Textbooks HSS 2015

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2015 Humanities & Social Sciences


CONTENTS History --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The New Cambridge History of India ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 English Literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Linguistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Anthropology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 Sociology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Religion/ Philosophy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Psychology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Politics/ Social Theory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 Economics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Media Studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

emergence as a new symbol of identity. The book will be mandatory reading for students and scholars of modern Indian history and politics, anthropology and South Asian studies. It will also be compelling reading for the informed lay reader interested in the making of ‘modern’ south Asia.

HISTORY A History of Modern India Ishita Banerjee-Dube

NEW Online Resource available

A History of Modern India provides an interpretive and comprehensive account of the history of India between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, a crucial epoch characterized by colonialism, nationalism and the emergence of the independent Indian Union. It explores significant historiographical debates concerning the period while highlighting important new issues, especially those of gender, ecology, caste, and labour. The work combines an analysis of colonial and independent India in order to underscore ideologies, policies, and processes that shaped the colonial state and continue to mould the Indian nation.

Contents: Author’s Note; Introduction;Part I: Colonialism, Biradari, and Islam in the Punjab; 1. Customary Law and Shariat in British Punjab; 2. Biradari and Bureaucracy: The Politics of Muslim Kinship Solidarity in 20th-century Punjab; 3. Shrines, Succession and Sources of Moral Authority; 4. Kinship, Women and Politics in 20thcentury Punjab; Part II: Religion and the Public Sphere; 5. Democracy, Nationalism and the Public: A Speculation on Colonial Muslim Politics; 6. The Shahidganj Mosque Incident: A Prelude to Pakistan; 7. ‘Divine Displeasure’ and Muslim Elections: The Shaping of Community in 20thcentury Punjab; Part III: The Coming of Pakistan; 8. Religious Leadership and the Pakistan Movement in the Punjab; 9. A Magnificent Gift: Muslim Nationalism and the Election Process in Colonial Punjab; 10. A Networked Civilization?; 11. Partition, Pakistan and South Asian History: In Search of a Narrative; Index

While it does not forego chronology, it does away with the conventional demarcation of political processes and socio-cultural histories in order to portray the multi-faceted nature of social worlds. This book, masterfully, provokes readers to reflect and interrogate, and strive for newer ways of understanding history. Strikingly employed visual tools—historical maps, old photographs, posters and imaginative timelines complement the core narratives. This book will appeal to the scholars, students of history as well as the general readers alike.

ISBN: 9789380403106

Contents: Photographs, Maps, Posters and Figures • About the Author • Acknowledgements • Prologue ; 1. The Colourful World of the Eighteenth Century; 2. Emergence of the Company Raj; 3. An Inaugural Century; 4. Creating Anew; 5. Imagining India ; 6. Challenge and Rupture; 7. The Mahatma Phenomenon; 8. Difficulties and Initiatives; 9. Many Pathways of a Nation; 10. The Tumultuous Forties; 11. 1947 and After; Index ISBN: 9781107659728

Civilization and Modernity Narrating the Creation of Pakistan David Gilmartin (Yoda Press)



Islamic Societies to the Nineteenth Century A Global History Ira M. Lapidus

` 495.00

The story of India’s partition and the creation of Pakistan remains even today a subject of considerable scholarly contention despite the substantial corpus of works on the subject. Focusing on the Punjab during the colonial era, this collection of eleven essays frames the story within the tensions of modernity and civilization. David Gilmartin casts Pakistan’s story against the power of the myraid local identities that played a powerful role in shaping local life in colonial Punjab. The ties of genealogy, whether associated with local sufi authority, or with the local biradari, provided the keys to local social order in the province. It was against this backdrop that an imagined moral community linked to Islam gained currency in the 20th century in the new spheres of publication and debate in Punjab’s cities. Civilization and Modernity provides a lucid and incisive narration of the civilizational crisis in the Punjab, rooted in the tensions between local life and larger civilizational imaginings which led to Pakistan’s


` 695.00

First published in 1988, Ira Lapidus’ A History of Islamic Societies has become a classic in the field, enlightening students, scholars, and others with a thirst for knowledge about one of the world’s great civilizations. This book, based on fully revised and updated parts one and two of this monumental work, describes the transformations of Islamic societies from their beginning in the seventh century, through their diffusion across the globe, into the challenges of the nineteenth century. The story focuses on the organization of families and tribes, religious groups and states, showing how they were transformed by their interactions with other religious and political communities. The book concludes with the European commercial and imperial interventions that initiated a new set of transformations in the Islamic world, and the onset of the modern era. Organized in narrative sections for the history of each major region, with innovative, analytic summary introductions and conclusions, this book is a unique endeavour. Contents: Introduction to the history of Islamic societies; Book I. Part I. The Beginnings of Islamic Civilizations, The Middle East from c.600 to c.1000: 1. Middle Eastern societies before Islam; 2. Historians and the sources; 3. Arabia; 4. Muhammad: preaching, community, and state formation; 5. Introduction; 6. The Arab-Muslim conquests and the socio-economic bases of empire; 7. Regional developments: economic and social changes; 8. The caliphate to 750; 9. The


‘Abbasid empire; 10. Decline and fall of the ‘Abbasid empire; 11. Introduction: religion and identity; 12. The ideology of imperial Islam; 13. The ‘Abbasids: caliphs and emperors; 14. Introduction; 15. Sunni Islam; 16. Shi’i Islam; 17. Muslim urban societies to the tenth century; 18. The non-Muslim minorities; 19. Continuity and change in the historic cultures of the Middle East; Book I. Part II. From Islamic Community to Islamic Society: Egypt, Iraq and Iran, 945– c.1500: 20. The post-’Abbasid Middle Eastern state system; 21. Muslim communities and Middle Eastern societies: 1000–1500 CE; 22. The collective ideal; 23. The personal ethic; 24. Conclusion: Middle Eastern Islamic patterns; Book II. The Global Expansion of Islam from the Seventh to the Nineteenth Century: 25. Introduction: Islamic institutions; 26. Islamic north Africa to the thirteenth century; 27. Spanish-Islamic civilization; 28. Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries; 29. States and Islam: North African variations; 30. Introduction: empires and societies; 31. The Turkish migrations and the Ottoman empire; 32. The post-classical Ottoman empire: decentralization, commercialization, incorporation; 33. The Arab regions of the Middle East; 34. The Safavid empire; 35. The Indian subcontinent: the Delhi sultanates and the Mughal empire; 36. Islamic empires compared; 37. Inner Asia from the Mongol conquests to the nineteenth century; 38. Islamic societies in Southeast Asia; 39. The African context: Islam, slavery, and colonialism; 40. Islam in Sudanic, Savannah, and forest west Africa; 41. The West African jihads; 42. Islam in East Africa and the European colonial empires; 43. Conclusion: the varieties of Islamic societies; 44. The global context. ISBN: 9781107619135

A History of Prejudice Race, Caste, and Difference in India and the United States Gyanendra Pandey


Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Prejudice as difference; 3. Dalit conversion: the assertion of sameness; 4. Double V: the everyday of race relations; 5. An African-American autobiography: re-locating difference; 6. Dalit memoirs: re-scripting the body; 7. The persistence of prejudice. ISBN: 9781107685376

An Introduction to the History of America Chittabrata Palit & Jenia Mukherjee


` 695.00

This textbook comprehensively captures the historical sojourn of America from pre-colonial to present times, covering every important aspect with detailed historiography. It also sheds light on new evolving themes like American environmental history and American ‘exceptionalism’, to familiarize students and readers with the current emerging trends and approaches in American History. The authors have attempted to radically explore the development of America as a ‘Global Hegemon’ at the cost of the underdevelopment of her non-western/ non-American counterparts. A detailed politico-economic and social narrative of the American nation is given with facts and interpretations, raising a number of conceptual and methodological questions. This textbook also brings out the often unaddressed tension between America’s self-perception and the actual reality which can be mapped through crisis in the domestic front as well as its impact on other peoples, nations and cultures. The historiography provided at the end of every relevant theme would be immensely helpful for students and readers pursuing further research. Contents: Preface; Timeline of Events; 1. An Early History: From Settlement to Colonization; 2. The American War of Independence; 3. The Formative Period: The Era of Solidarity and Expansion; 4. ‘Two Americas’: Regional Differences and Sectional Conflicts; 5. Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions; 6. Resisting Voices; 7. American Foreign Policy: Post-Monroe Doctrine to World War I; 8. The Great Crisis and its Recovery; 9. The Rise of America: WWII and After; 10. The Quest for Equality; 11. American environmentalism and Environmental History; Epilogue: Perceiving American History beyond the ‘exceptionalist’ framework; Index

` 995.00

This is a book about prejudice and democracy, and the prejudice of democracy. In comparing the historical struggles of two geographically disparate populations - Indian Dalits (once known as Untouchables) and African Americans Gyanendra Pandey, the leading subaltern historian, examines the multiple dimensions of prejudice in two of the world’s leading democracies. The juxtaposition of two very different locations and histories, and within each of them of varying public and private narratives of struggle, allows for an uncommon analysis of the limits of citizenship in modern societies and states. Pandey, with his characteristic delicacy, probes the histories of his protagonists to uncover a shadowy world where intolerance and discrimination are part of both public and private lives. This unusual and sobering book is revelatory in its exploration of the contradictory history of promise and denial that is common to the official narratives of nations such as India and the United States and the ideologies of many opposition movements.

ISBN: 9789382993186



` 345.00

The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi Judith Brown & Anthony Parel (editors)

The Partition of India

Even today, six decades after his assassination in January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi is still revered as the father of the Indian nation. His intellectual and moral legacy, and the example of his life and politics, serve as an inspiration to human rights and peace movements, political activists and students. This book, comprised of essays by renowned experts in the fields of Indian history and philosophy, traces Gandhi’s extraordinary story. The first part of the book explores his transformation from a small-town lawyer during his early life in South Africa into a skilled political activist and leader of civil resistance in India. The second part is devoted to Gandhi’s key writings and his thinking on a broad range of topics, including religion, conflict, politics and social relations. The final part reflects on Gandhi’s image and on his legacy in India, the West, and beyond.

Ian Talbot & Gurharpal Singh

Contents: 1. Understanding the partition historiography; 2. The road to 1947; 3. Violence and partition; 4. Migration and resettlement; 5. Partition legacies: ethnic and religious nationalism; 6. An enduring rivalry: India and Pakistan since 1947.

Contents: Introduction Judith M. Brown; Part I. Gandhi: The Historical Life: 1. Gandhi’s world Yasmin Khan; 2. Gandhi 1869–1915: the transnational emergence of a public figure Jonathan Hyslop; 3. Gandhi as nationalist leader, 1915–1948 Judith M. Brown; Part II. Gandhi: Thinker and Activist: 4. Gandhi’s key writings Tridip Suhrud; 5. Gandhi’s religion and its relation to his politics Akeel Bilgrami; 6. Conflict and nonviolence Ronald J. Terchek; 7. Gandhi’s moral economics Thomas Weber; 8. Gandhi and the state Anthony Parel; 9. Gandhi and social relations Tanika Sarkar; Part III. The Contemporary Gandhi: 10. Portrayals of Gandhi Harish Trivedi; 11. Gandhi in independent India Anthony Parel; 12. Gandhi’s global legacy David Hardiman. ISBN: 9781107602205


PB ISBN: 9781107633476 224pp HB ISBN: 9780521761772 224pp

The Anglo-Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India

` 495.00

Randolf G.S. Cooper

Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia Sunil S. Amrith

Migration is at the heart of Asian history. For centuries migrants have tracked the routes and seas of their ancestors - merchants, pilgrims, soldiers and sailors - along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. Over the last 150 years, however, migration within Asia and beyond has been greater than at any other time in history. Sunil S. Amrith’s engaging and deeply informative book crosses a vast terrain, from the Middle East to India and China, tracing the history of modern migration. Animated by the voices of Asian migrants, it tells the stories of those forced to flee from war and revolution, and those who left their homes and their families in search of a better life. These stories of Asian diasporas can be joyful or poignant, but they all speak of an engagement with new landscapes and new peoples.


` 495.00 ` 895.00

This is a cross-cultural study of the political economy of war in South Asia. Randolf G. S. Cooper combines an overview of Maratha military culture with a battle-by-battle analysis of the 1803 Anglo-Maratha Campaigns. Building on that foundation he challenges ethnocentric assumptions about British superiority in discipline, drill and technology. He argues that these campaigns, in which Arthur Wellesley served with distinction, represent the military high-water mark of the Marathas who posed the last serious opposition to the formation of the British Raj. Dr Cooper asserts that the real contest for India was never a single decisive battle for the subcontinent. Rather it turned on a complex social and political struggle for control of the South Asian military economy. Contents: Introduction; 1. Maratha military culture; 2. British perceptions and the road to war in 1803; 3. The Deccan campaign of 1803; 4. The Hindustan campaign of 1803; 5. ‘Coming in’; 6. The anatomy of victory; Appendix I: Anglo-South Asian conflict chart; Appendix II: British troop strengths and casualties for the Hindustan and Deccan campaigns 1803; Appendix III: Governor General Wellesley’s ‘Maratha’ proclamation of 1803; Appendix IV: Mercenary pension records; Appendix V: The Marathas’ employment of mercenaries in historic perspective; Bibliography.

Contents: 1. Asia’s great migrations, 1850–1930; 2. The making of Asian diasporas, 1850–1930; 3. War, revolution, and refugees, 1930–1950; 4. Migration, development, and the Asian city, 1950–1970; 5. Asian migrants in the age of globalization, 1970–2010. ISBN: 9781107020245

The British divided and quit India in 1947. The partition of India and the creation of Pakistan uprooted entire communities and left unspeakable violence in its trail. This volume tells the story of partition through the events that led up to it, the terrors that accompanied it, to migration and resettlement. In a new shift in the understanding of this seminal moment, the book also explores the legacies of partition which continue to resonate today in the fractured lives of individuals and communities, and more broadly in the relationship between India and Pakistan and the ongoing conflict over contested sites. In conclusion, the book reflects on the general implications of partition as a political solution to ethnic and religious conflict. The book is accompanied by photographs, maps and a chronology of major events.

ISBN: 9788175962507

` 895.00 3


` 895.00

A Concise History of Modern India Third Edition Barbara D. Metcalf & Thomas R. Metcalf

The Untouchables

A Concise History of Modern India by Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf, has become a classic in the field since it was first published in 2001. As a fresh interpretation of Indian history from the Mughals to the present, it has informed students across the world. In the third edition of the book, a final chapter charts the dramatic developments of the last twenty years, from 1990 through the Congress electoral victory of 2009, to the rise of the Indian high-tech industry in a country still troubled by poverty and political unrest. The narrative focuses on the fundamentally political theme of the imaginative and institutional structures that have successively sustained and transformed India, first under British colonial rule and then, after 1947, as an independent country. Woven into the larger political narrative is an account of India’s social and economic development and its rich cultural life.

Oliver Mendelsohn & Marika Vicziany

Contents: Glossary; 1. Who are the Untouchables?; 2. The question of the ‘Harijan atrocity’; 3. Religion, politics and the Untouchables from the nineteenth century to 1956; 4. Public policy I: adverse discrimination and compensatory discrimination; 5. Public policy II: the anti-poverty programs; 6. The new Untouchable proletariat: a case study of the Faridabad stone quarries; 7. Untouchable politics and Untouchable politicians since 1956; 8. The question of reservation: lives and careers of some scheduled castes MPs and MLAs; 9. Subordination, poverty and the state in modern India; Bibliography; Index.

Contents: 1. Sultans, Mughals, and pre-colonial Indian society; 2. Mughal twilight: the emergence of regional states and the East India Company; 3. The East India Company Raj, 1772–1850; 4. Revolt, the modern state, and colonized subjects, 1848–1885; 5. Civil society, colonial constraints, 1885–1919; 6. The crisis of the colonial order, 1919–1939; 7. The 1940s: triumph and tragedy; 8. Congress Raj: democracy and development, 1950–1989; 9. Democratic India at the turn of the Millennium: prosperity, poverty, power. ISBN: 9781107619128


ISBN: 9788175960749

` 495.00

Languages and Nations Thomas R. Trautmann (Yoda Press)

The Mughals of India Harbans Mukhia (Blackwell)

The Mughals of India explores the grandest and longest lasting empire in Indian history. This innovative book examines the Mughal presence in India from 1526 to the mideighteenth century through four new entry points: the source of the Mughal state’s legitimacy; the evolution and meaning of court etiquette; the world of the imperial Mughal family; and the interaction between folklore and court culture. Based upon a wide range of sources - court chronicles, official documents, poetry, paintings, travellers’ accounts, bazaar gossip and folktales the book takes account of both the tensions and harmonies within the court and the durability of the empire’s structures, together with the transient moments of the Mughal world and its lasting legacy in today’s India.



` 695.00

British rule of India brought together two very different traditions of scholarship on language, producing several intellectual breakthroughs of lasting value. Two of these breakthroughs were especially important: the conceptualization of the Indo-European language family by Sir William Jones at Calcutta in 1786 - proposing that Sanskrit is related to Persian and languages of Europe - and the conceptualization of the Dravidian language family of South India by F.W. Ellis at Madras in 1816 - the “Dravidian proof”, showing that the languages of South India are related to one another but are not derived from Sanskrit. These concepts are still valid centuries later. In this book, Thomas R. Trautmann examines these developments from the vantage of Madras, focusing on Ellis, Collector of Madras, and the Indian scholars with whom he worked at the College of Fort St. George. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword; List of Illustrations; Preface; 1 Explosion in the Grammar Factory; 2 Panini and Tolkappiyar; 3 Ellis and His Circle; 4 The College; 5 The Dravidian Proof; 6 Legacies; 7 Conclusions; Appendix A. The Legend of the Cow-Pox; Appendix B. The Dravidian Proof; Bibliography; Index.

Contents: List of Illustrations; Acknowledgements; Chronology of Emperors’ Reigns; Introduction; 1 For Conquest and Governance: Legitimacy, Religion and Political Culture; 2 Etiquette and Empire; 3 The World of the Mughal Family; 4 Folklore and the Mughal Court; Culture; Glossary; Select Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788126518777

In a compelling account of the lives of those at the bottom of Indian society, the authors explore the construction of the Untouchables as a social and political category, the historical background which led to such a definition and their position in India today. The authors argue that, despite efforts to ameliorate their condition, a considerable edifice of discrimination persists. The book promises to make a major contribution to the social and economic debates on poverty, while its wide-ranging perspectives will ensure a readership from across the disciplines.

ISBN: 9788190363402

` 795.00



` 695.00

The Sikhs of the Punjab


Second Edition

The Mughal Empire John F. Richards

J.S. Grewal

The Mughal empire was one of the largest centralised states in the pre-modern world and this new volume traces the history of this magnificent empire from its creation in 1526 to its breakup in 1720.

Contents: Introduction; 1. The Turko-Afghan rule; 2. Foundation of the Sikh Panth; 3. Evolution of the Sikh Panth (1539–1606); 4. Transformation of the Sikh Panth (1606–1708); 5. Rise to political power (1708–1799); 6. The Sikh empire (1799–1848); 7. Recession and resurgence (1849–1919); 8. In the struggle for freedom (1920–1947); 9. Towards the ‘PunjabProvince’ (1947–1966); 10. In the new Punjab state (1966–1984); Epilogue; Appendices.

Contents: Introduction; 1. Conquest and stability; 2. The new Empire; 3. Autocratic centralism; 4. Land revenue and rural society; 5. Jahangir 1605–1627; 6. Shah Jahan 1628–1658; 7. The war of succession; 8. Imperial expansion under Aurangzeb 1658–1689; 9. The economy, societal change and international trade; 10. Maratha insurgency and Mughal conquest in the Deccan; 11. The Deccan war; 12. Decline and collapse, 1707–1720; Conclusion; Bibliographic essay. ISBN: 9788185618494

The Indian Princes and their States Barbara N. Ramusack


ISBN: 9788175960701

` 395.00

The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy Second Edition Claire McEachern (editor)


Contents: List of illustrations; General editor’s preface; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Map; 1. Introduction: Indian princes and British imperialism; 2. Princely states prior to 1800; 3. The British construction of indirect rule; 4. The theory and experience of indirect rule in colonial India; 5. Princes as men, women, rulers, patrons and Oriental stereotypes; 6. Princely states: administrative and economic structures; 7. Princely states: society and politics; 8. Federation or integration?; Epilogue; Bibliographical essay; Glossary; Index. 324pp


` 395.00


Although the princes of India have been caricatured as oriental despots and British stooges, Barbara Ramusack’s study argues that the British did not create the princes. On the contrary, many were consummate politicians who exercised considerable degrees of autonomy until the disintegration of the princely states after independence. Ramusack’s synthesis has a broad temporal span, tracing the evolution of the Indian kings from their pre-colonial origins to their roles as clients in the British colonial system. The book breaks new ground in its integration of political and economic developments in the major princely states with the shifting relationships between the princes and the British. It represents a major contribution, both to British imperial history in its analysis of the theory and practice of indirect rule, and to modern South Asian history, as a portrait of the princes as politicians and patrons of the arts.

