Portfolio 2017 EN

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camelia marina petre book of selected works


Camelia Marina Petre


Date of birth Nationality


19 rue Biot, 75017, Paris, France. +33 6 51 36 37 50 camelia.m.petre@gmail.com


Master’s degree ÉNSA-V Versailles, France.

25/04/89 Romanian

Master’s thesis ÉNSA-V Versailles, France. Master 1 FAUP

Porto, Portugal.

Summa cum Laude (mention très bien) Komšiluk Towards new spaces of conviviality in Sarajevo with Gaëlle Pilon, advised by Philippe Potié and Ido Avissar Monument/Antimonument Towards an architecture of contemplation, advised by Manola Antonioli and Vincent Jacques ERASMUS scholarship

June 2017

February 2017

2014 - 2015

Undergraduate degree ÉNSA-V Versailles, France.

In-depth study in sociology through cinematography Architectural space and family dynamics in Hitchcock’s filmography advised by Pierre Gaudin and Vincent Jacques

Bachelor of Science, dual degree Muskingum University OH,USA.

Cum Laude John Glenn Full Tuition Scholarship Majors in Egineering Science and Mathematics Minors in Art and Business

Highschool Baccalaureate LTME Calarasi, Romania.

Summa cum Laude Mathematics and Computer Science, English intensive program

Conservatoire Certificate N. Titulescu Calarasi, Romania.

Magna cum Laude Violin soloist


Romanian English French Spanish Portuguese Italian Galician German Dutch


// Photoshop // InDesign // Illustrator // AutoCAD // VectorWorks // Rhinoceros // SketchUp // Office Pack

// mother tongue // bilingual // bilingual // bilingual // fluent // moderate // moderate // basic // in progress

2011 - 2014

2007 - 2011

2007 1995-2003


NP2F // Charged with two competition entries with the associates: Reinventing the Seine River and The squares of the Grand Paris Express train stations - research, proposal and testing, iconography, imagery and diagrams, liaison between parties. // Charged with various phases of the Castagnary Padel Tennis Center project with the associates finishing the concept and developed design phases, cardboard and 3D model making, imagery, planning application, tender documentation. // Additional work on: Saclay Learning Center competition, Bordeaux Bassens urban dwellings competition, Research on a sports trail in Paris, Miniature golf course in La Villette park and Sessun store stand in BHV, Paris. fala atelier // Project proposal and testing on the Warehouse house and the Real estate agency, 3D and cardboard models, collages and renders, meeting clients, construction site overviewing, creating and updating books of charges. // Conceiving the scenography concept and imagery for the exhibition Metabolism side A / side B in Lisbon. // Project proposal and testing, 3D model making and imagery for the Portugal dos Pequenitos visitor center competition. // Various projects already in a more advanced phase: testing, models, images, construction site overviewing. LIST-OIA // Project proposal, surface testing, diagrams and model making for the Competition for the PAV masterplan, Geneva // Iconography and texts for a Research project on entropy for the French Ministry of Culture // Diagrams and drawings for various urbanism and architecture calls for tenders // Iconography and drawings for a Research on public squares

5 months // 2015 Porto, Portugal

6 weeks // 2013 Paris, France

1 month // 2010 Calarasi, Romania

City hall urban planning department // Curratorial tasks involving the archives. // Administrative research concerning the urban renewal of Calarasi city center.


5 months // 2016 Paris, France

Studio X «Minha casa, minha vida» social housing with Djamel Klouche and Cédric Libert.

1 week // 2016 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Porto Academy «Intimacy space within the detached house» with SAMI Arquitectos.

1 week // 2015 Porto, Portugal

Genoa Summer School «From mental asylum to city of wellness» with Andreas Lechner and Morten Meldgaard.

2 weeks // 2014 Genoa, Italy.

Bellastock «The Great Détournement», «Greenwashing».

1 week // 2012, 2013 Ile-de-France, France


Swanson School of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh University Renewable energies lab research on flutter induced vibrations.

4 months // 2010 PA, USA.

Purdue University & US Space and Rocket Center Qualitative research regarding the first moon landing.

3 months // 2008 IN & AL, USA.


Museum guide Currating exhibitions, tour guiding, assistance during viewings.


Scriptwriter Co-wrote the short Strain directed by PH Debiès.

