2017 Camp Fire First Texas Annual Report

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r o f g s n i k v i r L a , g p n i S ing, Lead n r a e L t Texas e Firs r i F port p e R y Cam t i mun m o C 7 201

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Camp Fire is changing young lives in our communities for the better. Inside and out. More than 21,000 lives were positively impacted in our communities thanks to Camp Fire. We know that when children and youth learn key traits for thriving and are given opportunities to lead, their lives change in meaningful ways by:

++Feeling like they belong ++Believing they can make

positive contributions to their lives, families and community

++Discovering they can

make lasting friendships







9.74% growth


9.44% growth

Life Skills

16.54% growth

Conflict Resolution Purpose Confidence

22.98% growth 3.68% growth 8.16% growth

Ages 11-18 Youth Outcomes Before and After Camp Fire

Each year, youth in Camp Fire programs build upon the skills from previous years. This year’s results demonstrate that the model for impact continues to have measurable results. It is through the combined support of friends, neighbors and communities Camp Fire can continue to create these meaningful outcomes.

“Through the School Readiness program, I was able to send four of my staff members through the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentialing Program at Camp Fire, which I am so grateful for because that alone really increased the quality of our center. Not only do



Spring 2013

75 47.5


42.5 25




66.575 62.3


48.7 50






60.750 57.642.3





0 0 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 2013 2014 2013 2015 2014 2016 2015 2017 2016

Kindergarten CFSRP Reading Achievement COMPARISON




SAT10 66.575

Average Normal Curve Equivalent



Average Normal Curve Equivalent

75 50



Average Normal Curve Equivalent


100 Average Normal Curve Equivalent


It takes a village to support the learning and development of a child. Camp Fire not only builds up a child, but also takes the lead in strengthening a child’s village through early education programs. More than 10,000 early education teachers received professional development through Camp Fire. Of those, 238 are involved in a highly focused quality improvement program, School Readiness, that is making remarkable differences in the lives of thousands of children who are most vulnerable and atrisk in our communities. When all children thrive, our community is stronger. Not only are these children outperforming their peers in literacy and math, they sustain that learning edge at least three years beyond their time in a Camp Fire supported program.

51.4 60.750 47.5 25

42.3 38.7







Infants and Toddlers demonstrating social-emotional protective factors within the typical or strength range









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Kindergarten CFSRP Math Achievement COMPARISON



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61.4 49.1




ITBS 61.5

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f Year

I have a business partnership with Camp Fire, but I feel like it’s a family, too. Camp Fire is always one call away. Whenever I’m having an issue or situation or just a rough day, the guidance is there for me when I need it. My mentor keeps me grounded and reminds me that I’m never alone.


Pre-K Children demonstrating social-emotional protective factors within the typical or strength range

a Ye of


19% In 72%


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f Ye

When Camp Fire helps me grow as a director, we all grow – my staff, our kids, their families – everyone.”

— Ontara Nickerson Shepard Christian Academy Director and Camp Fire School Readiness Participant


Spring 2017

In 2017, Camp Fire programs “Through the Go Center, Camp expanded significantly in Fire has been able to provide programming for 6th - 8th graders support and resources to students through a new and ongoing and families by implementing a partnership with the United Way Go curriculum of various intensive Centers. This coordination allows lessons and activities that Thriving concepts to be introduced have made an impact on many to pre-teen boys and girls at a time students’ success. Through they most need guidance to find their the Camp Fire program, many authentic voice and begin making Meacham Middle School students critical decisions about who and have acquired the skills and es what they want to be. Meacham motivation needed to succeed comand t u O h t Kirkpatrick in education. Camp Fire staff ou School Go Centers FiretoYMiddle p show significant progress. have passion and commitment 7 Camcontinue 201 for serving our students and 2017 Camp Fire Youth Outcomes community that is seen daily. Meacham Middle School and the Of Camp Fire children and youth Go Center values Camp Fire.” surveyed... — Janet Gonzales tried to get along with others, even if FWISD College and Career they were different. Readiness Coach



were given the opportunity to try something they had never done.

