CCAE Winter 2022 Class Catalog

Page 22

World Languages

“Theteacher’senthusiasmfor thesubjectmatterisinspirin andlisteningtoheranimated storytellinginsuchbeautiful Italianisasheerpleasureas wellaseducational.” —LUDOVICA, DIAMOCI DELLE ARIE! L’ ITALIANO ATTRAVERSO L’OPERA

CCAEo‹ersin-personandonlineclassesinmanylanguagestaughtbyhighlytrainedandexperiencedinstructors.WeusetheCommonEurop ofReferenceCEFR) ( toassessstudentsandestablishlearning 19 ).Please goals visit (p.,leveldescrip andourmostup-to-datelanguageo‹erings.PleasetakeadvantageofourPersonalAssessment 21 ).Foranyquestions Days(p. aboutaspecificlanguage orlevel,youcanalsoemaillanguages@ccae.orgorcallFrancescaFerrarisat617.54 89ext.12.Manylanguageclassesrequirethepurchaseofa textbook.Foronlineclasses,werecommendpurchasingthebookbeforeattendingthefirstclass.



Joao Copertino Pereira, Katia Costa-Bancroft, Allan Oliveira | Native Speakers

Jin Cooper | Native Speaker and Author, Notes from Harvard

COURSE CODE: BPB1 Sec. 01: 8 Tuesdays, 7:45-9:15pm. Begins Feb. 8 | $230 | Allan Oliveira

Sec. 01: 9 Mondays, 7:45-9:15pm. Begins Jan. 10 | $255 No class Jan. 17 & Feb. 21

MandarinChinesehasmorenativespeakersthananyothe Portuguese, the native language of Brazil, is spoken - by approxi language.AsMandarin’spopularityincreasesamonglanguag mately 180 million people around the world, including one million in learners,giveyourselfanadvantagewithanexperienceda Massachusetts! This series of engaging courses emphasize spoken enthusiasticinstructor. production and interaction. BEGINNER LEVEL 1 BEGINNER LEVEL 1 COURSE CODE: CMB1



COURSE CODE: BPB2 Sec. 01: 8 Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Feb. 7 | $255 | Joao Copertino Pereira No class Feb. 21

COURSE CODE: CMB3 Sec. 01: 9 Mondays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 10 | $255 No class Jan. 17 & Feb. 21

H I G H B E G I N N E R L O W I N T E R M E D I AT E This class assumes that students have taken Chinese classe continuously for approximately one year. It focuses on recognizing frequently used Chinese characters and writing simple Chines I N T E R M E D I AT E C O N V E R S AT I O N sentences, along with conversations for everyday life. Students Expand your vocabulary and uency in this relaxed and fun level will learn to handle a limited number of situations, such class for students who have at least 60 hours of instruction (or about past and future events, commenting about learning Chine equivalent). We will practice to express ourselves comfortably, discuss English, and making phone calls. These topics correspond to Lesson current events, and engage fully in the cultural context of Brazilian 1-3 of the Intermediate Chinese textbook with an accompanying Portuguese. Audio CD by Yong Ho. BEGINNER LEVEL 3

COURSE CODE: BPB3 Sec. 01: 8 Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Feb. 8 | $230 | Allan Oliveira

COURSE CODE: BPIC Sec. 01: 9 Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm. Begins Jan. 12 | $255 | Katia Costa-Bancroft

COURSE CODE: CMLI Sec. 01: 9 Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 13 | $255

I N T E R M E D I AT E This level is for students who have at least 60 hours of class room time in the language within the last 2 years, can identify the Katia Costa-Bancroft | M.A., Portuguese Language Education points of clear standard speech, and can read texts that consis Portuguese and Spanish are both Romance languages, ly of high-frequency language. At this level, students will learn wh toof say to show appreciation, to invite friends for social gatheri closely related in vocabulary and grammar. For speakers conferences, and to request permission or help. This is to - prepar Spanish, it can be a challenge to study Portuguese because dentsand for entering into conversation on topics that are likel of this close linguistic relationship. This class is for advanced everyday life, while asking students to write simple, connected t native speakers of Spanish who would like a quick, solid introduction familiar or personal topics describing experiences and impress to Brazilian Portuguese.


COURSE CODE: BPSP Sec. 01: 9 Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm. Begins Jan. 11 | $255


COURSE CODE: CMIN Sec. 01: 9 Thursdays, 7:45-9:15pm. Begins Jan. 13 | $255

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