Compass SPRING 2014
Sparking a Century of Discovery: Camp Fire Centennial It’s Time for Summer! Step Up 2 Thrive Starting School Ready to Learn
O peningC entennialE vent More than 110 people gathered at River Crest Country Club January 31 for Camp Fire’s Annual Meeting. “Each year the annual meeting is an important time for us as volunteers to look back on the previous year and frame our focus for the upcoming year to best support Camp Fire. This year held much more meaning in that we were also kicking off the centennial year’s celebrations and events,” said Brandon Chase, 2014 chairman of the board.
“There are a number of events the community and alumni can take part in. It is my hope that the entire community supports the great work of this organization and their longevity by getting involved at some level in the centennial celebration.” In addition to recognizing valued community partners and welcoming the new slate of board members, the event also recognized past living board presidents and all living Gulick Award winners, the highest award given to a Camp Fire volunteer. Special Camp Fire artifacts including photos, uniforms, posters and ceremonial gowns were available for guests to view.
Camp Fire First Texas: A century of sparking discovery The time has finally arrived! The centennial year is here and already a number of events have taken place to celebrate and commemorate this impressive milestone. If you haven’t been able to join us, there are still a number of opportunities. Perhaps one of the most exciting events is our historical exhibit of Camp Fire artifacts on display at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History from March 6 through October 12, 2014. It is an opportunity for Camp Fire volunteers and alumni to reminisce and look back on all that Camp Fire has been and has meant to them, but it is my desire that it does much more than that. Camp Fire core values remain constant, even though the ways we apply them have changed over time. This exhibit allows Camp Fire to demonstrate its connection and relevancy to children, youth and families today and the council’s dedication to provide programming into the next 100 years. The exhibit also showcases our theme for the entire centennial year “A Century of Sparking Discovery.” For 100 years, Camp Fire has sparked discovery and helped children and families chart a course for adventure - bringing about a positive, lasting impact on their lives.
Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida Dinner Join Us
Wednesday, April 23
I encourage you to take time to reference the list of centennial activities on page 4 and be sure to sign up for electronic updates and our Alumni club so you can get the latest news and announcements throughout the year.
6 p.m. • Cendera Center
Buffet Dinner Exciting Silent and Live Auction Packages Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida summer program is the only week-long camp for grieving children in North Texas. Proceeds benefit camp scholarships for children who have lost a loved one.
Generously Sponsored By
95.5 The Ranch • Cotton Patch Café Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation
Karol Genovese Del Real • Fort Worth Star-Telegram • Melinda and Kevin Garman Indulge • Nell and Herbert Johnson • Fritz Roessler Karen Genovese Dozier • Carol Snipes McQuien RMP Industrial Supply, Inc. • Bernadette and John Shults
2 Compass Spring 2014
Fort Worth Police Officers Association • Barbara and Denis Greer
First School Readiness Report Card For the first time, Camp Fire First Texas released a “report card� of the School Readiness program. The report shows progress in helping Fort Worth’s lowest-performing children start school ready to learn. “When it comes to a child’s developing brain, an early education professional just might be the most influential teacher a child will ever have,� said Cheryl Mixon, M.Ed., Camp Fire program director. “The life-long educational journey for children begins now.�
The School Readiness program consists of 37 early education programs in academically low-performing areas of Fort Worth. By enhancing the quality of early childhood education, children served by these programs are better prepared to succeed in Fort Worth ISD
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Report card findings show promise upon entering kindergarten. for the program. When compared to kindergarten children that had not participated in the School Readiness program, # )' $ # % Camp Fire students scored &%%1 &%%1 &%%1 6.7 points higher than &%%1 the comparison group, a statistically significantly ,&1 -%1 increase, in reading. +%1