92% orted

t Rep 6% No

said being in Camp Fire gave them the opportunity or made them try something new, even if they didn’t think they’d like it.

Data based on CFPQA assessment data for Spring & Summer 2017.


Fire Camp eadiness lR Schoo hildren 1,808 C fants 18% In s oddler 30% T ol reScho 52% P re K &P


“We acknowledge as educators that it isn’t all about standardized testing. We have other concepts we need youth to have mastered to prepare them for life - teamwork, problem solving, empathy, overcoming challenge. Concepts that help teens grow as individuals. While at El Tesoro I frequently heard the students encouraging one another as they stepped out of their comfort zones and saying, ‘I’ll try.’ Coming from an elementary school background, it was typical to see students at off-site trips react with awe and wonder. I saw those same reactions of, ‘I didn’t know this existed,’ from teens. This program showed them a world that exists beyond their school, their neighborhood and their city. There were some lifelong memories made.” — Georgi Roberts Director of Health, Physical Education & Coordinated Health, Fort Worth Independent School District

Camp Fire offers teens from all communities the opportunity to gain and build skills that will influence them for a lifetime. Whether it is college and career readiness, outdoor appreciation or volunteering, teens in Camp Fire expand their knowledge of what it means to take action, to be an engaged citizen and advocate for themselves and their values. All of Camp Fire teen programs schedule dedicated time outdoors at Camp El Tesoro to develop a deeper connection to self and community and create lasting memories. Our teens explore the role of teacher, mentor and coach for their peers and younger children.

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It Begins NOW!




Thriveology Sessions

Community Service Projects

Volunteer Hours by Camp Fire Teens



Grow e v ’ e W



increase of hours in the outdoors over 2016

hours were spent outdoors this year

thanks to Camp Fire programs

14% 10%

growth in Outdoor Education and Overnight Camp programs at El Tesoro

increase in participation of

early education courses



growth in all

teen programs


Chairman of the Board Lauri Curtis Hadobas Vice Chairman, Administration Bill McCoy Vice Chairman, Financial Development Jerri O. Akers Vice Chairman, Planning Jake Yarbrough Treasurer Courtney Garner Lewis Secretary Dolores Garza Foundation Board Kevin Garman, Chairman Nina Hutton Linda Jacobson Adelaide Leavens Drew Springer Patricia Vaughan President/CEO Ann Sheets

Directors Scot Bennett Dr. Jared Cobb Jim D. DeBacker Kimberly DeWoody Dianna Flores MA, LPC Thomas Hook Donna James-Harvey Lisa D. Mares Randi Mitchell John Molyneaux Cheryl Moore Travis Patterson Robert J. Reeb, III Evelyn H. Richardson Roland Schafer Jenene Schaffer John Strong Jared Treesh Lynda Tiedtke Kelli Walter Andrew Ward Brett Weeks Corey Marie Weeks Kay L. West Drenda Williams Witt

Camp Fire Promise Young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are. In Camp Fire, it begins now. Light the fire within Find Out How You Can Get Involved. Facebook facebook.com/campfirefw facebook.com/campeltesoro Twitter @campfirefw Instagram @campfirefw LinkedIn Camp Fire First Texas

Camp Fire First Texas CampFireFW.org 817.831.2111

Blog CampFireFW.org/blog Camp Fire First Texas is a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization. To access the complete IRS Form 990 visit CampFireFW.org/aboutus.

r o f g s n i k v r i L a ing, Sp d a e L , g n i n r a Le as


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2017 Dono rs

Gifts $100,000 or More The Ella C. McFadden Endowment Fund of the North Texas Community Foundation The Junior League of Fort Worth The Morris Foundation Rainwater Charitable Foundation Sid W. Richardson Foundation Patricia A. Vaughan The George and Fay Young Foundation, Inc

