CONTENTS Computer Science ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mathematics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Physics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Astronomy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Chemistry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Life Sciences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29 Environmental Sciences ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
10. Quantum error-correction; 11. Entropy and information; 12. Quantum information theory; Appendices; References; Index.
COMPUTER SCIENCE A Textbook on Automata Theory P. K. Srimani & Nasir S. F. B.
This book has been designed for students of computer science. Adopting a comprehensive approach to the subject, it presents various concepts with adequate explanations. The logical and structured treatment of the subject promotes better understanding and assimilation. Lucid and well-structured presentation makes the book user-friendly.
ISBN: 9781107619197
Introduction to Information Retrieval
It covers the curricula for MCA, BE (Computer Science) and MSc (Computer Science) at various universities and gives students a strong foundation for advanced studies in the field.
Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; Unit I 1. Fundamentals of Automata; Unit II 2. Formal Language Theory; 3. Formal Languages / Grammar Hierarchy; Unit III 4. Finite Automata; 5. Equivalent Automata ; Unit IV 6. Minimisation / Optimisation of DFA; 8. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions; Unit V 9. Transducers; 10. Context-Free Grammars and Context-Free Languages; 11. Simplification of Context-Free Grammar; Unit VI 12. Turing Machine; 13. TM Extensions and Languages; Appendix A Symbol Chart; Appendix B Sets, Relations, Functions and Mathematical Induction; Appendix C System Modelling; Index. ISBN: 9789382993940
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan & Hinrich Schütze
Companion Website available
` 495.00
One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th Anniversary Edition includes a new Introduction and Afterword from the authors setting the work in context. This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced, before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than “classical” computers, and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information.
Contents: Part I. Fundamental Concepts: 1. Introduction and overview; 2. Introduction to quantum mechanics; 3. Introduction to computer science; Part II. Quantum Computation: 4. Quantum circuits; 5. The quantum Fourier transform and its application; 6. Quantum search algorithms; 7. Quantum computers: physical realization; Part III. Quantum Information: 8. Quantum noise and quantum operations; 9. Distance measures for quantum information; 1
` 695.00
Class-tested and coherent, this textbook teaches classical and web information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification and text clustering from basic concepts. It gives an up-to-date treatment of all aspects of the design and implementation of systems for gathering, indexing, and searching documents; methods for evaluating systems; and an introduction to the use of machine learning methods on text collections. All the important ideas are explained using examples and figures, making it perfect for introductory courses in information retrieval for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science. Based on feedback from extensive classroom experience, the book has been carefully structured in order to make teaching more natural and effective. Slides and additional exercises (with solutions for lecturers) are also available through the book’s supporting website to help course instructors prepare their lectures. Contents: 1. Information retrieval using the Boolean model; 2. The dictionary and postings lists;3. Tolerant retrieval; 4. Index construction; 5. Index compression; 6. Scoring and term weighting; 7. Vector space retrieval; 8. Evaluation in information retrieval; 9. Relevance feedback and query expansion; 10. XML retrieval; 11. Probabilistic information retrieval; 12. Language models for information retrieval; 13. Text classification and Naive Bayes; 14. Vector space classification; 15. Support vector machines and kernel functions; 16. Flat clustering; 17. Hierarchical clustering; 18. Dimensionality reduction and latent semantic indexing; 19. Web search basics; 20. Web crawling and indexes; 21. Link analysis. ISBN: 9781107666399
Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.
` 495.00
Web Data Management Serge Abiteboul, loana Manolescu, Philippe Rigaux, MarrieChristine Rousset & Pierre Senellart
The Internet and World Wide Web have revolutionized access to information. Users now store information across multiple platforms from personal computers, to smartphones, to Web sites such as YouTube and Picasa. As a consequence, data management concepts, methods, and techniques are increasingly focused on distribution concerns. That information largely resides in the network, as do the tools that process this information.
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Theory and Applications, Second Edition Carlos de Morais Cordeiro & Dharma Prakash Agrawal (World Scientific)
This book explains the foundations of XML, the Web standard for data management, with a focus on data distribution. It covers the many facets of distributed data management on the Web, such as description logics, that are already emerging in today’s data integration applications and herald tommorow’s semantic Web. It also introduces the machinery used to manipulate the unprecedented amount of data collected on the Web. Several “Putting into Practice” chapters describe detailed practical applications of the technologies and techniques.
Contents: Introduction; Routing in Ad Hoc Networks; Broadcasting, Multicasting and Geocasting; Wireless LANs; Wireless PANs; Wireless Mesh Networks; Directional Antenna Systems; Cognitive Radio and Networks; TCP over Ad Hoc Networks; Applications of Sensor Networks; Sensor Networks Design Considerations; Sensor Networks in Controlled Environment and Actuators; Security in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks; Integrating MANETs, WLANs, and Cellular Networks.
Striking a balance between the conceptual and the practical, the book will serve as an introduction to the new global information systems for Web professionals as well as for master’s level courses.
ISBN: 9789382264804
Contents: Part I. Modeling Web Data: 1. Data model; 2. XPath and Xquery; 3. Typing; 4. XML query evaluation; 5. Putting into practice: managing an XML database with EXIST; 6. Putting into practice: tree pattern evaluation using SAX; Part II. Web Data Semantics and Integration: 7. Ontologies, RDF, and OWL; 8. Querying data through ontologies; 9. Data integration; 10. Putting into practice: wrappers and data extraction with XSLT; 11. Putting into practice: ontologies in practice Fabian M. Suchanek; 12. Putting into practice: mashups with YAHOO! PIPES and XProc; Part III. Building Web Scale Applications: 13. Web search; 14. An introduction to distributed systems; 15. Distributed access structures; 16. Distributed computing with MAPREDUCE and PIG; 17. Putting into practice: full-text indexing with LUCENE Nicolas Travers; 18. Putting into practice: recommendation methodologies Alban Galland; 19. Putting into practice: large-scale management with HADOOP; 20. Putting into practice: COUCHDB, a JSON semi-structured database. ISBN: 9781107629615
This book provides a comprehensive yet easy coverage of ad hoc and sensor networks and fills the gap of existing literature in this growing field. It emphasizes that there is a major interdependece among various layers of the networks protocol stack. Contary to wired or even one-hop cellular networks, the lack of a fixed infrastructure, the inherent mobility, the wireless channel, and the underlying routing mechanism by ad hoc and sensor networks introduce a number of technological challenges that are difficult to address within the boundaries of a single protocol layer.
Microprocessor Architecture From Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors Jean-Loup Baer
` 595.00
This book gives a comprehensive description of the architecture of microprocessors from simple in-order short pipeline designs to out-of-order superscalars. It discusses topics such as: • The policies and mechanisms needed for outof-order processing such as register renaming, reservation stations, and reorder buffers • Optimizations for high performance such as branch predictors, instruction scheduling, and load-store speculations • Design choices and enhancements to tolerate latency in the cache hierarchy of single and multiple processors • State-of-the-art multithreading and multiprocessing emphasizing single chip implementations Topics are presented as conceptual ideas, with metrics to assess the performance impact, if appropriate, and examples of realization. The emphasis is on how things work at a black box and algorithmic level. The author also provides sufficient detail at the register transfer level so that readers can appreciate how design features enhance performance as well as complexity.
` 695.00
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The basics; 3. Superscalar processors; 4. Front-end: branch prediction, instruction fetching, and register renaming; 5. Back-end: instruction scheduling, memory access instructions, and clusters; 6. The cache hierarchy; 7. Multiprocessors; 8. Multithreading and (chip) multiprocessors; 9. Current limitations and future challenges. ISBN: 9780521187350
` 745.00
Computational Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica Sriram Pemmaraju & Steven Skiena
Combinatorica, an extension to the popular computer algebra system Mathematica®, is the most comprehensive software available for teaching and research applications of discrete mathematics, particularly combinatorics and graph theory. This book is the definitive reference/user’s guide to Combinatorica, with examples of all 450 Combinatorica functions in action, along with the associated mathematical and algorithmic theory. The authors cover classical and advanced topics on the most important combinatorial objects: permutations, subsets, partitions, and Young tableaux, as well as all important areas of graph theory: graph construction operations, invariants, embeddings, and algorithmic graph theory.
systems; 11. Global predicate detection; 12. Distributed shared memory; 13. Checkpointing and rollback recovery; 14. Consensus and agreement algorithms; 15. Failure detectors; 16. Authentication in distributed system; 17. Self-stabilization; 18. Peer-to-peer computing and overlay graphs; Index. ISBN: 9781107648906
Software Testing
In addition to being a research tool, Combinatorica makes discrete mathematics accessible in new and exciting ways, by encouraging computational experimentation and visualization. The book is suitable for self-study and as a primary or supplementary textbook for discrete mathematics courses.
Yogesh Singh
Contents: 1. Combinatorica: an explorer’s guide; 2. Permutations and combinations; 3. Algebraic combinatorics; 4. Partitions, compositions and Young tableaux; 5. Graph representation; 6. Generating graphs; 7. Properties of graphs; 8 Algorithmic graph theory. ISBN: 9780521733113
Distributed Computing Principles, Algorithms, and Systems Ajay D. Kshemkalyani & Mukesh Singhal
Companion Website available
` 795.00
Software Testing is conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of a product under test. The book aims to present testing concepts and methods that can be implemented in practice. It has been developed as a result of the author’s 20 years of teaching experience. The text will help to learn how to find software faults before it is made available to its users. A judicious mix of software testing concepts, solved examples and real-life case studies makes it ideal for a basic course on software testing. The book will be a useful resource for students, academicians, software practitioners and researchers. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Functional testing; 3. Essentials of graph theory; 4. Structural testing; 5. Software verification; 6. Creating test cases from requirements and use cases;7. Selection, minimization and prioritization of test cases for regression testing; 8. Software testing activities; 9. Object oriented testing; 10. Metrics and models in software testing; 11. Testing web applications; 12. Automated test data generation; References; Appendix I. SRS of university registration system; Appendix II. Test cases from use cases; Appendix III. Validity checks; Answers to multiple choice questions.
` 595.00
Designing distributed computing systems is a complex process requiring a solid understanding of the design problems and the theoretical and practical aspects of their solutions. This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental principles and models underlying the theory, algorithms and systems aspects of distributed computing. Broad and detailed coverage of the theory is balanced with practical systems-related issues such as mutual exclusion, deadlock detection, authentication, and failure recovery. Algorithms are carefully selected, lucidly presented, and described without complex proofs. Simple explanations and illustrations are used to elucidate the algorithms. Important emerging topics such as peer-to-peer networks and network security are also considered. With vital algorithms, numerous illustrations, examples and homework problems, this textbook is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of electrical and computer engineering and computer science. Practitioners in data networking and sensor networks will also find this a valuable resource. Additional resources are available online at www.cambridge.org/9780521876346.
PB 650pp HB ISBN: 9781107012967 650pp ISBN: 9781107652781
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. A model of distributed computations; 3. Logical time; 4. Global state and snapshot recording algorithms; 5. Terminology and basic algorithms; 6. Message ordering and group communication; 7. Termination detection; 8. Reasoning with knowledge; 9. Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms; 10. Deadlock detection in distributed 3
` 795.00 ` 995.00
A Student’s Guide to Data and Error Analysis Herman J. C. Berendsen
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Error-detecting codes; 3. Repetition and hamming codes; 4. Data compression: efficient coding of a random message; 5. Entropy and Shannon’s source coding theorem; 6. Mutual information and channel capacity; 7. Achieving the Shannon limit by turbo coding; 8. Other aspects of coding theory.
All students taking laboratory courses within the physical sciences and engineering will benefit from this book, whilst researchers will find it an invaluable reference. This concise, practical guide brings the reader up-to-speed on the proper handling and presentation of scientific data and its inaccuracies. It covers all the vital topics with practical guidelines, computer programs (in Python), and recipes for handling experimental errors and reporting experimental data. In addition to the essentials, it also provides further background material for advanced readers who want to understand how the methods work. Plenty of examples, exercises and solutions are provided to aid and test understanding, whilst useful data, tables and formulas are compiled in a handy section for easy reference.
ISBN: 9781107684577
Mobile Computing Principles
Contents: Part I. Data and Error Analysis: 1. Introduction; 2. The presentation of physical quantities with their inaccuracies; 3. Errors: classification and propagation; 4. Probability distributions; 5. Processing of experimental data; 6. Graphical handling of data with errors; 7. Fitting functions to data; 8. Back to Bayes: knowledge as a probability distribution; Answers to exercises; Part II. Appendices: A1. Combining uncertainties; A2. Systematic deviations due to random errors; A3. Characteristic function; A4. From binomial to normal distributions; A5. Central limit theorem; A6. Estimation of th varience; A7. Standard deviation of the mean; A8. Weight factors when variances are not equal; A11. Least squares fitting; Part III. Python codes; Part IV. Scientific data: Chi-squared distribution; F-distribution; Normal distribution; Physical constants; Probability distributions; Student’s t-distribution; Units. ISBN: 9781107617100
A Student’s Guide to Coding and Information Theory Stefan M. Moser & Po-Ning Chen
Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML Reza B’Far
` 395.00
` 295.00
Written to address technical concerns that mobile developers face regardless of the platform (J2ME, WAP, Windows CE, etc.), this book explores the differences between mobile and stationary applications and the architectural and software development concepts needed to build a mobile application. Using UML as a tool, Reza B’far guides the developer through the development process, showing how to document the design and implementation of the application. He focuses on general concepts, while using platforms as examples or as possible tools. After introducing UML, XML, and derivative tools necessary for developing mobile software applications, B’far shows how to build user interfaces for mobile applications. He covers location sensitivity, wireless connectivity, mobile agents, data synchronization, security, and pushbased technologies, and finally homes in on the practical issues of mobile application development including the development cycle for mobile applications, testing mobile applications, architectural concerns, and a case study. Contents: Part I. Introductions to the Main Topics: 1. Introduction to mobile computing; 2. Introduction to mobile development frameworks and tools; 3. XML: document and meta-data format for mobile; 4 Introduction to UML; Part II. Device Independent and Multi-Channel User Interface Development Using UML: 5. Generic user interface development; 6. Developing mobile GUIs; 7. Voice user Interfaces and mobile applications; 8. Multi-channel and multi-modal user interfaces; Part III. Additional Dimensions of Mobile Application Development: 9. Mobile agents and peer-to-peer architectures for mobile computing; 10. Wireless connectivity and mobile applications; 11. Synchronization and replication of mobile data; 12. Mobility and location information; 13. Active transactions; 14. Mobile security; Part IV. Putting the Project Together: 15. The mobile development process; 16. Architecture, design, and technology selection; 17. Mobile application implementation hurdles; 18. Testing; 19. A case study.
This easy-to-read guide provides a concise introduction to the engineering background of modern communication systems, from mobile phones to data compression and storage. Background mathematics and specific engineering techniques are kept to a minimum so that only a basic knowledge of high-school mathematics is needed to understand the material covered. The authors begin with many practical applications in coding, including the repetition code, the Hamming code and the Huffman code. They then explain the corresponding information theory, from entropy and mutual information to channel capacity and the information transmission theorem. Finally, they provide insights into the connections between coding theory and other fields. Many worked examples are given throughout the book, using practical applications to illustrate theoretical definitions. Exercises are also included, enabling readers to double-check what they have learned and gain glimpses into more advanced topics, making this perfect for anyone who needs a quick introduction to the subject.
ISBN: 9780521696234
` 695.00
Introduction to Software Testing Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt
Companion Website available
Extensively class-tested, this textbook takes an innovative approach to software testing: it defines testing as the process of applying a few welldefined, general-purpose test criteria to a structure or model of the software. It incorporates the latest innovations in testing, including techniques to test modern types of software such as OO, web applications, and embedded software. The book contains numerous examples throughout. An instructor's solution manual, PowerPoint slides, sample syllabi, additional examples and updates, testing tools for students, and example software programs in Java are available on an extensive website.
Noel Kalicharan
ISBN: 9780521670449
Logic in Computer Science
Contents: Part I. Overview: 1. Introduction; Part II. Coverage Criteria: 2. Graph testing; 3. Logic coverage; 4. Input space partitioning; 5. Syntaxbased testing; Part III. Applying Criteria in Practice: 6. Practical considerations; 7. Engineering criteria for technologies; 8. Building testing tools; 9. Challenges in testing software. ISBN: 9780521175821
C By Example
Contents: 1. Introduction to digital systems engineering; 2. Packaging of digital systems; 3. Modeling and analysis of wires; 4. Circuits; 5. Power distribution; 6. Noise in digital systems; 7. Signalling conventions; 8. Advanced signalling techniques; 9. Timing conventions; 10. Synchronization; 11. Signalling circuits; 12. Timing circuits; Index.
Michael Huth & Mark Ryan
` 595.00
C is one of the most popular programming languages. It is flexible, efficient, and highly portable; and can be used to write many different types of programs - from compilers and assemblers to spreadsheets and games. This book is based on ANSI C, the recently adopted standard for the C language.
Companion Website available
Contents: Preface; 1. Getting started with C; 2. more control structures and arrays; 3. Functions - the basics; 4. Character handling; 5. Functions and pointers; 6. Data types, operators and storage classes; 7. Basic structures and linked lists; 8. Binary trees and other structures; 9. Standard input/output; 10. Fil einput/output; 11. Miscellaneous topics; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9780521567008
Digital Systems Engineering William J. Dally & John W. Poulton
` 795.00
Recent years have seen the development of powerful tools for verifying hardware and software systems, as companies worldwide realise the need for improved means of validating their products. There is increasing demand for training in basic methods in formal reasoning so that students can gain proficiency in logic-based verification methods. The second edition of this successful textbook addresses both those requirements, by continuing to provide a clear introduction to formal reasoning which is both relevant to the needs of modern computer science and rigorous enough for practical application. Improvements to the first edition have been made throughout, with extra and expanded sections on SATsolvers, existential/ universal second-order logic, micro-models, programming by contract and total correctness. The coverage of model-checking has been substantially updated. Further exercises have been added. Internet support for the book includes worked solutions for all exercises for teachers, and model solutions to some exercises for students. Contents: Foreword; 1. Propositional logic; 2. Predicate logic; 3. Verification by model checking; 4. Program verification; 5. Modal logics and agents; 6. Binary decision diagrams; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521670890
` 795.00
` 395.00
Modern Compiler Implementation in C
What makes some computers slow? Why do some digital systems operate reliably for years while others fail mysteriously every few hours? How can some systems dissipate kilowatts while others operate off batteries? These questions of speed, reliability, and power are all determined by the system-level electrical design of a digital system.
Andrew W. Appel
Digital Systems Engineering presents a comprehensive treatment of these topics. It combines a rigorous development of the fundamental principles in each area with real world examples of circuits and methods. The book not only serves as an undergraduate textbook, filling the gap between circuit design and logic design, but can also help practising digital designers keep pace with the speed and power of modern integrated circuits.