Organizations such as The )%1 Morris Foundation, Sid W. '%1 Richardson Foundation, '%1 '&1 The Meadows Foundation, %1 Rainwater Charitable '%&& Foundation, United Way of Tarrant County, Alcon Foundation, Bernau Family foundation, Union Pacific Foundation, Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation and the William E. Scott Foundation are supporting the School Readiness program, not only because it’s about kids succeeding in school, but because it’s an economic issue for the community. “The report card gives us confidence that the program is working to prepare children for Kindergarten and then perform at academic grade level in grades 1 and beyond,� said Joseph A. Monteleone, executive director of The Morris Foundation. He continued, “In addition, it makes economic sense to help minimize the number of students repeating a grade. For example, 1,161 kindergarten through third grade children repeated a grade in one year. At roughly $7,400 per child, this costs taxpayers roughly $8.5 million which could be put to better use.�
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New areas of program development for Camp Fire are underway as a direct result of the report card findings. Camp Fire is implementing a new emphasis on math in the early childhood curriculum in the 2013 school year, an increased focus on positive teacher-child interactions to improve outcomes in the area of social/emotional development for children and processes to make the School Readiness program sustainable and replicable across early childhood programs. Compass Spring 2014 3
News & Updates New Equipment Supports Summer Camp Experience
Overnight Equestrian Camp to Debut
Through a generous gift from the Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro staff purchased additional equipment to support program improvements in the popular riverfront activities: canoeing and kayaking. This will allow the offering of a higher level of instruction with each water craft. In addition, paddles and life jackets - in sizes to fit our smallest campers to our biggest counselors-
One question Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro staff has been asked by families and campers alike, “Which campers will get to be in the new cabins?” We will begin assigning the youngest campers to the new cabins first and, as space allows, move toward the older campers. Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro’s popular equestrian day camp program will shift to an overnight camp experience in 2014. Campers entering 4th – 10th grades now have a traditional overnight camp experience that is centered on camp’s favorite fourlegged friend. Camp El Tesoro’s equestrian camp will be offered July 20 – 25 and feature special guest speakers, equine-focused activities and much more. The week session is $680 and has limited availability. NOTE: There will not be an equestrian day camp only option in 2014.
NEW Cabins Will Be Available In 2014 campers will see the first of the new cabins added to the Camp El Tesoro landscape. have also been added. The new equipment will be coupled with staff Instructor Development Workshop trainings through the American Canoe Association. This will provide four different paddle levels for campers: Introduction to Canoeing, Essentials to River Canoeing, River Canoeing, and for the experienced canoeing camper – River Canoeing Camping Course!! There will be similar class instruction for kayaking on the river. In each course campers will refine their paddle strokes, learn how to read river conditions at camp and study the environmental work along the Brazos River. Fortunately, the equipment and program upgrades haven’t stopped at the Riverfront! There are also program advancements in tennis, archery, and art programs. 4 Compass Spring 2014
have heaters for winter warming and attic fans for summer cooling, with lots of cross ventilation.
The eight cabins are duplex style, so from the outside it will look like four buildings, but there is no pass-through from one side of the duplex to the other. Each side is an independent cabin which includes bathrooms, showers, ample space for trunks, cubbies for each camper and an 8-foot deep porch with lots of seating space. Each cabin is designed for up to ten campers and two counselors. Cabins
This is just the first cabin installment. As funds are raised, the completion of all the cabins, will allow EVERY camper a space in a new or remodeled cabin which we hope to have completed by 2015. You can help build a cabin today. Just text the word CABINS to 41444. Camp Fire is in the final phase of fundraising for the camp renovations. If you, your family or company would like to help Camp El Tesoro build a cabin, go online and see how a contribution from $25 - $500 can be used to purchase the needed items to build a cabin!
AmeriCorps Volunteers Return to Camp Fire
For the third year, Camp Fire First Texas will enthusiastically welcome a group of AmeriCorps volunteers.
Summer 2014 it was determined that a location in southwest Fort Worth that met the needs of current families and youth was not available.
NEW! TCU Summer Day Camp Program Camp Fire summer day camp is going to college. For five weeks this summer Camp Fire outdoor staff and curriculum will be a new offering to youth and families through TCU’s extended education department’s summer camp program. With five focus areas that range from insects and birds to trees and wildflowers, youth who participate will see that “nature” isn’t something that is found only in the woods, it is found in the places and spaces we live everyday!