$30,000 - $99,999 Paul E. Andrews, Jr. Foundation Anonymous Anonymous William & Catherine Bryce Memorial Fund Amon G. Carter Foundation Bess and Jon Carvain Family Charitable Foundation, The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust The Miles Foundation

North Central Texas Council of Governments United Way of Tarrant County

$10,000 - $29,999 The 908 Alta Foundation Bank of Texas Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Birdies For Charity Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Cook Children’s Medical Center James A. “Buddy” Davidson Charitable Foundation Virginia Clay Dorman A.J. & Jessie Duncan Foundation Eddleman-McFarland Fund J.E.S. Edwards Foundation Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Thomas V. Giddens, Jr. Foundation Nina Hutton Ben E. Keith Foundation Trust Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

MHMR of Tarrant County Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore R4 Foundation The Rees-Jones Foundation Thomas M., Helen McKee & John P. Ryan Foundation Stein Family Charitable Trust Women’s Leadership Council, United Way of Tarrant County XTO Energy, Inc.

$5,000 - $9,999 American Airlines C.B. Baird, Jr. Foundation Theodore and Beulah Beasley Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Bendix BNSF Railway Foundation Fash Foundation Graham and Carolyn Holloway Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jacobson Nell and Herbert Johnson Mary Potishman Lard Trust Lockheed Martin AERO Club

Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCoy Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Pier 1 Imports Mr. Mark A. Schulze William E. Scott Foundation Frances C. and William P. Smallwood Foundation Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Weinman Drenda and John Witt

$1,000 - $4,999 Atmos Energy D. R. and Kathleen Bales Beacon Hill Wealth Services, Raymond James & Associates Bear Valley Community Church Benevity.com Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Mrs. Evelyn H. Breaux BSCO, Inc. Business Development Group of Aledo

Fort Worth Firefighter Charities Garvey Texas Foundation, Inc. Marilyn and Glenn Gilbert Mr. Clif Giles Nancy Glenn The GoodCoin Foundation David and Lauri Curtis Hadobas Dorothy and Gary Hames The Virginia Hobbs Charitable Trust Terri and Rich Hollander Imagetek Office Systems Infinite Energy Jackson Walker, L.L.P. Angela and Kirby Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey JPMorgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim Landon Mr. and Mrs. Lee Last LegacyTexas LMEPAC Charity Match Program Lyn and Brad Lucas Luther King Capital Management

Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Mares, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Martin, Jr. Matthews Children’s Foundation David and Christina Middlebrook Mr. Tod M. Miller Molyneaux Charitable Foundation Kay L. West and John Molyneaux Phyllis Jack Moore and Bob Moore Ms. Danielle E. Needham Zem Neill Mr. and Mrs. David Nolet The Margaret Mann Wilson Fund of the North Texas Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Erle A. Nye Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Owens III The Gary Patterson Foundation Patterson Law Group Mrs. Ava Powell Radiology Associates of North Texas Mr. Brant A. Ring

RMP Industrial Supply, Inc Ms. Alice Rodriguez and Mr. Thomas H. Kendall Mr. Fritz Roessler Rogers Wealth Group, Inc. Rotary Club of Fort Worth, TX, Inc. Children’s Fund Debbie and Kenny Schmidt Jack Shannon Ann and Jim Sheets Guido & Ruth Shumake Charitable Trust Lynda and Eric Tiedtke Ubeo Business Services United Cooperative Services United Way of Hood County Ms. Elizabeth A. Watson The Gil and Dody Weaver Foundation Mr. Justin Welborn Mr. and Mrs. Jay Q. West Dorothy Wing Worthington National Bank Your Cause (Corporate Employee Giving Programs), New York Life

2017 Donors

J.W. Butts Ms. Leticia M. Caraveo Allan Ray Cathey Mr. Christopher G. Coates Communities Foundation of Texas Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Cranford Dean, Jacobson Financial Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Dean III Mr. James D. Debacker Mr. and Mrs. Larry Droppa DuBose Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dunaway, Jr. EnLink Midstream LLC Lisa and Bruce Epps Thelma, Emil and Edmund Fahrenkamp Memorial Trust Firefighting’s Finest Moving & Storage First Presbyterian Church Sylvia and Pat Fisher Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Foundation Fort Worth Cops For Kids, Inc.