This textbook describes all phases of modern compiler: lexical analysis, parsing, abstract syntax, semantic actions, intermediate representations, instruction selection via tree matching, dataflow analysis, graph-coloring register allocation, and runtime systems. It includes good coverage of current techniques in code generation and register allocation, as well as functional and object-oriented languages, that is missing from most books. The most accepted and successful techniques are described in a concise way, rather than as a exhaustive catalogue of every possible variant. Detailed descriptions of the interfaces between modules of a compiler are illustrated with actual C header files. Contents: Part I. Fundamentals of Compilation: 1. Introduction; 2. Lexical analysis; 3. Parsing; 4. Abstract syntax; 5. Semantic analysis; 6. Activation records; 7. Translation to intermediate code; 8. Basic blocks and traces;
9. Instruction selection; 10. Liveness analysis; 11. Register allocation; 12. Putting it all together; Part II. Advanced Topics: 13. Garbage collection; 14. Object-oriented languages; 15. Functional programming languages; 16. Polymorphic types; 17. Dataflow analysis; 18. Loop optimizations; 19. Static single-assignment form; 20. Pipelining and scheduling; 21. The memory hierarchy; Appendix. ISBN: 9788175960718
Numerical Recipes in C William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling & Brian Flannery
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication David Tse & Pramod Viswanath
` 545.00
This is the revised and expanded second edition of the hugely popular Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing. The product of a unique collaboration among four leading scientists in academic research and industry, Numerical Recipes is a complete text and reference book on scientific computing. Contents: Legal matters; List of computer programs; 1. Preliminaries; 2. Solution of linear algebraic equations; 3. Interpolation and extrapolation; 4. Integration of functions; 5. Evaluation of functions; 6. Special functions; 7. Random numbers; 8. Sorting; 9. Root finding and nonlinear sets of equations; 10. Minimization or maximization of functions; 11. Eigensystems; 12. Fast Fourier transform; 13. Fourier and spectral applications; 14. Statistical description of data; 15. Modeling of data; 16. Integration of ordinary differential equations; 17. Two point boundary value problems; 18. Integral equations and inverse theory; 19. Partial differential equations; 20. Less-numerical algorithms; References; Index of programs and dependencies;General index. ISBN: 9788185618166
Numerical Recipes in C++ The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling & Brian Flannery
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The wireless channel; 3. Point-to-point communication: detection, diversity and channel uncertainty; 4. Cellular systems: multiple access and interference management; 5. Capacity of wireless channels; 6. Multiuser capacity and opportunistic communication; 7. MIMO I: spatial multiplexing and channel modeling; 8. MIMO II: capacity and multiplexing architectures; 9. MIMO III: diversitymultiplexing tradeoff and universal space-time codes; 10. MIMO IV: multiuser communication; A. Detection and estimation in additive Gaussian noise; B. Information theory background. ISBN: 9780521687492
` 795.00
Introduction to Distributed Algorithms
The second edition of this successful textbook provides an up-to-date introduction both to the topic, and to the theory behind the algorithms.
Second Edition
The author concentrates on algorithms for the point-to-point message passing model, and includes algorithms for the implementation of computer communication networks. Other key areas discussed are algorithms for the control of distributed applications (wave, broadcast, election, termination detection, randomized algorithms for anonymous networks, snapshots, deadlock detection, synchronous systems), and fault tolerance achievable by distributed algorithms. The two new chapters on sense of direction and failure detectors are state-of-the-art and will provide an entry to research in these still developing topics.
Gerard Tel
Contents: 1. Preliminaries; 2. Solution of linear algebraic equations; 3. Interpolation and extrapolation; 4. Integration of functions; 5. Evaluation of functions; 6. Special functions; 7. Random numbers; 8. Sorting; 9. Root finding and nonlinear sets of equations; 10. Minimization or maximization of functions; 11. Eigensystems; 12. Fast Fourier transform; 13. Fourier and spectral applications; 14. Statistical description of data; 15. Modeling of data; 16. Integration of ordinary differential equations; 17. Two point boundary value problems; 18. Integral equations and inverse theory; 19. Partial differential equations; 20. Less-numerical algorithms; References. 1030pp
` 595.00
Now, the acclaimed Second Edition of Numerical Recipes is available in the C++ object-oriented programming language. Including and updating the full mathematical and explanatory contents of Numerical Recipes in C, this new version incorporates completely new C++ versions of the more than 300 Numerical Recipes routines that are widely recognized as the most accessible and practical basis for scientific computing.
ISBN: 9788175960961
The past decade has seen many advances in physical layer wireless communication theory and their implementation in wireless systems. This textbook takes a unified view of the fundamentals of wireless communication and explains the web of concepts underpinning these advances at a level accessible to an audience with a basic background in probability and digital communication. Topics covered include MIMO (multi-input, multi-output) communication, space-time coding, opportunistic communication, OFDM and CDMA. The concepts are illustrated using many examples from real wireless systems such as GSM, IS-95 (CDMA), IS-856 (1 x EVDO), Flash OFDM and UWB (ultra-wideband). Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between concepts and their implementation in real systems. An abundant supply of exercises and figures reinforce the material in the text. This book is intended for use on graduate courses in electrical and computer engineering and will also be of great interest to practicing engineers.
Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction: distributed systems; Part I. Protocols: 2. The model; 3. Communication protocols; 4. Routing algorithms; 5. Deadlock-free packet switching; Part II. Fundamental Algorithms: 6. Wave and traversal algorithms; 7. Election algorithms; 8. Termination detection; 9. Anonymous networks; 10. Snapshots; 11. Sense of direction and orientation; 12. Synchrony in networks; Part III. Fault Tolerance: 13. Fault tolerance in distributed systems; 14. Fault tolerance in
` 645.00 6
asynchronous systems; 15. Fault tolerance in synchronous systems; 16. Failure detection; 17. Stabilization; Part IV. Appendix A: pseudocode conventions; Appendix B: graphs and networks; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521605670
Randomized Algorithms Rajeev Motwani & Prabhakar Raghavan
Contents: Preface; Part I. Preliminaries: 1. Number systems and codes; 2. Sets, relations, and lattices; Part II. Combinational Logic: 3. Switching algebra and its applications; 4. Minimisation of switching functions; 5. Logic design; 6. Multilevel logic synthesis; 7. Threshold logic for nanotechnologies; 8. Testing of combinational circuits; Part III. Finite State Machines: 9. Introduction to synchronous sequential circuits and iterative networks; 10. Capabilities, minimisation, and transformation of sequential machines; 11. Asynchronous sequential circuits;12. Structure of sequential machines; 13. State-identification experiments and testing of sequential circuits; 14. Memory, definiteness, and information losslessness of finite automata;15. Linear sequential machines; 16. Finite-state recognisers; Index.
` 595.00
For many applications a randomized algorithm is the simplest algorithm available, or the fastest, or both. This text by two well-known experts in the field presents the basic concepts in the design and analysis of randomized algorithms at a level accessible to beginning graduate students. The first part of the book presents basic tools from probability theory and probabilistic analysis that are recurrent in algorithmic applications. Algorithmic examples are given to illustrate the use of each tool in a concrete setting. In the second part of the book each of the seven chapters focuses on one important area of application of randomized algorithms: data structures, geometric algorithms, graph algorithms, giving a comprehensive and representative selection of the algorithms in these areas.
ISBN: 9780521176804
Finite Volume Methods for Hyderbolic Problems Randall J. Leveque
` 595.00
Switching and Finite Automata Theory Third Edition
Understand the structure, behavior, and limitations of logic machines with this thoroughly updated third edition.
Zvi Kohavi & Niraj K. Jha
New topics include: • CMOS gates • Logic synthesis • Logic design for emerging nanotechnologies • Digital system testing • Asynchronous circuit design
` 495.00
Contents: Part I. Tools and Techniques: 1. Introduction; 2. Game-theoretic techniques; 3. Moments and deviations; 4. Tail inequalities; 5. The probabilistic method; 6. Markov chains and random walks; 7. Algebraic techniques; Part II. Applications: 8. Data structures; 9. Geometric algorithms and linear programming; 10. Graph algorithms; 11. Approximate counting; 12. Parallel and distributed algorithms; 13. Online algorithms; 14. Number theory and algebra; Appendix A: notational index; Appendix B: mathematical background; Appendix C: basic probability theory. ISBN: 9780521613903
This book contains an introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations and a powerful class of numerical methods for approximating their solution, including both linear problems and nonlinear conservation laws. These equations describe a wide range of wave-propagation and transport phenomena arising in nearly every scientific and engineering discipline. Several applications are described in a self-contained manner, along with much of the mathematical theory of hyperbolic problems. High-resolution versions of Godunov’s method are developed, in which Riemann problems are solved to determine the local wave structure and limiters are then applied to eliminate numerical oscillations. These methods were originally designed to capture shock waves accurately, but are also useful tools for studying linear wave-propagation problems, particularly in heterogeneous material. The methods studied are implemented in the CLAWPACK software package. Source code for all the examples presented can be found on the web, along with animations of many timedependent solutions. This provides an excellent learning environment for understanding wavepropagation phenomena and finite-volume methods. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; Part I Linear Equations; Conservation Laws and Differential Equations; 3. Characteristics and Riemann Problems for Linear Hyperbolic Equations; Finite Volume Methods; 5. Introduction to the CLAWPACK Software; 6. High-Resoluiton Methods; 9. Variable-Coefficient Linear Equations; 10. Other Approaches to High Resolution; Part II Nonlinear Equations; 11. Nonlinear Scalar Conservation Laws; 12. Finite Volume Methods for Nonlinear Scalar Conservation Laws; 13. Nonlinear Systems of Conservation Laws; 14. Gas Dynamics and the Euler Equations; 15. Finite Volume Methods for Nonlinear Systems; 16. Some Nonclassical
The intuitive examples and minimal formalism of the previous edition are retained, giving students a text that is logical and easy to follow, yet rigorous. Kohavi and Jha begin with the basics, and then cover combinational logic design and testing, before moving on to more advanced topics in finite-state machine design and testing. Theory is made easier to understand with 200 illustrative examples, and students can test their understanding with over 350 end-of-chapter review questions. 7
Hyperbolic Problems; 17. Source Terms and Balance Laws; Part III Multidimensional Problems; 18. Multidimensianal Hyperbolic Problems; 19. Multidimensional Numerical Methods; 20. Multidimensional Scalar Equations; 21. Multidimensional Systems; 22. Elastic Waves; 23. Finite Volume Methods on Quadrilateral Grids; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107447486
Partial Differential Equations Methods, Applications and Theories Harumi Hattori (World Scientific)
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
This is the second edition of a highly successful and well respected textbook on the numerical techniques used to solve partial differential equations arising from mathematical models in science, engineering and other fields.
K.W. Morton & D. F. Mayers
Based upon the extensive experience of both authors, the book concentrates on the thorough treatment of standard numerical techniques which are chosen on the basis of their general utility for practical problems. As in the first edition, the emphasis is on finite difference methods for simple examples of parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic equation, but there are brief descriptions of the finite element method and a new section on finite volume methods. Stability is treated clearly and rigorously by means of maximum principles, a completely revised section on energy methods, and discrete Fourier analysis. There are also new sections on modified equation analysis, symplectic integration schemes, convection-diffusion problems, multigrid methods and conjugate gradient methods.
` 995.00
This volume is an introductory level textbook for partial differential equations (PDE’s) and suitable for a one-semester undergraduate level or twosemester graduate level course in PDE’s or applied mathematics. Chapters One to Five are organized according to the equations and the basic PDE’s are introduced in an easy to understand manner. They include the first-order equations and the three fundamental secondorder equations, i.e. the heat, wave and Laplace equations. Through these equations we learn the types of problems, how we pose the problems, and the methods of solutions such as the separation of variables and the methods of characteristics. The modeling aspects are explained as well. The methods introduced in earlier chapters are developed further in Chapters Six to Twelve. They include the Fourier series, the Fourier and the Laplace transforms, and the Green’s functions. The equations in higher dimensions are also discussed in detail.
Already an excellent choice for students and teachers in mathematics, engineering and computer science departments, the revised text brings the reader up to date with the latest theoretical and industrial developments in the subject. Contents: Preface to the first editon; Preface to the second edition; 1. Introduction; 2. Parabolic equations in one space variable; 3. 2-D and 3-D parabolic equations; 4. Hyperbolic equations in one space dimension; 5. Consistency, convergence and stability; 6. Linear second order elliptic equations in two dimensions; 7. Iterative solution of linear algebraic equations; Bibliography notes; Exercises; References; Index
This volume is application-oriented and rich in examples. Going through these examples, the reader is able to easily grasp the basics of PDE’s. Contents: Preface; 1. First and Second Order Linear Equations - Preparation; 2. Heat Equation; 3. Wave Equation; 4. Laplace Equation; 5. First Order Equations Revisited; 6. Fourier Series and Eigenvalue Problems; 7. Separation of Variables in Higher Dimensions; 8. More Separation of Variables; 9. Fourier Transform; 10. Laplace Transform; 11. Higher Dimensional Problem Other Approaches; 12. Green’s Functions; Appendices; Hints and Solutions to Selected Exercises; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993797
ISBN: 9781107447462
Linear Algebra Pure & Applied Edgar G. Goodaire (World Scientific)
` 495.00
` 595.00
This is a matrix-oriented approach to linear algebra that covers the traditional material of the courses generally known as “Linear Algebra I” and “Linear Algebra II” throughout North America, but it also includes more advanced topics such as the pseudoinverse and the singular value decomposition that make it appropriate for a more advanced course as well. As is becoming increasingly the norm, the book begins with the geometry of Euclidean 3-space so that important concepts like linear combination, linear independence and span can be introduced early and in a “real” context. The book reflects the author’s background as a pure mathematician – all the major definitions and theorems of basic linear algebra are covered rigorously – but the restriction of vector spaces to matrices, for the most part, and the continual emphasis on the system Ax=b, make the book less abstract and more attractive to the students of today than some others. As the subtitle suggests, however, applications play an important role too. Coding theory and least squares are recurring themes. Other applications include electric circuits,
Markov chains, quadratic forms and conic sections, facial recognition and computer graphics.
Advanced Topics In Applied Mathematics
Contents: Preface: To My Students; Suggested Lecture Schedule; 1. Euclidean n-Space; 2. Matrices and Linear Equations; 3.Determinants, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors; 4. Vector Spaces; 5. Linear Transformations; 6. Orthogonality; 7. The Spectral Theorem • Appendix A: Complex Numbers; • Appendix B: Show and Prove • Appendix C: Things I Must Remember • Answers to True/False and BB Exercises; Glossary; Index
For Engineering and the Physical Sciences
ISBN: 9789384463342
Matrix Analysis Second Edition Roger A. Horn & Charles R. Johnson
Sudhakar Nair
` 795.00
Linear algebra and matrix theory are fundamental tools in mathematical and physical science, as well as fertile fields for research. This second edition of this acclaimed text presents results of both classic and recent matrix analysis using canonical forms as a unifying theme and demonstrates their importance in a variety of applications. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition is a text for a second course on linear algebra and has more than 1,100 problems and exercises, new sections on the singular value and CS decompositions and the Weyr canonical form, expanded treatments of inverse problems and of block matrices, and much more.
Solutions Manual available
Contents: 1. Green’s functions; 2. Integral functions; 3. Fourier transforms; 4. Laplace transforms. ISBN: 9781107685093
A Comprehensive Course in Number Theory Alan Baker
Contents: 1. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and similarity; 2. Unitary similarity and unitary equivalence; 3. Canonical forms for similarity, and triangular factorizations; 4. Hermitian matrices, symmetric matrices, and congruences; 5. Norms for vectors and matrices; 6. Location and perturbation of eigenvalues; 7. Positive definite and semi-definite matrices; 8. Positive and nonnegative matrices; Appendix A. Complex numbers; Appendix B. Convex sets and functions; Appendix C. The fundamental theorem of algebra; Appendix D. Continuous dependence of the zeroes of a polynomial on its coefficients; Appendix E. Continuity, compactness, and Weierstrass' theorem; Appendix F. Canonical pairs. ISBN: 9781107518940
This book is ideal for engineering, physical science, and applied mathematics students and professionals who want to enhance their mathematical knowledge. Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics covers four essential applied mathematics topics: Green’s functions, integral equations, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms. Also included is a useful discussion of topics such as the Wiener-Hopf method, finite Hilbert transforms, Cagniard-De Hoop method, and the proper orthogonal decomposition. This book reflects Sudhakar Nair’s long classroom experience from engineering and physics to illustrate the solution procedures. The text includes exercise sets at the end of each chapter and a solutions manual, which is available for instructors.
` 395.00
Developed from the author’s popular text, A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, this book provides a comprehensive initiation to all the major branches of number theory. Beginning with the rudiments of the subject, the author proceeds to more advanced topics, including elements of cryptography and primality testing, an account of number fields in the classical vein including properties of their units, ideals and ideal classes, aspects of analytic number theory including studies of the Riemann zeta-function, the prime-number theorem and primes in arithmetical progressions, a description of the Hardy–Littlewood and sieve methods from respectively additive and multiplicative number theory and an exposition of the arithmetic of elliptic curves. The book includes many worked examples, exercises and further reading. Its wider coverage and versatility make this book suitable for courses extending from the elementary to beginning graduate studies. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Divisibility; 2. Arithmetical functions; 3. Congruences; 4. Quadratic residues; 5. Quadratic forms; 6. Diophantine approximation; 7. Quadratic fields; 8. Diophantine equations; 9. Factorization and primality testing; 10. Number fields; 11. Ideals; 12. Units and ideal classes; 13. Analytic number theory; 14. On the zeros of the zeta-function; 15. On the distribution of the primes; 16. The sieve and circle methods; 17. Elliptic curves; Bibliography; Index.
` 1295.00
ISBN: 9781107619173
` 395.00
Basic Commutative Algebra Balwant Singh (World Scientific)
This textbook, set for a one or two semester course in commutative algebra, provides an introduction to commutative algebra at the postgraduate and research levels. The main prerequisites are familiarity with groups, rings and fields. Proofs are self-contained.
Geometry Second Edition David A. Brannan, Matthew F. Esplen & Jeremy J. Gray
The book will be useful to beginners and experienced researchers alike. The material is so arranged that the beginner can learn through self-study or by attending a course. For the experienced researcher, the book may serve to present new perspectives on some well-known results, or as a reference. Contents: Rings and Ideals; Modules and Algebras; Polynomial and Power Series Rings; Homological Tools I; Tensor, Symmetric and Exterior Algebras; Finiteness Conditions; Primary Decomposition; Filtrations and Completions; Numerical Functions; Principal Ideal Theorem; Integral Extensions; Normal Domains; Transcendental Extensions; Affine Algebras; Derivations and Differentials; Valuation Rings and Valuations; Homological Tools II; Homological Dimensions; Depth; Regular Rings; Divisor Class Groups. ISBN: 9789382993131
Numerical Solution of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations John A. Trangenstein
Instructors’ Manual available
Contents: Preface; Introduction: geometry and geometries; 1. Conics; 2. Affine geometry; 3. Projective geometry: lines; 4. Projective geometry: conics; 5. Inversive geometry; 6. Hyperbolic geometry: the disc model; 7. Elliptic geometry: the spherical model; 8. The Kleinian view of geometry; Special symbols; Further reading; Appendix 1. A primer of group theory; Appendix 2. A primer of vectors and vector spaces; Appendix 3. Solutions to the problems; Index.
` 695.00
For mathematicians and engineers interested in applying numerical methods to physical problems this book is ideal. Numerical ideas are connected to accompanying software, which is also available online. By seeing the complete description of the methods in both theory and implementation, students will more easily gain the knowledge needed to write their own application programs or develop new theory. The book contains careful development of the mathematical tools needed for analysis of the numerical methods, including elliptic regularity theory and approximation theory. Variational crimes, due to quadrature, coordinate mappings, domain approximation and boundary conditions, are analyzed. The claims are stated with full statement of the assumptions and conclusions, and use subscripted constants which can be traced back to the origination (particularly in the electronic version, which can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM).
