June 1, 2011 Midweek

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W e d n e s d a y, J u n e 1 , 2 0 1 1

Vo l . 7 , N o . 2 2

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“This little guy decided to run up this old cedar tree for safety,” says MidWeek reader Catherine Hufnagel from Courtenay. “He kept an eye on me for quite awhile as I did him with my eye.” The photo was taken near Sayward. To submit your photos to MidWeek send them to kristend@campbellrivermirror.com Midweek is published every Wednesday at: 104-250 Dogwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 2X9 To reach us: North Island 250-949-6225 Campbell River 250-287-9227 • Comox Valley 250-338-5811 e-mail – kristend@campbellrivermirror.com Website – northislandmidweek.com

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MidWeek / June 1, 2011


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Mrs. S, age 75, were recommended presented with fatigue, for a variety of declining cognition neuropsychiatric and osteoporosis. symptoms at three As part of my times the dosage that treatment program I conventional medicine recommended weekly recommends. Over B12 injections for five the years I have seen weeks, then monthly therapeutic doses thereafter. Then Mrs. of B12 by injection S asked me improve the a common following question that symptoms: I hear in my anxiety, practice. difficulty “My MD expressing recently words, ataxia, checked my cognitive Dr. Ingrid serum B12 impairment, blood levels and Pincott depression, Naturally Healthy said they were delusions, normal. Why do fatigue, I need B12 injections?” hallucinations, Over the last insomnia, irritability, number of years MSP mood swings, muscle (Medical Services weakness, neuralgias, Plan) has declined neuropathy, numbness paying for B12 and tingling. injections unless there Vitamin B12, is proof of deficiency. cobalamin, is a water So what I am noticing soluble vitamin that is that serum B12 is non toxic at ten blood tests are done thousand-fold doses much more frequently with excesses being and it is rare to see excreted in the urine. a frank deficiency It is necessary for nine (normal range is 207important functions 553 pmol/L) so B12 of the body: energy injections are not production; production recommended. of genetic materials Early in my DNA and RNA; naturopathic education increased production vitamin B12 injections of SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) which NATURAL GAS participates in the formation of the HOT WATER myelin sheath, that 9Conventional Tanks protective fatty layer surrounding 9Instantaneous Heaters nerves, methylation SUPER FAST pathways as well as RECOVERY neurotransmitters; PHONE 250-286-0718 production of acetylcholine, a “THE GAS EXPERTS” neurotransmitter that

1X2 JGAS 4



The benefit of B12 injections


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helps with memory and learning; slowing the cognitive decline that comes with aging; the synthesis of red blood cells; cardiovascular health (B12, folic acid and B6 lower homocysteine which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke); and antiinflammatory effects. I explained to Mrs. S that a trial of IM (intramuscular) B12 would be the best way to determine if it would be effective. The most accurate test for B12 status is measuring the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) which is done for research purposes only. It was found that the serum levels of B12 did NOT correlate with CSF levels. Urinary methymalonic acid is the easiest, more accurate test for determining B12 tissue deficiency at a cost of $200. The only test that I recommended for Mrs. S was homocysteine to evaluate her risk factor for heart as well as bone health. Her level was 13 and optimal is 5-7. I also explained that as we age we have less intrinsic factor in our intestinal tract to absorb oral B12 from our diet and that vegetarians essentially don’t get B12 in their diet so they need to supplement orally. Oral supplementation Cont. on Page 3

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Pincott... From Page 2 of methylcobalamine can be effective at maintaining serum B12 levels but the injections are the most effective at increasing CSF levels and immediate symptom treatment. Once her symptoms were improved then I would start her on the oral chewable or sublinqual form. Many of us have other risk factors that block the absorption of B12 which include: zinc deficiency, high levels of copper and neurotoxins such as alcohol, industrial solvents or halogenated hydrocarbons, mercury and cadmium. Mrs. S did have her serum B12 measured again after a month of injections and her doctor was alarmed at how high it was at 1,476 pmol/L. I assured her that these higher levels reflected a more normal level that would now be found in her CSF. Mrs. S was also happy that her energy was improving, along with her sleep and her memory. I also quoted the following research to Mrs. S that showed that B12 prevented brain atrophy. In one study in 2008, 107 elderly people were evaluated for their brain size and found that when serum B12 levels were less than 308 pmol/L that there was an increased rate of brain volume loss. So keeping serum levels of B12 higher than the normal range is optimal. Dr. Ingrid Pincott, naturopathic physician, can be reached at 250286-3655 or www. DrPincott.com

