Camp Fire First Texas Compass Fall/Winter 2013

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Community Foundation of North Texas Grant Supports Quality Improvement The Community Foundation of North Texas awarded Camp Fire First Texas a ToolBox grant to support the organization’s focus on program quality improvement. The grant provided Camp Fire the funds to support staff trainers and program assessors. Throughout the past year, Camp Fire’s Program Quality Assessment team implemented a series of assessment tools for camps, after school programs, day and overnight camps, teen programs and outdoor education. These assessments, coupled with professional development have helped set the foundation for a trajectory of increased quality in the areas of establishing an emotionally and physically safe and supportive environment that engages youth in problem-solving and leadership skills, as well as fostering positive peer interactions that support a sense of belonging. Final results of the year’s implementation will be available in November. Camp Fire strives to achieve a consistent and high level of program quality, but recognizes that an organization cannot rest on past accomplishments or assume best practices are being implemented. “We are so thankful for this grant. It allows us to identify and implement ways to keep all our programs operating at the optimal level of quality so that every experience or encounter with a Camp Fire program is the best it can be, and if it isn’t we have the tools to correct that. This grant helped ensure the children and youth in our programs get the very best that they deserve,” said Diane Phillips, program quality lead team member.

National Accreditation Com mi ssi on

Camp Fire Child Development Center Receives National Accreditation

Camp Fire Child Development Center became the newest program to be awarded accreditation by the Association for Early Learning Leaders’ National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Program (NAC). This accreditation recognizes Camp Fire Child Development Center as an early care and education program exemplifying excellence in the care of young children. Programs recognized by NAC must demonstrate and document quality performance using research-based criteria. The system recognizes the diversity of programs and the uniqueness of each through the self-study and award process. “This has been an intense, yet gratifying process for all the teachers and staff at the Camp Fire Child Development Center. It was an effort achieved through the work and collaboration of

many and really challenged all of us to think a little differently about our approach to early childhood education. We are extremely excited about the results. Not only the accreditation, but the way it allowed us all to come together and work toward a common goal to support the children and families we care so much about,“ said center director Kathy Wymer of the accreditation process. Camp Fire Child Development Center is one of only 12 centers in Fort Worth to carry this distinction and only 121 child care providers are recognized in the state of Texas.* A long-time advocate for children and youth, Camp Fire First Texas opened the Child Development Center in 1993 as a lab/learning school and has continued to develop and grow by implementing research based practices. *Data extracted from the NACCP website’s public listing of accredited programs.

A Note from Zem

2013 Board Members Chairman of the Board Brandon L. Chase Vice Chairman, Administration Lauri Curtis Hadobas Vice Chairman, Financial Development Barbara B. Cook Vice Chairman, Planning Judd Pritchard Treasurer Nancy Hooper Secretary George W. Bean, Jr. Directors Jerri O. Akers Heidi Coombs Kimberly DeWoody Gary L. Douglas John S. Elliott Dolores Garza Marilyn Gilbert Michele Hahnfeld Terry Haney Dan Hansen Nina Hutton Brant C. Martin Gloria V. Martinez Bill McCoy Tod M. Miller John Molyneaux Chuck Mooney III Cheryl Moore Steven W. Novak Evelyn H. Richardson Jenene Schaffer Chuck Sheridan Linda Springer John Strong Monica M. Thomas-Bonnick Lynda Tiedtke Jared G. Vitemb Kay L. West Lori West Drenda Williams Witt Foundation Board Barry Richardson, Chair Daly R. Bales, Jr. Kenneth Barr Kevin Garman Nina Hutton Melissa Kirtley Patricia Vaughan President/CEO Zem Neill

