alignment: 17. Achieving alignment: system review, change and development.
Australian Workplace Relations Edited by Julian Teicher Monash University
Peter Holland Monash University
and Richard Gough Victoria University
Australian Workplace Relations explains the defining themes in workplace relations in the twenty-first century. It explores issues relating to employee voice, declining trade union membership, occupational health, disadvantaged workers and surveillance in the workplace. Comprehensive and fully cross-referenced, Australian Workplace Relations is an invaluable resource for upper-level undergraduate students of workplace, employee or industrial relations. • Case studies provide in-depth explorations of four important sectors of the economy: health, retail and hospitality, the public sector and motor vehicle components • Each topic is given both an Australian and an international context • The book gives a comprehensive examination of the Fair Work Act 2009 and the global financial crisis
2013 247 x 174 mm 344pp 9781107664852 | AU$98.95 / NZ$108.95 PB
1. Globalisation, economic policy and the labor market; 2. The Australian employment model in an international context; 3. Australian trade unions and international labor movements; 4. International employment regulation and labor rights; 5. Australian employment regulation; 6. The changing role of human resources management in the employment relationship; 7. The dynamics of employee voice in Australia; 8. Changing patterns of workplace conflict and dispute resolution; 9. Monitoring and surveillance in the employment relationship: the new frontier; 10. Diversity and disadvantaged workers; 11. The challenge to workplace health and safety and the changing nature of work and the working environment; 12. From reactive flexibility to strategic flexibility in retail and hospitality; 13. Restructuring Victorian public hospitals and the implications for work and work organization; 14. Global supply chains and workforce flexibility in automotive components; 15. The Australian public service – the challenges ahead.
International Human Resource Management Mustafa Özbilgin Brunel University
Dimitria Groutsis University of Sydney
and William Harvey University of Exeter
International Human Resource Management offers a contemporary and multilayered introduction to international and comparative human resource management for university study. It critically analyses the core issues and emerging trends in the field, with a consistent emphasis on real-world scenarios and concerns. • With contributors drawn from universities across four continents, this book presents a genuinely international perspective on IHRM • All terms are defined and a glossary of key terms is provided in each chapter • The book concludes with three extended case studies, each based on a specific region, to help students consolidate their understanding
2014 247 x 174 mm 304pp 9781107669543 | AU$83.95 / NZ$92.95 PB
Contents Introduction: a multilevel approach to international human resource management; 1. Global trends in international human resource management; 2. Crosscultural management and managing cultural diversity; 3. Key players in international human resource management; 4. Recruitment and selection in the international context; 5. Cross-cultural training and development for overseas assignments; 6. International reward; 7. Employee retention; 8. International labour relations (ILR); 9. Reputation in the context of IHRM; 10. Expatriation and repatriation: case study in the Asia-Pacific; 11. Balancing inflows and outflows: case study in Europe; 12. Understanding self-initiation and lessons for international HR managers: case study insights from North America and Africa; 13. Conclusion.
Management Research Methods Phyllis Tharenou
University of South Australia
Ross Donohue Monash University
and Brian Cooper Monash University
Management Research Methods, first published in 2007, is a comprehensive guide to the design and conduct of research in management-related disciplines such as organisational behaviour, human resource management, industrial relations, and the general field of management. • Provides comprehensive explanations of both qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques • Addresses important practical issues often overlooked in other management research texts, such as common method variance and how to reduce it, how to conduct historical analysis and the use of multivariate statistics in management research • Describes how to develop valid and reliable multi-item scales, which is omitted in nearly all management research methods texts
2007 238 x 159 mm 350pp 9780521694285 | AU$78.95 / NZ$86.95 PB
Contents Preface; 1. The research process; 2. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs; 3. Correlation field study (survey) designs; 4. Case study research design; 5. Action research designs; 6. Asking questions: Questionnaires and interviews; 7. Documentation and observation; 8. Reliability and validity; 9. Scale development; 10. Quantitative data: data set-up and initial analysis; 11. Quantitative data: multivariate data analysis for answering research questions and hypothesis testing; 12. Content/textual data analysis; 13. Writing up a quantitative or qualitative project; 14. Ethical issues and conduct in the practice of research.