Camp Fire Spring Break Was a Blast for Area Youth
“We received a number of recommendations for potential sites,” shared JB Strong, Camp Fire board member and Outdoor Task Force Chair. “When we explored each of these with the needs of our program delivery and customer in mind, they just didn’t meet the requirements to sustain or replicate the level of quality and permanence of the current Camptivity program.” While Camptivity is no longer available, Camp Fire will host day camps this summer.
Camp Fire Welcomes New Staff Member
Four spring break day camps from Granbury to North Fort Worth provided outdoor fun and adventures for campers.
Each session offers interactive activities, nature journaling, art projects, hikes and much more! The program begins July 7 and runs through August 8. All registration will be managed by TCU, register online at summer_camps.asp.
Camptivity Caps 15 Years with a Stellar Spring Break Week Camptivity at Lockheed Martin Recreation Area hosted its final week of programming at LMRA. More than 35 campers met in the familiar building before heading out to archery, fishing and miniature golf. Despite diligent efforts, open communication and creative thinking
Tanner Rohne joined Camp Fire in February as the new outdoor education and El Tesoro Day Camp coordinator. Tanner is a Texas native from Garland, Texas and a graduate of East Texas Baptist University. He brings with him skills and experience in both the camping industry and education. Before his role at Camp Fire he worked for four years as an environmental science teacher for Houston Independent School District. A former high school and college soccer player, Tanner now spends his free time fishing, golfing and, yes, camping.
More than 40 youth from BRIT’s Green Revolution program spent four days and nights at Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro. The two organizations have been in partnership for more than a year with the shared goal of increasing awareness, involvement and stewardship of the outdoors for area youth.
Compass Spring 2014 5
C entennialC
Centennial Host Committee In Memory of Fred W. and Mary Ann Megan Auld Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Mrs. Evelyn H. Breaux Dr. Robert and Joyce Capper Louise Britt Carvey Marie and Brandon Chase Barbara and King Cook Malinda Murphey Cowan Elizabeth Darling Shirley and John Dean, In honor of Sherman R. Lawson Kimberly and Joseph DeWoody Virginia Clay Dorman Karen Genovese Dozier Jane and Bob Ferguson Sylvia and Pat Fisher Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Marilyn Gilbert Lydia Goetz Kay Gunn David and Lauri Curtis Hadobas Michele and Eric Hahnfeld, In Honor of Rileigh Henard Harry and Terry Haney Anne Holland Terri and Rich Hollander Dr. Marie Holliday David J. and Linda S. Keller Corinne and Richard King, In Memory of Marilyn King Melissa and William Kirtley Dr. and Mrs. Tom Leavens Patricia C. and William A. Massad Elise and Phil McConnell Pati and Bill Meadows Sara Hatch Mitchell Laura and Tod Miller Cheryl and Fred Moore Phyllis Jack Moore and Bob Moore, In Memory of W.T. and Laverne Harris Kay and John Molyneaux Chuck Mooney III Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Zem Neill Elaine and Tim Petrus Mayor Betsy Price Jane F. Rector The Roach Foundation, In Memory of Carol Farmer Betty J. Sanders Ann and Jim Sheets Lynda and Grady Shropshire Liz and Rob Sisk Linda and Drew Springer Mary Lou and Malcolm Street Lynda and Eric Tiedtke Pat Vaughan Libby Watson Winn-Dunaway Foundation, Inc. Carol and Jim Dunaway Drenda and John Witt
6 Compass Spring 2014
April 10-13 Stop by the Camp Fire booth for fun hands-on activities!
May 7 8-10 mile bike ride with Fort Worth Mayor, Betsy Price
Centennial Float Debuts and Awes Crowds Through the generous sponsorship of FTS International, Camp Fire First Texas debuted a Centennial Float at the 2013 Fort Worth Parade of Lights. After a re-design from the float building team at Lone Star Floats, Camp Fire and FTS International showcased a float drawn by a team of horses from Old Tyme Carriage in the 2014 Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Parade. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see the float in action, be sure to sign up for Camp Fire Centennial Newsletters and you’ll be the first to know the next stop for the float!
2013 Annual Report now Available online! Camp Fire made significant strides in 2013. Learn more by reading the digital edition of the Camp Fire Annual Report.
