V isual A rts & C
Abstract art covers a vast amount of di‹erent art-making styles and strategies. This beginner-level class will help you WATERCOLOR focus on the wide world of abstract painting and allow you to Anthony Riccardi | Artist practice examining, discussing, and creating your own abstract
is a translucent medium that sinks into the artworks. Each class will introduce you to a particular style andWatercolor you’ll a sheet of paper, releasing the light from the surface. also view famous historical or contemporary works. Classes will also Watercolor dries fast, enabling one to work quickly with cover basic acrylic techniques. There are many di‹erent ways to think freshness and spontaneity. In this class, we will address the fun of and paint an abstract picture, so this class will begin with exercises mentals of watercolor painting, with an emphasis on exploration based on shape, color, and composition. personal expression. COURSE CODE: ABSB Sec. 01: 8 Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Begins Jan. 11 | $330
C O U R S E C O D E : WAT E Sec. 01: 10 Wednesdays, 1-3pm. Begins Jan. 12 | $290
Rachel DeLuca | Painter
Nicholas Mancini | Artist, namancini.com
COURSE CODE: ABSI Sec. 01: 8 Thursdays, 6:30-9:30pm. Begins Jan. 13 | $330
No Class Jan. 17 & Feb. 21
Bryan Ramey | Artist, artbyramey.com In this workshop, students will learn to develop their own artistic voice through exercises in abstract Learntomarrytheuid,luminousqualityofwatercolorwitht expressionofhand-drawnpenandinklinestocreatedetail thinking. Classes will introduce you to contemporary illustrationswithpersonality.Studentswilllearnand artists working all over the globe as well as explore artists throughout withavarietyoftechniquesforusingwatercolorandpenandink history. We will begin with a series of guided projects using acrylic togetherandwillchooseonestyleforoneormoredevelopedpieces paints and mixed media. Students will also be able to explore Priorwork. experiencewithwatercolorispreferred,butnotnecessary. individual projects and develop skills to speak about their Students should have taken one of the following prerequisites to C O U R Sprior E CODE : WPIN enrolling: Beginner Abstract Painting, Abstract Art: Contemporary Sec. 01: 8 Mondays, 5:30-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 10 | $210 | Nick Mancini Approaches, or Painting Abstract Art: All Levels Part One. Sec. 02: 8 Thursdays, 5:30pm-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 13 | $210 | Bryan Ramey
MIXED MEDIA COLLAGE Natalia Slattery | Artist, nataliaslattery.com
YoAhn Han | Assistant Professor at MassArt, yoahnhan.com This eight-week workshop is an introduction to the world of Using the uid and luminous medium of watercolor, collage and mixed-media art-making. Collage is one of the students will explore abstract and experimental most accessible and freeing artistic mediums. With a creative painting with creative exercises. The instructor eye, nearly anything in your home can become a material for introduce contemporary watercolor artists and discuss thei expression. In this class, we will look to collage artists throughout techniques. Students will have a chance to work on their own pro history and the world around us for inspiration. Through in- class in a supportive environment using experimental approaches to demonstrations, students will learn a myriad of collage techniques, painting. This class is appropriate for both beginners and those including cut-paper, 3-D collage, and creating collagraphs for have prior experience with watercolor. press-free printmaking.
C O U R S E C O D E : M I XC Sec. 01: 8 Tuesdays, 3-5pm. Begins Jan. 11 | $230
C O U R S E C O D E : WA A B Sec. 01: 8 Saturdays, 10am-12pm. Begins Jan. 15 | $230
BOTANICAL WATERCOLORS: PAINTING THE FLOWER Adam Adkinson | Artist, adamadkinson.com
The fragile beauty of owers and the vibrancy of watercolors go hand in hand. In this class, the instructor will guide you through painting severa types of owers from start to finish. He will provide color mixing, brushwork, and step-by-step instructions. He will also share tip tricks for watercolor that you can use for a lifetime. Explore the details of nature in color, light, and form. All levels from beginne advanced are welcome. Tuition includes a $15 materials fee to cover the cost of owers. C O U R S E C O D E : WA F L Sec. 01: 6 Thursdays, 10am-12pm. Begins Jan. 13 | $190