Compass Setting Directions in Youth Development
Junior League Selects Camp Fire as a 2012-2013 Project From a field of 25 applicants, Camp Fire USA First Texas Council has been selected as one of five projects of the Junior League of Fort Worth, Inc. First Texas Council will receive $20,000 in funding and ten volunteers who will be assigned to the Diamond Hill Station child care project. “We are looking forward to the Junior League’s support of our out-of-school program, which provides boys and girls, including those with special needs, a secure, nurturing environment while parents have to work,” said Susan Morgan, Vice President of Group Services. The volunteers will facilitate social and academic activities, provide homework assistance, and plan off-site educational field trips, among other responsibilities. “Our volunteer team is excited about working with Camp Fire’s Diamond Hill Station, which has been an integral part of the Diamond Hill community since 1988,” said Meghan Sheehan, Junior League Chair for the project.
Heather Scoggins (top) and Meghan Sheehan get acquainted with Diamond Hill Station students.
Mayor Price, Senator Davis Recognize Area Child Care Professionals
Hon. Betsy Price, Mayor, City of Fort Worth
Mayor Betsy Price welcomed more than 350 child care professionals, business and community leaders to the 2012 Celebration of Child Care Champions at the Fort Worth Convention Center on April 19. Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, a strong advocate of early care and education, presented the keynote address. Lockheed Martin’s Eric Fox served as the emcee.
“Thanks to Camp Fire for their continued efforts to lift up our children — our future. If our children succeed, then we succeed as a community.” Mayor Betsy Price
From left: Eric Fox, Micheline Farhoud, Senator Wendy Davis
Recipients of Tarrant County’s 2012 Excellence in Child Care Awards Women’s Leadership Council, Phyllis Jack Moore Professional Development Award, Professional Development Award | Tenivia Davis, Como Head Start and Child Development Center, Young Professional of the Year | Heidi Pearson, Almost Mom, Family Child Care Provider of the Year | Barbara Smith, Tarrant County College Children’s Center, Teacher of the Year | and Micheline Farhoud, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Hafley Development Center, Administrator of the Year.
A Note from Zem
2012 Board Members Chairman of the Board Chuck Mooney, III
Fire. Staff is n to summer at Camp We’re in the countdow ls who will gir ndreds of boys and RA and busy preparing for hu ity soro, Camptiv at LM Te El at ms ra og pr r attend ou o. If you were Hill Station and Aled Lyle Lodge, Diamond scholarship d Ki solutely Incredible able to attend our Ab y to hear nit , you had the opportu luncheon on May 15 Camp Fire’s of all o benefit from wh n re children. ild ch m fro directly can reach even more we t, or pp su ed inu nt co programs. With your
Vice Chairman, Administration Brandon L. Chase Vice Chairman, Financial Development John S. Elliott Vice Chairman, Planning Lauri Curtis Hadobas Treasurer Nancy Hooper Secretary Nina Hutton Directors Debra Barrett George W. Bean, Jr. Barbara B. Cook Heidi Coombs Alysa G. Dennett Dolores Garza Marilyn Gilbert Michele Hahnfeld Terry Haney Dan Hansen Brant C. Martin Gloria Martinez Tod M. Miller Cheryl Moore Danielle E. Needham Steven W. Novak Judd Pritchard Mark A. Schulze Shyra Smith John Strong Monica M. Thomas-Bonnick Lynda Tiedtke Ryan Logan Valdez Drenda Williams Witt Stacie Wright Foundation Board Kenneth Barr Jesus (Jay) Chapa Linda Christie Melissa Kirtley Reed Pigman, Jr. Barry Richardson Patricia Vaughan President/CEO Zem Neill
New Grief Camp Video Highlight of El Tesoro de la Vida Dinner In spite of severe weather, more than 250 guests attended the April 3 fundraising dinner celebrating the 25th anniversary of El Tesoro de la Vida. Since its founding, more than 2,000 children have attended the week-long camp for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. The evening was highlighted by the premiere of the new El Tesoro de la Vida video, generously produced by Lockheed Martin, which featured testimonials from campers and volunteers. “We know this video will be such an important tool for us as we communicate with parents, volunteers and donors for years to come,” said Zem Neill, President/CEO for First Texas Council. Special thanks go to the Lockheed Martin Multimedia Video team who worked on the filming and production of the video - James R. Holcomb, Associate Manager; Brad Denton Stokes, Producer/Director; Mike Guidotti, Kevin Kyser and Nick Alvarado.