C elebrations
September 10
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fort Worth Convention Center
Learn more about these events or register as Camp Fire Alumni
November 1 & 2 Youth Service Project in partnership with Streams and Valleys 25,000 daffodils planted along the Trinity River banks.
Camp Fire Centennial Exhibit Opens at Fort Worth Museum of Science and History During a special reception on March 5, Camp Fire unveiled the centennial exhibit, A Century of Sparking Discovery, at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Camp Fire alumni, Mayor Betsy Price welcomed the crowd and presented Camp Fire with a proclamation recognizing the council’s centennial. Joining in the celebration were Cathy Tisdale, CEO of Camp Fire National Headquarters; Elizabeth Darling, Camp Fire National Board Chair; Katherine Gulick Fricker and Charlotte Gulick Hewson, granddaughters of Dr. and Mrs. Luther Gulick, founders of Camp Fire, who helped cut the ribbon to the exhibit.
Thank You to Our Supporters Members of the Centennial Host Committee Project Daffodil Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Centennial Sponsors Ben E. Keith Foundation
Parade Sponsor
Centennial Luncheon Presenting Underwriter
Media Sponsors
Compass Spring 2014 7
Camp Fire First Texas Infuses “Thrive” Into All Program Areas Camp Fire’s Promise assures today’s youth that our programming will
provide them the opportunity to explore their personal interests and discover who they are or who they want to become. Through meaningful staff and child interactions, program expectations and curriculum, these interests and aspirations are cultivated so that each child will flourish and grow. Stemming from the work of the late Dr. Peter Benson and the Search Institute, current Positive Youth Development research coins this experience “Thriving” or a forward, purposeful motion towards achieving one’s full potential. The Thrive Foundation for Youth, a youth development organization dedicated to the concept of Thriving, found that youth thrive when they: n
Can identify and grow their inner passions, or sparks;
Adopt a growth mindset, or the belief that one can continually grow and improve;
Learn life skills that include self-reflection and goal setting;
Have someone to support and encourage them in the process as they explore their sparks and practice these life skills.
The Thrive Foundation for Youth partners with various social sector
agencies to implement the Thrive Theory of Change and the Step-It-Up2-Thrive methodology, two research-driven approaches to helping youth thrive. Camp Fire First Texas is honored to partner with the Thrive Foundation to ground these approaches into practice. Over the next year, Camp Fire First Texas will systematically infuse Thrive approaches into all its programming and overall council culture. Staff will be trained on the various elements of the Step-It-Up-2-Thrive methodology and learn how to implement it successfully into any program offering— from family weekend camping to out-of-school time programming. Staff will also have opportunities to practice the approach and experience the positive effects in their work and personal life. Camp Fire’s Promise and Social Impact areas of Work, Health, and Love align with and compliment the Thrive initiative, making it a natural partnership. By implementing Thrive, Camp Fire First Texas will deepen and extend its impact on youth, families, and the community. 8 Compass Spring 2014
We shall know them by their Sparks! When youth thrive, they experience positive youth outcomes. Camp Fire programming allows youth to discover their inner passions, skills and strengths, or “Sparks” which are the catalyst for Thriving. Camp Fire youth workers are trained to become Spark Champions, who are ready and able to name, know, and nourish each youth’s individual Spark. Camp Fire youth are given opportunities to cultivate their Sparks, thus setting them on the pathway to Thriving while lighting the fire within!