Chance encounter Q. From a Saskatoon, Saskatchewan reader: “Had my parents waited five minutes or maybe half an hour or longer before having sex that led to my conception, how might I differ from the person I am today?” A. There may have been no fertilization at all. Or if so, likely it would have been the same egg by a different sperm, meaning “you” could have wound up of a different sex, of different physical appearance, personality traits, susceptibility to diseases, and on and on, says Southern Illinois University School of Medicine physiologist Andrzej Bartke. Still, the two you’s would probably resemble each other more closely than just siblings, because half of the genes would have

Bill and Rich Sones Strange But True

been contributed by the same egg. A longer delay in fertilization and implantation, by 1-2 days relative to ovulation, would increase the chance of miscarriage, adds Yale University perinatal researcher Errol R. Norwitz. So, dear reader, count your blessings. Overall, which sperm wins the race is largely a matter of chance. Aldous Huxley described this best... “A million million spermatozoa, All of them alive, Out of this cataclysm but one poor Noah Dare hope to survive, And among that

billion minus one Might have chanced to be Shakespeare, another Newton, a new Donne-But that One was Me.” (circa 1920) Q. If dogs got their paws on the channel selector, what programs would they watch? A. When wellknown magician and skeptic James “Amazing” Randi got wind of a claim that a poodle named Terr was a big TV watcher, he decided to investigate. First he exposed the dog to neutral noncanine videos, then to ones where Lassie came in after the initial three minutes or so. As Randi observed, Terr lost interest quickly when people were depicted, but when Lassie appeared Terr immediately perked up and began


barking. “Terr would never bite at the image of a person, but only the dog,” reported fellowskeptic Al Seckel in “Laser” magazine. “Terr would also follow the dog’s image across the screen. Terr was able to distinguish a running Lassie when the image was only an inch across. And Terr went positively berserk when a cat appeared on the screen!” Terr, it turned out, wasn’t fond of cartoons but loved nature shows, especially those featuring fellow fourleggers, and would watch for up to an hour. Said an amused Randi: “I wouldn’t have believed it! This dog actually watches TV!”

MidWeek / June 1, 2011 3

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1X2 JGAS 3



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MidWeek / June 1, 2011

Sloan dances with the stars CAMPBELL RIVER - When pop superstar Britney Spears calls, you hop on a plane. That’s what C.R. DanceXtreme coowner/artistic director Shawna Sloan did last month when she was offered the job of assistant choreographer on a dance number for the upcoming Britney Spears ‘Femme Fatale’ World Tour. Sloan, who grew up in Campbell River but worked in Los Angeles as a professional dancer, choreographer and teacher for 11

years, flew to Los Angeles in May to work with Spears and her dancers, choreographing the song ‘Up ‘N Down’ from the new Britney Spears album. Sloan was in L.A. for a week teaching the dance moves to Spears and nine backup dancers. “We had to set the choreography on dancer’s bodies,” Sloan said of the intricate number. “There were five cages, including one for Britney, plus four female and five male dancers.”

Sloan was specifically asked to come to L.A. for the job by renowned choreographer Carla Kama, who has worked on world tours for everyone from Britney Spears to Rihanna to Christina Aguilera. Sloan, who owns C.R. DanceXtreme in downtown Campbell River with fellow professional dancer Buddy Mynatt, said it’s important to both of them to keep working professionally in the U.S. and abroad. “I feel like it will give our students






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Campbell River’s Shawna Sloan (right) is seen here with renowned choreographers Melissa Williams (a judge on So You Think You Can Dance Canada), Carla Kama and Tiffany Baker in Los Angeles last month while choreographing for the Britney Spears Femme Fatale World Tour. options, if any of them decide to become professionals, if we keep our connections to this amazing industry,” she said. It’s been an exciting spring for C.R. DanceXtreme. Their Showteam has competed in several festivals, bringing

HST‛s one tax system reduces the amount of time and money B.C. businesses spend on administration by about $150 million per year.

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home consistent high marks and accolades. Most recently, they competed at the Shine Dance Festival in North Vancouver, where they received numerous gold and several platinum awards, as well as choreography awards and the Studio Spirit

HST‛s single tax system reduces costs for B.C. businesses. That helps strengthen the economy, create jobs, and makes us more competitive internationally.

