Portfolio - Camille Cieutat

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ARCHITECTURE Connexion Navale La conciergerie - the aultian project European Workshop - Hyper density Gimme Shelter Bridge over trouble water Steel in alive Buzz Aldrin School Stairway To Guinguamp The Cabane

DESIGN AND CRAFTS Movable movie theater Grasshopper Experimentation Radiant Lamp Longboard

SCENOGRAPHY Abd’al Malik Scrarification Tour Adiddas NMD Zen+dCo - Rabat Museum competition Zen+dCo - House of the Arts and Culture



From physical body to prosthesis

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture



INFORMATION 23 ans - 27/09/1994 8 place du Palais 33000 Bordeaux Cieutatcamille@gmail.com 06 11 19 54 73

FORMATION Juillet 2018 Mai 2017 2016 Juin 2013 Juin 2012

Diplôme d’État en architecture, mention très bien - ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine, Paris Workshop de la AA Visiting School, Ault Semestre d’échange Erasmus - Kansas University, Lawrence, USA Diplôme américain, lycée - Reedsville High School, Reedsville, USA Baccalauréat Scientifique - Lycée Dorian, Paris

EXPÉRIENCE PROFESSIONNEL Janvier 2009 Janvier 2010 2013-2018 2014-2016 Février 2015 Juillet 2015 Juin 2016 Juillet 2017

Architecte stagiaire Artificial Architecture, Paris : assistance, dessin 2d et 3d d’une crèche Architecte stagiaire Artificial Architecture, Paris : assistance, dessin 2d d’un cabinet de dentiste Architecte assistant ZendcOffice pour Design, Paris ; conception, dessin 2d et 3d, dessins techniques, perspectives Assistant conférencier ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine, Paris : affiche, présentation des conférenciers, assistance.... Ingénieur stagiaire Permasteelisa, Vittorio Veneto, Italie : dessins techniques, suivi de chantier Architecte stagiaire Atelier d’Architecture Topique, Paris : Dessin 2d, suivi de chantier Assistant à la réalisation Monoburo Studio, Paris : mapping 3d, animation 3d pour la tournée d’Abd Al’Malik Paysagiste stagiaire Atelier Jacqueline Osty et Associès, Paris : Dessin 2d, dessins techniques

COMPÉTENCES + ++ +++ ++++ +++++

Vector Works, Adobe Premiere, Artlantis Revit, Cinema 4d, Rhino, Grasshopper Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, After Effects Sketchup, Autocad, 3ds Max Surf PASSIONS

Surf, skate, escalade Musique, Fanfare (tuba chez les Brass’Eins, trombonne chez les Press’Beat) Astronomie, physique théorique , histoire, géopolitique Vidéo, reportage, documentaire


ARCHITECTURE Connexion navale La conciergerie - the aultian project European Workshop - Hyper sensity Gimme Shelter Bridge over trouble water Steel in alive Buzz Aldrin School Stairway To Guinguamp The Cabane

DESIGN AND CRAFTS Movable movie theater Grasshopper Experimentation Radiant Lamp Longboard

SCENOGRAPHY Abd’al Malik Scrarification Tour Adiddas NMD Zen+dCo - Rabat Museum competition Zen+dCo - House of the Arts and Culture



From physical body to prosthesis

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture



2018 Nature : Re-structuration of Saint Nazaire’s port Size : 20 000m2 Location : Saint Nazaire Fith year, diploma project

This project is situated in the entry of the port of Saint-Nazaire, it aims to reconnect this abandonned industrial tissue with the rest of the city. The public buildind that we impemented on the site is a dynamic “industrial city� tracing the history of the shipyard industry in Saint-Nazaire, and proposing a scale one participative adventure, re creating the contruction technics and methods used by the boat contructors. Industrial left overs are a real problem in the city, this project aims to turn this situation into an asset, developping cultural, participative projets based on the identity of the trans’atlantic contructions.