Contributors September 11, 2013 through February 28, 2014 INDIVIDUALS Mr. Bart Adams Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akers Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Lisa Austin Sharon L. Austin Scott Auzenne Gary Baker William Baker Emily L. Balkenbush Michael Barger Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Michael R. Baylor George W. Bean, Jr. Shirley M. “Frankie” Beiser June Berry Chuck Bettinger Ann B. Bracey Evelyn H. Breaux Flora and Michael Brewer Pamela Brocato Miss Katie Bucher Trish Bull Ms. Margaret C. Cairnes
Ms. Marian DeMott Ms. Karen Denney Debbie Dever Kimberly and Joseph DeWoody Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeWoody Virginia Dorman Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Douglas Ms. Karen Genovese Dozier Mrs. Resa Dunkin Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dunn Ms. Carrie Duvall Mr. John S Elliott Donna Elton Leigh Ann Emerson Lisa and Bruce Epps Kate Ewing Patricia Feekin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fisher Jennifer and Robert Folzenlogen Mary Helen Franko Michael Joseph Franko Matthew Franks Mr. and Mrs. Dan Freundlich Jennifer Fung
Mr. Brad Heath Mrs. Janet Hefler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heinen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hicks Mrs. Julie A. Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Dub Hirst Terri and Rich Hollander Dr. Marie Holliday Nancy Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howell Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howeth Noelle Hulen Evey Hull Teresa Hurst Nancy Hutchins Nina Hutton Marcy Irwin Phyllis H. Jack-Moore and Bob Moore Connie Jackson David Jackson Angela and Kirby Jacobson Linda and Drew Jacobson Diane Lochtrog Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnston Christy R. Jones
Kristen McAdoo Mr. and Mrs. Phil McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCoy Mr. Brian McCoy Mrs. Marilyn Hochberger McGee Mr. Sean McPadden Carol Snipes McQuien Mr. and Mrs. William Meadows Susan E. Merrill The Metz Family Carrie E. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Miller Mr. Mike Mills Mr. Bennett Mitchell Sara Hatch Mitchell Cheryl Y. Mixon Lynne Mixon Brent Mohar John Molyneaux and Kay West Martha Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mooney Carley and Brandon Moore Cassidy Moore Chris Moore Cheryl and Fred Moore Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Moroneso
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Campbell Mrs. Joyce Pate Capper Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Carson Mr. Tommy Carter Louise Britt Carvey David Cason Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Chase Bonnie Chilcutt Paul K. Chitwood Dr. and Mrs. Karamat Choudhry Mr. and Mrs. Will Fandrich Skyla Claxton Ms. Mellanie L. Clay Cindy Clines Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Clinkscale Don Collins Barbara and King Cook Clay Cook Lisa A. Cook Heidi Coombs Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corbeille Jacqualyn A. Corona Malinda Murphey Cowan Denis Cranford Tammie Crole Liz Darling Travis Davis Michael Dawson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dean III Ms. Karol Genovese Del Real
Alicia Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Garman Laurie Garner Mrs. Kathryn Gearld Mrs. Maren Gibbs Mrs. Marilyn Gilbert Mrs. Nancy Romine Gillis Lydia A. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gooch Ms. Susan Gorky Ms. Jenny Gravley Mr. and Mrs. Sean Greene Mrs. Barbara A. Greer Dr. Adelaide Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Griffin Kay Gunn Lauri Curtis Hadobas Todd Hagemeier Mr. Ryan Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Hahnfeld Michele and Eric Hahnfeld Amanda Hale Keona Hall Ms. Michelle Hancock Terry Haney Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen Ms. Debra Hanus Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hanus Mrs. Rachel Ann Harris Mr. Bob Hart
Mrs Oretha Jones Charlotte Keany Mr. and Mrs. David J. Keller Connie D. King Corinne and Richard King Wendy King Melissa Kirtley Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Kisor Ms. Debra Kline Tracy Lamm Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lampe Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Leach Adelaide Leavens Sara Lee Mrs. Sharon H. LeMond Ms. Debra Lochtrog Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Long Mrs. Jimmie Lord Julie Lovett Gina Lowe Lyn Lucas Misty Luttrell Rattana Mao Martha H. Martin The Martinez Family Mrs. Marilyn Mason Mr. and Mrs. William Massad Mr. Ben L. Matheson Rosie Mauk Brenda Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moroneso Mr. Wayne Mudd Mr. and Mrs. Shane Mudge Mr. and Mrs. Rick Muller James and Shannon Mulroy Mrs. Roxane C. Murph Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Chris Neal Danielle E. Needham Zem Neill Maria Nicholas Mr. David Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paquette Mr. Hunter Parrish Gary Patterson Ms. Shari Pearson Mrs. Linda L. Peoples Mr. George D. Percival Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Petrus Diane C. Phillips Amanda Plotnicki Todd Podell DeVonna Wicks Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Pritchard Linda Ramoz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Read Jane F. Rector Mrs. Brooke Reimer Ms. Natalie Renda
