CountryLife | 18 May 2018

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CountryLife Friday May 18, 2018

CountryLife – 1

MAY 2018

Welsh horsepower

Faye Flintoff (right) pictured during the North Island Carriage Driving Champs, with groom (assistant) Kathleen Flintoff and ponies Clyde and Coal. See story page 2

Photo – Louise Savage / Louise Savage Photography

2 – CountryLife

Ponies prove most powerful M By Sophie Iremonger

An equestrian rider and her pair of Welsh mountain ponies dominated their divisions at the recent North Island Carriage Driving Championships held at Whatatutu. Faye Flintoff, riding with 18-year-old pony Clyde and 20-year-old Coal, made her way through a full weekend of competition amidst on-off pelting rain, completing the cross-country marathon, dressage and cones phases to finish up with three trophies. The first two were earned in the multiples open and the cones open, and the third was made possible thanks to her trusty ponies, earning the “fittest animal” trophy. Technically it was awarded to Clyde, who was found to have the best health from vet tests conducted throughout the competition, but really it was his partner Coal who helped him earn the esteem. “He doesn’t do any work,” Faye giggled, explaining that Coal tends to put in more work on the harness. “He just hangs around and Coal does the work, so of course he’d come back fresh as a daisy!” she laughed. “I thought that was quite funny… when they gave it to me I said he didn’t really deserve it. “He’s a worker, he really is,” she said of Coal. “He’s an amazing pony.” After missing out on the dressage title on the Saturday, Faye had the marathon crown set in her sights as competition got underway on Sunday, made all the more challenging by a healthy dose of wet weather – which anyone with glasses would know can be extremely annoying. But nonetheless the carriage team made their way through gates, across water and over tough terrain as part of a seven-obstacle timed course, maintaining a careful balance of speed and efficiency. “The longer you’re in the obstacle the more faults you get, so they idea is to be as fast as you can,” Faye explained. One father and son team tipped over during the event and were forced to withdraw, but Faye and her faithful ponies continued on to secure the trophy. Faye said she was “really happy” with how the ponies performed, as well as with herself. “It went well… I think it was just luck, best on the day,” the humble Marychurch Rd resident said. “I didn’t forget any of the obstacles, but the cones were a different story,” said Faye. “One of the stalwarts (in the sport) once said to me you’re better off to go fast and knock them all down than get time faults.” But Faye managed to knock down just one cone in the next round of competition, whilst

Friday May 18, 2018

others knocked down at least two or more, meaning Faye finished up with the least amount of faults in the cones course, as well as a top time, to earn yet another trophy. “I was quite lucky really,” she said. As part of her winnings Faye took home a $75 Zilco voucher and said she “definitely” plans on

defending her titles next year. “It’s a really good sport and its getting much more popular,” said Faye, who has been doing the sport since around 2000, not long before she got Clyde and Coal, and another Welsh mountain pony Triggy. “When I first became interested in carriage driving I actually went to two of these

events before I even had a pony, just to see what it entailed and whether I really really wanted to do it, and you come away from them like, mad keen to give it a go,” she said with a smile. “It’s an incredible sport, it really is. They say it’s the most fun you can have sitting down.”

Faye Flintoff, pictured with her Welsh mountain ponies Clyde and Coal.

What is carriage driving? Carriage driving, also known as combined driving, is and equestrian sport similar to eventing. It involves a driver and a groom, or assistant, being pulled in a two or four-wheel carriage by one, two or four horses or ponies. Each team competes across three phases, cross-country marathon and obstacle cone driving, being judged on both time and faults. In addition to scores achieved on the course, judges consider several factors such as the quality and presentation of the driver, the groom, the vehicle and the horses, and the physical health of the animals. The groom helps to navigate and keep the carriage upright, reminding the driver where to go and often keeping time with a stopwatch – though speaking to or signalling the driver is only allowed in the obstacles and during the

marathon phase. Two and three day competitions are held at farms throughout the North Island from December through to April, culminating with the recent North Island Championships, which often includes South Island competitors. A South Island championship is also held, and organisers are working to reform a national competition. The sport is enjoyed worldwide, and dominated by top driver Boyd Exell of Australia, who has won the annual FEI Indoor World Cup Driving Champs for the past ten years. A common draw card for those taking part in carriage driving in New Zealand is the comradery amongst competitors, with social gatherings often held at the conclusion of Boyd Exell of Australia, competing at the 2017 FEI Indoor World Cup Driving Champs. carriage driving events.