Territoire, vers une definition du site Tissu urbain, vers une programmation du site

Cordon urbain Émergences dû à l’étalement urbain

Équipement Centralisation des équipements

Industrie Emprise du port autonome

Densité Répartition de la population

Activités Bassin d’activité majoritairement industrielle

Agriculture Les derniers actifs de l’agriculture des marais

Aéronautique et aérospatiale Airbus - Stelia Aerospace Construction et réparation navale STX - EDF Manutention et prestations maritimes Port Autonome - STX Mécanique et Métallurgie Fabrique Mécanique de l’Atlantique (FAMAT) Anemos - EDF - STX : Fabrication parc éolien Agroalimentaire Cargill - Port Autonome

Morphologie, vers le projet

Temps 1 Démolition et démontage des bâtiments abandonnés de l’avant-port

Temps 2 Défrichage et dragage de l’avant-port

Temps 3 Décaissement et reconstruction du quai parrallèle au blockhaus

Temps 4 Mise en place des voiries, passerrelles et implantation du port de plaisance

Différentes configuration du plancher amovible


Conference room

Niveau 3

Centre de ressources Coursive polyvalente Stockage/maintenance Sanitaires

Niveau 2

Salle de réunions Bureau admin Espace détente Sanitaires

2 x 50 m2 5 x 16 m2 18 m2 32m2

Ateliers de fabications Ateliers participatifs Cité des enfants Stockage/maintenance

2 x 22 m2 2 x 22 m2 44 m2 34 m2


280 m2 200 m2 34 m2 32 m

Niveau x

Auditorium 14 0 places Plateau d’exposition Atelier de fabrication

170 m2 316 m2 170 m2

Niveau 0

Espace accueil Stockage/Maintenance Sanitaires

215 m2 34 m2 32m2

Exposition permanente Atelier participatif

650 m2 170 m2


Perspective intĂŠrieur

Coupe longitudinale


Coupe transversale


conciergerie - the

2017 Nature : Programing Ault, a small city in Picardie Size : Location : Ault, Picardie, France Fourth year, second semester



body to prosthesis

Ault is a small city in Picardie, it’s history is highly interesting, starting as a smal fishing communities in the middle age, this city grew, expended, retracted, re grew, collapsed. Ault was the host of many different users throughout the years, fishermens, saillors, locksmiths, aristocrats, tourists etc.... We propose a project re activating the “left overs” of this little town full of wonders. Better than images and texts, we designed a 13 minutes video presenting the idea : CLIC ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE VIDEO EXPLAINING THE PROJECT.


workshop- Hyper


When I got back in Paris after my semester at Kansas Univesity, I did a one week “european” workshop with Olivier Raffaelli, a French architect based in Sao Paulo. We worked on a plot situated between Ivry and Paris, it is gap separating the outer boulevard and the peripheral road. Coming from Sao Paulo, the architect is inspired by the favelas, he asked us to work on the notion hyper density. We had to multiply the population density of the neibourhoud by a factor of at least 5. We designed a “valley” responding to the two towers conceived by Jean Nouvel that are going to be constructed within the next years.

2017 Nature : One week worshop Size : Neighbourhoud Location : Paris/Ivry Fourth year, second semester




DENSITY PERCEIVED Hab / Public space (m2)


34k 58K

COS Floor surface / Plot surface









Maxed outmaximum scenario Scénario

Breach going to the Avenue France. AlPercée avenue de de france lowing the trains to reach the “gare d’austerlitz”







Connecting the La vallée Seine and Ivry, producing a valley across the plot





Creating a production line on the roofs of Ligne productrice the buildings connected by a cable way.

CreatingElévation a production line on de thelaroofs of au dessus nappe the buildings connected by a cable way.



This project was made for the Jacques Rougerie Competition, it is responding to the sea level rise. We looked at a long range plan that predicted a 6-foot sea rise within the next 120 years. It is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a barrier island situated between the intra-coastal and the Atlantic ocean. We decided to use this site as a example to show how a very consuming lifestyle can be changed over time to adapt to the incoming water. Our proposal is to introduce a new modular system based around the ideas of mobility and reconfiguration, in order to supply the city and its inhabitants with a tool to combat their changing environment.