ISBN: 9781107627888
Complex Variables Principles and Problem Sessions A. K. Kapoor (World Scientific)
` 595.00
This textbook introduces the theory of complex variables at undergraduate level. A good collection of problems is provided in the second part of the book. The book is written in a userfriendly style that presents important fundamentals a beginner needs to master the technical details of the subject. The organization of problems into focused sets is an important feature of the book and the teachers may adopt this book for a course on complex variables and for mining problems. Contents: Complex Numbers; Elementary Functions and Differentiation; Functions with Branch Point Singularity; Integration in the Complex Plane; Cauchy’s Integral Formula; Residue Theorem; Contour Integration; Asymptotic Expansion; Conformal Mappings; Physical Applications of Conformal Mappings
Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction to partial differential equations; 2. Parabolic equations; 3. Iterative linear algebra; 4. Introduction to finite element methods; 5. Finite element theory; 6. Finite element approximations; 7. Mixed and hybrid finite elements; 8. Finite elements for parabolic equations; 9. Finite elements and multigrid; 10. Local refinement; Nomenclature; Bibliography; Author index; Subject index. ISBN: 9781107634244
This richly illustrated and clearly written undergraduate textbook captures the excitement and beauty of geometry. The approach is that of Klein in his Erlangen programme: a geometry is a space together with a set of transformations of the space. The authors explore various geometries: affine, projective, inversive, hyperbolic and elliptic. In each case they carefully explain the key results and discuss the relationships between the geometries. New features in this second edition include concise end-of-chapter summaries to aid student revision, a list of further reading and a list of special symbols. The authors have also revised many of the end-of-chapter exercises to make them more challenging and to include some interesting new results. Full solutions to the 200 problems are included in the text, while complete solutions to all of the end-of-chapter exercises are available in a new Instructors' Manual, which can be downloaded from www.cambridge.org/ 9781107647831.
ISBN: 9788175968981
` 1695.00
` 495.00
Elementary Differential Geometry Christian Bär
11. Applications; Practice Set C. Developing your MATLAB skills; 12. Troubleshooting; Solutions to the practice sets; Glossary; Index.
The link between the physical world and its visualization is geometry. This easy-to-read, generously illustrated textbook presents an elementary introduction to differential geometry with emphasis on geometric results. Avoiding formalism as much as possible, the author harnesses basic mathematical skills in analysis and linear algebra to solve interesting geometric problems, which prepare students for more advanced study in mathematics and other scientific fields such as physics and computer science. The wide range of topics includes curve theory, a detailed study of surfaces, curvature, variation of area and minimal surfaces, geodesics, spherical and hyperbolic geometry, the divergence theorem, triangulations, and the Gauss–Bonnet theorem. The section on cartography demonstrates the concrete importance of elementary differential geometry in applications. Clearly developed arguments and proofs, colour illustrations, and over 100 exercises and solutions make this book ideal for courses and self-study. The only prerequisites are one year of undergraduate calculus and linear algebra.
ISBN: Forthcoming
Numerical Methods of Statistics Second Edition John F. Monahan
Contents: Preface; Notation; 1. Euclidean geometry; 2. Curve theory; 3. Classical surface theory; 4. The inner geometry of surfaces; 5. Geometry and analysis; 6. Geometry and topology; 7. Hints for solutions to (most) exercises; Formulary; List of symbols; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107603967
A Guide to MATLAB For Beginners and Experienced Users Third Edition Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman & Jonathan M. Rosenberg
` 595.00
This book explains how computer software is designed to perform the tasks required for sophisticated statistical analysis. For statisticians, it examines the nitty-gritty computational problems behind statistical methods. For mathematicians and computer scientists, it looks at the application of mathematical tools to statistical problems. The first half of the book offers a basic background in numerical analysis that emphasizes issues important to statisticians. The next several chapters cover a broad array of statistical tools, such as maximum likelihood and nonlinear regression. The author also treats the application of numerical tools; numerical integration and random number generation are explained in a unified manner reflecting complementary views of Monte Carlo methods. Each chapter contains exercises that range from simple questions to research problems. Most of the examples are accompanied by demonstration and source code available from the author's website. New in this second edition are demonstrations coded in R, as well as new sections on linear programming and the NelderMead search algorithm. Contents: 1. Algorithms and computers; 2. Computer arithmetic; 3. Matrices and linear equations; 4. More methods for solving linear equations; 5. Least squares; 6. Eigenproblems; 7. Functions: interpolation, smoothing and approximation; 8. Introduction to optimization and nonlinear equations; 9. Maximum likelihood and nonlinear regression; 10. Numerical integration and Monte Carlo methods; 11. Generating random variables from other distributions; 12. Statistical methods for integration and Monte Carlo; 13. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; 14. Sorting and fast algorithms.
Now in its third edition, this outstanding textbook explains everything you need to get started using MATLAB®. It contains concise explanations of essential MATLAB commands, as well as easily understood instructions for using MATLAB's programming features, graphical capabilities, simulation models, and rich desktop interface. MATLAB 8 and its new user interface is treated extensively in the book. New features in this edition include: a complete treatment of MATLAB's publish feature; new material on MATLAB graphics, enabling the user to master quickly the various symbolic and numerical plotting routines; and a robust presentation of MuPAD® and how to use it as a stand-alone platform. The authors have also updated the text throughout, reworking examples and exploring new applications. The book is essential reading for beginners, occasional users and experienced users wishing to brush up their skills. Further resources are available from the authors' website at www-math.umd.edu/schol/a-guide-to-matlab.html.
ISBN: 9781107665934
Contents: Preface; 1. Getting started; 2. MATLAB basics; 3. Interacting with MATLAB; Practice Set A. Algebra and arithmetic; 4. Beyond the basics; 5. MATLAB graphics; 6. MATLAB programming; 7. Publishing and Mbooks; Practice Set B. Math, graphics, and programming; 8. MuPAD; 9. Simulink; 10. GUIs;
` 695.00
First Course in Metric Spaces B. K. Tyagi
First Course in Metric Spaces provides a foundation for modern pure mathematics. The book is completely rigorous in its approach and covers all the standard topics. It provides ample solved examples and theorems to assist the students in self-study. The book contains many exercises to test understanding of the concepts learnt. The book is expected to meet the requirement of the undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and researchers in terms of sufficiently advanced material covered in the book.
An Outline of Ergodic Theory Steven Kalikow & Randall McCutcheon
Contents: Preface; 1. Preliminaries; 2. Basic Concepts in Metric Spaces; 3. Sequence in Metric Spaces; 4. Continuous Mappings; 5. Completeness; 6. Compactness; 7. Connectedness; 8. Approximations; 9. Fixed Point Theorems and their Applications; 10. A Construction of Real Number System; Appendix A: Definition of Sets as Cumulative Type Structures; Appendix B: Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175967281
This informal introduction provides a fresh perspective on isomorphism theory, which is the branch of ergodic theory that explores the conditions under which two measure preserving systems are essentially equivalent. It contains a primer in basic measure theory, proofs of fundamental ergodic theorems, and material on entropy, martingales, Bernoulli processes, and various varieties of mixing. Original proofs of classic theorems - including the Shannon– McMillan–Breiman theorem, the Krieger finite generator theorem, and the Ornstein isomorphism theorem - are presented by degrees, together with helpful hints that encourage the reader to develop the proofs on their own. Hundreds of exercises and open problems are also included, making this an ideal text for graduate courses. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Measuretheoretic preliminaries; 2. Measure preserving systems, stationary processes; 3. Martingales and coupling; 4. Entropy; 5. Bernoulli transformations; 6. Ornstein isomorphism theorem; 7. Varieties of mixing; Appendix; References; Index.
` 495.00
ISBN: 9780521170314
A First Course in Probability and Statistics B. L. S. Prakasa Rao (World Scientific)
Explanation of the basic concepts and methods of statistics requires a reasonably good mathematical background, at least at a first-yearlevel knowledge of calculus. Most of the statistical software explain how to conduct data analysis, but do not explain when to apply and when not to apply it. Keeping this in view, we try to explain the basic concepts of probability and statistics for students with an understanding of a first course in calculus at the undergraduate level.
Representations and Cohomology Volume I Basic Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras
Designed as a textbook for undergraduate and first-year graduate students in statistics, biostatistics, social sciences and business administration programs as well as undergraduates in engineering sciences and computer science programs, it provides a clear exposition of the theory of probability along with applications in statistics. The book contains a large number of solved examples and chapterend exercises designed to reinforce the probability theory and emphasize statistical applications.
D. J. Benson
Contents: Why Statistics?; Probability on Discrete Sample Spaces; Discrete Probability Distributions; Continuous Probability Distributions; Multivariate Probability Distributions; Functions of Random Vectors; Approximations to Some Probability Distributions; Estimation Interval Estimation and Testing of Hypotheses; Linear Regression and Correlation. ISBN: 9788175967311
` 595.00
This is the first of two volumes which will provide an introduction to modern developments in the representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras. The subject is viewed from the perspective of homological algebra and the theory of representations of finite dimensional algebras; the author emphasises modular representations and the homological algebra associated with their categories. This volume is self-contained and independent of its successor, being primarily concerned with the exposition of the necessary background material. The heart of the book is a lengthy introduction to the (Auslander–Reiten) representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, in which the techniques of quivers with relations and almost split sequences are discussed in detail. Much of the material presented here has never appeared in book form. Consequently students and research workers studying group theory and indeed algebra in general will be grateful to Dr Benson for supplying an exposition of a good deal of the essential results of modern representation theory. Contents: 1. Background material from rings and modules; 2. Homological algebra; 3. Modules for group algebra; 4. Methods from the representation of algebra; 5. Representation rings and Burnside rings; 6. Block theory.
` 295.00
ISBN: 9780521169882
` 695.00
Real Analysis N.L. Carothers
Contents: Preface; Preface to the first edition; 1. Ordered sets; 2. Lattices and complete lattices; 3. Formal concept analysis; 4. Modular, distributive and Boolean lattices; 5. Representation theory: the finite case; 6. Congruences; 7. Complete lattices and Galois connections; 8. CPOs and fixpoint theorems; 9. Domains and information systems; 10. Maximality principles; 11. Representation: the general case; Appendix A. A topological toolkit; Appendix B. Further reading; Notation index; Index.
This text for a course in Real Analysis addresses advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics and related fields. Presupposing only a modest background in real analysis or advanced calculus, the book offers something of value to specialists and nonspecialists alike. It considers three major topics: Metric and normed linear spaces, function spaces, and Lebesgue measure and integration on the line. Written in an informal, down-to-earth style, the book motivates the reader with an intuitive overview of new ideas, while still supplying full details and complete proofs. The author includes historical commentary with references to original works and alternate presentations, recommends expository and survey articles for non-specialists and technical articles for specialists, and provides a great many exercises and suggestions for further study.
ISBN: 9780521134514
Classical Mechanics R. Douglas Gregory
The author has written this text with the consideration of the heterogeneous audiences found at the masters level: students interested in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, education, engineering and economics. Contents: Preface; Part I. Metric Spaces: 1. Calculus review; 2. Countable and uncountable sets;3. Metrics and norms; 4. Open sets and closed sets; 5. Continuity; 6. Connected sets; 7. Completeness; 8. Compactness; 9. Category; Part II. Function Spaces: 10. Sequences of functions; 11. The space of continuous functions; 12. The Stone-Weierstrass theorem; 13. Functions of bounded variation; 14. The Riemann-Stieltjes integral; 15. Fourier series; Part III. Lebesgue Measure and Integration: 16. Lebesgue measure; 17. Measurable functions; 18. The Lebesgue integral; 19. Additional topics; 20. Differentiation; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521696241
Introduction to Lattices and Order Second Edition B. A Davey & H. A. Priestly
` 495.00
Gregory's Classical Mechanics is a major new textbook for undergraduates in mathematics and physics. It is a thorough, self-contained and highly readable account of a subject many students find difficult. The author's clear and systematic style promotes a good understanding of the subject: each concept is motivated and illustrated by worked examples, while problem sets provide plenty of practice for understanding and technique. Computer assisted problems, some suitable for projects, are also included. The book is structured to make learning the subject easy; there is a natural progression from core topics to more advanced ones and hard topics are treated with particular care. A theme of the book is the importance of conservation principles. These appear first in vectorial mechanics where they are proved and applied to problem solving. They reappear in analytical mechanics, where they are shown to be related to symmetries of the Lagrangian, culminating in Noether's theorem. Contents: Part I. Newtonian Mechanics of a Single Particle: 1. The algebra and calculus of vectors; 2. Velocity, acceleration and scalar angular velocity; 3. Newton’s laws of motion and the law of gravitation; 4. Problems in particle dynamics; 5. Linear oscillations; 6. Energy conservation; 7. Orbits in a central field; 8. Nonlinear oscillations and phase space; Part II. Multiparticle Systems: 9. The energy principle; 10. The linear momentum principle;11. The angular momentum principle; Part III. Analytical mechanics: 12. Lagrange’s equations and conservation principle; 13. The calculus of variations and Hamilton’s principle; 14. Hamilton’s equations and phase space; Part IV. Further Topics: 15. The general theory of small oscillations; 16. Vector angular velocity and rigid body kinematics; 17. Rotating reference frames; 18. Tensor algebra and the inertia tensor; 19. Problems in rigid body dynamics; Appendix: centres of mass and moments of inertia; Answers to the problems; Bibliography;Index.
` 595.00
This new edition of Introduction to Lattices and Order presents a radical reorganization and updating, though its primary aim is unchanged. The explosive development of theoretical computer science in recent years has, in particular, influenced the book's evolution: a fresh treatment of fixpoints testifies to this and Galois connections now feature prominently. An early presentation of concept analysis gives both a concrete foundation for the subsequent theory of complete lattices and a glimpse of a methodology for data analysis that is of commercial value in social science. Classroom experience has led to numerous pedagogical improvements and many new exercises have been added. As before, exposure to elementary abstract algebra and the notation of set theory are the only prerequisites, making the book suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. It will also be a valuable resource for anyone who meets ordered structures.
ISBN: 9780521733120
` 545.00
Algebraic Topology Allen Hatcher
invariant; 73. Minimal cell structures; 74. Cohomology of fiber bundles; 75. Cohomology theories and omega-spectra; 76. Spectra and homology theories; 77. Eckmann-Hilton duality; 78. Stable splittings of spaces; 79. The loopspace of a suspension; 80. Symmetric products and the Dold-Thom theorem; 81. Steenrod squares and powers; Appendix: topology of cell complexes; The compact-open topology.
This introductory textbook is suitable for use in a first-year graduate course or for self-study, featuring broad coverage of the subject and a readable exposition, with many examples and exercises. Along with the basic material on fundamental group and covering spaces, homology and cohomology, higher homotopy groups, and homotopy theory, the book includes many optional topics for which elementary expositions are hard to find. Contents: Part I. Some Underlying Geometric Notions: 1. Homotopy and homotopy type; 2. Deformation retractions; 3. Homotopy of maps; 4. Homotopy equivalent spaces; 5. Contractible spaces; 6. Cell complexes definitions and examples; 7. Subcomplexes; 8. Some basic constructions; 9. Two criteria for homotopy equivalence; 10. The homotopy extension property; Part II. Fundamental Group and Covering Spaces: 11. The fundamental group, paths and homotopy; 12. The fundamental group of the circle; 13. Induced homomorphisms; 14. Van Kampen’s theorem of free products of groups; 15. The van Kampen theorem; 16. Applications to cell complexes; 17. Covering spaces lifting properties; 18. The classification of covering spaces; 19. Deck transformations and group actions; 20. Additional topics: graphs and free groups; 21. K(G,1) spaces; 22. Graphs of groups; Part III. Homology: 23. Simplicial and singular homology delta-complexes; 24. Simplicial homology; 25. Singular homology; 26. Homotopy invariance; 27. Exact sequences and excision; 28. The equivalence of simplicial and singular homology; 29. Computations and applications degree; 30. Cellular homology; 31. Euler characteristic; 32. Split exact sequences; 33. Mayer-Vietoris sequences; 34. Homology with coefficients; 35. The formal viewpoint axioms for homology; 36. Categories and functors; 37. Additional topics homology and fundamental group; 38. Classical applications; 39. Simplicial approximation and the Lefschetz fixed point theorem; Part IV. Cohomology: 40. Cohomology groups: the universal coefficient theorem; 41. Cohomology of spaces; 42. Cup product the cohomology ring; 43. External cup product; 44. Poincaré duality orientations; 45. Cup product; 46. Cup product and duality; 47. Other forms of duality; 48. Additional topics the universal coefficient theorem for homology; 49. The Kunneth formula; 50. H-spaces and Hopf algebras; 51. The cohomology of SO(n); 52. Bockstein homomorphisms; 53. Limits; 54. More about ext; 55. Transfer homomorphisms; 56. Local coefficients; Part V. Homotopy Theory: 57. Homotopy groups; 58. The long exact sequence; 59. Whitehead’s theorem; 60. The Hurewicz theorem; 61. Eilenberg-MacLane spaces; 62. Homotopy properties of CW complexes cellular approximation; 63. Cellular models; 64. Excision for homotopy groups;65. Stable homotopy groups; 66. Fibrations the homotopy lifting property; 67. Fiber bundles; 68. Path fibrations and loopspaces; 69. Postnikov towers; 70. Obstruction theory; 71. Additional topics: basepoints and homotopy; 72. The Hopf
ISBN: 9780521541862
All the Mathematics You Missed Thomas A. Garrity
` 595.00
This book will help students to see the broad outline of mathematics and to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. The author explains the basic points and a few key results of all the most important undergraduate topics in mathematics, emphasizing the intuitions behind the subject. The topics include linear algebra, vector calculus, differential geometry, real analysis, point-set topology, probability, complex analysis, abstract algebra, and more. An annotated bibliography then offers a guide to further reading and to more rigorous foundations. This book will be an essential resource for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, computer science, statistics, and economics who need to quickly learn some serious mathematics. Contents: Preface; On the structure of mathematics; Brief summaries of topics; 1. Linear algebra; 2. e and d real analysis; 3. Calculus for vector-valued functions; 4. Point set topology; 5. Classical stokes’ theorems; 6. Differential forms and Stokes’ theorem; 7. Curvature for curves and surfaces; 8. Geometry; 9. Complex analysis; 10. Countability and the axiom of choice; 11. Algebra; 12. Lebesgue integration; 13. Fourier analysis; 14. Differential equations; 15. Combinatorics and probability; 16. Algorithms; A. Equivalence relations. ISBN: 9780521670340
Basic Abstract Algebra Second Edition P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K. Jain & S.R. Nagpaul
` 495.00
This book provides a complete abstract algebra course, enabling instructors to select the topics for use in individual classes. Complete proofs are given throughout for all theorems. This revised edition includes an introduction to lattices, a new chapter on tensor products and a discussion of the new (1993) approach to the Lasker-Noether theorem. Contents: Preface to the second edition; Preface to the first edition; Glossary of symbols; Part I. Preliminaries: 1. Sets and mappings; 2. Integers, real numbers, and complex numbers; 3. Matrices and determinants; Part II. Groups: 4. Groups; 5. Normal subgroups; 6. Normal series; 7. Permutation groups; 8. Structure theorems of groups; Part III. Rings and Modules: 9. Rings; 10. Ideals and homomorphisms; 11. Unique factorization domains and euclidean domains; 12. Rings of fractions; 13. Integers; 14. Modules
and vector spaces; Part IV. Field Theory: 15. Algebraic extensions of fields; 16. Normal and separable extensions; 17. Galois theory; 18. Applications of Galios theory to classical problems; Part V. Additional Topics: 19. Noetherian and Artinian modules and rings; 20. Smith normal form over a PID and rank; 21. Finitely generated modules over a PID; 22. Tensor products; Solutions to odd-numbered problems; Selected bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521545488
Complex Variables Introduction and Applications Mark J. Ablowitz & Athanassios S. Fokas
ordinary differential equations; 9. Nonlinear ordinary differential equations: phase plane methods; 10. Group theoretical methods; 11. Asymptotic methods: basic ideas; 12. Asymptotic methods: differential equations; 13. Stability, instability and bifurcations; 14. Time-optimal control in the phase plane; 15. An introduction to chaotic systems; Appendix 1. Linear algebra; Appendix 2. Continuity and differentiability; Appendix 3. Power series; Appendix 4. Sequences of functions; Appendix 5. Ordinary differential equations; Appendix 6. Complex variables; Appendix 7. A short introduction to MATLAB; Bibliography; Index.