M. bovis – it’s here… Friday May 18, 2018

The announcement that Mycoplasma bovis has been found on a Cambridge farm this week has brought the total number of infected farms in New Zealand to 39. The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) advises that keeping up-to-date and accurate NAIT (New Zealand’s cattle and deer tracing system) and animal movement records is critical. Accurate record keeping helps track animal movements and locate any that could be affected. Visit for further advice for farmers, contractors and transporters. What is Mycoplasma bovis? Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) is a bacterium without a cell wall, so does not respond to antibiotics. It can cause a range of quite serious conditions in cattle including mastitis that don’t respond to treatment – pneumonia, arthritis and late-term abortions. The disease may be dormant in an animal causing no disease at all. But in times of stress (for example, calving, drying-off, transporting, or being exposed to extreme weather) it may shed bacteria in milk and nasal secretions. As a result, other animals may be infected and become ill or carriers themselves. It does not infect humans and presents no food safety risk. It is an animal welfare and productivity issue. This is the first time it has been

found in New Zealand. The bacteria is an Unwanted Organism under the Biosecurity Act 1993. Mycoplasma bovis is not listed with the OIE (the world animal health organisation) and doesn't present a trade risk for New Zealand animal products. Internationally, the disease is managed by farmers through: • good biosecurity practices on their farms • careful selection of replacement stock and breeding bulls • keeping herds in a good state of health. No food safety risk M. bovis is not a food safety risk. It is a disease that affects animal welfare and production. It affects only cattle, including dairy cows and beef cattle. It is common in many food-producing nations where infected animals that aren’t showing symptoms are processed for human consumption. Cattle that are slaughtered in New Zealand as part of measures to control Mycoplasma bovis are processed in line with standard procedures. Before leaving the farm, they are assessed by vets to confirm they are fit for transport. At the processing plants, MPI veterinarians assess the health of each animal before slaughter. Any animals that are sick, severely injured, or have any medication in their system are not processed

for human consumption. This is a requirement of New Zealand law. All animals are also examined after slaughter to ensure the meat is safe and suitable for consumption. How is it spread? On farm: Mycoplasma bovis is spread from animal to animal through close contact and bodily fluids, for example, mucus and also milking equipment. Calves can be infected through drinking milk from infected cows. Urine and faeces are not

By Stu Kneebone, Waikato Regional Councillor, Waipa/King Country The Waikato River is NZ’s longest at 425km, draining water from 12 per cent of the North Island. In addition, water is also contributed via the Tongariro power scheme. This scheme takes water from tributaries of the Rangitikei, Whangaehu, Whanganui and Tongariro rivers, diverting it through 3 hydro-electric dams before discharging it into Lake Taupo and the Waikato system. There are a further 8 hydro-electric dams on the Waikato River. During times of prolonged or heavy rainfall, Waikato Regional Council (WRC) as the flood manager works closely with Mercury

Energy to manage various risks to the wider catchment from the river system. The Waipa River which enters the Waikato at Ngaruawahia can also have a significant impact on the Waikato system when in flood. While the Waipa catchment area is only 20 per cent of that of the Waikato, it can contribute between half to two thirds of the flow in the lower Waikato river during peak discharges. To help manage the impacts on the lower Waikato, and its various communities and settlements, farmland and infrastructure such as the state highway network and rail lines, the Lower Waikato/Waipa flood control scheme consists of a series of stopbanks, floodgates,

pump stations and main river channel maintenance works. Water can also be diverted into Lake Waikere and the Whangamarino wetland and held there by the control gates during high river flows. River level and weather forecast information is used to predict the impacts on various parts of the catchment from significant weather events, and the entire system is managed to minimise the impact on communities. While a whole of catchment approach is taken to ensure risks and effects are appropriately balanced throughout the catchment, this does not eliminate flood risks, and in the case of sustained and prolonged rainfall events, our ability to manage this

regarded as significant transmitters of the disease, but the bacterium does survive for longer in a moist environment such as in piles of moist faeces or wet bedding material. Off farm: The disease is mostly spread through movement of cattle from farm to farm. Movement restrictions preventing the spread of stock off infected properties are therefore the most appropriate measures to contain this disease. Farm equipment may play a role in

Culling animals to prevent further spread

In October 2017, MPI made the decision to remove and cull animals from affected properties in the Oamaru area to prevent further spread of the disease. The decision was made by MPI after doing tens of thousands of tests. The operation was completed at the end of December 2017. All premises, transportation vehicles, and equipment involved in the de-population followed a strict decontamination and disinfection process to reduce any risk of the disease spreading. Work is now underway to clean and disinfect the affected farms and repopulate them.

