Le C News à la carte Issue 02

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Tri-monthly Newsletter Issue #02, Dec.-Mar. 2012

Exclusive Danse à la carte Personal Trainer

Santé à la Carte - Can do everything but Diet - How to lose weight during holidays?

Psycho à la carte Le "CHOIX" ou le "SOI"?

Layout Design: Fingertip +961.3.451284

Astuce à la Carte - What’s quality? - Posture

Your scale will only be used

for food!

- Food Intolerance - Life style “Punktum”


Letter from the Editor Dédier à Darine Chahoud Dagher, une AMIE, notre orthophoniste, l'épouse de mon ami… TROP BRUSQUEMENT…TROP TOT Nous vivons dan un monde qui se soucie assez peu de la mort. Pourtant elle vient très tôt frapper à notre porte. La vie est une succession de deuils que nous sommes bien obligés d'assumer : mort de nos proches, de nos parents, frère, sœur, mort d'une AMIE de celle ou de celui que nous aimons. Le livre de la vie est le livre suprême qu'on ne peut ni fermer ni ouvrir a son choix. La vie nous présente ce défi de la mort et chacun d'entre nous doit trouver sa propre façon d'y faire face. C'est un des paradoxes les plus troublants de notre existence et probablement la réalité la plus révoltante qui soit. Nous recevons une seule vie dont la durée est limitée mais inconnue et dont la fin est inéluctable, irrémédiable et définitive. C'est comme si on nous donnait un cadeau tout en nous le retirant. Le deuil n'est pas une chose qui aille de soi, mais qui se vit et qui donne une leçon de vie. Mais traverser un deuil est ce pour autant être capable d'apprivoiser la mort ? Peut-on tirer de la mort une leçon de sagesse pour la vie ? A notre amitié Doress B. NAFFAA

Le C fitness à la carte?

DANCE à la carte After years of international training and multi dance integrations, I'm excited to bring the "Dance à la carte" class at "Le C", a new combination of dance and exercise, to keep in shape, burn calories and have fun. Dance has been my passion through years; it gave me a continuous pleasure and a constant opportunity to express myself through my body. Delivering dance routine, & teaching people how to move and to dance, has been even a bigger passion. Therefore, I'm thrilled to share my experience with "Le C" members, in a Party atmosphere. Remember girls, dancing is moving to the music without stepping on anyone's toes, pretty much the same as life. Patrick Saliba

PEROSNAL TRAINER When you train you achieve a sense of wellbeing, it helps working against stress, you get fit, you can lose weight, you can gain lean muscle, its healthy & much more! The Personal Trainer offers you a complete plan for you to reach your fitness goals as easy as possible. Training - You will get your own personal training program that is made especially for you to meet your demands!

Discover the Easy Way to a

Slimmer, Fitter, Sexier You! Le C Fitness a la carte

Health Personal Trainer

Slip into that sexy black dress this season, don't

squeeze!! GET THE HOTTEST PERFECT WORKOUTS? Can't find the right workout? We'll help you build your own custom workout in just 3 weeks Shaped body…firm behind….flat abs….toned arms- to make your sexy black dress unforgettable.

LITTLE BLACK DRESS WORKOUT At anytime you can come and enjoy your workout with the personal trainer who will take your from a stuck zipper to every guy wishing they had zipped you up !!

EAT…eat…eat Dig into a delicious meal plan designed to keep you energized, get you slim and tickle your taste.

ONE-ON-ONE Get the answer for all your fitness and nutrition questions

MOTIVATION Get motivation, support and stories from the others members so you can look and feel sexy at anytime!!


Food Intolerance Revealed

What can I do about it?

Bloated after eating certain foods? Having a chronic diarrhea or constipation? Complaining from indigestion or heartburn frequently? Suffering from a terrible headache for no apparent reason? Tired all the time?

Take the test... Measure the difference!

If your answer is positive to one of these questions, it's very likely then that you suffer from "Food Intolerance".

What is Food Intolerance? Food Intolerance is the body abnormal reaction to certain foods. It produces a variety of symptoms and affects almost any organ.

Is it frequent? Well yes. Food intolerance is widely spread. Actually, recent studies have noted that approximately 45% of the population is intolerant to at least one food item.

Is it dangerous?