` 395.00
Complex variables provide powerful methods for attacking many difficult problems, and it is the aim of this book to provide a thorough grounding in these methods and their application. This new edition has been improved throughout and is ideal for use in undergraduate and introductory graduate courses in complex variables.
ISBN: 9780521670456
Mathematics for Economics and Finance
Contents: Preface Part I: Fundamentals and Techniques of Complex Function Theory 1. Complex numbers and elementary functions; 2. Analytic functions and integration; 3. Sequences, series and singularities of complex functions; 4. Residue calculus and applications of contour integration; Part II: Applications of Complex Function Theory; 5. Conformal mapping and applications; 6. Asymptotic evaluation of integrals; 7. Riemann– Hilbert problems; Appendix A Answers to OddNumbered Exercises; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521682152
Differential Equations A.C. King, J. Billingham & S.R. Otto
Martin Anthony & Norman Biggs
` 595.00
An introduction to mathematical modelling in economics and finance for students of both economics and mathematics. Throughout, the stress is firmly on how mathematics relates to economics, illustrated with copious examples and exercises that will foster depth of understanding. Contents: 1. Mathematical models in economics; 2. Mathematical terms and notations; 3. Sequences, recurrences and limits; 4. Elements of finance; 5. The cobweb model; 6. Introduction to calculus; 7. Some special functions; 8. Introduction to optimization; 9. The derivative in economics I; 10. The derivative in economics II; 11. Partial derivatives; 12. Applications of partial derivatives; 13. Optimisation in two variables; 14. Vectors, preferences and convexity; 15. Matrix algebra; 16. Linear equations I; 17. Linear equations II; 18. Inverse matrices; 19. The input output model; 20. Determinants; 21. Constrained optimization; 22. Lagrangians and the consumer; 23. Second-order recurrence equations; 24. Macroeconomic applications; 25. Areas and integrals; 26. Techniques of integration; 27. Firstorder differential equations; 28. Second-order differential equations; Selected solutions.
` 695.00
Finding and interpreting the solutions of differential equations is a central and essential part of applied mathematics. This book aims to enable the reader to develop the required skills needed for a thorough understanding of the subject. The authors focus on the business of constructing solutions analytically, and interpreting their meaning, using rigorous analysis where needed. MATLAB is used extensively to illustrate the material. There are many worked examples based on interesting and unusual real world problems. A large selection of exercises is provided, including several lengthier projects, some of which involve the use of MATLAB. The coverage is broad, ranging from basic second-order ODEs and PDEs, through to techniques for nonlinear differential equations, chaos, asymptotics and control theory.
ISBN: 9780521683197
An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics G.K. Batchelor
Contents: Preface; Part I. Linear Equations: 1. Variable coefficient, second order, linear, ordinary differential equations; 2. Legendre functions; 3. Bessel functions; 4. Boundary value problems, Green’s functions and Sturm-Liouville theory; 5. Fourier series and the Fourier transform; 6. Laplace transforms; 7. Classification, properties and complex variable methods for second order partial differential equations; Part II. Nonlinear Equations and Advanced Techniques: 8. Existence, uniqueness, continuity and comparison of solutions of
` 395.00
First published in 1967, Professor Batchelor’s classic text on fluid dynamics is still one of the foremost texts in the subject. The careful presentation of the underlying theories of fluids is still timely and applicable, even in these days of almost limitless computer power. This re-issue should ensure that a new generation of graduate students see the elegance of Professor Batchelor’s presentation. Contents: Preface; Conventions and notation; 1. The physical properties of fluids; 2. Kinematics of the flow field; 3. Equations governing the motion of a fluid; 4. Flow of a uniform incompressible viscous fluid; 5. Flow at large Reynolds number: effects of viscosity; 6. Irrotational flow theory and its applications; 7. Flow of effectively inviscid liquid with vorticity; Appendices. ISBN: 9788185618241
` 495.00
A Student’s Guide to Vectors and Tensors
PHYSICS Fundamentals of Polymer Physics and Molecular Biophysics Himadri B. Bohidar
Macromolecules in solutions can be distinctly characterized by their transport behaviour in the solution phase. The study of the transport processes includes diffusion coefficient, sedimentation coefficient, intrinsic viscosity and friction constant. The question then arises as to how to explicitly characterize the macromolecules from the data of coefficients? The book answers this question in a systematic manner. It provides a physical interpretation of the data obtained in macromolecular transport phenomena in a given system and also addresses some important issues and concepts related to biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids. The application of concepts like conformational properties and salient physicochemical features of protein and nucleic acids is also elucidated in the book.
Daniel Fleisch
The book will be useful to students and researchers in the areas of polymer physics, biophysics and molecular biophysics. Material scientists, chemical and polymer engineers will also find it useful.
Contents: 1. Vectors; 2. Vector operations; 3. Vector applications; 4. Covariant and contravariant vector components; 5. Higher-rank tensors; 6. Tensor applications; Index.
Contents: List of figures; Preface; 1. Essential thermodynamic and statistical concepts; 2. Polymer structure and nomenclature; 3. Polymer solutions; 4. Phase stability and phase transitions; 5. Static properties of single chains; 6. Diffusion; 7. Viscosity of polymer solutions; 8. Sedimentation; 9. Concentration regimes and scaling; 10. Internal dynamics; 11. Dynamics in polymer gels; 12. Molecular biophysics; 13. Structure of biopolymers; 14. Physics of proteins; 15. Physics of nucleic acids; 16. Special topics; Index. ISBN: 9781107058705
Fundamentals of Mechanics Suresh Chandra, Mohit Kumar Sharma & Monika Sharma
ISBN: 9781107608689
Essential Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences K. F. Riley & M. P. Hobson
` 895.00
Fundamentals of Mechanics is a textbook intended for first year students of physics at undergraduate level. It deals with the principles and applications of mechanics which is taught as a core subject of physics. The range of topics covered in this book includes Galilean transformation, Newton’s law of gravitation, vectors, centre of mass, moment of inertia and angular momentum. There are many review questions which are ideal for homework assignments. Moreover, the book is thoroughly illustrated with numerous figures to help demonstrate the key concepts.
Instructors’ Manual available
` 295.00
The mathematical methods that physical scientists need for solving substantial problems in their fields of study are set out clearly and simply in this tutorial-style textbook. Students will develop problem-solving skills through hundreds of worked examples, self-test questions and homework problems. Each chapter concludes with a summary of the main procedures and results and all assumed prior knowledge is summarized in one of the appendices. Over 300 worked examples show how to use the techniques and around 100 self-test questions in the footnotes act as checkpoints to build student confidence. Nearly 400 end-of-chapter problems combine ideas from the chapter to reinforce the concepts. Hints and outline answers to the oddnumbered problems are given at the end of each chapter, with fully-worked solutions to these problems given in the accompanying Student Solutions Manual. Fully-worked solutions to all problems, password-protected for instructors, are available at www.cambridge.org/essential. Contents: 1. Matrices and vector spaces; 2. Vector calculus; 3. Line, surface and volume integrals; 4. Fourier series; 5. Integral transforms; 6. Higher-order ODEs; 7. Series solutions of ODEs; 8. Eigenfunction methods; 9. Special functions; 10. Partial differential equations; 11. Solution methods for PDEs; 12. Calculus of variations; 13. Integral equations; 14. Complex variables; 15. Applications of complex variables; 16. Probability; 17. Statistics; Appendices; Index.
Contents: Preface; List of Figures; Chapter 1: Vectors; Chapter 2: Laws of Motion; Chapter 3: Conservation Laws; Chapter 4: Inverse-SquareLaw Forces; Chapter 5: Harmonic Oscillator; Chapter 6: Theory of Relativity; Chapter 7: Noninertial Reference Frames; Appendices; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993407
Vectors and tensors are among the most powerful problem-solving tools available, with applications ranging from mechanics and electromagnetics to general relativity. Understanding the nature and application of vectors and tensors is critically important to students of physics and engineering. Adopting the same approach used in his highly popular A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations, Fleisch explains vectors and tensors in plain language. Written for undergraduate and beginning graduate students, the book provides a thorough grounding in vectors and vector calculus before transitioning through contra and covariant components to tensors and their applications. Matrices and their algebra are reviewed on the book’s supporting website, which also features interactive solutions to every problem in the text where students can work through a series of hints or choose to see the entire solution at once. Audio podcasts give students the opportunity to hear important concepts in the book explained by the author.
` 295.00
ISBN: 9781107643529 16
` 695.00
Student Solution Manual for Essential Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences K. F. Riley & M. P. Hobson
This Student Solution Manual provides complete solutions to all the odd-numbered problems in Essential Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences. It takes students through each problem step-by-step, so they can clearly see how the solution is reached, and understand any mistakes in their own working. Students will learn by example how to select an appropriate method, improving their problem-solving skills.
Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers Dennis L. Eggleston
Contents: 1. Matrices and vector spaces; 2. Vector calculus; 3. Line, surface and volume integrals; 4. Fourier series; 5. Integral transforms; 6. Higher-order ODEs; 7. Series solutions of ODEs; 8. Eigenfunction methods; 9. Special functions; 10. Partial differential equations; 11. Solution methods for PDEs; 12. Calculus of variations; 13. Integral equations; 14. Complex variables; 15. Applications of complex variables; 16. Probability; 17. Statistics. ISBN: 9781107675421
Research Methods for Science Michael P. Marder
Instructors’ Manual available
Lecturer resources available
Contents: Preface; 1. Basic concepts and resistor circuits; 2. AC circuits; 3. Band theory and diode circuits; 4. Bipolar junction transistors; 5. Field-effect transistors; 6. Operational amplifiers; 7. Oscillators; 8. Digital circuits and devices; Appendices; Index.
` 495.00
A unique introduction to the design, analysis, and presentation of scientific projects, this is an essential textbook for undergraduate majors in science and mathematics. The textbook gives an overview of the main methods used in scientific research, including hypothesis testing, the measurement of functional relationships, and observational research. It describes important features of experimental design, such as the control of errors, instrument calibration, data analysis, laboratory safety, and the treatment of human subjects. Important concepts in statistics are discussed, focusing on standard error, the meaning of p values, and use of elementary statistical tests. The textbook introduces some of the main ideas in mathematical modeling, including order-of-magnitude analysis, function fitting, Fourier transforms, recursion relations, and difference approximations to differential equations. It also provides guidelines on accessing scientific literature, and preparing scientific papers and presentations. An extensive instructor's manual containing sample lessons and student papers is available at www.cambridge.org/Marder.
ISBN: 9781107696785
A Student’s Guide to Fourier Transforms With Applications in Physics and Engineering Third Edition John James
Contents: 1. Curiosity and research; 2. Overview of experimental analysis and design; 3. Statistics; 4. Mathematical models; 5. Scientific information; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9781107621992
Ideal for a one-semester course, this concise textbook covers basic electronics for undergraduate students in science and engineering. Beginning with the basics of general circuit laws and resistor circuits to ease students into the subject, the textbook then covers a wide range of topics, from passive circuits through to semiconductor-based analog circuits and basic digital circuits. Using a balance of thorough analysis and insight, readers are shown how to work with electronic circuits and apply the techniques they have learnt. The textbook's structure makes it useful as a self-study introduction to the subject. All mathematics is kept to a suitable level, and there are several exercises throughout the book. Passwordprotected solutions for instructors, together with eight laboratory exercises that parallel the text, are available online at www.cambridge.org/Eggleston.
` 495.00
Fourier transform theory is of central importance in a vast range of applications in physical science, engineering and applied mathematics. Providing a concise introduction to the theory and practice of Fourier transforms, this book is invaluable to students of physics, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer science. After a brief description of the basic ideas and theorems, the power of the technique is illustrated through applications in optics, spectroscopy, electronics and telecommunications. The rarely discussed but important field of multi-dimensional Fourier theory is covered, including a description of Computer Axial Tomography (CAT scanning). The book concludes by discussing digital methods, with particular attention to the Fast Fourier Transform and its implementation. This new edition has been revised to include new and interesting material, such as convolution with a sinusoid, coherence, the Michelson stellar interferometer and the van Cittert–Zernike theorem, Babinet’s principle and dipole arrays. Contents: 1. Physics and Fourier transforms; 2. Useful properties and theorems; 3. Applications 1: Fraunhofer diffraction; 4. Applications 2: signal analysis and communication theory; 5. Applications 3: spectroscopy and spectral line shapes; 6. Two-dimensional Fourier transforms; 7. Multi-dimensional Fourier transforms; 8. The formal complex Fourier transform; 9. Discrete and digital Fourier transforms; 10. Appendix; 11. Bibliography; 12. Index.
` 395.00
ISBN: 9781107645509 17
` 345.00
Optical Physics Fourth Edition Ariel Lipson, Stephen G. Lipson & Henry Lipson
Online resources available
This fourth edition of a well-established textbook takes students from fundamental ideas to the most modern developments in optics. Illustrated with 400 figures, it contains numerous practical examples, many from student laboratory experiments and lecture demonstrations. Aimed at undergraduate and advanced courses on modern optics, it is ideal for scientists and engineers. The book covers the principles of geometrical and physical optics, leading into quantum optics, using mainly Fourier transforms and linear algebra. Chapters are supplemented with advanced topics and up-to-date applications, exposing readers to key research themes, including negative refractive index, surface plasmon resonance, phase retrieval in crystal diffraction and the Hubble telescope, photonic crystals, super-resolved imaging in biology, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light and superluminal propagation, entangled photons and solar energy collectors. Solutions to the problems, simulation programs, key figures and further discussions of several topics are available at www.cambridge.org/lipson.
Transport in Nanostructures Second Edition David K. Ferry, Stephen M. Goodnick & Jonathan Bird
Contents: 1. History of ideas; 2. Waves; 3. Geometrical optics; 4. Fourier theory; 5. Electromagnetic waves; 6. Polarization and anisotropic media; 7. The scalar theory of diffraction; 8. Fraunhofer diffraction and interference; 9. Interferometry; 10. Optical waveguides and modulated media; 11. Coherence; 12. Image formation; 13. The classical theory of dispersion; 14. Quantum optics and lasers; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9781107655003
Introduction to Nonlinear Optics Geoffrey New
The advent of semiconductor structures whose characteristic dimensions are smaller than the mean free path of carriers has led to the development of novel devices, and advances in theoretical understanding of mesoscopic systems or nanostructures. This book has been thoroughly revised and provides a much-needed update on the very latest experimental research into mesoscopic devices and develops a detailed theoretical framework for understanding their behaviour. Beginning with the key observable phenomena in nanostructures, the authors describe quantum confined systems, transmission in nanostructures, quantum dots, and single electron phenomena. Separate chapters are devoted to interference in diffusive transport, temperature decay of fluctuations, and non-equilibrium transport and nanodevices. Throughout the book, the authors interweave experimental results with the appropriate theoretical formalism. The book will be of great interest to graduate students taking courses in mesoscopic physics or nanoelectronics, and researchers working on semiconductor nanostructures. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Quantum confined systems; 3. Transmission in nanostructures; 4. Quantum Hall effect; 5.Quantum WiresonAbelian geometries; 6. Quantum dots; 7. Weakly disordered systems; 8. Temperature decay of fluctuations; 9. Nonequilibrium transport and nanodevices; Index. ISBN: 9781107605299
Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Supriyo Datta
Recent advances in semiconductor technology have made possible the fabrication of structures whose dimensions are much smaller than the mean free path of an electron. This book is the first to give a thorough account of the theory of electronic transport in such mesoscopic systems. After an initial chapter covering fundamental concepts, the transmission function formalism is presented, and used to describe three key topics in mesoscopic physics: the quantum Hall effect; localisation; and double-barrier tunnelling. Other sections include a discussion of optical analogies to mesoscopic phenomena, and the book concludes with a description of the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism and its relation to the transmission formalism. Complete with problems and solutions, the book will be of great interest to graduate students of mesoscopic physics and nanoelectronic device engineering, as well as to established researchers in these fields. Contents: 1. Preliminary concepts; 2. Conductance from transmission; 3. Transmission function, S-matrix and Green’s functions; 4. Quantum Hall effect; 5. Localisation and fluctuations; 6. Double-barrier tunneling; 7. Optical analogies; 8. Non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Frequency mixing; 3. Crystal optics; 4. Nonlinear optics in crystals; 5. Third-order nonlinear processes; 6. Dispersion and optical pulses; 7. Nonlinear optics with pulses; 8. Some quantum mechanics; 9. Resonant effects; 10. High harmonic generation;Appendices; Answers to problems; Book list; References; Index.
ISBN: 9781107605282 274pp
` 695.00
` 675.00
Since the early days of nonlinear optics in the 1960s, the field has expanded dramatically, and is now a vast and vibrant field with countless technological applications. Providing a gentle introduction to the principles of the subject, this textbook is ideal for graduate students starting their research in this exciting area. After basic ideas have been outlined, the book offers a thorough analysis of second harmonic generation and related second-order processes, before moving on to third-order effects, the nonlinear optics of short optical pulses and coherent effects such as electromagnetically-induced transparency. A simplified treatment of high harmonic generation is presented at the end. More advanced topics, such as the linear and nonlinear optics of crystals, the tensor nature of the nonlinear coefficients and their quantum mechanical representation, are confined to specialist chapters so that readers can focus on basic principles before tackling these more difficult aspects of the subject.
ISBN: 9781107635951
` 445.00
` 495.00
Principles of the Theory of Solids Second Edition J. M. Ziman
Professor Ziman’s classic textbook on the theory of solids was first pulished in 1964. This paperback edition is a reprint of the second edition, which was substantially revised and enlarged in 1972. The value and popularity of this textbook is well attested by reviewers’ opinions and by the existence of several foreign language editions, including German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Polish and Russian. The book gives a clear exposition of the elements of the physics of perfect crystalline solids. In discussing the principles, the author aims to give students an appreciation of the conditions which are necessary for the appearance of the various phenomena. A self-contained mathematical account is given of the simplest model that will demonstrate each principle. A grounding in quantum mechanics and knowledge of elementary facts about solids is assumed. This is therefore a textbook for advanced undergraduates and is also appropriate for graduate courses.