Versatile Film Set Assistant Missions as light assistant, script, model making, scenographic assistant, set assistant. Tutor and course assistant Mathematics lecture assistant and mathematics, physics, french and spanish college tutor. Language interpreter RO/FR/SP/EN consecutive interpreting to and from high school students and keynote and workshop speakers.

2013 - 2014 La Maréchalerie Art center Versailles, France 2012 Film Fabrik 3 France & Czech Republic 2011 - 2014 ART PARK Productions Paris, France 2010 - 2011 Muskingum University OH, USA 2009 - 2011 Center of European Culture Saint-Jean d’Angély, France

NP2F Date Paris, le 24 septembre 2017 Suivi par François Chas Objet Letter of recommendation Page 1/1


Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur, Camelia Petre a reçu un stage de formation pratique à l’agence NP2F pour une expérience professionnelle débutant en juillet 2016 et se terminant en février 2017. Tout au long du stage, elle a fait preuve d’un engagement constant et d’une véritable motivation à l’égard de son travail. Ses propositions de projets étaient particulièrement variées, tant en termes de portée que de méthodes employées et le résultat final a été très convaincant. C’était à mon avis très important et j’ai été honoré de l’accueillir pendant ce stage. Je soutiens donc très sincèrement et fortement sa candidature et ses futurs projets. Dear Madam, Dear Sir, I write to confirm that Camelia Petre has been given a Practical Training placement in the office for a professional experience commencing on july 2016 and finishing on february 2017. Throughout the traineeship she demonstrated constant commitment and genuine motivation with regard to her work. Her project proposals were particulary wide-ranging both in scope and methods employed and the end product was very convincing. This was in my opinion very important and I was honored to welcome her during this internship. I therefore most sincerely and strongly support her application and her future projects. François Chas

NP2F architectes agence 25 boulevard Poissonnière F-75002 Paris siège social 23 boulevard Dubouchage F-06000 Nice tél. +33 (0) 1 82 09 03 73 / fax +33 (0) 9 58 96 20 94 np2f@np2f.com / www.np2f.com

SARL d’architecture Ordre national des architectes 072826 RCS Nice 497 487 199 SIRET 497 487 199 00018 TVA intercommunautaire FR 15 497 487 199

fala atelier

oporto, february 2016 reference letter

to whom it may concern, camelia petre worked at fala atelier in oporto between september 2015 and february 2016. in different projects and at different stages, camelia remained extremly involved while producing high quality work. camelia is dedicated and efficient, consistently demonstrating the will to discuss architecture. camelia has been contributing to our projects with her calm attitude and continuous curiosity about the discipline and what substantiates it. although still in the beggining of her career, camelia shows a mature and professional approach to architectural / theoretical questions and design issues. she was part of different projects, from competitions to built comissions, easily jumping between problems and scales. she was involved in different teams and phases, produced submission drawings (plans, elevations, diagrams) and followed up on the projects running in the office, always expressing a positive attitude. camelia has been appreciated for the quality that her work represents. in addition to being responsible and diligent, she illustrated her excitement for our office’s work and her passion for architecture. we would like to thank camelia for her time. we can recommend her without reservation and wish her the best success in her personal and professional endeavors.

fala atelier filipe magalhães ana luisa soares ahmed belkhodja

rua da fábrica n.º38 - sala 31 4050-245 porto, portugal fala.atelier@gmail.com www.falaatelier.com

selected recent works

PUBLIC SPACE & LANDSCAPE Komšiluk Towards new spaces of conviviality in Sarajevo Diploma project, ENSA-V Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina With: Gaëlle Pilon Architects: Ido Avissar (LIST), Philippe Potié