Award. Earlier in May, Sloan and Mynatt traveled to Prince Rupert for the B.C. Annual Dance Competition with four of their solo dancers, who brought home $2,500 in cash prizes as well as several special awards. And, Sloan is headed to Kamloops later this month for the B.C. Performing Arts provincial competition, where two C.R. DanceXtreme dancers - Krystel Cisnero and Ailsa Sirois - will represent Campbell River and the North Island in the intermediate and junior stage categories. The competitive season will wrap up for the year in July when C.R. DanceXtreme’s 50 Showteam members travel to Las Vegas to compete in the West Coast National Finals. To see Sloan, Mynatt and the rest of

C.R. DanceXtreme’s dancers on stage, head to the Tidemark Theatre this week for their show ‘Glitz and Glam - Vegas Style.’ There will be performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. with a matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. Thursday and Friday’s shows will focus on the studio’s younger dancers, while Saturday’s two shows will feature the teen and adult students. C.R. DanceXtreme’s Showteam will perform at all four shows and Sloan and Mynatt will dance a contemporary lyrical duet at all four performances. Saturday’s shows will also feature a major ballet work, with Sloan and Mynatt performing a pas de deux. For ticket information, visit www.tidemarktheatre. com, call 250-287PINK.

Consumers have to pay the HST on the end product. But since businesses no longer pay embedded taxes during the manufacturing process, their savings can be passed onto the consumer.

MidWeek / June 1, 2011 5

Rob’s up for the challenge to conquer cancer J.R. Rardon Black Press PORT HARDY — Rob Paterson has never considered himself an endurance athlete. But he’s always been up for a challenge with his former co-workers at the decommissioned Utah Copper Mine. So when two of those co-workers — Japp Zwaan and Gib Pierce of Courtenay — asked him to be a part of their Copper Pedalers cycling team in next month’s 200-kilometre Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, he laced up his bike shoes and strapped on his helmet. “These guys were both engineers, and I was active in the lab at the mine,” said Paterson, who is semi-retired but still does occasional consulting for the mining industry. “The departments were always having challenges between them, with fish derbys, soccer matches, baseball games. “There’s still a bit of a challenge there.” Paterson, 63, is quick to point out the real challenge is faced by victims,

survivors and families affected by cancer. The opportunity to test his own physical limits while raising funds for cancer treatment prompted him to join the six-member Copper Pedalers team and substantially increase his workout regimen. The twoday Ride to Conquer Cancer will begin June 18 in Surrey and take riders through the Peace Arch into Washington State. Riders will tour coastal and rural roads before finishing in Redmond, Wash. on June 19. “I was riding 10 to 20 kilometres a week for about a year,” said Paterson, who said he has always tried to stay physically active. “In the early days, when you jump from 20 to 30 kilometres and 30 to 40 kilometres a ride, you feel like you’ve been hit by a bat. I’m not 23 anymore. “It’s been a challenge, but it’s not too bad.” Starting from the waterfront home he shares in Storey’s Beach with wife Irene, Paterson rolls out on a regular basis to follow a training program he keeps on a spreadsheet on his laptop computer.

Another 2X5Happy Ford Country Customer GARF BAX

Rob Paterson of Port Hardy will join former co-workers from the Utah Copper Mine when he tackles the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, a 200-kilometre bike ride from Surrey to Redmond, Wash., June 18-19.



PHONE 250-286-0718

Alternating speed rides, hill rides and long rides, Paterson has progressed from those 20-km weeks to single rides of up to 105-km. During the first two weeks of May, he covered 186 and 193 kilometres, respectively. As the kilometres have increased, so has the amount of pledged donations team members have gathered for cancer research. As of last Friday, the six-member team had amassed $48,273.78, easily exceeding its initial goal of $37,200 with nearly a month of fundraising remaining. Paterson gathered

$4,540 of that amount himself, relying largely on individual contributions from local residents. “Between Irene and I, we know pretty much the whole town,” Paterson said with a laugh. “It’s mostly individual contributions. We’ve gotten some corporate donations, but probably 95 per cent has been through individuals.” Donations to Paterson or other members of the Copper Pedalers team can be made online at www.conquercancer. ca. Click on the B.C. ride, then “Donate” and enter Copper


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Pedalers in the team search field. Call


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MidWeek / June 1, 2011

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MidWeek / June 1, 2011 7

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MidWeek / June 1, 2011

Pair of Valley musicians up for awards



PHONE 250-286-0718

Erin Haluschak Black Press


151 Dogwood, Campbell River


Helen Austin is one of two Comox Valley musicians nominated for Vancouver Island Music Awards, which will be presented June 23 in Courtenay. Emily Spiller is the other Comox Valley nominee. Other finalists are from further down Island.