A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations Daniel Fleisch
Author’s Institutional website available
Contents: 1. Periodic structure; 2. Lattice waves; 3. Electron states; 4. Static properties of solids; 5. Electron-electron interaction; 6. Dynamics of electrons; 7. Transport properties; 8. Optical properties; 9. The fermi surface; 10. Magnetism; 11. Superconductivity; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107641341
Maxwell’s Equations are four of the most influential equations in science: Gauss’s law for electric fields, Gauss’s law for magnetic fields, Faraday’s law, and the Ampere-Maxwell law. In this guide for students, each equation is the subject of an entire chapter, with detailed, plainlanguage explanations of the physical meaning of each symbol in the equation, for both the integral and differential forms. The final chapter shows how Maxwell’s Equations may be combined to produce the wave equation, the basis for the electromagnetic theory of light. This book is a wonderful resource for undergraduate and graduate courses in electromagnetism and electromagnetics. A website hosted by the author, and available through www.cambridge.org/9780521701471, contains interactive solutions to every problem in the text. Entire solutions can be viewed immediately, or a series of hints can be given to guide the student to the final answer. The website also contains audio podcasts which walk students through each chapter, pointing out important details and explaining key concepts. Contents: Preface; 1. Gauss’s law for electric fields; 2. Gauss’s law for magnetic fields; 3. Faraday’s law; 4. The Ampere–Maxwell law; 5. From Maxwell’s equations to the wave equation; Appendix; Further reading; Index.
` 595.00 ISBN: 9780521187312
Foundation Mathematics for the Physical Sciences K. F. Riley & M. P. Hobson
Instructors’ Manual available
This tutorial-style textbook develops the basic mathematical tools needed by first and second year undergraduates to solve problems in the physical sciences. Students gain hands-on experience through hundreds of worked examples, self-test questions and homework problems. Each chapter includes a summary of the main results, definitions and formulae. Over 270 worked examples show how to put the tools into practice. Around 170 self-test questions in the footnotes and 300 end-of-section exercises give students an instant check of their understanding. More than 450 end-of-chapter problems allow students to put what they have just learned into practice. Hints and outline answers to the odd-numbered problems are given at the end of each chapter. Complete solutions to these problems can be found in the accompanying Student Solutions Manual. Fullyworked solutions to all problems, passwordprotected for instructors, are available at www.cambridge.org/foundation.
Gravitation Foundations and Frontiers T. Padmanabhan
` 295.00
The ‘Foundation’ section develops the formalism in six chapters, and uses it in the next four chapters to discuss four key applications spherical spacetimes, black holes, gravitational waves and cosmology. The six chapters in the ‘Frontier’ section describe cosmological perturbation theory, quantum fields in curved spacetime, and the Hamiltonian structure of general relativity, among several other advanced topics, some of which are covered in-depth for the first time in a textbook. The modular structure of the book allows different sections to be combined to suit a variety of courses. Over 200 exercises are included to test and develop the reader’s understanding. There are also over 30 projects, which help readers make the transition from the book to their own original research. Contents: 1. Special relativity; 2. Scalar and electromagnetic fields in special relativity; 3. Gravity and spacetime geometry: the inescapable connection; 4. Metric tensor, geodesics and covariant derivative; 5. Curvature of spacetime; 6. Einstein’s field equations and gravitational dynamics; 7. Spherically symmetric geometry; 8. Black holes; 9. Gravitational waves; 10. Relativistic cosmology; 11. Differential forms and exterior calculus; 12. Hamiltonian structure of general relativity; 13. Evolution of cosmological perturbations; 14. Quantum field theory in curved spacetime; 15. Gravity in higher and lower dimensions; 16. Gravity as an emergent phenomenon; Notes; Index.
Contents: 1. Arithmetic and geometry; 2. Preliminary algebra; 3. Differential calculus; 4. Integral calculus; 5. Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions; 6. Series and limits; 7. Partial differentiation; 8. Multiple integrals; 9. Vector algebra; 10. Matrices and vector spaces; 11. Vector calculus; 12. Line, surface and volume integrals; 13. Laplace transforms; 14. Ordinary differential equations; 15. Elementary probability; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9781107647671
` 795.00
ISBN: 9780521178761 19
` 895.00
Astrophysics for Physicists Arnab Rai Choudhuri
12. Relativistic astrophysics; 13. Black holes; 14. The expanding universe; 15. Friedmann models; 16. The early universe; 17. Observational cosmology; 18. Beyond relativity; References; Index.
Designed for teaching astrophysics to physics students at advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level, this textbook also provides an overview of astrophysics for astrophysics graduate students, before they delve into more specialized volumes. Assuming background knowledge at the level of a physics major, the textbook develops astrophysics from the basics without requiring any previous study in astronomy or astrophysics. Physical concepts, mathematical derivations and observational data are combined in a balanced way to provide a unified treatment. Topics such as general relativity and plasma physics, which are not usually covered in physics courses but used extensively in astrophysics, are developed from first principles. While the emphasis is on developing the fundamentals thoroughly, recent important discoveries are highlighted at every stage.
ISBN: 9780521178778
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Schrodinger Equation and Path Integral Harald J. W. Muller-Kirsten (World Scientific)
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Interaction of radiation with matter; 3. Stellar astrophysics I: basic theoretical ideas and observational data; 4. Stellar astrophysics II: nucleosynthesis and other advanced topics; 5. End states of stellar collapse; 6. Our galaxy and its interstellar matter; 7. Elements of stellar dynamics; 8. Elements of plasma astrophysics; 9. Extragalactic astronomy; 10. The spacetime dynamics of the Universe; 11. The thermal history of the Universe; 12. Elements of tensors and general relativity; 13. Some applications of general relativity; 14. Relativistic cosmology; Appendixes; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521176934
An Introduction to Relativity Jayant V. Narlikar
Online resources available
` 695.00
General relativity is now an essential part of undergraduate and graduate courses in physics, astrophysics and applied mathematics. This simple, user-friendly introduction to relativity is ideal for a first course in the subject. Beginning with a comprehensive but simple review of special relativity, the book creates a framework from which to launch the ideas of general relativity. After describing the basic theory, it moves on to describe important applications to astrophysics, black hole physics, and cosmology. Several worked examples, and numerous figures and images, help students appreciate the underlying concepts. There are also 180 exercises which test and develop students’ understanding of the subject. The textbook presents all the necessary information and discussion for an elementary approach to relativity. Password-protected solutions to the exercises are available to instructors at www.cambridge.org/9780521735612.
` 595.00
After a consideration of basic quantum mechanics, this introduction aims at a side by side treatment of fundamental applications of the Schrodinger equation on the one hand and the application of the path integral on the other. Different from traditional texts and using a systematic perturbation method, the solution of Schrodinger equations includes also those with anharmonic oscillator potentials, periodic potentials, screened Coulomb potentials and a typical singular potential, as well as the investigation of the large order behavior of the perturbation series. On the path integral side, after introduction of the basic ideas, the expansion around classical configurations in Euclidean time, such as instantons, is considered, and the method is applied in particular to anharmonic oscillator and periodic potentials. Numerous other aspects are treated on the way, thus providing the reader an instructive overview over diverse quantum mechanical phenomena, e.g. many other potentials, Green’s functions, comparison with WKB calculation of lifetimes and sojourn times, derivation of generating functions, the Coulomb problem in various coordinates, etc. All calculations are given in detail, so that the reader can follow every step. Contents: Hamiltonian Mechanics; Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics; Dirac’s Ketand Bra-Formalism; Schrödinger Equation and Liouville Equation; Quantum Mechanics of the Harmonic Oscillator; Green’s Functions; TimeIndependent Perturbation Theory; The Density Matrix and Polarization Phenomena; Quantum Theory: The General Formalism; The Coulomb Interaction; Quantum Mechanical Tunneling; Linear Potentials; Classical Limit and WKB Method; Power Potentials; Screened Coulomb Potentials; Periodic Potentials; Anharmonic Oscillator Potentials; Singular Potentials; Large Order Behavior of Perturbation Expansions; The Path Integral Formalism; Classical Field Configurations; Path Integrals and Instantons; Path Integrals and Bounces on a Line; Periodic Classical Configurations; Path Integrals and Periodic Classical Configurations; Quantization of Systems with Constraints; The QuantumClassical Crossover as Phase Transition.
Contents: 1. The special theory of relativity; 2. From special to the general theory of relativity; 3. Vectors and tensors; 4. Covariant differentiation; 5. Curvature of spacetime; 6. Spacetime symmetries; 7. Physics in curved spacetime; 8. Einstein’s equations; 9. The Schwarzschild solutions; 10. Experimental tests of general relativity; 11. Gravitational radiation;
ISBN: 9788175967229
` 695.00
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Basic Matters Berthold-Georg Englert (World Scientific)
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern–Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous-systems, the physical concepts and notions as well as the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics are developed in successive, manageable steps. The presentation is modern inasmuch as the natural language of the trade – Dirac’s kets and bras and all that – is introduced early, and the temporal evolution is dealt with in a picture-free manner, with Schrodinger’s and Heisenberg’s equations of motion side by side and on equal footing.
Perturbed Evolution Berthold-Georg Englert (World Scientific)
Contents: A Brutal Fact of Life; Kinematics: How Quantum Systems are Described; Dynamics: How Quantum Systems Evolve; Motion along the x Axis; Elementary Examples. ISBN: 9788175967236
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Simple Systems Berthold-Georg Englert (World Scientific)
` 345.00
Contents: Basics of Kinematics and Dynamics; Time-Dependent Perturbations; Scattering; Angular Momentum, External Magnetic Field; Indistinguishable Particles.
The reader of Simple Systems is not expected to be familiar with the material in Basic Matters, but should have the minimal knowledge of a standard brief introduction to quantum mechanics with its typical emphasis on one-dimensional position wave functions. The step to Dirac’s more abstract and much more powerful formalism is taken immediately, followed by reviews of quantum kinematics and quantum dynamics. The important standard examples (force-free motion, constant force, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen-like atoms) are then treated in considerable detail, whereby a nonstandard perspective is offered wherever it is deemed feasible and useful. A final chapter is devoted to approximation methods, from the Hellmann–Feynman theorem to the WKB quantization rule.
ISBN: 9788175967250
Classical Mechanics Fifth Edition Tom W.B. Kibble & Frank H. Berkshire (World Scientific)
Contents: Quantum Kinematics Reviewed; Quantum Dynamics Reviewed; Examples; Orbital Angular Momentum; Hydrogen-like Atoms; Approximation Methods. ISBN: 9788175967243
Any reader familiar with the subject matter of a solid introduction to quantum mechanics – such as Dirac’s formalism of kets and bras, Schrodinger’s and Heisenberg’s equations of motion, and the standard examples that can be treated exactly, with harmonic oscillators and hydrogen-like atoms among them – can cope with the somewhat advanced material of this volume. The basics of kinematics and dynamics are reviewed at the outset, including discussions of Bohr’s principle of complementarity and Schwinger’s quantum action principle. The Born series, the Lippmann–Schwinger equation, and Fermi’s golden rule are recurring themes in the treatment of the central subject matter – the evolution in the presence of perturbing interactions for which there are no exact solutions as one has them for the standard examples in Simple Systems. The scattering by a localized potential is regarded as a perturbed evolution of a particular kind and is dealt with accordingly. The unique features of the scattering of indistinguishable quantum objects illustrate the nonclassical properties of bosons and fermions and prepare the groundwork for a discussion of multi-electron atoms.
` 295.00
` 245.00
This is the fifth edition of a well-established textbook. It is intended to provide a thorough coverage of the fundamental principles and techniques of classical mechanics, an old subject that is at the base of all of physics, but in which there has also in recent years been rapid development. The book is aimed at undergraduate students of physics and applied mathematics. It emphasizes the basic principles, and aims to progress rapidly to the point of being able to handle physically and mathematically interesting problems, without getting bogged down in excessive formalism. Lagrangian methods are introduced at a relatively early stage, to get students to appreciate their use in simple contexts. Later chapters use Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods extensively, but in a way that aims to be accessible to undergraduates, while including modern developments at the appropriate level of detail. The subject has been developed considerably recently while retaining a truly central role for all students of physics and applied mathematics. This edition retains all the main features of the fourth edition, including the two chapters on geometry of dynamical systems and on order and chaos, and the new appendices on concise and on dynamical systems near a critical point. The material has been somewhat expanded, in particular to contrast continuous and discrete behaviours. A further appendix has been added on routes to chaos (period-doubling) and related discrete maps. The new edition has also been revised to give more emphasis to specific examples worked out in detail.
Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing
Key features of the new edition include: • Further development of the chapters on dynamical systems and their geometry, and on order and chaos, introduced in the fourth edition. • Examples with solutions in the text, supplementing the wide range of problems with answers. • Appendices on vectors, on conic sections, on dynamical systems near a critical point and, new in this edition, on routes to chaos and related discrete maps. • Emphasis on basic principles of wide applicability. • End of chapter summaries. • A comprehensive index and list of symbols.
From Statistical Physics to Risk Management Second Edition Jean-Philippe Bouchaud & Marc Potters
Contents: Linear Motion; Energy and Angular Momentum; Central Conservative Forces; Rotating Frames; Potential Theory; The TwoBody Problem; Many-Body Systems; Rigid Bodies; Lagrangian Mechanics; Small Oscillations and Normal Modes; Hamiltonian Mechanics; Dynamical Systems and Their Geometry; Order and Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems; Appendices: Vectors; Conics; Phase Plane Analysis Near Critical Points; Discrete Dynamical Systems — Maps. ISBN: 9788175967205
200 Puzzling Physics Problems With Hints and Solutions Peter Gnadig, Gyula Honyek & Ken Riley
Contents: Foreword; Preface; 1. Probability theory: basic notions; 2. Maximum and addition of random variables; 3. Continuous time limit, Ito calculus and path integrals; 4. Analysis of empirical data; 5. Financial products and financial markets; 6. Statistics of real prices: basic results; 7. Non-linear correlations and volatility fluctuations; 8. Skewness and price-volatility correlations; 9.Cross-correlations; 10. Risk measures; 11. Extreme correlations and variety; 12. Optimal portfolios; 13. Futures and options: fundamental concepts; 14. Options: hedging and residual risk; 15. Options: the role of drift and correlations; 16. Options: the Black and Scholes model; 17. Options: some more specific problems; 18. Options: minimum variance MonteCarlo; 19. The yield curve; 20. Simple mechanisms for anomalous price statistics; Index of most important symbols; Index.
` 395.00
200 Puzzling Physics Problems is aimed at strengthening a student’s grasp of the laws of physics by applying them to situations that are practical, and to problems that yield more easily to intuitive insight than to brute-force methods and complex mathematics. The problems are chosen almost exclusively from classical (i.e. non-quantum) physics, but are no easier for that. For the most part, these problems are intriguingly posed in accessible non-technical language. This requires the student to select the right framework in which to analyse the situation and to make decisions about which branches of physics are involved. The general level of sophistication needed to tackle most of the 200 problems is that of the exceptional school student, the good undergraduates, or the competent graduate student. The book should be valuable to undergraduates preparing for ‘general physics’ papers, either on their own or in classes or seminars designed for this purpose. It is even hoped that some physics professors will find the more difficult questions challenging. By contrast, the mathematical demands made are minimal, and do not go beyond elementary calculus. This intriguing book of physics problems should prove not only instructive and challenging, but also fun.
ISBN: 9780521263368
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Problems; 3. Hints; 4. Solutions. ISBN: 9780521540780
Risk control and derivative pricing have become of major concern to financial institutions, and there is a real need for adequate statistical tools to measure and anticipate the amplitude of the potential moves of the financial markets. Summarising recent theoretical developments in the field, this second edition has been substantially expanded. Additional chapters now cover stochastic processes, Monte-Carlo methods, Black-Scholes theory, the theory of the yield curve, and Minority Game. There are discussions on aspects of data analysis, financial products, non-linear correlations, and herding, feedback and agent based models. This book has become a classic reference for graduate students and researchers working in econophysics and mathematical finance, and for quantitative analysts working on risk management, derivative pricing and quantitative trading strategies.
` 295.00
` 595.00
Electrical Transport in Nanoscale Systems Massimiliano Di Ventra
6. Radiation and thermal equilibrium - absorption and stimulated emission; Part III. Laser Amplifiers: 7. Conditions for producing a laser population inversions, gain, and gain saturation; 8. Laser oscillation above threshold; 9. Requirements for obtaining population inversions; 10. Laser pumping requirements and techniques; Part IV. Laser Resonators: 11. Laser cavity modes; 12. Stable laser resonators and Gaussian beams; 13. Special laser cavities and cavity effects; Part V. Specific Laser Systems: 14. Laser systems involving low-density gain media;15. Laser systems involving high-density gain media; Part VI. Frequency Multiplication of Laser Beams: 16. Frequency multiplication of lasers and other non linear optical effects; Appendix; Index.
In recent years there has been a huge increase in the research and development of nanoscale science and technology. Central to the understanding of the properties of nanoscale structures is the modeling of electronic conduction through these systems. This graduate textbook provides an in-depth description of the transport phenomena relevant to systems of nanoscale dimensions. In this textbook the different theoretical approaches are critically discussed, with emphasis on their basic assumptions and approximations. The book also covers information content in the measurement of currents, the role of initial conditions in establishing a steady state, and the modern use of density-functional theory. Topics are introduced by simple physical arguments, with particular attention to the non-equilibrium statistical nature of electrical conduction, and followed by a detailed formal derivation. This textbook is ideal for graduate students in physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering.
ISBN: 9780521138475
A First Course in String Theory
Contents: Preface; 1. A primer on electron transport; 2. Drude, Kubo, and Boltzmann approaches; 3. Landauer approach; 4. Nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism; 5. Noise; 6. Electron-ion interaction; 7. The microcanonical picture of transport; 8. Hydrodynamics of the electron liquid; Appendices; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521140317
Laser Fundamentals Second Edition William T. Silfvast
Second Edition Barton Zwiebach
` 795.00
A well-known introduction to the physical and engineering principles of laser operation and design for graduates and researchers who specialize in lasers, this second edition includes much new material, especially in the areas of solid-state lasers, semiconductor lasers, and laser cavities. Throughout the text, this book uses simple explanations on key concepts, to lead the reader from the basics of laser action to advanced topics in laser physics and engineering. The new edition contains a new chapter on laser operation above threshold, including extensive discussion of laser amplifiers. Thorough explanations, worked examples, and many homework problems make this book essential reading for undergraduates and firstyear graduates in science and engineering taking courses on lasers. Researchers will find summaries of key types of lasers, the use of many unique theoretical descriptions, and the extensive bibliography a valuable source of reference for their careers.
Solutions available
Contents: Preface to the first edition; Preface to the second edition; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; Part I. Fundamental Wave Properties of Light: 2. Wave nature of light - the interacting of light with materials; Part II. Fundamental Quantum Properties of Light: 3. The particle nature of light - discrete energy levels; 4. Radiative transitions and emission linewidth; 5. Energy levels and radiative properties of molecules, liquids and solids;
` 695.00
String theory made understandable. Barton Zwiebach is once again faithful to his goal of making string theory accessible to undergraduates. He presents the main concepts of string theory in a concrete and physical way to develop intuition before formalism, often through simplified and illustrative examples. Complete and thorough in its coverage, this new edition now includes AdS/CFT correspondence and introduces superstrings. It is perfectly suited to introductory courses in string theory for students with a background in mathematics and physics. New sections cover strings on orbifolds, cosmic strings, moduli stabilization, and the string theory landscape. Now with almost 300 problems and exercises, with password-protected solutions for instructors at www.cambridge.org/zwiebach. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Basics: 1. A brief introduction; 2. Special relativity and extra dimensions; 3. Electromagnetism and gravitation in various dimensions; 4. Nonrelativistic strings; 5. The relativistic point particle; 6. Relativistic strings; 7. Strong parameterization and classical motion; 8. World-sheet currents; 9. Light-cone relativistic strings; 10. Light-cone fields and particles; 11. The relativistic quantum point particle; 12, Relativistic quantum closed strings; 13. Relativistic quantum closed strings; 14. A look at relativistic superstrings; Part II. Developments: 15. D-branes and gauge fields; 16. String charge and electric charge; 17. Tduality of closed strings; 18. T-duality of open strings; 19. Electromagnetism fields in D-branes; 20. Nonlinear and Born-Infeld electrodynamics; 21. Strong theory and particle physics; 22. String thermodynamics and black holes; 23. Strong interactions and AdS/CFT; 24. Covariant string quantization; 25. String interactions and Riemann surfaces; 26. Loop amplitudes in string theory; References; Index. ISBN: 9780521176330
` 995.00
Principles of Nano-Optics Lukas Novotny & Bert Hecht
Nano-optics is the study of optical phenomena and techniques on the nanometer scale, that is, near or beyond the diffraction limit of light. It is an emerging field of study, motivated by the rapid advance of nanoscience and nanotechnology which require adequate tools and strategies for fabrication, manipulation and characterization at this scale. In Principles of Nano-Optics the authors provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and experimental concepts necessary to understand and work in nano-optics. With a very broad perspective, they cover optical phenomena relevant to the nanoscale across diverse areas ranging from quantum optics to biophysics, introducing and extensively describing all of the significant methods. This is the first textbook specifically on nano-optics. Written for graduate students who want to enter the field, it includes problem sets to reinforce and extend the discussion. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and course teachers.
