Application Form 2022

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APPLICATION FORM № .........2022 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Designation of the company or full name for individual person ................................................................................../ ........................................................................................................................... Page | 1 Bulstat / VAT for companies Tax/fiscal code and passport data for individual person ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Registration number of the company in the Court ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address for companies / residential address for individual person ....................................................................................../........................................................................................................................ Tel no. Fax no. ....................................................................................../........................................................................................................................ Website Email ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the legal representative .................................................................................... ……………./......................................................................................................... Name of contact person Mobile phone Dear Sirs, I hereby ask you for being admitted as member/associate of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, registered with n. 5035/2001 according to the registration of the Civil Court of Sofia. I declare to be aware of and accept the rules for the acquisition of such status and I have read the statute in force, and abide by its rules and regulations. I agree to pay, within 7 days from the application, membership fee determined by the governing bodies for the current year. I guarantee that I never had criminal conviction and not being aware of the existence of ongoing proceedings for the application of criminal convictions against me. I am aware that my application form is subject to the unquestionable decision of the Boards of the governing bodies.

Date ..................................

Stamp and signature ………………………….............................................

Please return this form, duly fulfilled in and signed, by fax No: +359(2) 944 08 69 or by email:

Membership Annual Fee (please tick your category): Individuals / Partnerships / Private limited company (Srl) □ BGN 800 (€ 412) Public limited company (S.p.A.) / Associations/Consortium/ Italian Chambers of Commerce □ BGN 1500 (€ 773) Supporting Members * □ BGN 5000 (€ 2.550) *starting from

Benefactor Members*

□ BGN 10.000 (€ 5.113)

*starting from


Bul. Knyaz Alexander Dondukov, 13, fl.3 – Sofia 1000 – Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 8463280–Fax: +359 2 9440869-


Founded in 2003 and recognized by Italian Government in Law no.518/70 Member of the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad

Annexe 1


Sector of the company: Brief summary of your company:

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Year of establishment :

Capital: (optional)

Turnover (mln Euro): (optional)

□ up to 1

□ 1-10

N. of employees:

□ up to 9

□ 10-50

Environment of business:

□ local

□ national

Are you already established in

□ yes

□ no


If yes, how long have you been working here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

□ 10-50

□ 50-100

□ 50-100

□ over 100

□ over 100

□ international

If yes, what kind of local partner you are working with?  No

□ representative □ distributor/importer □ end user □ supplier/producer □ other (please specify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Main area of interest for business in Bulgaria

□ import

□ export

□ Joint-venture

□ cooperation

If cooperation, please specify type of cooperation (ex. joint venture, license agreement, commercial, etc.)

Please send us electronic brochure of your company for publicity Logo of the company:

□ paper version

□ electronic version


□ paper version

□ electronic version

Magazines of the company:

□ yes

□ no

If yes please specify the type of magazine: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Language of communication with the Chamber: Members of other Associations/Chambers of Commerce:

□ Italian □ yes

□ Bulgarian

□ English

□ no

If yes please specify: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All provided data will be registered in our database of companies and they will be treated in full compliance with legislation in force (EU 25/05/2018). All data provided will be treated for the following purposes: a) administrative and account management; b) sending information about ICCB activities/services; c) realizing surveys or customer satisfaction related to services and projects; d) sending of information about initiatives and services for companies internationalization realized by public or private bodies (Italian Chamber of Commerce in Italy, Institutions, companies, consulting companies).In the framework of these initiatives, all data provided could be used also by public bodies, Institutions, Trade Associations, national and local, and spread in Italy and abroad.

Signature and stamp .............................................

Founded in 2003 and recognized by Italian Government in Law no.518/70 Member of the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad Bul. Knyaz Alexander Dondukov, 13, fl.3 – Sofia 1000 – Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 8463280–Fax: +359 2 9440869-


Date .........................

HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER The membership to the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria lasts one year, the expiration date is 31st December. It is automatically renewed with the payment of membership fee for the year of reference, except cases of suspension as described in the Statute of the Association.