COURTENAY — Leading the pack of nominees, Comox Valley’s own Helen Austin and Emily Spiller are two of the many musicians vying for an award at the Vancouver Island Music Awards (VIMA) gala, which for the first time, will take place in their hometown. Working in conjunction with the annual Vancouver Island Music Business Conference, the VIMAs are a celebration of local talent, while bringing awareness to local, independent music, explained James

Kasper, founder and producer of the awards at a press conference Wednesday. “A big part of the mandate of our event is to bring awareness of independent, local artists to the public who may to some extent only be bombarded with commercial, majorlabel artists, and may not know what’s in their own backyard,” he said. Following a threeyear hiatus, the awards — which are scheduled for June 23 at the Sid Williams Theatre in Courtenay — are coming to the Valley for the first time, following Cont. on Page 11

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MidWeek / June 1, 2011 9


www.northislandmidweek.com A9










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BUSY AUTOMOTIVE Dealer expanding operations seeking competent people to fill the following positions: Service Adviser, Service Technician, Shop Foreman, Parts Technician, Sales Consultant. If you have a proven track record in the automotive industry then we want to add you to our winning team. Email resume to: alberta.autodealer@gmail.com. FULL-TIME Shipper/Receiver, downtown store in Campbell River. Dedicated, personable, computer experience an asset. Send resume to: M#154 c/o Campbell River Mirror 104-250 Dogwood St, V9W 2X9 Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following jobs: 1) Log Truck Driver. Details can be seen at http://hdlogging.com/ Fax resume to 250-287-9259 LOOKING FOR exp. Pharmacy Technician. Min. 3 yrs exp. Thorough knowledge of Kroll computer program, experienced in blister packing and general administrative duties within pharmacy. Successful candidates should be precise, thorough and have exceptional attention to detail. We are willing to pay a competitive wage for the right candidate. Call 250-205-0592. Newcastle Timber Ltd operates a year-round union coastal logging operation offering a full benefits package. We are accepting applications for the following positions: Grapple yarder Hooktender, Grapple yarder Chaser. Applicants must be experienced and in good physical condition. Please forward resumes to: Newcastle Timber Ltd, 1131720 14th Ave Campbell River, BC V9W 8B9 Fax 250-2879259 START TODAY from home, Company needs both men & women, p/t & f/t, no experience needed. Your approval is instant and guaranteed. Get Details at: www.BasicOnlineWork.com

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WESTERN FOREST PRODUCTS INC. – ENGLEWOOD FOREST OPERATION Western Forest Products Inc is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island delivering unique, quality products to our customers in a safe, sustainable environment. We are currently seeking fully experienced: • Certified Hand Fallers Please forward resumes to: General Foreman 5000 Railway Avenue, Woss, BC, V0N 3P0 Fax: 250-281-2488 Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.




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WELDERS - SEEKING welders for custom manufacturing environment. Competitive wages, Benefits, RRSP’s & Apprenticeship opportunities. Apply to: Do All Metal Fabricating, Estevan, SK. Email: jhoward@doallmetal.com Fax: 306-634-8389”



Brandt Tractor Ltd., the world’s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer, has positions available for a PARTS MANAGER, PARTS PERSON and SERVICE TECHNICIAN in their Fort Nelson, BC location. Brandt also has positions available for SERVICE TECHNICIANS (both field and shop) as well as PARTS and SALES in many of their 21 locations throughout Western Canada. Find out more about our career opportunities at www.brandttractor.com or by calling 306-791-5979. Email resume indicating position title and location to: hr@brandttractor.com or fax 306-791-5986.