Depopulating all remaining infected farms

In March, MPI made the decision to cull all cattle on the then 28 infected farms in New Zealand, which involved some 22,300 animals either going to slaughter at processing plants or being culled on-farm if they are not healthy enough for processing. The cull was seen as a critical measure to control the spread of the disease, and May 10 saw the halfway point in the cull. MPI said it will work closely with affected farmers to plan

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the spread of the disease, especially equipment that comes into direct contact with infected animals such as artificial imsemination (AI) instruments. Vehicles pose very little biosecurity risk. It is absolutely safe for trucks to move from infected farms to other properties. All infected farms are under strict legal controls under the Biosecurity Act which require comprehensive cleaning and disinfection before leaving the property.

the logistics of this large exercise. All affected farmers will be compensated for their verifiable losses. Once farms are de-populated and cleaned, it will be possible to start re-building a disease-free herd from scratch. Farms that are under Restricted Places Notices (RPN) or Notices of Direction (NoDs) aren't being directed to cull their herds because infection hasn't yet been confirmed. MPI will work with those farmers to develop individual management plans for each of these properties – until a decision on whether to eradicate M. bovis or move to long-term management is made. “As of close of play Wednesday 9 May, 38 farms were active infected places and another 40 were under Restricted Place Notice (i.e. considered highly likely to become infected). Nearly 1700 properties are of interest because of risk events such as animal movements, the supply of milk for animal feed or because they are adjacent to infected properties,” said Biosecurity Minister Damien O’Connor. DairyNZ, Federated Farmers, and Beef+Lamb New Zealand support MPI’s decisions. They also recognise that this is a difficult time for the farmers involved.

Waikato River Flood Management

becomes limited. The increasing frequency and intensity of flood events, combined with increasing population growth and development means the provision of hazard information, land use policies, regulations and river and catchment management related activities all need to be understood within the context of managing flood risks within a whole catchment. Provision of timely information for both the decision makers, and the beneficiaries of these decisions is also important. WRC’s website homepage has a link to a “Virtual Floodroom” where the public can access advisory reports and situation updates leading up to and during flood events. WRC’s Facebook

page is also another useful way of keeping abreast of weather events that may impact the region.

Stu Kneebone Ph 021 943 055 Councillor Waipa/King Country

Brett Ashworth 021 0261 7488

4 – CountryLife

Friday May 18, 2018

New free app makes Fieldays easier Four weeks out from the internationally acclaimed New Zealand National Fieldays® event at Mystery Creek, the organisation launched the official Fieldays® app on Monday. The new and improved free app has been developed specifically for use at Fieldays, enabling visitors to use GPS mapping technology to better navigate the 114-hectare site and to plan their day in advance. It is free to download via the App Store or Google Play. “We are really excited about the technology, which means visitors will have a much better search and site experience,” said New Zealand National Fieldays Society marketing and communications manager Taryn Storey. “People can download the app for free now and begin to plan their visit and where they might go before

they arrive.” The app has been developed by GPS-it, a precision land mapping company based in the Bay of Plenty and supported by Fieldays’ Principal Partner, Vodafone. GPS-it has digitally mapped the entire Mystery Creek site, capturing key features and GPS points. This means visitors can view a digital plan of the Fieldays site via the new app in the same way they might in Google Maps, with exhibitors, streets and key areas identified. An important development this year is routing. Fieldays visitors will be able to use the app to find the best route from A to B. The app will provide people with directions and the shortest route from their current position to where they want to go to meet a friend or visit an exhibitor

