Linguistics Catalogue 2016-2017

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Textbooks from Cambridge

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Linguistics Textbooks ABN 28 508 204 178

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Contents Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition 1 Fundamentals of Translation 2 Second Language Speech 3 Introducing Second Language Acquisition - Third Edition 4 Figurative Language General Linguistics 5 For the Love of Language 6 How Languages Work 7 An Introduction to Language and Linguistics - Second Edition 8 The Study of Language - Fifth Edition 9 Exploring Language and Linguistics

Grammar and Syntax 10 A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar 11 Analysing English Sentences - Second Edition 12 The Editor’s Companion Historical Linguistics 13 Language Change Morphology 14 Introducing Morphology - Second edition Phonetics and Phonology 15 Australian English Pronunciation and Transcription 16 Phonetics 17 Phonology

Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics 18 Pragmatic and Discourse Disorders 19 First Language Acquisition - Third edition Research Methods in Linguistics 20 Research Methods in Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics 21 Semantics Sociolinguistics 22 Communication across Cultures




Fundamentals of Translation Sonia Colina

University of Arizona

This textbook provides a non-technical introduction to the basic concepts of translation theory and practice, with numerous activities, exercises and examples from a wide variety of languages. Suitable for non-specialists as well as language industry professionals, this textbook is ideal for readers seeking a wide and practical understanding of translation. • Bridges the gap between theory and practice, ensuring that students gain both a solid grasp of the theoretical foundations of translation studies and the practical skills needed to carry out translation work

This engaging, hands-on textbook offers students, trainers, and practitioners alike an ideal overview of how fundamental theoretical concepts shape the real world of professional translation. A timely, user-friendly contribution.” Erik Angelone, Kent State University

• Suggestions for further reading are provided for students who wish to engage more deeply in theoretical topics • Reflects fully up-to-date views of language and translation and dispels common myths • Includes a full answer key to all chapter exercises

2015 247 x 174 mm 336pp


9781107035393 | AU$120.00 / NZ$131.95 HB

Preface; 1. The term ‘translation’: concepts, definitions, and usage; 2. The functions of translation: functionalism; 3. Pragmatics: translation functions and language functions; 4. Texts and translation; 5. Reading and translation; 6. Social aspects of translating; 7. Translation quality; Answer key; Glossary.

9781107645462 | AU$47.95 / NZ$52.95 PB


Laura Colantoni University of Toronto

Jeffrey Steele

University of Toronto

and Paola Escudero University of Western Sydney

Drawing on research from applied linguistics, linguistics, psychology and the speech sciences, this textbook focuses particularly on second language speech – how individuals perceive and produce the sounds of their second language. Each chapter includes illustrative case studies, review questions, and a tutorial section with practical exercises.

A comprehensive book on L2 speech is long overdue and these authors exceed all expectations in terms of quality. This volume will forge a new generation of knowledgeable, well-trained scholars.”



Barbara E. Bullock, University of Texas, Austin

• The first ever textbook to introduce the methods, techniques and background to research in second language speech • Compares second language speech across the three main second languages taught in North America and Europe (English, French and Spanish) • Each chapter includes review questions, and most chapters include ‘tutorial’ and ‘lab’ sections with practical exercises

2015 246 x 175 mm 428pp


9781107018341 | $AU155.00 / NZ$170.95 HB

Part I. Questions and Frameworks for the Study of Second Language Speech: 1. An introduction to second language speech research; 2. Theoretical concepts and frameworks; Part II. Research Methodology: 3. Research methodology; Part III. Case Studies and Analysis of L2 Speech Perception and Production: 4. Vowels; 5. Obstruents; 6. Sonorants; 7. Sequences; 8. Prosody; 9. Conclusion.