Western Forest Products Inc. is currently seeking a junior Area Planner to join our Holberg Forest Operation in Holberg, BC located approximately 45 minutes west of Port Hardy. Reporting to the Operations Planner, this full time position will be a critical role in Holberg Forest Operation’s Planning Department. The role is strongly focused on operational forestry; however, duties will also extend to engineering related functions. WFP offers a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefit package and the potential to achieve annual performance rewards. If you believe that you have the skills and qualifications that we are looking for, please reply in confidence to: Human Resource Department Facsimile: 250.748.3177 Email: resumes@westernforest.com Application Deadline: Thursday, June 16, 2011 Reference Code: Sr. Area Planner, HFO A detailed job posting can be viewed at http://www.westernforest.com/careers/ current_openings.php



ON-CALL Casual Health Care Opportunities Kwakiutl District Council Location: Various Health Sites The Kwakiutl District Council (“KDC”) is a notfor-profit society whose clients consist of 10 First Nations located primarily in the northeast region of Vancouver Island representing an on-reserve population of approximately 2500 living in remote, rural and urban environments. The KDC provides government funded programs and services with an annual budget of +/$2.5 million and 40+ staff. As on-call casual workers, these positions have no guaranteed hours and work “stand-by”, accepting daily or weekly assignments for vacation relief, sick day or heavy workload. The positions travel to KDC site locations as dispatched. On-Call Casual Personal Care Workers Reporting to the Home & Community Care Coordinator, the On-Call Casual Personal Care Worker provides personalized care and support to clients in their homes by assisting with the activities of daily living. PCWs ensure the safety and comfort, maintain hygiene, facilitate physical activity and promote independence and mental well-being of the client in a respectful and compassionate manner. The On-Call Casual PCW may be asked to assist at community wellness clinics and community workshops. Qualifications: - Certificate from a recognized institution in Home Support, Residential Home Care Attendant or equivalent. - Level C First Aid and Current CPR certification. - Two (2) years directly-related experience in residential home care, hygiene, supervision of medication, community health development, understanding of common disease processes and conditions throughout the life span. On-Call Casual Community Wellness Workers Reporting to the Mental Health & Addictions Program Manager, this front line position: 1) works under clinical supervision of the MHA Manager to coordinate client-focused treatment/rehabilitation plans (advocacy, education & referrals); 2) develops and delivers addictions & mental health awareness activities (e.g. group sessions, support sessions, psycho-educational sessions) according to pre-approved program planning schedules and 3) builds community relationships and promotes a safe, healthy and supportive environment for clients that instills a sense of dignity and self-respect. Qualifications: - Certificate from a recognized institute in a mental health and addictions worker program or equivalent. - Level C First Aid and Current CPR certification. - Two (2) years’ directly-related experience in working with mental health issues; intake process for addictions; knowledge of the Mental Health Act; understanding the social effects of substance abuse, the ability to organize community groups/programs; the ability to use alternative and traditional healing methods. Both positions must have the ability to work flexible hours including evenings and weekends as required. In addition both required: - Possession of a valid B.C. driver’s license and reliable vehicle. Vulnerable criminal records check and driver’s abstract. Ability to travel to northern island locations and stay overnight as needed. - Salaries as per KDC Pay Equity Program. - Previous experience working in a First Nations Community is preferred. Closing date: June 8th, 2011 Please forward resume, cover letter and wage expectations to: Core Elements HR Consulting & Outsourcing Inc. Email: team@coreelements.com Fax: 604-4842231