Compass Spring 2014 9
2014 Contributors continued Maurie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Barry Richardson Kate Schwab Ridout Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rinn Nikki Roe Cropp Fritz Roessler The Sampson Family Amos Sanders Mrs. Betty J. Sanders Roland and Jennifer Schafer Deborah S. Schmidt Hortencia Serna Jack and Pat Shannon Tonya Shearman Ann Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shelton Bric Shelton
Valleau Wilkie, Jr. Justin Williams Tom Williams Drenda and John Witt Mr. and Mrs. John E. Woerly, Jr. Jeanne Wray Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yarbrough Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Young
Chuck Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Grady Shropshire Mr. and Mrs. John Shults Mr. and Mrs. Martin Siegel Ms. Andrea S. Silva Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisk Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Smith Mrs. Judith O. Smith Mrs. Mary Anne J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Snow Miss Kimberly Sotman Katlin Southall Ann Spence Nancy C. Spicer Mr. and Mrs. Drew Springer Mrs. Liz M. Spurgeon Jim Stanton Ms. Pamela Steege Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Street The Strickland Family Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Strong Jill Harter Teagarden Monica M. Thomas-Bonnick LaNitria N. Thomas-Simien Christi and John Thornhill Lynda Tiedtke Kathy Tipps Crystal L. Tobar Mr. and Mrs. Terry Topey Lydia Tovar Mr. and Mrs. Dick Varnell Patricia A. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Jared Vitemb Mr. Matthew Wallace and Dr. Danielle LeBlanc Libby Watson Linda Watts Carolyn Waund Cassady N. Wayman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wemhoener Elaine Russey Whitney Keith Wiley
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Anderson Trail, Inc. Anonymous Anonymous AT&T Bank of America, N.A., Fort Worth Bank of America Charitable Foundation BEM, LC Bernau Family Foundation Birdies For Charity, Colonial Country Club Charities of the Community Foundation of North Texas BNSF Railway Company The Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Business Development Group of Aledo C&N Manufacturing, Inc. Colonial Country Club Charities of the Community Foundation of North Texas Communities Foundation of Texas The Dallas Foundation Dallas Ft. Worth SECC The Winn-Dunaway Foundation, Inc. Carol and Jim Dunaway A. J. & Jessie Duncan Foundation Eddleman-McFarland Fund Educational First Steps Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. First Presbyterian Church FTS International Services LLC Garvey Texas Foundation, Inc. Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Good, Fulton & Farrell Architects Hahnfeld, Giordano, Cocanower, LLC The Virginia Hobbs Charitable Trust (Southwest Bank) Paul S. Hollis Trust Hossley Lighting Assoc. Jackson Walker, L.L.P. Jetta Operating Company, Inc. The J.I. Foundation
10 Compass Spring 2014
CORPORATIONS / ORGANIZATIONS Access Midstream Albertson’s Community Partners Program AllianceTexas - A Development of Hillwood Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. American Airlines
JPMorgan Chase Bank Ben E. Keith Foundation Trust Kroger Community Rewards Mary Potishman Lard Trust Lee Financial Corporation Littler Mendelson P.C. Lockheed Martin AERO Club Luther King Capital Management Maverick Lawn Care Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust of the Community Foundation of North Texas The Morris Foundation North Central Texas Council on Government OmniAmerican Bank Pier 1 Imports Rainwater Charitable Foundation
Jean and Vernon Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Phil McConnell Marlene Megard Mrs. Evelyn H. Breaux Cheryl and Fred Moore Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Carson Ms. Karen Denney Rebekah and Breanna Moore Tammie Crole Zem Neill Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Petrus Mrs. Betty J. Sanders Ann Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Petrus Kay West and John Molyneaux Kay and Ron Clinkscale
Sid W. Richardson Foundation The Roach Foundation Sabre Holdings Corporation Santander Bank The Sdoco Company Shell Oil Company Foundation Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Stein Family Charitable Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee Tarrant Technology Texas Health Resources Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program Transamerica Life Insurance Company United Way of Denton County United Way of Hood County United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of Tarrant County United Way of Tri-State Versa Aviation, LLC Crystelle Wagoner Charitable Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee William Campbell Contemporary Art The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel
MEMORIALS Frederick William Auld III Ms. Zem Neill Linda Beiser Mrs. Shirley M. “Frankie” Beiser Sue Bell Brown Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Kisor Carol Farmer The Roach Foundation W.T. and LaVerne Harris Mrs. Phyllis H. Jack-Moore Jack Harter Ms. Zem Neill Ms. Ann Sheets Maude T. Katzenbach Ms. Ann Sheets Marilyn Johnson King Corinne and Richard King Adele Klein Mr. Paul K. Chitwood Vernon Mayfield Ms. Margaret C. Cairnes Mr. Michael Joseph Franko Mrs. L. G. Gambill Mrs. Laurie Garner Ms. Teresa Hurst Mr. Ben L. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. Bob J. Smith Robert Moller Ms. Zem Neill Michael Nemeth Mrs. Shirley M. “Frankie” Beiser Betty Petry Mrs. Janet Hefler Joanna Rickard Ms. Deborah S. Schmidt Ralph Schuler Ms. Lydia A. Goetz
HONORARIUMS John Burk, celebrating his 70th Birthday! Judy and Danny Corbeille Shirlene Gerth Your Team and Friends at XTO Lydia Goetz Mary Helen Franko Debra Hanus Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hanus Susan and Weldon Hatch Sara and Vernon Mitchell Rileigh Henard Michele and Eric Hahnfeld Sherman R. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dean III Jessica Mason Mrs. Marilyn Mason
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Anonymous Anonymous
Jill and Todd Boydston The Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Ms. Susanne Brown Louise Britt Carvey Communities Foundation of Texas Ms. Lisa A. Cook Donna Elton and Tom Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Epps Fash Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fisher Dolores Garza Lynda Gearheart David and Lauri Curtis Hadobas Michele Hahnfeld Dr. A. Chris Heath, M.D. Tracy Holmes Diane Lochtrog Johnson Miss Connor Kilpatrick Toni Shiffer Kisielewski Gail and Bill Landreth Ginger and Mack Lawhon Peggy McLeland Sara and Vernon Mitchell Molyneaux Charitable Foundation Dennis Pearson Elaine and Timothy Petrus Cathy Phelps William E. Scott Foundation Ann Sheets Ward G. Veale GIFTS IN KIND Academy Sports + Outdoors, Store 0141 Alliance Texas - A Development of Hillwood American Airlines Amphibian Stage Productions Emily L. Balkenbush Bella Italia Pamela Brocato Brownstone Kitchen + Bar Butler’s Antiques Camping Association of Japan Cash America International, Inc. Chipotle Coastal Closet Cotton Patch Café Cowtown Bowling Palace Crown Plaza Invitational Del Frisco’s
Firestone & Robertson Fort Worth Zooilogical Fort Worth Business Press Fort Worth, Texas Magazine Lorayne Goodwin Luzmila Hamilton Terri Hollander David Hunt Furs Monica Hunter Photography Ilfusion Linda and Jake Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Johnson Anna Kay Johnson Kaplan Lost Oak Winery Martin House Brewing Co. Carrie and Allan Meyer Miss K’s Catering Cheryl and Fred Moore Brian Murnahan Ms. Judy Norman Pier 1 Imports Amanda Plotnicki Rahr and Sons Brewery LKCM Radio Group, LP (95.9 The Ranch KFWR) Revolver Brewing Ridglea Country Club Denise and Robert Romero RR Game Ranch Scarborough Renaissance Festival Glenella Scarborough Judy and Jeff Schmeltekopf Liz and Dennis Sisk Six Flags Over Texas Southern Star Aviation Liz Spurgeon Star Telegram/Indulge Total Wine & More Trout Street Bar & Grill Kelly and Eric Walsh Winston’s Island Candy AN ARTISTS’ CHRISTMAS 2013 PARTICIPATING ARTISTS Betty McBride Alcorn Marianna Alfaro Marti Bailey Donna Bales-Works Carol Benson
Michel Demanche Thomas Diel Kelly Doran Blanche Douglas Ron Favor John Fraser Kirsten Gallon Jeff Good JT Grant Sarah Green Michaele Ann Harper Sally Jan Harris Billy Hassell Sheri and Lee Hay Thomas Helmick Darlia Hobbs Kelli Holmes Susan Hubenthal Benito Huerta Val Hunnicutt Sue Jackson Jerry Johnston Avery Kelly Michael Lamb Pamela Lancaster Pooran Lashini James Lassen Julie Lazarus Sunnie LeBlanc Connie Levsen Bob Lukeman Steve McCans Sue McCans Randy Meador Anthony Merino Barbara Millican Brent Mohar Brian Moore Celia Munoz Harmony Padgett Stormie Parker Karen Parker Charla Pavlik Amanda Plotnicki Mary Rabien Raymond Rains John Redmond Kim Robbins Peter Robbins Amy Schultz Terry Haun Shaw
Grants and Gifts Work Family The Morris Foundation $250,000 for School Readiness This significant grant benefits more than 1,200 children (birth to age five) during the 20132014 School Readiness program year. Funding helps support the implementation of new program enhancements that expand services for program participants, including: rigorous professional development for teachers and mentors, director leadership and management system of support, new program curriculum, additional assessment tools to measure progress, and a family engagement plan for participating child care programs.