9781107655751 | AU$61.95 / NZ$68.95 PB





Introducing Second Language Acquisition Muriel Saville-Troike University of Arizona

and Karen Barto University of Arizona

Providing a solid foundation in second language acquisition, the third edition of this leading introduction to the subject is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students of linguistics, psychology and education, as well as trainee language teachers. The new edition has been revised throughout, and includes updated online resources. • The third edition has been revised throughout, featuring new material on the practical aspects of teaching language and updated references and further reading suggestions • The online resources have been updated, including new classroom activities to accompany each chapter • Offers balanced, interdisciplinary coverage of the linguistic, psychological and social aspects of second language acquisition • Includes key terms, chapter previews and chapter summaries, creating a coherent structure across the different topics

Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics

… combines great clarity of exposition, a focus on the linguistics of second language acquisition, and an effort to integrate diverse theoretical perspectives into a complex understanding of second language acquisition as a whole – all in less than 300 pages. While billed as a textbook for undergraduates, this text could easily be used in graduatelevel introductory courses in second language acquisition. The chapterending discussion questions and activities, as well as a handy glossary of terms, make this more than just a textbook, however: it provides many of the materials needed to design an introductory course in the subject.” Dwight Atkinson, University of Arizona

2017 247 x 174 mm 235pp


9781107149526 | AU$152.95 / NZ$168.95* HB

1. Introducing second language acquisition; 2. Foundations of second language acquisition; 3. The linguistics of second language acquisition; 4. The psychology of second language acquisition; 5. Social contexts of second language acquisition; 6. Acquiring knowledge for L2 use; 7. L2 learning and teaching.

9781316603925 | AU$68.95 / NZ$75.95* PB * The prices for this title are unconfirmed and are subject to change


Figurative Language Barbara Dancygier

University of British Columbia

and Eve Sweetser University of California

This lively introduction to figurative language develops new analytical tools and proposes a cohesive view of a broad range of concepts, including metaphor, metonymy, simile, and irony. Comprehensive and practical, the book provides definitions of major concepts, offers indepth analysis of examples and surveys figurative structures in different discourse genres.

This book breaks new ground in the cognitive linguistic study of metaphor, simile and metonymy. A must read for anyone interested in figurative language, cognition and discourse.”



Elena Semino, Lancaster University

• Focuses on the most useful topics for teaching students how figurative language structures the way we see the world • Complete with useful features for teaching: explanations of core concepts, in-depth analyses of examples, problems for students to work on, suggestions for further reading, and definitions of major concepts • Offers an in-depth analysis of the links across theoretical concepts, so students can gain an integrated view of the content and will not attempt to treat concepts as isolated entities

2014 247 x 174 mm 256pp


9781107005952 | AU$145.00 / NZ$159.95 HB

1. Introduction; 2. The basics of metaphor; 3. Metaphoric structure: levels and relations; 4. Mental spaces and blending; 5. Metonymy; 6. Grammatical constructions and figurative meaning; 7. The cross-linguistic study of metaphor; 8. Figurative language in discourse; 9. Concluding remarks.

9780521184731 | AU$51.95 / NZ$57.95 PB




For the Love of Language An Introduction to Linguistics

Kate Burridge Monash University

and Tonya N. Stebbins La Trobe University

Written by Kate Burridge and Tonya N. Stebbins, authors with extensive academic experience in the field of linguistics, this book includes examples from Australia, New Zealand and around the world to engage the reader. For the Love of Language is a lively yet comprehensive resource for undergraduate students in foundation linguistics. • Contains comprehensive coverage of introductory linguistics topics, making it suitable for semester-long, or year-long linguistics subjects • Includes a wide array of pedagogical material, including exercise and discussion questions, research project questions, essay questions and online quizzes on the companion website

This textbook provides an accessible and engaging introduction to linguistic diversity and to the interesting mysteries about the design of the human mind and social interaction…. The authors bring their high levels of community engagement and good humour to the task of introducing students to the fascinating world of linguistic structures.” Felicity Meakins, University of Queensland

• Written by authors with extensive academic experience in the field of linguistics

2015 281 x 211 mm 515pp 9781107618831 | AU$109.95 / NZ$120.95 PB


Part I. ‘Using Language to Expose Language’ – Setting the Scene: 1. What is language?; 2. What linguists do; 3. Ways to study language; Part II. ‘In the Beginning was the Word’ – Words, their Structure and Meaning: 4. What’s in a word?; 5. Morphology – the structure of words; 6. Semantics – the meaning of words; Part III. ‘The Deep Grooves of Language’ – Sounds and Grammar: 7. Phonetics; 8. Phonology – the sound system; 9. Syntax – the structure of sentences; Part IV. ‘Language Is a Social Fact’ – Variation and Change: 10. Variation and identity; 11. Structure across time; 12. Languages and cultures in contact; Part V. ‘Language that Rolls up its Sleeves’ – Language at Work: 13. Language and text; 14. Language and interaction; 15. Language and social values; Part VI. ‘Language is the Dress of Thought’ – Language, Mind and World: 16. Language, mind and the brain; 17. Language acquisition; 18. Computational linguistics.

