Eurovia Employee Handbook

Page 1

Teamwork in Action

Employee Handbook

Ringway Group Ltd Head Office: Albion House Springfield Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 2RW Tel: 01403 215800 Fax: 01403 215801

November 2008

Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook Introduction


Part 1


7 Part 2





57 63

Part 3


Part 4


Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook Introduction


Part 1

This Handbook has been compiled to give our employees information ranging from the company structure through to the general framework of rules and conduct all of us at Ringway are expected to comply with.

Part 2

Where employees have transferred to the Group under TUPE regulations, their terms and conditions of employment will, where reasonably practicable, remain unaltered on transfer. Nevertheless, changes in operational procedures or management structures may be required, which will be discussed with those affected.

Part 3

Due to the diverse nature of the work undertaken by our Group, the information in this handbook may not apply to everyone or to every subsidiary. Some employees have jobs which require them to be available for work over-night or at weekends or on public holidays on a regular basis. Some employees use company vehicles, others do not. Administration employees work in a different environment to site based employees. However, as far as possible and where relevant, these rules will apply to everyone. Although this handbook is designed to provide you with most of the information you will need to know about your employment with the Ringway Group, please feel free to ask your local management about anything which is unclear or not covered in the Handbook.

Part 4

A full index listing topics in alphabetical order is given at the back of this booklet. Should there be any additions or revisions to the contents of the handbook you will be notified via local communication channels. There may well be elements you would lke to discuss or clarify. In the first instance you should discuss this with your Line Manager. This role will be the person you report to on a day to day basis that is responsible for your work. Should you have any suggestions with regard either to the content or the layout of the handbook, please make them known to the Group Head of Human Resources. All policies will be communicated to all employees, made available to the public or third parties where appropriate and reviewed annually.



Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook

Part 1 RINGWAY GROUP 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

11 11 13 14 15 16 16

Health and Safety at Work Quality Sustainability Corporate Social Responsibility Customer Care Employees Equality & Diversity

Part 3

8 9 11

Part 2


Part 1

1 2 3

The Ringway Graduate Programme

Part 4



Ringway Employee Handbook



Our Vision


RINGWAY GROUP Ringway Group Limited is the parent company in the UK for a number of operating companies in the highway maintenance industry. Ringway was formed in 1976 as a road surfacing company in the south east of England and has diversified into a general highway maintenance service provider providing services throughout the country. Ringway Group is part of the major European highways contractor, Eurovia, which is the Roads Division of Vinci, our ultimate parent. Vinci, whose head office is in France, is one of the largest civil engineering contractors in the world.

Part 1

For those of you who have recently joined us, I should like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Ringway Group of companies.

Ringway Group

To be the preferred Service Provider within our chosen sectors Ringway Group Limited comprises:

Our Purpose

Our Values Versatility • Integrity • Resilience • Openness

The first section of this document includes a number of essential Policies. You may find further information on these Policies and others in other sections of this Handbook or on the intranet. Each Policy will be communicated to all employees, made available to third parties where appropriate and reviewed annually. Finally but perhaps most importantly, in view of the nature of our industry, I should like to assure you that the Group’s Directors believe that health and safety is of equal importance with other business objectives, an integral part of effective management and everyday working. In order to provide a safe, risk free work place for all, the Group’s Health, Safety and Environment Policy outlines the authority, responsibilities, safety methods and systems that must be adopted to instigate and maintain a safe working environment for all. I hope you enjoy working for the Ringway Group.

Scott Wardrop Group Managing Director

RIS National - Specialist Treatments Specialist Treatments deliver advanced and effective solutions for improving and renewing the surfaces of footways, roads, airfields and car parks. Many of the specialist services are particularly suited to runways and Ringway has accumulated extensive airside experience. RIS National - Production Importation of aggregates and manufacture of hot bitumen coated stone products for highway surfacing.

Part 4

We acknowledge your right to be informed and consulted on the matters that affect your work and recognise your individual importance to the Group. We hope to provide opportunities for each employee to develop their capabilities to the full by fostering better communication between management and employees.

Part 3

To achieve our Vision, we must provide high standards of service to our Clients and our employees with the security of working for a successful company, providing job satisfaction, fair remuneration and good working conditions.

Ringway Infrastructure Services Limited (RIS Limited) This company focuses on the provision of multi-function long duration, term maintenance contracts comprising all aspects of highway and bridge maintenance, together with the provision of winter services and 24 hour emergency service. Major and minor construction projects are carried out by specialist units. RIS Limited is split into 4 divisions RIS North, RIS East, RIS West and RIS National. RIS National comprises specialist units in Contracting, Production, Specialist Treatments and Surfacing.

Part 2

To increase our positive contribution to the nation’s infrastructure by being safe, profitable and achieving sustainable growth

Ringway Specialist Services Limited (RSS Limited) Ringway Specialist Services brings together the non term maintenance, specialist areas of the business. RSS Limited comprises three companies Signs, Euromark and Beach Communications. Ringway Signs Limited Ringway Signs manufacture, erect and maintain a wide range of signs, and manage signing projects. In Weston Super Mare, we have our own plant equipped with computer-controlled flat-bed cutting and printing equipment. Nationwide, our crews install and maintain the whole spectrum of highway and car park signing. We have also successfully transferred our expertise in signing to vehicle livery and street furniture including bus shelters. Euromark (Roadmarking) Limited Highway and car park marking including raised rib-line, spray, extrusion and screed. Fixing and replacement of road studs. Thermoplastic high friction surfacing. Manufacture of road marking and high friction hot and cold applied products together with high performance materials being introduced to meet new European standards.



Ringway Employee Handbook

Ringway Group


Ringway Group Limited comprises (continued):

Jean Lefebvre (UK) Limited Promotion and technical support for advanced road surfacing products including thin surfacing material UL-M, ultra thin surfacing UL-M 15, enhanced micro-surfacing Gripfibre and Evatech range of polymer modified binders and emulsions.

South West Highways Limited This company provides similar services to Ringway Infrastructure Services throughout the four counties of South West England. It is a 50% joint venture with Colas Limited.

We take all health and safety incidents at work seriously, including any near misses. Thus any events that happen, whether resulting in personal injury or not, must be reported. The procedure for reporting all incidents, including near misses, can be found in the Ringway Incident reporting procedure, copies of which are available at all business locations and on the Group Intranet site. Contractors working on Company premises and sub-contractors working with us are responsible for their own safe working methods, but must also comply with all safety regulations, procedures and requirements of the Company. Temporary and Agency employees are required to observe the safety regulations of the Company. The Line Manager supervising the work of such employees is responsible for ensuring their compliance.

Ringway Jacobs Limited This company provides substantial term maintenance services in Central London for Transport for London and is bidding on Highways Agency related contracts. It is a joint venture with Jacobs.

3.2 Quality

North Kent Roadstone Limited This company imports and processes aggregates for manufacture of hot bitumen coated stone products for highway surfacing. It is a joint venture with Aggregate Industries.

Providing clients with consistent works and services of agreed standards is at the heart of the company’s management systems. All employees are actively encouraged to make suggestions to continually improve these systems and The Way We Work.

Part 3

BEAR Scotland Limited BEAR Scotland is based in Perth, Scotland and is the Operating Company responsible for managing and maintaining both the North East and South East trunk road networks on behalf of Transport Scotland. It is a joint venture with Babtie and Ennstone.

It is our policy to do all that is reasonable and practicable to prevent personal injury and to use our best endeavours to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment for all. The Company will observe its statutory obligations arising from Health and Safety legislation. The responsibility is upon Management to implement the Health and Safety at Work policy, but full co-operation from employees is required to carry out that policy effectively. It is the duty of every employee to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

Part 2

Ringway also operates through a number of successful joint ventures:

3.1 Health And Safety At Work

Part 1

Beach Communications Limited Acquired in 2005, Beach Communications offers clients in both the public and private sectors a needs-focused approach to communications, utilities, network services and sensory, surveillance and detection services.


Part 4

Ringway’s purpose is to increase our positive contribution to the nation’s infrastructure by being safe, profitable and achieving sustainable growth.

We have a fully integrated management system for the whole of Ringway, which supports the Group’s Purpose, Vision and Values. The IMS not only meets the requirements of the business, but also ISO 9001 (quality), OHSAS 18001 (health & safety), ISO 14001 (environmental) management and the Investors in People standard. It also follows the EFQM Excellence model. A copy of the Ringway integrated policy statement is available on the Intranet and at each business location. Every employee is required to work to the policies and processes contained within the IMS (The Way We Work) relevant to their roles and responsibilities and these are communicated via line management.


The IMS ensures consistency, the effective management of risks, and enables continual improvement throughout the business ensuring that our clients' needs and expectations are met in line with our Purpose, Vision and Values. The IMS (The Way We Work) is installed and kept updated on the Intranet to facilitate easy access for all employees to all relevant documentation.


Ringway Employee Handbook

Ringway Group

Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Policy Statement Ringway is committed to meeting the requirements, needs and expectations of all our stakeholders. We are committed to developing and promoting good practice in quality, health & safety and environment, with an integrated approach to all our activities.

3.3 Sustainability

Our Purpose is to increase our positive contribution to the nation’s infrastructure by being safe, profitable and achieving sustainable growth.

We have an objective to develop and implement management systems which comply with ISO 14001, throughout the Group. Policies, procedures and processes are developed and implemented to control our environmental risks via the integrated management system.

Ringway has a commitment to adopting best environmental practice and is working towards building a truly sustainable business.

Part 1

Our Vision is to be the preferred Service Provider within our chosen sector. Our Core Values are Versatility, Integrity, Resilience and Openness. They guide our behaviours and shape how we do business in the future.

We will:

Environmental and sustainability issues are proactively promoted to all employees, supply chain partners and our clients under the banner REDUCE, RE-USE and RECYCLE.

We REDUCE the impact of our operations on society and the environment by carefully planning and managing our business to minimise waste and by working efficiently.

Part 3

We promote the RE-USE of all resources and materials wherever practicable. We seek to RECYCLE all waste materials that are an integral part of our day-today operations via conventional means and innovative processes.

Part 4

• Lead our business from the top whilst ensuring every employee has the opportunity to develop best practice in The Way We Work • Develop and implement systems and processes that identify and manage business risks. These include but are not limited to those associated with the quality of products and services; the health safety and welfare of our employees; the public; and all other interested parties and potential impacts and risks to the environment. • Monitor and continually improve the performance of the business. This will be achieved via a framework for setting, implementing and reviewing objectives and targets as well as through innovation. • Comply promptly with all relevant laws, regulations and other requirements associated with the business and review changes. • Provide the necessary training and support to enable our employees to contribute to the policies, objectives and practices of the company, including the application of LEAN thinking. • Review and promote best practice amongst our supply chain partners. • Form partnerships with our clients to develop integrated processes and improvements in all aspects of the business. • Incorporate a strategy for corporate social responsibility / sustainability into all aspects of the business. • Wherever possible, we will promote the use of renewable resources, optimise efficiency, minimise waste, prevent pollution and enhance the ecology of our sites, taking into full account our impacts on society.

The company will observe its statutory obligations arising from environmental legislation and other requirements set by our clients and stakeholders.

Part 2

This policy statement outlines our commitment to developing, implementing and improving an integrated system which complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2000, OHSAS 18001 and BS EN ISO 14001.

Every employee has a responsibility to safeguard the environment and use resources efficiently and effectively. Training and systems are developed to assist all Line Managers and employees to work towards these goals.