year gone?” ndering, “Where has this Everyone seems to be wo final issue of Fire news in 2013, this is the mp Ca of d en the t no ile Wh the Compass this year. t I am year, I can honestly say tha As I reflect on Camp Fire’s rs and of our programs, voluntee to serve even more impressed by the success passed goals that were set sur dy ea alr ve ha we r the employees. Toge us years! children in 2013 than previo celebrate. On there will be even more to ar ye the of d en the d an t auction at Between now tists’ Christmas Gala and Ar Ar An al nu an th 29 the ld ng the whole family to November 9, we will ho Worth. On December 7, bri rt Fo in ce an iss na Re ton d meet jolly Mr. the Worthing joy holiday merriment an en to ro so Te El mp Ca at Breakfast with Santa Claus himself. ing us full steam into year’s accomplishments tak s thi of m ntu me mo the support. Here’s I look forward to teers and donors for your lun vo r ou to u yo k an Th 2014, our Centennial year. 2014! an even more celebrated to the end of the year and

Absolutely Incredible Kid Luncheon Has Record Attendance On May 15, more than 450 people gathered at Ridglea Country Club to celebrate Camp Fire’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Luncheon presented by the Bank of Texas. Emceed by Deborah Ferguson from NBC Channel 5 news, the L-R Lupe Nieto, Bradley Hastings, Rebecca Flores, Ava Hastings and Monicha Neal families and youth recognized brought the house to their feet in overwhelming encouragement and recognition of what they have accomplished. This year’s honorees included: • Absolutely Incredible Alumni: Fort Worth Mayor, Betsy Price • Absolutely Incredible Child Care Provider: Monicha Neal • Absolutely Incredible Kids: Rebecca Flores - Diamond Hill Station, Bradley and Ava Hastings - Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro and Lupe Nieto - Step Up • Ella C. McFadden Service toYouth Award: Cook Children’s Health Care System Pictures of the event can be seen on theseen on

An Artists’ Christmas Gets a “First Look” at Brownstone On September 19 supporters of Camp Fire met at the Brownstone Bar + Kitchen in Fort Worth for a First Look event. The event was hosted by celebrity bartenders Erin Rahr of Rahr Brewery, Alex “Depp” Mazieri, Rattana Mao of Comerica Bank and Steve Ortega of Adobe Title. Guests had the opportunity to be the first to see the art that will be featured at the 2013 An Artists’ Christmas Gala and Art Auction and enter to win great door prizes while supporting Camp Fire programs. “This was a great opportunity for Camp Fire to share the art with a larger audience and generate additional interest and awareness of An Artists’ Christmas Art Auction and Gala,” said Linda & Jake Jacobson , event chairs of An Artists’ Christmas, of the First Look event. Don’t miss out on this year’s An Artists’ Christmas. Join us on November 9 at The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel. If you don’t have your tickets, purchase them online today!

Renaissance of Art 29th Annual Art Auction and Gala

November 9 • 6pm Dinner and Dancing Live and Silent Auction The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel

Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro “Most Awesome” Family Camp Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro was named “The Most Awesome Family Camping Site” by the readers of Red Tricycle. Red Tricycle is an internet newsletter founded to help busy parents have more fun with their kids and features both local city guides and a national edition. “Each year it is our goal to provide a quality program that allows families to reconnect, discover the beauty of the outdoors and have a great time,” said Susan Merrill, director of programs at Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro. “Our whole staff is humbled that the readers of Red Tricycle appreciate what we do so much that they not only nominated but selected us as their awesome family camp site.” The 2013 Totally Awesome Awards nominations and winners are generated and selected entirely by the readers. The site limits voting to only one vote per category for each email address. Fall Camping on Fall Creek event will be held October 10 - 13 and includes an alumni gathering event on Thursday evening and a range of activities such as horseback riding, climbing wall, zip line, nature studies, archery, and preschool focused parent and child interaction opportunities. Register online at 3