GENERAL LINGUISTICS How Languages Work An Introduction to Language and Linguistics

Edited by Carol Genetti

University of California, Santa Barbara

This new introduction to linguistics presents language in all its amazing complexity, while guiding students gently through the basics. Students emerge with an appreciation of the diversity of the world’s languages as well as a deeper understanding of the structure of language, and its broader social and cultural context. • Takes a functional approach, providing a modern, global and integrated perspective on language • Student-engaging features include a step-by-step structure, reflection questions and in-depth case studies • Student online resources include sound and video files, study guides, tutorials, interactive problem sets, electronic flash cards, and documents on argumentation, problem solving and writing in linguistics • Instructor online resources include modifiable PowerPoint slides, answer keys, quiz questions and problem sets

2014 245 x 188 mm 675pp 9780521767446 | AU$215.00 / NZ$232.95 HB 9780521174688 | AU$89.95 / NZ$98.95 PB

How Languages Work is the perfect introductory textbook on language and linguistics … an invigorating combination of a straightforward, introductory tone and high-level scholarship. The chapter authors effectively communicate their own enthusiasm for language and linguistics in a way that promises to engender similar enthusiasm in undergraduate readers.”



Thomas Payne, University of Oregon and SIL International

Contents 1. Introduction: language, languages, and linguistics; 2. Phonetics: physical dimensions of speech sounds; 3. Phonology: organization of speech sounds; 4. Morphology: what’s in a word?; 5. Word classes: evidence from grammatical behavior; 6. Syntax: words in combination; 7. Semantics: how language makes sense; 8. Pragmatics: inference for language; 9. Discourse: language beyond the sentence; 10. Prosody: the music of language; 11. Language and the social world; 12. Language change: the dynamicity of linguistic systems; 13. Language contact and areal linguistics; 14. First language acquisition; 15. Second language acquisition; Language Profiles: 1. Kabardian; 2. Goemai; 3. Manange; 4. Finnish; 5. Nuuchahnulth (Nootka); 6. South Conchucos Quechua; 7. Tsez; 8. Bardi; 9. Lowland Chontal; 10. Manambu; 11. Indonesian; 12. Seneca; 13. Akkadian.





An Introduction to Language and Linguistics Edited by Ralph W. Fasold Georgetown University, Washington DC

and Jeff Connor-Linton

Georgetown University, Washington DC

A clear and up-to-date introduction to linguistics. This book provides balanced coverage of the structure of language and its use, and student learning is supported by numerous examples, exercises, textboxes and online resources. • Each chapter is written by an expert on the subject and presents a clear and current representation of the topic, supported by numerous examples and exercises • Includes topics that are often underrepresented in linguistics textbooks, such as discourse, language and culture, the politics of language, computation linguistics, writing, and first and second language acquisition

This is a great textbook covering all the major topics in language structure and use. It offers a comprehensive survey of the field as well as intriguing insights into many current issues, from formal syntax, through language and the brain to computational linguistics.” Alexander Bergs, Universität Osnabrück

• A rich online package includes solutions to exercises, sound files, suggestions for further reading, additional exercises, weblinks and digital figures

2014 245 x 189 mm 573pp


9781107070646 | AU$200.00 / NZ$219.95 HB

Introduction; 1. The sounds of language; 2. Words and their parts; 3. The structure of sentences; 4. Meaning; 5. Discourse; 6. Child language acquisition; 7. Language and the brain; 8. Language change; 9. Dialect variation; 10. Language and culture; 11. The politics of language; 12. Writing; 13. Second language acquisition; 14. Computational linguistics; Glossary.