HELP WANTED MENTAL HEALTH & Addiction Opportunities Kwakiutl District Council Location: Campbell River The Kwakiutl District Council (“KDC”) is a not-forprofit society whose clients consist of 10 First Nations located primarily in the northeast region of Vancouver Island representing an on-reserve population of approximately 2500 living in remote, rural and urban environments. The KDC provides government funded programs and services with an annual budget of +/- $2.5 million and 40+ staff. Therapist One (1) Year Term Position, 4 days per week Reporting to the Mental Health & Addictions Program Manager, the Therapist is a professionally-accredited position. The role of the Therapist is to provide counselling to individuals, families and youth, across all KDC Health sites. The position applies knowledge and experience in providing therapy for a range of individual and family situations. The incumbent operates at a high level of analytical, information processing and human interaction. The duties of this position include providing counselling services to an active caseload of individuals, youth and families, coordinating therapy with other service providers and participating as part of the KDC Health team to create and follow through on care plans for children and families. Qualifications: - Masters level degree in an allied health discipline including supervised practicum from an approved post-secondary institution. - Registered member in good standing with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors or the BC College of Psychologists. - Minimum of eight (8) years as a Therapist with a minimum of one (1) year in a community setting. - Familiarity with Clinical supervision and generally accepted practices required. Critical Response Coordinator One (1) Year Term Position, Full time Reporting to the MHA Manager, this position acts as the Critical Response Coordinator for all sites and Community Wellness Worker for the Quinsam/Cape Mudge sites. As the Critical Response Coordinator, the position 1) spearheads design and implementation of Critical Response programs and specifically the suicide prevention program in all KDC Health Sites including start up mandates, policies, procedures and protocols; 2) delivers suicide prevention workshops etc. using methods that capture community engagement - especially youth and; 3) carries cell phone during working hours, to provide immediate crisis intervention counseling and coordination of support services for co-workers who are dealing with critical incidences and suicide attempts on the front line. In the Community Wellness Worker (CWW) role, the incumbent 1) works under clinical supervision of the MHA Manager to coordinate client-focused treatment/rehabilitation plans (advocacy, education & referrals); 2) develops and delivers addictions & mental health awareness activities (e.g. group sessions, support sessions, psycho-educational sessions). Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution humanities, psychology or related discipline. - Level C First Aid and Current CPR certification. - Two (2) years’ directly-related experience in critical response coordination, knowledge of suicide prevention programs and processes, knowledge of suicide and critical incidences, the ability to organize community groups/programs, and knowledge of mental health resources. Both positions must have the ability to work flexible hours including evenings and weekends as required. In addition both required: - Possession of a valid B.C. driver’s license and reliable vehicle. - Vulnerable criminal records check and driver’s abstract. - Ability to travel to northern island locations and stay overnight as needed. Salaries as per KDC Pay Equity Program. - Previous experience working in a First Nations Community is preferred. Closing date: June 8th, 2011 Please forward resume, cover letter and salary expectations to: Core Elements HR Consulting & Outsourcing Inc. Email: team@coreelements.com Fax: 604-484-2231






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HOME IMPROVEMENTS A FINISHING & RENOVATION company, Husband and wife team, Journeyman Contractor and Interior Designer for kitchen cabinets, drywall mudding & painting, Bathrooms, Fireplace Mantels. Free Estimates, call Design House 250-204-4417.

PAINTING EVELYN M. Painting, Quality work, interior prep to complete. Low odor paint, no muss, no fuss, free estimates. 250-204-4417.

PETS PETS PURE BRED Yorkies, vet checked, shots, dewormed, born March. 15, ready to go. Call 250-287-4969.

MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AUCTIONS HUGE RESTAURANT AUCTION Deli & Food Services Equipment. Consignment now being accepted. June 4, 11am at Dodds Auction, 3311 - 28 Ave Vernon. View photos at doddsauction.com 250-5453259

FRIENDLY FRANK Child’s Disney Day Bed & Mattress, excellent condition, Offers. 250-287-8570

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1838 Whistler Way. 3 bdrm +den, 3 full bath, ensuite has jetted tub/separate shower. Private backyard. Asking $419,000.


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Bach. 1 or 2 Bdrooms Adult bldg. clean & safe! Under New Management! Call Nick (250)-902-0493

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Water and City views. Newly updated 2 & 3 bdrms w/ large balcony and beautiful view. Walk to shopping and all amenities. Heat, parking & storage incl with onsite laundry. Contact resident manager

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APARTMENTS FURNISHED CAMPBELL RIVER- beautifully furn 3 bdrm. Panoramic ocean views in quiet building, cable/phone/inter-net incld, $1150. (Now). 250-337-5487.


HOT TUB Covers & Accessories. Lowest price, highest quality. All sizes and colours available. 1-888-611-7660. www.spasuppliesonline.ca.

SAWMILLS - BAND/Chainsaw - Spring sale - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money and Save money. In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00.



RENTALS APARTMENT/CONDO 2 BDRM Large townhouse style apts close to hospital 3 schools on site laundry some pets ok $750. (250)-202-0656 2 BDRM Townhouse, Rotary Beach Park. N/S. No dogs. $700. July 1st. 250-287-3990.

AVAIL IMMEDIATELY CLEAN, QUIET BLDG Newly renovated and bright bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom suites with view. • Telus & Shaw hookup • On Site laundry • Free heat • Free hot water - No pets.