A Special Thanks to the Sponsors of the
2012 Absolutely Incredible Kid Scholarship Luncheon Presenting Sponsor:
Offical Media Sponsor:
Absolutely Incredible Sponsors: American Airlines Anonymous BNSF Railway Lhoist North America Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Murphey Jr. Pier 1 Imports High School Hosts: Barbara Cook Kathy L. Cox Melissa Kirtley Middle School Host: Arborlawn Children’s Ministries Nancy Hooper Southwest Bank Host Committee: Bill McCoy, Chair Bonnie Bollinger Marietta Collins Barbara Cook Susan Green
Susan Nix Jackie Osmon Amy Ray Libby Watson Shannon Worthington
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! TCU student Trevor Thompson entered the grand opening drawing at the new Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers restaurant on South Hulen Street and was the lucky winner of a $1,000 donation to the charity of his choice. TCU Gamma Phi Beta, Dana King, suggested he split the prize, and give $500 to Camp Fire USA, one of her sorority’s national charities. Store Manager Taylor Sturgis happily obliged the request with a check presentation to Lisa Cook, Vice President-Outoor Division, on April 16. A big thank you to Trevor and Dana! From left: Dana King, Trevor Thompson, Taylor Sturgis, Lisa Cook.
Spring Outdoor Education at El Tesoro Tops 700 Students Camp Fire’s Outdoor Education program participation has more than tripled in 2012, with a spring attendance of 717 students from area public and private schools. Through the program, students are able to have real life experiences with nature to reinforce science curriculum taught in the classroom. Staff use Camp El Tesoro’s 223 acres as a natural laboratory to deliver learning units on animal habitats, insects, trees, fossils and birds. “There’s nothing better than getting to help kids learn to love the outdoors,” said Becky Mason, Camp Fire Naturalist. A recent Fort Worth StarTelegram article noted that the program “aims to get N. Texas youth away from electronic media and show them the wonders of the outdoors.”
Students from Lake Pointe Elementary, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD, participate in team challenges during their outdoor education trip to El Tesoro.
Summer El Tesoro Summer Overnight Camp June 10-July 20 Featuring a range of summer camp options, from a four-day session for the younger camper, to a 13-day session.
El Tesoro Nature Day Camp June 11-July 20 Besides swimming, hiking and archery, each week focuses on nature themes including bird watching, animal habitats, wildflowers, along with art projects and new nature activities.
El Tesoro Equestrian Day Camp July 23-27 Daily activities focus on beginner and intermediate level horsemanship skills. Campers will learn to bridle, saddle and care for horses while improving their riding skills.
“El Tesoro is the kind of place children do not want to leave; the kind of place they do things with other kids that they may never do again, like ride horses,
Camp is Filling Quickly! Enroll Your Camper Today for Summer Programs. Call 817-831-2111 or visit for more information.
El Tesoro de la Vida Grief Camp July 29-August 4 For children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Applications are now being accepted.
canoe, camp out, and simply have fun outdoors; it is the kind of place we never forget; a place kids call their “second home;” it is the kind of place every child should experience at least once in his or her life.” Steve Poulter, Camp Fire alumnus
El Tesoro Aquatic Day Camp July 23-27 NEW in 2012! El Tesoro is adding a new weeklong day camp focusing on intermediate to advanced swimming skills, along with river skills including canoeing and kayaking.
Programs Camptivity Day Camp at Lockheed Martin Recreation Area
Want to Learn More About Camp?
Attend a Camp Preview!