site. “We know that people do a lot of walking at Fieldays, so we expect that this technology will be beneficial to visitors, and save time and sore feet,” said Storey. The new app can also help people find the nearest coffee cart, food retailer or toilets, as well as key zones including Innovations Centre, Health and Wellbeing Hub, Careers and Education Hub and Kitchen Theatre. Previous versions of the App have been downloaded more than 30,000 times. “It was

really well-received, and we are expecting an even bigger uptake this year,” said Storey, adding that feedback from users last year has led to improvement in this year’s design. “In particular we’ve improved the key word search function, which some people had problems with last year.” Popular features such as ‘pin my car’ will also be included in this year’s app. “The difference is, this year the app will create a route for you to follow back to your car,” said Storey. People will also be able to ‘favourite’ exhibitors or sites, and use a timetable option in the app.

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CountryLife – 5

Tag team draws the curious Friday May 18, 2018

By Candice Gollan

Soft friesian and jersey ears and a personalised tagging machine creating keepsakes, one vibrant sunshine yellow tag at a time, created a stir that drew the crowds to the LIC site at the New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays ® in 2015. One of those at the site was LIC marketing manager Jason Szabo, who was a self-proclaimed townie before fulfilling his dream by joining the team at LIC. Despite being a rookie, he dived head first into planning the Fieldays ® site. In his first year of exhibiting, the LIC marketing team produced personalised tags for visitors, and success was measured by the fact those who came also asked questions and showed interest in the company. “We had the best giveaway,” laughed Jason. “It was a really cool experience.” The following year, the team were still using the tagging machine, but for a gold coin donation as the organisation raised money for Rural Support Trust for Suicide Prevention. Rural Support Trust was formed during tough financial times for farmers in the 1980s and aim to support rural people when times are challenging. The groups let struggling farmers engage with others who may have been in the same boat. There was a milk price slump, harsh weather and life was hitting farmers where it hurt. Many farmers felt trapped as they grappled with debt. “The [farmer suicide] stats are shocking,” Jason said. LIC, a herd improvement and agri-technology co-operative, launched a webpage to help promote the Rural Support Trust and other support organisations. “We were doing everything possible to help

support our farmers,” Jason said. LIC aims to improve the prosperity and productivity of its farmer members, through the delivery of superior genetics and technology. LIC wants to be able to engage with its customers face-to-face and to make it easier for them to be able to approach them with any questions or concerns. It usually has some sweet treats and a hot cuppa at its site near the Pavilion. The staff love opening the line of communication and having their clients come in for a chat. “We do enjoy being there,” Jason said. “Many people from the company, including the CEO and Directors make an appearance.” LIC also encourages its staff at Fieldays to get out and about to check out other sites. Jason’s personal favourite display is the Karaka Whips. “It’s so interesting watching them try and crack them,” Jason said. “I wish I could do it.” Once Jason accidentally crashed the show that Dairy NZ puts on. He was sitting at a table by the stage and he was so engrossed with what he was doing, he suddenly found himself surrounded by children. He was going to stand up and leave when Rosie the Cow appeared, but it would have been rude to walk out, so he stayed for the show and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was all part of a greenhorn’s education. “It was really interesting learning about a cow’s anatomy from a kid’s point of view,” Jason said. “I learnt a lot.” Getting ready for Fieldays takes months of preparation and working with many people to make sure that their clients have the best possible experience at their site. LIC offers farm equipment and technology through LIC Automation. It also

offers an ear to listen to any questions a client might have about technology or its genetics programme – and there are those giveaways. It takes two days to set up the site and then it is four full on days of seeing their clients and talking to new people. They often do not leave until 6.30pm. “We have a team debrief at the end of each day. It also helps lessen the traffic congestion,” Jason said. Three out of four cows in New Zealand have come from LIC’s genetic programme. “There are about five million dairy cows in New Zealand. The more cows the greater the stress on the land,” Jason said. “We are trying to breed a more efficient cow. “There’s always room for improvement.”

LIC marketing manager Jason Szabo. Photo by Denise Van Dam.