9781107637993 | AU$94.95 / NZ$104.95 PB



The Study of Language


George Yule

University of Hawaii, Manoa

This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics through all the key elements of language. This sixth edition has been revised and updated throughout, with substantial changes made to the chapters on phonetics, grammar and syntax, and the addition of 30 new figures and tables and 80 new study questions. • Easy to follow and simple to understand – a concise and fundamental introduction to language study • Yule presents the major concepts in language study in short, bite-sized sections, assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, allowing flexibility in teaching • Provides students with a vocabulary for talking about language and a solid knowledge of how English works

2017 246 x 189 mm 334pp 9781107152991 | AU$155.00 / NZ$167.95 HB 9781316606759 | AU$54.95 / NZ$59.95 PB

Contents Preface; 1. The origins of language; 2. Animals and human language; 3. The sounds of language; 4. The sound patterns of language; 5. Word-formation; 6. Morphology; 7. Grammar; 8. Syntax; 9. Semantics; 10. Pragmatics; 11. Discourse analysis; 12. Language and the brain; 13. First language acquisition; 14. Second language acquisition/learning; 15. Gestures and sign languages; 16. Written language; 17. Language history and change; 18. Regional variation in language; 19. Social variation in language; 20. Language and culture; Glossary; References; Index.




Exploring Language and Linguistics Edited by Natalie Braber Nottingham Trent University

Louise Cummings

Nottingham Trent University

and Liz Morrish

Nottingham Trent University

Ideal for first-year students in linguistics, Exploring Language and Linguistics considers the key concepts of language and the application of these concepts to real-world settings. Student support is provided by numerous learning features, including chapter previews, exercises, figures, summaries and suggestions for further reading. Additional student resources are available online. • Meets the needs of courses in both linguistics (in its coverage of core concepts) and the English language (in its application of concepts)

The ideal combination, for an introductory textbook, of individual chapters written by internationally acknowledged experts, all writing within a didactic framework created and strictly monitored by the editors. Teachers will be delighted with the variety of group tasks and exercises, and students with the glossary and the unusually detailed index.” Malcolm Coulthard Emeritus Professor, Aston University

• Reflects trends in the subject, such as an increased emphasis on language disorders and language and ideology • Suitable for students with no prior background in linguistics

2015 246 x 190 mm 502pp


9781107035461 | AU$190.00 / NZ$208.95 HB

1. Introduction: what is language? What is linguistics?; 2. Phonetics; 3. Phonology; 4. Morphology; 5. Grammar; 6. Syntax; 7. Semantics; 8. Pragmatics; 9. Discourse analysis; 10. Historical linguistics; 11. Sociolinguistics; 12. Child language acquisition; 13. Psycholinguistics; 14. Clinical linguistics; 15. Language and ideology; 16. Media discourse; 17. Literary linguistics.

9781107662506 | AU$70.95 / NZ$78.95 PB

GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar Rodney Huddleston University of Queensland

and Geoffrey K. Pullum University of Edinburgh

A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar is a groundbreaking new textbook on English sentence structure for students in colleges and universities. Based on the authors’ highly acclaimed earlier work The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, it is up to date and accessible, and contains exercises and special usage notes. • Written specifically for undergraduate course use in a clear, engaging style, with features including exercises, glossary, bullet-points, boxed notes and web support • Based on the authors’ previous monumental and authoritative reference grammar that won the prestigious Bloomfield Book Award of the Linguistic Society of America in 2004

2005 247 x 174 mm 322pp 9780521612883 | AU$51.95 NZ$56.95 PB

... this grammar is a thought provoking book and a challenging read for grammarians working along more traditional or mainstream lines.”



Moderna Sprak

“… this book stands out as a remarkable achievement in both the descriptive and generative textbook tradition …” Acta Linguistica Hungarica

Contents 1. Introduction; 2. A rapid overview; 3. Verbs, tense, aspect, and mood; 4. Clause structure, complements, and adjuncts; 5. Nouns and noun phrases; 6. Adjectives and adverbs; 7. Prepositions and preposition phrases; 8. Negation and related phenomena; 9. Clause type: asking, exclaiming, and directing; 10. Subordination and content clauses; 11. Relative clauses; 12. Grade and comparison; 13. Non-finite clauses and clauses without verbs; 14. Coordination and more; 15. Information packaging in the clause; 16. Morphology: words and lexemes; Further reading; Glossary; Index.