ISBN: 9780521670470

A revised edition of the original book traces the history of the Sikhs from the time of its founder, Guru Nanak, right up to the present. It offers a comprehensive statement on one of the largest and most important communities in India today.

This revised and updated Companion acquaints the student reader with the forms, contexts, critical and theatrical lives of the ten plays considered to be Shakespeare’s tragedies. Thirteen essays, written by leading scholars in Britain and North America, address the ways in which Shakespearean tragedy originated, developed and diversified, as well as how it has fared on stage, as text and in criticism. Topics covered include the literary precursors of Shakespeare’s tragedies, cultural backgrounds, subgenres and receptions of the plays. The book examines the four major tragedies and, in addition, Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus and Timon of Athens. Essays from the first edition have been fully revised to reflect the most up-to-date scholarship; the bibliography has been extensively updated; and four new chapters have been added, discussing Shakespearean form, Shakespeare and philosophy, Shakespeare’s tragedies in performance, and Shakespeare and religion. Contents: List of illustrations • List of contributors • Preface to the second edition • Chronology • List of abbreviations; 1. What is a Shakespearean tragedy?; 2. The language of tragedy; 3. Tragedy in Shakespeare’s career; 4. Shakespearean tragedy printed and performed; 5. Religion and Shakespearean tragedy; 6. Tragedy and political authority; 7. Gender and family; 8. The tragic subject and its passions; 9. Tragedies of revenge and ambition; 10. Shakespeare’s tragedies of love; 11. Shakespeare’s classical tragedies; 12. Why think about Shakespearean tragedy today?; 13. Shakespeare’s tragedies in performance; Select bibliography • Index

` 695.00

ISBN: 9781107426979



` 595.00

The Cambridge Introduction to Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gerald Martin


The Colombian Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez (b. 1927) wrote two of the great novels of the twentieth century, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera. As novelist, short story writer and journalist, Garcia Marquez has one of literature’s most instantly recognisable styles and since the beginning of his career has explored a consistent set of themes, revolving around the relationship between power and love. His novels exemplify the transition between modernist and postmodernist fiction and have made magical realism one of the most significant and influential phenomena in contemporary writing. Aimed at students of Latin American and comparative literature, this book provides essential information about Garcia Marquez’s life and career, his published work in literature and journalism, and his political engagement. It connects the fiction effectively to the writer’s own experience and explains his enduring importance in world literature.

Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies Steven Totosy de Zepetnek & Tutun Mukherjee (editors)

Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: The life and work in historical context ; Chapter 2: Early short stories, journalism and a first (modernist) novel, Leaf Storm (1947-1955); Chapter 3: The neorealist turn: In Evil Hour, No One Writes to the Colonel and Big Mama’s Funeral (1956-1962); Chapter 4: One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967): the global village; Chapter 5: The Autumn of the Patriarch (1957): the love of power; Chapter 6: Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981): postmodernist and Hispanic literature; Chapter 7: Love in the Time of Cholera (1985): the power of love; Chapter 8: More about power: The General in His Labyrinth (1989) and News of a Kidnapping (1996); Chapter 9: More about love: Of Love and Other Demons (1994) and Memories of My Melancholy Whores (2004); Chapter 10: Memoirs: Living to Tell the Tale (2002) • Conclusion: the achievement of the universal Colombian Notes • Further reading • Index ISBN: 9781107491755


This volume is intended to address the current situation of scholarship in the discipline of comparative literature and the fields of world literature and comparative cultural studies in a global context. While the discipline of comparative literature in the West appears to be losing ground in its institutional presence, in other parts of the world including Asia and Latin America, as well as in “peripheral” European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Macedonia, etc., the discipline is flourishing both in scholarship and in its institutional structure and pedagogical vitality. The field of world literatures is gaining renewed interest in US-American scholarship while the field of comparative cultural studies is a new area of study pursued by scholars who are committed to the intellectual trajectories of comparative literature — minus Eurocentrism and the nation approach — and cultural studies. 36 articles of around 6000 words each are presented in thematic groups in this volume. Contents: Introduction to the Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 1: Theories of Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 2: Comparative Literature in World Languages;Part 3: Examples of New Work in Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 4: Multilingual Bibliography of Books in Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Index. ISBN: 9789382993506

The Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing David Morley & Philip Neilsen (editors)

` 395.00


` 795.00

Creative writing has become a highly professionalised academic discipline, with popular courses and prestigious degree programmes worldwide. This book is a must for all students and teachers of creative writing, indeed for anyone who aspires to be a published writer. It engages with a complex art in an accessible manner, addressing concepts important to the rapidly growing field of creative writing, while maintaining a strong craft emphasis, analysing exemplary models of writing and providing related writing exercises. Written by professional writers and teachers of writing, the chapters deal with specific genres or forms – ranging from the novel to new media – or with significant topics that explore the cutting edge state of creative writing internationally (including creative writing and science, contemporary publishing and new workshop approaches). Contents: Foreword: on criticism and creativity; 1. Introduction; Part I. Genres and Types: 2. A writing lesson: the Three Flat Tires and the outer story; 3. In conversation: a new approach to teaching long fiction; 4. Genre and speculative fiction; 5. Writing drama; 6. Poetics and poetry; 7. Travel writing; 8. Creative writing and new media; 9. Creative translation; 10. Life writing;


Part II. Topics: 11. Serious play: creative writing and science; 12. Outside the academy; 13. Contemporary publishing; 14. Imaginative crossings: transglobal and transcultural narratives; 15. Does that make sense? Approaches to the creative writing workshop; Further reading; Index. ISBN: 9781107630475

The Cambridge Companion to Modern Indian Culture Vasudha Dalmia & Rashmi Sadana (editors)


English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski (editor)

` 245.00

India is changing at a rapid pace as it continues to move from its colonial past to its globalised future. This Companion offers a framework for understanding that change, and how modern cultural forms have emerged out of very different histories and traditions. The book provides accounts of literature, theatre, film, modern and popular art, music, television and food; it also explores in detail social divisions, customs, communications and daily life. In a series of engaging, erudite and occasionally moving essays the contributors, drawn from a variety of disciplines, examine not merely what constitutes modern Indian culture, but just how wide-ranging are the cultures that persist in the regions of India. This volume will help the reader understand the continuities and fissures within Indian culture and some of the conflicts arising from them. Throughout, what comes to the fore is the extraordinary richness and diversity of modern Indian culture.

Contents: Preface Paul Poplawski; 1. Medieval English, 500–1500: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Valerie Allen; 2. The Renaissance, 1485–1660: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Andrew Hiscock; 3. The Restoration and 18th Century, 1660–1780: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Lee Morrissey; 4. The Romantic Period, 1780–1832: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and Issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Peter J. Kitson; 5. The Victorian Age, 1837–1901: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Maria Frawley; 6. The twentieth century, 1901–1939: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Paul Poplawski; 7. The twentieth century, 1939–2004: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference John Brannigan.

Contents: Chronology; Introduction Rashmi Sadana and Vasudha Dalmia; Part I. Cultural Contexts: 1. Scenes of rural change Ann Grodzins Gold; 2. The formation of tribal identities Stuart Blackburn; 3. Food and agriculture Amita Baviskar; 4. Urban forms of religious practice Smriti Srinivas; 5. The politics of caste identities Christophe Jaffrelot; Part II. Cultural Forms: 6. History and representation in the Bengali novel Supriya Chaudhuri; 7. Writing in English Rashmi Sadana; 8. Dalit life histories Debjani Ganguly; 9. Three traditions in modernist art Sonal Khullar; 10. Mass reproduction and the art of the bazaar Kajri Jain; 11. Urban theatre and the turn towards ‘folk’ Vasudha Dalmia; 12. Aesthetics and politics in popular cinema Ravi S. Vasudevan; 13. Musical genres and national identity Amanda Weidman; 14. Voyeurism and the family on television Amrita Ibrahim; Further reading; Index. ISBN: 9781107641037


Supporting the study of English literature from the Middle Ages to the present, this book is designed as an introductory text and a helpful reference tool for an entire English Literature degree. Its key mission is to help students understand the link between the historical context in which the literature developed, how this has influenced the literature of the period and how subsequent periods in literature have been influenced by those that precede them. The book is carefully structured for undergraduate use, with a rich range of illustrations and textboxes that enhance and summarise vital background material. The seven chronological chapters are written by a team of expert contributors who are also highly experienced teachers with a clear sense of the requirements of the undergraduate English curriculum. Each analyses a major historical period, surveying and documenting the cultural contexts that have shaped English literature, and focusing on key texts. In addition to the narrative survey, each chapter includes a detailed chronology, providing a quick-reference guide to the period; contextual readings of select literary texts; and annotated suggestions for further reading.

ISBN: 9780521173032

` 495.00



` 645.00

Studying English Literature A Practical Guide Tory Young

An Introduction to Research

Studying English Literature is a unique guide for undergraduates beginning to study the discipline of literature and those who are thinking of doing so. Unlike books that provide a survey of literary history or non-subject specific manuals that offer rigid guidelines on how to write essays, Studying English Literature invites students to engage with the subject's history and theory whilst at the same time offering information about reading, researching and writing about literature within the context of a university. The book is practical yet not patronizing: for example, whilst the discussion of plagiarism provides clear guidelines on how not to commit this offence, it also considers the difficulties students experience finding their own 'voice' when writing and provokes reflection on the value of originality and the concepts of adaptation, appropriation and intertextuality in literature. Above all, the book prizes the idea of argument rather than insisting upon formulaic essay plans, and gives many ways of finding something to say as you read and when you write, in chapters on Reading, Argument, Essays, Sentences and References.

The Rudiments of Literary Research Shirish Chindhade & Ashok Thorat

An Introduction to Research deals with many of the important facts of academic research. Contents: Preface; 1. Research: Background and the Current State of Affairs; 2. Planning and Choosing a Topic; 3. What is Research?; 4. Preparing to Write; 5. Plagiarism; 6. What is in a Name?; 7. Introduction and Conclusion; 8. Research: postscripts; Appendices. ISBN: 9788175967106

Contents: 1. Introduction: 1.1 What this book is about; 1.2 Some practicalities: how to use this book; 1.3 Reading and writing in your life; 1.4 A very brief history of writing and reading; 1.5 What do novels know?; 1.6 Literacy in contemporary society; 1.7 Stories, narrative and identity; Works cited; 2. Reading: 2.1 Writing as reading?; 2.2 A love of literature; 2.3 The discipline of English; 2.4 The new English student; 2.5 Plagiarism: too complete a loss of self; 2.6 How to read: ways of avoiding plagiarism; 2.7 What to read; 2.8 Some recommended websites; Works cited; 3. Argument: 3.1 Having something to say; 3.2 Rethinking dialogue: Mikhail Mikhailovitch Bakhtin (1895–1975); 3.3 Stories, arguments and democracy; 3.4 The folded paper: how to stand at a distance and start a dialogue with a text; 3.5 What is rhetoric?; 3.6 A very brief survey of Classical rhetoric; 3.7 Wayne Booth (1921–2005) and The Rhetoric of Fiction; 3.8 More ways of discovering arguments; Works cited; 4. Essays: 4.1 What are essays for?; 4.2 What is an essay?; 4.3 How do you think you write an essay?; 4.4 The stages of writing an essay; 4.5 Thinking of or about the question; 4.6 Research; 4.7 Making a plan; 4.8 The thesis statement; 4.9 Writing the main body of the essay; 4.10 Beginnings and endings; 4.11 Editing;4.12 Finally, a frequently asked question: ‘Is it OK to use ‘I’?’; Works cited; 5. Sentences: 5.1 The most common errors made in student assignments; 5.2 Errors involving clauses; 5.3 Errors involving commas; 5.4 Errors involving apostrophes; 5.5 Errors involving pronouns; 5.6 Errors involving verbs; 5.7 Errors involving words; Works cited; 6. References: 6.1 The MLA system; 6.2 Citations in the MLA style; 6.3 Quotations; 6.4 Bibliographies and works cited in the MLA style; Works cited; Appendix: Sample essay by Alex Hobbs. ISBN: 9780521137546


An Introduction to Research is a differently written book that tries to explode the myth that all research work is produced with a wry face and has to be read with a wry face. It is meant for students who are already carrying out research or are about to undertake it. It is an attempt to communicate the message that research, though a serious activity, is not, after all, ‘the flower of paradise’ which only angels and supermen can pluck. Every sincere and disciplined student can perform research and complete it satisfactorily, provided certain simple and basic guiding principles are followed.

R. K. Narayan An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Mohan G. Ramanan


` 195.00

Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. The CIWE texts cater to a wide audience – from the student seeking information and critical material on particular works to the general, informed reader who might want to know a little more about an author s/he has just finished reading. Cast in a user-friendly format and written with a high degree of critical and theoretical rigour, the texts in the series will provide astute, accessible, informed entry-points into a wide range of works and writers. CIWE, we hope, will further strengthen the interest in and readership of one of the most significant components of world literatures in English. A pioneer in Indian writing in English, R. K. Narayan’s breadth of work, based on the fictitious world of the tiny Malgudi town, offers both the academic-scholar and the general reader a variety of ideas about and insights into a small town’s many lives. Narayan’s novels, short fiction, non-fiction and travelogues hover around sweet shop owners, schoolchildren, teachers, family planning propagandists, ghosts, criminalsturned-savants and housewives – the deceptive simplicity of his prose style offering a ‘microcosm’ of the Indian society, with its caste, class and gender complication. All of these essential aspects of Narayan’s work come in for sustained

` 295.00


Vikram Seth

attention in this eminently readable introduction by Mohan G. Ramanan. Ramanan posits a genealogical perspective on Narayan’s themes and concerns by locating these in intellectual contexts, such as the role of English in Narayan’s works and Indian Writing in English as a genre.

An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Rohini MokashiPunekar

Contents: Abbreviations Used; Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Thoughtful Citizen: Narayan’s Essays; 3. The Self And The World: Narayan’s Memories, Travelogues And Guide Books; 4. Narayan’s Short Fiction; 5. Narayan’s Longer Fiction; 6. Thematic Concerns; 7. Caste, Class And Gender; 8. Form And Value In Narayan; 9. Conclusion; Topics for Discussion; Works Cited; Select Bibliography. ISBN: 9789382993537

Raja Rao An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Letizia Alterno


Vikram Seth is one of the most celebrated authors in Indian Writing in English today. With the complexity and depth of his work and his significant achievements in prose as well as verse, Seth has proved the master of the English language. Seth’s many themes and concerns, from land ceiling in post-Independence India to Western classical music to relationships, all cast in formally perfect prose or poetry, have gained him a formidable reputation as a stylist and a perfectionist. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar’s thorough study works its way through the many forms, themes and styles of Seth’s verse and prose. It pays attention to both form and content, and presents a comprehensive study of Seth’s oeuvre by linking plot, characterization and theme in a densely textured analysis and close reading.

` 295.00

Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian Writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres.

Contents: Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s Preface; Introduction; The Poetry; A Travelogue: From Heaven Lake; A Verse Novel: The Golden Gate; The Nation at Work in Post-Independence India: A Suitable Boy; In Europe: An Equal Music; Biographic Memoir: Two Lives; Conclusions; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography.

Raja Rao, along with RK Narayan and Mulk Raj Anand, defined Indian writing in English in the early twentieth century. His works exhibit a deep engagement with psychology, mysticism, spiritualism and philosophy. His narratives become cultural as well as individual chronicles, and very often draw implicitly or explicitly upon various aspects — the freedom movement to Gandhi to myths— of an Indian ethos. Letizia Alterno’s detailed, incisive and eminently readable introduction is a rigorous examination of the diverse, and complex, Raja Rao canon, including some of his lesser known short-fiction.

ISBN: 9788175965898

Rohinton Mistry An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Nandini BhautooDewnarain

Contents: Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Raja Rao and his Fictional Characters; 3. The Missing Mother in Rao’s Fiction; 4. The Yearning for a Guru; 5. Interminable Tales: The Short Stories; 6. Meaningful Gurus: The Meaning of India and The Great Indian Way; 7. Before and After the Guru: Two Early Works; 8. Critical Unorthodoxy: Standpoints; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography and Webliography; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources. ISBN: 9788175966277


Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian Writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres.


` 295.00

Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. Mistry’s fiction covers many themes, from politics to Parsi community life and economic inequality to national ‘events’ such as wars, rigorously examining the impact of historical forces and social events on ‘small’ lives. Nandini BhautooDewnarain’s study, a schematic introduction to Mistry’s works, looks at the process of marginalization or ‘Othering’ in his fiction. Exploring Mistry’s themes of tradition, ageing and families, Bhautoo-Dewnarain demonstrates how his fiction moves from the local to the universal.

` 295.00

Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. The Local and the Universal; 3. ‘Otherness’ in Mistry; 4. Politics in Mistry’s Fiction; 5. Recurring Themes; 6. Rohinton Mistry and Indian Writing in English; Topics for Discussion; Appendix A: The 1975 Emergency; Appendix B: MISA; Appendix C: The History of the Bangladesh Conflict; Appendix D: List of Honours and Awards; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175963115 9


` 295.00

Amitav Ghosh (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) John C. Hawley

The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature

Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres.

George Sampson

Amitav Ghosh, a novelist with an extraordinary sense of history and place, is indisputably one of the most important novelists and essayists of our times. In this volume, John Hawley provides a lucid, friendly and thorough introduction to the fiction and essays of Ghosh.

Contents: 1. From the beginnings to the cycles of romance; 2. The end of the Middle Ages; 3. Renascence and reformation; 4. Prose and poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton; 5. The drama to 1642: part I; 6. The drama to 1642: part II; 7. Cavalier and Puritan; 8. The age of Dryden; 9. From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift; 10. The age of Johnson; 11. The period of the French revolution; 12. The nineteenth century: part I; 13. The nineteenth century: part II; 14. Empire and after: from the nineteenth to the twentieth century in Britain and overseas; 15. The literature of the United States of America from the colonial period to Henry James; 16. The age of T. S. Eliot: the mid-twentieth-century literature of the English-speaking world; Index.

Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. The Writer, his Contexts and his Themes; 2. A Writer situated in a History and in a Place: Ghosh’s non-fiction; 3. A Tale of Two Riots: The Circle of Reason and The Shadow Lines; 4. The Ebb and Flow of People across Continents and Generations: In An Antique Land, The Glass Palace, The Hungry Tide; 5. Subaltern Agency as Fiction or Science: The Calcutta Chromosome; 6. Beyond the Commonwealth:Amitav Ghosh and Indian Writing in English; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175962590

Mahesh Dattani (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Asha Kuthari-Chaudhuri


` 150.00

ISBN: 9788175960787

Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres.

The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald

Mahesh Dattani is perhaps one of India’s most daring, innovative and important playwrights in English today. He blends conventional themes with some startingly new ones in his work. His plays combine the intimate with the social, the personal and the public, often exploring the boundaries between these realms. In this volume, Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri, explores Dattani’s central themes - the family, alternate sexualities, other genders, morality and identity while also examining the dramaturgical innovations in his work.



` 595.00

This critical edition of The Great Gatsby draws on the manuscript and surviving proofs of the novel, together with Fitzgerald’s subsequent revisions to key passages to provide the first authoritative text of one of the classic works of the twentieth century. Contents: Cambridge Literature; Introduction to the reader; The Great Gatsby; Resource Notes; Who has written The Great Gatsby and why?; What type of text is it?; How was it produced?; How is it presented?; Who reads The Great Gatsby and why?; Glossary; Further Reading. ISBN: 9788175960435

Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction: Modern Indian Drama; 2. The Setting: The Constructed/ Deconstructed Family; 3. The ‘Invisible’ Issues: Sexuality, Alternate Sexuality and Gender; 4. Identity: Locating the Self; 5. Reading the Stage: The Self-Reflexivity of the Texts;6. Film: Alternate Performances, Shifting Genres; 7. Conclusion: Mahesh Dattani and Contemporary Indian Writing; Topics for Discussion; Appendix; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175962606

Sampson’s Concise History of English Literature was first published in 1941. Basically it was then a summary, in readable form, of the great Cambridge History, with some personal touches by Sampson. The second edition had a substantial new chapter by R. C. Churchill on twentieth-century literature and appeared in 1961. The present edition, prepared by Mr. Churchill, provides a revision of the first thirteen chapters. Three very substantial new chapters are now added which have the effect of making this the only complete and up-to-date survey of world literature in English.

Hard Times Charles Dickens


` 125.00

This edition of Hard Times is part of the Cambridge Literature series, and has been specially prepared for students in schools and colleges who are studying the book as part of their English course. This study edition invites you to think about what happens when you read the novel, and it suggests that you are not passively responding to words on the page which have only one agreed interpretation, but that you are actively exploring and making new sense of what you read.