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6 – CountryLife

Free buses still available at Fieldays

Although Waipa District Council declined a request from the New Zealand National Fieldays Society® to fund a free park 'n' ride service at the annual event next month, bus services will still be available to and from Leamington and other areas around Hamilton. Those with a pre-purchased Fieldays® ticket will be able to catch a free bus to and from the event, with park and pick up available near the Cambridge BMX Club on Milton St, near Lamb St. Buses will leave approximately every 30 minutes from 8am each day of the event, running June 13 – 16. A similar service will be running from The Base Te Rapa and the Hamilton City Transport Centre, all free of charge for those with Fieldays tickets. For full bus timetables visit


Friday May 18, 2018

Owl Farm Focus Day next week St Peter’s School’s demonstration dairy farm known as Owl Farm will hold another Focus Day next week. The event on Wednesday, May 23 is open to all members of the public, providing the chance to learn about the farm’s season progress to date, with details on production and profit, as well as a focus on fertilizer, planting, and understanding the recent variation to Waikato Regional Council’s Healthy Rivers Plan for Change, which affects farmers throughout the region. The Owl Farm Focus Day, running 10.15am12.30pm, will also include a free lunch and refreshments. All are welcome to attend, free of charge.

Owl Farm is located at the back of St Peter’s School. For further information email or phone 827 9738. The demonstration farm is a partnership between St Peter’s School and Lincoln University. One of the main focuses is to develop a workable blueprint of sustainable, profitable dairy farming. Since St Peter’s School was built in 1936, the farm has been an integral part of its operations. Initially it meant the school was self-sufficient in terms of meat, fruit and vegetables, and the milk from 35 cows supplied the needs of the school. In September 1938, another 68 acres were purchased, making a total of 277 acres.

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Around 100 farmers attended the Owl Farm Focus Day held in December.

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Friday May 18, 2018

Enhancing skills in dairying

FarmIQ national dairy business manager Libby Wood is running free web coaching.

As the dairy industry continues to embrace help women in the industry thrive with the upcoming Dairy Women’s Network FarmIQ innovative technology on-farm, a new technological skills and knowledge they need.” learning oppourtunities. partnership will see Dairy Women’s Network Over the coming months, FarmIQ will roll out a Ask Libby – free web coaching series for dairy members benefit directly from the expertise farmers series of workshops for Dairy Women’s Network of one of New Zealand’s leading farm software members across New Zealand, all with the aim FarmIQ is running a free web coaching companies. of upskilling participants on the use of farm series called Ask Libby, presented by FarmIQ’s FarmIQ is software designed to help farmers software. national dairy business manager Libby Wood. easily capture and store information, so they FarmIQ national dairy business manager Libby Each module starts at 7pm and lasts for an can analyse performance and meet compliance hour, beginning 24 May. Each module covers Wood says the partnership is timely. requirements. It also offers tools to help run the one topic: environment planning (24 May), “Dairy Women’s Network does a great job farm. pasture management - showing the benefits of connecting women in the dairy industry Dairy Women’s Network is the largest of information all in one place (7 June), and providing them with relevant, up-to-date membership organization of its kind in New learning opportunities,” Libby said. health and safety recording and reporting (21 Zealand, with close to 10,000 members. It was “We’re looking forward to exploring how using June), staff management (5 July), interactive established in 1998 to develop and educate farm software can help members achieve their farm map (19 July) and planning and scheduling women to add value to the business of dairying, goals – big or small – in the dairy industry.” tools (2 August). Visit for more and its members have access to professional Keep an eye on for details on information and to sign up. support through events and a full calendar of educational opportunities around the country. Dairy Women’s Network CEO Zelda de Villiers says in an industry increasingly focused on Since 1978 Bailey Ingham has been a one stop shop for all your financial needs. compliance, farm software and technology skills Experts in providing farmers and businesses quality are becoming more important than ever before. professional advice in all aspects of accounting and “Technology is an increasingly important part taxation planning of managing a farm business. Having the right - including GST, FBT, Individual/Employer PAYE, tools at hand can make all the difference – from - General investment advice, Kiwisaver, forecasting/ automating parts of your operation to better budgeting managing resources and assessing profitability. - Succession planning and family guidance “Accurate recording and interpretation of data - Trust administration and advice is absolutely essential in today’s modern farming - Business administration including Companies Office environment – it’s a significant driver of returns requirements and value in the primary sector.” - Windups including company liquidations De Villiers says one of the barriers for many in Supporters of local community events: seeking development in this area is that it can be - Mid-Winter Fun Run/Walk and July Farmers Night. daunting simply knowing where to start. Carolyn Perrett Kelly Bair “That’s why providing opportunities to upskill in this aspect of farming is crucial. We’re Contact the team for a FREE NO OBLIGATION INTERVIEW to discuss your financial requirements. Te Awamutu 3800 Ph 07 870 1888 Email: looking forward to partnering with FarmIQ to my name is Nicky Knowles. Hello, my name is Amanda Tunley. 41 Bank StHello,

I have been working in the travel industry for Hello, my name is Raelene Grinter

Introducing the team Introducing the team that brings that thebrings world to the world to Cambridge. Cambridge.