Call 1-250-702-0030 BRIGHT 2-BDRM, great view! Downtown area, newly reno’d. $700./mo. (250) 202-4151. CAMPBELL RIVER, catering to mature people, newly reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Clean, quiet, secure bldg. Centrally located. Cable, phone, internet incl. Manager onsite, avail now. Call 250-203-8334. C.R. 1-BDRM, recently renovated apartment. Well-run condo bldg. $650. incl. h/w. June 1, Hans (250)286-1876. Fantastic Oceanview in new, 1 bdrm aptmt close to downtown & hosp. Must See. $850/mo, cable & int incl. 250204-9120 Available Now. SEAVIEW MANOR, 1 & 2 BDRM Apts. Quiet, secure, includes heat & hot water onsite Manager. Call 250-2866513 or 250-204-5799. ST. ANDREWS Village. Large bright 1 & 2 Bedroom renovated apartments in quiet crime free building. Non smoking, near hospital. (250) 287-3556 WILLOW PT., spacious, bright 3 bdrm, 2 bath condo with ocean view, lots of storage, all appls incl, W/D insuite, avail immed, $950. 250-923-9197.

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CAMPBELL RIVER- 2 bdrm suite in 4-plex near ocean, schools, all amenities, town Hardwood floors, new exterior, laundry, fresh paint. Available Now. $725. 1-250-889-9353. boarsnest@shaw.ca HOSPITAL AREA 2 bdrm in side by side duplex, new appls, gas heat, W/D hookup, fully renovated, N/S, N/P. Discount lease incentive. July. 1, $795/mo. 250-287-2483. PORT MCNEILL 2 bdrm duplex. Ocean view, yard. Avail June 1st. $700./mo. N/S, pets negotiable. 250-949-2644.

MOBILE HOMES & PADS CAMPBELL RIVER- (across from beach) & close to Willow Point shopping, 2 bdrm+ den. $650+ utils. (250)923-4856.

HOMES FOR RENT CAMPBELL RIVER- 3 bdrm, 1 bath rancher, large beautiful fenced yard & playhouse, 5 appls, new garage & door. Non-smoker. Pets negotiable. Refs req’d. $1075/mo. 250926-6616. CAMPBELL RIVER: 3bdrm, Part. bsmnt, ocean view, cent. loc. Ref’s req’d. $850. Avail. now. Call Ed (250)287-0011. CENTRAL, SHORT walk to ferry & downtown, 900 sq ft, 2 bdrm, fantastic views. Avail immed, $850. 780-719-7137. MERECROFT AREA- 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath rancher. 5 appls. NS/NP. Available July 1. $1100./mo. (250)830-3232.

SUITES, LOWER 2-BDRM BSMNT, near Merecroft. Laundry, bathtub, cable, hydro, internet incld. $840./mo June 15. (250)850-1085. 516 Cormorant Rd. 1 bdrm suite. $600 main floor. Quiet, secure, includes heat/hot water. Large yard, storage shed. No pets. No smoking. Call (250)286-1942

CAMPBELL RIVER- Spacious 3 bdrm bsmt. Separate W/D. N/S, pets neg. $950. incls heat, hot water & wireless internet. Avail immed. or June 1st. 250-287-0941. OCEAN VIEW furnished 1 bdrm executive suite, 6 appl’s, F/P, hardwood floors, util’s incld’d, NS/NP, $795. 1-250483-5510 or 250-204-1653.

SUITES, UPPER OCEAN GROVE, ocean view, spacious, bright, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, deck, $875 mo utils incl, 250-926-0658, 250-203-7076.

TOWNHOUSES 360 LEISHMAN 2 bdrm w/loft reno’d, clean, 2 baths, laundry, Avail. June 1st. $750. Call 250-204-2977. Campbell River: Willow Pt. new 3 bdrm, 3 bath, close to sportsplex, 5 appl, dbl garage, avail June 1st, 250-792-2536. PORT HARDY: Central, like new, 2 bdrm, $675. Avail. Immed. (604)418-3626 or email: trojan12@shaw.ca PORT HARDY: Central, like new, in gated comm., 3 bdrm, $800. Avail. Immed. (604)4183626 email trojan12@shaw.ca


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2004 Travel trailer WandererLite 23 ft. c/w queen size bed, slideout w/folding couch, microwave, A/C, etc. Ready for your holidays. $11,500 S Alder in CR. 250-923-9444 - Ivan 2008 PALAMINO Bronco, pop-up truck Camper, will fit half ton. Mint condition, $8500 obo. Call 250-205-0186 or 250-923-0186. LIKE NEW 2005 30ft. Challenger, fifth wheel, with double slides, king size bed, washer/dryer hook up. Asking 24,900. Call 250-478-9989.