Camp Fire Child Care Network Continues to Grow Almost four years ago, Camp Fire launched the Child Care Network as a pilot to help improve the quality of early childhood care in North Texas and increase access for working parents to find quality, safe early childhood programs. This has been achieved through partnering with leading employers and organizations in North Texas. This program, now out of the pilot phase, welcomed the fourth organization to the network, the University of North Texas- Denton. Students at UNT will now have access to the services, support and benefits of being a member of the Child Care Network such as specialized child care searches, discounts on child care tuition and access to resources for school age youth K - 12th grade. “The Child Care Network is based on our experience in child care and on research that we conducted within the business community, indicating there is a need for this level of care for youth and children,” said Lyn Lucas, vice president of the work/family division of Camp Fire First Texas. “Now that we are out of our pilot phase, we are excited to be able to expand this program to more organizations like the University of North Texas.” UNT joins established CCN partners BNSF Railway, Pier 1 Imports and Texas Christian University.


Two New After School Programs Camp Fire First Texas will open an additional Fort Worth ISD after school site at Westcliff Elementary. Camp Fire staff are working with the school at the request and support of the parent/teacher organization. The site will serve students in pre-k through fifth grades. A second site serving pre-k through second grade students will open in October at Worth Heights Elementary to supplement the Fort Worth After School (FWAS) program. Camp Fire After School offers quality care, homework assistance and developmental activities during an extended day of enrichment at a total of eight sites in Fort Worth and Aledo.

Camperships Make a Lasting Difference Each year Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro welcomes campers who are either sponsored or supported through camperships (aka camp scholarships). This program has a profound and lasting impact. This year a unique partnership allowed five youth to have the summer of a lifetime. The First Presbyterian Church of Fort Worth’s Mission Outreach Committee partnered with Camp Fire to send five campers from the Presbyterian Night Shelter to overnight camp. In addition to the camperships that covered camp fees, additional funds were made available to help purchase needed items from the camp’s packing list through the Mission Committee of First Presbyterian Church. It was the organizations’ mutual goal to ensure these campers were not only prepared for camp, but felt exactly like the other kids at camp when they arrived with their trunks in tow. From the trunks to toothpaste, the group of campers had all the items needed for a fun week at camp. The campers were confident and ready for the week and quickly blended in with the other campers sharing plans for their week at camp and went home with some wonderful summer memories from Camp El Tesoro!

Mark Your Calendars to Support Camp Fire’s Centennial Next year, 2014 is a significant milestone in the long history of Camp Fire First Texas. We will be celebrating and raising awareness all year and will kick off the year at the 31st annual Chesapeake Energy Parade of Lights where there will be a special Camp Fire float in honor of the upcoming Centennial Celebration. We are just beginning this amazing celebration but have many, many more events and opportunities to get involved. If you want to stay informed about upcoming events and how you can participate, be sure to visit and sign up for our electronic newsletter. Opportunities for financial support and involvement in celebration events are available! For more information, contact Lisa Ciora-Fandrich at or call 817-831-2111.

Campaign for El Tesoro

North Texas Giving Day Garners Record Number of Donors for Camp Fire First Texas

Camp Fire’s Campaign for El Tesoro reached another milestone this summer. Through a generous gift from Louise Carvey and family, the multi-use sport court that provides campers a The Fall 2013 space for volleyball, basketball Outdoor Education and tennis was completed. programs are are The updates and renovations booked to capacity at Camp Fire Camp El Tesoro with more than 1,500 are positively affecting the students and guests enrollment in programs. Additionally, the 2014 summer taking advantage overnight camp registrations of the experiential surpassed 100 campers in the learning opportunities first week of the registration at El Tesoro. process opening!

More than 80 contributions were made to support Camp Fire First Texas on Get Up and Give! North Texas Giving Day. Every donation of at least $25 was multiplied when given through This is the greatest number of individual donors who contributed to Camp Fire through this event to-date.

Camp Fire raised $16,315.