2016 Nature : Master plan, facing sea level rise in Florida Size : Neighbourhoud Location : Fort Lauderdale, Florida Fourth year, first semester Shortlisted (top 12)

During an initial site analysis it became extremely apparent how much influence the shipping industry had on the environment but also on the culture itself. In many ways the cargo passing through the ports and along the coastline is a mobile skyline. It was this idea of shifting and temporary built environment that led us to our solution for the site. With a new modular system based on the typology of existant buildings. We separate the building value from the land value, allowing new investment to proliferate.




Vistamar street - 0 year

10 years - Porous bioswell to decrease floading in the side of the road

30 years - Wide kayak/paddle canal, lifting the side walk

50 years - Cut and fill continuing

75 years - Water takes over and the bioswell becomes a canal




Modular density


We designed our project starting from the micro scale and moved up to the street scape and then the neighborhood master plan. Looking at dredging and how canals not only shaped Florida but became a main source of circulation, we thought that the best way to change and adapt the lifestyle was to slowly get rid of the car in north beach village and guide the people to a water based community. Our idea is to introduce canals in a phased approach, that connects the human scale to the building scale. We have 4 different types of canals, depending on the importance of the street.

Existing building, empty parking lot on the first floor. Maxed out scenario

Red mangroves

Oyster Pit

High density adaptation

High density new develpment

Low density adaptation

We are dredging the site in order to remove existing pavement to invite vegetation back into the urban landscape. Furthermore, by taking out the hardscape we are able to reuse the material to build up out of the water as foundation for our sustainable future. Analyzing the native flora in its environment, we can reproduce the conditions needed for the vegetation to thrive. Oyster reefs and mangroves can be used to slow down the sea level rise and clean the polluted water through evapotranspiration.





This project was made after the site analysis above and the master plan project. The city, along with the Architecture School of Fort Lauderdale asked us to design a mix building with housing and a public space in a master provided by the students of the university. I decided to work on a crossroad between the main canal and a road adapted for vehicule circulation. The idea of the project is to lift the building to create 2 typologies of public space, a more private one surrounded by the houses and a more public next to the restaurant. The project becomes a bridge between the street and the park situated behind it.

2016 Nature : Housing Size : 4000m2 Location : Fort Lauderdale, Florida Fourth year, first semester


Vertical Ciruculation

Horizontal Ciruculation View and acces to the park

3 Bedrooms

Public circulation

1 Bedroom

2 Bedrooms

Natural light

Load bearing Walls

Restaurant Swiming pool Gym Extrusion Lobby Utility space

Private circulation




The subject of the 2016 steel competition was to design an urban cable way while promoting the use of steel in architecture. With the help of Pierre Engel, engineer, we conducted a very big analysis of the region of Paris and its suburbs. The study that we conducted helped us to identify problems in the region, and allowed us to layout the path of the transportation. We are connecting two developing poles around paris that are not linked by any public transportation : Ivry and Creteil. We use the existant cultural edifice around our stations to conceived our own program for our principal building here presented. We associated the Creteil station to the regional museum, the MAC : publication : Les prix de l’architecture acier 2016 (construirAcier)

2016 Nature : Urban cable way Size : City scale Location : France, Creteil Third year, second semester Mention and book publication

Artist studios


Conference Polyvalent Room



Media Library Shops

Cable way Sation

Street acces


Intermediate plan

Allowing acces


Cover becomes structure


Steel fishnet sturcture

Motorize station

Steel arc structure

Welded mesh Structure

Collaborating floor

Radiant post/beam steel

Autonumus portal steel structure




A school is the first place of socialization for a kid, it was very important for us to design this project with this idea in mind. We wanted to create a place that the children can use as they want, and will remenber in a good way. On the urban scale, the school is oriented toward a public square, providing a secure entrance for the children as well as an invitation to enter. We wanted no hallway, the classes are rotating around a big open area, bringing light as well as people together.

2016 Nature : Public elementary and nursery school Size : 6000 m2 Location : France, Ivry sur Seine Third year, second semester



Vertical circulation Educational gardens

Elementary School Urban orientation

Nursery School

Common space and garden Elementary Playground

Nursery school playground Covering the entrance Cafeteria

Day-care center GYM Natural light




The city of Guingamp in Bretagne, France, asked our class to analyse the vast territory of “the Guingamp country”. From Paimpol, a touristic city by the ocean, to Boubriac, a small county fonctioning around agriculture. The arrival of the RN 12 (the road going from Paris to Brest), broked the territory into two dinstinct part. The first one, north of the RN 12, is driven by an active touristic city, and the second on the south is left behind this dynamic zone. Our idea was to reconnect them, extending an old historic railway line going from Paimpol to Guingamp. We are providing a chance to revitalize the small cities in the south, as well as a fonctional “green” new way of transportation.