Contents: Prefaces; 1. Preliminary algebra; 2. Preliminary calculus; 3. Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions; 4. Series and limits; 5. Partial differentiation; 6. Multiple integrals; 7. Vector algebra; 8. Matrices and vector spaces; 9. Normal modes; 10. Vector calculus; 11. Line, surface and volume integrals; 12. Fourier series; 13. Integral transforms; 14. First-order ordinary differential equations; 15. Higher-order ordinary differential equations; 16. Series solutions of ordinary differential equations; 17. Eigenfunction methods for differential equations; 18. Special functions; 19. Quantum operators; 20. Partial differential equations: general and particular; 21. Partial differential equations: separation of variables; 22. Calculus of variations; 23. Integral equations; 24. Complex variables; 25. Application of complex variables; 26. Tensors; 27. Numerical methods; 28. Group theory; 29. Representation theory; 30. Probability; 31. Statistics;Index.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Theoretical foundations; 3. Propagation and focusing of optical fields; 4. Spatial resolution and position accuracy; 5. Nanoscale optical microscopy; 6. Near-field optical probes; 7. Probe-sample distance control; 8. Light emission and optical interaction in nanoscale environments; 9. Quantum emitters; 10. Dipole emission near planar interfaces; 11. Photonic crystals and resonators; 12. Surface plasmons; 13. Forces in confined fields; 14. Fluctuation-induced phenomena; 15. Theoretical methods in nanooptics; Appendices; Index.
ISBN: 9780521139878
ISBN: 9780521149037
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Third Edition Ken F. Riley, Mike P. Hobson & Stephen J. Bence
Instructors’ solutions available
Condensed Matter Field Theory Second Edition Alexander Altland & Ben D. Simons
` 695.00
The third edition of this highly acclaimed undergraduate textbook is suitable for teaching all the mathematics ever likely to be needed for an undergraduate course in any of the physical sciences. As well as lucid descriptions of all the topics covered and many worked examples, it contains more than 800 exercises. A number of additional topics have been included and the text has undergone significant reorganisation in some areas. New stand-alone chapters: • give a systematic account of the 'special functions' of physical science • cover an extended range of practical applications of complex variables including WKB methods and saddle-point integration techniques • provide an introduction to quantum operators.
` 995.00
Modern experimental developments in condensed matter and ultracold atom physics present formidable challenges to theorists. This book provides a pedagogical introduction to quantum field theory in many-particle physics, emphasizing the applicability of the formalism to concrete problems. This second edition contains two new chapters developing path integral approaches to classical and quantum nonequilibrium phenomena. Other chapters cover a range of topics, from the introduction of manybody techniques and functional integration, to renormalization group methods, the theory of response functions, and topology. Conceptual aspects and formal methodology are emphasized, but the discussion focuses on practical experimental applications drawn largely from condensed matter physics and neighboring fields. Extended and challenging problems with fully worked solutions provide a bridge between formal manipulations and research-oriented thinking. Aimed at elevating graduate students to a level where they can engage in independent research, this book complements graduate level courses on many-particle theory. Contents: Preface; 1. From particle to fields; 2. Second quantization; 3. Feynman path integral; 4. Functional field integral; 5. Perturbation theory; 6. Broken symmetry and collective phenomena; 7. Response functions; 8. The renormalization group; 9. Topology; 10. Nonequilibrium (classical); 11. Nonequilibrium (quantum); Index.
Further tabulations, of relevance in statistics and numerical integration, have been added. In this edition, all 400 odd-numbered exercises are provided with complete worked solutions in a separate manual, available to both students and their teachers; these are in addition to the hints and outline answers given in the main text. The even-numbered exercises have no hints, answers or worked solutions and can be used for unaided homework; full solutions to them are available to instructors on a password-protected website.
ISBN: 9781107675650
` 695.00
Physics by Example W.G. Rees
Physics by Example contains two hundred problems from a wide range of key topics, along with detailed, step-by-step solutions. By guiding the reader through carefully chosen examples, this book will help to develop skill in manipulating physical concepts. Topics dealt with include: statistical analysis, classical mechanics, gravitation and orbits, special relativity, basic quantum physics, oscillations and waves, optics, electromagnetism, electric circuits, and thermodynamics. There is also a section listing physical constants and other useful data, including a summary of some important mathematical results.
Functions; 6.2 Sturm-Liouville Operator; 6.3 Special Functions; 6.4 Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalisation; 6.5 Solved Examples; 6.6 Supplementary Problems; Appendix; Chapter 7 Hilbert Space; 7.1 Dirac Notations; 7.2 Hermitian Operators; 7.3 Completeness Relation; 7.4 Commutative Relations; 7.5 Simultaneous Eigenstates; 7.6 Representation; 7.7 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 8 Unitary Transformation; 8.1 Unitary Transformation; 8.2 Schrodinger Equation of Motion; 8.3 Heisenberg Equation of Motion; 8.4 Classical Hamiltonian Equation of Motion; 8.5 Ehrenfest’s Theorem; 8.6 Solved Examples; 8.7 Supplementary Problems; Bibliography; Answers to Selected Problems; Index.
Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Physical constants and other data; 2. Mathematical notes; 3. Hints for solving physics problems; 4. A note about significant figures; 5. Dimensions, errors and statistical analysis; 6. Classical mechanics and dynamics; 7. Gravitation and orbits; 8. Special relativity; 9. Quantum, atomic and nuclear physics; 10. Oscillations and waves; 11. Optics; 12. Electromagnetism; 13. Electric circuits; 14. Thermodynamics; Index. ISBN: 9780521566971
Introduction to Vector Spaces in Physics K. A. I. L. Wijewardena Gamalath
ISBN: 9788175964365
Electromagnetic Theory for Telecommunications
` 395.00
C. S. Liu & V.K. Tripathi
In recent years, knowledge of vector spaces has become an essential part of the mathematical background required of physicists, engineers and other scientists due to their numerous applications. It is now taught in the departments of physics and mathematics in almost all colleges and universities. This book is designed as a foundation course for undergraduate and postgraduate students of physics in vector spaces and their wide-ranging applications in many physical problems.
` 345.00
This book presents the fundamental principles and applications of electromagnetic theory, with emphasis on applications in communications. The underlying theory for technological advances like medium and short wave communication, cellular communication, radar, satellite communication, laser and optical communication, remote sensing and geological and earth observing applications have been explained lucidly. Contents: Preface; 1 Electromagnetic Fields; 2 Plane Waves; 3 Guided Waves; 4 Radiation; 5 Radio Communication and Radar; 6 Satellite Communication; 7 Laser and Optical Fibre Communication; 8 Geological Seisming and Remote Sensing; 9 Relativistic Covariance of Electrodynamics; 10 Radiation from Accelerated Charges; Appendix A; Appendix B; Index.
Contents: Chapter 1 Matrix Analysis; 1.1 Matrix Notation; 1.2 Matrix Operations; 1.3 Properties of Matrices; 1.4 Special Square Matrices; 1.5 Infinite Matrices; 1.6 Operations of Matrices; 1.7 Solved Examples; 1.8 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 2 Vector Spaces; 2.1 Vector Spaces; 2.2 Bases and Coordinates; 2.3 Inner Product or Scalar Product; 2.4 Magnitudes and Directions of Vectors; 2.5 Orthonormal Bases; 2.6 Vector Product; 2.7 Solved Examples; 2.8 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 3 Linear Operators; 3.1 Linear Transformations; 3.2 Linear Operators; 3.3 Applications of Linear Operators; 3.4 Change of Bases; 3.5 Oblique Coordinates; 3.6 Solved examples; 3.7 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 4 Eigenvectors; 4.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors; 4.2 Theorems; 4.3 Applications; 4.4 Diagonalisation; 4.5 Principal Axis Transformation; 4.6 Solved examples; 4.7 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 5 Generalised Eigenvectors; 5.1 Generalised Eigenvectors; 5.2 Simultaneous Diagonalisation; 5.3 Theory of Small Oscillations; 5.4 Supplementary Problems; Chapter 6 SturmLiouville Operator; 6.1 Generalised Orthonormal
Online resources available
ISBN: 9788175965447
` 445.00
Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers C.D. Cantrell
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers provides an up-to-date mathematical and computational education for students, researchers, and practising engineers. The author begins with a review of computation, and then deals with a range of key concepts including sets, fields, matrix theory, and vector spaces. He then goes on to cover more advanced subjects such as linear mappings, group theory, and special functions. In this way, he concentrates exclusively on the most important topics for the working physical scientist or engineer with the aim of helping them to make intelligent use of the latest computational and analytical methods. The book contains well over 400 homework problems and covers many topics not dealt with in other textbooks. It will be ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate students in the physical sciences and engineering, as well as a valuable reference for working engineers.
Tenth Anniversary Edition Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang
Principles of Condensed Matter Physics P.M. Chaikin & T.C. Lubensky
Contents: Part I. Fundamental Concepts: 1. Introduction and overview; 2. Introduction to quantum mechanics; 3. Introduction to computer science; Part II. Quantum Computation: 4. Quantum circuits; 5. The quantum Fourier transform and its application; 6. Quantum search algorithms; 7. Quantum computers: physical realization; Part III. Quantum Information: 8. Quantum noise and quantum operations; 9. Distance measures for quantum information; 10. Quantum error-correction; 11. Entropy and information; 12. Quantum information theory; Appendices; References; Index.
` 795.00
Overview of the physics of condensed matter systems, written in a clear, pedagogic style with extensive examples of real-world systems. Serves as a course text as well as an essential reference for students and researchers.
ISBN: 9781107619197
Introduction to Fiber Optics
Contents: Preface; 1. Overview; 2. Structure and scattering; 3. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; 4. Mean-field theory; 5. Field theories, critical phenomena, and the renormalization group; 6. Generalized elasticity; 7. Dynamics: correlation and response; 8. Hydrodynamics; 9. Topological defects; 10. Walls, kinks and solitons; Glossary; Index.
ISBN: 9788175960251
This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than ‘classical’ computers and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.
Contents: Preface; 1. Foundations of computation; 2. Sets and mappings; 3. Evaluation of functions; 4. Groups, rings and fields; 5. Vector spaces; 6. Linear mappings I; 7. Linear functional; 8. Inner products and norms; 9. Linear mappings II; 10. Convergence in normed vector spaces; 11. Group representations; 12. Special functions; Appendices. ISBN: 9780521670494
One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th Anniversary Edition includes an introduction from the authors setting the work in context.
Ajoy Ghatak & K. Thyagarajan
` 695.00
This comprehensive book provides an introduction to the physical principles of optical fibres, and discusses in detail their use in sensor technology and modern optical communication systems. It will be an ideal textbook for undergraduate or graduate students taking courses in optical fiber communications, photonics, or optoelectronics. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Basic optics; 3. The optical fiber; 4. Ray analysis of planar optical waveguide; 5. Graded index optical fibers; 6. Material dispersion; 7. Planar waveguides; 8. Characteristics of a step-index fiber; 9. Graded Index fibers; 10, Waveguide dispersion and design considerations; 11. Sources for optical fiber communication; 12. Detectors for optical fiber and communication; 13. Fiber optic communication system design; 14. Optical fiber Amplifiers; 15. Dispersion compensation and chirping phenomenon; 16. Optical solitons; 17. Single-mode fiber optic components; 18. Single mode optical fiber sensors; 19. Measurements methods in optical fiber: I; 20. Measurement methods in optical fibers: II; 21. Periodic interactions in waveguides; 22. Ray equation in Cartesian coordinates; 23. Ray paths; 24. Leaky modes.
` 495.00
ISBN: 9788175960626 26
` 545.00
Optical Electronics Ajoy Ghatak & K. Thyagarajan
Provides senior undergraduates studying modern optics with a comprehensive account of optics and optical electronics. A large number of solved and unsolved problems are included in the book. The extensive coverage makes it valuable to postgraduates, and also to optical engineers, as a source of basic design information.
Student Manual for The Art of Electronics Thomas Hayes & Paul Horowitz
Contents: 1. Maxwell’s equations and propagation of electromagnetic waves; 2. Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves; 3. Wave propagation in anisotropic media; 4. Fraunhofer diffraction; 5. Fresnel diffraction; 6. Spatial frequency filtering; 7. Holography; 8. Lasers: I; 9. Lasers: II; 10. Some laser systems; 11. Electromagnetic analysis of the simplest optical waveguide; 12. Leaky modes in optical waveguides; 13. Optical fibre waveguides; 14. Integrated optics; 15. The electrooptic effect; 16. The strain optic tensor; 17. Acoustooptic effect: Raman-Nath diffraction; 18. Acoustooptic effect: Bragg diffraction; 19. Acoustooptic devices; 20. Non-linear optics; Appendices; References and suggested reading; Index. ISBN: 9788185618104
This manual satisfies two needs for students and teachers using The Art of Electronics as a text: • It sets forth 23 laboratory exercises that can form the backbone of a one or two-semester course in electronics, both analog and digital • It supplements the text’s explanations of selected topics which have been chosen for their importance to a student, rather than a practitioner who uses the text as a reference. The manual is a product of many years’ teaching at Harvard University, where the authors have tested and refined both lab exercises and explanations. Contents: 1. Foundations; 2. Transistors (bipolar); 3. Field effect transistors; 4. Feedback and operational amplifiers; 5. Active filters and oscillators; 6. Voltage regulators and power circuits; 7. Digital electronics; 8. Digital meets analog; 9. Microcomputers microprocessors; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9780521689182
` 425.00
` 495.00
ASTRONOMY The Art of Electronics Second Edition Paul Horowitz & Winfield Hill
This is the thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the hugely successful The Art of Electronics. Widely accepted as the single authoritative text and reference on electronic circuit design, both analog and digital, the original edition sold over 125,000 copies worldwide and was translated into eight languages. The book revolutionized the teaching of electronics by emphasizing the methods actually used by circuit designers - a combination of some basic laws, rules to thumb, and a large nonmathematical treatment that encourages circuit values and performance.
The First State of Matter Vinod Krishan
The topics covered in the book include: • Laboratory plasmas and their applications in life and industry • Different methods of forming plasmas • Confinement of hot and energetic plasmas • Existence and detection of waves in plasmas to specify their density, temperature and magnetization • Symbiotic relation between plasmas and radiation.
Contents: List of tables; Preface; Preface to first edition; 1. Foundations; 2. Transistors; 3. Fieldeffect transistors; 4. Feedback and operational amplifiers; 5. Active filters and oscillators; 6. Voltage regulators and power circuits; 7. Precision circuits and low-noise techniques; 8. Digital electronics; 9. Digital meets analog; 10. Microcomputers; 11. Microprocessors; 12. Electronic construction techniques; 13. Highfrequency and high-speed techniques; 14. Lowpower design; 15. Measurements and signal processing; Appendixes; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521689175
This book discusses the phenomenal diversity of cosmic and terrestrial plasmas found in the early universe, galactic and intergalactic media, stellar atmospheres and their interiors, interstellar spaces, solar system and in the earth’s ionosphere, and their observability with the most recent telescopes such as the Chandra X-ray telescope and gamma ray telescopes. It deals with different ways of creating plasmas such as thermal, pressure and radiative ionization for laboratory as well as cosmic plasmas.
Contents: List of Illustrations; Preface; 1. The Plasma Universe; 2. Plasma Basics; 3. Plasma Confinement; 4. The Waving Plasmas; 5. The Radiating Plasmas; 6. Supplementary Matter; Select Bibliography; Index.
` 995.00
ISBN: 9781107037571
` 795.00
Theoretical Astrophysics Volume 1 Astrophysical Processes T. Padmanabhan
Theoretical Astrophysics
Graduate students and researchers in astrophysics and cosmology need a solid understanding of a wide range of physical processes. This clear and authoritative book has been designed to help them to develop the necessary toolkit of theory. The book is modular in design, allowing the reader to pick and choose a selection of chapters, if necessary. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with the accompanying two volumes (covering stars and stellar systems, and galaxies and cosmology, respectively). After reviewing the basics of dynamics, electromagnetic theory, and statistical physics, the book carefully develops a solid understanding of radiative processes, spectra, fluid mechanics, plasma physics and MHD, dynamics of gravitating systems, general relativity, nuclear physics, and other key concepts. Throughout, the reader’s understanding is developed and tested with problems and helpful hints.
Volume 3 Galaxies and Cosmology T. Padmanabhan
Contents: 1. Overview: galaxies and cosmology; 2. Galactic structure and dynamics; 3. Friedmann model of the universe; 4. Thermal history of the universe; 5. Structure formation; 6. Cosmic microwave background radiation; 7. Formation of baryonic structures; 8. Active galactic nuclei; 9. Intergalactic medium and absorption systems; 10. Cosmological observations.
Contents: Preface; 1. Order-of-magnitude astrophysics; 2. Dynamics; 3. Special relativity, electrodynamics and optics; 4. Basics of electromagnetic radiation; 5. Statistical mechanics; 6. Radiative processes; 7. Spectra; 8. Neutral fluids; 9. Plasma physics; 10. Gravitational dynamics; 11. General theory of relativity; 12. Basics of nuclear physics; Notes and References; Index. ISBN: 9781107400597
Theoretical Astrophysics Volume 2 Stars and Stellar Systems T. Padmanabhan
ISBN: 9781107400610
` 695.00
Facts and Speculations in Cosmology
This authoritative textbook - the second volume of a comprehensive three-volume course on theoretical astrophysics - deals with stellar physics. Designed to help graduate students and researchers develop an understanding of the key physical processes governing stars and stellar systems, it teaches the fundamentals, and then builds on them to give the reader an in-depth understanding of advanced topics. The book’s modular design allows the chapters to be approached individually, yet seamless transitions create a coherent and connected whole. It can be used alone or in conjunction with Volume I, which covers a wide range of astrophysical processes, and Volume III, on galaxies and cosmology. After reviewing the key observational results and nomenclature used in stellar astronomy, the book develops a solid understanding of central concepts including stellar structure and evolution, the physics of stellar remnants, pulsars, binary stars, the sun and planetary systems, interstellar medium and globular clusters. Throughout, the reader’s comprehension is developed and tested with more than seventy-five exercises.