Ambassadors’ alley

cable car

Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo is a longitudinal city, surrounded by the Dinaric Alps and crossed from east to west by the river Miljacka. Today, urban development suffers from a difficult context which profoundly impacts on the city’s usage by its inhabitants: Sarajevo is plagued with nonqualitative real estate developments, urban breaches, loss of public spaces for private interests from the Middle East. The urban difficulties of Sarajevo are symptomatic of the short-term strategies adopted by the city. However, unlike the classic city center-outskirts development, the historical center of Sarajevo has the particularity of being in direct contact with the landscape. Yet, Sarajevo remains locked within itself due to the psychological boundary that the seige has traced around it. This being said, it becomes therefore imperative for the Sarajevans to reconnect with their surrounding landscape. As such, we saw fit to take on objects, usages and relations to the space which are specific to the city center and transplant them, divert them and adapt them to the landscape. Thus, we decided to fall within an approach that, through interventions at various scales, deals thightly and interratedly with architecture, public space and landscape. To this avail, during walks and discussions throughout the city, we have noted usages, architectures, behaviors specific to Sarajevo, may them be current or disappeared but nevertheless still present. This vocabulary, whether it is to be drinking coffee, sitting on stairs, the ubiquity of fountains or the use of limestone from the numerous quarries in the vicinity, becomes our project matter. We chose four sites as a pretext for the inhabitants to return to the landscape, taking advantage of existing connections with the city center: the Ambassadors’ Alley going towards the source of the Miljacka River and the cable car link with Mount Trebevic, currently under reconstruction. It is by proposing these new spaces of conviviality that we intend to give the Sarajevans pretexts to reconnect with their surrounding landscape.

The sports beach in Bentbasa.

The slide at Kozia Cupria.

The bathhouse in Moscanica.

The observatory on Vidikovac.

architectures & objects

practices & usages

KomĹĄiluk excerpt Sarajevan vocabulary

the Sports beach in Bentbasa

Located a few steps away from the historic center, the site presents itself as a first interface with the landscape. Ever since the Ottoman period the area has been dammed and used for leisure and nautical activities. However, nowadays only the traces of such facilities remain for since the last war the city no longer enjoys any nautical sports equipment. This fine strip of land, bordered by the beginning of the Ambassadors’ alley, becomes easily accessible by a composition of successive tiers and staircases, deployed alongside various types of multifunctional and sports facilities. From a materiality standpoint, the projects are conceived in concrete punctuated with regional minerals for coating and treatment of the soil. The latter follows the progression of the site towards the untouched landscape, dematerializing itself little by little.

the Bathhouse in Moscanica Located at a ten minutes walk from the city center on the Ambassadors’ alley, this site lies in the untamed landscape. Surrounded by rock walls, with birches and pines, this plot of 150 m long is a flat glade covered with grass and bordered by the Miljacka 6 meters below. A project of public baths is inscribed in a square of 30 m by 30 that connects the high plot with the river underneath. On three levels there are three types of basins each with their own atmosphere - at times introspective, at times open to the landscape, brought about through different proportions and types of openings. The concrete cross structure this project showcases is covered in white marble and creates alcolves inhabited by objects that are required for the program of public baths but that also echo those of the city - fountains, showers, seats. The baths accomodate multiple usages inspired by the vocabulary of the city, such as chess playing, while boasting its own materiality through a coating of limestone with greenish streaks, revealed by the contact with water.

the Slide at Kozia Cupria Walking along a 35-minute walk from the city center, the Ambassadors' alley ends at the Roman bridge, one of the city's main tourist attractions due to its historic trade past. The place lies between an abrupt rock wall and a green slope, subdued by the few surrounding houses. The white pebbles river beach is today used by the most audacious visitors thanks to makeshift ladders made of grids and bits of wood. A concrete staircase lined with rough red limestone and a concrete slide now build the descent, blending themselves into the landscape while integrating new usages. The stairs and the slide form two new discrete lines, a direct one and one slaloming around a plot of planted apple trees. In the course of the seasons, different usages such as for leisure or extreme sports arise, echoing the Olympic bobsleigh track still on the mountain above, or the makeshift skate parks around the city. As for the staircase, an integrated handrail arises when the topography becomes steeper, creating a bench facing the toboggan, the bridge and the whole landscape, then it takes on the function of retaining wall.

the Observatory in Vidikovac Eight minutes away by cable car from the historic city center, at an altitude of 1164 meters at the top of the TrĂŠbevic mountain, the site offers a breathtaking view of Sarajevo, the surrounding landscape as well as the sky. In the past, a cafĂŠ-bar stood there, while closeby an Austro-Hungarian fortress had been rehabilitated in an astronomical observatory. All these installations were dismantled during the last war, and while access to the belvedere is now difficult on foot, the reconstruction of the cable car is finally under way. An observatory made of a 7 m high dome, partly constituted of tiers is now facing the Igman mountain, true monument over the territory. A solitary staircase ascends to the sky. The entrance is at the level of the lower bleachers, plunging towards the city. It is inspired by and echoes the topographical objects that make up the city but also recalls the Yugoslav bunkers still present in the vicinity of the site. Though brutalistic on the outside, the observatory regains its sensitivity once inside, by means of the zenithal opening light, everchanging with the seasons, and by the gray and then white marble tiling.