The commitment to sustainable development and improvement of environmental performance fully supports Ringway’s Purpose, Vision and Values and our approach to the EFQM model. We believe in Corporate Social Responsibility and measure our performance and improvement through the Corporate Responsibility Index run by Business In The Community.

We believe that all employees have a responsibility to ensure this policy is fully implemented and that, through teamwork and the co-operation of individuals, all business objectives can be achieved.



Ringway Employee Handbook

Ringway Group

3.4 Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Statement

3.5 Customer Care

Ringway aims to create a sustainable business, which recognises our responsibility to our employees, key stakeholders, local communities and the environments in which we work and live.

A vital element in the provision of a quality service is the relationship between the Client and Service Provider. A successful contract is the result of people working harmoniously together to achieve targets. All employees are encouraged to develop a good working relationship with our Clients and road users to create a professional partnership.

We will achieve this through efficient working practices and the sustainable use of resources in partnership with our clients, supply chain and our people in order to add value to our Clients and the wider community.

Partnership arrangements, co-location and the development of a close working relationship will lead to a “one team” approach ensuring optimum solutions, reliable programming and pricing, continuous improvement and innovation; all issues that are inextricably linked with the management systems. This is especially important in much of the work we do where the end users, who are the general public, cannot readily identify who has commissioned work or who is carrying out the work and the extent of their respective responsibilities. As an experienced provider of highways maintenance and related services, Ringway understands the importance that Clients place on their dealings within local communities. We are therefore keenly aware of the need to deal calmly and politely with queries at all times, to keep the public well informed as to progress of works on high profile and sensitive sites, to keep delays to a minimum and to ensure that all work is seen to be completed to a high standard in a safe and timely fashion.

Part 2 Part 3

Ringway aims to be the service provider our Clients prefer; this means we must achieve customer satisfaction, provide a continuously improving service, use the collective efforts and expertise of our employees to develop excellence in all aspects of the business. This aim will be achieved by: • • • • • • • • • • •

Part 4

We will: • Create a working culture that encourages respect for our people, the environment and the communities in which we work. • Conduct our business in a way that is open, honest and transparent to those we work with and the communities within which we work. • Provide training and development opportunities to ensure that all employees are aware of and can fulfill their responsibilities to create a workplace which is accessible for all, is pleasant and safe, and impacts positively on the local community and environment. • Reduce waste, reuse and recycle materials, promote the use of renewable resources and buy recycled content products in the course of our business wherever possible. • Enhance the environments in which we work wherever possible. • Increase efficiency by optimising energy and fuel use to manage and reduce our carbon footprint. • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and other environmental requirements to which the business subscribes. • Empower all our employees and Supply Chain Partners to challenge current practices in order to enable continual improvement and a culture of sharing best practice. • Create and support a dynamic workforce that represents the diversity of the communities in which we work. • Adopt a responsible approach to purchasing and procurement by encouraging supply chain partners to consider ethical procurement issues. • Contribute to the local economy by sourcing locally produced goods and suppliers wherever possible. • Ensure information about our policies and practices is publicly available via a range of media. • Establish a framework for ensuring continuous improvement by monitoring and measuring performance against business KPIs, local Clients’ needs and expectations and objectives and targets.

Part 1

An integrated approach to economic, environmental and social issues, underpins the Ringway vision to be the preferred service provider in the delivery of highway network infrastructure management services in the UK.

Identifying and meeting the customer’s requirements Working in accordance with contract specifications Adding value to the service provided through innovation and client suited solutions Working together as a team Getting things right first time Continuously improving our systems and The Way We Work Improving the service to our customers Monitoring customer care issues Responding positively to customer complaints Having long term commitment to quality and safety Developing employees through training and experience

We believe that all Ringway employees can support our approach to sustainability across the business through involvement, co-operation and team working. Our Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Policy Statement support Ringway’s CSR Policy, through the development and implementation of integrated management systems across the Company.



Ringway Employee Handbook

3.6 Employees

There are no closed doors in Ringway. Employees are encouraged to contribute to decision making thereby actively participating in the progress and future of the Group.

3.7 Equality and Diversity

As an equal opportunities employer Ringway supports the principles of equality and diversity in employment (and in the provision of services). Every reasonable effort is made to ensure that there is no unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of colour, nationality, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, belief, disability, age, gender (including pregnancy and maternity leave), gender reassignment, sexual orientation or married or civil partner status in the way that the Company treats its employees, contractors, job applicants and visitors. Ringway also opposes sexual, racial and other forms of harassment.

All employees are required to follow and implement the Company's equal opportunities policy and to undergo any agreed training and development activities to ensure that they can carry out their duties and responsibilities in terms of promoting, developing, implementing and reviewing the policy arrangements in the course of their work. Any behaviour resulting in unfavourable treatment, harassment or victimisation of colleagues, supply chain partners, or other relevant third parties, will be considered contrary to the company’s policy and will be a matter for disciplinary action.

Part 4

For Ringway, diversity means embracing the difference and potential of every individual and ensuring that each has access to employment, development and opportunity. Working to achieve the fair inclusion of all and removing exclusion, Ringway achieves success through respecting all colleagues, clients and service users.

The Company's recruitment, selection and promotion procedures and general policies and practices will be periodically reviewed to ensure that this equal opportunities policy is being implemented.

Part 3

Ringway aims to create a team spirit encompassing everyone. The interests of the Group are the interests of all employees - the success and stature of the Group rests on your wellbeing and success.

Ringway’s approach to equality and diversity is three-fold: • to encourage its employees to take an active role against all forms of harassment and discrimination; • to deter employees from participating in harassment or discriminatory behaviour; • to demonstrate to all employees that they can rely upon the Company's support in cases of harassment or discrimination at work.

Part 2

We believe that informed and involved employees are generally more committed to contributing to the success of our company. Ringway management are encouraged and expected to keep all our employees informed of all activities and developments likely to affect them - there being no substitute for regular, two way, face-to-face communication.

The Company is committed to a working environment that offers equal treatment and equal opportunities for all its employees, so that every employee is able to progress to his or her true potential. It is in the best interests of the company and those who work in it or for it, to ensure that the resources, talents and skills available are taken into account when employment and development opportunities arise. All decisions taken on recruitment, selection, training and career development opportunities will therefore be based solely on objective and job related criteria.

Part 1

An important part of the Ringway approach to business is the involvement of all the senior employees, from the Group Managing Director downwards, in the day to day management of the business of the Group. In addition, employees at all levels are encouraged to take responsibility and to demonstrate their abilities and are given the opportunity to develop themselves within their own area and through promotion. An example is set by those at the top - all of our Directors are fully committed working Directors with extensive experience of the industry; our service provider ethos and our approach on EFQM and innovation.

Ringway Group

This policy statement is supported by a full policy, key legislation explanations plus a range of policies, processes, management guides and training tools.

At Ringway, managing diversity means offering support to all by ensuring that a positive approach to diversity is integral to all we do. The effectiveness of communication, policies and behaviour, is monitored and measured. Feedback from this process enables action plans to be formed in order to reduce exclusion, and to promote the inclusion of all. Individual needs are recognised and supported. Leaders of peoples are given the support and freedom to challenge their own behaviour and that of others, to learn from mistakes and to take responsibility for their own development and that of other people.



Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook

Part 2 CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 26 26 26 26 27 28 29

Part 3 Part 4


General Review of conditions of employment Hours of work Place of work Pay arrangements Pay Review Holiday Entitlement Outstanding holiday entitlement Statutory Holidays Retirement Notice periods Absence, sickness notification and sick pay Medical examinations Continuous service Change in personal details Employment outside the company Confidentiality, patents and inventions Layoff procedures Trade union membership

Part 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Ringway Employee Handbook


Each employee has a specific work base they work from. Because our business is national, there may be occasions where you are reasonably assigned to work from another Ringway site depending on the business need.

Each employee has a specific work base they work from. Because our business is national, there may be occasions where you are reasonably assigned to work from another site depending on the business need.

Each employee’s 'Terms and Conditions of Employment' include Part Two of this Employee Handbook together with your Contract of Employment. The Contract of Employment is personal to you and will take precedence over the Employee Handbook if any of your terms and conditions of employment are different from those set out in the Handbook. Any other terms relating specifically to your job or location will be advised to you by your local Management. Part Three and Part Four of this handbook are for your guidance and general information and as such do not form part of your contract of employment.

For site-based employees, the working day normally commences once on site or at the depot that you have been instructed to attend by your Line Manager. 5

PAY ARRANGEMENTS Wages and salaries are paid through the BACS system into individual employee’s nominated bank account (or Building Society account, if BACS compatible).


Payment is made either on a weekly, or monthly basis depending on the terms and conditions of employment as laid out in the contract of employment.

The Company reserves the right to amend employees terms and conditions of employment from time to time. However, the Company will seek to provide an opportunity, wherever possible, for employees to comment on proposed changes before they are implemented.

All weekly based pay is normally paid into bank accounts on a Friday, covering the period ending on the previous Sunday. Monthly pay is normally paid into bank accounts on the last working day of the month unless other arrangements have been agreed or advised.

Should any changes be considered reasonable to support the business direction, confirmation of the relevant changes to the Contract of Employment or any associated documents will be advised to those affected as soon as possible and usually before being implemented. Any changes in general terms and conditions of employment will be posted on Company notice boards and/or communicated in writing within 4 weeks of any alterations becoming effective.

Overtime and other payment adjustments are normally made in the period following that in which they occur.


If a mistake is made in the calculation and payment of remuneration leading to an overpayment, the employee is expected to bring this matter to the attention of their Line Manager at the earliest opportunity and to take all such actions as are necessary to repay the amount promptly. Ringway reserves the right to charge interest if repayment is delayed unduly. Should an overpayment be recorded the company will contact the relevant employee, however the Company does reserve the right to make an immediate deduction from your pay to rectify the overpayment error.

Due to the nature of our work employees may be required to work overtime hours if the need arises. If so, reasonable notice will be given to you, wherever possible. Remuneration for authorised overtime, if applicable to an employee’s employment, is normally made by payment at the appropriate rate, as determined by the Company and specified in the Contract of Employment. Overtime is not normally paid to senior employees, who are expected to work such hours as are required for the satisfactory execution of the responsibilities delegated to them.

If a mistake is made in the calculation and payment of remuneration leading to an underpayment, the affected employee should bring this matter to the attention of their Line Manager at the earliest opportunity. Any such confirmed underpayments will be rectified as soon as practicable or in the next pay run relevant to the individual employee 6

PAY REVIEW Rates of payment of wages and salaries are reviewed annually, on a Group basis. It should be noted that the term “review” does not imply an automatic increase. Any change in an employee’s rate of pay will be advised individually and be paid from the agreed date of change. Employees may receive additional awards based on performance where this has been recommended by their Line Manager and approved by a Director, following individual reviews. 21

Part 4

In the event of any advance being made or any monies becoming due to the Company, an authority permitting deduction of the amounts due from an individual’s pay will be required to be signed by the relevant employee, with the exception of overpaid holiday at date of leaving.

The basic working week will not normally exceed 40 hours, exclusive of breaks. However, the nature of many of our contracts, particularly those with Local Authorities and with Central Government Departments, require that the Company provides various Winter Maintenance and Emergency Services at any time of the day or night and that we undertake certain routine maintenance works when traffic flows are lower, either overnight or at weekends. This may cause erratic work patterns and any employees involved in this work will be required to work unsociable hours when the need arises. Details of these work patterns will be advised locally or will be specified in an employee’s Contract of Employment.