Operations Management An Integrated Approach
Danny Samson
University of Melbourne
and Prakash J. Singh University of Melbourne
Operations Management: An Integrated Approach provides an account of the systems, processes, people and technology that determine an organisation’s strategy and success. With contributions from leading experts internationally, the text takes a comprehensive, comparative, and best-practice approach and applies this specifically to the Asia-Pacific region. The book will be supported by an extensive companion website featuring PowerPoint slides for each chapter, sample answers, teaching notes and figures/images for presentations. • Written by the leading experts in the field from Australia and New Zealand • Includes a dozen case studies • Comprehensively details the key frameworks and topics related to the productive systems and functions of all organisations
Contents 2008 246 x 189 mm 578pp 9780521700771 | AU$112.95 / NZ$124.95 PB
Part I. Operations within Organisations - Building Blocks: 1. What is operations management and why is it important? 2. Operating system models; 3. Key decisions in OM; 4. Planning and controlling the use of operating assets and resources; Part II. Approaches to Understanding OM: 5. Strategic approach to operations management; 6. Processes and systems in operations management; 7. Supply chain or network approach to operations management; Part III. Moving Forward with OM - Creating Competitive Advantage: 8. Innovation, technology and knowledge management; 9. Quality management in operations; 10. Operations excellence; Part IV. Challenges and Opportunities in Operations: 11. Managing risk in operations; 12. Sustainability in operations management; 13. Operations management in different settings; Part V. Case Studies: 1. Innovation in the biotechnology sector: the case of IDT Australia; 2. New Zealand King Salmon: value-chain innovation; 3. Pilila Clothing Company goes lean; 4. From Singapore to the world: port management in Singapore; 5. Striving for operations excellence within Queensland Rail Supply Division; 6. Should I stay or should I go? Shiraishi Garments Company; 7. Towards a green supply chain: Toyota Australia; 8. Process analyses and improvement at Bartter Enterprises; 9. Operations challenges at Firth Industries Limited, Wellington Division; 10. Ford Motor Company: moving forward in Australia; 11. Technology transfer at Hero Honda; 12. Why is the patient resident time so long?: The case of St Martin’s and Charity Private Hospital; Index.
Effective Negotiation From Research to Results
Ray Fells
University of Western Australia
Effective Negotiation provides a distinctive approach to the task of reaching an agreement through negotiation. This third edition has been thoroughly updated with the latest research and new practical examples, and has a greater focus on how negotiators can develop their personal skills and how, by becoming reflective practitioners, they can manage their negotiations more effectively. • Provides a greater emphasis on skill development through the notion of reflective practice • Case studies of actual negotiations are more fully integrated into the text to show the practical implications of the research findings and learning points • The new edition has separate chapters on workplace and business negotiations
2016 248 x 174 mm 275pp 9781107578647 | AU$89.95 / NZ$97.95 PB
Contents 1. Why isn’t negotiation straightforward?; 2. The DNA of negotiation: the negotiators; 3. The DNA of negotiation: the essence of a negotiation; Appendix: Information exchange skills in practice; 4. Ways to manage a negotiation; 5. Being strategic: the knight’s move; 6. Digging deep to deal with differences; 7. Light bulb moments: exploring for options; 8. A final balancing act: the end-game exchange; 9. Building bridges: negotiating on behalf of others; 10. Managing a negotiation: a mediation perspective; 11. Cross-cultural negotiations: much the same but different; 12. Negotiation in practice: workplace and business negotiations; Conclusion: becoming an effective negotiator.
Communication Skills for Business Professionals Phillip Cenere
Notre Dame University
Robert Gill
Swinburne University of Technology
Celeste Lawson
Central Queensland University
and Michael Lewis Macquarie University
This is a student-friendly introduction to the principles and practice of effective communication in the workplace. Engagingly written and full of real-life examples, it explains the key theories underpinning communication strategies and encourages students to consider how to apply them in a contemporary business environment. • Covers all the core topics of standard undergraduate courses in a clear, concise way • Has a strong practical focus reinforced by contributions from authors with industry experience • Includes rich pedagogical resources
2015 249 x 176 mm 456pp 9781107656628 | AU$103.95 / NZ$114.95 PB
Part I. Understanding Communication: 1. Introduction: communication in organisations; 2. Organisations: structure and culture; 3. Communication as a process; 4. Understanding the audience; 5. Persuasion and influence; 6. Negotiation and conflict management; 7. Working in groups; 8. Intercultural communication; Part II. Communicating in Organisations: 9. Communicating as business professionals; 10. Research and channel selection; 11. Reports and proposals; 12. Correspondence: letters, memos, emails; 13. Writing for the web; 14. Oral presentations; 15. Meetings.
Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications Lawrence Ang Macquarie University
Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications explains the principles and practice of implementing effective IMC using a variety of channels and techniques. It equips readers with the knowledge to develop sophisticated marketing campaigns for contemporary business environments. Designed to introduce readers to IMC in an engaging way. • The book presents topics in light of their underlying theories and principles, to enhance students’ understanding and stimulate thinking and discussion • It includes case studies adapted from recent, real-world examples (drawn from both Australian and international contexts) to illustrate how the theories and principles are applied in business • Features a continually updated companion website
2014 255 x 190 mm 400pp 9781107649187 | AU$114.95 / NZ$126.95 PB
Contents 1. Communications barriers and planning the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC); 2. Principles of generating insights; 3. Principles of brand positioning; 4. Principles of media planning and budgeting in advertising; 5. Traditional and digital media; 6. Principles of advertising creativity; 7. Planning and executing the creative appeal; 8. Principles of social influence; 9. Principles of using public relations, corporate reputation and sponsorship; 10. Principles of influence in personal selling; 11. Principles of direct marketing and sales promotion; 12. Principles of advertising: pretesting and campaign tracking; 13. An integrative review.