Monument/ Antimonument towards an architecture “of contemplation” Masters’ thesis, ENSA-V Versailles, France Individual project Advisers: Manola Antonioli, Vincent Jacques

Exploring the monument as a study area involves paying close attention to the experience of time and to the ways in which time is being frozen and withheld within a space, to the cultural need to retain and preserve certain facts and values in order to live them in the present time. In the sense that the monument structures the city, it therefore also structures the way of life of its inhabitants. A need for new types of monuments emerged throughout the second half of the 20th century, giving rise to new architectural and artistic trends. Monuments started more and more to become tools for an interrogating and criticizing society. The birth of the anti-monument arose, questioning the canons of society and opposing the limitations of traditional monumental memory. The anti-monument can therefore symbolize a step towards educating the masses, but without the involvement of the various spheres of power, public or political, it will not be effective in its role to bring about a real and lasting change of perspective. In this society of supermodernity can we imagine a value of the monument, contemporary to us? What would then be the memory that these architectures will want to convey us and of what dangers will they try to warn us? Key words: monument, anti-monument, memory, ars memorativa, locus, landart, supermodernity, contemplation.

Carte de Robert Smithson, tirée de la série d’images Monuments of Passaic qui accompagnaient la parution originale du texte. «Negative Map Showing Region of the Monuments along the Passaic River», James Cohan Gallery



The squares of the Grand Paris Express train stations Ile-de-France, France November 2016 Invited competition, second place. With: François Chas & Nicolas Guérin, Fabrice Long, Paul Maître-Devallon. Participation: territorial research and analysis, iconography, concept proposal, diagrams and imagery, liason between the different parties involved in the team.

The project for the squares of the Grand Paris Express train stations is the systematic encounter of two types of inputs, two façons de faire: the key points and the negotiated inputs. Being aware of the multiplicity of actors, discourses and concerns of each, the strategy explains precisely within the approach this aspect of the future network. The key points are the defined elements, representative above all of a reflexion carried out on the question as a whole. They do not necessarily correspond to a material scale or an implantation scale, but mainly to a type of decision. The negotiated points are the places, the times, the types of space that are to be made open, in a manner reaching the expectations of everyone involved, politicals or riparians. As for the different intervention sites, we first analyzed the situation of each of the 68 future GPE stations in order to classify them in 7 families, allowing a more realistic and homogeneous customized strategy – connected centerbourg, inhabiting the density, cultural pilgrimage, aerated periurban, constituted territories, inhabiting the uninhabitable, programmatic collage. Thus, within the flexible yet solid team but also with the different actors of the project, the dialogue would take place at an oval table - a little round, aimed at sharing, while still being rectangular so as to direct and guide the discussions and produce curatorial work. This would be made possible through itinerant meetings as in the case of an immersive benchmark. The project would be maleable and everevolving, using metropolitan tools to experiment with the notion of intermodality, drawing on characteristics to be implemented on all sites, such as the fertile soil, graduated perimeter, public box, capable void, or different modalities of expectation.


1000 social dwellings Fifth year project, ENSA-V+UFRJ+PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brasil With: Helene Battini Architects: Djamel Klouche (AUC), Cédric Libert Studio X Rio de Janeiro “Minha casa, minha vida” governmental directives Situated in Vincente de Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, this project is articulated on a frame of cores that organise the space and onto which three elements are plugged - the canopy, the low rise net and the high rise bar. These cores are structural and include technical ducts as well as either the humid spaces of the living cells or storage areas at the housing block and public scale. The position of the bars as objects overlayed on top of the net disturbs the grid of cores. It creates events and variations in the existing raster. The canopy partially shelters the public or shared space in between the dwellings. In section, it also creates a separation in living typologies - the net offers grounded living qualities on three floors reaching the height of canopy, whereas the bars offer high rise living qualities, from the canopy upwards on ten stories high. The architecture of the housing units is based on the duplicity of determined and undetermined spaces with the core placed in between, as a structural, technical and programmatic liaison among them. Thus, each dwelling of 45 m2 is given its twin, unbuilt, placed towards the public space, so as to offer the choice to extend one’s own private space or to transform it into a public utility area accessible from the street. Different moments of space sharing are being proposed at all the scales of the project within the elements therefore brought forth or through their interaction. The project is progressive, the structure of the indetermined spaces being gradually filled in time and according to the needs and wants of the residents. This evolution is influenced and guided by the presence of four urban objects punctuating the public spaces - the amphitheater, the place of worship, the pond, and the sports field.