Part 3



Part 2



Conditions Of Employment

Ringway Employee Handbook



Conditions Of Employment


All full time employees (working 5 days per week) and on Ringway terms of employment are entitled to twenty days paid holiday. This will increase by one additional day per completed year, up to a maximum of twenty five days. This is calculated on a pro rata basis for employees who do not work full time, and is in addition to the relevant statutory bank holidays. If an employee’s holiday entitlement differs from this in their contract of employment, the contract of employment will take precedence.

When an employee leaves, any outstanding holiday entitlement is calculated on the basis of completed weeks in the holiday year, rounded to the nearest complete week.

Any additional day’s holiday will be calculated on the number of completed years of service at the beginning of each holiday year.

If an employee is entitled to any holiday on termination, that outstanding leave may only be taken within the notice period with the approval of the Company. Alternatively, where the employee has worked throughout the notice period, the final salary payment will include payment for any leave days still due.

Where leave in excess of entitlement has been taken before termination, a recovery will be made from the employee’s final salary payment in respect of the days overpaid.



Annual holiday entitlement for all employees who commence or terminate employment during the holiday year accrues on a weekly basis, to the nearest complete week.

1 January (New Years Day) Good Friday Easter Monday The first Monday in May (May Day) The last Monday in May (Spring Bank Holiday) The last Monday in August (Summer Bank Holiday) 25 December (Christmas Day) 26 December (Boxing Day)

Employees that fall ill during an agreed holiday leave period, may not retake or reclaim that holiday.

Where Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Years Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then other dates will be designated as statutory holidays. The Company reserves the right to designate alternative days as statutory holidays.

If absent due to illness prior to a holiday the employee is expected to be signed back to work before taking annual leave. Employees cannot chose to take annual leave instead of taking sick leave. Prior to any holiday entitlement being taken, approval must be obtained from the employee’s Line Manager.



Providing adequate notice is given and dates do not conflict with business interests permission will normally be granted. A working guideline for the notice to be given is:

Pension age is when an employee can draw down their pension; for many, but not all, it is also the time when they can retire if they wish.

• 2 weeks for up to 4 working days holiday • 1 month for holidays of 5 or more working days

Normal retirement age means the age at which the employer requires employees in the same kind of position as the employee to retire. Ringway has a retirement age of 65 for all employees and this therefore is the same as the default retirement age.

It is a normal business expectation for employees to arrange their holidays in conjunction with departmental or project delivery colleagues. This ensures that operational delivery is not impacted by too many employees being away at the same time. It should be noted that any Ringway Manager does have the right to turn down a holiday request due to lack of resource during the requested holiday period. Holidays exceeding two consecutive weeks will require special approval of the relevant Department Head or Director.

Part 4

The Statutory Holidays observed by the Company are as follows and are given as paid leave of absence to permanent employees at basic rate, if they usually work on those days of the week.

Part 3

The actual holiday year varies from company to company within the Group. The applicable holiday year is detailed in each employee’s Contract of Employment. In the absence of any specific agreement, the holiday year runs from 1 April each year.

Holidays must be taken during the holiday year, as carry over of the entitlement into the following year is only permissable with the prior agreement of local senior management. If agreed, the carry over entitlement will be a maximum of 5 days which must then be used within 2 months of the start of the new holiday year.

Part 2

Some companies within the Group have specific periods when holidays must be taken due to plant shutdowns or to cover traditional close downs between, or around, Christmas and the New Year and at Easter.



Ringway will not retire any employee before the age of 65 unless there is objective justification for this decision and it has been fully discussed with the employee concerned. The other circumstance when retirement may take place before the age of 65 will be when requested by the employee, whether or not this is linked to a request for early ill health retirement. Every request to remain working after the age of 65 will be reviewed on an individual basis, where possible taking into account opportunities to vary the employee’s hours or the duties they perform.


Ringway Employee Handbook

Ringway will adhere to relevant legislation and guidelines to ensure that all retirements are fair. In doing so the company will ensure that retirements take effect on or after the age of 65 and will have given the employee written notice of the date of their intended retirement and told them about their right to request to continue working. Should a request to continue working after the age of 65 not be considered appropriate, this will be confirmed in writing to the employee concerned in a timely manner. All employees have the right to retire with dignity so each request will be dealt with in a tactful and sensitive manner. 11

Employees should not wait until they return to work to give them to their Line Manager. Any sick pay entitlement to be paid will only be released once a sick certificate covering the absence has been received by the payroll department. Where any first doctor’s certificate covers a period exceeding fourteen days, or where more than one certificate is necessary, then, before returning to work, a final certificate must be obtained confirming the employee’s fitness to resume normal duties.

Unless otherwise stated in a Contract of Employment, the minimum period of notice which normally must be given by the Company to terminate employment is:

The Company reserves the right to require you to attend an independent medical examination at the Company’s expense where one of the following applies:

• If employment has been continuous for 4 weeks, but less than 2 years, the notice is 1 week. • If employment has been continuous for 2 years or more, but less than 12 years, the notice is one week for each year worked. • If employment has been continuous for 12 years or more, the notice is 12 weeks.

• • • •

Alternatively, with employee consent, a report, that can be viewed by the employee should they wish, may be requested from the employee’s own doctor. SICK PAY Nobody likes to be ill, and most employees act responsibly when taking sick leave. However, the Company reserves the right to withhold an employee’s remuneration should they fail to comply with the absence from work procedure, fail to provide the required medical certificates, behave in a manner likely to delay recovery, attempt to abuse the scheme in any way or where it is evident that the illness or injury was the direct result of the employee’s own repeated negligence or misconduct. Failure to comply with the 'Absence from Work Procedure' may result in disciplinary action being taken.

If, for any reason other than pre-agreed annual holiday, maternity leave or prior approved absence, an employee is unable to attend work, they must inform their Line Manager as early as possible on the first day of absence. Details of the date and time any illness began (including Saturdays and Sundays), the nature of the illness or injury and the likely duration of the absence must be provided to the Line Manager.

Where you have properly complied with the ‘Absence from Work Procedure’, payment for your absence will be made in accordance with your Contract of Employment.

If there is any uncertainty as to how long the absence will continue, the absent employee should contact their Line Manager every day to provide an update on the situation.

If an employee is entitled to receive company sick pay, the amount paid will be calculated from the normal basic pay or shift allowance and details of the basis on which it is payable are set each employee’s Contract of Employment.

For every day of absence up to seven consecutive days (including Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays) a self-certification form should be completed. This should be authorised by the Line Manager before being passed to the Group Payroll Department.

The qualifying days for SSP are Monday to Friday inclusive.

If the sickness lasts for more than seven days, a doctor’s certificate must be obtained to accompany the self-certification form. Any subsequent doctor’s certificates must be forwarded to cover the complete period of sickness absence - these should be forwarded regularly and promptly.

Part 4


Absence is for a prolonged or recurring period If a return to work could expose either the Company or the employee Due to the nature of the work, the risk of return may be high The validity of information concerning an absence is in doubt

Part 3

Notice of termination of employment by either party must always be given in writing. In the event of any serious misconduct, or serious neglect of duty by an employee, employment may be terminated by the Company following completion of the Ringway disciplinary process, without the employee working or being paid for any period of notice.

Part 2


The company reserves the right to ask any employee to attend a “return to work” interview after a period of absence. Such interviews are used to assess the state of health of the person concerned and to ensure that they are fit to return to work.

The notice period for employees to give the Company on termination of employment is specified in each individual employee’s Contract of Employment.


Conditions Of Employment

All paid Company sick leave will be aggregated for a twelve month rolling period to assess entitlement, if any, to pay in excess of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Full details of rates and payment of SSP can be obtained from the local office or from the Group Payroll Department. For payment in relation to sickness absence that is related to a period of treatment for a drink or drugs addiction, please refer to the Company Alcohol and Drugs policy. REFER TO PART 3 FOR AUTHORISED ABSENCE FROM WORK.



Ringway Employee Handbook


Conditions Of Employment

The Working Time Directive places further responsibilities on the Company to ensure that employees with more than one employment do not contravene the limits on working hours. It is therefore essential that any employee that has direct interests as described above advise their Line Manager or Director who will provide the written authorisation to undertake other employment, provided that the Company does not consider that it is incompatible with its reasonable interests.

MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS The Company reserves the right to ask for a medical report on any applicant prior to engagement. This right also extends to any employee where there is cause for concern that they may not be fit for the position for which they are employed or they pose a health and safety risk to themselves or their colleagues, or before an internal Company appointment as appropriate. The Company will pay for the cost of these medical examinations with the employee having the right to see a copy of the report obtained from the doctor concerned.





They will then forward them to the Group Payroll Department. 16

EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE THE COMPANY The Company recognises that from time to time employees may seek to take up separate work with another employer or to pursue outside business interests whilst still remaining in the Company’s employ. Although the Company has no unreasonable desire to restrict an employee’s external activities, it must seek to protect its own interests and those of all its employees. To this end, the Company’s policy is that employees will not be permitted to seek to establish or work for a business in competition with Ringway Group of companies, its subsidiaries or its parent companies nor to undertake business activities or to work where the Company considers that this is incompatible with its interests.


During the course of your employment within the Ringway Group, you may become aware of confidential information relating to the Company you work for or other companies within the Group. We expect you to respect their confidentiality. We may also receive confidential information from other companies outside the Group in connection with our business, which we have to formally undertake to protect and keep confidential. You may be asked to sign and respect specific Confidentiality Agreements in this connection. All correspondence, reports, notes, memoranda or other written material or material stored on electronic media relating to any matter within the scope of the business of the Group or any of its dealings or affairs will be and remain the property of the Group and you will not, either during your employment or subsequently, disclose, use or permit to be used any such material for any purpose other than in connection with your employment or for the benefit of the Group. All such material shall be returned to the Group upon the termination of your employment within the Group.

Part 4

It is important that accurate employee records are maintained. Any changes in personal particulars e.g. change of address, next of kin, bank account etc. must be notified as soon as possible to your local payroll contact.


Part 3

Continuous service is defined as unbroken service with Ringway Group Limited, its parent companies or its subsidiary companies. Where businesses have been transferred into the Ringway Group under the Transfer of Undertaking (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) , the continuous service of employees covered by such transfers will date from the commencement of continuous service with the previous employer(s) whose business activity was transferred.


Part 2

In addition, it is expected that every employee will make themselves available for occupational health screening by an appropriate person, as and when required. This tends to take place every 2 - 3 years, supplemented by written employee declarations where required, or more frequently should there be a genuine concern about an aspect of your health.

Failure to obtain prior written approval, or ongoing approval for any employee joining Ringway whether by TUPE or by new contract may be deemed by the Company to constitute an act of Gross Misconduct, which could result in the dismissal of any employee.

You must not, during the continuance of your employment or at any time after the termination thereof, disclose or use any of the secrets, confidential information or financial or trading information relating to the Group or its customers in any manner whatsoever save as will be reasonably necessary for the promotion of the business of the Group during the term of your employment. Any and all improvements, inventions or discoveries made by you in the course of your employment with the Group will be the property of the Group and you will sign all documents required to transfer title in such inventions to the Group without any additional compensation or payment to you. A Copyright in any work produced by you in the course of your employment will result in the Company being the first owner of any copyright in the work. This restriction will not apply to any inventions made by you in fields totally unrelated to the activities of the Group, past or present, either directly or indirectly. This does not prejudice any rights granted under the Patents Act 1977.