` 150.00

Contents: Introduction; Text; Glossary; Activities ISBN: 9788175960510 10


` 150.00

The Cambridge Introduction to the Short Story in English Adrian Hunter

10. Literature of the Romantic Age; 11. Rereading the Romantics: Colonialism, Romanticism and Disease; Section Four: The Victorian Age; 12. Backgrounds; 13. Literature of the Victorian Age; 14. Late Victorian Literature; 15. Re-reading the Victorians: Constructed Masculinities; Section Five: The Modern Age; 16. Backgrounds; 17. Towards the Modern: Edwardian and Georgian Literature (1900-22); 18. Literature of the Modern Age; 19. The Present; 20. Re-reading Modernism: Technology, the Body and Literature; Postscript: ‘English Literature’ or ‘Literatures in English’; Select Bibliography; Webliography; Title/Topic Index; Author Index.

The short story has become an increasingly important genre since the mid-nineteenth century. Complementing The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story, this book examines the development of the short story in Britain and other English-language literatures. It considers issues of form and style alongside - and often as part of - a broader discussion of publishing history and the cultural contexts in which the short story has flourished and continues to flourish. In its structure the book provides a chronological survey of the form, usefully grouping writers to show the development of the genre over time. Starting with Dickens and Kipling, the chapters cover key authors from the past two centuries and up to the present day. The focus on form, literary history, and cultural context, together with the highlighting of the greatest short stories and their authors, make this a stimulating and informative overview for all students of English literature.

ISBN: 9788175966260

Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Nineteenth Century: Introduction: Publishers, plots and prestige; 1. Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy; 2. Rudyard Kipling and Joseph Conrad; 3. The Yellow Book circle and the 1890s avant-garde; Part II. The Modernist Short Story: Introduction: ‘Complete with missing parts’; 4. James Joyce; 5. Virginia Woolf; 6. Katherine Mansfield; 7. Samuel Beckett; Part III. Post-Modernist Stories; Introduction: Theories of form; 8. Frank O’Connor and Sean O’Faolain; 9. Elizabeth Bowen and V. S. Pritchett; 10. Angela Carter and Ian McEwan; Part IV. Post-colonial and Other Stories; Introduction: A ‘minor’ literature?; 11. Frank Sargeson and Marjorie Barnard; 12. James Kelman and Chinua Achebe; 13. Alice Munro; Guide to further reading; Index. ISBN: 9780521734417

A Short History of English Literature Pramod K. Nayar


Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy M.C. Bradbrook

` 495.00

A Short History of English Literature is a comprehensive survey, in chronological fashion, of the major periods, authors and movements from Chaucer to the present. Written for undergraduate and postgraduate students in South Asian universities, this History locates authors, genres and developments within their social, political and historical contexts. Informed by contemporary literary and cultural theory, this account also prepares the student for further explorations in particular genres and periods in English literature.


` 345.00

The first edition of this book formed the basis of the moden approach to Elizabethan poetic drama as a performing art, an approach pursued in subsequent volumes by Professor Bradbrook. Its influence has also extended to other fields; it has been studied by Grigori Kozintsev and Sergei Eisenstein for instance. Conventions of open stage, stylized plot and characters, and actors’ traditions of presentation are related to the special expectations which a rhetorical training produced in the listeners. The general discussion of tragic conventions is followed by individual studies of how these were used by Marlowe, Tourneur, Webster and Middleton. For this second edition, Professor Bradbrook has revised her material and written a new introduction. A new final chapter on performance and characterization describes the conventions of role-playing. Dramatists before and after Shakespeare are compared with him in their methods of showing a complex identity on stage. This chapter also considers the work of Marston, Chapman and Ford in relation to the themes and conventions studied in earlier chapters. Contents: Preface to the second edition; Part One The Theatre; 1. Introduction; 2. Conventions of Presentation and Acting; 3. Conventions of Action; 4. Elizabethan Habits of Reading, Writing and Listening; 5. Conventions of Speech; Part Two The Dramatists; 6. Christopher Marlowe; 7. Cyril Tourneur; 8. John Webster; 9. Thomas Middleton; 10. Character, Identity and the Performer’s Art in Elizabethan Drama; Outline of related studies 1935 – 78; Index.

Contents: List of Boxed Items; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. English Literature: A Prologue;Section One: The Renaissance To The Restoration; 2. Backgrounds; 3. Literature of the Renaissance; 4. Re-reading the Renaissance: Postcolonial Shakespeare; Section Two: From The Restoration To The Enlightenment; 5. Backgrounds; 6. Literature of the Restoration; 7. Literature of the Enlightenment; 8. Re-reading the Augustan Age: Gender and Genre; Section Three: The Romantic Age; 9. Backgrounds;

ISBN: 9788175963276



` 395.00

Rediscover Shakespeare with Cambridge as we launch our stunning new-look Cambridge Shakespeare series. Featuring the same excellent page layout, glossing, critical introductions and illustrations, you can now enjoy studying Shakespeare as never before. Now refreshed and complete, The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to readers worldwide with its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. Edited by an expert international team, the series includes all Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets and poems.




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A Midsummer Night’s Dream All’s Well That Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra As You Like It Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry VIII King Richard II Macbeth Measure for Measure Much Ado About Nothing Othello Romeo and Juliet The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice The Sonnets The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest The Tragedy of King Lear Twelfth Night New Cambridge Shakespeare Set (20 books)

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More titles in The New Cambridge Shakespeare (Original UK Editions, now available at a special Indian Price) 9780521296946 Cymbeline £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521735568 King Richard III £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521728744




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King Edward III



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The First Part of King Henry IV



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The Second Part of King Henry IV



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King Henry V



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The First Part of King Henry VI



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The Second Part of King Henry VI



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The Third Part of King Henry VI



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King John



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Love’s Labour Lost



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The Merry Wives of Windsor



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The Poems



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Timon of Athens



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Titus Andronicus



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Troilus and Cressida



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The Two Gentlemen of Verona



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The Two Noble Kinsmen



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The Winter’s Tale



` 795.00

The Cambridge Shakespeare Guide Plots, Characters and Interpretations Emma Smith Perfect for students and theatregoers, this lively and authoritative guide contains key information on Shakespeare. Covering all of Shakespeare’s dramatic and poetic works in compact, alphabetical form, the book provides plot and character summaries, essential background context, information on major themes and descriptions of performance history. Contents: Part I. The Works: 1. All’s Well That Ends Well; 2. Antony and Cleopatra; 3. As You Like It; 4. The Comedy of Errors; 5. Coriolanus; 6. Cymbeline; 7. Hamlet; 8. Julius Caesar; 9. King Henry IV Part 1; 10. King Henry IV Part 2; 11. King Henry V; 12. King Henry VI Parts 1, 2, and 3; 13. King Henry VIII, or All is True; 14. King John; 15. King Lear; 16. King Richard II; 17. King Richard III; 18. Love’s Labour’s Lost; 19. Macbeth; 20. Measure for Measure; 21. The Merchant of Venice; 22. The Merry Wives of Windsor; 23. A Midsummer Night’s Dream; 24. Much Ado About Nothing; 25. Othello; 26. The Phoenix and the Turtle; 27. Pericles; 28. The Rape of Lucrece; 29. Romeo and Juliet; 30. The Sonnets and A Lover’s Complaint; 31. The Taming of the Shrew; 32. The Tempest; 33. Timon of Athens; 34. Titus Andronicus; 35. Troilus and Cressida; 36. Twelfth Night; 37. The Two Gentlemen of Verona; 38. The Two Noble Kinsmen; 39. The Winter’s Tale; 40. Venus and Adonis; Part II. The Context: 41. Shakespeare’s life; 42. Shakespeare’s theatre; 43. Shakespeare in print; 44. Shakespearean apocrypha; 45. Shakespeare’s language; Further reading. Paperback • 9781107668928 • 258pp


• ` 395.00

are most salient. The book surveys a wide range of competing theories, analytical strategies, and notational systems, and attempts to provide a coherent intellectual and historical perspective on a discipline which has too often been viewed recently as developing via a series of ‘revolutions’. Although this textbook assumes some command of phonetics, little other linguistic background is presupposed, and the author carefully provides the groundwork for each new development before it is introduced. In addition, the book deals in detail with two areas not customarily treated extensively in introductory texts; the phonology of casual speech, and phonological change. This spirited and original synthesis will enable its readers to acquire a real understanding of the fundamentals of phonology.

LINGUISTICS The Study of Language Fourth Edition George Yule

This best-selling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge in the subject, Yule presents information in short, bitesized sections, introducing the major concepts in language study – from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fourth edition has been revised and updated with twenty new sections, covering new accounts of language origins, the key properties of language, text messaging, kinship terms and more than twenty new word etymologies. To increase student engagement with the text, Yule has also included more than fifty new tasks, including thirty involving data analysis, enabling students to apply what they have learned. The online study guide offers students further resources when working on the tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easyto-use introduction to the study of language.

Contents: Preface; To the student; 1. Preliminaries: what is phonology? and some related matters; 2. Foundations: the phoneme concept; 3. Opposition, neutralization, features; 4. Interfaces: morphophonemic alternations and sandhi; 5. ‘Ultimate constituents’, I: binary features; 6. ‘Ultimate constituents’, II: non-binary features and internal segment structure; 7. Phonological systems; 8. Phonological processes; 9. The limits of abstraction: generative phonology; 10. Beyond the segment: prosodies, syllables, and quantity; 11. Dependency relations; 12. Non-static phonology: connected speech and variation; 13. Phonological change; Appendix; References; General index; Index of names.

Contents: 1. The origins of language; 2. Animals and human language; 3. The sounds of language; 4. The sound patterns of language; 5. Word-formation; 6. Morphology; 7. Grammar; 8. Syntax; 9. Semantics; 10. Pragmatics; 11. Discourse analysis; 12. Language and the brain; 13. First language acquisition; 14. Second language acquisition/ learning; 15. Gestures and sign languages; 16. Writing; 17. Language history and change; 18. Language and regional variation; 19. Language and social variation; 20. Language and culture. ISBN: 9781107647220

Phonology An Introduction to Basic Concepts Roger Lass


ISBN: 9780521188432

Introducing Second Language Acquisition

` 495.00

Muriel Saville-Troike

What is the phonological organisation of natural languages like? What theoretical and analytical approaches are most fruitful? Is there any phonological theory that is ‘the best’ in all ways? The student of phonology is currently faced with a number of major and apparently competing theories, and the textbook writer who genuinely wishes to confront these questions is faced with the task of assessing the contribution each theory can make, while avoiding the merely fashionable or ephemeral in this contentious and evolving discipline. Roger Lass sees phonology as essentially a problem-centred discipline. Since in his view none of the supposedly comprehensive answers proposed to the questions raised above is really comprehensive or acceptable in all its detail, he concentrates rather on introducing the student to the perennial concerns in the study of sound structure. Hence his book adopts a broad and eclectic framework, unbiased toward any one model or theory. Instead, important aspects of the phenomenology of sound structure are discussed in relation to the particular phonological theory - be it Prague phonology, American structuralism, prosodic phonology, generative phonology - for which they


` 495.00

Written for students encountering the topic for the first time, this is a clear and practical introduction to second language acquisition (SLA). It explains in non-technical language how a second language is acquired; what the second language learner needs to know; and why some learners are more successful than others. The textbook introduces in a step-by-step fashion a range of fundamental concepts – such as SLA in adults and children, in formal and informal learning contexts, and in diverse socio-cultural settings – and takes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to consider SLA from linguistic, psychological and social perspectives. Each chapter contains a list of key terms, a summary, and a range of graded exercises suitable for self-testing or class discussion. Providing a solid foundation in SLA, this book is set to become the leading introduction to the field for students of linguistics, psychology, and education, and trainee language teachers. Contents: 1. Introducing second language acquisition; 2. Foundations of second language acquisition; 3. The linguistics of second language acquisition; 4. The psychology of second language acquisition; 5. Social contexts of second language acquisition; 6. Acquiring knowledge for L2 use; 7. L2 learning and teaching. ISBN: 9780521188449



` 595.00

English Phonology An Introduction Heinz J. Giegerich

Unit 11. Sense relations (2); Part IV. Logic: Unit 12. About logic; Unit 13. A notation for simple propositions; Unit 14. Connectives. And and or; Unit 15. More connectives; Part V. Word Meaning: Unit 16. About dictionaries; Unit 17. Meaning postulates; Unit 18. Properties of predicates; Unit 19. Derivation; Unit 20. Participant roles; Part VI. Interpersonal and NonLiteral Meaning: Unit 21. Speech acts; Unit 22. Perlocutions and illocutions; Unit 23. Felicity conditions; Unit 24. Direct and indirect illocutions; Unit 25. Propositions and illocutions; Unit 26. Conversational implicature; Unit 27. Non-literal meaning: idioms, metaphor, and metonymy; Selected references and recommendations for further study; Index.

This is an introduction to the phonology of present-day English. It deals principally with three varieties of English: 'General American', Southern British 'Received Pronunciation' and 'Scottish Standard English'. It offers a systematic and detailed discussion of the features shared by these major accents, and explains some major differences. Other varieties of English - Australian and New Zealand English, South African English and Hiberno-English - are also discussed briefly. Without focusing on current phonological theory and its evolution, the author demonstrates the importance of 'theory', in whatever shape or form, in phonological argumentation. The book also includes a helpful introductory section on speech sounds and their production, and detailed suggestions for further reading follow each chapter. This clear and helpful textbook will be welcomed by all students of English language and linguistics.

ISBN: 9780521141765

Contents: Preface; 1. Speech sounds and their production; 2. Towards a sound system for English: consonant phonemes; 3. Some vowel systems of English; 4. Phonological features, part I: the classification of English vowel phonemes; 5. Phonological features, part II: the consonant system; 6. Syllables; 7. Word stress; 8. Phonetic representations: the realisations of phonemes; 9. Phrases, sentences and the phonology of connected speech; 10. Representations and derivations; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521144322

Semantics A coursebook Second Edition James R. Hurford, Brendan Heasley & Michael B. Smith


Introducing Phonetic Science Michael Ashby & John Maidment

` 495.00

This practical coursebook introduces all the basics of semantics in a simple, step-by-step fashion. Each unit includes short sections of explanation with examples, followed by stimulating practice exercises to complete in the book. Feedback and comment sections follow each exercise to enable students to monitor their progress. No previous background in semantics is assumed, as students begin by discovering the value and fascination of the subject and then move through all key topics in the field, including sense and reference, simple logic, word meaning and interpersonal meaning. New study guides and exercises have been added to the end of each unit to help reinforce and test learning. A completely new unit on non-literal language and metaphor, plus updates throughout the text significantly expand the scope of the original edition to bring it up-to-date with modern teaching of semantics for introductory courses in linguistics as well as intermediate students.


` 495.00

This accessible new textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonetics, the study of speech. Assuming no prior knowledge of the topic, it introduces students to the fundamental concepts in phonetic science, and equips them with the essential skills needed for recognizing, describing and transcribing a range of speech sounds. Numerous graded exercises enable students to put these skills into practice, and the sounds introduced are clearly illustrated with examples from a variety of English accents and other languages. As well as looking at traditional articulatory description, the book introduces acoustic and other instrumental techniques for analysing speech, and covers topics such as speech and writing, the nature of transcription, hearing and speech perception, linguistic universals, and the basic concepts of phonology. Contents: 1. Introduction to speech; 2. Voice; 3. Place of articulation; 4. Manner of articulation; 5. Vowels; 6. Voice II; 7. Airstream mechanisms; 8. Speech sounds and speech movements; 9. Basic phonological concepts; 10. Suprasegmentals; 11. Speaker and hearer. ISBN: 9780521733151

Introducing Phonology David Odden

Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Basic Ideas in Semantics: Unit 1. About semantics; Unit 2. Sentences, utterances, and propositions; Unit 3. Reference and sense; Part II. From Reference ‌: Unit 4. Referring expressions; Unit 5. Predicates; Unit 6. Predicates, referring expressions, and universe of discourse; Unit 7. Deixis and definiteness; Unit 8. Words and things. Extensions and prototypes; Part III. ‌ To Sense: Unit 9. Sense properties and stereotypes; Unit 10. Sense relations (1); 15


` 595.00

This accessible textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonology, the study of sound patterns in language. Designed for students with only a basic knowledge of linguistics, it teaches in a step-by-step fashion the logical techniques of phonological analysis and the fundamental theories that underpin it. Through over sixty graded exercises, students are encouraged to make their own analyses of phonological patterns and processes, based on extensive data and problem sets from a wide variety of languages. Introducing Phonology equips students with the essential analytical skills needed for further study in the field, such as how to think critically and discover generalizations about data, how to formulate hypotheses, and how to test them.

Contents: 1. What is phonology?; 2. Phonetic transcriptions; 3. Allophonic relations; 4. Underlying representations; 5. Interacting processes; 6. Feature theory; 7. Doing an analysis;8. Phonological typology and naturalness; 9. Abstractness and psychological reality; 10. Nonlinear representations. ISBN: 9780521733090

Language and Linguistics An Introduction John Lyons


Pragmatics Stephen Levinson

` 595.00

Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Notation conventions; 1. The scope of pragmatics; 2. Deixis; 3. Conversational implicature; 4. Presupposition; 5. Speech acts; 6. Conversational structure; 7. Conclusions; Bibliography; Subject index; Index of names.

A general introduction to linguistics and the study of language, intended particularly for beginning students and readers with no previous knowledge or training in the subject. There is first a general account of the nature of language and of the aims, methods and basic principles of linguistic theory. John Lyons then introduces in turn each of the main sub-fields of linguistics: the sounds of language, grammar, semantics, language change, psycholinguistics, language and culture.

ISBN: 9780521540896

Contents: Preface; 1. Language; 2. Linguistics; 3. The sounds of language; 4. Grammar; 5. Semantics; 6. Language-change; 7. Some modern schools and movements; 8. Language and mind; 9. Language and society; 10. Language and culture; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521540889


An Introduction Andrew Radford, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen & Andrew Spencer

A New Anthropology of Islam

` 495.00

A self-contained introduction to language and linguistics, this book offers a unified approach to language from several perspectives. It provides the tools necessary for understanding the complex structure of a language. The book is divided into three sections - sounds, words, and sentences - which address both foundational concepts and linguistic applications.


` 495.00

In this powerful, but accessible new study, John Bowen draws on a full range of work in social anthropology to present Islam in ways that emphasise its constitutive practices, from praying and learning to judging and political organising. Starting at the heart of Islam - revelation and learning in Arabic lands - Bowen shows how Muslims have adapted Islamic texts and traditions to ideas and conditions in the societies in which they live. Returning to key case studies in Asia, Africa and Western Europe, to explore each major domain of Islamic religious and social life, Bowen also considers the theoretical advances in social anthropology that have come out of the study of Islam. Contents: 1. How to think about religions – Islam, for example; 2. Learning; 3. Perfecting piety through worship; 4. Reshaping sacrifice; 5. Healing and praying; 6. Pious organizing; 7. Judging; 8. Migrating and adapting; 9. Mobilizing.

Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of maps; List of appendices; A note for course organisers and class teachers on the use of this book; Contents; Introduction; Part I. Sounds: 1. Introduction; 2. Sounds and suprasegmentals; 3. Sound variation; 4. Sound change; 5. Phonemes, syllables and phonological processes; 6. Child phonology; 7. Processing sounds; Part II. Words: 8. Introduction; 9. Word classes; 10. Building words; 11. Morphology across languages; 12. Word meaning; 13. Children and words; 14. Lexical processing and the mental lexicon; 15. Lexical disorders; 16. Lexical variation and change; Part III. Sentences: 17. Introduction; 18. Basic terminology; 19. Sentence structure; 20. Empty categories; 21. Movement; 22. Syntactic variation; 23. Logical form; 24. Children’s sentences; 25. Sentence processing; 26. Syntactic disorders; Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521544887



John Bowen


Those aspects of language use that are crucial to an understanding of language as a system, and especially to an understanding of meaning, are the acknowledged concern of linguistic pragmatics. Yet until now much of the work in this field has not been easily accessible to the student, and was often written at an intimidating level of technicality. In this textbook, however, Dr. Levinson has provided a lucid and integrative analysis of the central topics in pragmatics deixis, implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and conversational structure.

ISBN: 9781107615755

` 495.00



` 495.00

Anthropology, Politics and the State Democracy and Violence in South Asia Jonathan Spencer

In recent years anthropology has rediscovered its interest in politics. Building on the findings of this research, this book offers a new way of analysing the relationship between culture and politics, with special attention to democracy, nationalism, the state and political violence. Beginning with scenes from an unruly early 1980s election campaign in Sri Lanka, it covers issues from rural policing in north India to slum housing in Delhi, presenting arguments about secularism and pluralism, and the ambiguous energies released by electoral democracy across the subcontinent. It ends by discussing feminist peace activists in Sri Lanka, struggling to sustain a window of shared humanity after two decades of war. Bringing together and linking the themes of democracy, identity and conflict, this important new study shows how anthropology can take a central role in understanding other people’s politics, especially the issues that seem to have divided the world since 9/11.