Analysing English Sentences


Andrew Radford University of Essex

Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, Analysing English Sentences, 2nd edition is richly supported with exercises, hints and chapter summaries. Assuming no prior knowledge of English syntax or syntactic theory, and accompanied with a range of online resources for instructors, this text is an ideal learning and teaching tool. • Workbook sections enable students to gain hands-on experience in analysing specific phenomena • An extensive glossary provides students who have little or no linguistic background with a clear explanation of traditional and contemporary grammatical terminology • Accompanying online materials, including PowerPoint materials and an answer key, are an invaluable resource for instructors

Masterly, challenging and radically innovative.” Neil Smith, University College London

“Another outstanding textbook from Radford – it is very up to date and takes students through the complexities of syntactic theory and how to do syntactic analysis in the most manageable way possible.” Alison Henry, University of Ulster

Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics

2016 247 x 174 mm 592pp 9780521660082 | AU$165.00 / NZ$181.95 HB 9780521669702 | AU$70.95 / NZ$78.95 PB

Contents 1. Grammar; 2. Words; 3. Structure; 4. Null constituents; 5. Head movement; 6. Wh-movement; 7. A-bar movement.



The Editor’s Companion


Janet Mackenzie The Editor’s Companion is an essential tool for professional editors, as well as media and publications officers, self-publishers and writers editing their own work. This revised edition features extended coverage of on-screen editing, single-source publishing and digital rights, a comprehensive glossary of editing terms and a companion website developed especially for students that includes editing exercises, expert ‘tips’ and essential weblinks. • Provides detail on structuring material for the small screens of handheld devices and mobile phones • Addresses single-source and XML publishing • Examines useful software for editing, for managing references and for running an editing business

2011 248 x 171 mm 268 pp


9781107402188 | AU$57.95 / NZ$63.95 PB

1. The editor in context; 2. The publishing process; 3. Management and liaison; 4. Substance and structure; 5. Language; 6. Illustrations and tables; 7. Completeness and consistency; 8. Proofs; 9. Editing methods; 10. Working with documents and files; 11. Freelance editing.




Language Change Joan Bybee

University of New Mexico

This new introduction offers a guide to the types of change at all levels of linguistic structure, as well as the mechanisms behind each type. Based on data from a variety of methods and a huge array of language families, it examines patterns of change, and brings together recent findings. • This new introduction offers a guide to all aspects of language change, with an emphasis on the role of cognition and language use • Each chapter touches on a type of change and maps the directionality of that change so readers can grasp patterns more easily • Within historical linguistics, non-European languages are often overlooked; in this book, examples are given from both European and non-European languages

This book, written by someone who has been influential in shaping our understanding of phonological and grammatical processes, provides a new perspective on how the study of language change can be, and in my view should be, approached.” Bernd Heine, University of Cologne

Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics

2015 246 x 175 mm 309pp 9781107020160 | AU$155.00 / NZ$167.95 HB 9781107655829 | AU$47.95 / NZ$52.95 PB

Contents 1. The study of language change; 2. Sound change; 3. Sound change and phonological change in wider perspective; 4. The interaction of sound change with grammar; 5. Analogical change; 6. Grammaticalization: processes and mechanisms; 7. Common paths of grammaticalization; 8. Syntactic change: the development and change of constructions; 9. Lexical change: how languages get new words and how words change their meaning; 10. Comparison, reconstruction and typology; 11. Causes of language change: internal and external factors.


Introducing Morphology Rochelle Lieber

University of New Hampshire

A lively introduction to morphology (how words are put together), this textbook is intended for undergraduates with relatively little background in linguistics. This second edition has been thoroughly updated, including new examples and exercises as well as a detailed introduction to using linguistic corpora to find and analyse morphological data.

… strikes just the right balance between explaining morphology and encouraging the student to discover what it’s about. Its hands-on approach is well suited to getting undergraduates interested in the subject.”