Ringway Employee Handbook



Conditions Of Employment



The company reserves the right to lay employees off as a result of severe weather conditions, lack of work available or any other specific business reason or issue outside the Company’s control.

Employees are free to join, or not to join, any Trade Union they so wish. It should be noted however, that full recognition agreements with Trade Unions do not operate within the company.

Any such lay off will be unpaid, unless otherwise provided for in employment contracts. Statutory entitlement to paid lay off is limited to 5 days in any period of 3 months, although the number of days for which someone can be laid off is not limited in any way. The rate of lay off pay will be the higher of the statutory level or that set out in your contract of employment.

Unions involved with various parts of Ringway include T&G, GMB and Unite.

Where an employee has unreasonably refused to do alternative work offered to them during a workless day, irrespective of whether this is work the employee is normally required to do.

Part 2

Guaranteed payments will not be made: If no work is carried out as a consequence of a trade dispute between Ringway and its employees.

Arrangements tend to focus on consultation with employee representatives, and communication of planned changes or employee matters. The term “recognition” refers to this process and does not imply formal recognition of any one union or the negotiation of salary and benefit levels. Employees are always welcome to be accompanied at formal disciplinary, grievance or redundancy meetings by either a Ringway colleague or a full time union official. Works committees operate at various locations and these are often the forums for dealing with employer/employee relations.

Part 3

Ringway operates a check off system which enables trade unions dues to be deducted from pay.

Part 4



Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook

Part 3 RULES & GENERAL INFORMATION 32 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 40 40 41 42 42 45 45 47 47 49 54 54 55 55

Part 4


Induction training Training and career development Time recording Protective equipment No smoking policy Media relations Emergency and winter standby Notice boards Expenses Benefits and allowances Pension schemes Maternity / Paternity leave and pay Flexible Working Authorised absence from work Anti-harrassment policy Violence and fighting Alcohol and drugs Policy Redundancy Company Cars Plant operator rules Commercial vehicle drivers rules Vigiroute Use of mobile devices: in vehicles & whilst at work Electronic communications – acceptable use policy Working with display screen equipment Gifts from third parties Insurances Death in service benefit

Part 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Ringway Employee Handbook


Rules & General Information


2.1 Aims

At the commencement of employment, all employees will receive:

The aim is to promote and facilitate the continuous training and development of all employees within Ringway Group Limited. This will be achieved by:

• An induction to the Group to include our vision, values and the related behaviours we expect from all employees • Information on the job tasks that they are required to perform • Instruction in respect to the Company Safety Policy and the Health, Safety and Environmental requirements, pertinent to the job concerned • Review of this Employee Handbook and any relevant administrative procedures • An explanation of Ringway’s Quality Policy, including an awareness and understanding of The Way We Work IMS systems and standards.

• Providing a suitable framework for comprehensive development opportunities that support Group business objectives • Providing a wide range of progressive, high quality training and development solutions of a consistent nature • Providing the opportunity for all employees to work towards their maximum personal and business potential 2.2 Objectives

This process will normally be arranged by the relevant Line Manager and should be completed within 8 weeks of the commencement of employment. The induction will describe the employee’s responsibilities to the Group and provide general information about Ringway, its products, organisation, procedures and activities. This will also provide an opportunity for the employee to ask questions on a range of topics. Further details on the induction programme can be obtained from the Intranet or from the Group Human Resources department. 2

TRAINING AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Ringway takes an active approach to the training & development of all employees. This is so that Ringway can maximise all employee’s talents, skills and abilities.


TIME RECORDING The completion of time sheets or cards is an essential part of the costing, payroll and overall financial systems in most of the Ringway Group.

Ringway Training & Development team is responsible for ensuring that the following legal, contractual and business related training needs are met:

Where required, employees should accurately complete time sheets, normally on a weekly basis, charging time to the appropriate cost code as instructed, before submitting to the respective Line Manager at the end of each week for approval. The Ringway week normally ends on a Sunday and time sheets are to be handed in on the following Monday morning to ensure prompt payment.

Legal: Specific training as required by Health, Safety, Environmental and associated regulations

The Line manager should then pass the timesheet data to the local pay administrator for keying into the payroll system.

Contractual: Specific compliance, competence and qualifications as required by the business and our clients

All new employees will be told during their induction whether they are required to complete time sheets. If required to do so, they will be given suitable instruction in completing them, be issued with a supply of sheets and be told from where to obtain further supplies.

Business Performance: By continually increasing the level of skill, knowledge and experience we look to to provide the best possible service to our customers by the following aims and objectives

Deliberate falsification of time sheets will be deemed by the Company to constitute an act of Gross Misconduct, which could result in dismissal.

Part 4

The investment made in training, at every level of the business, is vital to ensure that Ringway remains competitive and innovative in the market place. This will assist us in becoming the preferred service provider within our chosen sectors.


Part 3

• To develop learning strategies that support Ringway’s business aims and objectives • To ensure that training is relevant, beneficial and cost-effective • To promote ongoing personal development that meets the challenges of the business today and in the future • To provide comprehensive and cost-effective training and development programmes • To support employee development activities within divisions & departments as well as supply chain partners • To comply with legislation and Industry technology


Ringway Employee Handbook


Rules & General Information

This policy will only extend to Personal Credit Scheme vehicles, privately owned vehicles or vehicles supported through a fixed monthly car allowance when the vehicle is being used for company business to carry passengers.

PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be issued when necessary. The Company will ensure that supplies are available and employees must use items issued to them. Equipment must fit and be kept properly adjusted and in good order. The Company will replace aged or damaged equipment where necessary, but disciplinary action may be taken against persons neglecting or abusing any equipment provided for their safety, or refusing to wear PPE.

Employees are encouraged to ensure that all personal vehicles should become smoke free. 6

To ensure consistency, it is essential that only nominated spokespersons speak to the media (whether local and national press, local and national radio and television, etc).

Managers, Supervisors and charge hands are responsible and authorised by the Company to insist upon the use of protective equipment as deemed necessary.

If approached for any details concerning the Ringway Group, any employee should confirm that they are not the correct person to speak to. The enquirer should be referred to the Marketing Manager or to the PR Agency, contact details to be located on the intranet or from Horsham reception on 01403 215800.

Any employee who fails to use protective clothing or equipment when necessary or required by legislation will face appropriate disciplinary action. 5



Should any employee notice any adverse comment concerning the Ringway Group or its products or services in the media, please draw this to the attention of your Manager. 7

EMERGENCY AND WINTER STANDBY A major aspect of term contracts for highway authorities is the provision of a satisfactory round-the-clock service to deal with emergencies, adverse weather conditions and other situations. It is a condition of employment for employees working on these contracts that they will make themselves available when required for this work.

Failure to comply with this policy will be dealt with under the company disciplinary procedure.

Clients regard this as one of the most important aspects of a term maintenance contract and the reputation of the Company relies on a satisfactory performance in this area. An unsatisfactory response to those situations can result in dangers to the public and embarrassment to our Clients.

• Company vehicles or vehicles which are being used for company business to convey passengers. These restrictions will be applicable to all employees, regardless of their status within the company. All visitors, including customers, contractors, and people making deliveries will also be expected to abide by the smokefree policy. 5.1 Smoking in Vehicles

Part 4

The “No Smoking” policy seeks to: • Guarantee a healthy working environment, and protect the current and future health of employees, customers and visitors • Present passive smoking • Raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco smoke • Support anyone who wishes to stop smoking

Smoking is not permitted in any of the following places: • Any buildings, including previous ‘smoking areas’. This includes lifts, corridors, stairways and stairwells, toilets, meeting or staff rooms

Part 3

Ringway is committed to maintaining a healthier environment for its employees and visitors and operates a policy of “No Smoking” on any of the Company’s property.

Employees who are called upon to participate in standby arrangements should be aware that in making payments for this service the Company is entitled to expect that employees will be available and fully fit for work at any time during their standby period. If, in exceptional circumstances, an employee on standby falls ill then it is essential that the duty supervisor is immediately made aware of the situation to enable alternative arrangements to be made. It is not acceptable to wait until called, and then advise incapacity. A failure to be available and fit for work without due cause when on standby duty will be deemed by the Company to be an act of Gross Misconduct which could result in dismissal.

Smoking is not permitted in any company related vehicle. Company related vehicles include all company cars, whether owned, hired or leased by the company and all commercial vehicles and plant.



Ringway Employee Handbook


Rules & General Information

The company also offers a Group Personal Pension Plan - a money purchase scheme that is not contracted out of SERPS. Membership of this scheme is restricted to qualifying employees and they will be informed in their letter of appointment or subsequently if they are eligible to join the scheme. The rate of the Company’s contribution will be shown on the Contract of Employment.

NOTICE BOARDS Notice boards are provided throughout Group premises and are used for communication of significant business information. Employees are requested to read the notice boards regularly. All notices must be authorised by your local management prior to posting. Any unauthorised notices will be removed from notice boards.


The Company also offers a Stakeholder pension to employees not already covered by other pension schemes and every new employee will be offered the opportunity to join the Ringway stakeholder scheme once they have completed 3 months’ service.

EXPENSES All reasonable and approved expenses incurred in the performance of duties will be reimbursed on production of authorised expense claim forms, accompanied by relevant receipts. Employees may only incur expenditure on behalf of Ringway with the prior consent of their Line Manager. A standard expense form is provided for the reimbursement of out of pocket business expenses i.e. travelling costs, meals, accommodation, entertainment etc. Claims must have all relevant receipts attached before being presented to the Line Manager responsible for approving expenses. No payments will be re-imbursed without a voucher except for small sums for which no voucher was available, such as bridge tolls.


All Ringway employees are entitled to maternity, paternity or adoption rights in accordance with the statutory scheme and no extended rights are offered in addition to this. As these regulations change from time to time additional information can be obtained from the Group HR Department as and when required. 13

All expense forms, once approved, will be submitted to Head Office for payment. Expense payment runs are normally made twice a month and payments are paid into employee bank accounts. 14


A number of bonus and incentive schemes are operated throughout the Ringway Group. These are tied to specific performance, outputs, profitability and position in the Company. Details of any such schemes applicable to your employment will be set out in the employee’s Contract of Employment.

Employees are expected to attend work at the times required, punctually and regularly. The Group recognises that from time to time this may not be possible and is always prepared to assist employees with genuine difficulties, whilst applying sanctions to those who seek to abuse such assistance.

Various allowances and additional payments are made to site-based employees depending on circumstances.

The following are acceptable reasons for authorised absence from work and further information on each may be obtained from the Group Human Resources team:

Membership fees of relevant professional associations may be reimbursed at the discretion of local management.

Whilst taking authorised holidays and, unless rostered for work on those days, all statutory holidays.

Where employees are asked to use their own vehicle for approved business purposes they will be reimbursed for business miles in accordance with current HMRC approved rates. Further information can be sought from the Group Plant and Fleet Department.

14.1 Compassionate leave

PENSION SCHEMES A number of pension schemes exist within the Group. A contracted-out final salary occupational pension scheme has been set up to offer employees who have transferred into the Group from local authorities, comparable pension rights to their previous LGPS schemes. Membership is restricted to transferring employees where contract conditions dictate that eligible employees are to be offered a final salary pension scheme.


All employees with young children or an employee who cares for another adult, can formally request the right to work more flexibly. This is a statutory right so a specific process must be followed when dealing with such requests.