Camp El Tesoro – June 2, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Camptivity LMRA – June 19, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Camptivity Lyle Lodge – June 28, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Camptivity Day Camp at Lyle Lodge
June 4-August 24
June 4-August 24 (except June 18-22)
From swimming and team sports to miniature golf, archery, fishing, crafts and outdoor living skills, campers experience all the adventures day camp has to offer at a convenient Fort Worth location.
Camptivity’s second site, located on Eagle Mountain Lake, offers traditional day camp, along with weekly field trips.
Camp Fire Summers Diamond Hill Station June 4-August 10
Camp Fire Summers Parker County June 11-August 3 Highlights include field trips, new theme weeks and bi-weekly visits to Lyle Lodge for swimming, fishing, archery and more.
Featuring an exciting lineup of field trips and weekly themes, with special programming for youth grades 7-9.
Many families can’t afford to send their children to camp. With your help, one more child can have the summer camp experience of a lifetime. To provide a Campership today, contact
817-831-2111, ext. 160.
Recent Contributions Individuals Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson Mrs. Joyce Anderson Mrs. Susan H. Anderson Anonymous Mrs. Lisa Austin Ms. Adelina Avina Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baird Mrs. Karen Haun Barlow Mrs. Debra Barrett Mr. Hutch Beach Mr. George W. Bean Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Beason Gloria Bell Mrs. Stacy Benge Mr. Turner Bettis Ms. Judi V. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Brantley Ms. Marianne Brants Mrs. Evelyn H. Breaux Mrs. Flora Brewer Mrs. Connie Brown Ms. Sabrina V. Brown Ms. Susanne Brown Ms. Kim Brown-Hall Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Browning Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bullard Ms. Blanca Elena Burciaga Ms. Corinthia Campbell Dana Cannizzaro Mr. Paul K. Chitwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark Ms. Cindy Clines Mr. Steve M. Connolly Mrs. Barbara Cook Ms. Lisa A. Cook Ms. Heidi Coombs Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corbeille Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Cotton Mr. George Courtney Malinda Murphey Cowan Hilary Cox Ms. Kathy L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cox Ms. Tammy L. Coyne Mr. Denis Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Cranford Ms. Chelsey Davidson Ms. Kimberly A. D’Avignon Mr. Danny Deen Ms. Dawn DeWall Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeWoody Ms. Akina Dimock Ms. Marisa Doerfler Ms. Virginia Dorman Ms. Christi M. Dutton Joanne Dymond
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Elfrink Ms. Donna Elton Leigh Ann Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Epps Amy Ewing Mr. and Mrs. James Ewing Mr. Fred Fayyazi Mr. and Mrs. Pat Fisher Jennifer and Robert Folzenlogen Mr. Robert W. Fox, Jr. Mrs. Cynthia R. Francis Mrs. Tiffany Franzoni Ms. Christine Freisinger Mr. Joshua Furrh Ms. Crystal Galvan Maren Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Giles Lydia A. Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gooch Mr. and Mrs. Randy Goss Mr. Stanley Graner Ms. Colleen Grant Ms. Stephanie Greenwood Barbara and Denis Greer Dr. and Mrs. Clark R. Gregg Ms. Kay Gunn Mr. Benton Hall Dorothy and Gary Hames Ms. Michelle Hancock Terry Haney Ms. Debra Hanus Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hanus Mr. and Mrs. Weldon B. Hatch III Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hawkins Mrs. Jennifer Hawthorne Mrs. Linda Hixon Mr. and Mrs. Barney Holland Mrs. Terri Hollander Nancy Hooper Mrs. Phyllis H. Jack-Moore Maria Connie Jackson The Jacobus Family Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Janes Mrs. Diane Lochtrog Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Katz Mrs. Kelly B. Keller Ms. Connie D. King Mrs. Melissa Kirtley Mr. L. Rush Klein Ms. Eve Kronen Ms. Eileen S. Kulda Teresa and Tim Landon Ms. Naomi Lang Mr. Paul Lang Ms. Toni Lang Susan Lapinski
Mr. Robert Latham Mr. Michael Link Mrs. Jane Lovedahl Mrs. Linda Low Mrs. Lyn Lucas Ms. Veronica Lujan Mrs. Jean Mabey Mr. and Mrs. Bullett Manale William B. Martin Renebelle Martinez Mr. David J. Mattingly Rosie Mauk Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClanahan Carolyn S. McGaha The Mendoza Family Susan E. Merrill Mr. Brian Miller Ms. Cynthia Fisher Miller Leslie A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Minton Ms. Susie Minton Mrs Sara Mitchell Mr. Michael Moon David Moore Mrs. Glenda H. Moreno Mrs. Karen Janes Moser Mr. and Mrs. Shane Mudge Mr. Joey Mullins Mrs. Roxane C. Murph Dr. and Mrs. Willis H. Murphey Ms. Susan Nall Ms. Danielle E. Needham Ms. Zem Neill Janiece Simmons Nolan Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. O’Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Patrick W. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’Toole Mrs. Carrie Paschall Mrs. Kelly Payne Ms. Shannon L. Pena Linda and Johnnie Peoples Mr. Doug Perry Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips Daniel Pikey Tracey Young and Jeff R. Pitts Dr. and Mrs. Richard Polson Mrs. DeVonna L. Powell Wicks Mr. and Mrs. Judd Pritchard Ms. Cyndi Raines Mr. Jeremy Blake Raines Mrs. Patricia Raines Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Raines Patricia Ramirez Mrs. Linda Ramoz Mrs. Barb Reid Mr. Ken Reiman
Ms. Maurie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Barry Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Brant Ring Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Rinn Mrs. Barbara Rogers Ms. Aisha Russell Ms. Suzie Russell Ms. Soyla Santos Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sauer Ms. Deborah Schmidt Ms. Hortencia Serna Jack and Pat Shannon Ann Sheets Lerii Smith Mr. Lyle H. Snow Sally and Steve Snow The Spencer Family Ms. Shelley Spikes Dr. Eric Steen and Dr. Kathleen Crowley Ms. Julia Summers Mrs. Debra A. Tellier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Monica M. Thomas-Bonnick Mr. Trevor Thompson Mrs. Catherine J. Thomsen Mr. John G. Thornhill Ms. Paula Thornton Lynda Tiedtke Lydia Tovar Ms. Joan T. Trew Ms. Mary Tyler Mr. Greg Vick Vicki Vinson Cantwell Tracie and Michael Voelkering Mr. and Mrs. Verne Walker Mr. and Mrs. J. Bob Webb Rainey Webb Mr. Michael C. Weber Phillip Weinman Ms. Megan Westmoreland Ms. Asheley Whitaker Jordan Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Jim G. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willis Ms. Judy R. Wilson Ms. Drenda Williams Witt Mrs Kathy Wymer Ms. Lauren Yosten Corporations/ Organizations Albertson’s Community Partners Program Anonymous Arlington Tomorrow Foundation AT&T Texas
Thank you for supporting Camp Fire USA Contributor list from January through May 8, 2012.