2014 Nature : Country side cable way Size : 11,5km Location : France, Bretagne Second year, first semester



This project is kind of special to me because this is my very first architecture design. During the second semester of my first year of architecture, we had to design a “night space� (bedroom, bathroom and solarium) attached to a hotel. I worked around a resort in Assinie, Ivory Coast. The room is facing the intracoastal water, between the ocean and the city.

2013 Nature : Cabane Size : 60m2 Location : Ivory Coast, Assini First architure project




ARCHITECTURE Connexion navale La conciergerie - the aultian project European Workshop - Hyper sensity Gimme Shelter Bridge over trouble water Steel in alive Buzz Aldrin School Stairway To Guinguamp The Cabane

DESIGN AND CRAFTS Movable movie theater Grasshopper Experimentation Radiant Lamp Longboard

SCENOGRAPHY Abd’al Malik Scrarification Tour Adiddas NMD Zen+dCo - Rabat Museum competition Zen+dCo - House of the Arts and Culture



From physical body to prosthesis

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture




During the second semester of my forth year, I participated in a workshop From physical body to prosthesis

organized by the AA visiting school. It was in Ault, we studied the subject of nanotourism, creating scale one touristics projects aiming to re activate this dead city. The focus on PLACE, USER and MATERIAL was key to the design of this device, which allows you to walk through the city watching a movie that takes place in the city called : un monde sans femme by Guillaume Brac. CLIC ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE DESCRIPTION

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture

2016 Nature : Workshop made with the AA visiting school Size : 2m Location : Ault, Picardie Fourth year, second semester



During my semester in the university of Kansas as an exchange student, I had the oportunity to pick my classes. One of them, along with Virtual Reality, Astronomy and Architecture Studio, was Digital Fabrication. We learned how to use grasshopper, I worked on a wave pattern script. It is two wave emerging from different point and they are colliding each other. We then used the CNC to build it.

2016 Nature : Surface made with grasshopper Size : 45x45 cm Location : Lawrence, Kansas, USA Fourth year, first semester



The second project of this class was a lamp, we used grasshopper again, to produce a form, and then I designed a script to brake this shape in 60 line, radiating from the center every 5 degrees. The idea was to have a lamp easy to take apart and rebuild, there is no glue. I wanted to be able to bring it back to France in my suitcase. I printed the parts using a lasercut machine. This process was inspired by a Zaha Haddid lamp (the image below).

2016 Nature : Lamp Size : 60 cm Location : Lawrence, Kansas, USA Fourth year, first semester


Hey! It’s me!

Since I was a little kid, I developed a passion for riding : skating, surfing and snowboadring. During my free time I design and build longboards. These two were the last ones that I conceived, I used the shape of my surfboard and adapt it to a 87 cm skateboard. This unique skate shape is made for surfing and is called “fish”, allowing a very smooth ride : the curvature of the board make it very high and the stacking of the 2mm plywood planks produce a smooth surface that you can “pump” in to in order to gain speed.

2013-2016 Nature : Longboards Location : Lausanne, Switzerland Made with oak plywood and resine


ARCHITECTURE Connexion navale La conciergerie - the aultian project European Workshop - Hyper sensity Gimme Shelter Bridge over trouble water Steel in alive Buzz Aldrin School Stairway To Guinguamp The Cabane

DESIGN AND CRAFTS Grasshopper Experimentation Radiant Lamp Longboard

SCENOGRAPHY Abd’al Malik Scrarification Tour Adiddas NMD Zen+dCo - Rabat Museum competition Zen+dCo - House of the Arts and Culture



From physical body to prosthesis

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture






Image courtesy of Vivien Fossez and Romain Cieutat

I worked 3 weeks with my cousin Romain Cieutat, he is a movie director and he needed my ability to use 3d softwares for the scenography of Abd’al Malik’s european tour, (famous french hip hop artist). The concert covers 13 tracks, I worked on the 3d, animation, and editing of one of them : “c’est comme ça”. The song is really dark and sad, the chorus : “this world is a tomb”, inspired my idea of using Eisenmann’s holocaust memorial in Berlin to desing the animation. The images on the right shows the sequence of the track. After editing on after effect, the clip appears on 3 screens behing the DJ, and is developped mixed with the sound.