Jayant V. Narlikar & Geoffrey Burbidge
` 695.00
The theory of the origin of the universe has advanced over time through observational evidence as well as through a lot of speculation. In this historical approach to cosmology, the authors review our present ideas on the origin and large-scale structure of the universe against the backdrop of our astronomical knowledge. They argue that the speculative element has become a dominant part of modern cosmology, showing how assumptions have been made and portrayed as confirmed facts. This unique book gives not only a critical assessment of the big bang theory, but presents a host of anomalous observations, and puts forward an alternative, controversial theory on the origin of the universe. A non-mathematical account, it contains analogies from everyday life so that readers can understand the concepts easily and follow the arguments presented. Contents: 1. Ancient cosmologies; 2. The Greek epicycles; 3. Reaching out to the milky way; 4. Our position in the galaxy; 5. The world of galaxies; 6. The expanding universe; 7. Modelling the universe; 8. What is the geometry of the universe like?; 9. A universe without a beginning and without an end; 10. The cosmological debate 1950-1965; 11. The origin of the chemical elements; 12. Cosmic microwave background; 13. The very early universe; 14. Dark matter and dark energy; 15. An alternative cosmology; 16. Unfaced challenges in cosmology; 17. Epilogue.
Contents: Preface; 1. Overview: stars and stellar systems; 2. Stellar structure; 3. Stellar evolution; 4. Supernova (Type II); 5. White dwarfs, neutron stars and blackholes; 6. Pulsars; 7. Binary stars and accretion; 8. Sun and the solar system; 9. Interstellar medium; 10. Globular clusters; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107400603
This timely volume provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of cosmology and extragalactic astronomy at an advanced level. Beginning with an overview of the key observational results and necessary terminology, it goes on to cover important topics including the theory of galactic structure and galactic dynamics, structure formation, cosmic microwave background radiation, formation of luminous galaxies in the universe, intergalactic medium and active galactic nuclei. Topics are developed in a contemporary fashion, with emphasis on currently active research areas. This selfcontained text has a modular structure, and contains over one hundred worked exercises. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with the previous two accompanying volumes (Volume I: Astrophysical Processes, and Volume II: Stars and Stellar Systems). The textbook develops all aspects of extragalactic astronomy and cosmology in a detailed and pedagogical way.
` 695.00
ISBN: 9780521134248 28
` 595.00
An Introduction to Cosmology Third Edition Jayant Vishnu Narlikar
The third edition of this successful textbook is fully updated and includes important recent developments in cosmology. With 400 problems and numerous worked examples, it is suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduates on courses in theoretical physics, astrophysics or applied mathematics that include modern cosmology.
LIFE SCIENCES Statistics Explained An Introductory Guide for Life Scientists Steve McKillup
Contents: Foreword Sir Fred Hoyle; Preface to the first edition; Preface to the second edition; 1. The large-scale structure of the universe; 2. The general theory of relativity; 3. From relativity to cosmology; 4. The Friedman models; 5. Relics of the Big Bang; 6. The very early universe; 7. The formation of large scale structure of the universe; 8. Alternative cosmologies; 9. Cosmologies with creation of matter; 10. Observational tests of cosmological significance; 11. Observations of distant parts of the universe; 12. A critical overview of cosmology; Table of constants; Glossary. ISBN: 9780521531412
Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. ‘Doing Science’ - hypotheses, experiments and disproof; 3. Collecting and displaying data; 4. Introductory concepts of experimental design; 5. Probability helps you make a decision about your results; 6. Working from samples - data, populations and statistics; 7. Normal distributions - test for comparing the means of one or two samples; 8. Type 1 and Type 2 error, power and sample size; 9. Single factor analysis of variance; 10. Multiple comparisons after ANOVA; 11. Two factor analysis of variance; 12. Important assumptions of analysis of variance: transformations and a test for equality of variances; 13. Two factor analysis of variance without replication, and nested analysis of variance; 14. Relationships between variables: linear correlation and linear regression; 15. Simple linear regression; 16. Non-parametric statistics; 17. Non-parametric tests for nominal scale data; 18. Non-parametric tests for ratio, interval or ordinal scale data; 19. Choosing a test; 20. Doing science responsibly and ethically.
` 695.00
CHEMISTRY Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis Fourth Edition W. Carruthers & lain Coldham
The fourth edition of this well-known textbook discusses the key methods used in organic synthesis, showing the value and scope of these methods and how they are used in the synthesis of complex molecules. All the text from the third edition has been revised to produce a modern account of synthetic methods and an up-to-date description of recent advancements in synthetic chemistry. The textbook maintains a traditional and logical approach in detailing carbon-carbon bond formations, followed by a new chapter on the functionalization of alkenes and concluding with oxidation and reduction reactions. Reference style has been improved to include footnotes on each page, allowing easy and rapid access to the primary literature. In addition, a selection of problems has been added at the end of each chapter, with answers at the end of the book.
ISBN: 9781107673847
Contents: 1. Formation of carbon-carbon single bonds; 2. Formation of carbon-carbon double bonds; 3. Pericyclic reactions; 4. Radical and carbene chemistry; 5. Functionalisation of alkenes; 6. Oxidation; 7. Reduction. ISBN: 9780521682138
Statistics Explained is a reader-friendly introduction to experimental design and statistics for undergraduate students in the life sciences, particularly those who do not have a strong mathematical background. Hypothesis testing and experimental design are discussed first. Statistical tests are then explained using pictorial examples and a minimum of formulae. This class-tested approach, along with a wellstructured set of diagnostic tables will give students the confidence to choose an appropriate test with which to analyse their own data sets. Presented in a lively and straight-forward manner, Statistics Explained will give readers the depth and background necessary to proceed to more advanced texts and applications. It will therefore be essential reading for all bioscience undergraduates, and will serve as a useful refresher course for more advanced students.
` 495.00
` 595.00
An Introduction to Genetic Engineering Third Edition Desmond S. T. Nicholl
In this third edition of his popular undergraduatelevel textbook, Des Nicholl recognises that a sound grasp of basic principles is vital in any introduction to genetic engineering. Therefore, the book retains its focus on the fundamental principles used in gene manipulation. It is divided into three sections: Part I provides an introduction to the relevant basic molecular biology; Part II, the methods used to manipulate genes; and Part III, applications of the technology. There is a new chapter devoted to the emerging importance of bioinformatics as a distinct discipline. Other additional features include text boxes, which highlight important aspects of topics discussed, and chapter summaries, which include aims and learning outcomes. These, along with key word listings, concept maps and a glossary, will enable students to tailor their study to suit their own learning styles and ultimately gain a firm grasp of a subject that students traditionally find difficult.
W. Paddock; 5. Molecular biology, bioformatics and basic techniques R. Rapley; 6. Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis R. Rapley; 7. Immunological techniques R. Burns; 8. Protein structure, purification, characterisation and functional analysis J. M. Walker; 9. Mass spectrometric techniques A. Aitken; 10. Electrophoretic techniques J. Walker; 11. Chromatographic techniques K. Wilson; 12. Spectroscopic techniques I A. Hofmann; 13. Spectroscopic techniques II A. Hofmann; 14. Radioisotope techniques R. Slater; 15. Enzymes K. Wilson; 16. Principles of clinical biochemistry J. Fyffe and K. Wilson; 17. Cell membrane receptors K. Wilson; 18. Drug discovery and development K. Wilson. ISBN: 9780521178747
Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. The Basis of Genetic Engineering: 2. Introducing molecular biology; 3. Working with nucleic acids; 4. The tools of the trade; Part II. The Methodology of Gene Manipulation: 5. Host cells and vectors; 6. Cloning strategies; 7. The polymerase chain reaction; 8. Selection, screening and analysis of recombinants; 9. Bioinformatics; Part III. Genetic Engineering in Action: 10. Understanding genes, genomes and ‘otheromes’; 11. Genetic engineering and biotechnology; 12. Medical and forensic applications of gene manipulation; 13. Transgenic plants and animals; 14. The other sort of cloning; 15. Brave new world or genetic nightmare? ISBN: 9780521188142
Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seventh Edition Keith Wilson & John Walker (editors)
Fourth Edition Robert Edward Lee
` 595.00
This best-selling undergraduate textbook provides an introduction to key experimental techniques from across the biosciences. It uniquely integrates the theories and practices that drive the fields of biology and medicine, comprehensively covering both the methods students will encounter in lab classes and those that underpin recent advances and discoveries. Its problem-solving approach continues with worked examples that set a challenge and then show students how the challenge is met. New to this edition are case studies, for example, that illustrate the relevance of the principles and techniques to the diagnosis and treatment of individual patients. Coverage is expanded to include a section on stem cells, chapters on immunochemical techniques and spectroscopy techniques, and additional chapters on drug discovery and development, and clinical biochemistry. Experimental design and the statistical analysis of data are emphasised throughout to ensure students are equipped to successfully plan their own experiments and examine the results obtained.
` 595.00
Phycology is the study of algae, the primary photosynthetic organisms in freshwater and marine food chains. As a food source for zooplankton and filter-feeding shellfish, the algae are an extremely important group. Since the publication of the first edition in 1981, this textbook has established itself as a classic resource on phycology. This revised edition maintains the format of previous editions, whilst incorporating the latest information from nucleic acid sequencing studies. Detailed life-history drawings of algae are presented alongside information on the cytology, ecology, biochemistry, and economic importance of selected genera. Phycology is suitable for upperlevel undergraduate and graduate students following courses in phycology, limnology or biological oceanography. Emphasis is placed on those algae that are commonly covered in phycology courses, and encountered by students in marine and freshwater habitats. Contents: Preface to the first edition; Part I: 1. Introduction; Introduction; Part II. The Prokaryotic Algae: 2. Cyanobacteria; Part III. Evolution of the Chloroplast: 3. Glaucophyta and Chloroarchnion; 4. Rhodophyta; 5. Chlorophyta; Part IV. Evolution of One Membrane of Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum: 6. Euglenophyta; 7. Dinophyta; 8. Apicomplexa; Part V. Evolution of Two Membranes of Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Chlorarachniophyta: 9. Cryptophyta; 10. Heterokontophyta, Chrysophyceae; 11. Heterokontophyta, Synurophyceae; 12. Heterokontophyta, Eustigmatophyceae; 13. Heterokontophyta, Pinguiophyceae; 14. Heterokontophyta, Dictochophyceae; 15. Heterokontophyta, Pelagophyceae; 16. Heterokontophyta, Bolidophyceae; 17. Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae; 18. Heterokontophyta, Raphidophyceae; 19. Heterokontophyta, Xanthophyceae; 20. Heterokontophyta, Phaeothamniophyceae; 21. Heterokontophyta, Phaeophyceae; 22. Heterokontophyta, Prymnesiophyta; 23. Algae and the environment; Glossary.
Contents: 1. General principles K. Wilson; 2. Cell culture techniques A. R. Baydoun; 3. Centrifugation K. Ohlendieck; 4. Microscopy S.
ISBN: 9780521141444 30
` 995.00
Algae An Introduction to Phycology Christiaan van den Hoek, David Mann & H. M. Jahns
Introductory Biomechanics
Algae are ubiquitous. A multitude of species, ranging from microscopic unicells to gigantic kelps, inhabit the world’s oceans, freshwater bodies, soils, rocks and trees. To understand the basic role of algae in the global ecosystem, a reliable and modern introduction to their kaleidoscopic diversity, systematics and phylogeny is indispensible. This volume provides such an introduction. The text represents a completely revised and updated edition of a highly acclaimed German textbook which was heralded for its clarity as well as its breadth and depth of information. This new edition takes into account recent re-evaluations in algal systematics and phylogeny which have been made necessary by insights provided by the powerful techniques of molecular genetics and electron microscopy, as well as more traditional life history studies.
From Cells to Organisms C. Ross Ethier & Craig A. Simmons
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Cyanophyta; 3. Prochlorophyta; 4. Glaucophyta; 5. Rhodophyta (red algae); 6. Heterokontophyta: Classes (1) Chysophyceae, (2) Parmophyceae, and (3) Sarcinochrysidophyceae; 7. Heterokontophyta: Class Xanthophyceae; 8. Heterokontophyta: Class Eustigmatophyceae; 9. Heterokontophyta: Class Bacillariophyceae (= Diatomophyceae; the diatoms); 10. Heterokontophyta: Class Raphidophyceae; 11. Heterokontophyta: Class Dictyochophyceae; 12. Heterokotophyta: Class Phaeophyceae (brown algae); 13. Reflections on the phylogeny of the Heterokontophyta; 14. Haptophyta (=Prymnesiophyta); 15. Cryptophyta; 16. Dinophyta; 17. Euglenophyta; 18. Chlorarachniophyta; 19. Chlorophyta (green algae); 20. Chlorophyta: Class 1. Prasinophyceae; 21. Chlorophyta: Class 2. Chlorophyceae; 22. Chlorophyta: Class 3. Ulvophyceae; 23. Chlorophyta: Class 4. Cladophorophyceae; 24. Chlorophyta: Class 5. Bryopsidophyceae; 25. Chlorophyta: Class 6. Dasycladophyceae; 26. Chlorophyta: Class 7. Trentepohliophyceae; 27. Chlorophyta: Class 8. Pleurastrophyceae, and the order Prasiolales (Appendix to the classes with an 11 o'clock-5 o'clock configuration of the basal bodies); 28. Chlorophyta: Class 9. Klebsormidiophyceae; 29. Chlorophyta: Class 10. Zygnematophyceae; 30. Chlorophyta: Class 11. Charophyceae; 31. Reflections on the phylogeny of the Chlorophyta; 32. Phylogenetic reflections on the algae; Glossary; References; Species index; General index. ISBN: 9780521729833
Introductory Biomechanics is a new, integrated text written specifically for engineering students. It provides a broad overview of this important branch of the rapidly growing field of bioengineering. A wide selection of topics is presented, ranging from the mechanics of single cells to the dynamics of human movement. No prior biological knowledge is assumed and in each chapter, the relevant anatomy and physiology are first described. The biological system is then analyzed from a mechanical viewpoint by reducing it to its essential elements, using the laws of mechanics and then tying mechanical insights back to biological function. This integrated approach provides students with a deeper understanding of both the mechanics and the biology than from qualitative study alone. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations, tables and examples, a large selection of suitable problems and hundreds of current references, making it an essential textbook for any biomechanics course. Contents Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Cellular biomechanics; 3. Hemodynamics; 4. The circulatory system; 5. The interstitium; 6. Ocular biomechanics; 7. The respiratory system; 8. Muscles and movement; 9. Skeletal biomechanics; 10. Terrestrial locomotion; Appendix A. The electrocardiogram; Index. ISBN: 9780521165181
Biotechnology Fifth Edition John Smith
` 995.00
` 995.00
Biotechnology is the major technology of the 21st century, yet few people realise how much it impacts on many aspects of human society. The defining aim of this new fifth edition is to reestablish the correct understanding of the term biotechnology. Using the straightforward style that made the previous editions of his textbook so popular, John Smith once again helps students with the deciphering and use of biological knowledge. He explains the historical developments in biotechnology and the range of activities from brewing beer, the treatment of sewage and other wastes, and the creation of biofuels. He also discusses the innovations in molecular biology, genomics and proteomics, systems biology and their impact on new biotechnology. In this edition John Smith also reexamines the ethics and morality of aspects of biotechnology and puts new emphasis on stem cells and regenerative medicine and micro RNA. Contents: 1. The nature of biotechnology; 2. Biomass: a biotechnology substrate?; 3.Genetics and biotechnology; 4. Bioprocess/ fermentation technology; 5. Enzyme technology; 6. Biological fuel generation; 7. Environmental biotechnology; 8. Plant and forest biotechnology; 9. Animal and insect biotechnology; 10. Food and beverage biotechnology; 11. Biotechnology and medicine; 12. Stem cell biotechnology; 13. Protection of biotechnological inventions;
General Microbiology
14. Safety in biotechnology; 15. Public perception of biotechnology: genetic engineering - safety, social, moral and ethical considerations; 16. Looking to the future. ISBN: 9780521138796
The Insects Structure and Function Fifth Edition R. F. Chapman, Stephen J. Simpson & Angela E. Douglas (editors)
Seventh Edition Hans G. Schlegel
` 395.00
Contents: 1. The place of microorganisms in nature; 2. The cell and its structure; 3. The grouping of prokaryotes; 4. The viruses: distribution and structure; 5. The fungi (Mycota); 6. Growth of microorganisms; 7. Basic mechanisms of metabolism and energy conversion; 8. Special fermentations; 9. Electron transport under anaerobic conditions; 10. Incomplete oxidations and microbial biotechnology; 11. Inorganic hydrogen donors: aerobic chemolithotrophic bacteria; 12. Phototrophic bacteria and photosynthesis; 13. Fixation of molecular nitrogen; 14. Degradation of natural substances; 15. Constancy, change, recombination and transfer of genetic information; 16. Regulation of metabolism; 17. Microorganisms and the environment; Reading list; Vocabulary; Index.
The Insects has been the standard textbook in the field since the first edition published over forty years ago. Building on the strengths of Chapman’s original text, this long-awaited 5th edition has been revised and expanded by a team of eminent insect physiologists, bringing it fully up-to-date for the molecular era. The chapters retain the successful structure of the earlier editions, focusing on particular functional systems rather than taxonomic groups and making it easy for students to delve into topics without extensive knowledge of taxonomy. The focus is on form and function, bringing together basic anatomy and physiology and examining how these relate to behaviour. This, combined with nearly 600 clear illustrations, provides a comprehensive understanding of how insects work. Now also featuring a richly illustrated prologue by George McGavin, this is an essential text for students, researchers and applied entomologists alike.
ISBN: 9780521696210
Contents: List of contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; Prologue; Part I. The Head, Ingestion, Utilization and Distribution of Food: 1. Head; 2. Mouthparts and feeding; 3. Alimentary canal, digestion and absorption; 4. Nutrition; 5. Circulatory system, blood and the immune system; 6. Fat body; Part II. The Thorax and Locomotion: 7. Thorax; 8. Legs and locomotion; 9. Wings and flight; 10. Muscles; Part III. The Abdomen, Reproduction and Development: 11. Abdomen; 12. Reproductive system: male; 13. Reproductive system: female;14. The egg and embryology; 15. Postembryonic development; Part IV. The Integument, Gas Exchange and Homeostasis: 16. Integument; 17. Gaseous exchange; 18. Excretion and salt and water regulation; 19. Thermal relations; Part V. Communication: Section 1. Physiological Coordination within the Insect: 20. Nervous system; 21. Endocrine system; Section 2. Perception of the Environment: 22. Vision; 23. Mechanoreception; 24. Chemoreception; Section 3. Communication with Other Organisms: 25. Visual signals: colour and light production; 26. Mechanical communication: producing sound and substrate vibrations;27. Chemical communication: pheromones and chemicals with interspecific significance;Index. ISBN: 9781107624801
This revised, up-dated and expanded edition of Professor Schlegel’s well-established textbook provides an excellent introduction to microbiology for a wide range of undergraduate students. This new edition includes new species, new phylogenetic relationships and a greater emphasis on environmental and ecological matters, whilst retaining the traditional strengths of the previous edition.