• ‘How-to?’ sections show students how to find data as well as solve problems

S. J. Hannahs, Newcastle University



• ‘Challenge’ boxes promote hands-on learning by students • Exercises at the ends of chapters encourage students to apply material covered in the preceding chapter

Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics

2015 245 x 174 mm 255pp


9781107096240 | AU$165.00 / NZ$181.95 HB

1. What is morphology?; 2. Words, dictionaries, and the mental lexicon; 3. Lexeme formation: the familiar; 4. Productivity and creativity; 5. Lexeme formation: further afield; 6. Inflection; 7. Typology; 8. Words and sentences: the interface between morphology and syntax; 9. Sounds and shapes: the interface between morphology and phonology; 10. Theoretical challenges.

9781107480155 | AU$53.95 / NZ$58.95 PB




Australian English Pronunciation and Transcription

Felicity Cox

Macquarie University

This is the first textbook to clearly describe the speech of Australians. This groundbreaking work addresses Australian English pronunciation characteristics and provides detailed instruction in both phonetic and phonemic transcription of the dialect. This unique text, in tandem with valuable pedagogical features, is an essential resource for students and teachers of linguistics, speech pathology and language education. • This is the only text that is specifically designed for the Australian market • Features a companion website which provides easy access to audio examples, worked solutions and essential pedagogical materials • This important resource is indispensable for students and teachers of phonetics, linguistics, speech pathology, TESOL, voice and drama studies

2012 247 x 175 mm 256 pp


9780521145893 | AU$87.95 / NZ$96.95 PB

1. Introduction to Australian English speech production; 2. Consonants and vowels; 3. Syllables, word stress and sentence stress; 4. Phonemic transcription of Australian English; 5. Phonetic transcription of Australian English; 6. Evaluation of two phonemic transcription systems.


Rachael-Anne Knight City University London

A problem-based introduction to phonetics, featuring over three hundred integrated exercises to help students discover and practise the subject interactively. It assumes no previous knowledge of phonetics; concepts are introduced gradually and frequent cross-referencing means that students will see how the subject fits together and how later concepts build on earlier ones. • Assumes no previous knowledge of phonetics and highlights and explains new terms and concepts when they are first introduced • Highlights the differences between speech and writing in Unit One

Engagingly written, this accessible introduction to articulatory phonetics tests the reader’s understanding at every stage with a structured series of questions and exercises. The 20 well-balanced units cover basic theory and the essentials of English phonetics, including intonation. Any student new to phonetics will find this a valuable learning aid.”



Jill House, University College London

2012 246 x 175 mm 314pp 9780521732444 | AU$56.95 / NZ$62.95 PB

Contents 1. The difference between speech and writing; 2. Consonant voicing; 3. Consonant place of articulation; 4. Consonant manner of articulation; 5. The IPA chart and mid-sagittal sections for consonants; 6. Vowels; 7. Airstream mechanisms; 8. Syllables and stress; 9. Allophonic variations of voice; 10. Allophonic variations of place; 11. Allophonic variations of manner; 12. Allophonic variations of vowels; 13. Allophonic transcription and parametric diagrams; 14. Speech sound variation; 15. Weak forms and elision; 16. Liaison; 17. Assimilation; 18. Broad transcription; 19. Intonation; 20. Functions of intonation.




Phonology A Coursebook

Robert Kennedy

University of California, Santa Barbara

This accessible textbook provides a comprehensive overview of phonology, and is essential reading for students of linguistics. It contains many exercises that describe how to discover sound patterns in complex linguistic data, beginning with concrete introductory examples and progressing through a series of more complex phonological phenomena.

The rich collection of exercises in this book guides the reader through the fundamental notions in phonological theory to advanced levels of analysis.” Patrycja Strycharczuk, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

• Fully up to date and incorporates all recent theory • Includes more data sets than comparable books • Text and comment is interspersed between exercises so the book can stand alone as an adoptable main course text in its own right • Further resources are available on an accompanying website

2016 247 x 174 mm 250pp


9781107046887 | AU$145.00 / NZ$159.95 HB

1. Introduction; 2. Alternation; 3. Alternation with zero; 4. Other kinds of alternation; 5. Phonemic analysis; 6. Natural classes and distinctive features; 7. Rule ordering, opacity, and abstractness; 8. Syllables; 9. Tone; 10. Stress; 11. Prosodic morphology; 12. Advanced theories.