2016 Nature : Scenography Role : Animation and 3d Mapping Monoburo Studio Directed by Romain Cieutat Visuals made by Romain Cieutat, Isadora Teles de Castro, Alexandre Gomez, Camille Cieutat.

Addidas Images courtesy of Romain Cieutat


After working on Abd’al Malik project. Romain and I did an Addidas comercial for the “instagram” application. It is a 11 second advertisment for the realising of the NMD shoes. We projected a 3d animation on the shoes and taped it. The sequence is very brief on the video, but it took days of works to make these few seconds happened. The idea was to slowy discover the shape of the object by lighting only part of it at first and then completly present it.

2016 Nature : Commercial proposal Role : Assistance and 3d Mapping Directed by Romain Cieutat Assisted by Camille Cieutat Produced by Partizan and Monoburo studio


- Rabat



Since 2013, I regulary help the scenographic agency Zen+dCo, I mostly do 3d and 2d modelisation. These drawings were made for a museum competition in Rabat, Morocco. Zen+dCo was working with a local architecture agency : Abdelouahed Mountassir. They designed the building and we were in charge of the scenography, for the final presenation, I inserter our project into the architect’s section.

From there : Section given by the architecture agency Abdelouahed Mountassir from Casablanca

To there : Designing and drawing the scenographic project by Zendco

To there : Drawing and photoshoping Zendco’s project into the architect’s section for the competition

This rendering was made for an other competition that Zen+dCo intended : The oceanographic museum of Monaco, France. I modeled the animals using 3ds max,

2015 Nature : Scenography Location : Rabat, Morocco Section and drawings


- House





Zendco is currently working on the scenography of the House of Arts and Culture, a building under construction conducted by the group Aktins. I was asked to design a multi purporse stage house and some retractable seatings for the atrium of the museum. The idea is to layout modular objects that can be use for different purposes in this huge space inside the building. You can see several configurations on the sections.

2016 Nature : Scenography Location : Rabat, Morocco Section and drawings

The stage house is here used to iluminate objects in the atrium when there is temporal exibhitions. The scene and the seatings are folded and stored.

The wall unfold and you can create a new room for conferences, projections or movies.

During a show or an art performance, all the seating modules are layout and the scene is unfold




ARCHITECTURE Connexion navale La conciergerie - the aultian project European Workshop - Hyper sensity Gimme Shelter Bridge over trouble water Steel in alive Buzz Aldrin School Stairway To Guinguamp The Cabane

DESIGN AND CRAFTS Grasshopper Experimentation Radiant Lamp 3d printed tower Longboard

SCENOGRAPHY Abd’al Malik Scrarification Tour Adiddas NMD Zen+dCo - Rabat Museum competition Zen+dCo - House of the Arts and Culture



From physical body to prosthesis

Prothesis to experience Ault’s culture


Represenation in architecture is very important to me. In school, you have to “sell� your project to the teachers like you would do in a public competition. Giving strenght to your project trhough representation is a very important skill that is highly promoted in Paris Val de Seine. Photoshoping a project is also a pleasant thing to do to do after you are done with months of designing.


This short clip realized by Romain Cieutat is a teaser for Abd’Al Malik’s tour in France. I work on the 3d animation that is playing on the 3 screens behind the artists during the show.

Also made by Romain Cieutat, this short video is a comercial made for addidas, I assisted him during the shooting.

Here is a video that I made for a virtual reality class in Kansas University. It is called experiencing music, I chose a song that I like and try to make a 3d animation to “experience” it differently.

This video was made for the project “Gimme Shelter” that you saw earlier in my book, it was a previous version of our project explaining our idea to turn Fort lauderdale into a modular city.

I made an analysis of the Louvre during my second year of architecture. I used this video to present my work.

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