Outdoor A.J. & Jessie Duncan Foundation $7,172 El Tesoro Site This grant will support general repairs and maintenance at Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro this year including: pool repairs and maintenance, equipment for maintenance of roads and the riding arena, and various equipment and tools for general camp maintenance. All of these improvements help ensure camper safety and support the camp’s natural learning environment. In 2014, we expect over 2,000 students and teachers to participate in our outdoor environmental education programs and over 800 children this summer for day camp, overnight camp and Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida.
Group Services Ms. Karol Genovese Del Real DFW Child DFW Fairy Tale Princess Parties Ms. Karen Genovese Dozier Elk Castle Shooting Sports Ellerbe Fine Foods Epic Helicopters Lisa and Bruce Epps Eyewear by Dietz
Ed Blackburn David Blow Pamela Brocato Watt Casey Sharon Chastain Bonnie Chilcutt Douglas Clark Carolyn Cruz Lisa Cunningham Danny Deen
Luther Smith Bart Soutendijk Pamela Steege Jennifer Stufflebeam Pamela Summers Karl Umlauf Sands Weems Leo Wesson Carolyn Bernard Young
A $10,000 grant from the Eddleman-McFarland Fund will be used at Camp Fire Diamond Hill Station to update computers, supporting equipment and networks. It will also facilitate re-branding of the bus and van.
Compass Spring 2014 11
Camp Fire First Texas 2700 Meacham Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4699
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Our Promise Young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are. In Camp Fire, it begins now. Light the fire within
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You Can Change a Life... Send a Child to Camp Just $645 or $54 per month, will send a child to camp for one week. A single camp experience can positively change a child’s life forever. Children are our future, and the skills learned and relationships fostered at camp are life-changing stepping stones on the road to adulthood.
Donate before May 16 and your gift will be matched up to 15% by the Birdies for Charity program through the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial Country Club.
Thanks to generous donors like you, Tatyana was able to attend summer camp for the first time, making new friends and having the time of her life. Thank you for allowing Tatyana this amazing experience!
Donate online!
Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro was so much fun! I made new friends and tried a lot of new activities. Camp helped me feel more confident and I hope to go back again this summer! – Tatyana
TREASURER Jenene Schaffer
SECRETARY George W. Bean, Jr.
DIRECTORS Jerri O. Akers Heidi Coombs Kimberly DeWoody Dolores Garza Marilyn Gilbert Michele Hahnfeld
Terry Haney Dan Hansen Nancy Hooper Edward C. Lange Brant C. Martin Bill McCoy Tod M. Miller John Molyneaux Cheryl Moore Steven W. Novak Evelyn H. Richardson Roland Schafer
Chuck Sheridan Linda Springer John Strong Lynda Tiedtke Jared G. Vitemb Kelli Walter Kay L. West Lori West Drenda Williams Witt Jake Yarborough
FOUNDATION BOARD Kevin Garman, Chairman Daly R. Bales, Jr. Kenneth Barr Nina Hutton Linda Jacobson Drew Springer Patricia Vaughan PRESIDENT/CEO Zem Neill