2017 Dono rs

$500 - $999 Ms. Penny Andrews Anonymous Mr. James Bayne Mr. Hutch Beach Mr. Jesus Chapa Classic Chevrolet Ms. Lisa A. Cook Malinda Murphey Cowan Erin and Gary Cox Ms. Peggy Jean Craft Mr. Denis Cranford Mrs. Cynthia Culmo Dallas Metro Counseling Association Ms. Kimberly A. D’Avignon Ms. Ashley Deener Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dykes Mr. and Mrs. David Flores Mr. and Mrs. Dave Foster Ms. Jennifer Fung FWPD Homicide Unit Barbara and Denis Greer Paul S. Hollis Trust Diane Lochtrog Johnson JPMorgan Chase Bank JPMorgan Charitable Giving Program Mrs. Kathy Kamp

Ben E. Keith Foods Mr. Jim Landon Ginger and Mack Lawhon Mr. Chris Lokey Jose Macias Ms. Jessie L. McCabe The Higginbotham Community Fund of the North Texas Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Olson Ms. Debi Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Porter Mrs. Cynthia Raines Mr. Jeremy Blake Raines Mrs. Linda Ramoz Mrs. Jane Rector Ms. Maurie Reynolds Rylander, Clay & Opitz, L.L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauer Jenene and Jeff Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Shelton

Sally and Steve Snow Mr. James R. Stanley, CPA Texas Health Resources Christi Thornhill Mr. Jared M. Treesh United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. Mrs. Christine Walker Dr. Lisa Ward Mr. and Mrs. Mark Welborn White Settlement Police Officers Association Mr. Keith Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yarbrough Your Cause (Corporate Employee Giving Programs), AT&T Your Cause (Corporate Employee Giving Programs), Sabre

$250 - $499 Albertson’s Companies, Inc. Karen and Larry Anfin Michael Baylor Mrs. Jeanne Boatman Mr. Rodney Bolejack Angela M. Boogaerts

Ms. Susanne Brown Louise Britt Carvey Mr. and Mrs. John E. Christie Ms. Karol Genovese Del Real Kimberly and Joseph DeWoody Karen Dozier Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Ferguson Colleen and Adam Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Chris Garcia Kimberly and Robert Garrett Kristine A. Hall Mrs. Cathy Halliday Ms. Patricia Hickman Melody A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Judson Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Keil Ms. Ruth Ghormley Kimbrough Mrs. Ramona K. Leach Mr. Mike Leighty Mrs. Amalia Love Mrs. Joann R. Lykins Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Matute

Mr. and Mrs. Brett Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. White Ms. Tempest Williams Irene and Don Wills Billy Woodrich Mr. and Mrs. J. Benton Woodward

In Kind Donors 95.9 The Ranch Arlinda Akridge Austin Allsup American Airlines Amphibian Stage Productions Arthur Murray Dance Studio AT&T Mobility Backwoods Paddlesports Bank of Texas Melissa Beago Bee’s Knees Hair Studio Betty Jane’s Boutique Billy Bob’s Texas Billy’s Oak Acres BBQ Bravo Cucina Italiana The Brick Gym / Crossfit L3, Fort Worth Annette Bush

Casa Mañana Theater Cash America Central Market Chadra Mezza and Grill Cheeky Charms by KC Chick-Fil-A Circelli, Walter & Young, PLLC Doug Clark CMB Photography The Collective Brewing Project Erica Connolly Copper Fox Malinda Cowan Cowtown Bowling Palace Coyote Ridge Golf Club Crafts by Susie Dallas Zoo David Hunt Furs and Leathers Dean & Deluca Invitational Karol Genovese Del Real Deluxe Strategic Sourcing Discount School Supplies The Dive Oyster Bar Eighteen Ninety Grille and Lounge Embassy Suites Fort Worth