macro scale



City walls Office KGDVS & Dogma

Agricultural city Kisho Kurokawa



Fun Palace Cedric Price

Pottery Thinkbelt Cedric Price



Superquadra Oscar Niemeyer

Saemangeum Florian Beigel

micro scale

research excerpt



Mulhouse social housing Lacaton et Vassal

Barbican Estate Towers Chamberlin, Powell and Bon



Louveira Joao Batista Vilanova Artigas

Tulou Hakka



Edificio Clermont Paulo Mendes da Rocha

Frame Dogma



fala atelier

Garage house Lisbon, Portugal September 2015 - December 2016 Private commission; delivered. With: Filipe MagalhĂŁes, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Mariana Silva, Clara Pailler, Paulo Sousa. Photography: Fernando Guerra (fg+sg) Participation: Project proposal and testing, 3D and cardboard model, images, meeting clients, construction site overview, creating and updating the book of charges,...

The project started with an unconventional request from an open minded couple: within a very tight budget, to convert a windowless 200 m2 garage into a house. The proposed intervention intended to produce the clearest reading possible of the existing structure, emphasising its strength. While the garage was careless and grey, the house is clean and white; its materiality is flat, its light is abstract. Bathrooms were included behind a curved wall, where a broken corner was before; the walls were painted in white and the floor covered in a continuous polished concrete surface; the existing skylights we’re repaired. No other change felt necessary. Carefully placed elements organize the living areas: a marble kitchen, curtains, potted plants. Along with the furniture, these elements carry the flexible identity of the house, hinting its domesticity while punctuating the abstract volume with color. The garage will remain as such but slowly become more and more a house.

an overview of additional projects

Map of possible locations of detached houses in Porto. Pre-existances, interstice, urban fabric rupture, detached housing, transversality of intimacy to the various scales of the urban tissue.

Porto Academy ‘15 Workshop Porto, Portugal With: Rebeca Nuevo Mayan, Pietro di Scarpis Architects: Ines Vieira da Silva, Miguel Vieira (SAMI Arquitectos)

Masterplan for the rehabilitation of the former Pratozanino hospital into a wellness multifuntional park. pre-existant enclave, urban renewal, merging landscape, ruin and island, archipellago, supperposition of a grid with existant organic routes.

Genoa Summer School 2 Workshop Genoa, Italy With: Ines Brotons, Mar Esteve, Coline Fidon, Krenare Juniku, Daniela Morpurgo.

Urban microtissue plans for a pedestrian neighborhood density in the metropolis, cos 4, mixed micro and macro-composition of the social and programmatic urban fabric, heterogeneous density, pedestrian neighborhood, interrelation of public and private space, free plan, regulated grid.

Second year studio, ENSA-V Versailles, France With: Alex Arnou, Helene Battini, Jules-Valentin Boucher, Agathe Doreau, Eleonor Ferragu, Anais Maria, Clara Pailler Architects: Djamel Klouche (AUC), Ido Avissar (LIST)

Plan for a city hall and civic center hub in Meudon underground building, central patio, stilts.

Third year project, ENSA-V Versailles, France With: Paul Bernard, Jules-Valentin Boucher Architect: Olivier Girard

Ground floor plan of three high-rise housing buildings with public and co-owned areas Collective housing, density and saturation within the shared parcel.

Bachelors’ project, ENSA-V Versailles, France With: Clara Pailler, Lucas Pillot Architects: Jean Bocabeille (JB-A), Jean-Christophe Masson (HAMONIC+MASSON&Associés)

Landscaped microcosm

Public space and lanscape intervention, enclaves within highrise housing buildings, infrastructure and topography, space appropriation through ornament epuration.