The event is powered by Communities Foundation of Texas Donor Bridge. 5

Recent Contributors Individuals Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Akers Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Almond Ms. Barbara J. Anderson Anonymous Luddy Arias Mr. William A. Atkinson Mrs. Lisa Austin Mrs. Sharon L. Austin Ms. Jennifer C. Baggs Ms. Marsha Baker Mrs. Rosalind C. Balbo Mrs. Emily Balkenbush Mrs. Karen Haun Barlow Mrs. Rebecca Barron Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Mr. Tom Bates Mr. Todd Batiste Mr. George W. Bean, Jr. Mrs. Shirley M. Beiser Mrs. Carolyn Williamson Bellah Ms. Jacqueline Bender Mrs. Stacy Benge Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bentley Mr. Paul Berry Mr. Prichard Bevis Mrs. Anne E. Bloesser Ms. Kim Blouin Ms. Wendy L. Boaen Ms. B.Z. Bogle Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Mrs. JoAnn Boyle Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brightbill III Ms. Pamela Brocato Ms. Darcy Brown Ms. Julie W. Brown Ms. Susanne Brown Ms. Tana Brown Ms. Mary Burnette Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Burt Ms. Margaret W. Campbell Mr. James Carpenter Mrs. Rita H. Carrolla Ms. Karen Cary Ms. Linda Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Chase Mrs. Lisa Fandrich Ms. Skyla Claxton Mr. and Mrs. James F. Claypool Ms. Cindy Clines Mrs. Marietta H. Collins Mrs. Barbara Cook Ms. Lisa A. Cook Ms. Heidi Coombs Ms. Nancy Corlett Jacqualyn A. Corona Malinda Murphey Cowan Ms. Kathy L. Cox Mr. Denis Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Crater Ms. Brandy M. Cumberledge Ms. Nancy Cychol Mrs. J.C. Daniel Ms. Mecole Darden Ms. Crystal L. Davenport Mrs. Monique DeGraauw Ms. Karol Genovese Del Real Ms. Becky Delaune


Ms. Marian DeMott Ms. Tammy Denapoli Mrs. Kimberly DeWoody Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Douglas Ms. Karen Genovese Dozier Ms. Roberta Dubbs Ms. Samantha Elder Ms. Donna Elton Ms. Donna M. Emerson Ms. Pat Entwisle Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Epps Mrs. Catherine Bernell Estrada Mr. Jacob Fain Ms. Micheline M. Farhoud Mr. and Mr. Richard Fenoglio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finley Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fisher Mrs. Alice Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Dan Freundlich Mr. William Jared Fuller Ms. Kristen Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Garman Mrs. Laurie Garner Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gearheart Mrs. Bernardine Gehle Mr. Pete Geren Mrs. Nancy Romine Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Pete Giuliani, Jr. Ms. Lydia A. Goetz Ms. Paulette Golden Mr. Sean P. Golden Mr. Stanley Graner Mrs. Susan J. Green Ms. Leah Griffin Mr. Sam V. Guerin, Jr. Ms. Kay Gunn Lauri Curtis Hadobas Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hahnfeld Terry Haney Ms. Debra Hanus Mrs. Sarah Harrison-Fincher Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harville Mr. and Mrs. Weldon B. Hatch III Ms. Shawna Haught Ms. Patricia Ann Hawkins Ms. Tracy A. Hemminger The Honorable Maryellen Hicks Lisa Hinton Ms. Linda Hixon Terri and Rich Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Mike Holt Nancy Hooper Ms. Andra B. House Ms. Aleshia Howe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howell Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Huck Mr. John H. Huggins Mrs. Kathleen D. Hughes Mrs. Evey Hull Ms. Deloris Hummel Nina Hutton Ms. Greta Marcene Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Joe V. Jackson Ms. Connie Jackson Ms. Julie Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Janes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Jasper Mrs. Diane Lochtrog Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnston Mrs. Christy R. Jones Mr. William D. Josserand Ms. Melissa B. Kates Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Keil Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kennedy Ms. Connie D. King Ms. Winifred King Ms. Kate Kirtley Mrs. Melissa Kirtley Ms. Toni Shiffer Kisielewski Mrs. Vanessa Koether Mr. Joshua Kollie Mr. Ron Kreutzoerger Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamkin Mr. Jim Landon Ms. Jane Lang Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lang Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lang Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Langley Mr. and Mrs. Lee Last Mr. and Mrs. Russell Laughlin Ms. Donna Leonard Ms. Latasha Littlejohn Ms. Katherine Livingston Mrs. Monna Loftis Mr. Steven Lombardi Mrs. Melissa Lopez Ms. Lyn Lucas Mrs. Susanne Luebke Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Luke Ms. Lisa Lumley Ms. Misty Luttrell Mrs. Jana Marbut-Ray Ms. Nancy L. Marchant Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Martin, Jr. Ms. Mary Martin Mr. and Mrs. William Massad Dr. Richard H. Mauk Mr. Bill McCoy Mr. Ed McFalls Ms. Carla McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKinney Mrs. Mary Tyler McMurtray Ms. Jerri McNair Ms. Lena Melugin Mrs. Susan E. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miers Ms. Kimberly Milam Ms. Donna L. Miley Ms. Allison L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Audie Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Miller Ms. Tonya Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Mrs. Randi Mitchell Mrs. Sara Mitchell Ms. Cheryl Y. Mixon Mr. John Molyneaux Ms. Rebecca Montgomery Ms. Jennifer L. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mooney Mrs. Carley J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore Mrs. Fran Alece Mount Mr. Brian L. Murnahan Mrs. Roxane C. Murph Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Ms. Darlene Myatt Ms. Danielle E. Needham