9781107624948 | AU$54.95 / NZ$60.95 PB

PSYCHOLINGUISTICS AND NEUROLINGUISTICS Pragmatic and Discourse Disorders A Workbook

Louise Cummings

Nottingham Trent University

Written for students of speech-language pathology, this workbook is an invaluable self-learning tool which allows students to test and improve their knowledge of pragmatic and discourse disorders. Includes coverage of disorders which are often overlooked in speech-language pathology curricula, but which are essential for students considering a clinical career.

… a wonderful contribution to the field as a resource for teachers and students in speech and language pathology …”



Elissa Asp, Saint Mary’s University, Nova Scotia

• 200 short-answer questions and 67 data analysis exercises allow students to test their knowledge • The use of actual linguistic data gives readers an authentic insight into the clinical setting • Covers conditions which are overlooked by other texts

2015 247 x 175 mm 273pp


9781107099203 | AU$155.00 / NZ$170.95 HB

1. Introduction to pragmatic and discourse disorders; 2. Developmental pragmatic and discourse disorders; 3. Acquired pragmatic and discourse disorders; 4. Mental health and pragmatic and discourse disorders; 5. Pragmatics and discourse in other disorders and populations; Appendix A; Appendix B.

9781107491960 | AU$54.95 / NZ$60.95 PB





First Language Acquisition Eve V. Clark

Stanford University, California

How do children learn to talk? They are exposed to language from birth, interacting with knowledgeable speakers who correct errors and offer extensive practice. Clark provides a comprehensive exploration of first language acquisition, from a baby’s first sounds to a child’s growing ability to negotiate, explain and entertain using language. • Offers a breadth of content, covering several course topics, and a friendly writing style, appealing to students and instructors • Author has an international reputation as leading expert on the subject • Includes numerous examples from the author’s personal diary observations and experimental studies • Draws on languages other than English to provide a comparative perspective on the process of language acquisition

2016 249 x 175 mm 586pp 9781107143005 | AU$165.00 / NZ$181.95 HB 9781316507605 | AU$70.95 / NZ$78.95 PB


This is the textbook I’ve been looking for: an authoritative, beautifully written survey of the field written by one of the world’s leading experts. It provides phenomenal coverage, ranging from classic issues to the latest state-of-the-art findings, in a well-organized structure that students and instructors alike will appreciate. The theoretical insights and charming examples bring the material to life and remind us of the astonishing significance of children’s achievement.” Susan A. Gelman, Heinz Werner Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan

1. Acquiring language; Part I. Getting Started: 2. In conversation with children; 3. Starting on language: perception; 4. Early words; 5. Sounds in words: production; 6. Words and meanings; Part II. Constructions and Meanings: 7. First combinations, first constructions; 8. Modulating word meanings; 9. Adding complexity within clauses; 10. Combining clauses: more complex constructions; 11. Constructing words; Part III. Using Language: 12. Honing conversational skills; 13. Doing things with language; 14. Two languages at a time; Part IV. Process in Acquisition: 15. Specialization for language; 16. Acquisition and change.

RESEARCH METHODS IN LINGUISTICS Research Methods in Linguistics Edited by Robert J. Podesva Stanford University, California

and Devyani Sharma

Queen Mary University of London

A comprehensive guide to conducting research projects in linguistics, this book provides a complete training in data collection, processing, and analysis techniques. Covering the full range of methods used across the field, this student-friendly text is also a helpful reference source for the more experienced researcher and practitioner. • Provides tips on how and where to get started and includes extensive pointers to more specialised resources

Everything you want in a research methods text: wide-ranging, well organized, informative and clearly written, with a good balance of practical guidance and critical reflection. It’s an invaluable resource for research students and those who teach them.”



