1 minute read
Key vocabulary
Here is a list of this chapter’s key maths terms and their meanings.
Handy key terms guide in each chapter.
Addition is finding the total or sum by combining two or more numbers.
Brackets () [] or {} Brackets are used to keep parts of a sum together.
To cube a value means to multiply it by itself three times.
Decimal numberDecimal numbers are made up of a whole number part and a fraction part.
Decimal point
The decimal point separates the whole number part on its left from the fraction part on its right in a decimal number.
The bottom number of a fraction which shows how many parts the whole has been broken up into.
Digit Digits are the figures 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. We use these ten digits to make up all our numbers.
Division Division is sharing or grouping a number into equal parts. It is the result of ‘fair’ or ‘equal’ sharing or grouping.
Fractions are parts of a whole number and are the numbers that lie between whole numbers, e.g. 1 2 , 1 4 , 3 4
Integers are whole numbers and include positive and negative whole numbers and zero.
Inverse operationThe opposite operation that reverses or undoes an original operation. Multiplication and division are opposite (inverse) operations, as are addition and subtraction.
Multiplication means repeated addition of a number –to add groups of the same number together: e.g. 3 × 5 = 5 + 5 + 5.