Program lot consult

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Occupational health and safety consultancy and service. Risk assessment. Vocational Training Center – Certificate № 200812597 Accredited Inspection body of type "C" parameters of the working environment and electrical measurements. Project management. Development and implementation of management systems.

has the pleasure to send you this

INVITATION for participation in trainings, which will be held in the month February, March and April 2015 in the House of Science and Technology Sofia. 108"G.S. Rakovski” Str., Hall № 1, II floor. 9.30 am. on the following dates №





Reason for carrying: Ordinance № RD-07-2 / 16.12.2009 for the conditions and procedures for conducting periodic training and instruction of employees in the rules to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.


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officials who lead and manage work processes officials and specialized services under Article 24 of the Law on Safety and Health at Work persons designated by the employer to conduct briefings on safety and health at work

• Not to perform these trainings the employer bears administrative and penal liability.


the requirements of Rules for Safety and Health at Work on electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V • Regulations for safety at work in electrical installations of electrical and heating plants and grids The course is intended for engineers, electricians, electricians, energy-duty personnel, mechanics, elektrozhenisti, drivers of machines powered by electricity, working with hand el. Tools, equipment, facilities.


Dipl. Eng. Dimitrinka Stoyanova


Federation of Scientific Unions Sofia, 108 “G.S.Rakovski” Str., fl. 2, hall 1

125,00 BGN

Dipl. Eng. Emiliya Dimitrova



One day trainings

The periodical training for OHS is obligatory for:



Price per 1 person for one training, without VAT

TRAINING ON FIRE SAFETY Reason for holding: Ordinance № 8121z-647 of 01:10. 2014 for rules and standards for fire safety in the operation of facilities and Ordinance № RD07-2 from 16.12.2009. The training is designed for: •

officials in occupational health and safety and persons involved in coaching on fire safety

23.06.2015 28.07.2015 Dipl. Eng. Bogomil Petkov Dipl. Eng. Dimitar Kolarov

One day trainings 24.06.2015 29.07.2015 Leading specialists in fire safety

Federation of Scientific Unions Sofia, 108 “G.S.Rakovski” Str., fl. 2, hall 1

80,00 BGN

LOT-CONSUT EOOD training hall Sofia, 16 “Troyanski prohod” Str., fl.2, office I

125,00 BGN

Training 4

TRAINING FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH COORDINATOR IN CONSTRUCTION Reason for carrying: Ordinance №2 of 2004 for the minimum requirements for health and safety in carrying out construction works The course is intended for persons appointed by the Contracting Authority as Safety and Health Coordinators:


Dipl. Eng. Dimitar Kolarov

Training 5

One day trainings

At the stage of Investment Design, where he entrusts the design of more than one designer The implementation phase of construction when entrust the construction of more than one builder who hires a subcontractor / s


LOT-CONSUT EOOD training hall Sofia, 16 “Troyanski prohod” Str., fl.2, office I

125,00 BGN

TRAINING FOR SAFETY WORK WITH DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT Reason for carrying: Art. 6 para. 1 pt. 5 and 6 of Ordinance № RD-07-2 from 16.12.2009 on the conditions and procedures for conducting periodic training and instruction of workers and slezhitelite on rules to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.

One day trainings

The training is designed for:


• • •

persons who serve or are responsible for the safe operation of pressure equipment (receivers, steam and hot water boilers, etc.). persons who serve or are responsible for the safe operation of lifting equipment (electric. Hoists, cranes, mobile work platforms, etc.). persons working with gas installations and facilities with natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gases


Dipl. Eng. Dimitrinka Stoyanova

LOT-CONSUT EOOD training hall Sofia, 16 “Troyanski prohod” Str., fl.2, office I

125,00 BGN

The courses will begin at 9.30 am on the mensionned dates as the registration of participants starts at 8.45 am. Certificates will be issued for the graduate trainings. The price of the course includes training materials, individual consultations, coffee breaks, mineral water and sandwiches For companies with whom LOT-CONSULT has signed contracts for service by OHS Medicine, we provide 20% discount of the prices

The payment can be made after the registration: the bank account of "LOT CONSULT" Ltd. - "UniCredit Bulbank" AD,. Sofia, 7"St. Sunday" Square, BG 24 UNCR 7630 10067 85700, BIC UNCRBGSF or cash - from 8:45 pm. Before starting the courses on the relevant dates.

For more information and application for participation: +359 2/917 29 14; cell =+359 885237773 – Kalina Blagoeva  +359 2/917 29 18; cell +359 885356779 – Galina Batalova  +359 2/917 29 13; cell +359 884056884 – Sonya Urumova

Manager: Dimitar Kolarov (cell +359 888215379)

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