RELIGION/ PHILOSOPHY The Cambridge Companion to The Qur'an Jane Dammen McAuliffe (editor)


Contents: 1. The strange death of political anthropology; 2. Locating the political; 3. Culture, nation and misery; 4. Performing democracy; 5. The state and self-making; 6. The state and violence; 7. Pluralism in theory, pluralism in practice; 8. Politics and counter-politics. ISBN: 9780521722124


` 495.00

SOCIOLOGY Foundations of Modern Society Rajiva Wijesinha

This book introduces students to ideas, events and personalities that have created the present-day world. Many of these significant factors either do not find mention in texts or are not handled with sufficient clarity. This book thus attemps to set them out in a way that challenges young-adult minds. It is hoped that this book will enthuse them to explore the reasons for and the results of important historical developments. Contents: Introduction; Section I: Aspects of Development; Unit 1: Religion; Hinduism; Buddhism; Judaism; Christianity; Islam; Sikhism; Zoroastrianism; Jainism; Confucianism;Taoism; Unit 2: Science and Learning; The Classical Period; The Renaissance; The Age of Reason; The Modern Age; Unit 3: Politics; The Classical Period; The Renaissance; The Age of Reason; Representative Democracy; Unit 4: Language and Identity; Features that Create Variations; Language as Conduits of Culture ISBN: 9788175962446


As the living scriptural heritage of more than a billion people, the Qur'an (Koran) speaks with a powerful voice. Just as other scriptural religions, Islam has produced a long tradition of interpretation for its holy book. Nevertheless, efforts to introduce the Qur'an and its intellectual heritage to English-speaking audiences have been hampered by the lack of available resources. The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an seeks to remedy that situation. In a discerning summation of the field, Jane McAuliffe brings together an international team of scholars to explain its complexities. Comprising fourteen chapters, each devoted to a topic of central importance, the book is rich in historical, linguistic and literary detail, while also reflecting the influence of other disciplines. Contents: List of figures; Notes on contributors; Introduction Jane Dammen McAuliffe; Part I. Formation of the Qur'anic Text; 1. The historical context Fred M. Donner; 2. Creation of a fixed text Claude Gilliot; 3. Alternative accounts of the Qur'an's formation Harald Motzki; Part II. Description and Analysis; 4. Themes and topics Daniel A. Madigan; 5. Structural, linguistic and literary features Angelika Neuwirth; 6. Recitation and aesthetic reception William A. Graham and Navid Kermani; Part III. Transmission and Dissemination; 7. From palm leaves to the Internet Fred Leemhuis; 8. Inscriptions in art and architecture Sheila Blair and Jonathan Bloom; Part IV. Interpretations and Intellectual Traditions; 9. The tasks and traditions of interpretation Jane Dammen Mcauliffe; 10. Multiple areas of influence Alexander Knysh; 11. Western scholarship and the Qur'an Andrew Rippin; Part V. Contemporary Readings; 12. Women's readings of the Qur'an Asma Barlas; 13. Political interpretation of the Qur'an Stefan Wild; 14. The Qur'an and other religions Abdulaziz Sachedina; Qur'an citation index; General index. ISBN: 9781107461673

` 245.00



` 495.00

The Cambridge Companion to Life and Death Steven Luper (editor)


Religious Authority and Internal Criticism Muhammad Qasim Zaman

ISBN: 9781107619180

The Origins of Yoga and Tantra Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century

Contents: Introduction Steven Luper; Part I. The Metaphysics of Life and Death; 1. The nature of life Mark A. Bedau; 2. The nature of people Eric T. Olson; 3. Persistence and time Katherine Hawley; 4. The malleability of identity Marya Schechtman; 5. The nature of human death David DeGrazia; Part II. The Significance of Life and Death; 6. Assessing lives Noah Lemos; 7. On the length of a good life Eyj贸lfur K. Emilsson; 8. Mortal harm John Martin Fischer; 9. When do we incur mortal harm? Jens Johansson; 10. The symmetry problem James Warren; 11. Posthumous harm Simon Keller; 12. Life's meaning Steven Luper; Part III. The Ethics of Life and Death; 13. Enhancing humanity Nicholas Agar; 14. Procreating David Archard; 15. Abortion Michael Tooley; 16. Killing ourselves Thomas Hill, Jr; 17. Killing in self-defense Kadri Vihvelin; 18. Imperfect aiding Matthew Hanser; 19. Killing and extinction Krister Bykvist. ISBN: 9781107461666

Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age

traditions: madrasas and their internal critics; 6. Women, law, and society; 7. Socioeconomic justice; 8. Denouncing violence: the ambiguities of a discourse; 9. Epilogue: the paradoxes of internal criticism.

This volume meets the increasing interest in a range of philosophical issues connected with the nature and significance of life and death, and the ethics of killing. What is it to be alive and to die? What is it to be a person? What must time be like if we are to persist? What makes one life better than another? May death or posthumous events harm the dead? The chapters in this volume address these questions, and also discuss topical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. They explore the interrelation between the metaphysics, significance, and ethics of life and death, and they discuss the moral significance of killing both people and animals, and the extent to which death harms them.


Geoffrey Samuel


` 895.00

Yoga, tantra and other forms of Asian meditation are practised in modernized forms throughout the world today, but most introductions to Hinduism or Buddhism tell only part of the story of how they developed. This book is an interpretation of the history of Indic religions up to around 1200 CE, with particular focus on the development of yogic and tantric traditions. It assesses how much we really know about this period, and asks what sense we can make of the evolution of yogic and tantric practices, which were to become such central and important features of the Indic religious scene. Its originality lies in seeking to understand these traditions in terms of the total social and religious context of South Asian society during this period, including the religious practices of the general population with their close engagement with family, gender, economic life and other pragmatic concerns. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Stories and sources; Part I. Meditation and Yoga: 3. The second urbanisation of South Asia; 4. Two worlds and their interactions; 5. Religion in the early states; 6. The origins of the Buddhist and Jain orders; 7. The Brahmanical alternative; 8. Interlude: asceticism and celibacy in Indic religions; Part II. Tantra: 9. The classical synthesis; 10. Tantra and the wild goddesses; 11. Subtle bodies, longevity and internal alchemy; 12. Tantra and the state; 13. The later history of yoga and tantra; 14. Postlude.

` 595.00

Among traditionally educated scholars in the Islamic world there is much disagreement on the crises that afflict modern Muslim societies and how best to deal with them, and the debates have grown more urgent since 9/11. Through an analysis of the work of Muhammad Rashid Rida and Yusuf al-Qaradawi in the Arab Middle East and a number of scholars belonging to the Deobandi orientation in colonial and contemporary South Asia, this book examines some of the most important issues facing the Muslim world since the late nineteenth century. These include the challenges to the binding claims of a long-established scholarly consensus, evolving conceptions of the common good, and discourses on religious education, the legal rights of women, social and economic justice and violence and terrorism. This wide-ranging study by a leading scholar provides the depth and the comparative perspective necessary for an understanding of the ferment that characterizes contemporary Islam.

PB 432pp HB ISBN: 9780521118682 432pp ISBN: 9781107678972

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Rethinking consensus; 3. The language of Ijtihad; 4. Contestations on the common good; 5. Bridging 18

` 595.00 ` 995.00

An Introduction to Islamic Law Wael B. Hallaq

The study of Islamic law can be a forbidding prospect for those entering the field for the first time. Wael Hallaq, a leading scholar and practitioner of Islamic law, guides students through the intricacies of the subject in this absorbing introduction. The first half of the book is devoted to a discussion of Islamic law in its pre-modern natural habitat. The second part explains how the law was transformed and ultimately dismantled during the colonial period. In the final chapters, the author charts recent developments and the struggles of the Islamists to negotiate changes which have seen the law emerge as a primarily textual entity focused on fixed punishments and ritual requirements. The book, which includes a chronology, a glossary of key terms, and lists of further reading, will be the first stop for those who wish to understand the fundamentals of Islamic law, its practices and history.

An Introduction to Buddhism Teachings, History and Practices Second Edition Peter Harvey

Contents: Introduction; 1. The Buddha and his Indian context; 2. Early Buddhist teachings: rebirth and karma; 3. Early Buddhist teachings: the four true realities for the spiritually ennobled; 4. Early developments in Buddhism; 5. Mahayana philosophies: the varieties of emptiness; 6. Mahayana holy beings, and Tantric Buddhism; 7. The later history and spread of Buddhism; 8. Buddhist practice: devotion; 9. Buddhist practice: ethics; 10. Buddhist practice: the Sangha;11. Buddhist practice: meditation and cultivation of experience-based wisdom; 12. The modern history of Buddhism in Asia; 13. Buddhism beyond Asia; Appendix on canons of scriptures; Web resources; Bibliography; Index.

Contents: Introduction; Part I. Tradition and Continuity: 1. Who’s who in the Shari’a; 2. The law: how is it found?; 3. The legal schools; 4. Jurists, legal education and politics; 5. Shari’a’s society; 6. Pre-modern governance: the circle of justice; Part II. Modernity and Ruptures: 7. Colonizing the Muslim world and its Shari’a; 8. Modernizing the law in the age of nation states; 9. State, ulama and Islamists; 10. Shari’a then and now: concluding notes. ISBN: 9780521127943


In this new edition of the best-selling Introduction to Buddhism, Peter Harvey provides a comprehensive introduction to the development of the Buddhist tradition in both Asia and the West. Extensively revised and fully updated, this new edition draws on recent scholarship in the field, exploring the tensions and continuities between the different forms of Buddhism. Harvey critiques and corrects some common misconceptions and mistranslations, and discusses key concepts that have often been over-simplified and over-generalised. The volume includes detailed references to scriptures and secondary literature, an updated bibliography and a section on web resources. Key terms are given in Pali and Sanskrit, and Tibetan words are transliterated in the most easily pronounceable form, making this is a truly accessible account.

` 395.00

ISBN: 9781107669703

Hinduism and Modernity David Smith (Blackwell)

This innovative book offers a dynamic analysis of Hinduism in the perspective of Western notions of modernity. After reviewing definitions of modernity and Hinduism and looking at modernity in India, the author considers Hinduism in relation to Islam and the West. The second half of the book presents key aspects of Hinduism, ancient and modern, in the light of their contrast with modernity.

Good Thinking Seven Powerful Ideas That Influence the Way We Think Denise Cummins

Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I Hinduism and Modernity Explained; 1. Modernity and Hindusim; 2. India and the Juggernaut of Modernity; 3. Hinduism Ancient and Modern; Part II Hinduism for others; 4. Islam and Hinduism; 5. The European Discovery of Hinduism; 6. Hinduism and Orientalism; Part II Hinduism Contrasted with Modernity; 7. ‘Woman Caste’ (aurat jati) and the Gender of Modernity; 8. Kali East and West; 9. The Gods of Hinduism and the Idols of Modernity; 10. The Image of the Self; Part IV Hinduism Today; 11. Gurus; 12. Modernity and Hindu Nationalism; 13. Hinduism and the Global Future; Notes; References; Index. 261pp

` 695.00


The scope of the book is extremely broad, covering topics such as Orientalism, women, goddesses, gods, and the central problem of contemporary Hinduism - the rise of Hindu nationalism.

ISBN: 9788126516285


Do you know what economists mean when they refer to you as a ‘rational agent’? Or why a psychologist might label your idea a ‘creative insight’? Or how a philosopher could be logical but also passionate in persuading you to obey ‘moral imperatives’? Or why scientists disagree about the outcomes of experiments comparing drug treatments and disease risk factors? After reading this book, you will know how the best and brightest thinkers judge the ways we decide, argue, solve problems and tell right from wrong. But you will also understand why, when we don’t meet these standards, it is not always a bad thing. The answers are rooted in the way the human brain has been wired over evolutionary time to make us kinder and more generous than economists think we ought to be, and more resistant to change and persuasion than scientists and scholars think we ought to be. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Rational choice: choosing what is most likely to give you what you want; 3. Game theory: when you’re not the only one choosing; 4. Moral decision-making: how we tell right from wrong; 5. The game of logic; 6. What causes what?; 7. Hypothesis testing: truth and evidence; 8. Problem solving: another way of getting what you want; 9. Analogy: this is like that.

` 495.00 ISBN: 9781107644595 19


` 395.00

Handbook of Indian Psychology K. Ramakrishna Rao, Anand C. Paranjpe & Ajit K. Dalal (editors)

Challenges and Perspectives for Future Action; 25. Meditative Traditions and Contemporary Psychology; 26. Consciousness Evolution of the Buddha until He Attained Satori; 27. William James on Pure Experience and Samadhi in Samkhya Yoga; 28. Sri Ramana Maharshi: A Case Study in Self-Realization; 29. Altered States of Consciousness and the Spiritual Traditions: The Proposal for the Creation of State-Specific Sciences; Pronunciation and Transliteration of Sanskrit Alphabet; Glossary of Sanskrit Terms; Index.

Indian psychology is a distinct psychological tradition rooted in the native Indian ethos. It manifests in the multitude of practices prevailing in the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Unlike the mainstream psychology, Indian psychology is not overwhelmingly materialist-reductionist in character. It goes beyond the conventional thirdperson forms of observation to include the study of first-person phenomena such as subjective experience in its various manifestations and associated cognitive phenomena. It does not exclude the investigation of extraordinary states of consciousness and exceptional human abilities. The quintessence of Indian nature is its synthetic stance that results in a magical bridging of dichotomies such as natural and supernatural, secular and sacred, and transactional and transcendental. The result is a psychology that is practical, positive, holistic and inclusive.

ISBN: 9788175966024


` 1495.00


The Handbook of Indian Psychology is an attempt to explore the concepts, methods and models of psychology systematically from the above perspective. The Handbook is the result of the collective efforts of more than thirty leading international scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds. In thirty-one chapters, the authors depict the nuances of classical Indian thought, discuss their relevance to contemporary concerns, and draw out the implications and applications for teaching, research and practice of psychology.

No Exit from Pakistan America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey

Contents: Contributing Authors; Preface; Prologue: Introducing Indian Psychology; Indian Thought and Tradition: A Psychohistorical Perspective; Part I - Systems And Schools 1. Jaina Psychology; 2. The Foundations of Early Buddhist Psychology; 3. Varieties of Cognition in Early Buddhism; 4. A Buddhist Theory of Unconscious Mind (Alaya-Vijñana); 5. Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons; 6. Buddhist Psychology: A Western Interpretation; 7. Transpersonal Psychology in the BhagavadGita: Reflections on Consciousness, Meditation, Work and Love; 8. Yoga Psychology: Theory and Application; 9. Patañjali Yoga and Siddhis: Their Relevance to Parapsychological Theory and Research; 10.Yoga Psychology and the Samkhya Metaphysic; 11. Psychology in the Advaita Vedanta; 12. The Nyaya-Vaisesika Theory of Perceiving the World of our Experience; 13. Psychological Theories and Practices in Ayurveda; Part II- Topics And Themes 14. Indian Theories of Perception: An Inter-School Dialogue from Buddhist Perspective; 15. Indian Psychology of Motivation; 16. Personality in Indian Psychology; 17. “Giving” as a Theme in the Indian Psychology of Values; 18. The Making of a Creative Poet: Insights from Indian Aestheticians; 19. Anchoring Cognition, Emotion and Behavior in Desire: A Model from the Bhagavad-Gita; 20. Consciousness; 21. Freedom from Knowledge; Part III Applications And Implications 22. Therapeutic Psychology and Indian Yoga; 23. Towards an Indian Organizational Psychology; 24. Research on Indian Concepts of Psychology: Major


This book tells the story of the tragic and often tormented relationship between the United States and Pakistan. Pakistan’s internal troubles have already threatened U.S. security and international peace, and Pakistan’s rapidly growing population, nuclear arsenal, and relationships with China and India will continue to force it upon America’s geostragetic map in new and important ways over the coming decades. This book explores the main trends in Pakistani Society that will help determine its future; traces the wellsprings of Pakistani anti-American sentiment through the history of U.S. Pakistan relations from 1947 to 2001; assesses how Washington made and implemented policies regarding Pakistan since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001; and analyzes how regional dynamics, especially the rise of China, will likely shape U.S.-Pakistan relations. It concludes with three options for future U.S. strategy, described as defensive insulation, military-first cooperation, and comprehensive cooperation. The book explains how Washington can prepare for the worst, aim for the best, and avoid past mistakes. Contents: Maps; Acknowledgements; 1. No Exit; 2. The Four Faces of Pakistan; 3. Why Do They Hate Us?; 4. U-Turn to Drift: U.S.-Pakistan Relations during the Musharraf Era; 5. Great Expectations to Greater Frustrations: U.S.Pakistan Relations after Musharraf; 6. From the Outside-In: U.S.-Pakistan Relations in the Regional Context; 7. America’s Options; Index ISBN: 9781107414624



` 495.00

The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela Rita Barnard (editor)


Contents: 1. Introduction: informal workers’ movements and the state; 2. Struggling with informality; 3. The success of competitive populism; 4. Communism’s resistance to change; 5. Why accommodation leads to minimal gains; 6. Conclusion: dignifying discontent.

Nelson Mandela was one of the most revered figures of our time. He committed himself to a compelling political cause, suffered a long prison sentence, and led his violent and divided country to a peaceful democratic transition. His legacy, however, is not uncontested: his decision to embark on an armed struggle in the 1960s, his solitary talks with apartheid officials in the 1980s, and the economic policies adopted during his presidency still spark intense debate, even after his death. The essays in this Companion, written by experts in history, anthropology, jurisprudence, cinema, literature, and visual studies, address these and other issues. They examine how Mandela became an icon during his lifetime and consider the meanings and uses of his internationally recognizable image. Their overarching concerns include Mandela's relation to 'tradition' and 'modernity', the impact of his most famous public performances, the oscillation between Africanist and non-racial positions in South Africa, and the politics of gender and national sentiment. The volume concludes with a meditation on Mandela's legacy in the twenty-first century and a detailed guide to further reading.

ISBN: 9781107059733

Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior Growing Power and Alarm George J. Gilboy & Eric Heginbotham

Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Man, the Movement, and the Nation: 1. The antinomies of Nelson Mandela; 2. Mandela, the emotions, and the lessons of prison; 3. 'Madiba magic': politics as enchantment; 4. Nelson, Winnie, and the politics of gender; Part II. Reinterpreting Mandela: 5. Mandela and tradition; 6. Mandela and the law; 7. Mandela on war; 8. Mandela's presidential years: an Africanist view; Part III. Representing Mandela: 9. Mandela writing/writing Mandela; 10. Mandela in film and television; 11. The visual Mandela: a pedagogy of citizenship; 12. Mandela's mortality; Guide to further reading; Index. ISBN: 9781107440005

Informal Labor, Formal Politics and Dignified Discontent in India Rina Agarwala



` 995.00

This book offers an empirical comparison of Chinese and Indian international strategic behavior. It is the first study of its kind, filling an important gap in the literature on rising Indian and Chinese power and American interests in Asia. The book creates a framework for the systematic and objective assessment of Chinese and Indian strategic behavior in four areas: (1) strategic culture; (2) foreign policy and use of force; (3) military modernization (including defense spending, military doctrine, and force modernization); and (4) economic strategies (including international trade and energy competition). The utility of democratic peace theory in predicting Chinese and Indian behavior is also examined. The findings challenge many assumptions underpinning western expectations of China and India. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Strategic culture: unique paths to veiled realpolitik; 3. Foreign policy, use of force, and border settlements; 4. Military modernization: defense spending; 5. Military doctrine: towards emphasis on offensive action; 6. Military force modernization and power projection; 7. Economic strategic behavior: trade and energy; 8. India, China, and democratic peace theory; 9. Meeting the dual challenge: a U.S. strategy for China and India. ISBN: 9781107031982

` 395.00

Western Realism and International Relations

Since the 1980s, the world’s governments have decreased state welfare and thus increased the number of unprotected ‘informal’ or ‘precarious’ workers. As a result, more and more workers do not receive secure wages or benefits from either employers or the state. This book offers a fresh and provocative look into the alternative social movements informal workers in India are launching. It also offers a unique analysis of the conditions under which these movements succeed or fail. Drawing from 300 interviews with informal workers, government officials and union leaders, Rina Agarwala argues that Indian informal workers are using their power as voters to demand welfare benefits from the state, rather than demanding traditional work benefits from employers. In addition, they are organizing at the neighborhood level, rather than the shop floor, and appealing to ‘citizenship’, rather than labor rights.