Second year project, ENSA-V Saint Ouen, France With: Eleonor Ferragu, Clementine Genet, Morgane Perez Architects: Franรงois Chas (NP2F), Radim Louda (CENTRAL architecture&urbanism)

Axonometries of cored sites of the Sarajevan topography Dinaric Alps, Miljacka river, coring, territorial strategy through punctual intervention.

Diploma project, ENSA-V Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina With: GaĂŤlle Pilon Architects: Ido Avissar (LIST), Philippe PotiĂŠ

Competition proposal of a visitor center for a theme park visual reference, icon, interception of rooftop volumes, naive character, immersive spatial experience.

fala atelier January 2016 Coimbra, Portugal Invited competition, 2nd prize With: Filipe MagalhĂŁes, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Clara Pailler, Christina Kavoura.

Longitudinal section for an urban art center in Porto Granit cliff, public building, white exposed concrete.

Fourth year project, FAUP Porto, Portugal Individual project Architects: Raquel Geada Paulino, João Pedro Serôdio (Serôdio Furtado & Associados)

Constructive facade detail, drawn at 1/10, for an urban art center Granit cliff, public building, white exposed concrete.

Fourth year project, FAUP Porto, Portugal Individual project Architects: Raquel Geada Paulino, João Pedro Serôdio (Serôdio Furtado & Associados)

Construction planning application for a Padel Tennis Center 600m2 public sports equipment, padel courts, powder coated steel frame structure, transparency and permeability within the parcel, shed roofing.

NP2F December 2016 Paris, France Public competition winner with UCPA, project aborted. With: Paul Maître-Devallon & François Chas, Nicolas Guérin, Fabrice Long.

Iconography and texts for a research project on entropy

LIST-OIA August 2013 Paris, France Comissioned by the French Ministry of Culture for ENSA-V With: Ido Avissar, Thais de Rocquemorel, Doriane Direur




lado A

lado B


Plan and axonometry for a scenography on the Metabolism movement Metabolism side A/side B, Fundacao Oriente, curved wall of cement blocks, white plaster, utopic projects, metalic hovering structure, uncladded wall, brutalism, isolated capsule.

fala atelier December 2015 Lisbon, Portugal

Private commission; ongoing. With: Filipe MagalhĂŁes, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Christina Kavoura.

Programmatic schemas for the Mazas square competition proposal Reinventing the Seine river, housing and sports equipment, swimming structure and liesure port on the Seine, urban water sports.

NP2F October 2016 Paris, France Public competition, first phase, finalist. With: Nicolas Guérin & François Chas, Fabrice Long, Paul Maître-Devallon.

Model of a bus shelter with an ergonomic organic interior Spelaion, framings, signal.

ENSA-V+Mairie de Versailles Versailles, France With: Clementine Genet, Kim-Lou Monnier

Plaster models of existant or projected objects belonging to the sarajevan vocabulary

Diploma project, ENSA-V Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina With: GaĂŤlle Pilon Architects: Ido Avissar (LIST), Philippe PotiĂŠ

Concrete model of a structural multifunctional smart core social dwellings, mass housing, canopy, low rise net, high rise bars, frame of cores, determined/undetermined spaces.

ENSA-V+UFRJ+PUC Rio de Janeiro, Brasil With: Helene Battini Architects: Djamel Klouche (AUC), Cedric Libert Studio X Rio de Janeiro

Collage axonometry of the Mazas square planning project through sports and housing Reinventing the Seine river, housing and sports equipment, swimming structure and liesure port on the Seine, urban water sports.

NP2F October 2016 Paris, France Public competition, first phase, finalist. With: Nicolas Guérin & François Chas, Fabrice Long, Paul Maître-Devallon.

Images for a new family house revolving around a central column. house for three generations, central column, open common living quarters.

fala atelier January 2016 Marco, Portugal Private commission; ongoing. With: Filipe MagalhĂŁes, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Julia Andreychenko, Paulo Sousa.

Refurbishment of a real estate agency

LED lighting, metal structure, marble cladding, open space, small budget.

fala atelier November 2015 Porto, Portugal Private commission; project delivered. With: Filipe Magalhรฃes, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Clara Pailler, Christina Kavoura. Photography: Flรกvio Pires.

19 rue Biot, 75017, Paris, France. +33 6 51 36 37 50


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