Part 4






Directors shall have discretion to allow up to 5 days compassionate leave in the case of serious illness or death of an employee's next of kin. They shall also have discretion to allow a similar period for those employees whom, although not next of kin are called on to make the funeral arrangements on the death of a near relative or friend. For the death or serious illness of a near relative or friend where the member of staff is not responsible for funeral arrangements discretion may be exercised to allow up to 3 day’s compassionate leave. The company reserves the right to request evidence where a funeral is being organised before any compassionate leave is granted. 37

Ringway Employee Handbook

14.2 Household commitments Time off required to manage household repairs, services, product deliveries and the like must be taken from annual leave entitlement. 14.3 Dental / Medical Appointments Whenever possible, these should be made at the beginning or end of the day with the employee’s Line Manager always being informed well in advance. Time off for such appointments should cause as little disruption to the working day as possible. 14.4 Time off for Family Emergencies The Company expects commitment to its aims from its employees but equally recognises that, at times, personal considerations may need to take precedence. Whilst employees have rights to paid holiday, it is recognised that there may be occasions, due to an immediate family emergency, when unpaid leave with or without notice may be required. This is for the specific purpose of making arrangements to care for a dependant only.

Rules & General Information

14.8 Antenatal care All pregnant employees have the right to attend pre-arranged antenatal appointments and classes, and will be paid for such time, provided that an appointment card (or equivalent) is produced. Employees are asked however to try and be sensible about the amount of time needed and to attend work before or after the appointment wherever possible. 14.9 Pregnancy The company operates a maternity policy. Due to the potential of changes in UK legislation, the latest copy of this policy can be obtained from Human Resources on request. 14.10 Employee Volunteering The arrangements that are made to allow an employee to carry out volunteering work will depend on the scale and nature of the project. The employee may be:

The Company believes it is important that parents should be supported, particularly during the early years of their children’s lives. Similar support will be given to those who adopt and especially to those with disabled children.

Part 3

14.5 Parental Leave • Given paid leave up to a maximum of two days per year in order to carry out work on the project; or • Seconded to the project for a set period of time. Please refer to the Employee Volunteering Policy for further information. 14.6 Unpaid leave

Part 4

Unpaid leave will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (see above), and will be strictly controlled. 14.7.1 Public service Employees will be allowed reasonable unpaid time off for public duties including work as a Justice of the Peace, local councillor or school governor. 14.7.2 Jury service Employees are allowed unpaid time off to perform jury service. The Group will, however, “top up” the loss of earnings payment made by the Court to your normal gross pay. In practice, the Group will continue to pay the employee as if they had been at work. However the company will require the employee to declare the loss of earnings payment made to them and pay back that amount to the Company.



Ringway Employee Handbook


Rules & General Information

• Horseplay, practical joking and any misuse of power, equipment, facilities, plant, materials etc • Initiation ‘ceremonies’ or ‘rites’ • Fighting or any action by which one employee physically or mentally abuses another or touches them, other than in the normal course of work or in friendly greeting • Any other acts, word, action or inaction, which may offend or harm another person

ANTI-HARASSMENT & BULLYING POLICY Ringway is committed to creating a work environment free of harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Harassment and bullying can have very serious consequences for individuals and the company. Harassment or bullying may make people unhappy, may cause them stress and affect their health and family and social relationships, may affect their work performance and could cause them to leave their job. Severe cases of harassment and bullying can even lead to mental illness and suicide. Effects on the company can include loss of morale, poor work performance, and increased turnover of employees, legal claims and damage to the company's reputation. Employees found guilty of harassment or bullying may face disciplinary penalties, up to and including dismissal, could be personally liable to pay compensation in legal claims, and may find their own family and social relationships are adversely affected. Serious harassment may be a criminal offence.

If an employee is found to be in breach of one or more of the above acts, this may be deemed by the Company to constitute an act of Gross Misconduct, which could result in dismissal. Employees required to carry cash (for example, to the bank), should ensure that the cash is concealed in a harmless looking bag and should not advise anyone that cash is carried in this way. If challenged, any money should be handed over immediately without resistance and attention given to details that would subsequently assist in detection and apprehension of the offenders.

The company will not tolerate bullying and harassment of any kind. All allegations of bullying and harassment will be investigated and, if appropriate, disciplinary action will be taken. The company will also not tolerate victimisation of a person for making allegations of bullying or harassment in good faith or supporting someone to make such a complaint. Victimisation is a disciplinary offence. Harassment is unwanted conduct related to sex, gender reassignment, race or ethnic or national origins, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or any other personal characteristic which:

Any such incidents must be reported by the employee to their Line Manager immediately. 17

The Company recognises that alcohol abuse and drug addiction may be illnesses requiring medical treatment. Employees who suffer from such addictions will therefore be given support and assistance provided they are actively following the advice of their doctor and undertaking treatment.

Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power which is meant to undermine, humiliate or injure the person on the receiving end.

Any employee who voluntarily advises the Company that they are suffering from an alcohol or drug related problem will be supported in overcoming their illness. They will be encouraged to seek medical advice and treatment and will be expected to accept the treatment available and to co-operate fully with professional agencies.

VIOLENCE & FIGHTING The Ringway Group aims to provide a safe place of work and safe procedures for its employees. Employees are expected to attend and use premises and equipment for the purpose for which they were intended and for no other reason. The following are examples of behaviour that are expressly prohibited:


Part 4



• has the purpose of violating a person's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person; or • is reasonably considered by that person to have the effect of violating his or her dignity or of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for him or her, even if this effect was not intended by the person responsible for the conduct.

Any problems encountered as defined under this policy which cannot be resolved informally should be raised with the employee’s line manager in accordance with the Company’s grievance procedure.

Part 3

Assaults, aggressive behaviour and physical attacks stem from any number of motives and are not normally pre-meditated. In such cases, employees are advised that potential assailants can often be dissuaded from pursuing physical attacks by attentive and patient listening, by the provision of the information being sought, or by giving a clear indication that such information will be provided at the earliest opportunity.

Such support will only be given whre the employee comes forward before any potential testing, notice of testing or disciplinary procedure. Any such notification by an employee cannot be used to avoid testing or potential disciplinary action. Further details on the Ringway Alcohol and Drugs policy are contained in a separate document. This is issued to all employees and supply chain partners. Employment at Ringway is subject to the employee signing a statement of terms and conditions of employment which contains a clause relating to our policy and our approach on testing for the presence of alcohol or drugs. 41

Ringway Employee Handbook


REDUNDANCY It is the Group’s policy to create and maintain long-term stable employment for those that want it. However, no organisation can guarantee this. In the event that it is necessary to reduce employee numbers through redundancy, for example due to a drop in workload, the management will, where possible, consult with affected employees and their representatives in good time to : • See if there are any alternatives to redundancy • Discuss such plans generally • Determine selection procedures Before making compulsory redundancies the Company will, wherever possible, consider employees who volunteer, although there is no guarantee that every offer will be accepted, as persons with key skills may need to be retained. The Company will seek to use a fair selection process. Any employee selected for redundancy will be allowed reasonable time off to attend interview in order to find alternative employment.


Company cars will be replaced entirely at the Company’s discretion with either a comparable vehicle from the existing fleet or a new vehicle, dependent on availability at the time of replacement. Further details are available in the Ringway Car Policy. Drivers will also be issued with a Car Driver’s Manual. 19.1 Authorised Drivers Before being allocated a Company car, employees must sign a mandate to give permission for Intelligent Data Systems to access information about their driving licence. Employees must also complete a driver declaration form. This form includes questions regarding health and fitness to drive, previous experience, accident record and any convictions and penalties. Licences of all authorised drivers will be inspected at least once a year after the initial inspection. Company cars must only be driven by persons authorised to do so, and aged over 21. This is normally restricted to: The employee or another employee of the Group who is an approved driver. The partner of the employee provided that they have held a full licence to drive for at least 2 years and are not disqualified from driving. 42

It is recognised that exceptional situations may arise, when it is necessary for another person to drive the Company car in an emergency, and the employee may authorise this use in such circumstances. However, before doing so, the employee should ensure the driver does possess a valid driving licence. 19.2 Driving Convictions All authorised drivers must advise their local Manager or Director immediately of any and all driving convictions or subsequent disqualification. Failure to do so by any employee is regarded as misconduct, as it could render the insurance cover invalid, and a driver could become personally liable for the costs of any subsequent accident. Driving whilst disqualified will be deemed by the Company to constitute an act of Gross Misconduct, which could result in dismissal. Disqualification may jeopardise future employment by the Group if a lack of license prevents the employee fromfulfilling the requirements of their job. 19.3 Taking Your Car Abroad Should an employee wish to take a Company car overseas, permission must be obtained from their Line Manager and details of the trip be provided to the Insurance Manager at Group Head Office to ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place. Permission will also be needed from the Group Plant & Fleet Department, who will request the necessary paperwork to take the vehicle out of the country. Some manufacturers offer breakdwon cover at no cost for all their vehicles throughout Europe. If this is not included, any foreign travel requires similar cover with one of the motoring organisations to be taken out at the employee’s expense (unless trvelling on business), as the costs of repatriating a damaged vehicle will be the responsibility of the driver.

Part 4

If employment with the Group requires an employee to be regularly available to travel on business, the individual may be allocated a Company car or Private Credit Sale car in line with the Group's car policy. Whether an employee receives a car, or a car allowance will be determined by the nature of the role and the business mileage driven in a full year. All company cars are fully expensed to cover all routine maintenance, insurance, road tax and fuel including reasonable private use in the United Kingdom.

Copies of the driving licence for your partner must be produced for inspection, before they are allowed to drive. No other person may drive the car without the specific authorisation of a Director or Senior Manager.

Part 3


Rules & General Information

19.4 Mileage Records Detailed records of mileage covered for business purposes must be kept. A return of business and private mileage covered must be submitted to the Group Plant & Fleet Department on a monthly basis. This particularly applies where an employee reclaims business mileage through their expenses. Further details are contained in the Ringway Car Policy. 19.5 Vehicle Accident Reporting All accidents must be reported as soon as possible to either the employee’s Line Manager or to the Group's Insurance Manager, however trivial the accident appears. Please refer to Section 27 on Insurance for a more detailed summary of the insurance cover on the vehicle. 19.6 Vehicle Maintenance It is the responsibility of all car drivers to keep their vehicle clean, maintained in accordance with the maintenance schedule for the vehicle, and in proper, safe and road-worthy 43

Ringway Employee Handbook

condition at all times. Undue wear and tear due to failure to comply with the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedule will be treated as a disciplinary offence. No modifications may be made to a Company vehicle without permission from the Company. This includes the fitting of roof racks and tow bars or any alterations or additions to the bodywork or standard equipment with which the vehicle was delivered. Permission should be obtained from a Director.

Rules & General Information


Every employee is responsible for keeping all items of plant and equipment under their control in a clean and safe condition. Employees are responsible for daily checking of tyres, oil levels, water and fuel levels on any Company owned and hired plant they are using. All employees must report any mechanical defects immediately.

19.7 Fuel Cards Where a fuel card is issued, the employee is responsible for its proper use, which is to purchase fuel and oil for the Company vehicle. Loss or theft of the card must be immediately reported to either your local fuel card contact or the Group Plant and Fleet Department at Horsham. If out of hours, please call the relevant number which can be obtained from the local fuel card contact. A replacement charge of £25 will be levied for any fuel card misplaced. Any abuse of the fuel card system will be considered a disciplinary matter up to and including gross misconduct and, as such, will be dealt with under the Company disciplinary procedures. Any driver found to be fraudulently using a fuel card can be asked to also repay the value of any fuel obtained in this way.