Deborah Cameron, University of Oxford

• Gives specific instruction on the details and potential problems of collecting, processing and analysing data • Guides the reader through fundamental statistical concepts, from the basics to some of the most advanced techniques for quantitative analysis

2014 246 x 174 mm 540pp 9781107014336 | AU$165.00 / NZ$178.95 HB 9781107696358 | AU$63.95 / NZ$70.95 PB


1. Introduction; Part I. Data Collection: 2. Ethics in linguistic research; 3. Judgment data; 4. Fieldwork for language description; 5. Population samples; 6. Surveys and interviews; 7. Experimental research design; 8. Experimental paradigms in psycholinguistics; 9. Sound recordings: acoustic and articulatory data; 10. Ethnography and recording interaction; 11. Using historical texts; Part II. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis: 12. Transcription; 13. Creating and using corpora; 14. Descriptive statistics; 15. Basic significance testing; 16. Multivariate statistics; Part III. Foundations for Linguistic Data Analysis: 17. Acoustic analysis; 18. Constructing and supporting a linguistic analysis; 19. Modelling in the language sciences; 20. Variation analysis; 21. Discourse analysis; 22. Studying language over time.





Semantics A Coursebook

James R. Hurford University of Edinburgh

Brendan Heasley

The best and most accessible textbook in its field.”

and Michael B. Smith

Keith Green, Sheffield Hallam University

This practical coursebook introduces all the basics of semantics in a simple, step-by-step fashion. Each unit includes short sections of explanation with examples, followed by stimulating practice exercises to complete in the book for introductory courses in linguistics as well as intermediate students.

“An excellent introductory first step. It covers all the main topics which any course on meaning in language will cover, and presents difficult concepts in an easy, accessible way.”

Ain Shams University, Cairo Oakland University, Michigan

• A unique approach to introducing the topic with short explanatory sections followed by stimulating practice exercises to be completed on the page • Feedback and comment sections in the text allow students to monitor understanding of material whilst new end-of-unit exercises allow instructors to test and reinforce learning

Billy Clark, Middlesex University

• Thoroughly revised, expanded and updated to fit with modern teaching of the subject

2007 246 x 174 mm 366pp 9780521671873 | AU$56.95 / NZ$62.95 PB


Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Basic Ideas in Semantics: Unit 1. About semantics; Unit 2. Sentences, utterances, and propositions; Unit 3. Reference and sense; Part II. From Reference …: Unit 4. Referring expressions; Unit 5. Predicates; Unit 6. Predicates, referring expressions, and universe of discourse; Unit 7. Deixis and definiteness; Unit 8. Words and things. Extensions and prototypes; Part III. … To Sense: Unit 9. Sense properties and stereotypes; Unit 10. Sense relations (1); Unit 11. Sense relations (2); Part IV. Logic: Unit 12. About logic; Unit 13. A notation for simple propositions; Unit 14. Connectives. And and or; Unit 15. More connectives; Part V. Word Meaning: Unit 16. About dictionaries; Unit 17. Meaning postulates; Unit 18. Properties of predicates; Unit 19. Derivation; Unit 20. Participant roles; Part VI. Interpersonal and Non-Literal Meaning: Unit 21. Speech acts; Unit 22. Perlocutions and illocutions; Unit 23. Felicity conditions; Unit 24. Direct and indirect illocutions; Unit 25. Propositions and illocutions; Unit 26. Conversational implicature; Unit 27. Non-literal meaning: idioms, metaphor, and metonymy; Selected references and recommendations for further study; Index.





Communication across Cultures Mutual Understanding in a Global World

Heather Bowe Monash University

Kylie Martin

Hokkaido University, Japan

and Howard Manns Monash University

Communication across Cultures remains an excellent resource for students of linguistics and related disciplines, including anthropology, sociology and education. It is also a valuable resource for professionals concerned with language and intercultural communication in this global era. • Provides an accessible and interdisciplinary introduction to language and language variation in intercultural communication • Comprehensively updated to incorporate recent research • Reviews and critiques classic concepts such as ‘face’, ‘politeness’ and ‘speech acts’

2014 228 x 152 mm 298pp 9781107685147 | AU$57.95 / NZ$63.95 PB


1. Culture, communication and context; Part I. Contextual Felicity across Cultures: 2. Direct and indirect messages; 3. Schema, face and politeness; 4. Speech acts and politeness; Part II. Structure and Contextual Update across Cultures: 5. Conversation across cultures; 6. Positioning the self: role, power and gender; 7. Positioning the other: naming, address and honorifics; 8. Cultural differences in writing; Part III. Professional Communication across Cultures: 9. Translating language and culture; 10. Intercultural communication in the workplace; 11. Successful intercultural communication.

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