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For new members, application form has to be filled with required information and sent by email to or by fax: +359 2 944 08 69. The articles of Association, now in force, can be fully viewed in the “Downloads” section of ICCB website. We inform you that a certificate of membership will be issued, according to local legislation for non-profit associations. It will be sent by ordinary post after checking the payment in Italian Chamber of Commerce banking account (issue of invoices is not allowed).

MEMBERS’ RIGHTS Being a member entitles you to have the following benefits, for categories "Individuals / Partnerships / Private limited company (Srl)" and “Public limited company (S.p.A.) / Associations/Consortium/ Italian Chambers of Commerce”:

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Access to Desk Members within ICCB for better matching your needs and tailor made services Access to network of members, for potential networking meetings and business Access to the database Pla.Net of Assocamerestero and to preferential rates with organizations and companies based in 58 Countries throughout the network of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad Access to all services of the Chamber at preferential rates, also referring to the document “Catalogue Services” – in the “Downloads" section of the website and available at the Chamber offices Access to legal services, accounting, and taxation services, throughout local specialized companies Access to interpreting services with local specialized experts and companies Access to the "Discount Program" with hotels, tour operators, car rental, meeting rooms. (Detailed information is available on the website, by password access). Priority in getting information and orientation services from "International Cooperation - Observatory Structural Funds and Community Programs" Department. Access to meeting rooms within the Chamber offices, fully equipped with multimedia for business presentations and meetings with partners Reception of e-newsletter “Daily News” in Italian language, publications, industry reports (pdf), news and publications from partners, useful to business growth in Bulgaria and Italy. 1 Mailing out to members of your company profile or other commercial information (upon request, according to a schedule agreed with the Secretariat of the Chamber) 1 Mailing out offers and discounts addressed to members (upon request, according to a schedule agreed with the Secretariat of the Chamber) Business opportunities related to your activity Participation into initiatives and networking events organized by ICCB completely free of charge or at reduced rates. Access to sponsorship plan at preferential rates (each member can support projects of the Chamber with its corporate logo, promotional brochure and other information, as specified in the sponsorship plan 2022) Reception of ICCB certificate of membership Access to preferential rates for advertising and visibility throughout ICCB website, newsletter, daily news, bilingual magazine, online magazines and publications promoted by ICCB partners: Promotional banner (940x350 – with hyperlink) on ICCB website and on “Daily News” Company logo (format: eps, gif, jpeg) linkable on ICCB website in “Daily News” section Articles and other useful information on the website – Members section Articles on “Daily News” Visibility of your company profile electronic (previously transmitted) on website (in the section for Members by password access) Founded in 2003 and recognized by Italian Government in Law no.518/70 Member of the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad Bul. Knyaz Alexander Dondukov, 13, fl.3 – Sofia 1000 – Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 8463280–Fax: +359 2 9440869-


➢ ➢ ➢

In addition to these, category "Supporting Members" will benefit also, completely free of charge: ➢

Visibility of company logo on ICCB institutional desk during events / activities organized in Italy and Bulgaria (in presence and virtual) ➢ Visibility throughout promotional brochure of your company within stands managed and fully equipped by ICCB in Italy Page | 4 and Bulgaria (in presence and virtual) ➢ Priority in receiving ICCB events and initiatives as well as those promoted by ICCB partner ➢ Free access and VIP treatment for initiatives and networking events organized by ICCB ➢ Access to sponsoring plan 2022 with a deduction of 30% on total amount mentioned in the plan and for each of social business networking event ➢ Advertising and visibility throughout ICCB website, newsletter, daily news, bilingual magazine, online magazines and publications promoted by ICCB partners: Promotional banner (940x350 – with hyperlink) on ICCB website for 1 year with possibility of monthly update (to be agreed with the secretariat of ICCB) In addition to above mentioned benefits, category "Benefactor Members" will benefit also 40% reduction from sponsorship packages related to different social business networking events.

Bul. Knyaz Alexander Dondukov, 13, fl.3 – Sofia 1000 – Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 8463280–Fax: +359 2 9440869-


Founded in 2003 and recognized by Italian Government in Law no.518/70 Member of the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad

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