All plant and machinery must be operated in the proper manner by competent and approved operators only and used for the purpose for which it was designed. No employee shall drive or operate a vehicle or item of plant on Company business unless they are trained and competent to do so and have been approved to do so by the relevant Line Manager. Misuse of plant or accidents caused by the improper use or mishandling of plant will not be tolerated under any circumstances and will be treated as misconduct. The appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

19.8 Vehicle Security

19.9 Penalty Charges

19.10 Vehicle Return The Company reserves the right to take back any car at any time should an occasion arise where the Company has an imperative need for the car. All Company cars must be available for use by other Company employees on Company business, when not in use by the usual driver. The car must be returned to the Company on demand, in a clean and tidy condition, where: • An employee ceases to be in full-time employment within the Group • An employee loses entitlement to a vehicle due to a change in the employee’s terms and conditions • The Company decides your vehicle is to be replaced due to age, mileage or to suit overall transport planning requirements • For any other reason notified to the employee by the Company


COMMERCIAL VEHICLE DRIVERS RULES All drivers will be issued with a Comercial Driver’s Manual in addition to this handbook 21.1 Authorised Drivers All commercial vehicle drivers must sign a mandate to give permission for Intelligent Data Systems to access information about their driving licence. Employees must also complete a driver declaration form. This form includes questions regarding health and fitness to drive, previous experience, accident record and any convictions and penalties. Licences of all authorised drivers will be inspected at least once a year after the initial inspection. This requirement extends to sub-contractors authorised to drive Company vehicles. The Company must be advised immediately of any and all driving convictions. Failure to do so will be regarded as disciplinary offence as it could render the insurance covers invalid.

Part 4

The Company will not, under any circumstances, accept responsibility for parking, speeding or any other fines incurred by an employee. Therefore, any fines incurred through wrongful or illegal use of Company cars will be borne by the driver. The Company will usually pay these and then deduct the cost from the employee’s pay.


Part 3

At all times when leaving the vehicle unattended all windows must be closed, the ignition key removed and the vehicle securely locked. All contents should be stored out of sight, preferably in the boot. Insurance cover for contents in a car is very limited. The Company cannot accept responsibility for any personal items lost from the vehicle at any time.


21.2 Vehicle Maintenance All van or lorry drivers are responsible for the daily checking of all safety and operational aspects of the vehicle including oils, water, fuel levels, tyre pressure, brake performance, steering play/noise or vibration, seat and safety belt security and operating, tyre treads, tyre side wall damage or wear, wheel security fastenings and correct operation of all lights, wipers, washers, horns and instruments. In addition, a check should be made for embedded stones or accumulated debris in or around the tyres and wheels at the start of the day and before leaving any site or tip to go onto the highway - any debris should be cleared before proceeding. Any vehicle defects found must be reported immediately. On no account must drivers use a vehicle on the highway unless it is in a road-worthy condition. All vehicles must be treated with due care and consideration. Damage caused by operator abuse may render the vehicle unfit for use and offenders will face appropriate disciplinary action. 45

Ringway Employee Handbook

Rules & General Information

All commercial vehicles must be cleaned internally and externally on a regular basis at locally specified intervals. Operators should also adhere to any locally agreed arrangements with regard to the security of these vehicles. Any failure to properly secure a vehicle could lead to disciplinary action being taken.

The global positioning system (GPS) offers real time tracking, which allows Ringway to pin point the location of a vehicle and check on its progress. It alerts us when a vehicle goes off its prescribed route, recalculates its time of arrival and can adjust the routing of other vehicles to help compensate. These features improve efficiency and increase our productivity. If emergency works are required, the manager can quickly identify which vehicle is nearest, and divert them to assist if needed.

21.3 Vehicle Use Vehicle logbooks, including detailed mileage records will be maintained for all vehicles by the driver/foreman/chargehand concerned.

As Ringway has a duty of care under health and safety, this technology allows the company to locate lone workers (working with a vehicle) and ensures that we are able to respond to any emergencies quickly. It also allows supervision, where supervision is required (i.e. during training and probationary periods).

All drivers of heavy goods vehicles are responsible for the correct use of Tachographs when required and all discs and log sheets must be handed in weekly. HGVs and other commercial vehicles may not carry passengers other than Ringway personnel or sub-contractors working for the Company.

Vehicles fitted with a tracking system will also have a privacy key, which allows drivers to switch off the tracking when they are not working, if they drive a vehicle that they are allowed to take home and use for personal use.

Vehicles may not be used for domestic purposes without specific permission. All employees are expected to follow the Ringway vehicle tracking procedures and failure to do so may be considered a disciplinary offence. For a full description of the policy including our commitment to The Data Protection Act, please see our Intranet or ask your line manager. 22

Speed limits and rules in respect to the movement of vehicles on Company sites will be determined locally. It is the duty of employees to comply and of supervisory staff and management to ensure compliance.

Masternaut is the current company wide software system that links all our vehicles to a central database so that security of our assets and employees can be monitored. The data collected by the vehicle tracking system enables the company to provide its customers with the level of service that is required to fulfill contractual obligations. It also allows us to provide evidence, when questioned, of our activities, such as carriageway repairs and winter gritting runs. All commercial vehicles are fitted with a tracking device and Ringway reserves the right to add tracking devices to any other company vehicle.



Part 4

21.5 Vehicle Tracking Policy (Masternaut)

VIGIROUTE Vigiroute has been developed to enhance our employees' awareness of driving risk. All employees will have their licence checked and undergo continued evaluation / training in this regard. The aim is simple: We want all our drivers to anticipate the dangers by raising their awareness to potential danger.

21.4 Overnight Parking All vehicles (over 3.5 tonnes) in use under an Operator’s License MUST NEVER be parked overnight at the side of a road or by a private residence. It is a condition of the Operator’s Licence that such vehicles may only be parked at designated operating centres or at commercial vehicle parks. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in disciplinary action if deemed appropriate.

Part 3

All vehicle movements shall be in accordance with current Road Transport Regulations and/or Company procedures. Particular notice should be taken of speed limits, parking restrictions, load restrictions and over loading, driver’s hours limitations, and particularly any additional restrictions when towing. Obligatory speed limits must be observed on the highway at all times, as must advisory speed limits set by the Company for specific activities, such as winter gritting.

USE OF MOBILE DEVICES: IN VEHICLES AND WHILST AT WORK 23.1 Mobile device usage policy Mobile devices are supplied to individuals to aid them in their work. Personal calls are permitted within reason. Excessive use of a company device for personal use may lead to personal use being charged to an individual and in some cases the mobile being removed. Persistent abuse may also lead to disciplinary action. Ringway reserve the right to monitor the purpose of calls which are documented on monthly reports produced by the mobile phone network. 23.2 Use of mobile phones in vehicles Holding a mobile phone whilst driving is illegal. It carries a fixed penalty from three points and a £60 fine up to a maximum of 14 years in prison if death by dangerous driving is caused while using a mobile phone . The driver is also not in full control of your vehicle when using a hand-held mobile phone. As such should one be involved in an accident while on the mobile phone prosecution could follow as well as disciplinary action up to and including gross misconduct. 47

Ringway Employee Handbook

All employees should either use a hands-free phone or not answer their phone while driving. However, if a hands free kit is used with the mobile phone, conversations should be kept to a minimum so concentration is kept on driving. 23.3 Definitions: Hand-held phone A device classed as hand-held if it is held in the driver’s hand during at least part of the period of its operation. This applies to drivers speaking or listening to a phone call, or using a device interactively for accessing any sort of data, which would include sending or receiving text messages.

Rules & General Information


ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS – ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Ringway uses technology and software to run efficient business systems. Employees will therefore have access to a range of technology during their employment. This includes, but is not limited to: • E-mail • Internet • Telephones, to include mobile phones • Facsimiles

Hands-free phone Only phones that have fixed speakers should be regarded as hands-free. Pushing buttons on a phone while it is in a cradle or if it is being operated via buttons on a steering wheel would not breach regulations.

Employees are encouraged to use technology where appropriate to improve business efficiency. We all however have a responsibility to use communications in an efficient and cost effective manner. Ringway and its employees will respect and comply with the Data Protection Act and others laws and rules governing the use of computers in business.

2-way radios Any device that has a “press to talk’’ system can still be used, as the device keeps conversations short and are likely to have a low risk rating.

The Company e-mail facility is intended to promote effective business focused communication. Occasional personal messages may be sent but these should be kept to a minimum. It should not therefore be used for spreading gossip, for personal gain or to cause breach of the Company’s standard employment policies on issues such as harassment. In addition excessive personal use may be treated as a disciplinary matter. The same principles apply to telephones and all communication methods.

Many of us have private mobile phones and carry these with us at all times. It is also becoming more common place for employees to have mobile phones switched on during working hours. The nature of our business means that the practice of using mobile phones whilst at work is inherently dangerous. An employee’s attention will be elsewhere and they may therefore be less aware of plant and vehicle movements. All personal mobile phones must therefore be left in a vehicle and used only on breaks. Any employee found to be in possession of a personal mobile phone on site will be subject to disciplinary action.

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The purpose of this policy is to clarify the Company’s position on the employee’s use of electronic communication. This is to help shield both the Company and employees against potential liability as well as the receipt of offensive or unsolicited communications. It is also designed to avoid threats to the security of the Company’s computer and communications systems.

Part 3

Holding any electronic device used for accessing oral, textual or pictorial communications is also prohibited, if the device has to be held at some point during the course of its operation.

All messages sent via electronic communications are to be written in accordance with the standards of written communications. Content and language must be consistent with best Company practice. Messages should be concise and directed only to those individuals with the need to know. Confidential information should not be sent externally by e-mail without express authority and unless the messages can be lawfully encrypted. Offers or contracts transmitted electronically are as legally binding on the Company as those issued on paper. Employees therefore should not make any commitments on behalf of the Company for which they do not have the appropriate authority. The Internet is for locating and retrieving data relevant to work related tasks and duties. Employee Internet use is permitted where such use has been authorised and where the use is suitable for business purposes. Access should not be used for either seeking or advertising goods, or services (e.g. “small ads”), games, social events or for seeking membership of groups, spreading gossip or for personal gain, or in breach of the Company’s standard employment policies on issues such as harassment. Your Company e-mail address should not be entered on any mailing lists that are not directly related to the business of the Company. Employees should also avoid nonurgent use of the Internet.


Normal standards of etiquette and privacy should be observed (as with telephones, post and e-mail).


Ringway Employee Handbook

Rules & General Information

24.1 Social Networking Policy

24.1.3 Security and identitiy theft on Social Networking Sites

This policy is in addition to the Company's existing statements on e-mail and internet use that can be found in: ‘Electronics Communications – acceptable use policy’. The Social Networking policy outlines the responsibilities of employees using the internet to access social networking websites. These may include but not be limited to Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, Linked-in and Friends reunited.

Even when accessing social networking sites from a personal computer, these sites are still open public forums, particularly where the individual using the site is part of a 'network'. It is therefore suggested employees consider the following points for personal security on any public website:

The Company uses technology and software to run efficient business systems. All employees are encouraged to use technology where appropriate to improving business efficiency. 24.1.1 Personal use of the internet for social networking sites The Company does not allow use of company technology for any employee to access social networking websites at any time, whether during office hours or not. The Company will add websites of this type to the list of restricted websites as and when necessary. The Company reserves the right to restrict access to further social networking sites where they are deemed to be inappropriate websites for business use.