Strategic Customer Management Integrating Relationship Marketing and CRM
Adrian Payne
University of New South Wales
and Pennie Frow University of Sydney
Relationship marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) can be jointly utilised to provide a clear roadmap to excellence in customer management: this is the first textbook to demonstrate how it can be done. Written by two acclaimed experts in the field, it shows how an holistic approach to managing relationships with customers and other key stakeholders leads to increased shareholder value. • The first textbook to integrate relationship marketing and CRM, providing a clear roadmap to achieving excellence in customer management • Up-to-date coverage of digital marketing and the use of social media • A wealth of topical examples and twenty case studies from around the world connect theory with global practice
2013 246 x 190 mm 542pp 9781107014961 | AU$200.00 / NZ$219.95 HB 9781107649224 | AU$82.95 / NZ$91.95 PB
Contents Part I. Introduction: 1. Strategic customer management; Part II. Relationship Marketing: 2. Relationship marketing: development and key concepts; 3. Customer value creation; 4. Building relationships with multiple stakeholders; 5. Relationships and technology: digital marketing and social media; Part III. Customer Relationship Management: Key Processes: 6. Strategy development; 7. Enterprise value creation; 8. Multi-channel integration; 9. Information and technology management; 10. Performance assessment; 11. Organising for implementation; Index.
Marketing Strategy Pack Alvin Lee
Deakin University
and Mark G. Edwards University of Western Australia
This pack contains both the textbook and casebook. Marketing Strategy: A Life-Cycle Approach takes a fresh approach to teaching students how to devise, implement and monitor strategies for superior performance in the market with a focus on themes of sustainability and ethics. With a matching structure and topical emphasis, the accompanying Marketing Strategy Casebook is a collection of contemporary case studies designed to develop students’ capacity to analyse challenging situations and to implement strategies to overcome them.
Contents 2013 256 x 190 304pp 9781107651302 | AU$109.95 / NZ$120.95 PB
Part I. Fundamentals of Strategy, a Starting Point: 1. What is strategy; 2. Corporate and business strategies: a market oriented perspective; Part II. Wearing the Hat of the Strategic Analyst: 3. Where does our future lie?; 4. Who will we share our future with?; 5. The customers we serve; 6. Taking stock of what we have; 7. Decision making – how do we change?; Part III. Wearing the Hat of the Strategic Planner: 8. Introducing a product and creating a market; 9. Growing markets; 10. Mature markets; 11. Markets in decline; Part IV. Articulating, Implementing and Monitoring your Strategy: 12. A system to deliver and measure performance in a market. Casebook: Introduction; Part I. The Fundamentals of Strategy: 1. Corporate social responsibility, stakeholder theory and climate change: is green the new black for ExxonMobil?; 2. The true character of Jacob’s Creek; 3. Child brand ambassadors – merely a child’s play for business?; Part II. The Strategic Analyst: 4. Marketing Spanish wine and wine tourism: an unfulfilled potential?; 5. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and professional sports; 6. To toy or not to toy?; 7. The art of online marketing: linking remote Aboriginal artists with global markets; 8. ThurayaDSL: a product failed in maritime market; 9. Raiders of the lost niche; Part III. The Strategic Planner: 10. The ugly truth: customers are not always (exclusively) loyal; 11. Air Asia: fulfilling a childhood dream; 12. Marketing in unstable times: new Aboriginal art and enterprise; 13. Daffodil Day: ANZ national bank – cancer society of NZ; 14. Why did HP’s Touchpad fail in the consumer market, and Amazon’s Kindle Fire succeed?; 15. New product glitters but no glory for Thuraya in high-tech MSS market; Part IV. Implementing and Monitoring Strategy: 16. Do you have a ‘green thumb’ when it comes to growing your brand?; 17. Marketing for transformational futures: the case of Marshalls.
Teaching Macroeconomics with Microsoft
Humberto Barreto DePauw University, Indiana
Humberto Barreto gives professors a simple way to teach macroeconomic models and incorporate data into their courses using Microsoft Excel® with free files and videos linked to the book. The files can be used by students with any textbook, and the short narrated videos walk the student through each task. • Delivers content in a totally different way by improving teaching and learning, giving professors new things to do in and out of class • Freely available Excel files and screencasts are available for students, and professors can use these materials immediately and without any barriers • Modular arrangement allows professors to pick and choose which parts to use and integrate into their syllabus
2016 253 x 176 mm 184pp Paperback | 9781107584983 | AU$47.95 / NZ$52.95
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