A Non-Western View Aswini K. Ray



` 795.00

This book provides an alternative perspective of International Relations from Hiroshima to 9/11. Both its diplomacy and mainstream scholarship are linked by realpolitik, in a vicious circle of retrogressive symbiosis. It simultaneously undermined the UN system of collective security from its origin and the scientific credential of its scholarship. The Cold War that it spawned restricted economic prosperity, political stability, and democratic freedom within its narrow corearea of the United States and Europe at the cost of its vast periphery in the Third World. Its unpredicted collapse extended insecurity across the entire globalised system, including its corearea, as events since 9/11 forcefully underscores. While the new hegemonic system has become globally more insecure for all its citizens, its scholarship is still clueless about the collapse of the bipolar system it created in the midst of the massive confidence-building exercise to stabilize it; it is even less able to creatively respond to its orderly transition.

integration; 5. Sino-Indian relations: partners, friends or rivals?; 6. India and the United States: from estrangement to engagement; 7. The rise of China and its implications for the United States; 8. China and India: future challenges and opportunities.

Contents: Preface; 1 National Security and the International System; 2 Emergence of the PostWar Global System of Security; 3 Myths and Reality of Realism; 4 Western Realism in South Asia; 5 Hegemony of Realism; 6 Globalisation and the Crisis of Realism; 7 Justice as Realism in International Relation; Bibliography; Index.

ISBN: 9780521198936 ISBN: 9788175962187


Participation, Accountability and Performance Richard C. Crook & James Manor

China and India in the Age of Globalization Shalendra D. Sharma

‘Hind Swaraj’ and Other Writings Centenary Edition

This book examines whether setting up democratic local councils in four developing countries (Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh and India) enhances the popularity, responsiveness and effectiveness of administration. The authors make an important contribution to current debates about ‘good governance’, asking whether the poor and disadvantaged benefit from decentralisation.

Anthony J. Parel (editor)

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. India (Karnataka); 3. Bangladesh; 4. Cote d‘Ivoire; 5. Ghana; 6. Conclusions.

ISBN: 9780521636476


` 795.00

` 895.00

Gandhi Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa


Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental work. It is key to understanding not only his life and thoughts, but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Celebrating 100 years since Hind Swaraj was first published in a newspaper, this centenary edition includes a new Preface and Editor’s Introduction, as well as a new chapter on ‘Gandhi and the “Four Canonical Aims of Life”. The volume presents a critical edition of the 1910 text of Hind Swaraj, fully annotated and including Gandhi’s own Preface and Foreword (not found in other editions). Anthony J. Parel sets the work in its historical and political contexts and analyses the significance of Gandhi’s experiences in England and South Africa. The second part of the volume contains some of Gandhi’s other writings, including his correspondence with Tolstoy and Nehru. Contents: Preface to the centenary edition; Acknowledgements; Editor’s introduction to the centenary edition; Editor’s introduction to the 1997 edition; A note on the history of the text; Principal events in Gandhi’s life; Biographical synopses; Guide to further reading; Glossary and abbreviations; Hind Swaraj; Supplementary writings.

` 895.00

The rise of China and India is the story of our times. The unprecedented expansion of their economic and power capabilities raises profound questions for scholars and policymakers. What forces propelled these two Asian giants into global pacesetters, and what does their emergence mean for the United States and the world? With intimate detail, Shalendra D. Sharma’s China and India in the Age of Globalization explores how the interplay of sociohistorical, political, and economic forces has transformed these once poor agrarian societies into economic powerhouses. Yet, globalization is hardly a seamless process, as the vagaries and uncertainties of globalization also present risks and challenges. This book examines the challenges both countries face and what each must do to strike the balance between reaping the opportunities and mitigating the risks. For the United States, assisting a rising China to become a responsible global stakeholder and fostering peace and stability in the volatile subcontinent will be paramount in the coming years.

ISBN: 9780521149143

Why Ethnic Parties Succeed Patronage and Ethnic Head Counts in India Kanchan Chandra

Contents: Introduction: China and India in the age of globalization; 1. Prelude to globalization: China (1949–78) and India (1947–91); 2. China and India embrace globalization; 3. China: strategies and patterns of global integration; 4. India: strategies and patterns of global


` 495.00

Why do some ethnic parties succeed in attracting the support of their target ethnic groups while others fail? In a world in which ethnic parties flourish in established and emerging democracies alike, understanding the conditions under which such parties succeed or fail is of critical importance to both political scientists and policy makers. This book builds a theory of ethnic party performance in “patronage-democracies.” Chandra shows why voters in such democracies choose between parties by conducting ethnic head counts rather than by comparing policy platforms or ideological positions. She argues that an ethnic party is likely to succeed when it has competitive rules for intraparty advancement and when the size of the group it seeks to mobilize exceeds the threshold of winning or leverage imposed by the electoral system. Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Theory: 2. Limited information and ethnic categorization; 3. Patronage-democracy, limited information, and ethnic favoritism; 4. Counting heads: why ethnic parties succeed in patronage-democracies; 5. Why parties have different headcounts; Part II. Data: 6. India as a patronage-democracy; 7. The


A Course on Cooperative Game Theory

Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the scheduled castes (SCs); 8. Counting heads and party formation: why SC elites join the BSP; 9. Counting heads and preference formation: why SC voters prefer the BSP; 10. Counting heads and strategic voting: why SC voter preferences translate into BSP votes;11. Explaining different headcounts in the BSP and congress; 12. Extending the argument to other ethnic parties in India: BJP, JMM, DMK; 13. Conclusion. ISBN: 9780521608374


Satya R. Chakravarty, Manipushpak Mitra & Palash Sarkar

` 695.00

ECONOMICS Games in Economic Development Bruce Wydick



Games in Economic Development examines the roots of poverty and prosperity through the lens of elementary game theory, illustrating how patterns of human interaction can lead to vicious cycles of poverty as well as virtuous cycles of prosperity. This book shows how both social norms and carefully designed institutions can help shape the 'rules of the game', making better outcomes in a game possible for everyone involved. The book is entertaining to read, it can be accessed with little background in development economics or game theory. Its chapters explore games in natural resource use; education; coping with risk; borrowing and lending; technology adoption; governance and corruption; civil conflict; international trade; and the importance of networks, religion, and identity, illustrating concepts with numerous anecdotes from recent world events. Comes complete with an appendix, explaining the basic ideas in game theory used in the book.


Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction and motivation page; 2. Basics and preliminaries; 3. The core and some related solutions; 4. The bargaining set, kernel and nucleolus; 5. The Shapley value; 6. The core, Shapley value and Weber set; 7. Voting games; 8. Mathematical matching; 9. Non-transferable utility cooperative games; 10. Linear programming; 11. Algorithmic aspects of cooperative game theory; 12. Weighted majority games; 13. Stable matching algorithm • References • Index. ISBN: 9781107691322

An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics Akihito Asano

Contents: 1. Economic development, interdependence, and incentives; 2. Games; 3. Development traps and coordination games; 4. Rural poverty, development, and the environment; 5. Risk, solidarity networks, and reciprocity; 6. Understanding agrarian institutions; 7. Savings, credit, and microfinance; 8. Social learning and technology adoption; 9. Property rights, governance, and corruption; 10. Conflict, violence, and development; 11. Social capital; 12. The political economy of trade and development. ISBN: 9781107461697

Cooperative game theory deals with those situations where objectives of the participants of a game are partially cooperative and partially conflicting. While the book mainly discusses transferable utility games, there is a brief analysis of non-transferable utility games. Chapters 1 to 9 focus on alternative solution concepts to cooperative game theoretic problems, followed by the issues related to computation of solutions in the next four chapters. The mathematical techniques employed in demonstrating the results will be helpful for solving problems in game theory. The authors have explained the concepts and results using extensive verbal reasoning. Integration of theory and practice helps the readers understand the theoretical issues first and then see their practical relevance. This book is a good starting point for researchers in cooperative games.

` 795.00


` 495.00

An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics introduces quantitative methods to students of economics and finance in a succinct and accessible style. The introductory nature of this textbook means a background in economics is not essential, as it aims to help students appreciate that learning mathematics is relevant to their overall understanding of the subject. Economic and financial applications are explained in detail before students learn how mathematics can be used, enabling students to learn how to put mathematics into practice. Starting with a revision of basic mathematical principles the second half of the book introduces calculus, emphasising economic applications throughout. Appendices on matrix algebra and difference/differential equations are included for the benefit of more advanced students. Other features, including worked examples and exercises, help to underpin the readers’ knowledge and learning. Akihito Asano has drawn upon his own extensive teaching experience to create an unintimidating yet rigorous textbook. Contents: 1. Demand and supply in competitive markets; 2. Basic mathematics; 3. Financial mathematics; 4. Differential calculus I; 5. Differential calculus II; 6. Multivariate calculus; 7. Integral calculus; Appendix A. Matrix algebra; Appendix B. An introduction to difference and differential equations. ISBN: 9781107619166



` 595.00

Bangladesh Politics, Economy and Civil Society David Lewis

Since its hard-won independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh has been ravaged by economic and environmental disasters. Only recently has the country begun to emerge as a fragile, but functioning, parliamentary democracy. The story of Bangladesh, told through the pages of this concise and readable book, is a truly remarkable one. By delving into its past, and through an analysis of the economic, political and social changes that have taken place over the last twenty years, the book explains how Bangladesh is becoming of increasing interest to the international community as a portal into some of the key issues of our age. In this way the book offers an important corrective to the view of Bangladesh as a failed state.

Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies Paul Belleflamme & Martin Peitz

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. A state in the making; 3. Towards Bangladesh: British and Pakistani rule; 4. State, politics and institutions; 5. Non-governmental actors and civil society; 6. Economic development and transformation; 7. Population, natural resources and environment; 8. Conclusion: Bangladesh faces the future. ISBN: 9781107678460

Price Theory and Applications Decisions, Markets, and Information Seventh Edition Jack Hirshleifer, Amihai Glazer & David Hirshleifer


Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of cases; Preface; Part I. Getting Started: 1. What is ‘Markets and Strategies’?; 2. Firms, consumers and the market; Part II. Market Power: 3. Static imperfect competition; 4. Dynamic aspects of imperfect competition; Part III. Sources of Market Power: 5. Product differentiation; 6. Advertising; 7. Consumer inertia; Part IV. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation: 8. Group and personalized pricing; 9. Menu pricing; 10. Intertemporal price discrimination; 11. Bundling; Part V. Product Quality and Information: 12. Price and advertising signals; 13. Marketing tools for experience goods; Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy: 14. Cartels and tacit collusion; 15. Horizontal mergers; 16. Strategic incumbents and entry; 17. Vertically related markets; Part VII. R&D Intellectual Property: 18. Innovation and R&D; 19. Intellectual property; Part VIII. Networks, Standards and Systems: 20. Markets with network goods; 21. Strategies for network goods; Part IX. Market Intermediation: 22. Markets with intermediated goods; 23. Information and reputation; Appendices: A. Game theory; B. Competition policy; Index.

` 495.00

This new seventh edition of the book offers extensive discussion of information, uncertainty, and game theory. It contains over a hundred examples illustrating the applicability of economic analysis not only to mainline economic topics but also issues in politics, history, biology, the family, and many other areas. These discussions generally describe recent research published in scholarly books and articles, giving students a good idea of the scientific work done by professional economists. In addition, at appropriate places the text provides ‘applications’ representing more extended discussions of selected topics including rationing in wartime (Chapter 5), import quotas (Chapter 7), alleged monopolistic suppression of inventions (Chapter 9), minimum wage laws (Chapter 11), the effects of Social Security upon saving (Chapter 15), fair division of disrupted property (Chapter 16) and whether individuals should pay ransom to a kidnapper (Chapter 17).

ISBN: 9781107014121

Contents: 1. The nature and scope of economics; 2. Working tools; 3. Utility and preference; 4. Consumption and demand; 5. Applications and extensions of demand theory; 6. The business firm; 7. Equilibrium in the product market - competitive industry; 8. Monopolies, cartels and networks; 9. Product quality and product variety; 10. Competition among the few: oligopoly and strategic behavior; 11. Dealing with uncertainty - the economics of risk and information; 12. The demand for factor services; 13. Resource supply and factor-market equilibrium; 14. Exchange, transaction costs and money; 15. The economics of time; 16. Welfare economics: the market and the state; 17. Government, politics and conflict. ISBN: 9781107682382


Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies provides an up-to-date account of modern industrial organization that blends theory with real-world applications. Written in a clear and accessible style, it acquaints the reader with the most important models for understanding strategies chosen by firms with market power and shows how such firms adapt to different market environments. It covers a wide range of topics including recent developments on product bundling, branding strategies, restrictions in vertical supply relationships, intellectual property protection, and two-sided markets, to name just a few. Models are presented in detail and the main results are summarized as lessons. Formal theory is complemented throughout by real-world cases that show students how it applies to actual organizational settings. The book is accompanied by a website containing a number of additional resources for lecturers and students, including exercises, answers to review questions, case material and slides.

` 895.00 24


` 495.00

Banking and Financial Systems V. Nityananda Sarma

evaluation of cultural policy; Part III. Artists’ Labour Markets and Copyright: Introduction to Part III; 11. Economics of artists’ labour markets: theories; 12. Economics of artists’ labour markets: empirical research; 13. Economics of copyright; Part IV. The Creative Industries: Introduction to Part IV; 14. Economics of creative industries; 15. Economics of the music industry; 16. Economics of the film industry; 17. Economics of broadcasting; 18. Economics of book publishing; 19. Economics of festivals, creative cities and cultural tourism; Part V. Conclusion: Introduction to Part V; 20. Conclusion; Questions and exercises; References; Index.

Banking and Financial Systems addresses contemporary vital issues like capital market, money market, indigenous bankers and money lenders, negotiable instruments, banker and customer relationship, cooperative banks, regional rural banks, RBI, SBI, development banking and banking technology. This book will serve as a useful guide and provide reference material for the undergraduate level and different courses like B.Com, BBA, M.Com, MBA, CA, ICWA, and other professional courses. It gives complete information and analysis of changes in the financial sector in a logical and integrated manner. Contents: Preface; 1. Banking Systems; 2. Functions of Modern Commercial Banks; 3. Nationalisation of Banks in India; 4. Money Market; 5. Capital Market; 6. Development Banking; 7. Cooperative Banks in India; 8. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); 9. Exchange Banks; 10. The Reserve Bank of India; 11. The State Bank of India; 12. Financial Services; 13. Banking Technology; 14. Negotiable Instruments; 15. Banker and Customer; 16. Special Type of Customers; 17. Paying Banker; 18. Secured Advances - Modes of Creating Charge; Index. ISBN: 9788175966376

A Textbook of Cultural Economics Ruth Towse


ISBN: 9781107646056

Microeconomics for MBAs The Economic Way of Thinking for Managers Second Edition Richard B. McKenzie & Dwight R. Lee

` 495.00

What determines the price of a pop concert or an opera? Why does Hollywood dominate the film industry? Does illegal downloading damage the record industry? Does free entry to museums bring in more visitors? In A Textbook of Cultural Economics, one of the world’s leading cultural economists shows how we can use the theories and methods of economics to answer these and a host of other questions concerning the arts (performing arts, visual arts and literature), heritage (museums and built heritage) and creative industries (the music, publishing and film industries, broadcasting). Using international examples and covering the most up-to-date research, the book does not assume a prior knowledge of economics. It is ideally suited for students taking a course on the economics of the arts as part of an arts administration, business, management, or economics degree.


` 795.00

The textbook that develops the economic way of thinking through problems that MBA students will find relevant to their career goals. Theory and math is kept as simple as possible and illustrated with real-life scenarios. This textbook package includes online video tutorials on key concepts and complex arguments, and topics likely to be assessed in exams. The distinguished author team has developed this textbook over 20 years of teaching microeconomics to MBA students. Chapters are clearly structured to support learning: Part I of each chapter develops key economic principles. Part II draws on those principles to discuss organizational and incentive issues in management and focuses on solving the ‘principal-agent’ problem to maximize the profitability of the firm – lessons that can be applied to problems MBAs will face in the future. Economics and management are treated equally; this unique textbook presents economics as part of the everyday thinking of business people. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Part I. The Market Economy, Overview and Application: 1. Microeconomics: a way of thinking about business; 2. Competitive product markets and firm decisions; 3. Principles of rational behavior in society and business; 4. Applications of the economic way of thinking: domestic government and management policies; 5. Applications of the economic way of thinking: international and environmental economics; Part II. Demand and Production Theory: 6. Consumer choice and demand in traditional and network markets; 7. Production costs and the theory of the firm; 8. Production costs in the short run and long run; Part III. Competitive and Monopoly Market Structures: 9. Firm production under idealized competitive conditions; 10. Monopoly power and firm pricing decisions; 11. Firm strategy under imperfectly competitive market conditions; 12. Competitive and monopsonistic labor markets; Index.

Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of boxes; List of abbreviations; Preface; Part I. General Issues in Cultural Economics: Introduction to Part I; 1. Introduction to cultural economics with appendix: brief introductions to the economic theories used in cultural economics; 2. Economic profile of the cultural sector; 3. Markets for cultural goods and services;4. Economic organisation of the creative industries; 5. Production, costs and supply of cultural goods; 6. Audiences, participation and demand for cultural goods; 7. Welfare economics and public finance; Part II. The ‘Traditional’ Arts and Heritage: Introduction to Part II; 8. Economics of the performing arts; 9. Economics of museums and heritage; 10. Economic

ISBN: 9781107686441



` 795.00

Resource Economics Second Edition Jon M. Conrad

Resource Economics is a text for students with a background in calculus and intermediate microeconomics and a familiarity with the spreadsheet software Excel. The book covers basic concepts (Chapter 1), shows how to set up spreadsheets to solve simple dynamic allocation problems (Chapter 2), and presents economic models for fisheries, forestry, nonrenewable resources, and stock pollutants (Chapters 3–6). Chapter 7 examines the maximin utility criterion when the utility of a generation depends on consumption of a manufactured good, harvest from a renewable resource, and extraction from a nonrenewable resource. Within the text, numerical examples are posed and solved using Excel’s Solver. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter. These problems help make concepts operational, develop economic intuition, and serve as a bridge to the study of real-world problems in resource management.

Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes Harold L. Vogel

Contents: Part I. Background for Analysis: 1. Introduction; 2. Bubble stories; 3. Random walks; 4. Bubble theories; 5. Framework for investigation; Part II. Empirical Features and Results: 6. Bubble basics; 7. Bubble dynamics; 8. Money and credit features; 9. Behavioral risk features; 10. Crashes, panics, and chaos; 11. Financial asset bubble theory.

Contents: 1. Basic concepts; 2. Solving numerical allocation problems using Excel’s Solver; 3. The economics of fisheries; 4. The economics of forestry; 5. The economics of nonrenewable resources; 6. Stock pollutants; 7. Maximin utility with renewable and nonrenewable resources. ISBN: 9781107606241

From Asian to Global Financial Crisis An Asian Regulator’s View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s Andrew Sheng


Despite the thousands of articles and the millions of times that the word ‘bubble’ has been used in the business press, there still does not appear to be a cohesive theory or persuasive empirical approach with which to study ‘bubble’ and ‘crash’ conditions. This book presents a plausible and accessible descriptive theory and empirical approach to the analysis of such financial market conditions. It advances such a framework through application of standard econometric methods to its central idea, which is that financial bubbles reflect urgent short side rationed demand. From this basic idea, an elasticity of variance concept is developed. It is further shown that a behavioral risk premium can probably be measured and related to the standard equity risk premium models in a way that is consistent with conventional theory.

ISBN: 9780521263306

` 595.00

This is a unique insider account of the new world of unfettered finance. The author, an Asian regulator, examines how old mindsets, market fundamentalism, loose monetary policy, carry trade, lax supervision, greed, cronyism, and financial engineering caused both the Asian crisis of the late 1990s and the current global crisis of 2007-2009. This book shows how the Japanese zero interest rate policy to fight deflation helped create the carry trade that generated bubbles in Asia whose effects brought Asian economies down. The study’s main purpose is to demonstrate that global finance is so interlinked and interactive that our current tools and institutional structure to deal with critical episodes are completely outdated. The book explains how current financial policies and regulation failed to deal with a global bubble and makes recommendations on what must change.

Introductory Economics Fourth Edition Arleen J. Hoag & John H. Hoag (World Scientific)

This carefully constructed textbook empowers the reader with an understanding of fundamental economic concepts. There are 31 “one concept” chapters. Each short chapter highlights one economic principle. The student can study one concept and be reinforced by the learning process before proceeding to another. The writing is lucid and at the student’s level. Selfreview exercises conclude each chapter. The text is well integrated to show the relationship among the basic concepts and to offer a comprehensive overview of economics. The one-concept chapters provide organizational flexibility for the instructor. There are eight modules: The Economic Problem; Price Determination; Behind the Supply Curve; Measuring the Economy, The Level of Income; Money; Trade; Conclusion.