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MARINE BOATS 50% CO-OWNER Sought for professionally managed late model Meridian 391 luxury motor yacht with prime moorage downtown Vancouver. Skippering/training available. 6 0 4 - 6 6 9 - 2 2 4 8 . www.one4yacht.com


MidWeek / June 1, 2011 11

Nine nominations between two Comox Valley artists From Page 8

Helen Austin received five Vancouver Island Music Award nominations.

stints in Victoria and Nanaimo. Kasper says changing the location to the Valley makes sense as the music business conference takes place between June 22 and 26. “We’re excited to be bringing the event to the Comox Valley ... (the awards) are a smaller version of the Junos ... it’s modelled loosely after those shows. We alternate between a performance of one song by a nominee and a presentation of an award ... and some silliness from the hosts,” he added. In addition to a

Producer of the Year nominee with Scott Feldman, Austin is nominated for Female Songwriter of the Year, Female Vocalist, Album of the Year and Artist of the Year, while Spiller is nominated with Adam Percy for Producer of the Year, Female Songwriter of the Year, Female Vocalist, Song of the Year, and Artist of the Year. VIMA received more than 70 submissions from artists around the Island, and a jury of seven members that includes broadcasters, music directors and singer/songwriters

narrowed down the final nominees. Kapers notes the music industry on Vancouver Island is growing, and hopes the awards, in addition to other events which bring musicians and the public together, will help make the public more aware of homegrown talent. “(The industry) is growing little by little. All of us are trying to contribute to that, whether it’s media, the Island music business conference or our events, hopefully it’s all contributing and growing. It’s the type of scene where it’s artistdriven and there’s a lot

of great talent on the Island,” he added. Tickets for the award show are available at the Sid Williams box office, or call 250-338-2430. For more information, visit www. islandmusicawards. wordpress.com.




PHONE 250-286-0718


151 Dogwood, Campbell River

PUZZLE NO. 560 15. 16. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34.

Australian dog Hindu queen Rowboat paddle Word before advised or tempered British title Dove's comment Plus 39, to Benny Ladder feature Skinny one Eat away Transfer, as property Dolt Certain nobleman Higher ground Wimpy Tightly drawn Move cautiously Sounded a bell Double Shut out Gush Downturn PT 109's color Angel's headgear

4x8.5 crossword Copyright © 2011 by Penny Press

49. Alumnus, ACROSS for short 1. Rough 6. Lights out signal 50. Load 51. Swindle 10. Dull 54. Suitcases 14. Keen 56. At this place 15. Monetary unit 57. Never 17. Ore deposit 18. Aquarium denizen 59. Ocean bird 60. Touch against 19. Antelope 61. Exult in victory 20. Bid first 63. Care for 21. Atop an orphan 23. Gin and ____ 67. Coat feature 25. Swindle 69. Too proper 28. Thickener 72. By route of 31. Goose egg 73. Food tidbit 32. Not sweet, 74. Clumsy person as wine 77. All the cards 35. Atomic particle 78. Wish 36. Irish accent 79. Blouse ruffle 38. Money 81. Mature 40. Cowboy contest 83. Clog or mule 42. Growing out 86. Responsible 45. Urge on 89. Roundup need 46. River crossing

36. 37. 39. 41. 43. 44. 47. 48. 51. 52. 53. 55. 56.

58. House surroundings 62. Bind with string 64. Brutus's breakfast? 65. Needle's kin 66. Do handiwork 68. Mauna follower 70. Nail's cousin 71. Mountain slider 75. Skillful 76. Impose fraudulently 78. Zigzag 79. Smart of "Designing Women" 80. Racing gauge 82. Trudge 83. Witnessed 84. Shade of color 85. ____ pro nobis 87. Bikini top 88. Base 90. Child 91. Sib 92. Keats creation

93. Bodily radiance, to a psychic 94. Funds held by a third party 95. Elliptical 96. Free from dependence 97. Spring occurrence 98. Dimwitted ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 560

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Stetson, e.g. Perfect shot Wheel track Play, as a guitar Multitude Turkey type Rugged mountain Town map Beauty parlor Allied nations Clip Lemon cooler Egg source


MidWeek / June 1, 2011


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Duramax Diesel


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