Genomic Perl Rex A. Dwyer
` 495.00
There are many basic computational problems in molecular biology and this text gives concise, working programs to solve them using Perl. With minimal prerequisites, the author explains the biological background for each problem, develops a model for the solution, then introduces the Perl concepts needed to implement the solution. Perl code is provided on the accompanying CD. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. The Central Dogma; 2. RNA Secondary Structure; 3. Comparing DNA Sequences; 4. Predicting Species: Statistical Models; 5. Substitution Matrices for Amino Acids; 6. Sequence Databases; 7. Local Alignment and the BLAST Heuristic; 8. Statistics of BLAST Database Searches; 9. Multiple Sequence Alignment I; 10. Multiple Sequence Alignment II; 11. Phylogency Reconstruction; 12. Protein Motifs and PROSITE; 13. Fragment Assembly; 14. Coding Sequence Prediction with Dicodons; 15. Satellite Identification; 16. Restriction Mapping; 17. Rearranging Genomes: Gates and Hurdles; A Drawing RNA Cloverleaves; B Space-Saving Strategies for Alignment; C A Data Structure for Disjoint Sets; D Suggestions for Further Reading; Bibliography; Index
` 895.00 PB + CD-ROM ISBN: 9780521547185 352pp
` 795.00
Biological Thermodynamics Second Edition Donald T. Haynie
This inter-disciplinary guide to the thermodynamics of living organisms has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a uniquely integrated overview of the subject. Retaining its highly readable style, it will serve as an introduction to the study of energy transformation in the life sciences and particularly as an accessible means for biology, biochemistry and bioengineering undergraduate students to acquaint themselves with the physical dimension of their subject. The emphasis throughout the text is on understanding basic concepts and developing problem-solving skills. The mathematical difficulty increases gradually by chapter, but no calculus is required. Topics covered include energy and its transformation, the First Law of Thermodynamics, Gibbs free energy, statistical thermodynamics, binding equilibria and reaction kinetics. Each chapter comprises numerous illustrative examples taken from different areas of biochemistry, as well as a broad range of exercises and references for further study.
Basic Biotechnology Third Edition Colin Ratledge & Bjorn Kristiansen (editors)
Contents: 1. Energy transformation; 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics; 4. Gibbs free energy – theory; 5. Gibbs free energy – applications; 6. Statistical thermodynamics; 7. Binding equilibria; 8. Reaction kinetics; 9. The frontier of biological thermodynamics; 10. Appendices; Glossary; Index of names; Subject index. ISBN: 9781107624832
Animal Physiology Fifth Edition Knut Schmidt-Nielson
Contents: 1. Public perception of biotechnology J. E. Smith; 2. Biochemistry and physiology of growth and metabolism Colin Ratledge; 3. Stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial growth from a thermodynamic perspective J. J. Heijnen; 4. Genome management and analysis: prokaryotes Colin R. Harwood and Anil Wipat; 5. Genetic engineering: yeasts and filamentous fungi David B. Archer, Donald A. MacKenzie and David J. Jeenes; 6. Microbial process kinetics Jens Nielsen; 7. Bioreactor design Yusuf Chisti; 8. Mass transfer Henk J. Noorman; 9. Downstream processing Marcel Ottens, Johannes A. Wesselingh and Luuk A. M. van der Wielen; 10. Measurement, monitoring, modelling and control Bernhard Sonnleitner; 11. Process economics Bjørn Kristiansen; 12. High throughput screening and process optimisation Steven D. Doig, Frank Baganz and Gary J Lye; 13. The business of biotechnology Jason Rushton and Chris Evans; 14. Amino acids L. Eggeling, W. Pfefferle and H. Sahm; 15. Organic acids Christian P. Kubicek and Levente Karaffa; 16. Microbial polysaccharides and single cell oils James P. Wynn; 17. Environmental applications Philippe Vandevivere and Willy Verstraete; 18. Production of antibiotics by fermentation Derek J. Hook; 19. Strategies of cultivation Sven-Olof Enfors; 20. Enzyme biotechnology Randy M. Berka and Joel R. Cherry; 21. Recombinant proteins of high value Georg-B. Kresse; 22. Insect and mammalian cell culture C. J. Hewitt, B. Isailovic, N. T. Mukwena and A. W. Nienow; 23. Plant cell biotechnology Robert Verpoorte and Hens J.G. ten Hoopen; 24. Biotransformations Pedro Fernandes and Joaquim M. S. Cabral; 25. Immunochemical applications M. Clarke.
` 695.00
The new edition of this acclaimed textbook is an essential guide to how animals work. Completely updated, with new references and figures, the fundamental principles of animal physiology are clearly illustrated. A stimulating text for all undergraduate and graduate students of animal physiology. Contents: Preface; Part I. Oxygen: 1. Respiration; 2. Blood; 3. Circulation; Part II. Food and Energy: 4. Food and fuel; 5. Energy metabolism; Part III. Temperature: 6. Temperature effects; 7. Temperature regulation; Part IV. Water: 8. Water and osmotic regulation; 9. Excretion; Part V. Movement, Information, Integration: 10. Movement, muscle, biomechanics; 11. Control and integration; 12. Hormonal control; 13. Information and senses; Appendices; Index. ISBN: 9788175961067
Biotechnology is one of the major technologies of the twenty-first century. Its wide-ranging, multidisciplinary activities include recombinant DNA techniques, cloning and the application of microbiology and other cell culture technologies to the production of a wide range of goods from bread to antibiotics. It continues to revolutionise treatments of many diseases, and is used to provide clean technologies and to deal with environmental problems. Basic Biotechnology uniquely combines biology and bioprocessing topics to provide a complete overview of biotechnology. It explains the fundamental principles that underpin all biotechnology and provides a full range of examples showing how these principles are applied; from starting substrate to final product. Distinctive features of this text are the discussions of the public perception of biotechnology and the business of biotechnology, which set the science in a broader context. This comprehensive text is essential reading for all students and practitioners of biotechnology, and for researchers in biotechnology industries.
` 695.00
ISBN: 9780521729475
` 595.00
Biological Sequence Analysis Probabilistic Models of Proteins R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A Krogh & G. Mitchison
Introductory Microbiology
Probabilistic methods are assuming greater significance in the analysis of nucleotide sequence data. This book provides the first unified, up-to-date and self-contained account of such methods, and more generally of probabilistic methods of sequence analysis, presented in a Bayesian framework.
John Heritage, E.G.V. Evans & R.A. Killington
Contents: General Preface to the Series; Preface; 1. Microbial structure and mode of life; 2. Handling microbes; 3. Isolation, classification and identification of microbes; Further reading; Glossary; Index.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Pairwise sequence alignment; 3. Multiple alignments; 4. Hidden Markov models; 5. Hidden Markov models applied to biological sequences; 6. The Chomsky hierarchy of formal grammars; 7. RNA and stochastic context-free grammars; 8. Phylogenetic trees; 9. Phylogeny and alignment; Index. ISBN: 9780521540797
Statistical Methods in Biology Third Edition Norman T.J. Bailey
ISBN: 9788175961036
` 595.00
Microbial Biotechnology
This is a very widely adopted textbook which presents the basic concepts of statistics lucidly and convincingly. It recognises that students must be aware of when to use the standard techniques and how to apply the results they obtain, and the reasoning behind the more important procedures is carefully explained. Since many biologists do not have a strong mathematical background, the arguments are gauged in terms which can be easily understood by those with only an elementary knowledge of algebra. Unlike many other introductory books, mathematical derivations are avoided and formulae are only used as a convenient shorthand. Although the subject is presented with great simplicity, the coverage is wide and will satisfy the needs of those working in many disciplines. The third edition includes a special chapter on problems associated with numerical calculation, electronic calculators and computers.
Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology Alexander N. Glazer & Hiroshi Nikaido
Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Variability and frequency distributions; 3. Estimation, standard errors and confidence limits; 4. The basic idea of a significance test; 5. Simple significance tests based on the normal distribution; 6. The use of t-tests for small samples;7. Contingency tables and X2; 8. X2tests of goodness-of-fit and homogeneity; 9. The correlation of measurements; 10. Regression analysis; 11. Simple experimental design and the analysis of variance; 12. Introduction to factorial experiments; 13. Random samples and random numbers; 14. Partial correlation and multiple regression; 15. Non-parametric and distributionfree tests; 16. Notes on numerical calculation, calculators and computers; Appendix tables; Index. ISBN: 9780521498456
The authors present a basic and accessible introduction to the world of microbiology. It covers the structure and functioning of microbes, as well as the methods used to culture, control, identify and study them. This book is essential reading for anyone becoming interested in this subject.
` 295.00
Knowledge in microbiology is growing exponentially through the determination of genomic sequences of hundreds of microorganisms and the invention of new technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, to deal with this avalanche of information. These genomic data are now exploited in thousands of applications, ranging from those in medicine, agriculture, organic chemistry, public health, biomass conversion, to biomining. Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology focuses on uses of major societal importance, enabling an in-depth analysis of these critically important applications. Some, such as wastewater treatment, have changed only modestly over time, others, such as directed molecular evolution, or ‘green’ chemistry, are as current as today’s headlines. This fully revised second edition provides an exciting interdisciplinary journey through the rapidly changing landscape of discovery in microbial biotechnology. Contents: Preamble; 1. Microbial diversity; 2. Microbial biotechnology, scope, techniques and examples; 3. Production of proteins in bacteria and yeast; 4. The world of ‘omics’ - genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics; 5. Recombinant and synthetic vaccines; 6. Plantmicrobe interactions; 7. Microbial insecticides; 8. Microbial polysaccharides and polyesters; 9. Amino acids; 10. Antibiotics; 11. Biocatalysis in organic chemistry; 12. Biomass; 13. Ethanol; 14. Environmental applications. ISBN: 9780521729673
` 295.00
` 695.00
Microarray Bioinformatics Dov Stekel
hidden Markov models; 7. Protein motifs and patterns; Part III. Gene and Promoter Prediction: 8. Gene prediction; 9. Promoter and regulatory element prediction; Part IV. Molecular Phylogenetics: 10. Phylogenetics basics; 11. Phylogenetic tree construction methods and programs; Part V. Protein Structure Basics: 12. Protein structure basics; 13. Protein structure visualization, comparison and classification; 14. Protein secondary structure prediction; 15. Protein tertiary structure prediction; 16. RNA structure prediction; Part VI. Genomics and Proteomics: 17. Genome mapping, assembly and comparison; 18. Functional genomics; 19. Proteomics; Practical exercises; Glossary.
This book is a comprehensive guide to all of the mathematics, statistics and computing you will need to successfully operate DNA microarray experiments. The book covers all aspects of microarray bioinformatics, giving you the tools to design arrays and experiments, to analyze your data, and to share your results with your organisation or with the international community. There are chapters covering sequence databases, oligonucleotide design, experimental design, image processing, normalisation, identifying differentially expressed genes, clustering, classification and data standards. Contents: 1. Microarrays: making them and using them; 2. Sequence databases for microarrays; 3. Computer design of oligonucleotide probes; 4. Image processing; 5. Normalization; 6. Measuring and quantifying microarray variability; 7. Analysis of differentially expressed genes; 8. Analysis of relationships between genes, tissues or treatments; 9. Classification of tissues and samples; 10. Experimental design; 11. Data storage, standards and sharing; Appendix A. Glossary. ISBN: 9780521670500
Essential Bioinformatics Jin Xiong
ISBN: 9780521706100
Fundamental Genetics John Ringo
` 595.00
Essential Bioinformatics is a concise yet comprehensive textbook of bioinformatics that provides a broad introduction to the entire field. Written specifically for a life science audience, the basics of bioinformatics are explained; followed by discussions of the state-of-the-art computational tools available to solve biological research problems. All key areas of bioinformatics are covered including biological databases, sequence alignment, genes and promoter prediction, molecular phylogenetics, structural bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics. The book emphasizes how computational methods work and compares the strengths and weaknesses of different methods. This balanced yet easily accessible text will be invaluable to students who do not have sophisticated computational backgrounds. Technical details of computational algorithms are explained with a minimum use of mathematical formulas; graphical illustrations are used in their place to aid understanding. The effective synthesis of existing literature as well as in-depth and up-to-date coverage of all key topics in bioinformatics make this an ideal textbook for all bioinformatics courses taken by life science students and for researchers wishing to develop their knowledge of bioinformatics to facilitate their own research.
` 495.00
Fundamental Genetics is a concise, nontraditional textbook that explains major topics of modern genetics in 42 mini-chapters. It is designed as a textbook for an introductory general genetics course. Fundamental Genetics is also a useful reference or refresher on basic genetics for professionals and students in health sciences and biological sciences. It is organized for ease of learning, beginning with molecular structures and progressing through molecular processes to population genetics and evolution. Students will find the short; focused chapters approachable and more easily digested than the long, more complex chapters of traditional genetics textbooks. Each chapter concentrates on one topic, so that teachers and students can readily tailor the book to their needs by choosing a subset of chapters. The book is extensively illustrated throughout with clear and uncluttered diagrams that are simple enough to be re-drawn by students. This unique textbook provides a compact alternative for introductory genetics courses. Contents: 1. Life forms and their origins; 2. Nucleic acids; 3. Proteins; 4. Simple chromosomes; 5. Chromosomes of eukarya; 6. Genome content; 7. RNA synthesis I: Transcription; 8. RNA synthesis II: Processing; 9. Abundance of RNAs in bacteria; 10. Abundance of RNAs in eukarya; 11. Protein synthesis; 12. DNA replication; 13. Chromosome replication; 14. Molecular events of recombination; 15. Micromutations; 16. Repair of altered DNA; 17. Reproduction of bacteria; 18. Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria; 19. Cell cycles of eukarya; 20. Meiosis; 21. Chromosomal abnormalities; 22. Life cycles of eukarya; 23. Reproduction of viruses; 24. Genetic processes in development; 25. Sex determination and dosage compensation; 26. Cancer; 27. Cutting, sorting, and copying DNA; 28. Genotyping by DNA analysis; 29. Genetically engineered organisms; 30. Genomics; 31. Behavior of genes and alleles; 32. Probability and statistics toolkit; 33. Genes, environment, and interactions; 34. Locating genes; 35. Finding and detecting mutations; 36.
Contents: Preface; Part I. Introduction and Biological Databases: 1. Introduction; 2. Introduction to biological databases; Part II. Sequence Alignment: 3. Pairwise sequence alignment; 4. Database similarity search; 5. Multiple sequence alignment; 6. Profiles and
Cytoplasmic inheritance; 37. Genetic variation in populations; 38. Mutation, migration, and genetic drift; 39. Natural selection; 40. Quantitative genetics; 41. Speciation; 42. Molecular evolution and phylogeny; Glossary. ISBN: 9780521613910
Radionuclides in Biomedical Sciences An Introduction Chandrani Liyanage & Manjula Hettiarachchi
The Plant-Book Second Edition D.J. Mabberley
` 595.00
Radionuclide-based microanalytical techniques such as RIA and IRMA are among the most widely used techniques for medical diagnosis and research. Radionuclides in Biomedical Sciences provides details of the key concepts in this area. • Fundamental theory to RIA practice • Basic physics of radionuclides • In vitro nuclear medicine • Data processing, including quality control • Safe handling of radioisotopes in the laboratory • Radiation protection and waste management
Contents: Preface; How to use this book; The dictionary; System for arrangement of vascular plants; Acknowledgement of sources; Abbreviations. ISBN: 9780521670395
Contents: Foreword; Introduction; 1 Atomic and Nuclear Structure; 2 Radiation Detectors; 3 Units of Radiation Measurements; 4 Iodine-125; 5 Radioimmunoassay; 6 Quality Control in RIA; 7 Radiolabelled Compounds; 8 Radiation Safety; 9 Radiation Protection; 10 Background Radiation; 11 Storage; 12 Contamination; 13 Radioactive Waste Reference. ISBN: 9788175962460
Ecology Second Edition J.L. Chapman & M.J. Reiss
Climate Change Biological and Human Aspects Second Edition
` 295.00
Jonathan Cowie
Contents: Preface; Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 The individual; Chapter 3 Autecology; Chapter 4 Population dynamics; Chapter 5 Population regulation; Chapter 6 Ecological genetics; Chapter 7 Behavioural ecology; Chapter 8 Sociobiology; Chapter 9 The environment; Chapter 10 Habitats and niches; Chapter 11 Trophic levels; Chapter 12 Energy transfer; Chapter 13 Nutrient cycling and pollution; Chapter 14 Communities; Chapter 15 Ecosystems; Chapter 16 Succession; Chapter 17 Biomes; Chapter 18 Biogeography; Chapter 19 Co-evolution; Chapter 20 Conservation principles; Chapter 21 Conservation in practice; Glossary; Bibliography; Index 336pp
` 895.00
Ecology: Principles and Applications is a comprehensive textbook for A-level students and first-year undergraduates taking courses in biology, geography and Earth sciences, who require an introduction to ecology. Studies of human ecology are integrated into the text, and the links to related disciplines are emphasised. The text begins with the ecology of individual organisms and moves on, through communities and ecosystems, to global considerations of biogeography, co-evolution and conservation.
ISBN: 9780521689205
The Plant-Book is internationally accepted as an essential reference text for anyone studying, growing or writing about plants. In over 20,000 entries this comprehensive dictionary provides information on every family and genus of seed-bearing plant (including gymnosperms) plus ferns and other pteridophytes, combining taxonomic details with invaluable information on English names and uses. In this new edition each entry has been updated to take into consideration the most recent literature and almost 2500 new entries have been added, ensuring that The Plant-Book continues to rank among the most practical and authoritative botanical texts available.
The second edition of this acclaimed text has been fully updated and substantially expanded to include the considerable developments (since publication of the first edition) in our understanding of the science of climate change, its impacts on biological and human systems, and developments in climate policy. Written in an accessible style, it provides a broad review of past, present and likely future climate change from the viewpoints of biology, ecology, human ecology and Earth system science. It will again prove to be invaluable to a wide range of readers, from students in the life sciences who need a brief overview of the basics of climate science, to atmospheric science, geography, geoscience and environmental science students who need to understand the biological and human ecological implications of climate change. It is also a valuable reference text for those involved in environmental monitoring, conservation and policy making. Contents: 1. An introduction to climate change; 2. Principal indicators of past climates; 3. Past climate change; 4. The Oligocene to the Quaternary: climate and biology; 5. Present climate and biological change; 6. Current warming and likely future impacts; 7. The human ecology of climate change; 8. Sustainability and policy; Appendix 1. Glossary and abbreviations;Appendix 2. Bio-geological chronology; Appendix 3. Calculations of energy demand/supply and orders of magnitude; Appendix 4. Further thoughts for consideration; Index.
` 595.00
ISBN: 9781107619210
` 895.00
Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences Neural Networks and Kernels William W. Hsieh
Machine learning methods originated from artificial intelligence and are now used in various fields in environmental sciences today. This is the first single-authored textbook providing a unified treatment of machine learning methods and their applications in the environmental sciences. Due to their powerful nonlinear modelling capability, machine learning methods today are used in satellite data processing, general circulation models (GCM), weather and climate prediction, air quality forecasting, analysis and modelling of environmental data, oceanographic and hydrological forecasting, ecological modelling, and monitoring of snow, ice and forests. The book includes end-of-chapter review questions and an appendix listing web sites for downloading computer code and data sources. A resources website containing datasets for exercises, and password-protected solutions are available. The book is suitable for first-year graduate students and advanced undergraduates. It is also valuable for researchers and practitioners in environmental sciences interested in applying these new methods to their own work. Contents: Preface; 1. Basic notions in classical data analysis; 2. Linear multivariate statistical analysis; 3. Basic time series analysis; 4. Feedforward neural network models; 5. Nonlinear optimization; 6. Learning and generalization; 7. Kernel methods; 8. Nonlinear classification; 9. Nonlinear regression; 10. Nonlinear principal component analysis; 11. Nonlinear canonical correlation analysis; 12. Applications in environmental sciences; Appendix A. Sources for data and codes; Appendix B. Lagrange multipliers; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521181914
` 595.00
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