Equibrand AJ Esquivel FC Dallas Firefighting’s Finest Moving and Storage, Inc Fort Worth Club Fort Worth Fire Department Fossil Rim Wildlife Center Four Day Weekend Iris Fragoso The Funky Monkey Patti Gawronski Emily Giles Goldwaves Salon Granbury Theatre Company Denis and Barbara Greer Gruene Historic District Gypsy Scoops Half Price Books Dorothy and Gary Hames Heim Barbeque Dave Hemmeline Hess Collection Winery HG Sply Co. Isinglass Design Linda and Jake Jacobson James Avery Jewelry Joe Gibbs Racing

2017 Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mayes Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McVeigh Randi and Matthew Mitchell Dr. Christine Moranetz Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Moroneso Motiva Enterprises LLC Janet and Bill Neff Network For Good The Nonprofit Management Center of Permian Basin Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’Toole Plains Capital Bank Evie and Barry Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Roland P. Schafer Kristopher Shuman Mrs. Martin D. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Spurgeon Ms. Olivia E. Templeton Ms. Dana E. Toudouze and Mr. Mike Cox Mr. and Mrs. Danny Tovar Faith N. Urban Kelli Walter

2017 Dono rs

In Kind Donors, cont. Nell and Herbert Johnson Kathy’s Texas Kisses Kendra Scott KidKraft La Quinta Teresa and Tim Landon Joe Lane, Fish Creek Restaurant & Bar The Lash Lounge - Alliance Tana Lee Lettuce Cook Gourmet-To-Go Jeffrey Levinson LightCatcher Winery Lockheed Martin Chef Tim Love M.L. Leddy’s Makewells Martin House Brewing Company Marty and Pat’s Frame Shoppe Roy Massey Maverick Fine Western Wear Bill McCoy Mary Anne McKenzie Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament

Members of An Artists’ Christmas Committee Vickie Milam Pam Mooney Mrs. Renfro’s Salsa Shane Mudge Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Kacey Musgraves Nasher Sculpture Center Nothing Bundt Cakes, Southlake NRH2O Family Water Park Oak Highlands Brewery Old Texas Brewing Company Olive Garden Opal Grey Orange Theory Fitness P.S. The Letter Pacific Table Painting with a Twist Panther Island Brewing Park Place Jewelry and Gifts Peacock Alley Perot Museum of Nature and Science Piattello Italian Kitchen Piola Italian Restaurant

Raising Cane’s Ridglea Watch and Jewelry Rosa’s Café Ruby Grace’s at Grapevine Antique Market Jeremy Sale Sam’s Club NRH Shakespeare Dallas Shannon Brewing Company Shay and Olive Photography Ann Sheets Katie Sheets Shinjuki Station Japanese Dining SiNaCa Studios Six Flags Sally and Steve Snow SPEC’s The Stacey Sauer Team - Keller Williams Trevor Story SusieCakes Taco Diner Texas Brewing Inc. Texas Motor Speedway Texas Rangers Baseball Club Christi Thornhill

John Thornhill Tiff’s Treats Times Ten Cellars Tom + Chee Wagon Yard WalMart Saginaw Whataburger William Chris Winery Winslow’s Wine Café Billy Woodrich JoEllen Wynne & Don Love Young Chefs Academy Z’s Café

Memorials Joel Everett Brown Sr. Lydia Goetz Lori and Stuart Holle Mary E. Ladd Zem Neill Chris Peoples Ann and Jim Sheets Faye Toler Lydia Tovar Milton Earl Cordell The Jean and Don Lochtrog Family Debra Lochtrog Diane Lochtrog Johnson

