M arshallD owntown Volume 1, Issue No. 4
Marshall University is repurposing the Stone & Thomas building – a Huntington icon – into a state of the art Visual Arts Center. Construction continues, with these updates: • • •
Interior steel brace framing is complete Ceilings are being finished Conduits and ductwork is being installed on all floors • Ramp to basement is gone • Structural steel on the roof is forthcoming to support HVAC equipment is forthcoming in October • Window installation has begun While traffic lanes on 3rd Avenue will be closed intermittently for material deliveries, two-way traffic on 3rd Avenue will be maintained. Neighborgall Construction, the rest of the construction team, and the College of Arts and Media appreciate the wonderful cooperation we have received from all the neighboring businesses.
Photo rendering courtesy Edward Tucker Architects, Inc., Huntington.
Marshall University is transforming the old Stone & Thomas building on 3rd Avenue across from Pullman Square into a downtown Visual Arts Center. The center will house studios and classrooms, plus ground-floor retail and gallery space to draw tourists and local shoppers.
Caldwell serves as avid supporter of arts in Huntington As a native Huntingtonian, Liza Caldwell returned home to become active in the re-development of this fine city. She has been a supporter of Marshall University through its fine arts department by serving over the past 25 years on several efforts to further the arts. She has served since the inception of the College of Fine Arts (now the College of Arts and Media), supporting the downtown expansion of the visual art department, providing the space to integrate the College of Arts and Media and the local arts community through the generous donation of Dingess Rum Properties, Inc. Gallery 842 offers exposure for the students to have hands on Gallery experience, while affording the community to have a venue to display and enjoy art. You’re an avid supporter of the arts in Huntington. How did you become interested? I have always been exposed to the arts; my parents would take us to museums and the theater growing up. I guess it has always been a part of my life. I have been involved in theater, painting and photography since I can remember and music has been a staple in my life. I received my BFA from Ohio Wesleyan University, and spent my first years after graduation as a commercial photographer in New York City and Columbus, Ohio. I guess in some manner each and every turn in my professional career I have been involved or used my education to further my love for the arts.
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For mo re i n fo rmati o n o n th e Visu al A r t s Ce n te r c al l (304) 696- 6433