Ms. Janet Neff The Neill Family Ms. Zem Neill Mr. Mark G. Nurdin Ms. Stephanie Oelkers Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. O’Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Otto Ms. Virginia Paddack Ms. Elizabeth Page Ms. Terri Palomino Ms. Pualani Patino Ms. Kim Pearson Ms. Ann C. Peck Mrs. Sarah Pemberton Ms. Shannon L. Pena Mrs. Linda L. Peoples Father Lorenzo Perez Ms. Michelle Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Pezanosky Ms. Carla Y. Phillips Ms. Diane C. Phillips Mrs. Melissa B. Pickett Dr. and Mrs. James W. Pohl Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pohl Mrs. DeVonna L. Powell Wicks Mr. Charlie Powell Ms. Lindsay N. Power Mayor Betsy Price Mr. Jeremy Blake Raines Mrs. Sherril Ramirez Mrs. Jane Rector The Reece-Hughes Family Mr. and Mrs. Barry Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rinn Dr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers, Jr. Ms. Terry Rolan Ms. Brittani Rollen Ms. Audrey Rowland Father Andy Salazar Mrs. Betty J. Sanders Mrs. Jennifer R. Sanders Ms. Norma Savage Roland and Jennifer Schafer Ms. Colleen Schiebold Ms. Bonnie L. Schuler The Scott Family Ms. Hortencia Serna Jack and Pat Shannon Mrs. Ann Sheets Mr. Chuck Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Grady Shropshire Ms. Andrea S. Silva Mr. Michael Simmons Mr. Edwin E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith Ms. Jessica Sorenson Ms. Katlin Southall Mr. and Mrs. Scott Steffler Mr. Thomas M. Stoker Mrs. Laura West Strawser Mr. and Mrs. JB Strong Ms. Lorraine Strowd Ms. Denise Tatum Ms. Elizabeth Teer Lynda and Eric Tiedtke Ms. Shawna Tiner Ms. Crystal L. Tobar Mr. and Mrs. Danny Tovar Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ulrich