AT&T Texas, Anonymous Employee UW Contributions Bank of America, N.A. - Fort Worth, Anonymous Employee UW Contributions Bank of Texas Bernau Family Foundation BNSF Railway Company Bright Horizons Family Solutions CFC of North Central Texas Citigroup, Anonymous Employee Contributions Community Foundation of North Texas Cook Children’s Medical Center Dallas Ft. Worth SECC James A. Davidson Charitable Foundation DuBose Family Foundation A. J. & Jessie Duncan Foundation Eddleman-McFarland Fund Fluor Corporation Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, Zeta Chi Chapter Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, Greater Fort Worth Chapter Gamma Phi Beta Foundation, Arlington Chapter IGive.Com Jetta Operating Company, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Bank Junior League of Arlington Junior League of Fort Worth Kelly Charles Group, LLC Lhoist North America Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Loyalty Class, First United Methodist Church Majwray Inc. Marriott, Anonymous Employee Contributions The Meadows Foundation The National Inclusion Project “Let’s ALL Play” Paul S. Hollis Trust, JPMC Pier 1 Imports Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers The Rees-Jones Foundation Texas ENA Rio Bravo Chachalacas Chapter 438 RMP Industrial Supply, Inc Guido & Ruth Shumake Charitable Trust Harold Simmons Foundation Smithfield Middle School Southwest Bank Southwest Christian School
Texas Christian University Texas Health Resources, Anonymous Employee UW Contributions The T Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program Transamerica Life Insurance Company Union Pacific Foundation United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc. United Way of Tarrant County Walker Creek Elementary School Gil & Dody Weaver Foundation XTO Energy, Inc. HONORARIUMS: Wedding of Jessica Bearden and Samuel Lang Mr. and Mrs. James Ewing Ms. Christine Freisinger Ms. Eve Kronen Ms. Naomi Lang Mr. Paul Lang Ms. Toni Lang Mr. Robert Latham Mr. Michael Link Ms. Aisha Russell Denis Cranford Ms. Maurie Reynolds Maren Gibbs Mrs. Susan H. Anderson Barbara Greer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cox Ms. Maurie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. J. Bob Webb Joan and Howard Katz Family Ms. Michelle Hancock Joan Katz Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Miller Ms. Suzie Russell Gavin Paschall Mrs. Carrie Paschall Maurie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Reynolds Ms. Suzie Russell Ann Sheets, CFO of the Year Mrs. Linda Low Sally Snow Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Clark
Louisa Wilson Haun Mrs. Karen Haun Barlow Charles Hixon Mrs. Linda Hixon
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cox Ms. Maurie Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. J. Bob Webb Steve and Sally Snow Mr. David J. Mattingly Mr. Ken Reiman Our Parents Mrs. Sally K. Snow Lynne Summers Mrs. Tiffany Franzoni Sheri Willis Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Beason Gloria Bell Ms. Blanca Elena Burciaga Mr. and Mrs. Randy Goss Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClanahan Mr. and Mrs. Jim G. Willis Mr. Doug Willis MEMORIALS: Diane Anton Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips
John Hugon Ms. Julia Summers Stephen Kyle Jarvis Smithfield Middle School Walker Creek Elementary School Adele Klein Mr. Paul K. Chitwood Mr. L. Rush Klein David Peoples Linda and Johnnie Peoples Curtis, Davis, Gloria, Joe, Paula and John Bob Raines Mrs. Patricia Raines Mac Spikes Mr. Turner Bettis Ted Thornhill Mr. John G. Thornhill Sam Tipton Mr. and Mrs. Verne Walker Jeremy Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. O’Toole Phillip Vick Mr. Greg Vick
Bernice Barr , Mother Mrs. Barbara Rogers
Neil Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Shane Mudge
George Bean, Father Mr. George W. Bean
Jay Westmoreland Ms. Megan Westmoreland
Shawn Brown Mr. and Mrs. Danny Corbeille Frank Brownfield Mrs. Barbara Cook Gabriel Browning and his daddy, Jacob Browning Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Browning Denise Burgett Jennifer and Robert Folzenlogen Jonathan Folzenlogen Jennifer and Robert Folzenlogen Amy Gallagher Rosie Mauk Alma Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Minton Jordan Elizabeth Harris Mr. and Mrs. Barney Holland
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Mrs. Linda Barnett Ms. Cindy Clines Ms. Lisa A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Elfrink Ms. Donna Elton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Epps Ms. Lydia A. Goetz Mrs. Diane Lochtrog Johnson Mrs. Christy R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ted DeWitt Mayo III Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Miller Ms. Diane C. Phillips Ms. Rita Root Ann Sheets Lydia Tovar Ms. Mary Tyler M.S. Doss Foundation, Inc. Mary Potishman Lard Trust J. E. & L. E. Mabee Foundation Martha Sue Parr Trust (JPMorgan Chase) John Ryan Foundation Texas Youth Development Corporation
Camp Fire Usa First Texas Council 2700 Meacham Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4699
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Mark Your Calendar for
Camp Fire’s 28th Annual An Artists’ Christmas Gala and Auction Friday, November 9, 2012 Renaissance Worthington Hotel Downtown Fort Worth
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