ISBN: 9788175967175 503pp

` 595.00

Contents: • The Economic Problem: The Meaning of Economics; Methods; Production; Possibilities; Economic Systems; • Price Determination: Demand; Supply; Market Equilibrium; Price Elasticity; • Behind the Supply Curve: Diminishing Returns; Cost; Revenue; Profit; Perfectly Competitive Supply; Monopoly; Imperfect Competition; Demand for Inputs; • Measuring the Economy: Unemployment and Inflation; Gross Domestic Product; Price Indexes; Business Cycles; • The Level of Income: Consumption and Investment; Macro Equilibrium; Government; The Keynesian Cross; Fiscal Policy; • Money: Money; Monetary Tools; Money and the Level of Income; Economic Policy; • Trade: Trade without Money; Trade with Money

Contents: Introduction; 1. Things fall apart; 2. Japan and the Asian crisis; 3. The beam in our eyes; 4. Banking: the weakest link; 5. Washington consensus and the IMF; 6. Thailand: the karma of globalization; 7. South Korea: strong body, weak heart; 8. Malaysia: the country that went her own way; 9. Indonesia: from economic to political crisis; 10. Hong Kong: unusual times need unusual action; 11. China: rise of the dragon; 12. From crisis to integration; 13. The new world of financial engineering; 14. What’s wrong with financial regulation?; 15. The global financial meltdown; 16. A crisis of governance; Appendices: From Asian to global crisis: chronology of notable events; Abbreviations and acronyms. ISBN: 9780521168212


` 695.00 26


` 595.00

International Finance And Open-economy Macroeconomics Theory, History, and Policy Hendrik Van den Berg (World Scientific)

Introductory Econometrics

This historically-based textbook on international finance and open-economy macroeconomics provides a complete course on the theory and policies that shaped our international financial system. Utilizing the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference as a unifying theme, the book covers all the standard topics of international finance, such as foreign exchange markets, balance of payments accounting, macroeconomic policy in an open economy, exchange rate crises, multinational enterprises, international banking, and the evolution of our international financial system. The detailed international financial theory is presented in a lively manner that reflects the close relationship between actual world events and the development of economic thought.

Using Monte Carlo Simulation with Microsoft Excel Humberto Barreto & Frank M. Howland

The book also analyzes the causes of the 2008 international financial crisis and recession, encourages critical thinking about whether the current international financial system promotes human well-being, and concludes with a discussion on whether it is time to summon the world’s financial leaders to another Bretton Woods Conference. In addition to providing students with a solid understanding of international finance and open-economy macroeconomics, the book is written in a readerfriendly style that makes it a good reference for anyone interested in the many fascinating issues related to our still-evolving global financial system and, more generally, our global economy.

Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Description: 2. Correlation; 3. Pivot tables; 4. Computing regression; 5. Interpreting regression; 6. Functional form; 7. Multivariate regression; 8. Dummy variables; Part II. Inference: 9. Monte Carlo simulation; 10. Inferential statistics review; 11. Measurement box model; 12. Comparing two populations; 13. The classical econometric model; 14. The Gauss Markov theorem; 15. Understanding the standard error; 16. Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals; 17. F tests; 18. Omitted variable bias; 19. Heteroskedasticity; 20. Autocorrelation; 21. The series topics; 22. Dummy dependent variables; 23. Bootstrap; 24. Simultaneous equations.

The Instructor’s manual is available upon request for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to sales@wspc.com. Contents: • Introduction to International Finance: Introduction; The Balance of Payments and the Macroeconomy; • The Foreign Exchange Market: The Foreign Exchange Market; The Interest Parity Condition; Dealing with Exchange Rate Volatility: Hedging Foreign Exchange Exposure; The Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets; • Open-Economy Macroeconomics: The Mundell–Fleming Open-Economy Model; The Supply Slide of the Economy; The Aggregate Demand/ Aggregate Supply Model; • The History of International Financial Policy: Exchange Rate Crises; More Exchange Rate Crises; The International Financial System: The International Gold Standard, 1870–1914; The Tumultuous Interwar Period: 1918–1940; Bretton Woods to the Present; The Euro and the European Union; • International Financial Issues: Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises; International Investment, International Banking, and International Financial Markets; The 2008 Financial Collapse and Recession: Is It Time for a New Bretton Woods Conference? ISBN: 9788175967946


This highly accessible and innovative text and accompanying CD-ROM use Excel workbooks powered by Visual Basic macros to teach the core concepts of econometrics without advanced mathematics. These materials enable Monte Carlo simulations to be run by students with a click of a button. The fundamental teaching strategy is to use clear language and take advantage of recent developments in computer technology to create concrete, visual explanation of difficult, abstract ideas. Intelligent repetition of concrete examples effectively conveys the properties of the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator and the nature of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Coverage includes omitted variables, binary response models, basic time series methods, and an introduction to simultaneous equations. The authors teach students how to construct their own real-world data sets drawn from the Internet, which they can analyze with Excel or with other econometric software. The Excel add-ins included with this book allow students to draw histograms, find Pvalues of various test statistics (including DurbinWatson), obtain robust standard errors, and construct their own Monte Carlo and bootstrap simulations. For more, visit www.wabash.edu/econometrics.

PB + CD-ROM ISBN: 9780521132589 798pp

` 795.00


` 795.00

International Economics Global Markets and Competition Second Edition Henry Thompson (World Scientific)

theorems; D. Factor proportions trade; 7. Industrial Organization and Trade; A. Price searching firms and trade; B. Intra industry trade; C. Oligopolies; D. Other causes of trade; Factor Movements And Economic Integration; 8. International Migration and Investment; A. International labor migration; B. International capital movements; C. Income redistribution; D. International factor movements and trade; 9. Economic Integration; A. Multinational firms; B. International externalities; C. International political economy; D. Steps of economic integration; International Financial Economics; 10. Balance of Payments; A. Elasticities and the trade balance; B. Current and capital accounts; C. Deficits and surpluses; D. International fiscal and monetary policy; 11. Foreign Exchange; A. Foreign exchange rates; B. Managed exchange rates; C. Foreign exchange trading; D. Foreign exchange risk; 12. International Financial Markets; A. The international credit market; B. Foreign exchange and finance; C. International money; D. Money and international finance; Hints and Partial Answers to Even-Numbered Problems; Acronyms; References; Name Index; Subject Index

This text integrates the microeconomics of trade with concepts from open economy macroeconomics. The emphasis is on the powerful forces of international competition and the limitations of government policy. Economics began with a political debate over tariffs and the politics continue. Domestic industries lobby for protection against foreign competitors and for export subsidies. Government policy makers favor their pet industries in return for lobby money and votes. Meanwhile, other industries lobby for free trade. Governments worldwide tentatively negotiate free trade agreements while international financial markets determine the effectiveness of their fiscal and monetary policies. Wages, capital returns, and national income rise and fall with international commerce. The text covers these issues of international trade and finance. The trade theory is based on partial equilibrium market analysis, constant cost and neoclassical general equilibrium, the factor proportions model, and various theories of industrial organization. The text fully integrates concepts from international finance, and a new chapter for the 2nd edition develops the basic models of open economy macroeconomics.

ISBN: 9788175967199

The presentation is centered on graphs that use realistic numerical examples making the theory easier for students to grasp, especially when combined with general algebraic and graphic presentations in the classroom. The text does not assume previous courses in intermediate theory or calculus but the theory is completely developed. Numerous exercises that can be presented by students give them confidence in using the theoretical models and concepts.


` 495.00

LAW International Law Sixth Edition Malcolm N. Shaw

Over 250 boxed examples illustrate the theory, many with visually descriptive charts and plots, making the text excellent for MBA courses. The text is concise in its presentation style. Students enjoy its clear straightforward style and instructors notice the difference on exams. Contents: Preface for Students; Preface for Instructors; Introduction; 1. International Markets; A. International markets; B. Excess supply and excess demand; C. The balance of trade; D. Comparative advantage and specialization; 2. Trade with Constant Costs; A. Constant opportunity costs of production; B. Specialization and gains from trade; C. Extensions of constant cost trade theory; D. Applications of constant cost trade theory; Neoclassical Trade Theory: 3. Gains from Trade; A. Production possibilities and real income; B. Specialization and the gains from trade; C. Economic development and international trade; D. Industrial trade policy; 4. Protection; A. Tariffs: Taxes on imports; B. Quotas and other nontariff barriers; C. Protection and production; D. Political economy of protection; 5. Terms of Trade; A. Offer curves; B. Tariffs and the terms of trade; C. Tariff games; D. Depletable resource trade; Factor Proportions Trade Theory; 6. Production and Trade; A. Specific factors and trade; B. Production with two factors and two goods; C. Fundamental trade

Malcolm Shaw’s engaging and authoritative International Law has become the definitive textbook for instructors and students alike, in this increasingly popular field of academic study. The hallmark writing style provides a stimulating account, motivating students to explore the subject more fully, while maintaining detail and academic rigour. The analysis integrated in the textbook challenges students to develop critical thinking skills. The sixth edition is comprehensively updated throughout and is carefully constructed to reflect current teaching trends and course coverage. The International Court of Justice is now examined in a separate dedicated chapter and there is a new chapter on international criminal law. Contents: 1. The nature and development of international law; 2. International law today; 3. Sources; 4. International law and municipal law; 5. The subjects of international law; 6. The international protection of human rights; 7. The regional protection of human rights; 8. Individual criminal responsibility in international law; 9. Recognition; 10. Territory; 11. The law of the sea; 12. Jurisdiction; 13. Immunities from jurisdiction; 14. State responsibility; 15. International environmental law; 16. The law of treaties; 17. State succession; 18. The settlement of disputes by peaceful means; 19. The International Court of Justice; 20. International law and the use of force by states; 21. International humanitarian law; 22. The United Nations; 23. International institutions. ISBN: 9781107008328



` 1295.00

Toppling Qaddafi Libya and the Limits of Liberal Intervention Christopher S. Chivvis


Development, Economic Growth and the Politics of Universality Sundhya Pahuja

Second Edition Robert Cryer, Hakan Friman, Darryl Robinson & Elizabeth Wilmshurst

Contents: 1. Libya and the light footprint; 2. Precipitous crisis; 3. The pivots of war; 4. Crippling Qaddafi and infighting over NATO; 5. Stalemate; 6. Grinding away; 7. Sudden success; 8. The impact of the war and its implications. ISBN:9781107451544

Decolonising International Law

An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure

Toppling Qaddafi is a carefully researched, highly readable look at the role of the United States and NATO in Libya's war of liberation and its lessons for future military interventions. Based on extensive interviews within the US government, this book recounts the story of how the United States and its European allies went to war against Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, why they won the war, and what the implications for NATO, Europe, and Libya will be. This was a war that few saw coming, and many worried would go badly awry, but in the end the Qaddafi regime fell and a new era in Libya's history dawned. Whether this is the kind of intervention that can be repeated, however, remains an open question - as does Libya's future and that of its neighbors.


Online Resource available

` 495.00

The universal promise of contemporary international law has long inspired countries of the Global South to use it as an important field of contestation over global inequality. Taking three central examples, Sundhya Pahuja argues that this promise has been subsumed within a universal claim for a particular way of life by the idea of ‘development’. As the horizon of the promised transformation and concomitant equality has receded ever further, international law has legitimised an ever-increasing sphere of intervention in the Third World. The post-war wave of decolonisation ended in the creation of the developmental nation-state, the claim to permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the 1950s and 1960s was transformed into the protection of foreign investors, and the promotion of the rule of international law in the early 1990s has brought about the rise of the rule of law as a development strategy in the present day. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Inaugurating a new rationality; 3. From decolonisation to developmental nation state; 4. From permanent sovereignty to investor protection; 5. From the rule of international law to the internationalisation of the rule of law; 6. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107027367


This market-leading textbook gives an authoritative account of international criminal law, and focuses on what the student needs to know the crimes that are dealt with by international courts and tribunals as well as the procedures that police the investigation and prosecution of those crimes. The reader is guided through controversies with an accessible, yet sophisticated approach by the author team of four international lawyers, with experience both of teaching the subject, and as negotiators at the foundation of the International Criminal Court and the Rome conference. It is an invaluable introduction for all students of international criminal law and international relations, and now covers developments in the ICC, victims’ rights, and alternatives to international criminal justice, as well as including extended coverage of terrorism. Short, well chosen excerpts allow students to familiarise themselves with primary material from a wide range of sources. An extensive package of online resources is also available. Contents: Part I. Introduction: 1. Introduction: what is international criminal law?; 2. The objectives of international criminal law; Part II. Prosecutions in National Courts: 3. Jurisdiction; 4. National prosecutions of international crimes; 5. State cooperation with respect to national proceedings; Part III. International Prosecutions: 6. The history of international criminal prosecutions: Nuremberg and Tokyo; 7. The ad hoc international criminal tribunals; 8. The International Criminal Court; 9. Other courts with international elements; 10. Genocide; 11. Crimes against humanity; 12. War crimes; 13. Aggression; 14. Transnational crimes, terrorism and torture; Part IV. Principles and Procedures of International Prosecutions: 15. General principles of liability; 16. Defences/grounds for excluding criminal responsibility; 17. Procedures of international criminal investigations and prosecutions; 18. Victims in the international criminal process; 19. Sentencing and penalties; Part V. Relationship between National and International Systems: 20. State cooperation with the international courts and tribunals; 21. Immunities; 22. Alternatives and complements to criminal prosecution; 23. The future of international criminal law. ISBN: 9781107655386

` 995.00



` 995.00

International Law from Below Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance Balakrishnan Rajagopal

The emergence of transnational social movements as major actors in international politics - as witnessed in Seattle in 1999 and elsewhere - has sent shockwaves through the international system. Many questions have arisen about the legitimacy, coherence and efficiency of the international order in the light of the challenges posed by social movements. This ground-breaking book offers a fundamental critique of twentieth-century international law from the perspective of Third World social movements - the first ever to do so. It examines in detail the growth of core key components of modern international law -international institutions and human rights - in the context of changing historical patterns of Third World resistance. Using a historical and interdisciplinary approach, Rajagopal presents compelling evidence challenging current debates on the evolution of norms and institutions, the meaning and nature of the Third World, as well as the political economy of its involvement in the international system.

International Human Rights Law Cases, Materials, Commentary Olivier De Schutter

Contents: Abbreviations; Preface and acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I. International Law, Development and Third World Resistance: 1. Writing Third World resistance into international law; 2. International law and the development encounter; Part II. International Law, Third World Resistance and the Institutionalization of Development: the Invention of the Apparatus: 3. Laying the groundwork: the Mandate system; 4. Radicalizing institutions and/ or institutionalizing radicalism? UNCTAD and the NIEO debate; 5. From resistance to renewal: Bretton Woods institutions and the emergence of the ‘new’ development agenda; 6. Completing a full circle: democracy and the discontent of development; Part III. Decolonizing Resistance: Human Rights and the Challenge of Social Movements: 7. Human rights and the Third World: constituting the discourse of resistance; 8. Recoding resistance: social movements and the challenge to international law; 9. Markets, gender and identity: a case study of the Working Women’s Forum as a social movement; Part IV. Epilogue; References; Index. ISBN: 9788175962545


How do you keep students motivated when their perception of a subject conflicts with the reality of its academic study? International human rights law, unquestionably an exciting field, is also complex and demanding. With his breakthrough textbook, De Schutter focuses on international human rights law as global legal system, rather than as a collection of different (though related) rights, giving it relevance and immediacy. Drawing on cases and materials from a wide range of sources, it shows how human rights law is used as a tool to address contemporary issues such as counter-terrorism, global poverty and religious diversity. Materials are organised thematically, allowing readers to make comparisons and connections between different legal treaties and systems. Students can also easily assess how human rights are protected under domestic and international laws. The law is placed in context throughout, ensuring full understanding of why laws exist and how they work. Contents: Part I. The Sources: Introduction; 1. The origins; 2. Human rights as part of public international law; 3. State responsibility and ‘jurisdiction’; Part II. The Substantive Obligations: Introduction; 4. The obligation to respect; 5. The obligation to protect; 6. The obligation to fulfil; 7. Derogations in times of public emergency; 8. The prohibition of discrimination; Part III. Mechanisms of Protection: 9. Ensuring compliance with international human rights law: the role of national authorities; 10. The United Nations human rights treaties system; 11. The United Nations Charter-based monitoring of human rights; 12. Regional mechanisms of protection. ISBN: 9781107641556

Human Rights and Law Bonded Labour in India Ramesh Kumar Tiwari

` 595.00



` 1295.00

Human Rights and Law: Bonded Labour in India deals with the problem of debt bondage and the way it has been treated during the British as well as in the post-independence period. Analysis has been made of the motivations for carrying out the reform; the processes involved in formulating the legislation, contributions by different agencies, discussion in the parliament, etc. The two legislations: the Indian Slavery Act, 1843 and bonded labour system (Abolition) Act, 1976 provide a comparative perspective in the making of social legislation in two different historical settings and different political systems.The statute on debt and its enforcement has been carried out by four distinct political authorities. India under the Company, India under the Crown; Provincial Governments (1937–1939); and Independent India. The problems in the enforcement of the statutes have been analyzed drawing evidence from modern Indian history, state-society relationship, motivations of the officials and the political context of administration.

Contents: List of Tables; Foreword; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Slavery and Debt Bondage in British India : Policy and Implementation; 3. Debt Bondage during Post-Independence Period: Policy Developments; 4. Problems in the Implementation of Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act; 5. Rehabilitation of Released Bonded Labour; 6. Judicial Intervention; Conclusion; Appendices; Glossary; Biographical Notes; Bibliographical Essay; Index ISBN: 9788175967465

Inside Lawyers’ Ethics Christine Parker & Adrian Evans


Modern Legal Drafting A Guide to Using Clearer Language Second Edition Peter Butt & Richard Castle

` 595.00

Legal ethics is often described as an oxymoron or contradiction in terms – lay people find the concept amusing and lawyers can find ethics impossible. The best lawyers are those who have come to grips with their own values and actively seek to improve their ethical practice. This book is designed to help law students and new lawyers understand and modify their own ethical priorities, not just because this knowledge makes it easier to practice law and earn an income, but because self-aware, ethical legal practice is right and feels better than anything else. Packed with case studies of ethical scandals and dilemmas from real life legal practice in Australia, each chapter delves into the most difficult issues lawyers face. From lawyers’ part in corporate fraud to the ethics of time-based billing, Parker and Evans expose the values that underlie current practice and set out the alternatives ethical lawyers might follow.

Contents: Introduction; 1. What influences the legal drafter; 2. How legal documents are interpreted; 3. The move towards Modern English in legal drafting; 4. Some benefits of drafting in plain English; 5. What to avoid when drafting modern documents; 6. How to draft modern documents; 7. Using the modern style; Further reading. ISBN: 9781107688322

Contract Law Neil Andrews

Contents: 1. Introduction: values in practice; 2. Alternative to adversarial advocacy; 3. The responsibility climate: regulation of lawyers’ ethics; 4. Civil litigation and excessive adversarialism; 5. Ethics in criminal justice: proof and truth; 6. Ethics in negotiation and alternative dispute resolution; 7. Conflicting loyalties; 8. Lawyers’ fees and costs: billing and overcharging; 9. Corporate lawyers and corporate misconduct; 10. Conclusion - personal professionalism: personal values and legal professionalism. ISBN: 9781107606197


In the second edition of this highly regarded text, the authors show how and why traditional legal language has developed the peculiar characteristics that make legal documents inaccessible to the end users. Incorporating recent research and case law, the book provides a critical examination of case law and the rules of interpretation. Detailed case studies illustrate how obtuse or outdated words, phrases and concepts can be rewritten, reworked or removed altogether. Particularly useful is the step-by-step guide to drafting in the modern style, using examples from four types of common legal documents: leases, company constitutions, wills and conveyances. Readers will gain an appreciation of the historical influences on drafting practice and the use of legal terminology. They will learn about the current moves to reform legal language, and receive clear instruction on how to make their writing clearer and their legal documents more useful.