Thank you for supporting Camp Fire First Texas Contributor list from April 30 - September 9, 2013. Ms. Lynne Ware Urbel Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Logan Valdez Mrs. Lisa Waldron Ms. Vicki Wason Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Peter J. Webber Ms. Kay L. West Mrs. Lori R. West The Wilburn Family Mr. Dale E. Williford Drenda and John Witt Mrs. Patricia R. Wood Mr. Jake Yarbrough Ms. Lauren Yosten Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Young

CORPORATIONS / ORGANIZATIONS Access Midstream Albertson’s Community Partners Program Alcon Foundation Anonymous AT&T C.B. Baird Jr. Family Foundation Bank of America, N.A. - Fort Worth Bernau Family Foundation BNSF Railway Company BSCO Camp Fire National - Gamma Phi Beta Foundation The Nicholas and Louella Martin Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas The Sally P. and Scott W. Mooring, III Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Coors Distributing Company Dallas Ft. Worth SECC James A. “Buddy” Davidson Charitable Foundation Katrine Menzing Deakins Charitable Trust, Bank of America Trustee Dean, Jacobson Financial Services, LLC Deen Meat Company James and Dorothy Doss Foundation Winn-Dunaway Family Foundation Eddleman-McFarland Fund J.E.S. Edwards Foundation Thelma, Emil and Edmund Fahrenkamp Memorial Trust First American Payment Systems First Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Frost Arlington Alumnae Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Foundation Greater Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Foundation Zeta Chi Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Foundation Garvey Texas Foundation, Inc. Higginbotham & Associates, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Bank Law Office of Mark Lane Lhoist North America Littler Mendelson P.C. Lockheed Martin AERO Club Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Luther King Capital Management MHMR of Tarrant County

New York Life Insurance Company North Central Texas Council on Goverment Parker County Cowboy Church Pier 1 Imports Project Partners Sid W. Richardson Foundation Rogers Wealth Group, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Charities, National Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater North Texas Rosa’s Cafe & Tortilla Factory, LTD Small Hands Big Hearts Pediatric Therapy Management Frances C. and William P. Smallwood Foundation Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Taco Casa Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth Texas Health Resources Texas Youth Development Corporation The Recording Academy Texas Chapter Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program TRI DAL LTD. Union Pacific Foundation United Cooperative Services United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of Denton County United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. TRUIST Unity Church of Fort Worth

HONORARIUMS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cochran Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Denis Cranford Mr. Jim Landon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Crumley Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Kim D’Avignon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Pezanosky Donna Elton Mrs. Rita H. Carrolla Mr. and Mrs. Russell Laughlin A.J. Esquivel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Pezanosky Deborah Ferguson Mr. Tod M. Miller Gamma Phi Beta - Greater Fort Worth Alumnae 2012-2013 Executive Board Ms. Jennifer L. Moody Michele Hahnfeld Ms. Donna Leonard Rileigh Henard Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Burt Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hahnfeld Kathleen Hicks The Honorable Maryellen Hicks Allan Howeth Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Sharon Hubbard Ms. Nancy L. Marchant Mr. and Mrs. David Jones Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey, Jr. Melissa Kirtley Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Huck Susan Leach Mr. and Mrs. Scott Steffler

Jean M. Lochtrog Ms. Debra Lochtrog Melissa Lopez Ms. Katherine Livingston Judy Ryan Mayo Ms. Marian DeMott Tony Nganga-Perry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Pezanosky Zem Neill Ms. Nancy Cychol Mr. and Mrs. William Massad Lupe Nieto Ms. Lynne Ware Urbel DeVonna Wicks Ms. Elizabeth Page Dorothy Coleman Wing Ms. Sharon Millians Ms. Peg L. Smith Linda Winkelman Ms. Jerri McNair