Jean Marie Lochtrog Lydia Goetz Kay and Michael Hames Ann and Jim Sheets Cindy and Larry Vaught Mrs. Edith Loock, Camp Fire Leader Diana L. Sullivan Sue Martin, Camp El Tesoro Counselor Brenda and Norman Dykes Mary Miller, Blue Bird Leader in 1950s Barbara and Joe Jackson Patricia Lind Shannon Catherine Fenoglio Sylvia and Pat Fisher Patti A. Gervey Lydia Goetz Mary Kromer Hugh McKay Barbara and Chris Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Eddie Rettstatt Ann and Jim Sheets Joan T. Trew Lou Shelton Candice Stites

Dorothy Shepherd Mellanie L. Clay Zachary Sotman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hart Kelly Ms. Ruth Ghormley Kimbrough Katherine Calkins Speairs Adelaide and Thomas Leavens Ann and Jim Sheets Lynda and Grady Shropshire Robert W. Spurck, Sr. Susan Spurck Harding Robert W. Spurck, Jr.

Honorariums Ella, Willing, Turner, and Briggs DeMott Mr. and Mrs. Ted DeWitt Mayo III “Nanny and Poppy� Andy Dunn Wendy E. Dunn Maren Gehman and Inga Gehman Christine Jolly Chuck Pratt

Barbara and Denis Greer Beth and Frank Wilson Mary Ann Tate Grundborg Kenneth D. Grundborg Cory Haliburton The Nonprofit Management Center of Permian Basin Terri and Rich Hollander Rebecca and Stuart Isgur Louise Vermillion Shane Mudge Christi and Jon Scarborough Zem Neill Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Nancy R. Gillis Patricia A. Vaughan Our Children - Our Future Janiece B. Oliver Ann Sheets Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Patricia A. Vaughan Steve and Sally Snow Mrs. Cynthia Culmo Paige Wilson Cheryl M. Jennings

2017 Donors

Orion-John Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Sanchez Walk to Remember Donors Bob and Rachel Gooch Dr. David Kazdan and Ms. Laura C. Gooch George and Dorothy Hardin Ann and Bennie Kniffen Sara C. Harwood Joann R. Lykins Weldon Hatch Richard L. Shepherd Louisa Haun Mrs. Nancy Dozier Mildred Haupt Tamara and Russell Dean Mrs. Desig Istook, Camp Fire Leader Diana L. Sullivan The Klein Family: Lynn, Adele, and Rush Paul K. Chitwood Kay Gunn Zem Neill Ann and Jim Sheets

2017 Dono rs

2017 An Artists’ Christmas Artists Sarah Ayala Donna Bales Works Denis Benjamin David Blow Maryann Brummer Watt Casey Jake Christenson Douglas Clark Ted Clemens Jeff Cocanour Judy Crowe Carolyn Cruz Dan Darr Thomas Diel Candice Eisenfeld Wendy Eversole Iris Fragoso Spray Gleaves Sarah Graham Pat Green Kyle Hanson Sally Jan Harris Thomas Helmick Linda Henry Darlia Hobbs Michael Holter Olivette Hubler Val Hunnicutt

Laura Hunt Sue Jackson Georgia James Clarke Jerry Johnston Billy Jones Sheri Jones Avery Kelly Lane Anne Kimzey Nancy Lamb Lynn LaRose Connie Logan Levsen Bob Lukeman Sharon Markwardt Stacey Martin Sally Brunner Martin Jerry McAdams Ken McFarlane Linnea McKenney Randy Meador Erin Miller Donna Miller Steve Miller E. Melinda Morrison Robert Nelson Randy Oberbeck Tim Oliver Mark Osborn

Jeff Ott Harmony Padgett Stormie Parker Amanda Plotnicki Linda Popple Mary Rabien Raymond Rains TK Riddle Chuck Roach Kim Robbins Tabitha Schmitt Amy J. Schultz Terry Haun Shaw Samuel Shelton Shannon Smith Pamela Steege Travis Stewart Jennifer Stufflebeam Pamela Summers Doyle Terry Joanna Velasquez Irma Ward Beatriz Welch Margie Whittington Chris Widerstrom Jack Wolfsen

Camp Fire First Texas CampFireFW.org 817.831.2111

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