• Employees should not assume that their entries on any website will remain private and they may be quoted by a third party on any subject they have discussed. • Be security conscious. Take steps to protect against identity theft by restricting the amount of personal information that they given out. • Social networking websites allow people to post detailed personal information such as date of birth, place of birth and favourite football team. These can form the basis of security questions and passwords that employees use on a day to day basis. • Employees should ensure that no information is made available that could provide a person with unauthorised access to the Company and/or any confidential information. 24.1.4 Recruitment At no stage during the recruitment process will Human Resources or Line Managers conduct searches on prospective employees on social networking websites. This is in line with the Company's equal opportunity policy.

The Company respects an employee's right to a private life. However, the Company must also ensure that confidentiality and its reputation are protected. It therefore requires employees using social networking websites during their personal time to:

24.2 The Company’s rights

Also, if an employee has reason to believe a colleague is in breach of this policy they should raise it with their Line Manager as soon as possible. Misuse of company materials as laid out above will be seen as being in breach of the social networking policy and will be dealt with through the Company disciplinary framework. This may include gross misconduct where very serious breaches occur.

No employee should issue their Ringway e-mail address to anyone other than for business reasons. Ringway e-mail addresses not for private use. It is suggested that any personal correspondence is sent to a personal email address

Part 4

• Ensure that they do not conduct themselves in a way that is detrimental to Ringway or their contracts of employment with the company • Take care not to allow their interaction on these websites to damage working relationships between members of staff and clients of the company. • Refrain from using any company related material on social networking sites. Examples include but are not limited to: company logos, branding, product names or any associated branding. • Employees should ensure that no information is made available that could provide a person with unauthorised access to the Company and/or any confidential information. • Refrain from recording any confidential information regarding the Company on any social networking website.

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24.1.2 Employee conduct

However employees should not read e-mails sent to private e-mail addresses using Ringway property. Remember that any e-mail opened on a computer will leave a record of the data on the computer’s hard drive even after it has been deleted. For the avoidance of doubt, any employee should have no expectation of privacy in respect of any information left on a Ringway hard drive. It is company policy that an employee has no right to individual privacy when sending or receiving electronic communications, or in relation to data stored on company provided data keys or computer disks or CD Roms. The Company reserves the right therefore to monitor usage and to retrieve the contents of messages in order to monitor whether use is legitimate. Also to find lost messages or to retrieve messages lost due to technical failure, to assist in the investigations of wrongful acts or to comply with any legal obligation. Employees should therefore be aware usage of all electronic resources and communications will be monitored. In addition, mailboxes may be checked during any absence from the office if alternative forwarding arrangements for incoming e-mails have not been made. This is to ensure that the business responds properly to customers and other contacts. Employees should also be aware that e-mail correspondence is not private and communications of a sensitive or confidential nature should only be sent if they are encrypted.



Ringway Employee Handbook

Corporate e-mail accounts, Internet IDs and web pages should not be used for anything other than Company sanctioned communications. Employees should also make it clear to any recipient that any opinions you express are personal ones and not those of the Company. 24.3 Security of computer passwords If given access to the e-mail or Internet system, employees are accepting responsibility for the security of their computer terminal and must not allow the equipment to be used by an unauthorised person. Personal password should be kept confidential and changed regularly. When leaving a terminal unattended or on leaving the office employees should ensure their system is logged off to prevent unauthorised use of your terminal in your absence. Should an employee fail to follow the above procedure and their terminal is used to send inappropriate e-mails or to access inappropriate web sites, the individual may be subject to the Company disciplinary procedure. 24.4 Potential Legal Issues

An action of sexual harassment could be brought if objectionable or sexually explicit material were downloaded and therefore brought into the workplace. Criminal charges might also be brought against the employee concerned if the content downloaded were illegal. Actions for breach of copyright can also be brought – remember, just because something is on the Internet does not mean it is free to download. Visiting web sites containing obscene, hateful or otherwise objectionable material or sending or receiving material which is defamatory, obscene or intended to annoy, harass or intimidate another Representing personal opinions as those of the Company or using the Internet for gambling or illegal activities 24.5 General rules Should an employee receive an e-mail or text message that has been wrongly delivered then they should notify the sender of the message by redirecting the message to that person. Furthermore, in the event the message contains confidential information the employee must not disclose or use that confidential information in any way whasoever.


Misuse of Company systems by being in breach of the electronic communications policy statement will be considered as misconduct and will be dealt with through the framework of the Company disciplinary procedure. Also, if an employee has reason to believe a colleague is in breach of this policy they should raise it with their Line Manager as soon as possible. In addition, misuse of the Company’s system by the transmission of material in any of the following categories will constitute gross misconduct: • • • • •

Defamatory Offensive or obscene Untrue or malicious In breach of copyright Discrimination whether racial, sexist or in any other form

The following list, which is not exhaustive, provides examples of how an employee might misuse the Internet: • Entering into a contract without authorisation from the employee’s Line Manager • Providing confidential information without the authorisation of the employee’s Line Manager • Entering into a financial agreement without the authorisation of the appropriate Board Director • Downloading of software without the express written permission of the Group Business Systems Manager • Cutting, pasting or downloading information without first checking the copyright information • Transmitting material that infringes the copyright of another person or company • Retrieving or viewing obscene or indecent material • The creation or transmission of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material • The creation or transmission of any material which is designed or likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless activity • The creation or transmission of defamatory material, to include “industry gossip” • Wasting staff effort and system resources on unnecessary “surfing”, also slowing down the network due to sustained high volume of traffic • Corrupting or destroying other users data, examining, changing or using another person’s files, output or user name without explicit authority. • Connecting to the Internet and downloading any software or electronic files without implementing the virus protection measures approved by the Company. • Using social networking sites to discuss, promote or publicise Ringway in anyway that has not been given prior written approval by the Marketing Department • Any other inappropriate use of Internet or network that may be identified by the Network Administrator from time to time.

Part 4

While also subject to the disciplinary policy, the following are examples of situations where legal action might be brought against not just the Company, but also against the employee concerned:

Should you receive an e-mail or text message that contravenes the Company’s policy then you should bring it to the attention of your Line Manager.

Part 3

Messages sent over the e-mail system can give rise to legal action against the Company. Claims of defamation, breach of confidentiality or contract could arise from a misuse of the system. It is therefore vital for e-mail messages to be treated like any other form of correspondence and where necessary, hard copies to be retained. Employees are also reminded that messages are disclosable in any legal action commenced against the Company relevant to the issues set out in the e-mail.

Rules & General Information


Ringway Employee Handbook



Rules & General Information


All workstations in the Group are assessed and, in so far as is reasonably practicable, any identified risks to health will be minimised or eliminated. These risks usually relate to:-

All Company vehicles are covered by a fleet insurance policy. The terms of this policy as summarised below must be strictly observed.

• • • • • • •

All vehicles and plant must only be used in connection with the Group's business, which can include travel between an employee’s home or place of storage of the vehicle and their place of work.

Display screen image, mobility and glare Keyboard position, tilt and usability Working space and desk requirements Chair height, tilt and footrest Overall lighting Reflections from windows and overhead lighting How user friendly the software is

In the case of motor vehicles, this may also include for social, domestic and pleasure purposes. Use of a Company vehicle in connection with any other business activity is un-insured.

Workstation users must take regular breaks away from the display screen work when continuous work is being undertaken. The recommendation is that a ten-minute break should be taken, doing non-VDU work, every hour.

It is a condition of the insurance policy that the insurers are notified of all accidents even if apparently of no consequence. The Group has appointed Total Accident Management to handle accident theft and vehicle damage reporting and employees must report accidents thefts and vehicle damage to Total Accident Management by phone following the procedures detailed in the drivers handbook as soon as possible after an accident, loss or vehicle damage. If a Company vehicle, or one being used by the Company, is undriveable due to an accident Total will arrange for a repairer to collect and repair the vehicle. In the case of theft or suspected theft of a Company vehicle, the police and the Company must be immediately informed. Full details of the contents of the vehicle must also be given.

Users are recommended to have their eyesight checked at the following times: -

Under no circumstances may repairs be put in hand with a repairer which has not been agreed with Total Accident Management unless in the case of minor damage, the Group Insurance Manager or local Management has authorised the repairs. 28


A copy of the VDU assessment procedure can be found in the Ringway Safety Manual which can be found on the intranet or via the Group Health & Safety Department.

Death in service benefits, subject to the rules of the insurance schemes are as follows:


a. For those employees who are members of one of the Group pension schemes, the benefit payable is as specified in the relevant scheme documentation or their Contracts of Employment.

Other than small value gifts at Christmas, Ringway has a policy of employees not accepting gifts from suppliers, advisers, customers or other third parties. If a large value gift etc. is offered, this should be politely declined (or returned) advising the donor that this is against Ringway policy. In case of doubt, employees should refer the matter to their Manager or a Director.

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• On first becoming a user • At 3 yearly intervals, thereafter unless otherwise advised by an Optician • Where any visual difficulties are experienced relating to work on VDU’s

Part 3

Under the ‘Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992’, employees who regularly work at visual display screens as a significant part of their normal work (typically 2 or 3 hours at a word processor every day) have a right to have an eyesight test at regular intervals. The Ringway Group will meet the cost of this eyesight check and will meet the cost of providing any basic glasses solely required by prescription to carry out VDU work. This will be done by the Company contributing a maximum of £50 towards the cost of any glasses. In order to receive this contribution from the company, a report must be obtained from the optician consulted, indicating exactly why glasses are required.



b. For all other employees who are not in any of the Group pension schemes, the benefit payable is 2 times annual basic salary.

Gifts and hospitality may not be used as inducements to gain preferential treatment, which would naturally put the employee in a very difficult situation. Any employee placed in such a position should advise their Manager or Director immediately. Any breach of this rule will be treated as a disciplinary offence.



Teamwork in Action

Ringway Employee Handbook

Part 4 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE 1.1 Purpose and Scope 1.2 The Principles 1.3 The Importance of an Investigation 1.4 The Procedure 1.5 Fair reasons for dismissal 1.6 Suspension 1.7 Gross Misconduct 1.8 The Appeals Procedure 1.9 Employee Representation

58 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 62 62


GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 2.1 Purpose and Scope 2.2 The Procedure (including Appeal) 2.3 Appeal 2.4 Records

63 63 63 63 63

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Ringway Employee Handbook

1. Disciplinary Procedure 1.1 Pupose and Scope This disciplinary procedure does not form part of your terms and conditions of employment. It is designed, not to punish, but to help and encourage all employees achieve and maintain the expected standards of conduct or job performance. This procedure applies to all employees. The aim is to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all. Failure to consistently meet expected standards is likely to result in disciplinary action relevant to the situation. It is the responsibility of all Line Managers to communicate fully with the people who work for them and to ensure that standards of job performance and conduct appropriate to their role are fully understood and accepted. This procedure does not apply to terminations: • During or at the end of a probationary period of service (including any extended probationary period of employment) - where a basic procedure in line with the statutory dismissal and disciplinary procedure will apply instead • By mutual consent • Under the Sickness Absence Management Policy.