CountryLife – 7

Anna Hill

Hello, my name is I have recently joined our House of Travel team here in Cambridge. many years and have been with House of With many years as a Travel Consultant in Cambridge I I have recently relocated to Cambridge after 12 years in I am looking forward working back in my Travel Cambridge since 2014. Born and breed Nicky Knowles. Hello, my name is Amanda Tunley. Hello, my name is still love the challenges and excitement my work brings, Hamilton - I am enjoying the to change of pace and beautiful home town after 8 years commuting to inthe Cambridge, I would say ‘a true local’. along with constant learning. community environment. I have recentlyI love joined our House Travel ITravel have been working thehas travel industry is Before something that part Consultant, of for my life forI was helping people their travel and with Hamilton, withofrealise the last year at dreams our House of 8 myin time asbeen a Travel team here i n Cambridge. many years and have been with House of many years and nowenough with mytoown personal experiences years in the Hamilton industry, I am thankful Travel City have assisted with many fortunate work for a reputable Tour I am looking forward to working backand in to myhave visited many exciting Travel Cambridge since 2014. Born breed I especially active travel andand getting off the beaten amazing journeys I have a real passion fortravel travel and over the years have Company both in Newenjoy Zealand and Europe as a Tour Leader and home town after 8 years commuting to in Cambridge, I would say ‘a true local’. track. destinations myself. travelled extensively to the UK, Europe and North America. I On-Road Chef. House Hamilton, with becoming the last year at ourunder Before my time Travel I was Cruising has become a popular wayastoa see theConsultant, world, I have done many cruises My highlights include engaged theofEiffel Tower, experiencing have also holidayed i n the Pacific Islands and Asia. I have lived in the UK, Canada and Australia and have also Hamilton Cityand office. fortunate enough to share work for reputable Tour and am more than happy to advise and my atips and tricks. sunsetTravel at the Grand Canyon hiking a volcano for sunrise in Asia. I love sharing my experiences helping and people plan their explored many other countries. Iashave withyour family, solo Working together your ideas, I Europe would love to travelled help you plan trip look forward to sharing my knowledge, experience, passion with you to create I next have a real Ipassion for travel and over the yearsand have Company both in with New Zealand and a Tour Leader and and create memories. something together. trips as I doUK, truly believe 'the best holidays are created travelled extensively tospecial the Europe andthat North America. I and in groups so can relate to a wide range of travel styles. I On-Road Chef. have also holidayed in the Pacific Islands andteam Asia. here in Cambridge and I have lived in the UK, Canada and have also together'. We have a great believe together withand myAustralia destination knowledge, personal travel I love sharing my experiences and helping people plan theircountries which allows explored many other countries. I have travelled with family, solo between us, we have travelled to many experiences and true love for travel canname makeis your trip one Hello,wemy trips as I do truly believe that 'the best holidays are created and in groups so can relate to a wide range of travel styles. I us to pass on any extra that you will have many memories to treasure for a very long Born andtogether'. raised in Cambridge, I would say ‘a true advice local’. or tips we may have. I can’t wait We have a great team here in Cambridge and believe together with my destination knowledge, personal travel see to you soonmany and help you plan your next trip. time. I look forward to working with you on your nextspread adventure. I have my travel to wings explore continents between us, we have travelled to many countries which allows experiences and true love for travel we can make your trip one in the world including Australia, Asia, North America and us to pass on any extra advice or tips we may have. I can’t wait that you will have many memories to treasure for a very long Europe, however I have still only just scraped the surface. to see you soon and help you plan your next trip. time. I look forward to working with you on your next adventure. I travel with my family,Hello, groups ofmy friends and as is a solo so I Hello, my name is name can relate to a wide range of travel styles. I believe together with my destination knowledge, personal With over 10 Grinter. years as a Travel Consultant inmy was born in Botswana and