No. Food intolerance is not life threatening. However, it may affect the sufferers' ability to live normal healthy lives.

Obese Kids Fit Program @ Le C Fitness Ă la carte

A simple blood test is required to detect what foods you may be intolerant to. Based on the results, a medical professional will eliminate these foods from your diet. In fact, after taking the food intolerance test and following an elimination diet, many sufferers have noted a great improvement.

Dolly Boyadjian Nutritionist

I can do

everything, but


Have you ever asked yourself why you are not succeeding in diets, why your mind is constantly saying "I am a big looser when it goes to diet", "I cannot do it", or "I have everything but I still need to lose some more kilos to be perfect", or "I will never live the life I want until I lose those stubborn kilos", help!!! Your mind cries; and your mind is not answering any solution for those kilos. The good thing is there is always a solution, and always will be, and it is so simple, you have to know the below points first before starting your diet. 1. BELIEVE that you can do it, say it to yourself: "I can do it" every time your mind goes negative about your ability to achieve. 2. Set definite and realistic GOALS, you need to know where you are going, help your mind sees the goals, so you will go towards it effortlessly. 3. Your COMMITMENT is sacred; you have to be responsible of your choice, and follow a discipline defined in a time frame. 4. ACCEPT your body at the moment, it is your identity, if you reject it, you are rejecting your identity, and you will most likely to feel depressed and unmotivated, be happy it is easier to succeed a diet. 5. CHOSE a diet that you feel comfortable with, your nutrition coach will help you find the one right for you; tailor it your way, so you will not have a problem to follow it. 6. Go for nutrition COAH, she will put you on track & motivate you to achieve your goal. 7. CELEBRATE your achievement, because you did it. for more info or suggestions nutrition@lec-fitness.com

Marielle Mouawad Dietitian

Space Management & Conception are the results of "Creation" & "Creativity". Creation is voluntary and conscious; it involves desire‌ and cannot be reduced to a process of automation. Creativity is attached to the act of 'making' or 'doing' the products: model, painting, sketches, execution drawings or structures under contemplation. Source of imagination and unconscious. Our long years of experience had contributed to melt our senses with the client needs to create, imagine, transform, manage and supervise the entailed project. Punktum passion is to create innovative yet feasible and realistic solutions which blend both the Identity and the Beautiful of every project whether it's a building, restaurant, residence, organization, health club, etc. Our expertise and services communicate clearly our agility to transform spaces upon lifestyle needs. Punktum Experts and Interior Architects high level of organization, tireless attention to detail and personal services, ensures that every project exceeds its client expectations. "Our concern is more than just the visual or ambient enhancement of a space, It seeks to optimize and harmonize the use to which the interior environment will be set"

Karina Hardane Interior Architect PUNKTUM space management Antelias, st. Nicolas center. +961.3.632005

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. At Lys cafĂŠ resto, you can turn your life into a delicious sandwich and be addict to Lys. Achrafieh, Youssef sursock Str. +961.1.448249

How to lose

small plates make food look bigger) and eating more vegetables with every meal.


- Eat foods full of water and fiber before Christmas dinner: Eat foods that take longer to digest, contain fewer calories, and help you feel full without overeating. Before you indulge in Christmas dinner, eat broth-based soups, smoothies, fruits, and veggies.

during the

- Watch your portions: There's nothing wrong with enjoying some once-a-year favorites if you keep your portions in check when eating at parties and holiday dinners.

Holidays? Why is the winter holiday season so intimidating -even scary- for so many? The answer is complex. Sure, there's the food. The winter holiday season lasts for weeks and there are more parties, more potlucks, more food gifts, more cookies and well, just more everything! And then there's the stress. Buying gifts, volunteering, decorating, cooking and party hopping often take the place of cooking healthy meals at home or hitting the gym. How can we keep up with a healthy diet and fitness program with all of this going on around us, day after day? That answer is simple: Stick with your plan. If you want to lose weight this month, you can. You just have to choose to stay in control. Check out these Christmas weight loss tips; they'll help you enjoy Christmas without feeling bloated, fat, or fatigued. - Don't Fast Before Big Events: To prepare your body for the big feast later in the day, you may be tempted to 'save' calories by skipping breakfast or other meals. A better strategy for controlling your weight is "Never go to a party starving, even something small, like a banana or a bowl of cereal, will take the edge off your appetite and allow you to make smarter food choices." - Find Alternative Sweets: People generally tend to crave sweets after a meal or when they hit that late afternoon slump. You might enjoy some peppermint tea, a piece of fruit. - Don't Overdo Alcohol: If you must indulge in a holiday cocktail, consider diluting your drink with extra ice, water or seltzer, and alternating each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water in order to keep control of your eating and prevent dehydration. - Maintain your active lifestyle: Take 30 minutes and go for a walk the morning of your holiday gathering. - Plan your meals and snacks in advance: It's a great way to stay fit all year long. Planning your food intake reduces your unhealthy food choices and binge eating habits. - Eat Christmas dinner off a small plate: Research shows that holiday weight gain can be avoided not by dieting, but by doing things such as eating off smaller plates (because