1.3 The Importance of Investigation In order to conduct disciplinary proceedings fairly, the Company will usually need to carry out a disciplinary investigation to establish the facts. A thorough, well-conducted investigation ensures consistancy and ensures all parties are dealt with in line with legislative requirements. Once an investigation is complete as decision will be made as to whether a disciplinary meeting should take place. The fact that a disciplinary meeting takes place does not, of itself, infer disciplinary action. Such action will only be taken if appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances, and after the disciplinary meeting has been held. Any documents / evidence arising from any disciplinary investigation, that are deemed to be relevant will be disclosed to an employee prior to any disciplinary hearing they are invited to. 1.4 The Procedure Minor faults will be dealt with informally but where the matter is more serious, or where a minor fault is not addressed by the employee, the following procedure will be used: Stage 1: Verbal Warning

No disciplinary action will be taken against an employee until the case has been fully investigated.

If conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards, the employee will normally be given a formal verbal warning.

At every stage in the procedure the employee will be advised of the nature of the complaint against them and will be given the opportunity to state their case before any decision is made.

They will be advised of the reason for the warning, that it is the first stage of the disciplinary procedure and of their right of appeal.

At all stages the employee will have the right to be accompanied by an employee representative or work colleague during the disciplinary meeting. This person may ask questions or present a statement on behalf of the employee. They may not however, answer questions on behalf of the employee.

Stage 2: First Written Warning

No employee will be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of Gross Misconduct when the penalty may be dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice, following completion of the disciplinary procedure.

This stage is reached after there has been no significant improvement following a verbal warning, or where the matter is serious enough to justify omitting the verbal warning. A written warning will be given to the employee by their Manager. This will give details of the complaint, the improvement required and the time scale for improvement. It will warn that action under Stage 3 will be considered if there is no satisfactory improvement and will advise of their right of appeal.

An employee will have the right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty imposed.

Stage 3: Final Written Warning

The procedure may be implemented at any stage if the employee’s alleged misconduct warrants such action. The Company also reserves the right to condense these procedures where an employee is considered to still be completing a probationary period.

If there is still a failure to improve and conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning but insufficiently serious to justify dismissal (in effect both first and final written warning), a final written warning will normally be given to the employee. This will give details of the complaint, will warn that dismissal will result if there is no satisfactory improvement and will advise of their right of appeal.

Part 4

1.2 The Principles

Records will be kept of all disciplinary action and of any resulting appeal. All records will be kept confidential.


Disciplinary Procedure


Ringway Employee Handbook

Stage 4: Dismissal

1.7 Gross Misconduct

This usually results from a continuing situation, which does not improve. If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the employee still fails to reach the prescribed standards, dismissal will normally result. Only the appropriate Regional Director (or higher) or the Group Head of HR can take the decision to dismiss. The employee will be provided, as soon as reasonably practicable, with written reasons for dismissal, the date on which employment will terminate and their right of appeal.

In cases of serious misconduct an employee may be subject to summary dismissal. This means immediate termination of employment without notice. This should not be confused with immediate termination but with payment of notice, which may occur at the Company’s discretion in certain cases of dismissal resulting from the normal disciplinary procedure.

In exceptional circumstances however, summary or instant dismissal may follow a single occurrence of Gross Misconduct and in this case the employee has no entitlement to pay in lieu of notice. All aspects of the particular circumstances involved will be fully investigated and a disciplinary meeting held, before any decision is made. Depending on the circumstances of each case, any one or more of the above steps may be omitted. 1.5 Fair Reasons for Dismissal It is expected that the Company will only infrequently need to dismiss an employee, but in any case, under current legislation there are several circumstances in which it is fair to do so. The reasons which are judged to be fair reasons for dismissal are those which:

1.6 Suspension The Company reserves the right to suspend an employee on basic pay in cases of suspected serious misconduct, pending fuller investigation or a decision being made at a higher level of management. It will normally be followed either by disciplinary action or by the withdrawal of any allegations relating to the incident. This form of paid suspension may be used in situations where: • The parties concerned require a "cooling off" period before further discussion or investigation is carried out • The company is waiting for results of a drug or alcohol test and suspension is the most appropriate course of action at that time.

Summary dismissal can result from a single occurrence of serious misconduct and does not require completion of the warning procedures. The following list, which is not exhaustive, provides examples of offences that are normally regarded as Gross Misconduct and are therefore considered serious enough to warrant summary dismissal: • Breach of health and safety rules • Theft, fraud or deliberate falsification of company records, including time sheets, expense claims or sick certificates • Inappropriate use of internal e-mail systems and external internet access • Fighting with or physical assault on colleagues or third parties • Discrimination or harassment of a colleague or a third party on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, age, religion or belief. • Deliberate damage to or abuse of Company or third party property • Incapacity due to alcohol or being under the influence of drugs, whether illegal or through abuse of legal or prescribed drugs, or unauthorised possession of drugs or alcohol whilst on Company premises or in working time • Unauthorised possession of offensive weapons • Conviction or charge in connection with a criminal offence which affects the employee’s ability/acceptability to remain in employment, or where the offence has occurred on Company premises or in company time • Driving without an appropriate licence or whilst disqualified • Negligence which causes unacceptable loss, damage or injury • Serious act of insubordination or deliberately misleading or lying to management • Deliberate poor workmanship or failure to comply with specifications • Disclosing confidential Company or third party information • Behaviour which could bring the Company into disrepute • Behaviour which seriously damages the Company’s trust in an employee’s future good faith and conduct • Use of Company assets for purposes other than Ringway Group business • Engaging in acts in direct competition to the Company, establishing a business or working for another business in competition to the Company • Failure to be available and fit for work without due cause when on standby • Refusing to take a drug and alcohol test, whether on a for cause or random basis

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• Relate to the lack of capability or qualifications of the employee for performing work of a kind which they are employed to do. • Relate to unsatisfactory conduct. • Are due to redundancy – when the need for a particular job in a particular place ceases or diminishes. • Mean that if the employment were to continue the Company would be contravening the law. • Are due to some other substantial reason.


Disciplinary Procedure

An employee accused of an act of Gross Misconduct may be suspended from work on full pay while the Company investigates the alleged offence. If, on the balance of reasonable the Company is satisfied that Gross Misconduct has occurred, the result will normally be summary dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice.


Ringway Employee Handbook

Grievance Procedure

1.8 The Appeals Procedure

2.2 The Procedure

Should an employee wish to appeal against disciplinary action they should write to the Line Manager of the Manager who issued the warning within seven working days of the decision they are appealing. The letter should state the grounds for the appeal, explain why the employee believes such grounds exist plus any new factors to be considered.

Where possible it is hoped that an informal discussion between employer and line manager will resolve any issue or concern.

Should an employee wish to appeal against a decision of dismissal, they should write to the Group Head of HR who will hear the appeal if appropriate, or will assign an independent director or senior manager to hear the appeal. The appeal must be in writing; should state the reasons for the appeal, and should be sent within seven days of the employee receiving the letter confirming dismissal. This Manager / Director will be equivalent or senior to the disciplining manager. Where necessary, a Director or appropriate senior manager from another Division or Company within Ringway will be appointed. Following the appeal hearing the employee will be informed of the appeal decision as soon as is reasonably practicable.

If the matter is not resolved with the manager or if it is not appropriate to raise the employee’s grievance informally, the employee should use the formal grievance procedure, 2.2.1 Formal grievance The employee should put his/her grievance in writing and send it to his/her immediate manager. If the employee’s grievance involves the employee’s immediate manager the employee should send the grievance to a more senior manager. The manager will arrange a meeting with the employee to discuss the grievance. Further investigation may be required and the employee will be advised if this is the case. After the employee’s grievance has been investigated, the manager will advise the employee in writing of the outcome. 2.3 Appeal

Usually appeals will be made on the following grounds: • The penalty applied was inappropriate, inconsistent or too harsh • Extenuating circumstances were not taken into account • The Manager conducting the disciplinary hearing was biased • The Employee was not given a fair hearing • New evidence has come to light which would have affected the decision 1.9 Employee Representation

The Senior Manager will arrange a meeting with the employee to discuss the grievance. The manager will consider what the employee has to say and will discuss the matter with the employee. The Senior Manager may want to investigate the employee’s complaint further and the employee will be advised if this is the case. After the employee’s grievance has been fully investigated, the Manager will advise the employee in writing that the matter has been dealt with and of the action, if any, which has been, or will be taken.

Part 4

At any formal disciplinary meeting or appeal meeting (ie. not an investigatory meeting) an employee is entitled to be accompanied by a fellow Ringway colleague or full time trade union official. No other person will be permitted to attend.

If the employee’s grievance is still not resolved or the employee is dissatisfied with the handling of the grievance at the formal grievance stage, the employee can lodge an appeal against the findings of the grievance meeting. The appeal should be sent for the attention of the next Senior Manager ie. The Line Manager of the Manager hearing the grievance at the last stage.

The outcome of this meeting will be final and there will be no further stage of appeal.

2. Grievance Procedure 2.1 Purpose and Scope The Company recognises that misunderstandings or concerns can arise in any employment relationship. A grievance may include a complaint by an employee about action which his/her employer has taken or is contemplating taking in relation to him/her. The purpose of the Grievance Procedure is to arrive at a mutually satisfactory as quickly as possible. Anyone wishing to use this procedure can do so freely and without prejudice to their position in the Company.

2.4 Records Records will be kept detailing the nature of the grievance raised, the employee’s response and any action taken. These records will be kept confidential and retained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Copies of any meeting records may be given to the employee concerned, although in certain circumstance some information may be withheld, for example, to protect a witness.

If the employee is raising allegations of harassment, bullying or discrimination of any kind their grievance should be made to Human Resources. The employee may be accompanied by a work colleague or full time unions official at any formal grievance meeting.



Ringway Employee Handbook


Index Subject Title


Index Page Number

Absence, Sickness Notification and Sick Pay


Flexible Working


Alcohol and Drug Policy


Fuel Cards


Anti-Harassment Policy


General Conditions of Employment


Appeals procedure


General reasons for dismissal


Authorised Absence from Work


Gifts from Third Parties


Benefits and Allowances


Grievance Procedure




Gross Misconduct


Change in Personal Details




Commercial Vehicle Drivers Rules


Health & Safety at Work


Company Cars


Holiday Entitlement


Compassionate Leave


Holiday Leave Outstanding at Termination


Confidentiality, Patents and Inventions


Hours of Work


Continuous Service


Incident Reporting


Core Values


Induction Training


Corporate Social Responsibility




Customer Care


Introduction to the handbook


Death in Service Benefit


Layoff Procedures


Disciplinary Procedures




Electronic communications – acceptable use policy


Maternity Leave and Pay


Emergency and Winter Standby


Media Relations




Medical Examinations


Employee Volunteering


Mobile phone / devices


Employment Outside the Company


No Smoking Policy


Equality & Diversity


Notice Boards




Notice Periods

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Ringway Employee Handbook


Index Subject Title


Index Page Number

Parental Leave




Paternity Leave and Pay


Violence and Fighting


Pay Arrangements




Pay Review


Welcome from the Group Managing Director


Penalty Charges


Work with Display Equipment


Pension Schemes


Place of Work


Plant Operator Rules


Protective Equipment






Quality, Environmental & Health & Safety Policy Statement






Social Networking Policy


Statutory Holidays






The Ringway Group


Time Recording


Trade Union Membership


Training and Career Development


Unpaid Leave


Vehicle Maintenance


Vehicle Tracking

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