` 395.00


` 395.00

This textbook takes a fresh approach to contract law; as a first edition it reflects the subject in the 21st century more accurately than other texts. Comprehensive and scholarly, it maps the curriculum perfectly but detailed references and further reading sections encourage students to explore the subject further. Understanding is paramount and chapter introductions clearly guide students through the material. The textbook takes an innovative approach to case law: breaking down and discussing individual elements of a case and selecting short key extracts it gives students the tools to read cases independently and with confidence. An examination of the historical and theoretical foundations of the subject and a concluding chapter tracking emerging fields ensure the broadest possible perspective. Discussion of key recent cases such as Durham Tess Valley Airport (2010) and Chartbrook (2009) make this important new text a must for contract law students. Contents: Part I. Introduction: 1. Main features of contract law; Part II. Formation: 2. The precontractual phase; 3. Offer and acceptance; 4. Certainty; Part III. Consideration and Intent to Create Legal Relations: 5. Consideration and estoppel; 6. Intent to create legal relations; Part IV. Third Parties and Assignment: 7. Third parties; 8. Assignment; Part V. Vitiating Elements: 9. Misrepresentation; 10. Mistake; 11. Duress, undue influence, and


unconscionability; Part VI. Terms and Interpretation: 12. Terms in general; 13. Implied terms; 14. Interpretation and rectification of written contracts; 15. Exclusion clauses; Part VII. Breakdown and Liability: 16. Frustration; 17. Breach and performance; Part VIII. Remedies for Breach: 18. Judicial remedies for breach of contract; 19. Consensual remedies for breach of contract: liquidated damages and deposits; Part IX. Illegality and Public Policy: 20. Illegality and public policy; Part X. The Future: 21. International and European ‘soft law codes’: lessons for English law? ISBN: 9781107662810


Piracy in the Indian Film Industry Copyright and Cultural Consonance Arul George Scaria

` 895.00

NEW Presidential Legislation in India The Law and Practice of Ordinances Shubhankar Dam


India has a parliamentary system. Yet the president has authority to occasionally enact legislation (or ordinances) without involving parliament. This book is a study of ordinances at the national level in India, centred around three themes. First, it tells the story of how an artifact of British constitutional history, over time, became part of India’s legislative system. Second, it offers an empirical account of the ways in which presidents have resorted to ordinances in post-independence India. Third, the book analyses a range of ordinance-related questions, including some that are yet to be judicially adjudicated. In the process, the book explains why much of the Indian Supreme Court’s jurisprudence is mistaken and what should take its place. Overall, the book explains why the fate of parliamentary reforms in India may be tied to the reform of the provision for ordinances. Standing at the intersection of constitutional law and political science, Presidential Legislation in India offers a new frame through which to assess executives’ legislative powers in both parliamentary and presidential systems.


Contents: Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Piracy and the Indian Film Industry; 3. Copyright Law in India: A Historical, Cultural and Legal Analysis; 4. Copyright Piracy and Consumers: Insights from an Empirical Survey; 5. In Search of Optimal Legal and Policy Options; 6. Conclusion; Appendix 1: Detailed Description of the Methodology Used in the Study; Appendix 2: Questionnaire Used for the Empirical Survey; Appendix 3: Tables; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9781107065437

The Electronic Silk Road How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce Anupam Chander

Contents: List of Tables; List of Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Alternatives to Parliamentary Legislation; Part I: Origins and Practice; 1. The Transplant Effect: Early Origins of Ordinances in England and India; 2. Legislative Surrogacy: Cabinets and Ordinances, 1952-2009; Part II: Law and Interpretation; 3. Negotiating the Text: Ordinances, Article 123 and the Interpretative Deficit; 4. Reading Minds: Presidential Satisfaction and Judicial Review of Ordinances; 5. The Power of No: Presidents, Cabinets and the Making of Ordinances; Conclusion: ‘Edwardian’ Reading of Ordinances; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9781107444348

This book sheds light on how copyright law works at the grassroots level in India, by exploring the social, cultural, historical, legal and economic dimensions of piracy in one of the biggest copyright-based industries: the Indian film industry. Based on extensive fieldwork, this book provides novel and insightful findings on the complexity and diversity of perceptions regarding piracy within Indian society. The bottom-up approach analysis adopted in the book elucidates how local factors influence copyright enforcement and the book proposes a mix of positive and negative incentives to increase the voluntary compliance of copyright law in India.



` 795.00

On the ancient Silk Road, treasure-laden caravans made their arduous way through deserts and mountain passes, establishing trade between Asia and the civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean. Today’s electronic Silk Roads ferry information across continents, enabling individuals and corporations anywhere to provide or receive services without obtaining a visa. But the legal infrastructure for such trade is yet rudimentary and uncertain. If an event in cyberspace occurs at once everywhere and nowhere, what law applies? How can consumers be protected when engaging with companies across the world? In this accessible book, cyberlaw expert Anupam Chander provides the first thorough discussion of the law that relates to global Internet commerce. Addressing up-to-theminute examples, such as Google’s struggles with China, the Pirate Bay’s skirmishes with Hollywood, and the outsourcing of services to India, the author insightfully analyzes the difficulties of regulating Internet trade. Chander then lays out a framework for future policies, showing how countries can dismantle barriers while still protecting consumer interests. Contents: Acknowledgments; Introduction: Tracing a Silk Road Through Cyberspace; 1. The New Global Division of Labor; 2. Western Entrepot: Silicon Valley; 3. Eastern Entrepot: Bangalore; 4. Pirates of Cyberspace; 5. Facebookistan; 6. Freeing Trade in Cyberspace; 7. Handshakes Across the World; 8. Glocalization and Harmonization; 9. Last Stop: Middle Kingdom; Afterword • Glossary: A Cheat Sheet for Global E-Commerce • Notes • Index

` 495.00

ISBN: 9789382993223 32


` 795.00

Cartel Regulation India in an International Perspective Lovely Dasgupta


the Listed Company; Part 4: Governance and Regulation; Part 5: Counter-Governance: Failures of Governance and Corporate Failure • Bibliography • Index

The recent decision of the Competition Commission of India imposing Rupees 60 billion penalties on the Cement cartels exemplifies the extent to which cartelization affects the Indian consumers. The book looks into the law, policy and practice that inform the anti-cartel provisions within the Indian Competition Act 2002. In the process, it tries to establish that even though the anti-cartel provisions of the Indian Competition Act are ambiguous on their support or opposition to cartels, the primary purpose of the Act is protection of the interest of consumers. Therefore, the Competition Commission of India and the Central Government are expected to come up with such regulations and notifications that help in clarifying the scope of the anti-cartel provisions in the interest of consumers.

ISBN: 9781107667297

The Logic of Law Making in Islam Women and Prayer in the Legal Tradition Behnam Sadeghi

The book also compares the Indian regulator’s approach vis-à-vis the approach taken by the fair trade regulators in more advanced jurisdictions like the EU, US and UK. Importantly, it introduces readers to a developing country perspective by bringing forth the impact of cartels on bargaining power of both end consumer as well as intermediaries. It also provides workable solutions to enhance the efficacy of anti-cartel provisions.


Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance An Integrated Approach Stephen Bloomfield



` 895.00

This pioneering study examines the process of reasoning in Islamic law. Some of the key questions addressed here include whether sacred law operates differently from secular law, why laws change or stay the same and how different cultural and historical settings impact the development of legal rulings. In order to explore these questions, the author examines the decisions of thirty jurists from the largest legal tradition in Islam: the Hanafi school of law. He traces their rulings on the question of women and communal prayer across a very broad period of time – from the eighth to the eighteenth century – to demonstrate how jurists interpreted the law and reconciled their decisions with the scripture and the sayings of the Prophet. The result is a fascinating overview of how Islamic law has evolved and the thinking behind individual rulings. Contents: 1. A general model; 2. Preliminaries; 3. Women praying with men: adjacency; 4. Women praying with women; 5. Women praying with men: communal prayers; 6. The historical development of Hanafi reasoning; 7. From laws and values; 8. The logic of law making

Contents: Preface; Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Cartels: Understanding the Sum and Substance of the Concept ; 3. Cartels and Consumer Interests in the US; 4. EU, Cartels and Consumer Interests; 5. India, Cartels and Consumer Interests: The MRTP Phase; 6. Cartels, Consumer Interests and India PostMRTP Phase; Conclusion; Appendix 1; Appendix 2; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9789382993759


ISBN: 9781107051850

The Law-Making Process

` 995.00

Sixth Edition

Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance explains how the real world of corporate governance works. It offers new definitions of governance and new conceptual models for investigating governance and corporate behaviour, based on both practical experience and academic investigation. In examining the historical development of corporate governance, it integrates issues of company law, regulatory practice and company administration with contemporary corporate governance policies and structures. An extensive range of international examples, both recent and historical, is used to compare theoretical explanations of governance behaviour with practical outcomes. The book will be particularly suitable for students taking an ICSA-accredited course - giving a necessary critical view on governance, law and regulation and through utilising new conceptual models, it will stimulate debate among both theorists and practitioners.

Michael Zander


` 995.00

As a critical analysis of the law-making process, this book has no equal. For more than two decades it has filled a gap in the requirements of law students and others taking introductory courses on the legal system. It deals with every aspect of the law-making process: the preparation of legislation; its passage through Parliament; statutory interpretation; binding precedent; how precedent works; law reporting; the nature of the judicial role; European Union law; and the process of law reform. It presents a large number of original texts from a variety of sources - cases, official reports, articles, books, speeches and empirical research studies - laced with the author’s informed commentary and reflections on the subject. This book is a mine of information dealing with both the broad sweep of the subject and with all its detailed ramifications. Contents: Preface to the sixth edition; Preface to the first edition; Acknowledgments; Books, pamphlets, memoranda and articles excerpted; Table of cases; 1. Legislation - the Whitehall stage; 2. Legislation - the Westminster stage; 3. Statutory interpretation; 4. Binding precedent the doctrine of stare decisis; 5. How precedent works; 6. Law reporting; 7. The nature of the judicial role in law-making; 8. Other sources of law; 9. The process of law reform.

Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Introduction; Part 1: The Discipline of Governance; Part 2: The Relationship Between Law and Governance; Part 3: Governance and

ISBN: 9781107669406 33


` 695.00

Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War Heather Harrison Dinniss

civil justice; 11. Comparative law and the international organizations; Part III. Comparative Law in the Flux of Civilizations: 12. The EastAsian legal tradition; 13. The Jewish legal tradition; 14. The Islamic legal tradition; 15. The Sub-Saharan legal tradition; 16. The Latin American and Caribbean legal tradition (repositioning Latin America and the Caribbean in the contemporary maps of comparative law); 17. Mixed legal systems; 18. Democracy and the Western legal tradition.

The information revolution has transformed both modern societies and the way in which they conduct warfare. Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War analyses the status of computer network attacks in international law and examines their treatment under the laws of armed conflict. The first part of the book deals with the resort to force by states and discusses the threshold issues of force and armed attack by examining the permitted responses against such attacks. The second part offers a comprehensive analysis of the applicability of international humanitarian law to computer network attacks. By examining the legal framework regulating these attacks, Heather Harrison Dinniss addresses the issues associated with this method of attack in terms of the current law and explores the underlying debates which are shaping the modern laws applicable in armed conflict.

ISBN: 9781107687769

Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India

Contents: 1. The world in which we live and fight; 2. Computer network attacks as a use of force in international law; 3. Armed attack and response in the digital age; 4. The applicability of the laws of armed conflict to computer network attacks; 5. Participants in conflict: combatant status, direct participation and computer network attack; 6. Targeting and precautions in attack; 7. Measures of special protection; 8. Means and methods of warfare. ISBN: 9781107682283

The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law Mauro Bussani & Ugo Mattei (editors)


Trials of an Interracial Family Chandra Mallampalli

` 795.00

We can only claim to understand another legal system when we know the context surrounding the positive law in which lawyers are trained. To avoid ethnocentricity and superficiality, we must go beyond judicial decisions, doctrinal writings and the black-letter law of codes and statutes and probe the ‘deeper structures’ where law meets cultural, political, socio-economic factors. It is only when we acquire such awareness and knowledge of the critical factors affecting both the backgrounds and implications of rules that it becomes possible to control the present and possibly future developments of the world’s legal institutions. This collection of essays aims to provide the reader with a fundamental understanding of the dynamic relationship between the law and its cultural, political and socio-economic context.


` 595.00

How did British rule in India transform persons from lower social classes? Could Indians from such classes rise in the world by marrying Europeans and embracing their religion and customs? This book explores such questions by examining the intriguing story of an interracial family who lived in southern India in the midnineteenth century. The family, which consisted of two untouchable brothers, both of whom married Eurasian women, became wealthy as distillers in the local community. A family dispute resulted in a landmark court case, Abraham v. Abraham. Chandra Mallampalli uses this case to examine the lives of those involved, and shows that far from being products of a ‘civilizing mission’ who embraced the ways of Englishmen, the Abrahams were ultimately – when faced with the strictures of the colonial legal system – obliged to contend with hierarchy and racial difference. Contents: Introduction; 1. Remembering family; 2. Embodying ‘Dora-hood’: the brothers and their business; 3. A crisis of trust: sedition and the sale of arms in Kurnool; 4. Letters from Cambridge; 5. The path to litigation; 6. Litigating gender and race: Charlotte sues at Bellary; 7. Francis appeals: the case for continuity; 8. Choice, identity, and law: the decision of London’s Privy Council. ISBN: 9781107026988

Contents: Editors’ preface. Diapositives v. movies: the inner dynamics of the law and its comparative account: a companion; Part I. Knowing Comparative Law: 1. Comparative law and neighbouring disciplines; 2. Political ideology and comparative law; 3. Economic analysis and comparative law; 4. Comparative law and anthropology; 5. Comparative law and language; Part II. Comparative Law Fields: 6. Comparative studies in private law (insights from a European point of view); 7. Comparative administrative law; 8. Comparative constitutional law; 9. Comparative criminal justice; 10. Comparative 34


` 995.00

Fates of Political Liberalism in the British Post-Colony The Politics of the Legal Complex Terence C. Halliday, Lucien Karpik & Malcolm M. Feeley (editors)

What explains divergences in political liberalism among new nations that shared the same colonial heritage? This book assembles exciting original essays on former colonies of the British Empire in South Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia that gained independence after World War II. The interdisciplinary country specialists reveal how inherent contradictions within British colonial rule were resolved after independence in contrasting liberal-legal, despotic and volatile political orders. Through studies of the longue durée and particular events, this book presents a theory of political liberalism in the post-colony and develops rich hypotheses on the conditions under which the legal complex, civil society and the state shape alternative postcolonial trajectories around political freedom. This provocative volume presents new perspectives for scholars and students of postcolonialism, political development and the politics of the legal complex, as well as for policy makers and publics who struggle to construct and defend basic legal freedoms.

The Government of Social Life in Colonial India Liberalism, Religious Law, and Women’s Rights Rachel Sturman

Contents: Introduction; Part I. Economic Governance: 1. Property between law and political economy; 2. The dilemmas of social economy; Part II. The Politics of Personal Law: 3. Hindu law as a regime of rights; 4. Custom and human value in the debates on Hindu marriage; 5. Law, community, and belonging; Conclusion.

Contents: Part I. Liberal-Legal Orders: 1. Emasculating the executive: the federal court and civil liberties in late colonial India: 1942–4; 2. The legal complex in the struggle to control police brutality in India; 3. Priests in the temple of justice: the Indian legal complex and the basic structure doctrine; Part II. Despotic Orders: 4. Lawyers, politics and publics: state management of lawyers and legitimacy in Singapore; 5. Lawyers and the disintegration of the legal complex in Sudan; 6. The Sri Lankan legal complex and the liberal project: only thus far and no more; Part III. Volatile Orders: 7. ‘Custodian of civil liberties and justice in Malaysia’: the Malaysian bar and the moderate state; 8. Liberal protagonists? The lawyers’ movement in Pakistan; 9. Miscarriage of chief justice: judicial power and the legal complex in Pakistan under Musharraf; 10. From judicial autonomy to regime transformation: the role of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan; 11. Postcolonial liberalism and the legal complex in Zambia: elegy or triumph?; 12. Legal complexes and the fight for political liberalism in new African democracies: comparative insights from Malawi, Zambia and Namibia; 13. Judge and company: courts, constitutionalism and the legal complex. ISBN: 9781107031975


From the early days of colonial rule in India, the British established a two-tier system of legal administration. Matters deemed secular were subject to British legal norms, while suits relating to the family were adjudicated according to Hindu or Muslim law, known as personal law. This important new study analyses the system of personal law in colonial India through a reexamination of women’s rights. Focusing on Hindu law in western India, it challenges existing scholarship, showing how – far from being a system based on traditional values – Hindu law was developed around ideas of liberalism, and that this framework encouraged questions about equality, women’s rights, the significance of bodily difference, and more broadly the relationship between state and society. Rich in archival sources, wide-ranging and theoretically informed, this book illuminates how personal law came to function as an organising principle of colonial governance and of nationalist political imaginations.

ISBN: 9781107038196

Nepal in Transition From People’s War to Fragile Peace Sebastian von Einsiedel, David M. Malone & Suman Pradhan (editors)

` 1495.00


` 895.00

Since emerging in 2006 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency, the ‘People’s War’, Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusionary and centralized state to a more inclusive and federal one. The present volume, drawing on both international and Nepali scholars and leading practitioners, analyzes the context, dynamics and key players shaping Nepal’s ongoing peace process. While the peace process is largely domestically driven, it has been accompanied by wide-ranging international involvement, including initiatives in peacemaking by NGOs, the United Nations and India, which, throughout the process, wielded considerable political influence; significant investments by international donors; and the deployment of a Security Council-mandated UN field mission. This book shines a light on the limits, opportunities and challenges of international efforts to assist Nepal in its quest for peace and stability and offers valuable lessons for similar endeavors elsewhere. Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. The Context: 2. The making of the Maoist insurgency; 3. State power and the security sector: ideologies and interests; 4. Nepal’s failed development; 5. Ethnic politics and the building of an inclusive state; Part II. Critical Transition and the Role of Outsiders: 6. Masala peacemaking; 7. A comprehensive peace? International human rights monitoring in Nepal; 8. Support to Nepal’s


peace process: the role of the UN mission in Nepal; 9. Electing the constituent assembly; 10. Revolution by other means: the transformation of Nepal’s Maoists; Part III. Regional Dynamics: 11. A yam between two boulders: Nepal, India and China; 12. Bringing the Maoists down from the hills: India’s role; 13. A Nepali perspective on international involvement; Part IV. Conclusions: 14. Conclusions. ISBN: 9781107659711

Pakistan’s Experience with Formal Law An Alien Justice Osama Siddique


Jurisprudence Suri Ratnapala

` 445.00

Law Reform, in Pakistan attracts such disparate champions as the Chief Justice of Pakistan, USAID, and the Taliban. Common to their equally obsessive pursuit of “speedy justice” is a remarkable obliviousness to the historical, institutional and sociological factors that alienate Pakistanis from their formal legal system. This pioneering book highlights vital and widely neglected linkages between the “narratives of colonial displacement” resonant in the literature on South Asia’s encounter with colonial law and the region’s post-colonial official law reform discourses. Against this backdrop, it presents a typology of Pakistani approaches to law reform and critically evaluates the IFI-funded, single-minded pursuit of “‘efficiency” during the last decade. Employing diverse methodologies it proceeds to provide empirical support for a widening chasm between popular, at times violently expressed, aspirations for justice and democratically deficient reform designed in distant IFI headquarters that is entrusted to the exclusive and unaccountable Pakistani “reform club.”

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. British legal positivism; 3. Germanic legal positivism: Hans Kelsen’s quest for the pure theory of law; 4. Realism in legal theory; 5. Natural law tradition in jurisprudence; 6. Separation of law and morality; 7. Sociological jurisprudence and the sociology of law; 8. Radical jurisprudence: challenges to liberal legal theory; 9. Economic analysis of law; 10. Evolutionary jurisprudence; 11. Fundamental legal conceptions: the building blocks of legal norms; 12. Justice. ISBN: 9781107606203

The Law of Electronic Commerce Alan Davidson

Contents: List of abbreviations • List of figures • Acknowledgements • Introduction; 1. The hegemony of heritage: the “narratives of colonial displacement” - the absence of the past in Pakistani reform narratives; 2. Law in practice: the Lahore District Courts Survey (2010-2011); 3. Law, crime, context, and vulnerability: the Punjab Crime Perception Survey (2009-2010); 4. Approaches to legal and judicial reform in Pakistan: post-colonial inertia and paucity of imagination in times of turmoil and change; 5. Reform on paper: a post-mortem of justice sector reform in Pakistan 1998-2010; 6. Reform nirvanas and reality checks: justice sector reform in Pakistan in the twenty-first century and the monopoly of the “experts”; 7. Toward a new approach; Appendices; Index ISBN: 9781107636279


Jurisprudence is about the nature of law and justice. It embraces studies and theories from a range of disciplines such as history, sociology, political science, philosophy, psychology and even economics. Why do people obey the law? How does law serve society? What is law’s relation to morality? What is the nature of rights? This book introduces and critically discusses the major traditions of jurisprudence. Written in a lucid and accessible style, Suri Ratnapala considers a wide range of views, bringing conceptual clarity to the debates at hand. From Plato and Aristotle to the medieval scholastics, from Enlightenment thinkers to postmodernists and economic analysts of law, this important volume examines the great philosophical debates and gives insight into the central questions concerning law and justice.