immigrated to Hello, my name is Raelene Hello, name is Joan ILawrence. true loveand for my work and travel we can make your trip in 2008. Cambridge,travel I stillexperiences enjoy the and challenges New Zealand that will have many to treasure for a very time. and immigrated to With overexcitement 10 years as one amy Travel Consultant in memories I was bornlong in Botswana work brings along with the I love living in Cambridge and being part of our Contact me today and let’s talk about your next adventure. Cambridge, I still enjoy the challenges and New Zealand in 2008. constant learning. community. I have been a Travel Consultant excitement my work brings along with the I love living in Cambridge and being part of our Travel is something that has been part of my for 30 years and have proudly been with House learning. community. I have been a Travel Consultant Hello, my nameconstant is life for many years and now through my own Hello, my name is of Travel for the past 9 years. Travel is something that has been part of my for 30 years and have proudly been with House personal experiences I especially enjoy adventure travel,in I have had many memorable experiences in Canada, Mexico, I was in Botswana emigrated to New Zealand life forborn many years andand now through my own of Travel for the 9 years.of Aspast a member the Cambridge store, one of the things I including my latest Intrepid trip through Vietnam. With my Turkey, Vietnam and Cambodia. and Europe a great 2008 and have 30 years of memorable travel experience. personal experiences I especially enjoy adventure travel, I have had many memorable experiences in Canada, Mexico, love about my roleUK is working with hold you and your unique I Intrepid love living in community Cambridge andthis being a part love cycling in our has allowed to travel for me and I have enjoyed the many varieties including myfor latest trip through Vietnam. With myof the meTurkey, Vietnamfascination and Cambodia. UK and Europe hold a great holiday enquiry as no two enquiries are everof the same. community. love forto cycling our community this has allowed me to travel fascination for me and I have enjoyed of create manyindestinations. cuisine, history and culture people that Ithe have I amthe alsomany hereofvarieties tothe help you bestencountered. possible Travel holds a great fascination for me and over the years, I history and culture of theitinerary to manyCruising destinations. cuisine, people that Ian have encountered. to ensure you have a whether fabulous trip I have is becoming a popular way to see the world and Planning a holiday is about expectation, it bewith peace have enjoyed a variety of cuisine, culture and history from everlasting memories neverafade. Cruising is becoming a popular way to see the world and and I have Planning a holiday istranquillity, about an expectation, whether it bethat peace cruised within Mexico, South Pacific Islands the and the ultimate adrenalin rush, romantic couple the destinations I have explored. Thererush, is an aenormous sense of pride in knowing I helped cruised within Mexico, South Pacific Islands and the and tranquillity, the ultimate adrenalin romantic couple Myexpectation travel list- seems getpeace longer not shorter getaway or family holiday. Kiwi travellers are both adventurous PlanningMediterranean. a holiday is about an whetherto it be or tranquillity, do that and made a difference your life through Travel. Mediterranean. My travel list seems to get longer not shorter getaway or family holiday. Kiwi travellers areto both adventurous andadrenalin together I would lovecouple to help you plan your Holiday. next holiday andsee funme loving let’s so with cracking your input and expectations, together we the ultimate rush, a romantic getaway or a family Come ontogether creating the best holiday together. and together I would love to help you plan your next holiday and fun loving so with your and input andget expectations, we Kiwi travellers are some adventurous and fun loving - so with your input and and tick places off your list. can create an inspirational experience. and tick some places off your list. can create an inspirational experience. expectations, together we can create an inspirational experience.

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Raelene Grinter.

Joan Lawrence

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Joan Lawrence.

Nicky Knowles

8 – CountryLife

Friday May 18, 2018

Quality Used Stock for Work or Play ALL PRICES INCL GST





0 00 $1 zzy ith re d W P Car

2015 POLARIS RANGER 570 HD: Tidy off drystock farm, roof, screen & wiper, tow bar, inner flaps, new tyres, CVT Belt drive, Hi/Lo Ratio, Turf/2wd/AWD & ADC Modes, 44HP, 18432kms, 1626hrs.