MEMORIALS David R. Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lang James Floyd Burnette Ms. Mary Burnette Julie Ann Clakeley Mrs. Evey Hull Mike Coleman Ms. Donna Elton Ms. Zem Neill Ms. Ann Sheets Bonnie Cross Mrs. Diane Lochtrog Johnson Ms. Debra Lochtrog Mrs. Jean M. Lochtrog Chuck Entwisle Ms. Pat Entwisle Alex Ford Mr. and Mrs. William Rosenberg Anthony Genovese Ms. Karol Genovese Del Real Daniel Henard Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hahnfeld Barbara Goodrum Hignight Mrs. Fran Alece Mount Virginia Holland Kauffmann Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gearheart Leah Lombard Ms. Paula Lombard Edith McKenzie Ms. Carla McKenzie Katie Delcambre Pelton Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miers Betty Lou McCuistion Petry Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bentley Mrs. J.C. Daniel Ms. Patricia Ann Hawkins Ms. Zem Neill Mr. John Pace Dr. and Mrs. James W. Pohl Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pohl Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Peter J. Webber

David W. Scheibe Mrs. Shirley M. “Frankie” Beiser Ralph Schuler Ms. Lydia A. Goetz Dayton and Marie Sheridan Mr. Chuck Sheridan Beloved Mother, Frances Shiffer Ms. Toni Shiffer Kisielewski Olga Taylor Ms. Zem Neill

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Jill and Todd Boydston Ms. Susanne Brown Mrs. Candy Channell Ms. Lisa A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie G. Crain Donna Elton and Tom Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Epps Vincent Genovese Memorial Foundation Ms. Lydia A. Goetz Dr. Marie Holliday Ms. Gwen D. Jaques Mrs. Diane Lochtrog Johnson Ms. Charlotte Keany Reverend and Mrs. Floyd G. Kinser Mrs. Sharon H. LeMond Ms. Debra Lochtrog Mrs. Jean M. Lochtrog Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lokey Mrs. Jeanne Mabey Ms. Sharon Millians Ms. Zem Neill Mr. John Pace Mrs. Linda L. Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Petrus The Ryan Foundation Ms. Ann Sheets Ms. Peg L. Smith Drew and Linda Springer Family Charitable Foundation Texas Youth Development Corporation

GIFTS IN KIND Mr. Rick Bertel Cook Children’s Medical Center Ms. Karol Del Real Mr. Cory R. Driver III Fort Worth, Texas Magazine Google HEB Stores Community Investment Program Mr. and Mrs. Barney Holland Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Johnson Ms. Ashlee Kingcaid Kingdom Roofing Ms. Paula Lombard Pier 1 Imports Ms. Regina Ray Mr. and Mrs. William Rosenberg Mrs. Martha Strain Nacoma Strain Brenda Triana Wells Fargo Bank


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Our Promise Young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are. In Camp Fire, it begins now. Light the fire within

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Step Up Youth Volunteers Spend the Summer in Service This summer youth volunteers through Camp Fire Step Up completed 130 hours of community service. Together, 14 youth spent the summer in service from volunteering at the Tarrant Area Food Bank; CASA, Inc.; serving meals at Union Gospel Mission; and helping provide programming at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History during Cool Science Day and iPlay. The hands-on help from Camp Fire youth volunteers at the museum was a highlight for the youth and the museum. Cool Science Day and iPlay are public events hosted in the museum’s Innovation Studios and encourage scientific investigation. The students spent four days this summer learning first about the museum and its operations and later enjoyed a movie at the Omni Theater. They learned how to conduct experiments including what to ask participating children and support the museum’s goals for the program.

Bassham Foods Supports Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida For the past four years employees and owners of Bassham Foods in Fort Worth have been generous supporters of Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida. This year, more than 12 different food items from fruit, to seasonings and meat were donated. These contributions allow Camp Fire to off-set food costs and keep the much-needed camp affordable and accessible to the children who benefit from it.

“Thanks once again for you and your student’s presence during iPlay. The Camp Fire students were amazing volunteers. I had multiple staff (from part-time staff to our Vice President of Interpretation) comment on how their presence made the event richer,” Ann Herndon, director of school and group programs Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.

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