- Drink your water: Water and water-rich foods can help fill you up longer. Keep a cup of water in hand at parties and sip water between bites. Recent studies found that when people drink more water throughout the day, they end up eating fewer total calories. - Slow down: Savor your food and the experience of eating so you'll eat less and feel more satisfied. Avoiding holiday weight gain is one of our yearly Christmas goals! Follow this plan, and there will be no reason to start the New Year bloated, stuffed, or unhappy. Dare to dream of waking up on New Year's Day thinner than you are now. Stay fit, look great and remember that YOU are in control during the holidays, not the other way around. "Regardless of the occasion, you need to be the one who is in control of what and how much you eat". Jill Fleming.

for more info or suggestions nutrition@lec-fitness.com

Rachelle Costantine Master en nutrition clinique

Le "CHOIX" ou le "SOI"? J'entends souvent dire "je n'ai pas le choix "!!!. Il est vrai que dans certaines situations particulières nous devons entreprendre telle ou telle décision, mais pour le reste… Il existe au moins une épisode ( de notre vie) que nous pouvons gérer autrement: notre moi intérieure qui est souvent confronté à un tourbillion d'émotions (au quotidien). Ce "MOI" qui nous envoie plein de signes durant la journée, ou suite à une grosse fatigue, mais qu'on a du mal à écouter et encore plus à faire taire. Il faut dire qu'entre la pollution sonore extérieure, le bourdonnement intérieur et tout ce qui vient avec (soucis, incidents, imprévus ou autres..) on ne sait plus où s'en prendre, ni a qui? C'est à ce moment que les repercussions se retournent contre nous. On en veut à toule monde ( à tout un chacun) mais surtout pas à soi-même. Le "Choix" il est là, il nous attend, c'est nous qui avons le pouvoir ( décidons) de le prendre ou de le laisser. La liberté de choisir est la clé, votre outil quotidien pour préserver et protéger votre énergie (intérieure). Et si enfin vous entreprenez de le prendre, assumez-le jusqu'au bout, et quoi qu'il arrive trouver un moyen de (pour) le vivre pleinement. Sinon, à quoi bon? Si vous avez des questions à nous posez, n'hesitez pas à les envoyer à psycho@lec-fitness.com Caline Azar Psychothérapeute

What is Quality? Quality is the attribute of many aspects of our everyday lives. Quality can be a trait of the relationships we foster throughout life, of the care we give and receive from our family and friends, of the food we serve and the food we consume, of the products we manufacture and utilize, of the work and services we provide on an every day job… According to Aristotle, "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." Mankind has ever been evolving purposefully to improve the quality of all the above, that nowadays we are able to enjoy very high quality standards. How to obtain the best quality and include it in everything we do, eat, drink and experience? William Foster believes that "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives." That is an invitation to all of you ladies not to wait for a good quality to come to you, but to seek it yourselves. In our next issue, we will discuss the importance of Food Quality. Wait for it! Najibeh H. Nehme Quality Assurance Manager.

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SITTING POSTURE AND YOUR HEALTH Do you have good sitting posture? Eye level To top of Monitor



Keyboard tray with mouse next to it.



24’’ - 32’’ Average desk height


It can contribute to increased energy and stamina, better breathing, improved circulation, greater confidence, a slimmer taller look, and improve overall health.

for Subscripton & Advertising please contact Le C News a la carte Zalka - highway - Bambouk center- 1st fl. Tel.: +961.71.615175 / 1.902509 email: info@lec-fitness.com /leCfitness


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