2016 POLARIS RANGER 570 HD: One own/op on drystock farm, new tyres, glass screen w/wiper, glass rear window, roof, 2wd/4wd, downhill descent, turf mode, 13800kms.

2016 POLARIS RANGER 570 HD: Tidy cond 1 own/op on sheep farm, 19295kms, 1538hrs, roof, screen & wiper, rear panel, new tyres, canvas seat covers, Turf mode/2wd/AWD and ADC Mode, tilt tray.

2016 YAMAHA YXZ1000PG: Save over $5000! Off Road Recreation at its best! 5 speed sequential trans, 3 cyl DOHC, Push button 2wd/4wd/diff lock, done just 112kms.




REDUCED $12,995

2016 HONDA TRX500: FA6G, one dry stock owner, 13819kms, 998hrs, new dog mat, full independent susp, automatic with electric shift option (manual), bullbars, tow bar, mud flaps.

2010 SUZUKI LTA450: Good cond, liquid cooled, fuel inj, CVT trans, Hi/Lo/Difflocks & engine braking. Independent susp, canvas seat cover, towbar, Mudtrax tyres, CDAX plug, 31770kms.

2013 SUZUKI LTA500: Very good cond, Power Steer, 19787kms, CVT trans, Hi/Lo ratio & Difflocks 2WD/4WD, downhill engine braking, bullbars, dog matt, new tyres.

2015 POLARIS RZR 570: Like new. Just 66km. ROPS approved cage, 2 seats with belts, cargo tray, only 50” wide, fuel efficient, auto EFI, On-Demand True AWD/2WD.






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2014 YAMAHA YZ85: Good cond, one owner, GYTR Top Clamp, Fat bars, GYTR Silencer, new front tyre, new chain & sprockets, approx 60-80hrs, Vforce 3 Reed Valve.


2012 SUZUKI RM85: Very clean & tidy, only 101hrs, full engine rebuild at 80hrs, Renthal bars, oversized Alloy Radiator, FMF Shorty silencer, lots more extras, RG3 suspension for 55-60kg.



2012 YAMAHA YZ250F: Good cond, top end rebuild 28hrs ago, new linkage bearings & lower shock bush, Psychic brake lever with brake snake, Pro Taper bars, GYTR unbreakable levers, blue bling.

2018 SUZUKI RMZ-450: Brand New, FREE Yoshimura Slip On, all-new lightweight frame, 270mm waved front brake disc, updated 3-stage S-HAC system & 3rd-gen traction management system.



2011 YAMAHA YFM90: Very tidy 90cc 4 stroke kids quad. Adjustable RPM limiter, electric & kick start, CVT auto trans, adjustable shocks, full floorboards.

2008 SUZUKI GSF1250: Bandit ABS, excellent cond, 1 meticulous owner, only 34,084kms, fuel inj, 6 speed, Scott oiler, ABS Brakes, Givi Pannier Bags, top box rack, wind deflector, Pirelli Angel GT tyres.


2015 HONDA CBR650F: One owner from new, great cond, liquid cooled inline four cylinder, ABS, good tyres, just 6690kms, full power model.


2017 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 570: Brand New: EFI, flat racks & steel tie downs to secure cargo, PVT auto trans AWD, integrated storage box, HD features. ONE ONLY.


2013 YAMAHA YZ450F: Good cond, fuel Injected, 147hrs from new, top end rebuild at 100hrs, Acerbis long range fuel tank, custom NDUB graphics, Pro Taper bars, wide pegs, bash plate.

REDUCED $10,495


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2017 YAMAHA YZ450F: Huge power & industry-best suspension, Dunlop MX3S tyres, graphics moulded directly into the plastic, KYB “SSS” suspension, launch control.


5% 2.9 ce F YM inan F

2017 YAMAHA YZ85: With FREE GYTR race kit! Powerful 85cc 2-stroke, 6-speed trans, sharp bodywork and graphics, upside down front forks, long swingarm, large disc brakes.

5% 2.9 ce F YM inan F

2017 YAMAHA YZ250: The King of MX 2-Strokes with Free GYTR race kit incl oils! Large 270mm front disc brake, 5-speed close-ratio trans, speed sensitive forks, YPVS power-valve system, digital CDI ign.

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