` 595.00

Written specifically for legal practitioners and students, this book examines the concerns, laws and regulations involved in Electronic Commerce. In just a few years, commerce via the World Wide Web and other online platforms has boomed, and a new field of legal theory and practice has emerged. Legislation has been enacted to keep pace with commercial realities, cyber-criminals and unforeseen social consequences, but the ever-evolving nature of new technologies has challenged the capacity of the courts to respond effectively. This book addresses the legal issues relating to the introduction and adoption of various forms of electronic commerce. From intellectual property, to issues of security and privacy, Alan Davidson looks at the practical changes for lawyers and commercial parties whilst providing a rationale for the underlying legal theory. Contents: 1. The law of electronic commerce; 2. The rule of cyberspace; 3. Electronic commerce and the law of contract; 4. Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap and Browsewrap contracts; 5. Electronic signatures; 6. Copyright issues in electronic commerce; 7. Electronic commerce – trade marks, patents and circuit layouts; 8. Domain names; 9. Domain name disputes; 10. Uniform domain name dispute resolution policies; 11. Jurisdiction in cyberspace; 12. Defamation in cyberspace; 13. Privacy and data protection in cyberspace; 14. Electronic mail and online

` 795.00


Trade Marks and Brands

presence; 15. National electronic surveillance; 16. Cybercrime; 17. Evidence of electronic records; 18. Censorship - broadcast and online content regulation; 19. An international perspective; Appendices. ISBN: 9781107606258

The Health of Nations Society and Law Beyond the State Philip Allott


An Interdisciplinary Critique Lionel Bently, Jennifer Davis & Jane C. Ginsburg (editiors)

` 595.00

The human world is changing. Old social structures are being overwhelmed by forces of social transformation which are sweeping across political and cultural frontiers. A social animal is becoming the social species. The animal that lives in packs and herds (family, corporation, nation, state...) is becoming a member of a human society which is the society of all human beings, the society of all societies. The age-old problems of social life - religious, philosophical, moral, political, legal, economic must now be addressed at the level of the whole species, at the level where all cultures and traditions meet and will contribute to an exhilarating and hazardous new form of human self-evolving.

Contents: Part I. Legal and Economic History: 1. The making of modern trade mark law: the construction of the legal concept of trade mark (1860–1980); 2. The Making of modern trade mark law: the UK, 1860–1914. A business history perspective; Part II. Current Positive Law in the E.U. and the US: 3. Between a sign and a brand: mapping the boundaries of a registered trade mark in European Union trade mark law; 4. “See me, feel me, touch me, hea[r] me” (and maybe smell and taste me too): I am a trademark - a US perspective; Part III. Linguistics: 5. ‘How can I tell the trade mark on a piece of gingerbread from all the other marks on It?’ Naming and meaning in verbal trade mark signs; 6. What linguistics can do for trade mark law; Part IV. Marketing: 7. Brand culture: trade marks, marketing and consumption; 8. Images in brand culture: responding legally to Professor Schroeder’s paper; Part V. Sociology: 9. Trade mark style as a way of fixing things; 10. The irrational lightness of trade marks: a legal perspective; Part VI. Law and Economics: 11. A law and economics perspective on trade marks; 12. The economic rationale of trademarks: an economist’s critique; Part VII. Philosophy: 13. Trade marks as property: a philosophical perspective; 14. An alternative approach to dilution protection: a response to Scott, Oliver and Ley Pineda; Part VIII. Anthropology: 15. An anthropological approach to transactions involving names and marks, drawing on Melanesia; 16. Traversing the cultures of trade mark sphere: observations on the anthropological approach of James Leach; Part IX. Geography: 17. Geographical indications: not all champagne and roses; 18. (Re)locating geographical indications: a response to Bronwyn Parry.

Contents: Preface; Part I. Society and Law: 1. The will to know and the will to power: theory and moral responsibility; 2. The phenomenon of law; 3. Globalization from above: actualizing the ideal through law; 4. The nation as mind politic: the making of the public mind; 5. New enlightenment: the public mind of all-humanity; Part II. European Society and its Law: 6. European governance and the re-branding of democracy; 7. The crisis of European constitutionalism: reflections on a half-revolution; 8. The concept of European Union: imagining the unimagined; 9. The conversation that we are: the seven lamps of European unity; Part III. International Society and its Law: 10. The concept of international law; 11. International law and the idea of history; 12. Intergovernmental societies and the idea of constitutionalism; 13. International law and the international Hofmafia: towards a sociology of diplomacy; 14. International law and international revolution: re-conceiving the world; Index. ISBN: 9788175962866


Developments in trade marks law have called into question a variety of basic features, as well as bolder extensions, of legal protection. Other disciplines can help us think about fundamental issues such as: what is a trade mark? What does it do? What should be the scope of its protection? This volume assembles essays examining trade marks and brands from a multiplicity of fields: from business history, marketing, linguistics, legal history, philosophy, sociology and geography. Each chapter pairs lawyers’ and nonlawyers’ perspectives, so that each commentator addresses and critiques his or her counterpart’s analysis. The perspectives of non-legal fields are intended to enrich legal academics’ and practitioners’ reflections about trade marks, and to expose lawyers, judges and policy-makers to ideas, concepts and methods that could prove to be of particular importance in the development of positive law.

` 695.00

ISBN: 9780521259309



` 595.00

The Spirit of Hindu Law Donald R. Davis, Jr.

10. Law, literature, and the problem of politics in medieval India; 11. Hindu law as performance: ritual and poetic elements in Dharmasâstra; Part III. Law and Modern Hinduism: 12. Temples, deities, and the law; 13. In the divine court of appeals: vows before the God of justice; 14. Contemporary caste discrimination and affirmative action; 15. Law and Hindu nationalist movements; 16. Legally and politically layered identities: a thumbnail survey of selected Hindu migration patterns from South Asia; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography.

Law is too often perceived solely as state-based rules and institutions that provide a rational alternative to religious rites and ancestral customs. The Spirit of Hindu Law uses the Hindu legal tradition as a heuristic tool to question this view and reveal the close linkage between law and religion. Emphasizing the household, the family, and everyday relationships as additional social locations of law, it contends that law itself can be understood as a theology of ordinary life. An introduction to traditional Hindu law and jurisprudence, this book is structured around key legal concepts such as the sources of law and authority, the laws of persons and things, procedure, punishment and legal practice. It combines investigation of key themes from Sanskrit legal texts with discussion of Hindu theology and ethics, as well as thorough examination of broader comparative issues in law and religion.

ISBN: 9781107012493

Contents: List of tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction (dharmasâstra); 1. Sources and theologies (pramâna); 2. Hermeneutics and ethics (mîmâmsâ); 3. Debt and meaning (rna); 4. Persons and things (svatva); 5. Doubts and disputes (vyavahâra); 6. Rectitude and rehabilitation (danda); 7. Law and practice (âcâra); Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107005617

Hinduism and Law An Introduction Timothy Lubin, Donald R. Davis Jr. & Jayanth K. Krishnan (editors)


Adjudication in Religious Family Laws Cultural Accommodation, Legal Pluralism, and Gender Equality in India Gopika Solanki

` 795.00

Covering the earliest Sanskrit rulebooks through to the codification of ‘Hindu law’ in modern times, this interdisciplinary volume examines the interactions between Hinduism and the law. The authors present the major transformations to India’s legal system in both the colonial and post colonial periods and their relation to recent changes in Hinduism. Thematic studies show how law and Hinduism relate and interact in areas such as ritual, logic, politics, and literature, offering a broad coverage of South Asia’s contributions to religion and law at the intersection of society, politics and culture. In doing so, the authors build on previous treatments of Hindu law as a purely text-based tradition, and in the process, provide a fascinating account of an often neglected social and political history.


` 895.00

How do multireligious and multiethnic societies construct accommodative arrangements that can both facilitate cultural diversity and ensure women’s rights? Based on a rich ethnography of adjudication of marriage and divorce across formal and informal areas in Mumbai, this book argues that the shared adjudication model in which the state splits its adjudicative authority with religious groups and other societal sources in the regulation of marriage can potentially balance cultural rights and gender equality. In this model, the ideologically diverse lay, civic, and religious sources of legal authority construct, transmit, and communicate heterogeneous notions of the conjugal family, gender relations, and religious membership within the interstices of state and society. In so doing, they fracture the homogenized religious identities grounded in hierarchical gender relations within the conjugal family. The shared adjudication model facilitates diversity as it allows the construction of hybrid religious identities, creates fissures in ossified group boundaries, and provides institutional spaces for ongoing intersocietal dialog. In this pluralized legal sphere, individual and collective legal mobilization by women spurs law reform and paves the way toward formal and substantive gender equality. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The shared adjudication model: theoretical framework and arguments; 3. State law and the adjudication process: marriage, divorce, and the conjugal family in Hindu and Muslim personal law; 4. Making and unmaking the conjugal family: the administration of Hindu law in society; 5. Juristic diversity, contestations over ‘Islamic law’ and women’s rights: regulation of matrimonial matters in Muslim personal law; 6. Conclusion.

Contents: Foreword; List of contributors; Chronology; Map; Introduction; Part I. Hindu Law: 1. An historical overview of Hindu law; 2. Dharmaœâstra: a textual history; 3. Hindu legal practice in premodern India; 4. The creation of Anglo-Hindu law; 5. Marriage and family in colonial Hindu law; 6. Hindu law as personal law; Part II. Law in Ancient and Medieval Hindu Traditions: 7. Hindu jurisprudence and scriptural hermeneutics; 8. Indic conceptions of authority; 9. Sûdra Dharma and legal treatments of caste;

ISBN: 9781107023895



` 1495.00

An Introduction to Islamic Law Wael B. Hallaq

colonization of India and South-East Asia; 15. Hegemonic modernity: the Middle East and North Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth century; 16. Modernizing the law in the age of nation-states; 17. In search of a legal methodology; 18. Repercussions: concluding notes.

The study of Islamic law can be a forbidding prospect for those entering the field for the first time. Wael Hallaq, a leading scholar and practitioner of Islamic law, guides students through the intricacies of the subject in this absorbing introduction. The first half of the book is devoted to a discussion of Islamic law in its pre-modern natural habitat. The second part explains how the law was transformed and ultimately dismantled during the colonial period. In the final chapters, the author charts recent developments and the struggles of the Islamists to negotiate changes which have seen the law emerge as a primarily textual entity focused on fixed punishments and ritual requirements. The book, which includes a chronology, a glossary of key terms, and lists of further reading, will be the first stop for those who wish to understand the fundamentals of Islamic law, its practices and history.

ISBN: 9780521180337

Law like Love Queer Perspectives on Law Arvind Narrain & Alok Gupta (editors) (Yoda Press)

Contents: Introduction; Part I. Tradition and Continuity: 1. Who’s who in the Shari’a; 2. The law: how is it found?; 3. The legal schools; 4. Jurists, legal education and politics; 5. Shari’a’s society; 6. Pre-modern governance: the circle of justice; Part II. Modernity and Ruptures: 7. Colonizing the Muslim world and its Shari’a; 8. Modernizing the law in the age of nation states; 9. State, ulama and Islamists; 10. Shari’a then and now: concluding notes. ISBN: 9780521127943

Sharia Theory, Practice, Transformations Wael B. Hallaq



` 795.00

With the landmark Delhi High Court victory in July 2009, sexuality and the law entered mainstream, legal and public discourse in India inviting both celebration and resistance. How do we understand this conversation? The July judgement stands on the shoulders of a much longer history, argue the writers in this contemporary and critical volume on queering the law. A longer history that shapes, unsettles and challenges both legal and queer histories and begins new conversations on the intersections between bodies, politics, activism, sexuality, identity and law. Some playful, some critical and others reflective and irreverent, this unique collection of pieces brings the life, structures and institutions of law alive and shine with relevance in the contemporary moment. Contents: Series Editor’s Foreword; Introduction; Acknowledgements; I. Conceptualizing Queer Politics of Law; 1. Queering Democracy; 2. Ordering Justice, Fixing Dreams; 3. Queer in the time of Terror; 4. Recovering the ‘Body’; 5. The Razor’s Edge of Oppositionality; II. Section 377 and its Politics; 6. The Presumption of Sodomy; 7. Section 377 and the Retroactive Consolidation of ‘Homophobia’; 8. The social lives of 377; 9. Gender Queer Perspectives; III. NAZ Foundation V. NCR. Delhi; 10. Dignity in and with NAZ; 11. A new Language of Morality’ 12. Reading Swaraj into Article 15 - A New Deal for all; 13. Navigating the Noteworthy and Nebulous in NAZ; IV. Re-Thinking Family Law; 14. Queer Women and the Law in India; 15. Democratizing Marriage; 16. Liberating Marriage; 17. Possession is 9/10ths of the body; V. Politics of Pleasure; 18. The state of Desire and Other Flights of Fantasy; 19. Pulp Frictions; 20. ‘I’m only here to do Masti’; VI. Queer Experience of the Law; 21. The moral order of Blackmail; 22. Song for Pushkin; 23. Property as Selfhood; 24. Persecuting Difference; 25. Crisis Intervention by LesBIT; 26. ‘Celebration of Perversion’; 27. Me, My Mother and Many ways of Imagining this ‘Fucking Law in Place’; 28. Striving for Magic in the ‘City of Words’; Notes on Editors and Contributors

` 395.00

In recent years, Islamic law, or Shari’a, has been appropriated as a tool of modernity in the Muslim world and in the West and has become highly politicised in consequence. Wael Hallaq’s magisterial overview of Shari’a sets the record straight by examining the doctrines and practices of Islamic law within the context of its history, and by showing how it functioned within pre-modern Islamic societies as a moral imperative. In so doing, Hallaq takes the reader on an epic journey tracing the history of Islamic law from its beginnings in seventh-century Arabia, through its development and transformation under the Ottomans, and across lands as diverse as India, Africa and South-East Asia, to the present. In a remarkably fluent narrative, the author unravels the complexities of his subject to reveal a love and deep knowledge of the law which will inform, engage and challenge the reader. Contents: Part I. The Pre-Modern Tradition: 1. The formative period; 2. Legal theory: epistemology, language, and legal reasoning; 3. Legal education and the politics of law; 4. Law and society; 5. The circle of justice and later dynasties; Part II. The Law: An Outline: 6. Legal pillars of religion; 7. Contracts and other obligations; 8. Family law and succession; 9. Property and ownership; 10. Offenses; 11. Jihad; 12. Courts of justice, suits and evidence; Part III. The Sweep of Modernity: 13. The conceptual framework: an introduction; 14. The jural

ISBN: 9789380403144



` 650.00

Between God and the Sultan A History of Islamic Law Knut S. Vikor (Hurst)

Knut S. Vikor aims in this book to introduce the development and practice of Islamic law to a wide readership: students, lawyers and the growing number of those interested in Islamic civilization. He summarises the main concepts of Islamic jurisprudence, discusses debates concerning the historicity of Islamic sources of dogma and the dating of early Islamic law; describes the classic practice of the law, in the formulation of legal rules and practice in the courts; and sets out various substantive legal rules, on such vital matters as the family and economic activity.

violence on the Assam tea plantations; 5. ‘A judicial scandal’: the imperial conscience and the race against empire; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521190787

Nine Degrees of Justice

Contents: Preface; Introduction: Does Islamic Law Exist?; Part I The Theory of the Law; From Practice to Method; The Koran and Sunna as Sources; Elaborating the Sources: Qiyas and Ijtihad; Getting Social Sanction: Ijma and Authorization; Part II The Application of the Law; The Four Schools of Law; Law Beyond the Four Schools; The Court and the Law: the Muftis and Legal Development; The Court and its Judge: the Role of the Qadi; Part III The History of the Law; The Court and the State; Law and Courts in the Ottoman Empire; Islamic Law in the Modern Period; Implementing the Shari’a; Part IV Some Areas of the Law; Criminal Law; Family Law; Economy, taxes and property; Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9781850657385

Colonial Justice in British India White Violence and the Rule of Law Elizabeth Kolsky


New Perspectives on Violence Against Women in India Bishakha Datta (editor) (Zubaan)

` 895.00


` 895.00

From an early focus on rape, dowry and sati, feminist struggles against violence on women in India have traversed a wide terrain to include issues that were invisible in the1980s. In Nine Degrees of Justice, second- and third-generation feminists share their perceptions on violence against women through a series of thoughtprovoking essays that establish that justice for women has not even reached double digit figures (hence nine degrees). Has using the law led to justice for women who face violence? What does ‘justice’ mean for an individual survivor? How can we address violence in public spaces and cyberspace without demonizing either? How do women in armed conflict move from being victims to actors? How can we start to speak about lesbian suicides and violence among women loving women? How do we ensure that women have a ‘right to choose’ when love is seen as a crime? Is prostitution a form of violence against women? What is the violence of stigma? And who is a ‘woman’ deserving representation from the women’s movement? Contents: Introduction; 1. This Thing Called Justice: Engaging with Laws on Violence against Women in India; 2. An Intimate Dilemma: AntiDomestic Violence Activism among Indians in the United States of America; 3. If Women Could Risk Pleasure: Reinterpreting Violence in Public Space; 4. Untangling the Web: The Internet and Violence against Women; 5. Invisible Yet Entrapping: Confronting Sexual Harassment at the Workplace; 6. From Roop Kanwar to Ramkumari: The Agitation against Widow Immolation; 7. Anatomy of a Suicide; 8. Criminalizing Love, Punishing Desire; 9. ‘Performing Sexuality’; Cultural Transgressions and the Violence of Stigma in the Glamour Economy; 10. Her Body, Your Gaze: Prostitution, Violence , and Ways of Seeing; 11. River Song; 12. What Poetry Means to Ernestina in Peril; Notes on Contributors

Colonial Justice in British India describes and examines the lesser-known history of white violence in colonial India. By foregrounding crimes committed by a mostly forgotten cast of European characters – planters, paupers, soldiers and sailors – Elizabeth Kolsky argues that violence was not an exceptional but an ordinary part of British rule in the subcontinent. Despite the pledge of equality, colonial legislation and the practices of white judges, juries and police placed most Europeans above the law, literally allowing them to get away with murder. The failure to control these unruly whites revealed how the weight of race and the imperatives of command imbalanced the scales of colonial justice. In a powerful account of this period, Kolsky reveals a new perspective on the British Empire in India, highlighting the disquieting violence that invariably accompanied imperial forms of power.

ISBN: 9788189884505

Contents: List of figures; List of maps; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Glossary; Introduction; 1. White peril: law and lawlessness in early colonial India; 2. Citizens, subjects and subjection to law: codification and the legal construction of racial difference; 3. ‘Indian human nature’: evidence, experts, and the elusive pursuit of truth; 4. ‘One scale of justice for the planter and another for the coolie’: law and



` 695.00

MEDIA STUDIES Online Journalism A Basic Text Tapas Ray


This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to online journalism, as well as the internet. Apart from being a medium of communication, the internet is also a vast and continuously growing storehouse of information, which journalists can use to their advantage. Practical aspects of online journalism are explained with a number of case studies. The book attempts to equip the reader with the skills needed to use internet technology in journalism. It also provides an insight into the unique nature of the medium by placing e-journalism within a broad social context. Among the topics covered are: • History of the internet • New journalisms: annotative and open source • Computer assisted journalism • Packaging news for the web • Publishing on the web • Legal and institutional issues • Multimediality, interactivity and hypertextuality • New roles for the journalist • Digital access and barrier • Trends: convergence and broadband • The networked world

Cookery for the Hospitality Industry Graham Dodgshun & Michel Peters Adapted by Sireesh Saxena

Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Catering hygiene and (HACCP) principles; 3. Occupational health and safety; 4. Kitchen organization; 5. Menu planning; 6. Nutrition; 7. Cost control in the commercial kitchen; 8. Methods of cookery; 9. Food preparation and mise en place; 10. Appetisers and salads; 11. Canapes and sandwiches; 12. Sauces; 13. Soups; 14. Eggs; 15. Rice, pasta, gnocchi and noodles; 16. Seafood; 17. Poultry; 18. Meat; 19. Vegetables and fruit; 20. Buffet and cold larder;21. Pastries, cakes and yeast goods; 22. Hot and cold desserts; 23. Cheese; 24. Food preservation; 25. Indian recipes; Appendix 1 Gastronorm containers; Appendix 2 Recipe list; Glossary; Index.

Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Internet and Journalism: An Introduction; 2. The History and Evolution of the Internet; 3. Multimediality, Interactivity and Hypertextuality; 4. Annotative Reporting and Open-source Journalism; 5. Computer Assisted Journalism or Reporting; 6. Preparing Online Packages; 7. Web Authoring and Publishing; 8. Revenue, Ethics and Law; 9. Gatekeeping: The Changing Roles of Online Journalism; 10. Digital Determinism: Access and Barrier; 11. Convergence and Broadband; 12. The Network Paradigm; Glossary; Index ISBN: 9788175963337


Cookery for the Hospitality Industry will provide trade apprentices and other commercial cookery students at Hotel Management Institute with everything they need to know to achieve trade status, and more. Cookery for the Hospitality Industry is the latest text for commercial cookery students that genuinely addresses the needs of students.

ISBN: 9780521721400

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

` 495.00



` 495.00


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